xt7mpg1hmk60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mpg1hmk60/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 201506 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, June 2015 text LinQ magazine, June 2015 2015 2019 true xt7mpg1hmk60 section xt7mpg1hmk60 I 43'?“ng .
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. Connectmg the Bluegrass GLBT commumty .

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‘ . — F. June 2015, Vol. 37"N0. 6

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r_ A publlcatlon oft/zer'rGLSO

 Supreme Court Set To Rule...
As the clock ticks down until the we have a final mling on
same—sex—maniage, Christopher R. Bauer provides readers
with insight into the breakdown of each justice’s likely filling.
Prlde Month Is Here!
Pride Festival Chair Chad Hundley provides his final
update before Pride, announcing additional sponsors,
local performers, and the final Pride fundraiser.
“ i ’i V (c 7 5 7 99'
, , PFLAG Is Not For Parents. Only ,
. Linda Angelo from PF LAG Central Kentucky explains ' V , ‘ '
7 . . . -‘ . how PFLAG is not just for parents, but for members of 7 ' ' ‘
. i I . . theLGBT community as well. . , ' _ . .

 I r} '9’)» i413 ' Q I
Editor-in-Chief The Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization seeks
Christopher R. Bauer to educate, enhance, and empower the community about
Assistant Editor - Advertising GLBTQQIA issues.
Tuesday G Meadows
GLSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Copy Editor _
Christopher R. Bauer, Pre31dent
Ann Malcolm
Theodore Meacham, Vice-President
Paul Brown, Secretary
Sarah Brown
Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
Calendar Coordinator
Roberto L. Abreu, At Large
Chad Hundley _
Klra Goldade, At Large
Amy Hatter, At Large
GLSO Board, Chad Hundley, Rebecca Adams
Dena Lee, At Large
LinQ is published monthly by and for the Lexington Gay and Tuesday G Meadows, At Large
Lesbian Services Organization members and community. The TOdd Ryser—Oatman, At Large
Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization envisions GLSO Staff
a community that accepts and celebrates each individual. Chad Hun dl ey, Office Manager
All LinQ submissions and advertisements can be made to GLSO Pride Center
the editor (editor@glso.org) or to the GLSO Pride Center 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100, Lexington, KY 40504
(859—253-3233). All submissions may be edited for length. 859-253-3233, www.glso.org
Office hours are:
Like us on Facebook at LinQbyGLSO Tuesday-Friday l p.m.—5 p.m.
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyGLSO Saturday 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

 That’s What I’m l I
ET lk' ’Ab t
a 111 011 ... see
By Helena Handbasket
C 6 ust do what I say, NOT what it any less of a lie—but at least there was had no concept of what a world where
J1 do!” How many of us had to a good intention behind it. But isn’t it still you were not allowed to be yourself was
hear that when we were growing up? A wrong? even like. One proudly proclaimed that he
parent might say that to you if they caught I am all over the place with this topic this was out in high school. I then shared that
you smoking and didn’t want you to. month. My real reason for choosing this I was 50 years old and that I had lived in
Of course, you would reply, “But, YOU topic came to me while I was listening to such a world myself. They went on and
smoke.” “Don’t be a smart ass. Just do some younger gay people discussing how on saying that there was no way that I was
what I say and NOT what I do.” “out of touch” the OLD gays were. They 50. Eventually, I admitted that I had heard
I am not trying to advocate for people were being gossipy, bitchy queens and their previous conversation and that they
to smoke. Actually, I am not a fan of it talking about how someone was dressed should consider more than just what they
myself. Maybe because I have witnessed and how they danced. At first I was see before they cast such judgment on
someone I love die from lung cancer. But offended, even though the person they others so quickly and so viciously.
that is not what this article is about. were referring to was completely unaware But then, as I walked away, unsure of
This article is about meaning what we that they were talking about him. But then whether they had truly heard me or not,
say and saying what we mean. I have I smiled and started a conversation with and unsure whether maybe now I was the
always said that there are two things I them. I was dressed in sequins that night target of their ridicule and judgments. .. I
can’t stand: someone who steals from me and was looking rather glamorous and they asked myself how they could be that way.
and someone who lies to me. If you are seemed to accept me into their little group Why would they treat others so badly?
skirting around an issue and not being immediately. They told me how fabulous It was just then that I looked around and
forthcoming, then isn’t that very much I looked and went on and on. Finally saw the old queens that I am friends with:
like an untruth? When did we become so our discussion led to me pointing to the laughing and drinking. and judging
worried about being “politically correct” person on the dance floor that they had and gossiping. And I realized... I was
that we stopped being honest? Of course, verbally torn to shreds earlier. I explained expecting them to do what I said and not
I am really not trying to call anyone how I knew that person and how he had what I did. I guess it is something for all
specific out. As a matter of fact, if I am been part of the community for decades. I of us to think about. Will you?
completely truthfiil, I can say that I have went on to tell some of the stories of how
refrained fiom being totally truthful in he literally had fought and been shot at Iwould love any comments or
order to prevent hurting someone or to try just so that he could be his “true” self. I suggestions you might have.
to stay out of a drama that I didn’t want to explained what it was like to be gay before Please send to:
be DRAGGED into (yes...pun intended). it was cool. Before there was Will and HelenahandbasketKY@gmail.com
Don’t get me wrong... that doesn’t make Grace and before Queer As Folk. They o

Imp erral C o u rt of
C t k
K en 11 c y ews
By Christina Puse
Hello everyone! What a beautiful g. “i !
Spring we have been having here . _ j; . , 3‘21;
in the Bluegrass. While the weather has # ”
been warm and everyone has gotten the ‘ 79:1,} ’52.. ~ ‘1 ‘ \ a
chance to get out and enjoy the sunshine, ‘ . bi‘ ‘3 "f I“ I J
the Imperial Court has been hard at work :35 -‘.,:~ \Gv :1 £9 «
behind the scenes gearing up for its -' i?) fit 1‘ .' A
- - -‘ "3a w». ;
annual Coronation weekend coming up «a \ W ”3%
June 5-8. Here’s a look back at what’s J 53‘ \ . ‘ ' y . \‘9"
been happening over the past month. -.\, 3;? 5% ‘1 3’! x a.“

On May 3, the ICK traveled up north to ’9‘? r l‘ a!“ ., W“% 3.15%
join forces with its Cincinnati family for g fia .’ ‘ ‘5
the annual Miss Bone Lick contest. This the Year title and she is also the curre amazing weekend, please visit www.
was a very filn and exciting show as two Diva of Darkness. imperialcourtkentuckyorg to obtain those
contestants battled it out, Camp Drag On May 21, the ICK held its last event now as the ball room is quickly selling
style, for the title of Miss Bone Lick. at Crossings Lexington entitled, “A Year out. You will not want to miss out on this
One of Lexington’s own took home the in Review.” This was a social event that special weekend. The current Monarchs,
victory. Congratulations to Chad Swiger consisted of spot drag, a taco bar, raffles, H.M.I.M, Emperor 33, Tim Logsdon, and
on your win! and Jell-O shots. Good times were had H.M.I.M, Empress 33, Christina Puse,

On May 20, the ICK held its finale by all as the community came together will be stepping down and passing the
pageant at the Bar Complex entitled, to celebrate Reign 33. Thank you to torch on to Imperial Crown Princess for
“Ultimate Entertainer of the Year.” everyone who came out to make this Reign 33 and Monarch Elect for Reign
Over the past year, mini-pageants were event possible! 34, Kali Dupree.
held, and those consisted of Diva of As we bring to a close another In this final article, I would personally
Darkness, Miss Mary Christmas, Miss successfill Reign for the Imperial Court like to say thank you to each and every
Gay Valentine, and Miss Derby Pride. of Kentucky, we are also gearing up one of you for all of your love and
All the winners fiom those pageants for a VERY important weekend. The support this year. Without the support of
came together to compete for the Bourbon Ball (the ICK’s new Coronation YOU and the community, Reign XXXIII
Ultimate title of Entertainer of the Year. theme) will be held at the Hilton Hotel would not have been made possible. I’ll
Congratulations to Uma Jewels! She during the weekend of June 5-8. If you be seeing you all soon! Much love to all!
took home the Ultimate Entertainer of have not purchased your tickets for this V


 'l'rans KyAdvocate
. r
.7 Q j
l l
By ’Ihesday G Meadows l
Lexington ;
”T he sun is up, the sky is blue, its beautiful, and so are you... Won ’t you come out to play? ” :
Dear Prudence, The Beatles {
exington has been my home for town that seem to get neglected. Not to harder to hate or dislike someone (or
Lmost of my life and I plan for it mention thatIhave no idea what is going a group of someones) once you get to l
to be my home from now on. I love the on with CenterPointe. Change can be know them. One of the best ways to 1
beauty, the charm, the nice laid-back sad; it seems like a lot of our farmland get to know the LGBTQ+ community 1
attitude, the friendliness, and the “big and green spaces are disappearing as better is the Pridefest held in downtown ‘
city rolled into a small city” amenities. we grow, but I believe these negatives Lexington on June 27. The Lexington
I graduated from Lafayette High School are being addressed and we will find Pridefest, which celebrates the many
and the University of Kentucky. In fact, solutions. LGBTQ+ people of Central Kentucky,
I have never really wandered very far There is something else that really is held annually and draws about 15,000 ‘
from home. For me, no other place feels makes Lexington special. In Lexington, people, including lots of kids and a
quite the same. Whenever I travel, I am we have a Fairness Ordinance (FO) that families. It features vendors, activities, 1
always happy to get back to Lexington. protects the civil rights of our citizens. and entertainment for all ages. V
Just for the record, the weather did Many people might not realize how Having an open—minded community ‘
suck this past winter, but despite its vital the F0 is to making our city a makes Lexington better for everyone.
unpredictability, when our late spring better place to live for everyone. To be Make it a point this summer to get to i
finally got here it was absolutely honest, I did not realize how much it know people who may be different
beautiful. Of course, our traffic protected us from discrimination until from you or who may travel in different .
can be frustrating—campus or the afterIcame out as transgender. circles. Working together to improve
shopping areas—but compared to What really makes Lexington a conditions for our all of our citizens
other cities I have visited, we have it great place to live is its friendly and should beauniversal goal for all of us.I
pretty good. Development continues caring people. It’s true that Lexington thinkwe can start by just acknowledging
everywhere and there has been a lot of does have its divides and its struggles that we all want the same thing and that
remodeling of eyesores and old malls. with inequality and segregation (race, is to live in the best place on earth.
The downtown and surrounding areas location, and income), and that is You may write me at t1neadows828@
seem to be coming back to life after why I think it is important to venture gmail.com or follow me on twitter at
a long dormancy. Obviously, we still outside of our circles and get to know Tuesday G Meadows@trishgigi. Now
have some work to do in areas of our other people to change that. It is always Tuesday’s gone with the wind. 0

Why Congress Should Rethink - .,
l o
1 The Syringe Issue
1 By Mark Johnson ‘f
l Esomeonetoldyouthatyourcityhadstarted the controversial topic of syringe exchange percentage of new .
program providing clean needles to programs has come to the fore again. And acute hepatitis
j injectingdrugusers, wouldthatmake you want this time, scientific evidence and sound C infections that
l to start injecting drugs yourself? The answer, public health practices prevailed as both states involve people
l of course, would be no. Yet for decades, many authorized the implementation of syringe under 30 rose
l have stood by the belief that such programs, exchange programs to help curb the spread from 36% to 49%
. known as syringe exchange or syringe services of these two blood-borne diseases that can be in six years.
programs, promote and encourage drug use. spread by contaminated syringes. The new HIV and hepatitis C infections
1 Indeed, for Congress, it became the rationale This isawelcome step—an estimated 50,000 among injecting drug users in primarily rural
behindaban implementedin l988thatprohibits Americans are newly infected with HIV every states, such as in Indiana or Kentucky, showthat
l the use of federal filIlClS for these programs. But year, and some 8% are among injection drug the landscape of injection drug use in America
l an overwhelming body of scientific evidence users. Meanwhile, between 2006 and 2012, is rapidly changing. By implementng effective
l continues to show that this is simply not true. at least 30 states experienced increases in syringe exchange programs, we have a chance
As a result of the recent spikes in HIV hepatitis C infection rates, with more than half right now to get ahead of the curve and avert a
and hepatitis C infections among injecting reporting at least a 200% increase in acute nationwide resurgence of HIV and hepatitis C
drug users in rural Indiana and Kentucky, infections among young adults. Overall, the infections through injectiondruguse. 0
‘ - - -
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it Around The lerary. . .
Ii _ . M:
ii Alanna: The FirstAdventure, by Tamora Pierce

H Reviewed by Rachel Hugenberg . ,
I lanna.‘ The First Adventure, Tamora Pierce’s Alanna’s character, adding .rr-s- m a, it:
debut novel in the Song of the Lroness series, enough realism to ground filufiji\ l i, 1”.-. ‘
it ;":i-, . ”a . -~
. . . . . . . . . . . 1:4 Hé’TiRSG’ 4 I, r
H rs an 1ntr1gu1ng combrnatron of fantasy, history, and Alanna w1th1n thls fantasy , 2&2 Va‘l‘eiii t‘
it magic. Her heroine, Alanna, refuses to be a “lady,” and magic infused world, , lfl . it i
{I I I 1, 3' ii” I 1, A
iii which would require obeying the confining behavioral and captures the day-to-day -. :- é , iii itiitiil. .
A - ..-.- ., ‘.. ‘ i 'L- w.
it standards for noble women in the medieval fantasy grind of a page’s training. ‘ cf"? “(/1 i7!» .
- ;§‘F‘\‘ Jena. .3: '- .
l world of Tortall. While Alana herselfis spunky, quick- (It also relies on the idea 1 }%?£@§\ .1512,
i 23' ' ' i ’. -’~€’£§
“ witted, and intelligent, the structure of the novel is that the young men who ,a"
l based on familiar fictional tropes, such as swapping are pages and squires are g fifgfi
< " " . .ffJT/%r ~.’
i places with her brother and being partially orphaned. inattentive and thus are £755.41" .. 1‘ lm
In contrast to this, Pierce’s characterization of oblivious to Alanna’s biological sex.) It demonstrates
i Alanna’s “Alan” male persona is based on historical the difficulties of presenting oneself within a specific
accounts of women disguising themselves as men to gendered context and having to learn the behaviors
fight in wars—from ancient Chinese legends to actual and movements of another gender. This book can be
. American women who fought in the Revolutionary and found in the Pride Center’s library, in the YA section
Civil Wars in the United States. This adds depth to under P. Q;
on anti - mm °w~
,1. . Quasa- You'n-l THEATRE
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' Fan. non! momma“.
l I: CA. W a M...
: LinQ

 ILS§ Black Pride
AND :1! '52"
_ ' “ i i: g
. WQHHQSS ; "I, a: ‘ %
Michael Everett & June 2 8 2015
Aunsha Hall-Everett ’
4:00 -7:
“Intimacy 85 Colour” pm 00pm
Can Good Donations Appreciated FREE I u St fun d :=:r

 The Pride 01" June - A Perfect ,5. i
M hF F ' " é
ont or estive Brunch Parties . J/t .
By Ranada West-Riley (yr. ’
Ilove June. It’s my favorite month, - 1 whole medium onion cut in half and until the eggs are set, but remove it
not only because of the Pride then sliced thin before the eggs brown very much on
festival, but because of the weather, ' 1 WhOIC baked potato that has been top. Slide the frittata out of the skillet
cooled and 1/2 inch d1ced _ _
the fresh vegetables, and local products and onto a cutting board. With a long
_ - 2 cups whole spinach leaves _ ‘ _
that fill the Farmers’ Markets. I love . ‘ serrated knife, slice it into wedges and
_ - 1 cup roasted red peppers sliced thin . '
June because of all the weddings I cater . serve warm w1th fresh fru1t.
- 1/4 cup julienned or small cut spring
and all the love that surrounds me. I onions (green onions) Best Bloody Mary Ever
love June because business booms and - -
l b _ h l bl d Preheat the oven to 375° F. Beat ' 3 cupstomatoiuice
stay usy 1n acareert at ’m esse _ - ~
k _ I F d together the eggs with the salt and 3 tablespoons lemoniuice
to wor in. mean, come on.... 00 , - - -
b l h f . d 1 'd pepper (do not over—beat; just mix until ' 3 tablespoons lime JUICE
ooze, au ter, men s, ove, H e. _ -
H _ g b h hp? the eggs mostly come together). Stir in 1 tablespoon prepared horseradish
ow can it get any etter t an t at. _ . _ ~
the grated cheeses and set a51de. (Stir 1 1/2 tablespoons Worcestershire
My favorite things in June are the in hot sauce if using.) sauce .
impromptu parties in the back yard. I 1 f _ k k'll ' 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
. n a arge oven-proo non-stic s 1 et, _
We all have them, and if you don’t 1 b d’ h' hh Add 3/4 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
met utter over me ium- 1g eat. _
you should. Something different to try h ' d k f 1 ' 3/4 teaspoon celery salt
t eonions an coo or severa minutes, _
are brunch parties—great for Sunday _ _ f l 'l h . 1/2 teaspoon coarse black pepper
_ stirring requent y, unti t e onions _ . - -
morning hangovers. They start a day f d 1d b Add d' d 1/3 CUP pickleJuice
are so t an go en rown. ice _ -
off with friends, food, and cocktails. _ . 1 ounce vodka, per drink
potato, spr1nkle w1th salt and pepper, . . .
This usually always leads to some _ . _ Inablendercombinethetomatoimce,
and stir to cook With the onion for a ‘ . ' . _ '
great pictures and memories (and the _ . lemon ju106, lime Juice, horseradish,
couple of minutes. Add the splnach and ‘ .
pics you can always hold folks hostage _ . Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder,
stir to cook, about 1 minute. Finally, . . '
with). I’ve attached a couple recipes for pickle Juice, and hot sauce and process
add the roasted red peppers and green _ .
a fabulous brunch frittata and the best _ _ . . until smooth. Transfer to a nonreactive
onions and stir until everything is hot. .
Bloody Mary you’ve had since your _ _ container and add celery salt and black
Make sure all the ingredients are evenly . _
last beach vacation hangover. Enjoy! . . pepper, to taste. Refrigerate until
distributed across the bottom of the h hl h'll d 1 2h (1
. t oroug yo 1 e ,at east ours an
Ranada’s Brunch Frittata skillet, then pour in the egg mixture so .
12 h 1 1 ' . up to overnight.
' W 0 e arge eggs that it evenly coats everything. Let it
- 1/4 cup grated Parmesan sit on the burner for 30_45 seconds to When ready to serve, fill each glass
- 1/2 cup grated Monterey Jack set the edges, then put the skillet in the with ice. Add 1 ounce of vodka to each
- 2 dashes Kentucky Proud Sadistic oven. glass, then fillthe glass with the Bloody
Mistress “Can We Still Be Friends?” Mary mix. Stir well, and garnish each
Hot Sauce (optional) Watch the frittata as it cooks. Let . ‘ ' _
_ glass With your favorite veggie, pickle,
- 2 Tablespoons butter it cook in the oven for 10-12 minutes
or celery. 0

H B ' H lth
appy eln g ea y g
r, a , . er}; ‘
By Angel Algarin ’ 1‘
First Things First Of Fitness 7 “wfl .
e’ve all been there. We say, ”I‘oday that unhealthy choice with a healthier option. fitness regimen, your do, trainer, or gym
Wis the day!” We see countless news This helps in three ways: It builds discipline may recommend you first undergo a series of
casts, commercials, and articles that try to knowing there is only a certainportion youcan physiological tests and screenings. I cannot
convince us to become the healthiest we can eat, allows you to slowly wean yourself ofl" of argue with the importance of listening to your
be. Our ideals of health goals vary between your unhealthy options, and saves you from doctor’s advice when it comes to your health,
weight loss, healthier eating, and strength gain throwing money out in the garbage. but instead of scheduling ahuge screening right
but under daily pressures we may regress back 2. Stick to your fitness plan: In this tip, ofl“ the bat, try calling your doctor, telling him
into our old unhealthy habits. In fact, at times Louise Green, a certified personal trainer and your intentions, and asking his or her advice,
we may search for the easy way out: taking diet wellness coach, says that being unprepared and taking your health history into account, in your
pills, trying fad diets, lemon juice cleansing, all not planning ahead is a common reason people new lifestyle change.
of which tend to yield no or short-lived results. don’t meet their fitness goals, which I couldn’t 5. Avoid common fitness pitfalls: They
That’s why, despite what today’s gay societal agree with more! Too often doIhear fiiends say state that if you stay positive throughout your
pressures may endorse, we can’t change just thatthey wentto the gym but had no idea what fitness experience you will be more likely to
because everyone around us wants us to; we to do. With websites like bodybuildingcom, achieve success. Part of this staying positive is
must change because we truly want to. that let you choose your appropriate fitness by setting realistic goals. Sometimes we like
In this new Health and Lifestyle article, I routine and demonstrate how each exercise to think that we can lose 10 lbs in one week
want to be able to flame a plethora of health looks, being gym-prepared has never been (when a more reasonable goal is 2 lbs), but by
information and tips in a more relatable and easier. setting unrealistic goals like that for ourselves,
easy-to-Lmderstand way that takes the olf- and 3. Healthy shopping: In this tip they it makes it hard forus to appreciate the progress
on—again diet and workout andtums it into your sympathize that with so many options to that we have made. Instead, thinkof weight loss
daily routine. choose from at the grocery store, it can be or muscle mass as only a perk to your overall
So now after that rant, I thought it’d be overwhelming when shopping for nutritious healthy lifestyle change. Who says a scale ‘
appropriate to start out with an article I read foods. With produce being so expensive and shouldbethe measure of our success anyways?
from the Reader’s Digest: Best Health website, quickly expired, I suggest purchasing produce I hope that you have found this article
called, 5 Tips for Starting a New Healthy thatisthe cheapest and centering the meals you interesting and informative, and that this can
Lifestyle. plantocook onthese fi'uits and vegetablesThis help begin the change to a healthier you In
1. Kitchen Clean-out: In this tip they allows you to get the best price on a healthy next month’s issue I plan on highlighting local
suggest replacing tempting sugary and fatty choice and cuts the worry of your produce exercise optionsthatare so funthey won’t feel
foods with healthier options. Now I don’t know expiring. Additionally, the ever-changing deals like exercising.
about you, but I think the idea of throwing on ditferentproduce allowyoutotrynewthings
perfectly good food out is crazy! Instead, I without breaking the bank intefilyrmzzgnfggfitféggggpfiha
suggest appropriately portioning any unhealthy 4. Know where you’re starting from: In qfiéfifififififififififlfiffiiflfd
foods to eat and once those are eaten, replace this tip they suggest that before you begin a knowledge finfimflm

Com P t '
pany Q resen s.
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lpp 1 es
By Theodore Meacham
t seems that every time I open an evening of theatre consisting be easy. We knew we were in for
IFacebook, I see another post primarily of scenes written by some difficult conversations. But
about a young queer or trans* other Queer Youth Theatres around we also knew it was an important
person who has taken their own life. the country. Our second year, we dialogue to have and to present to
And every time it is heartbreaking. premiered our first full length our broader community. We started
I know our community is reeling original piece. Now, in our third talking about the fictional young
from these loses. We cannot begin year, we are extremely excited man who ended his own life. We
to understand the pain these young to be presenting Ripples, a world explored who lived in his world,
people have been experiencing, but, premiere production that takes what might have lead to his actions,
at the same time, we understand it an intimate look at the way one and how his absence would leave
all too well. So it should have come life—and death—can impact a his friends and family. After a few
as no surprise that when Company community. months of writing and editing, we
Q started talking about what issues We always start our season by have a piece that (and I may be a
are current andimportantinthelives making lists of what is important bit biased here) is moving, funny,
of the young company members, to us—what we want to explore or thoughtful, and provocative. And
suicide was one of the first things talk about. Each time we did that we are so excited to share it with
that came up. this year, someone would bring up Lexington.
Let me rewind a little. Company the issue of suicide. The suggestion - Please join us for the world
Q was founded in 2012 with the was usually followed by some premiere production of Ripples,
‘ generous support ofthe Mutki Fund. silence. Finally, a 15-year-old first— Thursday, June 4, and Friday, June
We areatheatre ensemble for queer, year ensemble member brought 5, at 7:30 pm. Performances will
trans*, and allied teens and young in a short scene that explored the take place at the Farish Theater
adults. We are housed at the GLSO events immediately preceding and in Lexington’s Downtown Central
and use art to explore relevant followingasuicide. It was moving. Library. Tickets are available at
issues in the lives of our ensemble It left us all asking questions. We the door free of charge, however
members. We are storytellers. We wanted to know more. So we, as an Company Q will be fund-raising for
are activists. Above all, we aim ensemble,acknowledgedsomething our Annual Campaign, which will
to be a safe harbor for any young that I think most of us knew all allow us to continue our work in the
person who feels that their voice along: this is the year that we talk future. Donations will be accepted
isn’t always heard. about suicide. gratefully.
In our first year, we presented We knew it wasn’t going to o

Supreme Court Set To Rule
On Same Sex Marriage
By Christopher R. Bauer, JD
ny day now, the Supreme Court of Kagan,willruleinfavorofsame—sexmaniage. alltoo right.
Athe United States is set to rule on Ginsburghasallbut signaledher opinionbased The Swing Vote
Obergefell V. Hodges, the same—sex marriage onherrecentpublic remarks andby ofiiciating As has been the case since Sandra Day
case. The Court has consolidated and granted at sarne—sex marriages where she finishes by O’Connor left the Court, Justice Kennedy has
review of same-sex marriage cases from saying, “By the power granted to me by the been considered the sole tie-breaker in what
Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, and Tennessee, US. Constitution, I now pronounce you. . ..” has often been anotherwise evenly split Court
and agreed to rule on two questions: 1) “Does Although both Breyer and Sotomayor haven’t So, if it does come down to 4 for and 4 against 3
the Fourteenth Amendment require a state authored or made any widely-publicized same-sexmarriage, it is alluptohim. Although 3
to license a marriage between two people of statements regarding same-sex marriage, they appointed by Ronald Reagan, Kennedy is i
the same sex?” and 2) “Does the Fourteenth did join the majority in striking down Section more of a libertariantlranaconservative. Since
Amendment require a state to recognize a 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”) as early as 1980, Kennedy’s concem with
marriage between two people of the same sex in Windsor v. United States, the case that has liberty has often been reflected in his rulings
when theirmaniage was lawfully licensed and notoriously been used by judges all over the regarding gay rights, believing that at least
performed out—of-state?” In oral arguments country t