xt7msb3wwz2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7msb3wwz2j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-11-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 01, 1983 1983 1983-11-01 2020 true xt7msb3wwz2j section xt7msb3wwz2j ______________________________________————-————————-——
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e anese parties start ong-awaited reconciliation conference
StattandAPrepoi-tl conference would include: demands over the greater Beirut area 0l- neliru truffle" to Improve security. Battalion landing Iran: hr xv»? ' it» .i lthanesr ,i m . Winn
fora greater number of seats and sonssaid. but did not explain what that meant "but indications .in- we w found at ..i. 1.115.. immuniu
1 BEIBUT, lebanon —- As all “non- cwtl service positions for Moslems Marine spokesman Maj. Robert He also said "many other initiativa erybody we reigning tttfmd
' 1 essential” Marine staff were or- and changes in the command su'uc- Jordan said “nonessential person- are going on. most of which we will A simultanmia inmhing .it {hr 1”,“ ““" ““d u“! 3" “l "““M
dered to. offshore shipsuleaders 0f tureofthearmy. ml" _ such as clerks and mam”, “announce " headquarters ”1 French Mn“ K111"! tin, .-~ 1km. :‘ihrd in lermrixni It s
Lebanons warring Christian and “The changes are not that deep." nance crews — with the Lemman tn announcflu the new security atleastsasnldii-n ;"' "' "““" “““fi "’ " “wm
Moslem sects finally began a long- Olson said, “but the super power in- Marine contingent at the airport will measure. the Marine spokesman .tizhtttai m “in“; m Amen
awaited reconCiliation conference volvement complicates the situa- withdraw to American 6th Fleet also said the latest casualty toll Th“ “Mild“ mlniilllslt‘dlwt hm 4-4.: \utti-tt' 3-4 th wound intuit
yesterday inGeneva. tion." warships statimed off the coast. He from the truck~bomb that destroyed accused lranian backed terrorists oi imam-s .: 4:. UN‘ citil war and lien
. The conference, which will at- Among other complicating factors did not disclose how many people a Marine installation at the airport engineerinfl the double blast and has :05 its lI‘Jt «wring ruie he i-iinlin
tempt to settle old feuds and agree mentioned by Olson are lsrael's de- were involved, is "over 230 dead. over 70 “Ned “lbw"mfl “'l‘m‘m‘“ 1”“ ""1
on changes to give the Moslem ma- Sire to remain in southern Lebanon Asked whether the change was a wounded." He said search opera- *"‘“r;n“’lw"m“ ”mm“ "m" nw ; s “ \mmhm‘ m, ”mm,
lon'ty more political power, was pre- to have access to water supplies and result or the Mk bombing. Jordan tions were nearly complete say [ '\ haw n“ Chm “but" the .ii'i‘usatim ll" its iiiritrr ilit‘im ll.
sided over by President Amin Gem- L0 have 3 population 01' Shiite MOS- said: “The situation has changed. “We‘re fairly confident we‘ve got menu“ ,0! [he ”numb "n“ mm. the mat the t \ miupioln' u;
ayel,aChristian. lems for bargaining Pm. and andwerespondtothechange." jlfit “bow everybOdFK' Jada“ “Id madenoarrests adopt .i [mulls-i tailii \ agatlnbl
1 Syria’s desire for better strategic Along with moving some people One or two bodies may still be in the ()lson doubts that imnihing was an 1”” lllsun ......i ..m "mm “m
UK hlStOI'y pfOtSSOF BObet't 015011 posttlon VisaVls Israel. back to ships, Jordan said_ the Ma- rubble of what had been the four- lraman art '1! was protaihlt ii Let) .in opening lot \trim‘q-t “4“.“ ..i
predicted that the mam issues of the ”All they're domg is negotiating rines were “relocating and rechan- story headquarters of the Marine ant-5e. although possibly :1 Shut-- it lrnritr. it: u'nrwth lr.it: ‘
‘ ‘$ WI." . < 7 fi 7 . .
I ' 4 .3 Laissez-faire
if 11 1 Libertarian candidate compares government to ‘u cunccr'
- ts» \\ 3'3
11$ ‘1‘: 51f ByJOHN VOSKL'HL about less goti-riitiii-iit and It's\ mini lhi- gmr-rtiiiii-nt helps pan int
: _ 1 1 41%;- i. 1‘ » News Editor management but that has llt".'I'r in. ”w t'\[l‘ll.\o‘\ oi i‘tininiuni‘t countries
11 '1 :11; 11.1: 4, . ~ - come lhet'aw,w he said in ”talking Kufll’ilfilfi‘ii hurts u. nut
is bwfi 1 4? § _ 11 1 t The Vice-presidential candidate of "(iovemiiient l.\ llltt' a l‘itnt‘t‘l t'l'l. llltl kiniuiirim
4 4i 1, M 1 Lay»; - i1 ; ,1 ~ the Libertanan party critiCized t s masquerading as its own t'lllt' hl' l‘hr oni- purl of this shit that '
. . 1 f ‘ .44"; - " 1 “112,25 ‘1; ‘i‘ ‘ § -,~ intervention “'1 bebanon and Grena said "(nivcmnii-nl miilu‘s priih tio'ti'r gets tltltl is how these t‘ilttlniu
1 . " 1»: ' 41 i 1 1 da yesterday at the free speech area lenis.thi-nsa_vsitmllsolu-thi-m inst t‘txlllll‘lt'a \tlfHH‘ he uni
' > V $2. I ‘ $3 1 of the Student Center, (me of the problems that the l nit “r ll'llt'\l‘ the communist threat
1 Q 1 4 1“: «N4 Jim Lewis. making his first ap~ ed States government is making lur would collapse it M‘ were mt sulli
' 5_ f ' 924:1-_ ,1) 3’ ~.__.-—. 4.4. .Ls.4_4..__~—— . .4.
. ‘ t4 _' vii} r" 11. _ 14.; 1 4 month ago. told a crowd of about 20 '1 ' ' ' 0 a
' /,«.‘ $1.14 ”3:: N» ' “f; people that the Libertarian party 5‘ 2‘
4-4 s ’t‘ ‘ if: condemns US military actions in .5 fl 5': ~ ‘ 1’
s 1:145 , 4 '4 thetwocountries. 3 -
4 ‘52”; .- ‘ t “ ‘ t “On the events of last week." he . ' “
g? 1 “ said, "we think they‘re absolutely ‘ ' ‘
- .r he“ "33m" '
. g _ _ é 1;,414, . Lewis said the Libertarians favor ‘ ‘ - 4.
4 4, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘13-?- - ‘ a “non-interventionalist" policy -~ " 5 ,
1 , .1 1 4; _. '1 41-11 :11 not an isolationist policy; but one in g I
3“ 1 fl ff? 2 ‘ which one nation does not attempt to :' M / 4 ' / :4» / l
1 3‘ t4 3 ’7 _ ‘ " 7 . participate in the political affairs of f a,
1 151. m ‘ '1, “_:.1 . M1 2 4 -, ~11 another. ‘* J L ’ ~ 4 // ‘
ii _ t 414;. - All? i. 1 ‘ ... Libertariam also favor laissez- ' l
1 " ‘ 1 ‘1 faire capitalism. the elimination of «E x‘ 4,. l
t 1 . . 1 - :3“; :44 governmental social welfare pro- t‘ 4 l
4 ' ' " 1 ' » . 4 "‘ 4.2% grams and total deregulation of the f. . _
4 111: 4 . . ii“ . .1 it; " 1‘ public by governmenthesaid i ‘ ~ -. ‘ '
m‘“’ .1» . \\x . "“2431; if 2.- “Obviously. we have very little
\Z " 1 if confidenceingovernment."hesaid
' » 1 . - it €323?“ “i guess if you were to draw a line
.1 4;. ' _ 1 :33: and say, ‘Let‘s let that line rep- ...
e 4 _. (4 l.” resent the various forms of govern- L413:
1 ' ,4 ment,‘ totalitarianism would be at 11 . '4
1 1 ,. {’5 4,11‘1 one end and libertarianism would be . 4-4;.
' .241» r’, ‘r’, ‘1- 1 11 ' 4 x r y‘gi?” at the opposite end of the spec- 1
"I ,4) [i ' j l;- g1" 2"“??? m,”he said -
' , » ;-' 43" \- t ‘t 3V? The party's main goal is to weak- Vice prcxidcn'i'il in ll 1 t' - lltll 3| wt 1 lil‘j‘;l':‘.l“m“ h '4 H
4,1 111 $1 en the powers of the federal govern» 1 cab! 1 1 .1111t.1’thi.t: 1“ 1 t 1i-1, n it EN iliiiiiin hart.»
_ . 1-. ,1 i 1-. meat. “Politicians with the two Sp 1 ii a cit t t» .i till; 4 [\twitlt ill the tvcc \I‘CCxlE 4th iii liic
_ . . 111; 4 major parties are always talking ludtnt(cnlcttcxtcidm
» 4 ~ 0 e
.1. . Out-patient pharmacy Will relocate
4' . , ' , ' . By ANGELO B. HENDERSON petiole who Wm? prtst‘rtptmm ‘Mll MW 0' W "hm“ me "new! It
3 ...,L 4-; V ‘ 1 4 ‘ SeniorStaffWriter be 18CFOSS the street " Fink said thi- Mediral (enter such in mm
.--., _.4 4 4 tier 4,, ' , ”“5 WW“! ‘0' COW-"WM It Hm- surueri and pediatric» hm-
1 1 as” , 1111-411 11; ‘ 1 ,1; f1The“out-p;i13:)tup(l'ial\:i.ncli1icyl(g; the will; be tl-pnbr-nient for the patients been there since that building was
é‘sixé@mhfi’§L4\$§§§ ‘ §V£41 ’ '3 ' I is ”10le “9 8 “00" and “7085 the scnbers " I M w out-liftrwn the space “ M
Atwdts‘afi‘sfitsigfmksrfi“ ti‘t«W»wwgmw* “M" ‘ " _ 1 street into the New Medical Plaza, The Medical Plaza is expand to "The patients in tin-u tunic» not
11>‘mtt§:i;‘j "N‘s-u. ‘ 1, ; said the assistant dean of the Col- start full operation during the first including dentistry ..r.d Student
' '1 4 4 :— ' _ “ . lege ofPharmacy week in January. according to John Health have alread. grown from
111.3,. 1 .. 4. of-«The University is "11] [mew-fem :3be director of Ambulatory t ilrt' about a thousand i year when the
._ ., "ff“:‘“ moving virtually a c inics ~ rvices main buddi win first occu
1 1111 _ 11 1 3t .4 £4, 4 j out of the hospital and into the New Fink said the actual move is 17mm nowluyenr,”\li'ebtuaidpwd lo
7 dA(INTl\I.R\ ItcrneleaH Umvmlty Manes] .tha am We‘ll “Muled t0 (X‘Cur during ('hrlfitmh’s Th. mm? {hm w my“. to m
Steel h. h (pharmacy) be movmg with them break when the patient load is light plaza Will nut be expensive for the
lfg Joseph L, Pink [11. assistant dean er.anditis relatively quiet pharmacy and the yobs will stay the
An unidenti ied steel worker-needs a support as he works on the side of a steel beam five stories and professor in the College 0‘ Phar- f We”? saldtllill 0‘ [he Chm“- ”WW “my firm “m ”M ”M . mu“
above Main Street. The building under construction is opposite the new McDonald‘s and Kerr Bros. macysai ' ~ on Oph mology Chmc and a 0‘ unym‘ everything “To" a”
Funeral Home on the corner of Woodland Avenue and Main Street We are movmg became the M f” 0‘ - the smaller ”Emmy me" But [he maven m“ h." to
' ple who get prescriptions and the units. Willbemovedtotheplaza go up a flight 0! stair: became the
pharmacy in the plaza Will not be on
F d b h ' th I] ’ b SGA V P '~i‘"‘r‘”“”“°“"'
reu en er S OWS O CI'S W 0 S 088 as ' “"‘"
. . ‘ in the new Medical Plaza build-
3 “MJONES g ing the marmacy II at the second
y rter brown—striped 1 tie and tan dress a _ _ which F‘reudenberg and David End but l really just want to help pm 2:: a”; ma)”; tum 2n"!!-
Itepo pants.1 The h‘fiiréelonce so heur‘r'ulyi is Tim WI/l run the ford won by nearly 500 "0‘99 — 5 PIC " \a'lw'rl'u'nlllnl prmnptiyxare Ting;
'm den . . now immac a y com . . ere . “near landslide" according to with such ideas. one might think _ 1
a]? “vigil" "T553822: pgfie F‘reudenberg. gavel banging on the ShOW.1 H e 5 an gen“), Preudenberg. 1 Freudenberg is interested in bemm wnlg'guz‘mu 3:1"; "a: u. "i
jeans and turf shoes. His sandy hair podium is the Vice paident. He is workmg person. ” Prior to his 'Vice presidency. mg a politician But he said. "I‘d floor 50 ‘u a common" “d“ {or
is uncombed. F‘reudenberg speaks in‘controloftheSGASenate. 1 1 Phil Ta (or l-‘reudenberg was in theSGA senate really rather have a private law "In" "um“ 11 m" "mum
comfortably in his office. with all Tim Will run the show.‘ Phil 1 y . {or two years, His first year he won practice" A double mayor in [in y
the manners of an easy-going and Taylor. a pre-law senior and an arts Arts& Scrences senator a seat with only“! votes "I was glish and political science. he said W "um m" ,
accomodatingpolitico. &1sc1ence1s senator in the Senate. 1 1 1 1 campaigning for Jim Dinlde (former applying classroom techniques to ‘
The scene charges to the Student said. “tie s an actual working part- 3'0“ 0“ the mimng 0‘ ROblnSOH F0!“ SGA president). and l found out the "real world" and watching them
Government Association Senate. ner. 'l‘l'us summer David (Bradford. at about an empty senate seat no me workiaa “kick " fl"
Gone are the jeans and the turf SGA preident) worked 40 hours a _'" 1W” well:thought 001.1 and l was running for. I had my frienth No politician. even a student poii I
shoes. This night NW8 week. Tim stepped in and took up ”Mk It helped "1 the advertising 9! write my name in and I won the seat tician. ll without influences. no at INSIDE
m a m my jacket 8 the slack. Hes not afraid to step It. Joy Herald. direCtor of public withlsvotel. 1 Preudenberg's influences are Martin
’ in." 1 relauaufortheSGA.wd. In moon to serving in the stu- Luther Kim. whom he IdMIrPB for » w
"Stepping in" is one thing Freud- Freudwberg said he opposed the dent mate. Freudenberg was also his non-Violent protest. and Anwar 9} - _ it“s» " 4114:?
enberg has never been afraid to do. mining of Robinson Forest for two praident ot Societu Pro Legibu. a Sadat "It took peat courage “ l » " » . ' , ‘2“
At Newport Catholic High School. he reasons: He said he had a problan pee-law honorary society, prior to WM am at 5.4.; '1.) fly 3' ‘ ‘ “if“ '
served as treasurer of his senior with strip-mining in general became becomingSGAvioepreoident. to Jerusalem. into the land of his with ‘_"" 3
class and was editor of the school he is an aivironmentalist. and he 1,, 5, "mt am“ Where enemlajndshlke Begins hand -
newspaper. As a junior, he was in also said he feels the mining of the has made mm“. "He's very mm “,d a, student .p, I - 1 1 4
volved in a local action by the high tweet was a bed precedent fa the elfecttve .. “a.“ said "he dos thy on campu. (only about It) per . “aw f
school student councils which lim- Universitytoatablioh. m ' hall-heartedly'" Taylor cent at the students vote in most r “y i ' _ r ‘ j
itedthectn'fewtmninNewport. ”1he forest in med as a class— W “We worked W in So electiorm. make his job harder he» ‘ ‘4’"“”I ‘ “'r . ‘1’
fi‘eudenberg Edit! this “get in- M. It'l M to teach." I'D “Id m Hm wh- v- 1"” Illd came I! doan't know Whit students rrgwr4- 4:4-" I
volved" attitude to his father": “If the forut had to show a profit. “and "v” had otr'differenca one want "We lack directim." he Illd ‘ « » . 33"»
death, which occurred when he was what‘s to keep them from asking the way a a. another But “a" .1." "We're not told anythim by the vot
mneyeandd.“Mytather-hadjmt chemistry apartrnait to make a m Hegtatheright People for «1"me added that the
been mated to vice president of profitbymakimehemicah?" therlditjob" last election had an increase of
~ his company,“ he said. “Then all hardening said he does not feel ' about an voters but said it was
that was gone. I began to take a university diould be rm as a bili- the (lily pouch Tayla' said. was mainly due to two big nous Robtn- "its 4 .;4.i,4 “*-
thinp more aerioi-ly. I looked for a neeo.1‘he My of the Univeni— that am my be a little too eon First and the mandatory €49! 3'44; 4;: ‘
cameondwaitafterit." tyotmldbeto‘mvideaplaeetor dedicated. "nu: m way too ire-mite: " ‘ WW
AM fighting for com has be- leornimtotakeplace." may hot-11m he wotid wt Al fa the Mm_ Where to a» My g‘m‘rfinwwfir - ‘
come l-‘reudenberg‘o speciality. M a me Robina: Fact inn no a shanaihyilheoould." undecided A low career I! po-ible. ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘“ “"2; -
senator in last year's SGA senate. big man for When but it is W really adults to he said, or . an" m humus He 1» 1«4-:v:4:.;.-«.4~:r.;114—»—4; . 1
hem-medardwrotethelegle- nothioonlyacoomflietmentfle mmnuomamu “mnemuiiywantatomakepeo 4” -4 ‘
TIMFREUDENIERG lation when was responsible ia- wao elected vice waidmt d the Ida 86A post. “I don‘t really know pie care. '1 want people it. said. .7; 43-94 as -
“delayim."uheeetlsit, thedeci- SGA last spring; an election in whyldoitlknoviteoInheorny. "toutemmmtheirovmhana‘" “ ‘ ‘
'1 . .1 ,

l . . V V 2 D. t t to a b
. —
HAIRCUT A THON tree or ge s promo ion, new J0 adds to workload
- - ByS'l'EPHANlEWALLNER sistant to the chancellor.” Stephemon (as special naiatant) and pet-firm a
Wednesday, Nov.mb.,2N°°n,obpm Senior Staff Writer said. . coordinatiiu role." Gallaher aaid. Gal- . .2; “137 .2. on...
S'Udfl" chm..." Ballroom .lohnB Stephmaon. director oftheAn c1392; Wmmg mm the waif. toned: :' '
’52:“ palachian Center, has assumed additio work as director of the Appalachian Cen- with those who can best take advantage I '
,3":- Hair-(m unmet. mlgutiea to aid the University in under- ter and chairman of the Cunmittee for olthem.” ""
' W Roundhouse 2°.th Ioautyialan gra uate recruitment, according to Art the Review of General Education at UK. Gallaher hopes ids asais '
Gordoneldo so m m t
toilet"..373?”T:Tl'....‘:2'£°§.’.‘.f£.““"'"‘ Gallalglr, chancellor for main campus. His new title is specialassistant to the experience will promote new ideas 1):st '
Proceedsgo ’0‘ “3:1 selective adWImtils‘Sions coming mf, ahanlcsellor tfor acladennlilic develogn'ent. innovation in how to better contact stu-
- concerned a vaney 0 ea OJus recen y nquished po dents. .
‘_.__ " “ *' _'____._ ' " ' ' __ :anfiwei‘i “$32.2: 3222.25.31? fé2;’"d§2§.”‘°°nm..‘3‘° “am“ °‘ "‘9 ”d“ 1936sz mm... mm” ‘“ .
__ w . .V _ _ . . . tof beha - ~
. IME 'lU - EN‘I’ ucation, matters which Stephenson will firu finish up the courses I'm involved ioral science and the College of Medl- . r. 1
Mechanical 8 Electrical En ineer emmw- , with now, but I will not be teaching this cine, as well as the social depart- . ‘
g Gallaher said Stephenson who res nt S ‘ "h 'd ogy ”
. Students Needed'Part-time . . , P S? ' Brine, esal . meat. W- . _
_ . ly chairs the Committee for the Revnew i miss my department" Stephenson He served as the dean of undergrad- * ‘

Flextble hours available. of General Education at UK, has a said of his decision to leave his sociology uate studies from 1970 to 1979 and then 53' » K]
Minimum 20 hours/wk on 2nd or 3rd strong interest in undergraduate educa- . post, “butsomethinghadtogo.” assumed thepoaitiai as director ofgrad- ‘- K ‘1". —
shift. Manufacturing Enviroment. save. tion. . Stephenson said his duties at the Appa~ uate 8M6 fl! sociology. Stephaiaon I
ral positions available. Apply in person Stephenson describes his new duties as lachian Center will not be reduced, how. servedinthlspoaltlm until 1am. ' l (
at: “anything that would have to do with ever. He plans to appoint an assistant to The W Wt 0‘ hi! involvements Q for

corn 0",“. l quaiy 1m me or iswor Wi a - ate ' n of
gnu-o, 233:3...“ “Wu “ 2. 2 . .. 2.... . meanness m “i

. . . , W -
~ L.X::.fn.::l Péyc" “That's a lot to load on one special as. “John will bring new ideas in this area sumedin I“. m as JOHN STEPHENSON :na
0 (X'
. ' " —~-———— Forum to b h l ' ' ' ° 2.
~ —- e e omg on 1g er e ucation issue :2:
2;. Sty“ 1:13;ng DAVIS tativesor any type of personal references to the student Chris' Greenwell, personnel director for UK Demo me
Iclzmpajign or their members —— “this is not a debate,” crats Together ’83, which has merged with Gibbs’ group an}.
._ sai. fortherace,saidthe urposeofthedebate “ '- -
tuZ‘Ee :mnuifiogrfinmggrfiwauogetand tut: Ken- '. Three minutes will be alloted to answer the ques- formthestudents aboutp the issues." was to m {,2
dentyrepreeentatives gfo the £113 ugh“: “:85; C3153; 319115;“? each fitment {epresentative Will give a three 111e1ndepe' ndent candidate will notbeattheforum. pla

., , . . . . , , . mu cosmgs eiiien. Freudenberg said the McCubbin or - t' i.

' L :3: :g;?g:u?£{mm‘] discuss the candidates Opm‘ Andrew Oppmann, editor-meme: 0f the Kernel will responded to calls or written igjintzliztah? (ht;is 3:: f

The forum will be held at 7-30 p m at 206 Student mommy the mm": “m {“w' ."ews “m" °f "‘9 ”mm" .3" ”id he “'85 disawmmed that Mcmbbin {ff

.::=:tfff;j_-__~ Center The independent candidate Nichol s M Cubb' Kernel, Genie Sullivan, editor-induct of the Kentuchi- was not gomgtoberepresented at the forum. lov

W " " {I ' Will not be represented because a, represgntaticve trill: :l’llll fidmdggg‘hfgmgf 0f the Kernel, digits sii‘ddhe‘was surprised that the independent can- gr (

,. . . .3” .2. , e, , 2 2 , ' . _, . ’s s en re resenative '11 t t' ‘ ‘

,. ‘ _ . .1 ._, . ,5 2 . $1223:th for Mcoibbin did not attend an organizatitmal BLarry 315% preSIdent of Students for Bunning and forum. But he addgd, “Let’s gefillseflgoéarvlglfiaohgtlcig :12
- _. , s...m................ otnemmmgsmnmwrs transition“ 2
M .4 2 2 , ’2,- i the forum, SGA “5 Milohfihle for the expellsm 0f the dent of the [law School Young Democrats, will rep- Greenwell said, however, that he'd like to see McCub- def
. g, . , .. . forum, while the Kernel Will monitor the event, said resenttheCollins m - u . . . re‘

2 _ 2 , , , ca p. bin there. Any candidate can win. He has Views and ’
2-, *efl/ , . Tim lt‘reudenberg,SGA Vice President “Andrew (Oppmann) and I were concerned that no- opinionS.” mg
~ ' ' thfigl‘lxtling t0 Freudenberg, the “1185 for the forum are body is paying attention to the gubernatorial race. We Freudenberg said he hopes to see at least 100 students r1:

I"‘-: _ . . “'" . Student :gpresentatives will “hold their comments to 33:89 Ft‘rhguflfrlggrgosagif‘lt St ts more aware (0f the 3:432 f'mm-i‘] He 'st'hidlume questions at the forum would I

. , . .. 2 . 2 , , . .. . _. . . n W] ' ed ' -
- stgfdplatform of their candidate - no editorializmg. he d Bgig 5811,8016”?th of the forum was “to educate stu- tions Bull concyern the “glgent’gfetil‘ggectt’iuvte siftimtfiquaoi- fi
' ~ ~ en on t - ' - . .
"’.:___ . There will be no rebuttal from the student represen- selves on"?! ey may not be able to educate them ggttzomngeneral. . . . Or, why do you support your can- cat
, _.. - ' , ter
Earthquake rocks Turkey 9 H 2 p ‘ V i
.ERZURUM, Turkey (AP) — The earthquake that . Health ‘ . ,f H A l- l
killed at least 1,126 people in eastern Turkey left 25,- b A ' l ‘
000mb homeless in the windswept mountain rang— m" " "' *" . .
. es en'ng the Soviet U ' . F‘r ' . - r-m’w ‘ -
tures and snow delayed mrczecue egggt‘gtstegpetrtae continuedfrom page one ‘6‘” l“ {I " ' I
C l remotest villages and endangered the survivors. getting prcfslcriptions —- it will be on , 2 .2 2 . 2 . .. ' t
. . . An announcement by the martial law command ”“0"" oor 1' » .- ‘ 33 l3 ' 3
said at least534people were seriously injured. Fink said 310118 With the mover the f 2 ; ' i ’ ".3
l 1‘ lStla n 101' The quake, which struck at 7.12 Sunday morning pharmacy will put a renewed em- " 22 ei
LUNEI IES misinyedwsgdlviuagesmand left 44 of them without a {2152815 heavily on patient consulta- ‘ ‘ .
ngs ng,au orities said. 1 - i
S ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ The heaviest damage and loss of life occurred in “We want to make sure before .. . .
1:1; THl; Dll-~—~~—-—~—-————l——-—-———_—.. . . i . Z

 Y W
THE KENTUCKY KEINEL Tue—by, M t. 1”) 1
W_w-m"w.._.__.___._. .u . . .._ .
Iony 1 mm..-
R E A .‘ . , ' ~
My '
An \‘in' A is! O M-
- O O O i _ .
Bergman finds spiritual peace s. “
O O ‘ " ~ ‘
in autobiographical swan song ' ‘1, \ 9*
. _~ Only through the bishop‘s death dam of Mary. Joseph arid the Child a" ., ...
KERNEL RATING. 10 does Alexander feel he will be free «so brilliantly illurnined in "The S 4’ " 4'»
— —-————-—-——-—-—— of the monster who tries to make Seventh Seal"! are at home in Berg . ' i". _ '
him somethirg he is not. But, in a man's church -— the theater Bathed 3;", . ,1 ' ,- A , ..
God works in mysterious — and horrifying finale, Alexander learns in the lights of the stage. Bergman “w ‘ y 5 .« ’ ‘
for Ingmar Bergman, theatrical " thattl’tisisnotthecase. is able to worship God in the free- 3%“ f? I . '. ..
ways. in an intriguing turn of the screw, dom that Christ discussed and that E" t‘ h ‘ .. ' '-
~-—- In “Fanny and Alexander," Berg- everythiru seems to work out all churches seem too mlling to part -, ‘ _ 2' ~-
man returns to his native Sweden right for Alexander and his family. with, 5'? ,i," ' ”" .‘r , ' ‘ ‘\ ‘ j ‘
for one last time with an autobiogra- Serenity is restored to the family The Bergman who sealed the lid r «a: .' » ’ ‘ .- g g: . ‘
phical tale told in the fantastical and Alexander can once again allow on his creator in ”The Silence“ is ' w ' x ”O A ‘ ‘\ J . ‘
style he seemed to have abandoned his imagination to flourish and grow gone. and the new Bergman in .i‘ ‘ \\ a s» ;
after the lilting “Smiles of a Sum- — that is until his nightmares be- “Fanny and Alexander" revels in i 1“: ~\ '
mer Night"and“The Devil‘s Eye." come reality and come back to contented spirituality Througl. the . n A 1
K ’Demo- As seen through the eyes of Alex- haunt him. matriarch of the Ekdahl gamut mi ‘ . » _ .
ibsugroiip ander (Bertil Guve), a sensitive ten- And until Alexander can resolve relays the belief that worshi_iiiig ‘5 . .
as 0° 'h' yearold with dreams spinning in his the nightmares he will never be with one's heart and livtng a godlike V 4 " ,
head, Sweden in the early 19005 is a able to come to terms with himself. life is more important to the soul . \ E .'
rum. placeofmagic and wonder. It has taken this long for Bergman than the empty rigidity of the s ’ ' , g.
has “0‘ His theatrical family offers the to advance to this state of mind. and church. ‘_ ‘ ~- A '
(to the . psychological excitement of “Ham- the wait was well worth it — for us Bergman contrasts the two ‘
”0mm let" and other classics. 1.! also al- at least. The Visual splendor 0f the through a series .Of Visual images liliillic lkdahl Il-ua lioliiicl lilltl llt‘l \lxlt‘l iii law \liii.i t\1i\ii.i \l.ilii:i t-iii . t hi..:iii.i - an”: i.i:iii;i
lows room for his imagination to Ekdahl 5 house and the sense of be- that is both beautiful and startling h ‘ n _‘ . I . ~ . ll' _ . “l , V E \I' 1_ ..
den? can‘ grow. Asaresult. helives in world longing that pervades the Christmas The Ekdahl hoisehold IS a child s “ ‘ " ”*"M‘ “W'” ‘ ‘ -”‘“ ““m “
“9 1" the where statues beckon him and can- scene lend the film a feeling of in- paradise: baroque decorations cx~
°""."°°d dlas bring glass picturesto life. tense happiness and nostalgia. quisitely filling the house with
9 With no But once his father dies, Alexan- Bergman selects a variety of warmth and joy. The bishop‘s house. uglierthelonger shelii-es thcrc eluding Harriet {minimum minim heartfelt u‘t‘N‘prlu) min-ii main:
der is thSEd into the cruel light 0f themes from the past and dissects on the other hand, is stark and bar- He also combines the forces of Riorrtstrand and l-ZrlllliilJiu-phson with his iii-rim! sense of dim-not:
?MCC“h' reality. When his mother (Ewa FTOI- them for one final time, perhaps as ren, stressing the sinfulnoss of white and black llittglk‘ as he did iii The iii-st [I'l‘ltllllnllt't's Ilium-xvi Faun) Mill -\it'\.tlll0‘l tin-swims
lews and mg) marries the local biShOP (Jan proof that all in his life is finally set- worldly pleasures “The Matrix" ' "V‘it-n “-r ”w '~ ‘~ “ml by (ithl‘ .u \lt'\.tllflt‘l llM‘ ll‘\l llllll iii '- II lIJV‘d this
Malmsjo), Alexander sees the cruel tled. The most important of these is In true Dickensian style. the house forces of black ii