xt7mw6696572 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mw6696572/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-02-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1986 1986 1986-02-28 2020 true xt7mw6696572 section xt7mw6696572 \
' I
E B Vol. xc No.04 ‘ " Establish-61094
, University of Kentuck toxin t n K t k V
9 Y "\th since 1971 Friday. February ggI H)“
m COlll't clears way f .t . t M d C V  
By l-‘RAN STEWART Com yesierda h . . . . . ‘
, . Y. owever, has re- a ainst itself or its n- ' - ‘ . , - ' '
News Editor moved the barriers in his action sagtisfiedI" age “85 “'n be 23?]12hi92tgwem Health Serx'ice on Dunlap was a first-semester grad- 1. esterdai in a phone iiiterxiew from ' . ‘ . '
against the University. uw ' x '. ', ' uate student in the ['K geography Halon Rouge. l4 h-‘- l - s - ' ' I - ..
. A former UK student has been I . misdiamciiigim‘ggtoitgfieflailing; GUIllainIBarre is a nerve disorder department when he went to the Stir suini: n rioctoriitif ddérf-Lknkhd 1T; , - ' l‘
~ grantee} the Opportunlty to seek com— A statute of sovereign immunity 3 partial waiver of overnm tal characterized by muscle weakness dent Health Service for a $1 flu shot sinnii State [~nl\(-[~I\ll\ School ”it“ I' _ .' .'
pensatioIn fora disability he says the protects the state and its subdivi- immunltv for the hos igtal to then progressmg upward in the body Thirty-three days later. he said. his osi-ii-nt.0 "l‘xc Iwhm ed 5“ 1 . . - . .
UniverSity Student Health Service sions from lawsuits. UK, as a state tent that this insurpnc f de I?" from the legs and can result in pa- legs buckled under him. pi-isonnl iii-inn ' ‘ . '. ' . ."r . ,'-
caused. institution. qualifies as a subdivision been provided for b? the 3331 t 8,5. ralysis or death. The Center for Dis- He spent the next eight months in ,. l . . I. . ' '. -.
Clarke Dunlap. 57. turned to the ofKentucky. Justice Charles Leibsyon wrote i: in eIitlse (‘ontrol in Atlanta. Ga. has (‘ardinal Hill Hospital for treatment 1h“ “mug. 1“ a b“) HUM} 1‘” ‘ '-' " . .- . '
court system seeking restitution for Th S C . . . majorit o inion e linked the disease to swine flu injec- and rehabilitation “"11 fights. Dunlap \Llltl "It s sig- = " . 7 ." n
a debilitating in‘urv he suffered . e Iupreme ourt said immunity y p - tions. D l h . I . _ niticant not only for lllt‘ but also for i -' ' .I . , .. .'
, I . b J .' S” was waived for the UK Medical Gen. John Darsie UK legal counsel ' - un ap as not regained the the”, “H the “m” “C'”“‘ ”‘ ‘l'ilt‘ '8 h I, I' ’ '7 ‘ I
years ago. ut a state statute With ter when the General Assembly could notbereachedforcomni t . . Dunlap said the odds of contract. his legs and his upper body still suf. WWW - K ' ‘ ‘ 1 g ,1 - " y "'3'..-
roots dating bad‘ ‘9 English com- passeda law allowing the Universit en ' ing GuillalIn-Barre were the same fers from muscle cramps. but yes- -' 3 '-' ' i " I . rat-
"‘0" law. blmkm “‘5 ”-5 million to establish “a compensation fund t?) Rimlap contends that he has been for the plain flu shot and the swine terda)‘ he "made a giant step for- “Umiw W“ “W \tot’l‘t‘tgn Immu- l "J
malpracticesuit. assure itself that health care mal- :0 inedéoIIa wheelchair after con— flu inoculation. One out of every Ward'I' in gaining compensation for oily statute tit'lllt‘tl him and those f 3. '1 if t
A decision by the state Supreme practice claims or judgments arigsldlg oft: flld'ihlizgfgiishgdhegfvzd mggzezefgplff vaccinated became his anUX‘leS. like him their l‘lLZhl to due proooss of ;. I; I" Z. (III-1'
_ ie. -- - , - . .. . .. 1-
I “as ""5 elated. Dunlap “”1 so. \IHH l\llR inn-t < " .51'6 7" 1351-5."
c O -‘. '-
w L “V “e .. exmgton’s ev
wan to.” 0' .,--' .
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. y ebra e national .
ii } M‘)'{)\S “I .I; _ t.-I~ II I I‘
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* , .51.“. . -~ 6 ’ ' ' . .» . ' i “SK-"KEN PHILLIPS wt l . tvsi - . - l ' f '
IIIIQINII’: IIIiIIIIIIII “Egg“ _ If” .. I Contributing Writer iItIId )ii_ lll tit. all ”Hi the («inn . . II
’ ' " «:2- ‘~ i; :1? ‘ . 'Thc Ameri “in Ass -;t n ‘ ‘ . 7 ‘ i 'V '
no ”in. g; .5; 3&‘m.« 3, ‘ 4 Women have long played “gm“ i‘ersitj. \Voineln. A ontuiiil| 11h:t flips-ll 1 l I. ' ‘ '.
III I_ lit ' ’ cant roles In the course 0f history. groups to lie iiitolwd iii Women's - ' - if I
it“: --.._’ . J *I~\ and for one week their contributions History Week. \iill announce its out ‘. ' . -. ~
II :‘sc- . \ [3 f _ . . . Willbethefocusofnattonalhonr standing women of the lexmgtion- - - ; -. . .'
. fl I , I f: I, '1 7 , . I. The fifth annual Women 5 History Bluegrass area awards m three '~ ' -
“:"fi . \ / ' I . . 9 If ', I “99k “'1” be observed March 1 lociilwoiiienSunday V' ’. -. p
at; M - . 5y I through 9- .-\t the ceremony. Mar} Kelley. as- ‘ . - " =-
.. ‘ th tVie want ttI)I Ziake people aware sociiiti- professor of history at l)art~ ' ' ' ‘
I _. c . e a women a signi icant roles month (10110 n w I! 15. II; ..P .. ‘
I " and made a variety 0f contributions Woman. Puglic Sltagt: f‘ultler 1:33;: '
f .' ‘ \ \ . I- -*~ - in all areas of history and have been \t'ill focus on the experiences of 19th ‘ _ ‘ ‘ .-
. l . I .. I...” - ' ,I ‘ . . for a longtime. 581d Betty Gabe- century women authors ' ‘ ‘ .
I r 1 fit t - _ m hart. coordinator of L'K‘s Continuing "The Prime iii film jean Brodie" " '
‘ 3’ .1 I J ‘ L . EducationIFor “omen. \iill be shown March Ii It Wlll be the ~ ‘ ‘ -' l ‘ h
1'” ‘ $4 I t a W" " I " I ”soapy“ . h‘ The national theme for Women's first l11tl\'lt' shouii ii: the weeklong . ' - ‘
~' » .i . .II -----n . f Wig :IaI is. History Week is "Women: Builders film coring "Women in mm Hetro- I
I II I i . . ‘1 i??? ,1 :1th COITirggllltletS and Dreams with 5-9me “1‘ the lltTos" a festival . , .
WWW”... .Ll . I . 3:, 803 ing .0 @159 COMUOUI‘M’SS which in” reexamine the images. ' - .
I 33., @313" .2. . :‘II‘ ~. ”I. 3:03 “or?“ 1“ h‘Sto‘g’é saifd h‘u‘im— relationships and social roles of . .
4 ' ’ ‘I . _ I ross ‘ . a memI r 0 2 9 ‘0‘ women l."i tyipuliir tilms of the ‘70s - 1‘ ~
as. 5mg,“ I “" alitlonI Itor Women Historians and All moth-s \illl l)(‘ shonn at 7 :10 . ’ .
.II-o» - - - ..~ .I I,» I . I ~ AFChE‘IlSLS- , _ pm in the UM Student (‘enter The- I ' ' I ‘ ' ' ’
I I . W .s .135“. _ II I I , w“. ...._._ ¢ “Vie re not trying to change histo- ater . *
‘oo€;oo.oti. :71: I. i .‘ . .. . ' ’ 3'3 she said, “we‘re just adding [0 On March 4. the Feminist Alliance 1 V ' ,
. ovgkoI n. w;- I. I, ~ . s- . . ‘t-An [1d nf b or“ sponsor a :‘i-ccptlon for "The '.
. 2..., . I ~ . . ' a ~ ay co erence ringing to- Littlet‘olonel A Kentucky ldvll“at . , .7 . 4
. .~ , ,. I . ." II I ; gether outstanding Kentucky women 7 pm March 4. at the lmiington . 1’ - ’
I is." . retire. : I . scholars and community leaders will Public Library - ,5
. . 1.... . i. H. II I I kick off the week's activities Sature The exhibit will feature rare books ‘ V .N
A lass a t cuvowm somoisioli day at Midway College They will and photographs by Annie Fellows l i. J
g C discuss Kentucky women (if the Johnston and Kate Matthews - _ I.. ‘ , , . "
Lad K I K M I I past,present and future. he. specIial luncheon sponsored by I . .' ' I.-
.Y a s aren osley. e t, and Pam Shrum, try to esca e troit W d . . “It looks like it's going to be a l " P‘“”’~‘-"l“ndl “WWW" Forum ' . ' ‘ - '
“'ng 9'055 in Memorial Coliseum before their game with Dpe- shards o: 9?::S%:inf1g|%tter sjgedfofhhggt thIbs burst and Sent really great day." Gross Hill said Will he held on March 7. Lorraine - , l ' , n.
ec ur . .. . . . _ .v . .'
Womens history is becoming a \c-NNH, l’iuch . pi .- . .
“ t ' ' T Marcos’ rison w ' “ H. ’ ‘
Ca s overcome mx nn p- ers alt
J ’ e essee Player mm Ii: [all [I “I rli n pl Ip ‘. .A , ' ~- 4' ll . .I . . I
“.llkcr an Ill H i: it o It i x; for release b q 0 v‘. ‘ ‘. 7" -‘ V’V ‘
, o . . . . Bciinctt :9 _‘ i i 3 4 o 4 s 5‘ . f , e _ .‘ '.
UK 5 62-60 mm over Volunteers first in Knoxvdle Since 1978 $3.233? I: i I 2 ; : 2 z .2 y quino -.; ~ n 2",.
Byl’l'lLlJEHL-fl'l‘ points and their typical aggressive finished with ' ' "m" ‘3 H I I t z 4 I ' MANILA Phi“ ' ' t \P , ‘ - ‘ - ’7 ' I, "u ~. I" I V'
. 14 pomts. in part to the \‘l.ld.siill l_ o o n n i i. n n , - - 99"“?5 I r ' . titticials said more than JO“ people - , .- 3 ‘. '. ,II .‘ .,
Sports Editor man-Itoman defense. . sticky defense by UK‘s Ed Davend~ two i .. n u i» it n l o PFeSldem Corazon Aqumoh Cabinet \\ ere in jail on assorted political ~ 5- " 3' 3 '-
.UI‘ shot a cool 36.8 percent m the er. will" Ii: = I4 n o 2 o i i. took over yesterday and her office charges when Ferdinand E Marcos " " " '. " , I'll:
lt resembled recent UK-I'l‘ennessee first half and only 45.2 percent for “White is an all'conference per- II‘I‘I‘II‘I‘“ " " “ “ 'II‘ ' 3 0 announced that records in several ended 30 tears of rule In mi. ph”_ ‘ ‘-. .» f ”1‘ ..
53m; atldswlt‘elfy Ighletic Center, the game- Bl", they were able ‘0 former. and we felt like we couldn't tum. zoo to u u M! \l i.t in ii: ministries reportedly had been dt" ippiiies and fled the countrx \\‘ednes- I If" .
stopped hdreca 5 ma y said the me whittedown UTS point guard Tony rifting-film". 8.? 531m perfol‘mance stroyed bynarco-‘loyahflfi do) in Hill 5 “I" Mr“ Plum- “0 H i ".26.":
.‘ . l . .- .. _ 's .' i ‘ ~‘"' 1. ~' ‘ "a
. After losing 12 of the last 13 games “They just did a better job on get- vender certdri‘nl' did (an 22:13 bl)a The new government and mm nov~i m m m - -' ' 5‘" - 7." a.
m Knoxville, UK warded off the so- ting the ball to their big gun Kenny him .. y g Jo on III immmm dreds of political prisoners held by , I. . iII - i, I'IILI i1‘I.‘
called “Stokely jinx“ and the Volun- Walker than we did to Tony White,“ ~ IItI-IeItI "II": t: it: 'I' ti: rt; i a: II: the fallen Marcus regime could he Philip llatiih. the special t‘ S it. z-‘f ’3‘ 7 ’35.?”
teer562-601ast night. said Tennessee coach Don DeVoe. Ahead 26‘” ,at _ the half. L'K inn... := 2 < i i i. n i n. freed next “Wk- but eansm‘ envoy. spent l‘I- hours with Aquino g i" “ i ."i-l'a
.i] don‘t believe in jinxes,“ said whose team fell to 1244 overall and worked the ball inSide and also got loop at» I a < r :i- 2 i ll paperwork SlOWt’d ”19 process on yesterday .\ statement from her i‘ 1‘ , .-' ' 'E‘ ','l- A;
UK coach Eddie Sutton. “But at 5-12intheleague. 3:393 595:5"? play from sophomore :‘hf :2 i I: h A 1 \ : N Some Wit 1 mm! mm “am" “tended ”the : I i‘.‘ ' ,
- ric en ins. '” H'- - - ‘ 4 ‘ 3 ‘ ‘ iica risoners were . . ,. 1 , - , . " ‘-.‘ *3 ,3 ‘
ltihaIlIEtlme lIIthoxght there wasII5u¢h a Walker made 10 of 15 shots from . . . . . . ioiiIinnuI «I. n a n .I. I: o o o freed yeStet‘dayI butponly one of the thinnest giettings of l resident Ron- 1 I. I . f"! ‘.
' gasaiinx ereatStokely. the floor and 12 of 13 from the line . Jenkins hit two straight lnSlde “”””“’ - ' ' ' l ” ' 5 39 p00 1e on the l' t to m ed‘ t ald .B‘dg‘m and the "“"wm‘m 990' . ' , ' -- ‘ i-'
The win upped IUK‘s record to 25-3 and also grabbed nine rebounds. 1t Show and came up With a Steal at :1.le 1: il- : Z t: i «‘1 It] 0 ”has: actually hillsd or"; hymelab: p19 . .' Il—h' ‘|
overall and 16-1 in the Southeastern was Walker‘s biggest point produc- the .Other end While the Cats were ”at" t nightfall said Armandgo Malav head ' i‘
Conference. The Wildcats have 3 tion since the Cats' two- ame swin holding on a narrow 44-41 lead. Jen- Int-h 200 20 a 20 20 it it n w ' ~ . " -- - - ‘ ' I - ‘ l
chance to be the third team since in HawaiiinNovember g g kins finished with six points and Of a groupIof prisoners families He told "q“m” that 0‘" popular ~- 1'
1967 to finish the sac with mly one On the other hand won the three rebounds in eight minutes of called Kapam‘mme” EEL'S'TN‘I‘E” in“: ”a?“ ”my? ' ' ~ ‘ ‘ '
loss if the ' be t ' ' . . . - e, la . - ‘ ' “5 “rt-1"." peace U. ' . -.
urday. y a bouiSiana State Sat sECs leading scorer entering the p {l‘enkins v b" “Iriiiinrknfiirz:"one“:Iin.Isi......i..”..i..... . ICI)thfr prisoners were taken from had “deeply moved the American . . I .' , .
F th I . ame With a 224 pont average, hit gaI e us 3 lg boost there u 1...“... ii . on...“ . . om»... ., ii. 181 s . 0 processing centers and had people and those in the highest Clr- ‘ '. . -
behprd e w'wcats' the W‘“ Icame only one of eight shots in the first °mh°b°“°h- S““°"Sa'd- k.......i..._‘n.m emf’mnal "mm W“ relatives «It‘s Of the 1‘8. government." the " ' ‘ .-
in senior Kenny Walkers 32 half and four of 16 for the game. He SeeCATs Pa .7 while bureaucrats dealt with the statement said It did not say what
. . . gt .. documents. the to o discussed ' V.
Former senator says .- » ,, UK has collection of works . mane
academics crucial y nation S "St poet aureate ‘ '
. .. "I. woman's formic loom I
.- so... - .
1976 . . . “‘m «‘5: 3‘57. Staff reparts several black leaders in America for will take on their conference
° . 3.,W .. . his book. “Who S aks fo t ' '
Pre51dential candidate questions 1 .N The m. King library now boasts Negro."published in i325 ’ "e '°" W" ""V ”'9' "°"‘°
, at} a collection of manuscripts. letters, Warren is the onli writ r to h today. For a provtow, so.
' ' ' ' \ W - audio record'n ‘ ' ‘ . -' ' e are SPOIIS, P0 2.
country 5 political and military future bv the naiioii-fsiir‘l'i'dprféislffr'éfi'és “'°" “‘9 ““1" W“ W ““10“ 9°
" ’ liobert Penn warren ‘ and for poetry (twicel. W
gggwnpiemm“ senator from Minnesota told a group a Warren. 80. a native of Guthrie. In 1930- Warren took part in a UK and Mo Cho’ byi Tirolfiw‘
r of about 150m the Student Center. Ky.. was designated Wednesday as symposium on his writing in honor '7 '" ’ ' int
Nice in the past 30 ms the McCarthy said judgment no. will. , the first official us. poet laureate. of his 75th birthday. Amm‘” "‘°l°' “’5" "‘
United sum has had CYha - to "“0 amag“IttItIBIIchIIttIgidemto». the \ 3:; several years he has contrib- in an interview with the Kentucky "°’I"' F°' ° """‘”~ m
turn off paths toward irreversible The poring... can-i solve ii. ‘ UK libmrzrr‘vmcnms or ms works to the Km” during his Vim warm" ad' a " 3'
destruction. try‘s problems because .I- . Vised young writers: “Never write .figgfiamsgmg -
In 1906. the nation has another facts and concepts that are flair: defloth Itn flhtiieflficlal COIIections was y°“ {99' compelled to. 1 mean ‘. ”if! ""2 I -. I _
chance, but without m cat lous who . - par men 0 . i rary. the War- write. yes write. But don't set out to £st . 4 '- j. .-
from educators and studcnjtswit“ will lems mags? modern prob- EUGENE MCCARTHY ren collection includes manmcripts be a writer “”755 you feel COm- i i i. ,...M.rs3 .
continue on that 93th. ene Mc- .. , we moved f the A- the hydrogen b. politicians of his poetry, fiction. short articles, pelled to; Unless it‘s a need. leave it
Carthy said during a Elecuturc last bomwts'mto' the H-bomb Imitnwas like began to comparebo‘itnwith the num- plain and textbooksI These include alone. It: not a parlor trick. It‘s a “do, to “9““ '9 I.
night. moving from Latin to Greek .. he ber of wt“ it carried “You wor ingIIcopies of All the Kings waonf life. I dont mean a way of CM with caught m
“Unless 30m kind a .. . - - . ‘ . Men, Band of Angels.“ “The making a living, 1 mean a wii of
I e sound said. We could then measure the A- can compare 't “‘1‘ one H'Mh'ma- Cave" and “Flood- Rom l'f " y of m M“. CH ~
filament is made at the academic bomb in traditional measures. tali- but somehow it” '55 disturbing Our'l‘ime “ ' A ance 0' le. Nil M & TM “
level. with teachersandsmduiu... in; one Him," fu- 9W"! A- when you say one megaton," he , ‘ . I I Claire McConn. manuscript libriir~ a
the mtryIIwm be headed toward banb." said. f UK s collection. which is available in at the UK library. said the honor .. mu” M W“ fl
destruction. the former democratic However. after the us. developed Seesmn or research, “go IinclurIleg audio for Warren will likely “create quite 5" h the mid ”- ”53‘
. ("LP-525 tapes of Warrens interwews with arevivnlinstudiuofhiswa'lu." » f '

 . '. ' ‘
2 - KWYKm ma 1“
. Jot-rm
Assistant Sports Editor
, . I \ . “4». .. II» .. .tWWitihsr" . I -. .. .
a . ~ f, w s «t1 i?“ whitissé‘wgiihni - . -
C L d Katt nnis team meets Florida
WWmmum,g£§ By KRIS'mPHER RUSSELL made the NCAAs as a team last Patrick isn‘t looking at anything Staff and AP reports
Staff Writer year and are certainly good enough other than the Gators. “They're
. Th \’ l pulled to within one toget thereagain this year. tough. On paper they have trI)la be
e '08 ‘ u ‘ ' r ' ‘
' . Southeastern Conference bragging We re ready to play. We ie pre- heavy favorites but I think we ve , ,
paint ,a" 5968 mm ”’6 left .0" rights will be on the line when the pared long and hard for this match agood shot to win it." Kats hungry for VICtOl'y Ill SEC tourney
“1"" {two free throws. White UK women‘s tennis team takes on and hopefully it will pay off. I also The feature match tonight pits Ta-
31‘,“ gbsnnede. gnfilssOZJS: [‘32 Florida at the Hilary J~ Boone ln- h“: n: dosh! that Florida is 5:? against gfahermnfégnrl'rakagl 1; The Lady Kat basketball team will be looking this week—
. ' .‘ . door'l‘ennis Center thisafternoon. rea y,“ esai . na lon's ra payer an . n t t . _
C99" During the same period. Simply put, UK and Florida are The match is the first ina long se- Hetherington is one place behind. end for theirggizrstbSout:ieasteriIthor;f:;er c? $512“: 6:18;?“
' U“ guard .Jam“ Blackmon h" the two best teams in the conference ries of tough matches for UK. 0f the “I‘ve never beaten her, but In low 5m“ . “I P aylng C C y 5 CS e
' only two 0! five from the hne and neither is likely to lose another Lady Kats‘ next 10 opponents. nine like to." Takagi said. “We were Will make the road TOCKY- . I .
' ‘W d- .1 h; d 0 0 $91“K conference match. are currently ranked in the top 25 in roommates at the (Nick) Bollittieri UK (IS-9) squares off with Loutsmna State (24-3) on
. m “is“: in; "1; Whigs; in m; Today‘s match is scheduled for the nation. Only two of those Tennis Academy tin Florida) a Icou- the campus of Georgia in Athens tomorrow at ll a.m.
ehd ”usuttonsaid 5:30pm. matches are at home, today s match pleI years ago, 3'?“ I practiced In the first meeting between the two schools last month,
' .. ' ' ’ The Lady Kats are ranked No. 17 and one on Sunday against No. 18 In against her allIIthe time. but I never LSU beat the Lady Kats 76—63 in Memorial Coliseum.
' ‘ . After Blackmon‘s last mi§ and in the country. The squad's to? “"3 dlana~ CW“ heather.
. .‘ . ‘. the (‘ats ahead only 61-58 min 27 infi?ngflegielgnfia;aigfizfihgr§ UK LADY KAT STATISTICS
‘ - ‘ . . . seconds left. guard Roger Harden . _ - _ . . M... W .... . , i ., r. n. . o . . , a o . . W
. . . , . stole the ball from W‘s Dyrnn in the nation. The pair are also one ‘ Eli EASEFTE?L::TQT£EZCS“ of a m I ah m NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2iIi :7 34'; II-IrIi zoiIi 3:; :0 in 83 “In: :30 .7: III :7 3 $2 94 :9 I1:
- . . M." on the Wing. Harden. who ofthenatlon stop lOdOubles teams. “lithium 25 g: 933 u: M 3; WM m H. W“ m w. 36 M l u 3. 519 I“ unit-Loam“ 27 21 (:89 25.5 iii its 60.0 8: IOS 780 too 59 in it] 3 7| 34 344 l2”
\ l ' .I ’11“ fouled at the other end. hit The Gators. who came to Lexmg' Bennell.\Mi~ln 2‘ 2‘ rm 313 m :(2 53h 9i Ito ”H nu M a: 90 4 54 ii 15‘ ll? \.““k“"mn 2: 23 3: 23‘ ”I :20 3;“ :8 68 :95 '6 f: 3' 69 4 7: :7 “4 I“
. . -I I ‘ II“. 9“ free "11'0“?5 to t [m [on a da I eaer to prepare for the Dmendeltbl :1 2' 8" it” ill 2,“ ‘5‘ .1 94 a-.. .0 26 9| ho l $9 I“ NS llh (roanlcbc f. 20 69 i") ll. :1 .0 a: 46 ..l lil ,‘. 46 M 0 t: 43 294 ILR
. ' . I am. . «‘0 - .. pu . ) . . . Biackmon. “III 2. 2. W“ 2.1 m 2224 ”I 2W 4W 5“ 105 w n: M I ‘2 is :53 9‘ “hllaker.IJodlr .4 IR 694 .59 HO .0. 536 3. 39846 .0 .I ”0 20 0 [9 is 25.1 ins
' . I - ' vault-away hats. are ranked No. 14 With J1“ He- Harden new 2* r 515 in: 79 14' <11 21 2‘ 930 so :1 its 5: n u, y m i.- HJldlng.$dnd\ 26 :1 8]] 320 9* :96 495 v 45 32.2 55 2| I6] is l r9 51 Ill 89
- " . ' ' l therington. Tammy. Whittington and \ladistin.kchrd 3h 0 43‘ lhl 54 9i «M ,ii rum ‘3 :s :l 14 n ll 9 m <1 :IJIIaniiSIIJItIlon It: (I) I5: IleI 1: (32(1)? I: 231% :3 1.: i It; 0 i 1 .38 j:
. W ' ‘ V ’ . Datender finished with 10 Jan Martin all ranked high in the lock.Roh :0 o l“ 7: 3i 4: “l iii in :20 2.: It: 2 I «In l; i 2: I: Hlidzc‘ntjlurc 36 0 SiO ins 35 (I; .197 (I I0 son *‘2 Eli ll i9 3;: it 5: :2
‘. .7 ‘l w unintsand Blackmon hadeight. nation. ::C;I'C"I"T(If:;" it 3 :l '2: :2 3215 ‘2 11,60", '1', i; W H 0 6 '3 W, E, hermit-Airmen l’ 2 1-H 8.5 H :7 SIR lo ll 909 IS 03 i4 l0 0 ii to fill 22
I ‘I l . '. . ~' ‘ "They've iFlorida) been the best Andrews.Paul Ill 0 m H ir 354:9 s n inn N (is I: l4 0 i 5 In 20 :EZ‘IIPIC‘IZ‘IIIIII if g ‘32 ’5‘; f? :3 :2: g It: :3 z: i: 1‘: :2 23‘: ‘I' '1: f8
. ‘. t‘: I -r I'l‘heI Volunteers were led, by team in the conference for many 8:"?le 1: 0 99 (j 2 in?” “2 11:3: :2 :1: I: ,3) 31: l: l: :3 Elberl.l\nne r: n to <10 4 * 5H 2 61-1.] in .9. I» 5 n 4 J in l
. . i \‘hglt‘s i4 pomts, while toruard years." said UK coach Mike Pat- lho:la\.lr-lng 1: u so i. . a “I I. “III“ , I” .14
. l < Anthony Richardson added 13. rick. “We're chasing them. They 1:11“ 5. _. 5400 200 mum q 5 m M. .16 m u . 4.9 m “‘5 2,. 302,, a“, rflltlls 2b — 52m :00 925mm 5| 6 w an 72mm: tits mm 1156: 322 :w ill 0
- ,' 'r l ' . I ‘ ' - ’ ”9“ Jones ll and Elfin Brown 10 have just a sensational Program and Opponents 2‘ 4 mo zoo M7l42l 4m in u.» ‘0! ”as 25 i m v»: 21415 No um 6| u “PW“W‘ 3“ “ ‘30“ 2°“ “”"73‘ ‘6" 293 "“ “5-1 “6‘ J‘ l 7‘9“” ““05 3'” “’0“ 7" ‘
- . I' .. . . . . _ _~__ .---.-» we want to be on that level. They
I .. . . . . I I .. , ‘l g m 5 UV! rri.ssai. 9-1
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. .I . I _ . .‘l'. 3 W . g or ' u .0 25:33? W % I,I..:;:;;v:.:-.:r.;.WWW/III”: .2 é
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' I ." . '_ ‘, " OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM row and seat number appearing on Al McGuire's ticket to theCollegeggsketball Finals.
' ’ ‘ . Please not the section to and not other appea In on Al McO lrecllcliat bet a loll
, . a: .w no r 0' can ovnonspec y
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' . complete this entry form and mail to: gig in We'flkm be eIIligEagIeIeior gprgeibyrmmuft correctly indicate the section. row and seat number appearing on Al
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Yes. i would lliieto mead the College Iaaltatbafl Finals with All family. Taxes on prizes are the sole responsibility oi pnzewinners. All federal. state and local laws and ”nations
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Please Note: The section. row and seat number for Al McGurre's ticket can be the event of noncompliance within t is time period. an alternate winner will be selected.
I ~. ...-.... , ‘ found on specially designed Miller "an Life "Win the Finals" Sweepstakes 5 Grand Prizewinners and traveling companions must be of legal drinking age in the state of Texas and must agree to
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I .I . . 43 ..r I state "m I am of '99" 6"an ‘9' in my state of resudency and hold no I prizes are as follows Grand Prize—$14.0“): First Prize—43ml) 0a.; Second Prin— 0a.; Third Frill-86.50 ea.
.. I . we" -. interest in a alcoholic hover license. No purchase necessary Vord in the 6 For a list of I’prizevrinners. send a so rare. self-addressed. stamped envelope to: Miller High Life "Win the Finals"
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. l I ©19868¢er Btmdb M“ i‘ 1.1" All '. .ll “ll ti..1 Al

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‘ '- -ew*tr..m twfité’c" . . '- ""’ ' ' .,”’“<"‘
. . ,
no ..r .1: Mean Candy
c ' '
0 e . C e e e e
a”: ‘t The Firm IS a rock poverty case but The Jesus and Mary Cham lS metal-rich
n: i: 7;. . / _, . ,
'2 :3 it, ~ ~ . B KAKIE URCH _——— ' ‘ '
c; c.’ \(1 0 e y . ‘ v . .
Features Editor I
“"5 , . REVIEW ,3 . , I,
PsychoCandy The Jesus and Mary — ' it , H ' " '. ‘
Austin City Saloon — moo Woodhill Shopping Center. tonight and lemon Chain . . - f _ ' . , -
row. country rockers Southern Spice,9p.rn. toi a.ln.82cover. Repri5e/Warner Bros. Records Mean BUSIMSS The Firm . ’ g I .
the Ier — 224 E. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow. Top 4o/disca music art in Atlantic Records ~< :' % ’ _ g ’- _' , .
sound system. 4 pm. to l a.m.: after hours on Soturhy from i to 3:3 am. The Jesm and Mary Chain is . -3§£nw ~ ., " ' " rm a . ' 7, r. . -
53m"- made of four young male links. and Aerosmith may be the 900‘" man's -' _' s y& H o " - s§a - . - -' ~' '.
aorta-rt line — not w. Short St. Tonight and tomorrow. Grammy awerd-wln- binds guitar, bass, vocals and drums Rolling Stones, but the Firm is the a: . ' I. y : .- . ..
nlng blues guitarist Luther ”Guitar Junior” Johnson plays from 9:» gun. to i in captivity with lyrics, distortion welfare recipient's Led Zeppelin. ; -. f: , 'I~ .- 4. .' ,I . l" II,~,-;‘
o.m. $5cover both nights. and feedback. Mean Business is their second :"§3;&' ' ' "T ' 7 ' . " ' 7' :54:
.(Topuwl fan'xm_'m:'$'m“d m'argd" and "" ""W‘ I“ 6"” Psycmcalzlizl is their firs; [IXmertié alburrbl;e andJIwas produced byi blandi .; 1 ' Ia , '

, ' ' ' '. ‘ ' ‘ can major re ease. an rue mem rs immy age an au '. . . v: .- ._'.i-, i1 if
m;':;; mXfiE'LSJMmM Md mm’ m "M" (original the title, it‘s powerfully sweet and Rodgers. The sound production is in- 3* P. . ‘I'If'I :ils"
Cafe unnot- — 337 2. Main st. Tonight, Kolihari (original rods), 9 p.m. to 1 crazy‘ gfed game'peuiwtogndtwulb‘; Pm“; t 7 . . f... 7.
am. Tomorrow. everyone’s invited to the Stealln’ Hones record roleooe party. The 14 (yes, 14!) songs on this LP 1" Sed er Cbprb 2c 10"“ "let: ' b ‘ 53.3» "3' _I._ tI' f2" '1 .I
9p.m.toia.m.s2coverboth nights. sound like the Beach Boys with a liaydthion t ‘. lhlef rea y we ve » 1:5. 7"‘.-’"‘.,.","_=--"fi:'-}:"
Crystal's — Hyatt Regency Hotel. Yhe lounge features Top 40 dance mic an chainsaw. The early Who with better ear 5 ma erla ore. - ‘ a . f’, 5.‘ .- "53": ',€‘{_"; .

a sound system, in addition to your favorite videos on a large screen TV. recording tech. Like nothing you And we heard masterofhjgh- . , '- '3 7357'? "it?
OWOVOW night-mt" ‘ OJ": NOCMF- . thought could happen. unless you range-power-vocals Robert Plant ‘ . : flit-"5'. Iii.» '5'
Great SCON'I Depot - 684 5. broodwoy. Tonight, Th. Johnson: (folk rock) buy The Jesus and Mary Chain’s sing it, which is how it ought t0 be i :13 .L . II . II ... ,. .. . . . II . . .. x.» I: II:I_- "1:31,. :31:
open for December‘s Children (original rock). 9 p.ln. to l a.rn. Tomorrow. Le line of pretention to the Velvet Un- It' you’re going to play Led Zeppelin ’ , \ i: .‘"'_ t- '.'.":"'vl".'i'
:‘1‘k'osrze: g:::f:;;;tz "32'3”" '°' "W 0”,“ (M'd‘w' ”do: 9 derground. songs. at least have someone who . it 'r.V
. . . . . , - . . . .. .. . . H .’ 'I..-.i-..v.e.'_.
ll 0"" In" _ ‘02 w. High St. Tonic“ and . ”my Train “Just Like Honey" is. one of the fgnofisfileafiheégfl :Sorléurgguire: THE JESUS AND MAR\ ( HAI\ 5 Ph\( H()( A\I)\ ,-I : 533'. '35.. '3'"
(vintage rock),9p.m. toia.m.$2 cover. longer and more melwlc 50'185 0“ Jimm Pa e'sg g a ’. 'i'-"_I.j' I-"
l.. A. Oliver's — Holiday inn on I-75 and Newtown Pike. DJ Mike Morrle spine Ellie k wch is the :33??an Siget y g ' :' . t 5: f .' t » .
the hits. Tonight, Bottomless Beer Mug Night. wheress buys all theheer you ll “ ever it erstan " omlna es But since The Firm (106“ this -‘; i ‘ I , . t t: .-.
can drink from to p.m. to I o.m.. and you keepthe st .Nocover. the “psyche" side. which features - . j H t k N 1 o ;, . i.
Library — 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomogrlfowfnufli Attitudes (popular some hard-pushing tunes.