xt7msb3wv67t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wv67t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19760723 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, July 23, 1976, no. 138 text The Green Bean, July 23, 1976, no. 138 1976 2014 true xt7msb3wv67t section xt7msb3wv67t .x ,
T H E ,_ ..
G R E E ·!
30 July — Staff Organization _
1 - picnic (see note). {_ _BhE A { _
6 August — Faculty meeting - ( - iM" ` li
·NEW$LETTER N0. 138 7/16/76[;¢> /L_}
David Farrell, Editor Ext. 88611
Faculty Elections:. ‘ " "Ig c` i V ll, -` if
The Faculty Nominating Committee has submitted the following V
slate of nominees in accordance with the Organizational ·
Procedure. Nominations are also welcome from the floor.
Elections will be held at the 6 August Faculty meeting.
For_secretary: Bill James, Frances Kelley, Claire
l J McCann. V _ g. _ _ - V
For Administrative Council: Terry Birdwhistel, Bess
Clotfelter, Gerry Webb. ~
V For Administrative Committee: Rhoda Channing, Gail
Kennedy, Ed O'Hara. _
Also on the ballot: An amendment to the Organizational
Procedure, proposed by David Farrell, to make the Information
Coordinator/Newsletter Editor an appointive position separate
from the Faculty Secretary.
La¤*;1*1i`¤.¤;a, N¤tGS <>¤ {che Pie}!-.s= I t s
(A map to Carnahan House is attached.)i e iv _' I _
We are expecting approximately 160 people. As the picnic
pavilion seats approximately 80 people, we would appreciate
it if some of you would bring blankets and/or lawn chairs
so that your family can eat dinner on the lawn.
We have been cautioned that everyone, especially children,
should remain within the confines {the surrounding stone
fences) of Carnahan House. The adjacent property is used
for grazing livestock. ’ _l) ‘__i j` y
Two aluminum carts will be provided for garbage. Please
utilize these instead of the smaller receptacles which are
also located in the picnic area., ` V i
Restrooms and a pay telephone for our use are located just
inside the south entrance of Carnahan House. The rest of

; the house will be closed, however, due to cleaning operations
F on Friday.
we plan to eat at 6:00 PM. We do have some activities planned
for beforehand. Horseshoes, croquet, volleytall, sgftball,
and badminton equipment will be provided. There is also
a playground area. We hope to round out our picnic with
guitar music and a sing-along.
Lexington Technical Institute:
The library at Lexington Technical Institute is progressing
toward a late fall or, at the very latest, January opening.
We still expect to occupy the building by the middle of
August, though our furniture will not arrive until late
September. Hopefully, we'll be presentable by dedication,
which is scheduled for October 2. The building is to be
named in honor of formcr—UK President John Oswald, now President
of Pennsylvania State University.
We have expended our initial funds and now have a (very)
unorganized collection of approximately 1200 titles. Two
full—time library technicians have been employed to start
processing and organizing the collection. Mary Sexton,
LT III, formerly of the Inter—Library Loans unit in King,
started Monday, July l2. Barbara Koon, LT II, has been
with the Student Center but also has several years of library
experience. She will begin work on July 19. We expect
to start processing materials via SOLINET in the near future.
We have decided to classify our materials by the Library
of Congress Classification System. All our holdings will
be entered into the M. I. King author-title public catalog.
I appreciate the help and encouragement we°ve received from
the M. I. King faculty and staff and look forward to continued
interaction. Though we're still a long way from opening
the library doors, our movement toward that fine day is
at least becoming perceptible. _ .
Lee Hisle
· Travellers:
I Bill James, Cheryl Jones, Ellen Mawhinney and Susan Csaky
Q attended the 69th annual meeting of the American Association
1 of Law Libraries held in Boston on June 20 through June
Q 24. Some of the most interesting events were the tour of .
{ the Harvard Law Library as well as the panel discussions
y on new developments in Technical Services, new developments
in Reader Services and networks in Law Libraries. Bill
’ James and Susan Csaky also completed some committee assignment
j obligations while at the conference.

1.2 J
i -3-
Trudy Purcell has been promoted to an LT II in CSR. Karen
Boucias will be going to Reference in August and Sharon
Breeding will be going to Architecture the last week in
July. I
g Carolyn Puckett in CSR.
Q Openings:
Yi LT 1 csa.
LT III Circulation.
i If interested, please see Faith Harders.
Public Service Librarian. Indiana University Northwest.
l September, 1976. $13,000 maximum.
_ Tech Services Librarian. Indiana University Northwest.
? l July, 1976. $13,000 maximum.
i V

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