xt7mw669673t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7mw669673t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-03-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 2000 2000 2000-03-02 2020 true xt7mw669673t section xt7mw669673t a

Deep thoughts

By Jack



Cats in first
SEC game

' Women’s
showdown in
Tennessee | 4


If you're robbing a bank



and you're pants fall
down, I think it's
okay to laugh and to
let the hostages
laugh too, because,
come on, life is

When you die, if you get
a choice between
going to regular
heaven or pie
heaven, choose pie
heaven. It might be a
trick, but if it's not.
mmmmmmm, boy.

If a kid asks where rain
comes from, I think a
cute thing to tell him
is “God is crying."
And if he asks why
God is crying,
another cute thing to
tell him is “Probably
because of something
you did."

If you ever drop your
keys into a river of
molten lava, forget
em'. cause, man,
they're gone.

I think college
administrators should
encourage students
to urinate on walls
and bushes, because
then when students
from another college
come sniffing around.
they'll know this is
someone else's

If you want to be the
most popular person
in your class.
whenever the
professor pauses in
his lecture, just let
out a big snort and
say ”How do you
figger that!" real
loud. Then lean back
and sort of smirk.

Instead of studying for
finals, what about
just going to the
Bahamas and
catching some rays?
Maybe you'll flunk,
but you might have
flunked anyway;
that's my point.

Maybe in order to
understand mankind,
we have to look at
the word itself:
“Mankind". Basically.
it's made up of two
separate words -
"mank" and “ind".
What do these words
mean? It's a mystery.
and that's why so is

I believe in making the
world safe for our
children, but not our
children's children,
because I don't think
children should be
having sex.

Anytime I see something
screech across a
room and latch onto
someone’s neck, and
the guy screams and
tries to get it off, I
have to laugh,
because what is that

-Source: http:/Imem-
Compiled by: Drew




5.3 3.8

April showers bring
May wait a second.
it's not April yet. Warm
again next week.


VOL. ”105 ISSUE "112


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flgislation squeezes drinking

Toughening measures: Lawmakers set
to curb underage drinking and DUI's

By Ann Mullins

Drive-through windows make doing business a little
easier for everyone. And that is exactly what has some
state lawmakers worried.

Legislators in Frankfort are trying to pass a bill that
will make alcohol sales at drive-through windows illegal.

Issues surrounding alcohol sales and underage drink~
ing are being debated and could impact alcohol violations
on college campuses across Kentucky.

Rep. Sheldon Baugh. R-Russellville. said drive-
through alcohol sales contribute to drunk driving and un-
derage drinking. The issue was brought to his attention
by Kentucky temperance organizations and is based on a
similar bill that passed in New Mexico.

Senator Tom Buford. R-Nicholasville. said that the
Temperance League of Kentucky is a strong supporter of
the bill as are most legislators.

“This has a very strong support by everyone ex-
cept maybe trial attorneys who make their living defend—
ing people with DUI arrests," Buford said.

Not everyone agrees that House Bill 701 will curb
underage drinking. though.

Lexington Police Chief Larry Walsh said he doesn‘t

think the bill will cut down on DUI arrests. He maintains
that the penalties in Lexington for drinking and driving
are still not serious enough and banning drive-through
liquor sales is not a real tactic against the offense.

“We have tried all methods. including education and
increasing arrests. But so far it has not been effective." he
said. “Until a person gets caught driving drunk and real-
izes how it‘s going to mess up their life by going to the
penitentiary. nothing will happen."

In 1999. 31 UK students were given citations for un-
derage drinking. 26 students were arrested for DUI and 34
students were arrested for alcohol intoxication. according
to UK Police Office of Central Records.

UK Police Chief Rebecca Langston said that as long as
there are colleges and college students. alcohol will al-
ways be a problem.

“The main message we are trying to get across to stu-
dents is if you are going to drink. do it within the law."
Langston said.

Students have mixed reaction to the proposed law.

“Drive-through windows make it easier for minors to
acquire alcohol. and it may promote drinking and (Iri-
ving." Todd Ray. architecture student said. “It's a good
law. and I would be supportive of it."

Erin Rumpf. undeclared freshman. disagrees.

“I don't think it‘s going to change anything either
way.“ she said. “Underage people are going to drink ei-
ther way."

Other alcohol legislation

Drunken driving offenders would have to pass sobri-

ety tests before starting their vehicles under a lull that atl-
vanced \‘Vednesday.

The bill would require installation of ignition inter-
lock devices in the vehicles of Iii‘strtiine or repeat DUI of

The bill was easily approved by the Senate Judiciary

The measure would HIM) ban open alcoholic beverage
containers in most vehicles anti make it illegal for drivers
or passengers to take even swallows ol‘an alcoholic bever-
age while the car is moving or on the side of the road.
Both violations would carry 3:55 to Slbo lines or 30 days to
12 months in jail.



Carl Hoelolmanl KERNEL STAFF

Education major Jason Routin enjoys the drive-through alcohol.


mm | xmct start
Thai Emmerich, undeclared freshman. mister: to vote.

Whig drive. registers

Book it up: SGA offers students
chance to pull the levers this year


Adam Homer wants to feel like he counts for


she said.


register was in my hometown. It is easy to do it here,“

Emmerich plans to vote in the presidential elec-

And though he is not registered, Adam Homer
said he would change that on Friday by utilizing UK


“1 think that since voting is your right, you might

And that is why he plans to vote in the upcoming
presidential election. First, he’s got to register.

Homer is not alone in his non-registered status.
In 1996, only 45.6 percent of 18-20-year-olds were regis-

tered to vote.

Homer, an elementary education sophomore,
will have the opportunity to register on campus
through UK Votes. UK Votes is a voter registration ef-
fort sponsored by the Student Govemment Associa-


UK Votes ofl'ers students the chance to register at
the Student Center today and Friday and in the resi-
dence halls next week. Those who are registered
somewhere other than Fayette Co. can transfer their
registration to Lexington at the UK Votes tables.

Becky Bargo, SGA community service chair,
helped organize UK Votes. She estimates that 53 stu-
dents have taken advantage of UK Votes so far.

“Hopefully moving to the residence halls will in-
crease that number," she said.

“I’m old enough, so why not?“ she said.

Matt Bastin. an undeclared freshman. registered
when he turned 18 but does not plan to vote in the

presidential election.

“I just don't see the whole ‘your vote counts’

thing," he said.

Thai Emmerich, an undeclared freshman. regis-

tered yesterday in the student center. The ease of reg-
istering on campus encouraged her to sign up.
“I never had the time or knew where the place to


fiiuhor fire in Jewell

By Carrie Russ

Students living in Jewell Hall found
themselves waiting for more than just
Spring Break Tuesday night.

After exiting the building during
what many believed to be a standard drill.
residents in the international residence
hall found themselves waiting for the fire
department to arrive.

The fire. which had ignited on the sec-
ond floor at approximately 5:30 pm. was
caused by a cigarette butt tossed into a
trash receptacle.

“I walked past the trash room and
saw the flames. I couldn't believe it. It was
actually on fire. 1 went to get water to ex-
tinguish it. but someone had already beat
me to it." said Natalie Rawashdeh. an
electrical engineering senior.

After all the students were safely
evacuated. resident adviser Courtney By-
ers noticed that somewhere near five min-
utes had elapsed without any response
from an emergency crew. and she imme-
diately dialed 911.

More than 10 minutes after the initial
alarm sounded. police. EMS and fire de-

partment crews arrived. After the fire de-
partment had checked the building. a mal-
function in the operation of the alarm
kept students outside until around 6:10

Resident advisers are trained to evac-
uate the building in three minutes or less.
The question concerning residents at Jew-
ell Hall is that of what would have hap-
pened if the fire had been ofa more seri-
ous nature.

“It was ridiculous. I was freezing. and
the fire department is right down the
street. It is a very dangerous situation giv-
en the fact that all these dorms are in
such a close proximity to each other.“
said Stacia Sanders. an English freshman.

Tony Morgan. a station six firefighter.
said the report said the alarm sounded at
5:28 pm. and that Lexington fire station
number six. located at Woodland anti
High streets, arrived on the scene at 5:33.
The last truck left the station at 5:45.

Tony Morgan. . said that it is a com-
mon procedure to do a lengthy investiga-
tion before letting students back in the

“The way I see it. they were luck to
get back in at 6:10." he said.


as well do it," he said.


Registering was as simple as this application.

Wag“ Jeopardy

College style: Students hop
online for cash, other prizes

By Nikole Wolfe

College students can play t‘ollege
Jeopardy online to win a chance for
gameshow to come to their school. and
UK may well be on its way.

The school with the highest score
(most money won) at the end of the se
mester will get Jeopardy to conduct audi
tions to be on the show.

UK is currently in ninth place with a
cumulative score of 32.739.079. which
means students have a good shot of bring
ing Jeopardy to our school. But Indiana
University ranks first with $8,335,002 in
accumulated points.

Tommy D'Andrea. a biology fresh-
man. has played the game several times
and likes the idea.

“It is an interesting idea. It gives stu
dents a chance to be recognized as an in
telligent generation.“ he said.

Many students enjoy this chance to

The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington

win free prizes. such as a Sony Music (TI).
as they play online. There is also a weekly
sweepstakes prize of satin, Students can
also win trips to New York. ILA. or (‘hica-

“The prizes are a good incentive to
play the game." said Mike (iai nett. an un-
declared freshman.

Even students who are not avid .lcop
ardy fans want the game show to come to
our school.

“I‘m not a huge Jeopardy fan. but I
would play the game just to help our
school w in the audition." said (base (lift.
an elementary education freshman.

A college version of
the game show that
made Alex Trebek
famous has caught
on with UN






The Low-down

thing is

-loe “In,
columnist, criti-
cizing the cast-

ing of lens-
born Renee
Zellweger as the
lead in the movie
version of

Bridget Jones's

Man sprays gunfire in suburb

WiLKlNSBURG. Pa. A gunman yesterday
killed one person and critically wounded four
others most or all at two fast-food restaurants

then holed up in a nearby office building be-
fore surrendering. Four or five hostages in the of-
fice building were safely released. police said.
The shooting spree began this morning in
Wilkinsburg, about nine miles east of Pittsburgh.
One person was shot at a Burger King and at
least two at a nearby McDonald's restaurant.
Earlier. the gunman set his apartment on fire.

Prosecutor discusses young shooter

6-year-old boy who killed a first-grade classmate
used a stolen gun he apparently discovered
loaded and lying around in a bedroom at the
“flophouse” where he was living. investigators
said yesterday. Authorities focused on possible
criminal charges against any adults who gave
the boy access to the .32caliber pistol he used to
shoot 6