xt7mgq6r2f6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mgq6r2f6r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1964-12-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 14, 1964 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 14, 1964 1964 1964-12-14 2020 true xt7mgq6r2f6r section xt7mgq6r2f6r    

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The University Faculty met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
December 14, in the Student Center Theatre. Chairman Weaver presided.
The minutes of November 9, 1964 were approved as circularized.
Dr. Robert W. Rudd, Secretary of the University Faculty Council,

presented the following recommendation from the Rules Committee for
incorporation in the Rules of the University Faculty. The Faculty


. approved this rule as presented.

School of Architecture. In addition to meeting the general
requirements for admission to the University, the applicant for
admission to the School of Architecture shall be required to
take the Architectural Aptitude Test, prepared by the Educational
Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey, under the auSpices of the
American Institute of Architects and the American Collegiate
School of Architecture, and submit to the Dean of the School of
Architecture a portfolio of drawings and/or paintings and/or
other werk which will demonstrate the imaginative capability
and technical facility of the applicant.


Dr. Rudd presented a recommendation from the Rules Committee for
the establishment of two University Faculty Advisory Committees as
standing committees of the Faculty subject to the rule that appointments
are for two-year terms beginning January 1 and the committee composition
is such that one-half of the membership changes each year. The Faculty
approved the establishment of these two new Committees as follows:

The University Faculty Advisory Committee 22 the Community
Colleges shall advise and consult with the administrative
authorities of the Community College System on policy matters
relating to the growth and maintenance of the community college
system. It shall also be charged with keeping the University
Faculty informed on the functioning of the community college
system in connection with such matters as the offering of lower
division liberal arts education, the offering of technical and
semi—professional programs, adult education and community service.


The University Faculty Advisory Committee on University
Extension shall advise and consult with the University
Administration in reviewing the total philosophy and program of
University EXtension in the light of the University's increasing
needs and reSponsibilities. It shall report to the University
Faculty on its activities and shall make recommendations for
Faculty action on policies and programs that require Faculty


Dr. Rudd presented the following recommendation from the Rules
Committee for incorporation in the Rules of the Univenfiity ‘ '
Faculty. The Faculty approved this rule as presented:


. Every student whose native language is other than English
is required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) prior to approval for admission. Admission is not to

be based upon the results of the test.





























Dean Shaver presented resolutions on the death of Professor Alvin Lee
1 1 , Chambers, Sr. and recommended that the resolutions be spread upon the
ii ‘i minutes of the University Faculty and a copy be sent to the family with



g , j ;_ deepest sympathy from each Faculty member. The Chairman asked the Faculty 6
Ejf fl 7} to stand for a moment of silent tribute in acceptance of the resolutions. }
E On November 5, 1964 there was taken from our midst one of f

the most loyal, devoted and beloved faculty members in the history 2
of the College of Engineering at the University of Kentucky ~—
Alvin Lee "Chick" Chambers, Sr.


The life of Alvin Lee Chambers stands as an outstanding r
example of a life devoted to the service of others —— not self. [
From September 1, 1929, when he joined the staff, through November (
A, 3, 1964, the Civil Engineering Department, the College of
,U. Engineering, and the University of Kentucky received his full [
3p: measure of loyalty, devotion and service. [








”H Alvin Lee Chambers endeared himself to both faculty and
W“ students in countless ways. He was never too busy to help


2. others, regardless of inconvenience to himself. "Chick” did

{3 not publish his good deeds, but they were legion and we shall

PM never know how many peOple owe something to him for a gentle
suggestion, a small loan, or a few words of quiet encouragement.








y; husband as well as a faithful and loyal supporter of his church. }


t Alvin Lee Chambers was also a devoted and loving father and



_ Chick Chambers took seriously the duties and obligations of /
tfii a citizen, serving his country in World War I. It is symbolic that (
pH; on the day of his death, although ill, one of his last acts was to ‘
;H}W vote. 4




; hereby officially express its appreciation for the many services of
w Alvin Lee Chambers, its love and admiration for him in life and its
"' deep sorrow at his passing.

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the University Faculty does 5

‘, It is the wish of this Faculty that this resolution be placed~
j in the minutes and that a copy be sent to his family with deepest
:1 sympathy from each member.





Dean Rudd of the College of Commerce presented a motion to suSpend the
University Faculty Rule which states that a student who has been dropped a
second time shall not be readmitted to the University and to readmit two
persons to the University. In each case the Faculty approved by a two~thirds
vote the motion to suspend the Rule and approved the following two persons i



for readmission to the University:

L? \v ~' Robert W. Wilson
1 William H. Sutherland






Professor Romanowitz of the College of Engineering presented a re-
commendation to set aside the two—drop rule in the case of Arnold Joseph Balczon:
The Faculty approved by a two—thirds vote the motion to suspend the Rule and

approved readmission of Mr. Balczon to the University.





















The Chairman announced that the following three Faculty members
had won election the the University Faculty Council for three—year terms:

Dr. Loren D. Carlson
Dr. Carl B. Cone
Dr. Stephen Diachun




The Faculty adjourned at 4:50 p.m.




Charles F. Elton