xt7msb3wtd0h_2 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wtd0h/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wtd0h/data/72m2.dao.xml unknown 166 Cubic Feet 381 document boxes, seven textile items, three map folders, one artwork archival material 72m2 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frederick Moore Vinson papers Economic stabilization. Elections -- United States -- Congresses. Judges -- Correspondence. Judges -- United States. Judicial opinions Judicial process -- United States Legislators -- Correspondence. New Deal, 1933-1939. World War, 1914-1918 -- Veterans. World War, 1939-1945. Associate Justices - Harold Burton text Associate Justices - Harold Burton 2019 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wtd0h/data/72m2/Box_160/Folder_9/Multipage44.pdf 1946-1951 1951 1946-1951 section false xt7msb3wtd0h_2 xt7msb3wtd0h  


October 12 . 1951


' .ND- ., 1951 Term. Whitehead v. Henry


A petition for extension of time to file certiorari addressed
to me in the above case raises a question of interpretation of
28 USC §2101(c) Vlit/hieh I desire to refer to the Conference.

Petitioner had judgment rendered against him by the Court
of Appeals of Georgia on July 13, 1951; his. petition for rehearing
was denied on July 25, and his application for certiorari from the
Supreme Court of Georgia was denied on September 12. He has
asked for an extension on the theory that under §2101(c) the time
limit to file certiorari here will run from July 13 or July 25.

I am of the opinion that under the proper interpretation 'of
§2101(c) the time limit begins to run from the September 12 date.
This seems to be supported by American Railway Express Co. v.
Levee , 263 US 19 (1923), and certainly by better practice. If the
members of the Conference agree, I will simply deny the applica—
tion as unnecessary.





law-lbw 6, 1931:.

Radar J. 6. Fogun, ' '
Wm, B. 3. Hanna W,
Huntington, I). c.

lty day:- lhjor Pagan

I an 1:: ram)». of your mm 6! Gem 2);, 1931;, in which run
roquut Momtim u to the inter-193103;, Inga). Justice Mr Lawn
which my: our the min W of the U. 8. Supra- om Build.
ins. '

It 1! won Wad that while Justina my be “watered 1::
met. mutants. with all the remix-mm of «tabla-hot! 1», 1t 1-:

' art's Mullah m In. dun ta lack at flexibility in than in their,
to render Minter 0r um). justice. The «mum 6! this that ro-
mm in flu utabliuhmut or am: in equity. In [about-'3 diam»:-
ury, the tollmim- museum in arm hem justice and unity:

“In ardimry um, Junio- who: a 1152139 and Main]. refining of

that is duo. Equity mains rum thc 1d" of £31m: and W
handed impartiality.” Equity 13 defiant! by MI: :1 Insulin" and I1»
Bender's dictionary as “equal Mice,” and flu Gummy 910W tad
Encyclopedia given as I downer; a! equity ”equal or mm Men".
The fluctuation may, therefore, be iawud to: sun dquity (aqul ,4
Justine) mr and by authority at In.

As further authority for the use of the urn “owl jutting,”
which at first glance my son redundant, flu tint mama-r3: adds-«a
of Thoma airman at mam mu rates-mu to haul and saw:
Justice to all nun,” in the roller-1:; pangs:

"ABM to m, tuna-«um, an the “cram
of dutiu which coma-0W numbing dear and valuable
to you, it is proper man should manhunt! that I dawn
the annual]. primal» or m 691mm, and ammo
may than which ought to shape its manuals.
I will We than within the wan-on mm tinny
v5.1.1 bargains ta maul M39191» hat not :11
it. magnum. W1 and mat Mio- to all m,
or whntour mm er par-mien, minim. or pantsu—
cal; . . . ."

Tom very truly,

(David 1mm),
mars [11-th91». of tho anitol.



(watcher 21:, 1933.

w dclr Dun Mum: . V
z m mum: yeur letter a: 6mm the twenty» j
third. The construetian of the ammo Court Building is mi
chug: of the Swans 6am aulm mm of wen, as
chief Justus, I an Wm M nther nub.» at the sari...
«ha is ulna a m of the Mafia, is It. mum Van
Dmntar. m hag-mum a! tin: Gp‘paltol :3 m momma
Officer or m swam. ' I
— Inset-119mm“ for the mum m promos by the
mum of the building (Gus Gilbert’s fir!) and m
mutton: to 30,1: W of the com-nan, by tha
Amman of m Bayitol. The mariptian £9 which you rum.-
1: - ”attention a! m of that thus maimed. It was
put in its present form by as in emulation was In". Jun-tics
Van pm»;
Inn kind rounds, I an,
Simon-113' yam-o,

Dun Girl I. Law,
School of mu... Cow: mww, ‘ f
In York 611', IIJ’.

3mm com 61! m mm smug
mama, 9.9.

fly dour Jana. 7m Hunter:

I male» I latter trummlmmn oft!“
scum of Jams. at 691m: mummy, with a m
damaged my, a munch: swank. Wim-
tionyeuuyomtonkc. I alumni“, torch-04mm
tum-y, mmnwm ”$1”qu
with year Wmt, relating to the Him.

I W filth” frat Dana‘- Adam‘s lotto: mm:-
or not!» like: than WWI“. I still think M at 11'
Int swamps-Late. >

rum 7m.
3/ sharia 5. am

fir. mun V»: Donut».
I still may: the 1:3me mm“;
layout draft 91W radii: «um:
“Monetary to In.
3/ 1m.

 em 2):. ”33;“ ~   7» ‘

W M mum Van Mater: V _

  . I ‘anclaae a letter from Dean Askew of the '

 3011¢01 of JW at Column Mummy, with a draft.

.ofuwproposadreply, astovhiehxahwldlmmamw

  '1 tion m my care to make. I also amines, to refresh m

memory, the correspondence with Mr. Lynn m w mum

with your endmount, milking to flu ”15m.

I ~ . I cannot githor fran Dean 1012mm lotto: W

' fig;- not he like. the max-mun. I mm than than 1+. 9..
lost. Watt). . '

' , Mummy mm,

l». mu». Van Manor.

‘ Mam.



‘ 091m WWII!
:8 m cm at m YORK
Behave}. 0! Journalism
affine of tho Data

‘ Who? 23,, 1933

Hon. charm Inna Man
051.! Jail“;

mm 8% Sum-m" em -

Hy clear 31*. Chic! datum: _

, In, the current Mar of "The Gum}. An" I mead
a autograph at tha nu tinned sum swam amt building in
Washington, 9. a. ma the ports.” 1" the momma "Justice,
tho guardian of 11W." - i '

If 1’6 is at all youibla fa!- na to abiding m inter-nation
in regard to the origin of ma plant-a, m Mad 1%} to the
uranium, how it In «hated and m named the: mmibmw
tar tho decision, I should awaiting 1% vary highly.

Raspoatfuny and him]: rm,

3/ 61:1 '3‘. Lehman


 unmet. 0? m CAPITOL

EInmblo annoy Evans Rushes,
‘ ‘ Mm, 8. 3. 8w cwt Building Maytag,
._’Wy_y'h1ngton, 13'. 6. . ,
' 8 1y dear w. my! Miuot ,
‘ '~ 3 . ' The Irehityaty for tho 8. 8. Supreme Court Banda-
in: have yuan-d inscriptions be phand in thy Iain trio”,
But and rat Panic”, II hum:
’ For than Best Portia -8
"EQUAL J88'X'IGE mm mm
Yer the hat Part1“ .. ,
"5; ”mm MOE :3 m summon a: umw
my“ 1396183th In Iain-listed fiery smut Ind

n '1 amoral, if nasty-ate”; it not II’tiItIItIry,Irch1tI¢tI ;
_., ytItI flat the: I111 be played to hm “muta- tron you.

_ Yours wry truly, ‘g‘ '
I . 8/ mud Lynn

(David Lynn), ‘
Archityct If thI mithl.

' v




 G a .P I,
an 21, 1932..

W dou- lr. 1.1m: ‘
‘Iajmumlotm armihoauaonds Ihsm «an

mm with Ir. Justice mm norm»; lid w: W the au—
“drum to]? the um Part1“, to wit: /

”EQUAL wanes mm 3W . 5
w. thin]: that the inwiptien far the East Pom“ m be W,
and yo {no}: the reliving: I

mamas m swank er mm?!”

It mu m. tho «um um aim .mmmm m to
boyhoodinurimpuftu ctthninburiorofmbmmm
manummhoommonmomum. unmask.
my amount. $0 be undo for w of the manual:- “1511 may
hm bun submitted for mm“.

,   . ”alimony ym,

' fi‘ ‘7", 

Ir. David Lynn, '
mm o! thn Mk1,
Washington, D. a.

 mammew at m 5.4me
«Mean, 3.6.

any 10, 1932.

honorable man.» We Hughes, chairmen,
U. 3. Supra” court Building Canadian,
Veehingtan, D. G.

I" clear Ir. chief Justin:

admin: to thie- offiee'e letter at My 2, 1932,
and to year letter of lay 3, 1932,1vith raga-d to the era.-
peeed inscriptions tor the U. 5. Sam Gem-t Building, the
{alloying letter dated lay 7, 1932,11» been received free
1ft. John R. W, Architect:

”Reeei'pt is aeknewledged of your letter of hay
11th, quotieg a letter to yen from maiei‘ Justice
Wrotemingteieeeriptiene teheeutintm-
terrier aarhle, summed ta him re: we“)...

"AW ayeeifieelly He: Jutiee mm‘
quetien ea ta When will it he meant: to me
upon the emeatieee or ta We substitutes,
in ordermttedelaythepregrmef themek?’
‘ peetedly remaining intemtie‘h tad immetiehe

‘ regarding the emevel er theta inseriptiene', and,
in View of this, nation he that one! should he
taken ea new as peeaihle.” -

Year's very truly;
3/ David Lynn ‘

(David 1mm)
itchiteet er the Genie}...



1270 Sixth Avouuo
Row fork

January 25. 1935‘
Door Ir. Ohio! Justice:-

lioy I prom upon the odutrotiou nod (2&an? I hm
felt for any yours, to Attempt on m1m of you one! your in—
tornoting onnooiotoo? For m moss, I shun mm the right of
tho Napoloouio Code, and “gaming you or guilty until you prom
your Woo, I return the following proooutnout:

I ooousn tho Grout Court, or ihioh you on Chief, of: hov-
in; violated or: mortars canon of $33.31;.

I mouse the odd Court of boring mom toutelogy,
vnrbosity and redundancy, noel: of which is on obofiuntiou in good
uongn. I

Hm is the granular: of my charge:

Ont-holintnl ofthomSuproooGourthuildiug thorn hon-
grnvnd: V 7 .

MEAL mm mm m um '-

(Mn is the inscription chain upon photo who, and I ooouon tho
photogrnphdo mod to mount evidence .

I owt, Your Boner, that the ndjnotivo "owl" h'no no

‘ plooo in tho oootonon. It is o distorting quolificotion which robo

tho thought or its tron ”mug. At out, it to WW7-
Ito momtuproofporoootqmldut.

I out: for Mote Murat oud tho «onion of tho 012nm!-
1ogoord, oothotthohouoootthnmmstntnn supra-BMW
caution to be the toqln of Attr- o, ohorn thorn ohm cum to”:
1.11 of Moi: mdnflInd."

With high rotor-d,
The Honorable ' 3/ mm Bayard W
Charm Evnnn Suzhou, \

Chic: Juotion of tho Supra-o mt,
Nubia”, Dncn


February E, '1935.
1! that it. Swap"
Imdloto 31:19am. Imotmt gumbo.
V'rhodlm-avhidaladtoymr midntwbo ”mt
W1! twamtmmayomoll’ trout!» tram
of tho ‘oluo mall and wider tho history of tho law. ”Equal
notice" is a tin-honored phrase placing a strong Wu upon
Monty, - an ambush moi: it in wall to retain.
mama-ass me on. mom: in defining ”Equity": -
"Stonda‘rdfl - “equal Justin"; "mtg"? . .. "equal or input-Mal
Justin". .
planoo at tho first inaugural of Thoma Jaffarooh - la
honotatlllymtavorlto authorteouoahohadmhtoaayabout
"Justice". But ha m not mutant to m m1: «mum. m
when ha nah-d to bring his magical of political ldaala within
tho ”moat Wu" ho spoke of “£92 ' aha! «sot justloa to all mm
. "About to outer, follow-oltlom, on tho axon-also or
dutloo Ihlbfi W4 anything door and Valuable to you",
it is war you shoald audarotaud that I m tho umtlal
prlnolploo o! our mm M man than mob ought
to shape ita Mtratlou. I will Woo thonwlthlutho
nan-mot amass othay will boar, stating tho gown man,
but not all 1ta mama». Equal and exact station to all
m, of whatever stats or mmaloh, 2'01:ng or polltloala'l '
(1 hang» and Pip." of tho Prosidouto. p. 323).
quotadthanthomyoaulllnudlntho mnmdonmad fortho



£229.!- 118 11-. a. no. 373. 371::

'Thongh the low itself ho fair on it: two ond impartial
in Wm, yet, it it is oppi'igod and odoiniotorod by pubs . '
lie authority with on evil oyo nod on mono}. hand on on
proobiool-ly to like unJoot and illogol nuns-initiations bo—
tuna portions in sailor amount-moon, onto-rial to thoiz-
rich“, tho doniol of , mtino in otill within tho prov
hibition of tho Gout}. ' on . ’

0hr oath drivoo the point hour. It no pmoribod in


tho first Mainly int of 1759:

. do oolo’miy moi- (or affirm) that
I «1111mm ioo uithout‘ mpoot to person, one!
do oqnol right to the poor and to tho rich, nod thot I
will toithmlly no hoax-tinny mean-m one pattern Ill
tho dotioo iaooflsont upon no on -‘, , - aooording to tho
boot of no abilities ond monotEEngg agreeably to tho
countitnbion and 1mm of tho united fiat”: So help no 606.".

I: I had tioo I oonld givo 79“ o heart of illutrotioho or
the use of the phrase "Equal Justine“; A’Thoro in o long history in
that phrooo. Try to boar with it.
I ' Very 118601-01: arm.

1k. Hubert norm! Soaps,
1270 311th Ammo,
low Turk City, h". I.


1270 311th Avenue
' Nev York

February 11;, 1935.

W car it. 81:19! Janos”

I an ,mtterod by. the; trim“ etym-
lsthr M We“ by its din-lootioul quality, but,
if I my be mama, . not oomlately Wand by it.

Emu, I do not intend to‘rfnrtw trauma .
upon your gout! nature it this time. It was thoughtlm
of no to how written you V1391: I did, with the mid
uniting the court": decision on the’ gold clause. Ba-
foro Wag this hollow, I shall await your arou-
mmcmnt, ammmmmo thatl mmdyto
Coo-pt. it as basing out in the mid of Mice - and
I a Won to tha dicta: of '1‘. antlers“, who would,
as you point out, have ssksd tor nor-o than that. »

So, I beg you to lot as mm um lists
after the golden moons” have been max-dad w on" with»
hold. ‘

lit}! 1mm regard,

8/ Ila-hurt 3cm swaps

Honorable Gnu-ls: Ram Hughes,
0111:! Jutiu of the Supreme Court,
mm, 13.0.

 ; I “brat? ’16,: .1935:

I: am k. Smpos J ’ ., ‘
I have tweaked rm 1am or

February 114mg Please amide):- the] utter.

' closed. ‘ ;
Vary lamb yours,

In York? Guy, I. Y.

1;»... V am.¢.dmsnmag


c o 9’! > i



’m two firms for tho uppmeh to-tha‘imz rm at u:- W
W we duigngd to be Wan: vith thé clmie tradition of the
building, 3M yet not comics oi' the antique. The! are not parmnetery, but
nah m a inning for flu mam.

hula Figure
Wlatien or Mm
The fouls figure depicts the oontaWiofi éer mas, thc mum
15 one of mditflian. That night hum! rests an; a “all 19491 of a rim: of
mm. Under the 1m hand is a book mm, The men 1: m of
motnfing “Rhiannon. / I I I > '

lulu Figure I
hum of Law
m .118 film is mm, erect «a flaunt. no nit: vim
concentrated gm”, man; in his 1.1% w m mm o: 1m. bum
by tho .15..va m, “9113 of Moran-mt through 1n.
am 3. mm,

1m York (My.

I "mummy

nasgniprlou or SGHLPrunL‘
mm mags '

Identification of fear £13m: on the ban of flu m flap-

polea, as Iollma

sc.1.s ‘nd ward.OOOIIIQOOIOOOOIOOOIStr‘agth of jfifltie.


m.k ‘nd ’orwluoCanon-utooloo’nooounLight W Silk a!
' untmth »

Pen am “ace..............‘C......'.L.“.1.tion

f Iaeatirieatiaa or feur discs xbave the tang, as {bile-ac

L10” M‘doocanabotoolbtaooooooqoodom
Trim 0! m‘aoooaooioanuuva-coor’m
F131! 13.9.4...oopoqoqooapocooaonncocooa'.hr

wan 39me, 1336.,
Haw York City.








‘1. 3. 3mm 3mm
’ ml “"33 ’ :i’:



mm mm. mm:
' m. dominant am: in this triage shares mm mm sum n10 fiesta of

heroic proportions; mutating the majority at the w and "Tho Pm: a! Gom‘

mt.” trunking this group at either side are the gm: of Hindu: 1nd Justice.

To the right of this central mam-13 a group ms» of tho "Saftgmd at
me Liberties and Rights of tho People in their pursuit of Harmon” and $9 tho
left "The {hf-us; of Rum Rights and Protection of Imam: .“


Th. dos-Am mm in this Mom slam 7: mm). m of “mum {acting
upon her sheathed new with the. winged figura 9f ”Divine Inflation“ human
the teal», the tuna» 11de 11-. either side by the seated figures at “Truth” and
of "linden." ‘

At the right of this maul grows as “The PM!!! of Evil” ,1: slam in
the two figures struggling in tho was at a serpent, flu figures or ”W103
and Slander, Deception and Buretie Power.“ .

At the left of the. central group are "me Fears of Gum!“ as chm in the
"Defense of- Virtue"'w1th "Charity, Pace,- Kcrmny and Security."

mom! Am scam WALLS

Both the Earth and 3am n11 Mass at the 3mm Curt noo- m amend
an a mansion a! the Mat Lamina a! mum, m mansion mum; at
both and: of m Mom in am unmade-l arm.

In the South “I311 Mom at. relax-aunt“! m, mm «d Mar of Hm:- Ind
Lover Egypt, than 1:000 3.6. mini, King a! Babylon, shout 2506 3.0. In“,
301m, Lynn's”, salon, Bum, Maine and Wm. Tho lam of the»
11m 1: Ward tho but mu. Tho alumni-lat}. arm at “that sad or this
mug; mammmm "m." am standing ringed film at 1m, with
ma... mnmw ' I twfi The “and!“ winged tights 3% right, with luv,
in guarding the "Light at mm"

In the north n11 Frieze as Mad autumn, mm, man-1mg, '
King John, St. Louis, Hugo Gratin, Blunts», ”hall :36 mum.


The m of the» figures is also tawnrdvtho But am. The thins-ion).
grew: at either and or this Mono rcpt-um "Mamba” ad “um; and Met.“

Tho standing winged figure at left, with disc: of the W m, wanna
"The Right at Inn." The standing Mod figure at right, with can“, 1: wens
of "Mdt’¢”

A. A. Emma,
low fork City.

 - 6 a P I
B. a. mm 6081!? 3911.036
ammo: 9? mm
I." as an element af dalmatian m mmlly «d tummy derived or
mum in this «unity from. torn: animations.
mo "Eastern Podium.“ of tbs Empress new, mam may“: therefore
mtfruw of such mammal 13m Ind mu as are dariwd from the

loan, Confucius and 801m m mania is nauseating three mat anti!» 1
“um and 26m, flu contra}. group cf @1113 Rain“. \ *

flanking mu central group «— 1m» 1: the symboliul figure bus-1n sh:-
nm of warming tbs In.

an the right a group fingering justice with mercy, auogorieally'truhd.

fho "loath“ is brought into both than M to my“ the “earl-yin; on"
of civilisation through tho Wham What! of right and wrung.

The next two figures um: shields; left an Tho “Miami. at diam hem
status through enlightened Mmt. R1 -‘ mum me! «the: large functions
of tho Smut Gout in macaw or tad SW. ‘ ‘

1h. 1m. mm” Left - Study sud wring a: Judy-mu. ‘ f ' t . s

tribute to the £13de and cum-m msew of this Gum. . . - m
table of the Tortoise ad the Euro. .

mam 1. am,
Wow, .
New York City.

:2. s. W commune
me or 3mm

In designing the Sculpture for the Wooten Podium the on hot
boon toward oinplieity with directness of anti! «- o composition rich in
relief (light and shadow), and true in balance and oeelo to its arehitoetursl

A aiml- Sculptural story is no follows:

”Liberty onthraued - looking confidently into the Future -
some her In the seal“ of Justiao- 8h: is surrounded
1n the mutton. by too Men

Do hot right “W (the not uo’tiva or elorb of tho two)

on her left ”Authority- 5.: ohm in watchful restraint rot
ready to enforce, it maoeoory, the dictates of mom.
Them to the right and loft of the Guardian figures W
of m figuroo ouch represent "Camil."

Thou right and left two rem figures amt "Reamer!“
Post and Present.


Authority Order
Chain armor Rona
Sword hem
email email
Resourch ' Return}:
Present Past
nan-h arm m serum
Moo liter mote tub)»
Moneys Meier
8083!!! um,

m Iark City.

,.-\ ,nnifitumuadmd'


mien mummmhwuhw

_ 2., “matums an
M81 0! a on is still within the Mbfidm
of the.‘

Muthdflmthepeinthoae Itmmm 311th.
first many. let a: 3.189: ’

"I”! doeohnlyuefi£w gran)
tut! 11¢“.deth
m, mawmmwmmmmmmm
Importers all. thematic: inesfieetwnu :. :
embly‘te the/Geneti’hztien and 1m at the WM -
anagram/yum. , .

matthephnu'm mum. There“ thanking” in that-
pm.fx7tobenruth1t 7 :j , _ , ‘ »‘

“Ekxnxu NV 5‘ My W1]


Mr. Herbert Bayard Europe,
1270 Sixth Avenue, V
New York City, N, Y.

 a. a. 3mm cam m
Emma: or: 3cm
mu sumac: was

m II mm: 61" AW, m mar mans REMEMTATIGE 03‘ mm

m m manna m smear minim mémns m: n m
mmmmmwm mmax.f


m am my ABYDGATE.

max :1! con: '
mun mnsass m scam mm mama mm mm cons or war.


mamas 439: 'mm 1.


._ u AR} J .1.

mm! flmfi m sonar mmm O! m MGM” ,3! LAW.


mm mes mmg’mgm mm mm vs. mm): 0mm. \)

mu mommy, mm,
I” Yer: 31%?-

Nm .‘3 a ’ WT {aw-43. >
:HMF sum“ twin-w AM. was wins? :5: g Waxy '
(gut S‘v‘o-fy 3.31mi My: {wri In. \S; H and hwbuq.’ MkAisvr-n W $54.:wa Em. £553.}

 August a; 19,501 . -

Dear Haro1d:

Thank you for your letter of July 6th relative to the
inscriptions on the Supreme Court building. I appreciate
your calling this very interesting subject to my attention.

I think it is perfectly all right for you to send your
friend. Senator Brewster. a copy of Chief Justice Hughes'
letter of February 4,1935. , . » - .

Sincerely, _

EBigned} Fred :5.‘ tiara

Mr.‘ Justice ’3 urton;


4 A A ”Any-motwrrfrtl.” -...~.:«....;a.‘s\...m ............~.... A.


 TATTI’J‘J .-.—:.~::-r. :' ».~- ~—


' ‘ February 1:, 1935

_» :_f;__ PERSONAL


W dear Kr. Swopex
M13“ Judgmnh. Indictment quashed.
The distress which led to your mm who Mt
alleviated '1! for a' mt you free yourself train is» tyranny
of the blue; penal and cmidcr the history of the in. 1mm:
impartiality ~ an «aphasia which it is an to retain. _
Dianna-1h: m the expression in defining "Equity“: - ‘
lama? ~ “equal m1m'g ”£122!!!” - ”equal Ign- impartial justice.”
Glance ah hhafirst inaugural of mm Joz'thrsom - in
he not still you favorite author? - ane- who much to say about
"Justice.” at ha m not mm. ha m m Vanna.” Even
m’mm'hhamof'ggggnd Inasmucohcnllun":
"M to inter, follow- dhima, on his: car-cm of
duties which W ova-ruin; dou- and? m1. ho
primiplu or w W, and W117 than which
cughhhoahapoithmmhrahia. 111111;" hm
utmmmm hrs-1mm; hitinghhc
semi-a1 windp‘io, but not all its muum.=zqu1 and
such which hp all an, of whahmr ahath‘a‘ Winn,
unmwvonhiuh . . . ." “locum" jPlparaef
the mm, h. 323.) .5-
Probahly n’o mum in our who 13““,an
quoted than the gui- m will find in tho mum'wm for the
GourthyJuhiuShanlayhhhhaniahh-rm’ _

am 9118 u 3. 313: 37:“





 Supreme Court of the United States


I rather prefer

"Justice the Guardian

of Liberty"


 Supreme Court of the United States

ll [c 772 out n (l'um

..... -_-_u_u,-_-----,-----_u--, 194---

59‘? 103 3.3. KI



flashhtgton 1?, E Q}


July 6, 1950

Dear Chief:

Inscriptions on the Supreme Court Building


Recently there came to my attention, through the
Marshal, an interesting file of correspondence relating to the
inscriptions on the west and East Porticos of the Supreme

In this file Chief Justice Hughes shoWs that these
inscriptions do not have a direct historical basis but were 1
suggested by the architect and, in the second instance, modified
by the Chief Justice in cooperation with Justice Van Devanter.

Of particular interest is the reply which Chief Justice
Hughes made on February h, 1935, to a critical letter addressed
to him by Herbert Bayard Swope under date of January 25, 1935, re-
lating to the inscription EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW.

If this material has not already come to your attention,
I believe you will be interested in it and, for that reason, I
have had copies of the material in the file made for you as well
as for me.

From time to time, Senator Brewster of Maine has raised
a similar criticism of the inscription EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW
as that raised by Mr. Swope. Unless you see some objection, I
would like to send him a copy of Chief Justice Hughes' letter of
February b, 1935. I do not propose to send him copies of the Swope
correspondence which preceded and followed that letter. Such corres-
pondence is a bit too colorful and makes too much of a story of the
whole thing. Such a story probably would do more harm than good
but the letter from Chief Justice Hughes itself might do some good
without doing any harm.

Yours sincerely,


The Chief Justice

Odsxflcfl C.}€.cl“'\ V\P (SWQSPQAAQKQ V‘L


 §uprrmr (511111": of the 1111‘:th §mtr§
lilaslnngtnnfifi. Q;


October 21, l9h6


In the Matter of van Sweringen Corporation;
Debtorg and The Cleveland Terminals Building
Company, Subsidiary Debtor

On Saturday, October 19, I asked that consideration
of the above case be delayed so that I might examine it furthero
I now find that, While the law firm with which my son is associa-
ted in Cleveland is not listed on the briefs, it is listed in
the transcript of the record and that members of the firm, both
as individuals on their own account, and as members of the firm,
are representing parties to the case as presented heree

I regret, therefore, that I feel it necessary to dis~

qualify myself and to leave the interesting intricacies of this
case to the other members of the Court.

Harold H. Burton


 mm 16, 191;? V

Dear. Harald:

Just a word of regret at not seeing you before you hop
or: to Switzerland. Roar Immune, I was advised that you were
hevingsome Manda farmhmdthenlhadnolaterim’oma-
tine that you were available until I had to tear away abent has

was presented postinunonsly to fire. Roosevelt for her illustrious

the year's association with yen ~ for your carrying more than your
partofflwheavyloaduandforyournevarfaflingloy‘altyto »

Robertajoimmeinthehapa thatSelmeandyeuwfll
have a most enjoyable Simmer.

Your friend,

(Signed) u‘rw

Honorable Harold B. Burton,
Dodge Retell,
Washington, D.C.







 fiupreme (Emmi of tip: fixtifth fif‘aips
maahinghmla. QT.


 “.ll’lthNt’; l3 Ain't) i\'l')i\IlN'l.\"l‘RATM—)3”

AN .\l’l’|tlit‘l\'l‘l|t\’ ttl’ (‘ttNVl‘lll'Vl‘lYlC LI-I.\l)lill>‘llll’ IN THE
.Il’l)lt‘l.\l. i\l).\llNl<'|'lt‘.\'l‘ltif\' HI" 'l‘llli CUI'H’I‘S 0F

_\dtlre~‘ lit: lan. llwnrn ll. li‘lt'l'tiV, \sseeiute .lnstiee of the
Supreme t‘mirt hi the liniterl States. liet'nre the S‘eetinn of
.llltill'lill \Ilininkiretion. Mneriertn l‘~:|r \smeizitinn,
('leVelnnd, (thin‘ Septemlier 2—1. [fl—l7

()n .lt‘ttt' 3t). ltt'll. t'ermer President William Howard
'l‘nt't \\':t,< ntnminrtted (‘hief .lthiit‘t‘ (if the l'nited States.
.\t llat‘ Hetnlier 'l‘erm he found the genretne (lonrt of the
l'nited States more tlntn 21 year l)(‘llllltl in its doeket.1
'l‘he (‘twrt \\':1.\' thmded not only with etts‘es entitled to full
ennsiderrttinn lllli with many nnt lil'stifyinu further re-
view. The (‘tinrt sat in the mneh-liked original Senate
('hmnlier in the (':t])itel lint hieked :ideqttnte lneilitieQ for
its lilwnry, its (‘lei'l<. its Mnrshul. the memhers of its Bur
:md the elwimlwrs (it its ,li-stiees. The rules of procedure
tln'mfiu'lmnt the federal emn‘t system were antiqeated and
enmherwme. .\l:my et‘ the ltm'er federal emtrts were
behind in their rlneliets lint there “US little nntl’mritative
int'nrmntinn lly \\'hieh to mexis‘nre the need for additional
permanent distriet nr eirenit Vittdueg. There was no eo—
erdinntiun hetween the administrative ()tliees (if the fed-
er:tl et’n'rts. mt‘eh less :inV hnsinesslilx'e (‘ttllll'Ul over their

npernt inns. 'l‘here w:t.< no :mthnrixed prneedere for lll()l)i-

lizin‘: the experienee «it the eunrts tn hell) (‘tinuress eon-
sider legislation dealing with judicial mlministrution.

"'l‘n ttt‘Jl it required lvetWeen mmethinu‘ mere than .‘I }'t‘:tt' tr) some-
thing W“ lllntl twu renx t'nr :i “He in lie renehetl t'nr (ll'iflllllt'lll :It'ter
it< Ilnelwtinug (lllll there xxx-n ‘L‘l':l\‘t' u‘i‘mind t'nr :tltltl't'llt'll>lttll th:|t the

lwenme e\‘en mnre t‘tiltfl't‘flt'ti." (‘hurles l3.

ewlv'tttltlt' \WHtltl quilt
lltlu'hex .h'.. in l’i'tu't‘twliiig.» in .\lemtn'_\' n1" .\lr. .ltistiee Van l)e\'nnter,
:‘Hti ICS. \'. Xll.

t'n \l'tt‘eh Ill“ I'll“; ('hiet .lti‘tit'e Tull! e«-iit;ttt\e~. Mn 1]. ll. ttttT." tiTth t ‘unug '_’tl Se». 7, 12‘ i



lns'tmul of translating: tlw ll‘(‘lll(‘ll(l()1lf\i motive power of
tlu» ])t'()])ll‘ intu (illiwivnt jurliviul action. tho mlininisti‘a—
tinu ul' ()IH‘ t-uui‘ts ut'tvn hzintlimppwl the judges in dis-
musing justit-v. It was (-lmn' that not only wiSrlont and
('lzu'ity lllll slim-(l :uul I‘tlii-imu-jv “'(‘1'0 (‘SSOIltifll to the indi-
(‘lill })I'(l("‘>'.<. “.luilu'ing' is also mhninistration": 3 nnrl in
thr- tut-v ul' sui-li mullitinns. ('hiot' .lustioo Taft 21ml his
>uwvsmr< in Hillt'f‘ hnw (l(‘lll()ll.’lt:—1 nin ul' his 1nwlw-vss<)ix tho ,iurlicinl nrlininisti‘n-
tiuu nt' tlw Stun-vino (‘mut of tho l'nitwl States had
(‘hunu'wl twin :1 mnisv nt' nzitiunul mnvm'n to (mo of na—
tiunnl in'irlv. 'l‘lw t'wlm'ul juilir-iui'y hml lwvn (‘()ll\'(‘l‘l(‘(,l
train :in outstanding \‘lelnplv 0f nu unm'rlmwl juilicizu'y
1min untixtuurling(-xunuilvul'vtliv'ivnt juiliviztl :ulniinistm—
tiun. (‘luvl' .li‘SIlt't‘S llurlzin I’islw Stuno :inrl Fred 3L
Vinsun lzux'v Inuintnilwl this high stumlniwl.

lll‘Jl lit ll \\’Il.<:1lllllt‘\\'l1(‘ll(‘('()ll()llll(‘l'(‘£lfljllt