xt7mkk94bk42 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mkk94bk42/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-04-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 2000 2000 2000-04-24 2020 true xt7mkk94bk42 section xt7mkk94bk42 MON DAYKENTUOKY Baseball

man is
forced to be
drunk to
spend time
with fools.”

- Ernest
W. author

The prob-
lem with
the world is
that every-
one is a few
drinks be-

- Mummy
Boqlt. actor

people is

- Willem Butler
Yeats, poet

Compiled by: Jay


5.3 4.6

Partly sunny, but still
cooling down.


VOL $8105 ISSUE ”I“


News tips?

Call: 257-1915 or write:



Cats couldn’t .
beat Cocks ~
. ‘ LI

April 24, 2000

Recap I 5



Elian's retur

t0 Cub

.. rk¢_’f’

Day after: Cuban immigrants recovering in solidarity with Elian


MIAMI Easter —»- one
of the holiest of days in Little
Havana and the rest of the
Christian world , found
Marta Rodriguez praying for
a little boy she knows only
from a distance but. like
many, calls by his first name.

“Pobre Elian.“ the 71-
year-old Cuban immigrant
said after Mass at St. John
Bosco Church, where Elian's
great-uncle and cousins have
attended services.

“He should never have
been treated this way." she
said in a grandmotherly tone.
“My heart is broken."

So it was for many Mia-

mi Cubans beginning life
without the 6-year-old boy re-
united with his father in
Washington after a swift and
stunning pre-dawn Saturday
raid by federal agents. For
the first time in five months.
Elian was gone from Miami.

During protests that last-
ed into Sunday morning. po-
lice clad in riot gear arrested
more than 350 people and
cleared away thousands
more demonstrators from
Little Havana. Protesters set
more than 200 tires, burning
mostly tires and trash. but
there were few serious injuries.

But not everyone in Lit-
tle Havana was upset.

“I‘m in agreement that

Three minutes, 151 agents


AQSflSthm Ietterleedenthelroet
unison-ed ammo-mm
federeieeeets mum-amt.

Iriyeeetsidethe theme-shared”









ll- Boeuiez spent e
“chided Easter with
Us tether end not a
visit from the Easter
Bunny. "They had a
very quiet day. a tami-
iy dey - I don't thtnit
they tied meny visi-
tors," Gregory Craig,
Iewyer tor the boy's
tether told The Associ-
eted Press Iete Sun-



. Ileehostegele





his father is his only family.“
said 77-year-old Virginia
Escalona. pausing before
adding. "Well. his grand-
mothers. too."

As she stood outside on
her apartment stairwell. her
husband came out to try to
quiet his wife. one of a few
people becoming braver
about a View that had been
all but squelched in the

“Are you crazy?"
Escalona's husband said.
“You don't have to talk to the
whole world."

She shooed him away.

“I say what I like,” she
said. "This is America, no?‘








Waiting on the decision

_ mumfl-Wewm
"mum.” mmflMhmheMy.esMet
Air larrr Base t .I ~ m n w m
‘ s' ,5._ Whmmmumte
“' “momma-nume-



to help

Dead week: SGA wants the
name to reflect the pace

By Allison SEE?!


The Student Government Association
wants to make (lead week, the hectic week
before finals. a little more stressfree.

"We're Working on a proposal to move
the academic calendar up two days." said
Edwin ()range. a political science junior
and SGA senator.

The proposal would mean that the se~
mesters would start on Monday. instead of
Wednesday. The change would let classes
finish on Wednesday. which would leave
'l‘liursday and Friday open for students to
regroup themselves for exam week.

(‘lasses would still meet the
amount of time. ()range said.

The l'niversity's policy on dead week
states that no exams should be given except
for lab practicals or make-up exams.

But many students feel that the load of
work they carry during dead week is far
too heavy.

“Dead week is always worse than exam
week." said Beth Wookey. a communica-
tions senior. “With all the papers. projects
and presentations that students have dur-
ing dead week. it is hard to stay energized
and focused for exams the following week."

An earlier SGA proposal was consid-
ered two days ago by the t‘iiiversity Senate
(‘ouncil This proposal would have made it
impossible for professors to make papers
due during dead week.

“It was rejected because they felt that it
might not help the students." ()range said.

The main concern from this proposal
was that it could make professors move up
the due date for papers one week or more.

"The Senate has got to come up with a
proposal that is good for students. as well
as faculty.” said Roy Moore. chairman of
the Senate (‘ouncil

A compromise that will please students
and professors may be a challenge.

Dr. Deborah Witham. professor of agri
culture communications, assigns papers to
be due during dead week because she wants
enough time to grade them thoroughly,

"1 put the paper's due date on the syl~
labus at the beginning of the year.” she
said. “Students have known about it all so

The council will look at the new pror
posal this summer. which could be passed
in the fall.

Lynda Graham. a business sophomore.
liked the proposal.

“It will allow students to finish their
assignments. and have a nice break to ei-
ther study or relax before finals.“ she said.


Sfliiidents hit
finals hard

91 $3M“ Rouse


Ah. dead week.

The sound of students striking away at
computer lab keyboards. trying to finish
that lopage term paper due the following day

Near-lifeless bodies with sunken eyes
sloth around campus. their minds wander-
ing aimlessly as they obsess over how to
cram a semester's worth of information
into their brains in seven days.

This in not the case for every student.

Journalism sophomore Kendra Liv
ingston isn't really worried about getting
everything dotie.

”I'm not too stressful. because I'm so
rare with my grades.“ she said.

Livingston believes that many students
become overly stressed as the semester
winds down because they wait until the
last minute to finish assignments and pre
pare for tests,

“You've got to be on top of the game at
the beginning so you won‘t be too stressful
at the end." she said

First year law student Tom Robinson

See FINALS on 2





2 I WY.MIL24.ZOOO I mm





love to
go to R
but not

me. I
like the
kid stufi‘.
Being an
actor, I
like to


- Frutle
"Moira in
the Middle"
star, 14. who
is set to star
in Martin
was in the
‘50s, to USA


The Low-down

Pope urges end to racism, Xenophobia

VATICAN CITY »— Capping a grueling Holy
Week schedule. a weary-sounding Pope John
Paul I] offered Easter wishes for peace in 61 lan-
guages and called on the world Sunday to end
racism and xenophobia. So many Holy Year pil-
grims. tourists and Romans turned out for the
pope‘s late-morning Mass in St. Peter‘s Square
that by the time he delivered his Easter message
at noon, the crowd, numbering close to 150,000.
was spilling over into the boulevard leading to
the Vatican. Sounding tired toward the end of the
two-hour appearance. John Paul expressed hope
that the sense of life associated with Easter may
“overturn the hardness of our hearts" and “im-
pel individuals and states to full respect“ for hu-
man rights.

Elian photos are disputed

WASHINGTON -_ In the hours since Elian
Gonzalez was taken from the home of his Miami
relatives. conspiracy theories abound over pho-
tos of the child released after he arrived at a mil-
itary base to be with his father. Attorneys for
Elian‘s father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez. released
the pictures yesterday. Critics compare the fa-
ther's photo with one captured during the raid in
Miami just hours earlier by a photographer for
The Associated Press. In the pictures with his fa-
ther. critics say Elian‘s hair is longer than in the
AP photo and that he appears to no longer have a
missing tooth. Joan Brown Campbell of the Na-
tional Council of Churches. a friend of Juan
Miguel Gonzalez who was present when father
and son were reunited. criticized those alleging a
conspiracy. “There was real affection there that
cannot be manufactured." she said on ABC‘s
"This Week."

Leading Iran journalist jailed

TEHRAN. Iran - A media crackdown by
Iranian hard-liners intensified Sunday. with five
liberal publications shut down and a prominent
journalist thrown in jail. The latest develop-
ments came three days after Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei. the hard-line supreme leader whose
powers supersede those of the elected president.
said there were 10 to 15 reformist papers under-
mining Islamic and revolutionary principles. in-
sulting constitutional bodies and creating ten-
sion and discord in society.

Arrest made in NM. pilgrim deaths

ALCALDE. N.M. —~ A man was arrested ear-
1y yesterday and charged with murder in the


Vice President
Al Gore and
actor Leonardo
DiCaprio came
together on
Saturday to
help lead a
celebration oi
thousands of
people on the
Mall marking
the 30th
anniversary of
Earth Day.


FAMILY “651':
Sean Brosnan.
the 13-year-old
son of actor
Pierce Brosnan,
remained in a
California hos-
pital in serious
condition on
Sunday after
the sport utility
vehicle in which
he was riding
plunged over an
embankment on
Saturday, the
Highway Patrol

deaths of two teenagers killed during a Good Fri-
day pilgrimage to a church where thousands of
people hope for miracles. Carlos Herrera, 19, ot‘
Espanola. was arrested at a friend's home in Al-
calde around 2:40 am, said state police Sgt.
Royleen Ross-Weaver. She said Herrera was an
acquaintance of the 17-year-oid’s shooting vic-
tims. Richard Martinez and Karen Castanon.

Jordanian king visits Israel

EILA'I’, Israel —— Jordan‘s new king on Sun-
day paid his first state visit to Israel. underplay-
ing the pomp and ceremony in a pointed refer-
ence to the precarious state of Israeli-Palestinian
peace talks. King Abdullah II eschewed a high-
profile reception for the visit, which had been
scheduled for February but was delayed due to
escalated fighting between Israel and Lebanese
guerrillas. The young king made it clear that the
collapsed talks with Syria and the troubled Pales-
tinian track were making it harder for him to
maintain warm ties

Russians seize 828" in stolen gems

MOSCOW — Russian police have cracked an
international crime ring dealing in stolen gems
and seized $28 million worth of emeralds and oth-
er precious stones, a top official said Sunday.
Presenting part of the booty. a jewel case holding
huge cut emeralds worth $1 million, First Deputy
Interior Minister Vladimir Kozlov said the con-
fiscated gems included stones from Russia‘s Ural
Mountains region and fake diamonds from other
countries. A Russian organized crime ring
known as Uralmash was a key player in the gem
deals. Kozlov said on Russia's RTR television
Sunday night.

Blues defeat Sharks 6-2

SAN JOSE. Calif. — Improbable playoff
comebacks are becoming a rite of spring for the
St. Louis Blues. Scott Young scored three times
yesterday and the St. Louis Blues. trying to
match last year’s feat of rallying from a 3-1 deficit
to win a first-round series. defeated the San Jose
Sharks 62 to even their series at three games
apiece. Game 7 is Tuesday night at St. Louis.

Trail Blazers defeat Timberwolves

PORTLAND. Ore. ~— Scottie Pippen scored 28
points and hit two crucial free throws after being
knocked to the floor with 1:261efi as the Portland
Trail Blazers rallied to defeat the Minnesota Tim-
berwolves 91-88 in Game 1 of the bestof—five play-
off series. The Blazers trailed 75-69 to start the
fourth quarter. but came back when Minnesota.
which had been making its jump shots all game.
suddenly started forcing them.

Compiled from wie reports.



Contmued‘ from page I

consumed by stress.

O’Neill explained that
when papers. projects and oth-
er assignments are due in ad-
. dition to preparing for finals,
‘5 stressed about finals. b‘“ it is easy for students to be-

not because she hasn’t been come overwhelmed. especially
keepllnng £3,333 yggkonly when they procrastinate.
exams ou take are fulal ex- (Dead week) 15 usually a
ams, w ich pretty much de~ period ofgreat stress for stu-
termine your semester dents obv10usly because my
students have waited until the

gadfiavséltigasléiddyNgroglyail: last minute to study or finish

but you have to keep up with projects." O'Neill said.

class work as well. which can , To deal w1th stress.

be really StressfuL” 0 Ned] suggested that stu-
Dr. Charlie O'Neill. asso- dents maintain balance In

ciate director of the UK Coun- In?“ studying by taking 13?"?

seling and Testing Center. odlc breaks to_ do other act1v1-

said it is natural for students "95' “Re walking.

to feel stressed as final exams "If YOU 1001‘ at all Of your
approach. tasks as one great big task, it

Problems can arise. how- Will become too mud! (to han-
ever. when students become dle),“ he said.



Introducing the faculty search
committee for next president

:::~ ~ “Q George Herring

' George Herring, an alumni professor of histo-
ry, has been affiliated with the Ilnlverslty
since 1969. He has spent the last year on the
Futures Committee, so he has developed a
good idea of the person needed for the job.
Herring sees commitment to academic values
and political skills as the two most important
qualities illi's next president should possess.



Alan Kaplan

Alan ltaplan is chairman of microbiology and
immunology department in the medical school.
ltaplan has been with UK for 18 years. He's
looking for a good listener, someone who
respects the faculty and students, someone
who has shown excellence In any number of
areas, including research and teaching. "They
must be a leader," he said.

Judith A. Lesnaw

Judith A. Lesnaw Is a biology professor and
director of graduate studies for the biology
graduate department.

"It's extremely important that you have an
individual with a very open leadership style."
Lesnaw said, “someone who can interact,
speak and listen to the constituents at the
Lesnaw university."








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Road to Miss America

Not just a pretty face: Pageants combine
talent, looks and personality for competition

By Millinda Rumble


Little girls often dream of
growing up to become Miss
America. This is an opportuni-
ty that a few l'K students may
get this summer as they com—
plete in the Miss Kentucky
Pageant. a preliminary to Miss

According to the organiza-
tion‘s web page. the purpose of
the Miss America Pageant is to
“provide personal and profes-
sional opportunities for young
American women and promot-
ing their voice in culture. poli-
tics and the community."

Both the Miss Kentucky
and the Miss America pageants
are scholarship pageants. Each
contestant is eligible for schol-
arship money regardless of
whether or not they win.

In order to be eligible to
compete the girls must win a lo
cal title. After winning that
crown they head to Lexington
for the Miss Kentucky pageant.

The pageant is based on tal-

ent, evening gown competition.
swimsuit competition and an
interview. It lasts three days in
June _ the first two days each
contestant participates in all
four categories. 0n the final
day. the top 10 finalists are an-
nounced. Then the finalists
compete in all the areas again.

The contestants think the
pageant offers them excellent

Shanna McGlone. a politi-
cal science and communica-
tions junior. who competed in
the pageant last year said the
experience was beneficial.

"You gain a lot from Miss
Kentucky.“ she said. "Every-
thing you do benefits you. If
you Work out. you better your
self physically. If you practice
interviews. you learn skills that
will help in the future.“

A big part of the pageant is
a platform that each of the con
testants must work on for an
entire year. The platform in-
volves each participant devot-
ing time to a community
service project that they

personally choose.

Mary Catherine Correll. a
chemistry freshman. said the
contestants usually pick their
platform because of a personal
experience in their lives.

Her platform is the Nation-
al Marrow Donor Program. She
decided on this platform be-
cause she knew two children
who needed bone marrow
transplants. Correll has dedi-
cated many days working with
her platform. but says it is

“1 am passionate about my
platform." she said.

Correll dismissed any
stereotypes about the pageant.

“It is a very prestigious
pageant. Miss America is a
well-rounded person with dy-
namics. She is not just a pretty
girl in a swimsuit.“ she said.


Miss Kentucky will be held June
22. 23 and 24 In Noggin
Auditorium at Transylvania
University. Tickets are $20 for
June 22, $20 for June 23'and $25
for the final night.



Vermont close to gay bill

Short of gay marriage: A Vermont bill
would extend marriage benefits to gays


A bill that would create the
closest thing in America to gay
marriage won final approval in
the Vermont state Senate last

Stopping short of recogniz-
ing gay marriages. the measure
would enable gay couples to
form “civil unions“ that would
entitle them to all 300 or so
rights and benefits available
under state law to married cou-
ples. There was no guarantee
other states would recognize
the unions, but no residency re-
quirement that would bar cou-
ples from other states from
coming here to unite at least

UK's gay and lesbian com-
munity think it's a step in the
right direction.

“I believe any progress
made in the battle for same sex
marriages is a step in the right
direction.“ said Ryan LaFol-
lette. student area coordinator
for Amnesty International and
a foreign language and interna—
tional economics junior.

The 19-11 vote mirrored
preliminary approval that was
given to the bill last Tuesday.
The bill now returns to the
House for consideration of
changes to the House-approved

Democratic Gov. Howard
Dean has said he will sign
the bill.

The biggest difference be-
tween the House and Senate
bills is the effective date. Under
the Senate proposal. the first
civil unions could take place be-
ginning July 1. The House set
the date two months later.

Before the vote. senators
turned aside one amendment
that would have stated in state
law that one of the central pur-
poses of marriage is procre~

Only about two dozen peo-
ple lined the Senate galleries. in
contrast to crowds that filled
corridors on Tuesday. Most of
them wore pink stickers signal»
ing their support for the bill.

There was little reaction in
the chamber when the vote to-
tal was announced by Lt. Gov.
Douglas Racine. but once the
Senate adjourned. there were
hugs and tears.

”It‘s great that it passed."
said Beth Robinson. one of the
lawyers who successfully ar-
gued before the Supreme Court
that gay and lesbian couples
were being unconstitutionally
denied the benefits of marriage.

“What‘s greater to me is
the margin by which it passed."
Robinson said. “That shows me
the Senate understands that
gays and lesbians need and de-
serve the same protections
as heterosexuals in our
society and that‘s a great

Sarah Vetter. an art studio
junior said Kentucky‘s laws.
which don‘t have the same pro-
tections. are just not enough.

“A movement needs to be
made to have same sex mar-
riages have the same rights as
other couples." she said. “Any-
thing else is utter discrimina-

House Speaker Michael
Obuchowski said he would hold
the House vote next Tuesday
and was confident it would win
final approval in that chamber.


In Kentucky. KRS 402.020 pro-
hibits same sex marriages.

In Kentucky. KRS 402.045 makes
states same sex marriages made
in other states invalid and void in

Source: Legislative Research
Commission-Kentucky Revised

Pending anti-marriage measures
Nevada New Jersey
Rhode Island Ohio
Nebraska New York
Massachusetts Missouri
New Hampshire

Pending Pro-Marriage Measures
District of Columbia


Source: Lambda Legal Defense
Educational Fund


% Sho 5‘“




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in foot-
be called
a genius.
A genius
is a guy

- Joe lhelsman,
cammentator and
former player

You guys
line up


- Bill Petersom.

a Florida State
football coach

I can’t
really re-

names of
all the
that we
went to.”
— mile O'Neal.
LA. Lakers
basketball player,
when asked if he
visited the

Parthenon in


Compiled by: Mark

THE '4ll'


TORONTO ..................... 88
NEW YORK ................... 92

SACRAMENTO ............. iO7
LA. LAKERS ................ ll?

MINNESOTA ................. 88
PORTLAND .................... 91


OTTAWA .......................... l
TORONTO ....................... 2

SAN JOSE ....................... 2
ST. LOUIS ....................... 6


N.Y. YANKEES ............... i0
TORONTO ....................... 7

LOS ANGELES ................ ll
CINCINNATI .................... 3

BOSTON ..................... PPO

ATLANTA ........................ 5
PITTSBURGH .................. 3

N.Y. NETS ..................... lS
CHICAGO CUBS .............. 8




mfxnse tunes


UK offense routs: The Blue team
won, but both offenses succeeded



Saturday’s 4521 victory by the Blue squad in
the annual Blue-White spring scrimmage was
like the Sunday Night Disney family movie —
nothing too sexy, plenty of familiar faces and a
predictable story line.

The Blue squad, comprised mainly of first
and second-teamers, dominated the charts on
both otfense and defense, and if not for two 80-
yard touchdown receptions by Anthony Kelly and
Earnest Simms of the White squad. the numbers
would have been even more lopsided.

But the 5,200 in attendance were treated to a
good show of offense by the Blue team, led by
tight end Derek Smith's eight catches and 492
yards passing by Dusty Bonner and Jared Loren-

“I think both teams just wanted to play hard
and have fun," Smith said. “Today was more of a
fun scrimmage than it is really to come out and
try and get some business done.”

“I really don’t ever read a lot into the Blue-
White game,” coach Hal Mumme said, “because
we've got all the guys who are basically going to
do the playing on one side against all the others.
There’s a lot more to be learned in scrimmage sit-
uations on the two previous Saturdays. when we
go good-on-good for 100 plays."

And during those times, Bonner solidified his
status as the starting quarterback. leaving Loren-
zenas the backup. But Lorenzen had the best of-
fensive game of anyone, completing 22-of-33 for

318 yards and two touchdowns.
“He’s definitely gotten better with experi-
ence." Bonner said of Lorenzen, “just as everyone

does. He‘s gotten a little more confidence, and the

guys know that if you give him the ball, he’s go~
ing to give you a great effort every time."

Although his yardage was impressive,
Mumme reminded people that his opposition in
the BlueWhite game wasn‘t the same as facing
Florida or Tennessee.

“I would like to have seen Jared have this
kind of day the previous two Saturdays,” he said.
“But you're looking at a lot of walkon guys in the
secondary and in the underneath coverage.”

Speaking of exploiting underneath coverage,
the tight-end duo of Smith and Bobby Blizzard
showed why they will be a force to be reckoned
with in the fall. with the two combining for 14
catches and 186 yards receiving.

“Overall. I think I had a pretty decent
spring." Smith said. “I still had some mental mis-
takes during the spring, and in a couple of scrim-
mages I was cutting my routes off early, but
things went well for me today, and I‘m glad they

Another player who had things go well for
him was receiver Derek Abney. The Louisville
native, who missed last year with a pulled ham-
string. used his speed to outrun the defense on
two touchdown grabs of 78 and 59 yards. .

“It was real important for me to do well this
spring," Abney said. “I was fortunate to end it up
pretty well in this game."

“I was glad to see him have a big night
tonight,” Mumme said. “He’s really risen up
there and put some heat on 01' Quentin (McCord,
the starting receiver who battled injuries this
past season). He's made Quentin a better player.
That gives us two real speed guys at split end.”





Spring practice
finished, but not
fall preparation

Now what: The UK football team looks to
get stronger before summer practice

By Will Nasser

Spring practice may be over, but that doesn‘t mean Hal
Mumme‘s Wildcats can rest easy until August.

“We‘ve got to get stronger, we just got to get in the weight
room and keep doing what we started doing in the offseason." said
head coach Mumme. “We still have an extremely young football
team and we still have a lot of the basic physical development to

There is no doubt that Mumme's team needs to work to get
stronger. tougher and faster. Overall. however, the headman
seemed pleased with his team's effort and attitude during the

“The kids had a good attitude. That‘s the thing I like most
about this whole spring period their attitudes. their work eth-
ic,“ Mumme said. “They‘ve just got a lot of enthusiasm for the

Mumme‘s players may have exhibited a positive attitude
throughout spring practice. but they also played some pretty good

Here is a look at some of the notable players who have stepped
up and made a improvements and impressions during spring

e Dusty Bonner, junior quarterback. and Jared Lorenzen, redshirt
freshman quarterback

Bonner responded to Mumme’s quarterback challenge and
used his experience and newfound arm strength to outplay Loren-
zen and earn another year in the pilot‘s seat of Mumme‘s Air Raid

Lorenzen struggled in early spring scrimmages, but used the
Blue-White game to show off his Howitzer-like arm and talent.
even if it was against the third string.

a Artose Pinner. sophomore fullback

Mumme loves Pinner‘s no nonsense bull-like running style,
but he is also impressed with his ability to catch the ball out of the
backfield. In Saturday's Blue-White scrimmage. Pinner carried six
times for 38 yards and caught six passes for 59 yards.

Earlier this spring Mumme said he hopes Pinner can be the
1.000-yard back the offense has been missing since Mumme's ar-
rival at UK.

One of Pinner's best qualities is his strength and ability to
shake off tackles.

“Seldom do you see one person take him down." Bonner said.
“it‘s usually more like two or three."

Pinner has seen increas