xt7mgq6r2901 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mgq6r2901/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 02, 1981 1981 1981-10-02 2020 true xt7mgq6r2901 section xt7mgq6r2901 '1'7'1 1'11 '1 ,1 "17- .7 .-,: ‘ *7: "ho" ‘Vi's' "I ’ ' ' 27.77731" ' . W??? ’T‘I‘1tfiz’hi’ihd’ «32:.5i7'4’i‘”"”~77¥"'" '1‘”: ‘75.iffiflr‘i'f‘fihiwf’hWWW; :"ifi‘firv‘h ”Xv-WY l; 44.444434444414444“ ‘...'~;‘7~71:7":t1;’i‘i ‘a-,j;'1 r ’ i . o o a o a \ a" . "V", .»- ' v 3‘ A
.. ' g with the onset of the budget-slashing em all concerned citizens in this area to assure #3:“ ‘ a" M \ ‘3 x ‘
I " i and all its threatening implications for socxal that thefinal goal is met. \\3‘ f7
y . o w.”
ald rams the Umted Wa of the . .. . I
. ‘ progI ’ y Remember, the Bluegrass Umted Way ' \l‘ fr ‘
i Bluegrass is needed now more than ever. , , _ , _,
I - t' benefits about 91 orgamzations in the local . i
, George Hem, local Umted Way execu lve , f f ,1 l'
3 director, notes that in the future, “the private fgegezfianfggmmoflénmmfnmms III— \
i tor will be ex ted to contribute more and , . ' ' ‘ gj
: me ,, pec CA. Also, givers are assured that their dollars N 4
' ~ The drive this year is seeking an 11 percent “$1.1 the well-shpent T the Umfied Way has a '55, ° I Is .
rate ofincrease in giving from the 21 divisions f F10 t‘i‘°°°.“".;3 P0 “=31 0’ :Hdotiencwzlpag- l l e I
I inits eight-county area,withan0verall goal of tape mg in 1 campaign, . 1 ma e o 55$ . :
bee boast that only 11 percent of its receipts are =
- $2,385,127. So far, the reaponse has n on , _ , _
. - ha absorbed by admmistratlve and other costs 5;; u 0 . 1
target — the three-week old campaign 8 ( m f ha 't' hi 95 , .
. achieved about 38 percent of the goal, with cg?) orsomec ‘1 1e“ are as 3h“ per- 25.2.55; . :
seven weeks still to go. ce ' . . . _ surprlscs o o .
: UK has been among the top givers, already Certainly, With tough times all around, it is if. I
achieving almost 50percent of its goal without harder than ever to dig in and give. But too I._:-'I_Izi"; I fix , ' T
., the benefit of corporate gifts. But the first many of the programs that are going unde the E v.4? It I
weeks are always the best in any campaign of knife are essential — we cannot simply expect I; ' fi‘. {“on ‘10 I‘ i
;‘ this kind, and it will take a concerted effort by the needy to “go it alone.” fig?! 0) m‘ m .
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Mutton Beeches/we \ \ 7 g: ,
. Wesm CAN moor» . s . . | ,/ a-sx. :7 6 r3 . l
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Vt, mg“ -'..? 01.00:?” g ‘ W “‘3‘ , ‘ 3131M. I I ' |
, -— $5, . . to" r. ' '
wt 1' 1;; e no, .. .IioIIIII ) 5“" as aluusms of team s key elrors mount ;
4 ., 2 - s - ~
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_ ‘ - , {Ir it?” ,I-.Iz.’-,‘ 5 (I; ;~' 3%? gay 4,) ’ ) It is a warm Wednesday afternoon planation. Maybe becamethereisnot 1
'. : ...;_—._: ~3j #6:" 5-s -. I J I“. .§/ , 7 attheShivelySpatsCentetAnafta- me. . a
{7: ’ " 3g". ’3; ~ r ; ' 33;}! noon made for recreation. But under a Consequentally, in the confmes of a (
1- > '0 ‘~ .‘ ”Jug.- the glaring sun and various movie practice field the press is not held in
“:3 . _ O, , {a}? - '51-‘13 ,, cameos, oversized college students high esteem. Before the Alabama 2
a ‘ >3“ .2. m outfitted in stretch pants and hard Everyone seans, to be going gameonereporterwasbanishedfrom .
c: .39 o I '\,:\__“5 s...“ plasticarecontinuallynaminginto tin-mighthemotions.Anoccasimal practiceforwearingaredshirt.'lhe
-' 0° 0 Wm-1‘~L"'L'Z;‘;.' each otherbydesign. ThisistheUK swearfromanassistantfillstheair. mornim paperhasaddedanuneasy,
' ' football team at work, preparing for No one seems overly excitedA tension to this one. As a reports:
: Saturday’sgamewith Clemson. trainer walks by me. “All he does is enters the field, he is met by a Curci
“— drink water and spit blood," she tells sympathize. '
3 another trainer about an unnamed “Ifywrhairwuallttlelongerand
mumumwmmwummmmmummmulluoc- CU] tIItbn acmefmun ywhadatmrdI" “gunman. “I
I I, I I“, ”In” prl ngs
bIIIe$ doux on...“U‘mg,_,..ym'..mmlmm”n-mh,_.,MnuI.fiumI"mun-”m... sportswriters gathered on the would put a fist down your tlu‘oatI ."
m-m.dumm«mmw.wmmumwwm. sidelines. Football is a series of ups moonwandbeardbelonestome
‘ 1'beKermlmtheflgbttoeflforgramnar,darttyaldhgthIdtoelI-laatelibek- matalal. anddowns and atthisparticular prac- sports columnist, who has decided to
I tice spiritsareinneedof a chuckle. beelsewhere. . . ;
As I watch from the sidelines, I As :Iactice cgtlnuesklzungn in s
photosoftheir remains forthepur- m lain viewhasa terchanceof thinkofother placeslwould rather dross acks a sun 8P1
m M pose of semationalizing an article m gublicationthan "$3,,” socalled be, other things I would rather be do- proachas the area where the 8901’“ l
I must protest. Y0“? front page about overcrowded classrooms shows We were very disappointed when “sheltered building, protected from ing. Like sleeping, 0" “W98 “P." swriters are standing. Helmmedlate: i ‘
j'I‘ photograph and ensuing rebuttal to a complete lack of taste, journalistic we saw the Kernel's “coverage" of natural elements.” says a reporter next to me. I can't ly begins an effusion 888111;“ themIorI
5. m. Winer's letter were way out of ethics and common human decency. the Saturday game of the women’s Foryom-infa'mationtbereis much help thinking thatl-‘ranCurci isthink- nine Pepef- ‘I‘WhoIdoes FitzMaurlceI
:1; line. First, I must agree Why could you not have shown a pic- soccer team. in spite of a activity atourinstitution (the College imthesame thing. think heI 15. ’ weds the man. H19
. 5:. wholeheartedly with Dr. Winer that tureof theactual swiectofyowarti- photographer’s presence throughout dArchitecturelrelativetoenergyef- Instead, he is standim a few yards WWW" “mu“ 3" v“ ‘9‘" . '
33:9. your photographer and wnter acted cle — an overcrowded classroom? the game, only one photo appeared in ficient structures; however, the con- away WWW 3'“ team "7 and ‘m' minutes He stops only toIIask 50’ ' |
i" improperly by taking photographs in The point would have been made just the paper, accompanied by one straints of such designs do not prove. Technically, the Kentucky meone, “Are youamportu'? ; e
5.5. the dissection laboratory when they aswell. sentence givirg thefinal score. It was necessarily allow the clear and full “OM" program belongs 3° the “”3“?" m' ,, i
were many “Shed 00‘ 3° do 50- AS to the refit 0‘ your rebuttal, you exciting game against a tough oppo- expression of the designer. Frank UNletY. therefore the state. But "Th“ lsofftherecord. . '
. , if Tome th’s is the most heinom display never addressed the objections raised nent—Berea College. 'l‘hegamewent ond Wright’s buildings were not dif- for eight years Fran Curd has been “I don’t even know who you are,’ . t
g}; of sick voyeurismlhaveever seen. by Dr. Winer. First, you had no into a sudden-death overtime,andthe ficult toheat, yet they were worlm of the man responsible for its well- saysthewriter. . i o
f; To jlltify this invasion of privacy btsinoss in the lab unescorted. Se- four UK goals were scored by Vickie art, worthy of any gallery, being. He may not be responsible {or “Good. let’s keep it that way,” says i I
hymeokly stating than “thedoorwas cond. you were asked to not take Calvert, Kathy Wolfson, Cheryl Ifyou wanttowrite nun. incare itrnuchlmsen ”em- . 5
open" is an affront to my intelligence. photographs in there. Graham, and Carol Schaefer. of yours truly, you may find what you But on this Mun” dgy he m Practice finishes uneventfully. I ;
Then are Silos stohns that the Third. after you took Photographs Apparaltly,theKernel didn’t deem are looking for. The buildings and passive about all that is going on have set“ “wwa 9° mt“
- Anatomy lab is offolimlts to without permission, you were asked um facts neWSworthy, 81W technology you speak of are not as mammfieieweafingum slacks of it and (nu-cl, to his own team, has
unauthorized pelsonnel onevery door not to [tint them. Your statement they were informed by the team cap- likely to be found in the ones in and a white shirt, a blue baseball cap given three sentences of instruction.
tothelab. that this amounted to restraint of in- (am on Sunday. Also apparult is the which youhavebeenlookirg. shields his face from the sun. His He walks off the field with a friend '1
It ‘5 Mt the W3 0‘ formation already given 00 you is a Kernel's reluctance to give equal . P.S. lam glad you areconsciom of arms are folded, his mouth is clos- and disappears intothesptrts center.
, Anatomy’s fault you failed to obey non sequiter. You were never given coveragetonon-h'aditional “women's Frank Lloyd Wright and of Gothic ar- edit will be 6:00 before this practice l“_ or a man who is In dalmer 0f losing
them. Do you wonder any Open or any irrormtion. you took it in an sports.” Wlm stories on women’s chitecture, I think it will aid your mimisflnished. his “"3"” he 9°“ not ”on bent
. unlocked door tantamount to an in- unauthorized fashion. This is tanta- volleyball and tennis teams com- understanding of our exhibits in the Most hmbands and fathers would onfismmg beck mthm-
vitation towalk “it”? Patient rooms mount to stealing Saneflliuai and pared to women's soccer, rugby, and future. be at the dinner table by that time. Later that Mt I am watching the ‘
, in the medical center are often “wide then refining to give it back because field hockey, To“! Weld“! Yet, most hubands and {am do evening news. (hi Channel 27 a sport-
' t. open."Doyoutakethisaspermissim it would make theowneran “Indian mismpaperhuemiqmoppor. _ _ Architectu-eseaior not participate in an occupation ,o scasterisg'vimaconunentarymthe
? “1' you to invade their WWW? At giver." tunity toencourage participatim and V” 3 m public. Most do not make six-figure columnist. .
g certain times of the day the door to In closing. Imust state that I have interest in women‘s team sports. The salaries, most do not have their own “I think he went too far- It's still
the morgue is open. Do you take this nothing but contempt for your UK women's soccer team has a great So you would like to rally against televisionshows. early yet," says the sportseaster. “1 cl
; asaninvitationtowaltzoninandtake tastelessdesecrationofthehmnanre- deal of talent and mania". and the budget cuts? In reality, tlis is Butmostarenotthetoplcsotstate don't thilk they will beat Clennon.
g ptlotogl’aplnof autopsies? mains in the anatomy lab. It is ob We, the Kermit, SW- A, to wasted time. Your representatives wide speculation. After three losing But (future opponent) South Carolina
~ I moo-om Warhol! viomumuponreviewimthephotos whytl’a'shasn’tbeenfa'thcoming— willonlynotioeyouu-smpot seasom,thecriesfor Curci’sjob isrotavuysoodtoom-Natheris
5 would barge in anyway, then holler for publication your first considera- the only answer that we can find is students. Your political officials are beganlastyearandcontinuedintothe Virginia Tech. ISU. Vanderbilt,
» t “First Amendment" when asked not tion was not good taste, respect fd‘" chauvinismandianorancemthepart working for the vote. Each repraen- summer. With the gm'g help_ Florida. There are a lot of games
, toprlntthem. the dead, or respect for the Depart- oftheeditors. tative — upon your call - will im- The team, after all, belong to the left."
The point of Dr. Winer's letter, ment of Anatomy. It was sensa- mediately look your name up on the cute. Meanwhile on W 13. I W’
wrdch you failed to addras in your tionalism. [guess you figured that it “mm recort'h (which areavailable tool] of- Now, after losim two of the first scaster has obviomly gotten Curci’s
rebuttal, is that people who donate didn’t matter, since the dead are “nutmeg“... ficialsnndifyom-namedoesnotap- three games «1 this new sesson, the W00 ‘0' an iota-view and
- 3 their bodies to tlis medical school s‘ilentandcannotcriticiaeyou. pearonthelistofvota-s,especiauyit cries have new, On an. stands before a camera with the
- deoervetobetreatedwithreopectam lcan,andlwillcontimietodoas “none“... youdidn'tvotolnthewecedngelec- Wednesday, the morning paper's coach. 'l‘hequestlon is unburned
g with dignty. To me them as longasyom-publication contimiuto 'llealncaptaln/presldent tion,hewillnotcomtyotn-ofllion. sports coltunnist writes in a sun-y andsuffersfromlackoquiaratlon.
'; Newfor-W-wnonof- isrmeochperm'snimttowivacy Hespetdntoomuchtimeu-yineto splaslndoverthotopotthespats “Condlywnhloottwom : -
. i fronttothem. andl'ulmandignity.Ymhavesmlcka W”. please tis votilu mtiuients. Did aectlonthatmayhe it “lstinietocan ymcouldhavewon,uh,andthelocal l.
I, ‘ As to you- snide ra