xt7n028pf516 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n028pf516/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 4, March 1, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 4, March 1, 1919 1919 2015 true xt7n028pf516 section xt7n028pf516 To Ed·it•rs: Th•
Mw. in shi. Bullelln THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY entered .. .ee...d
In prepared for the class matter at tha A
press and is released post office at Lax-
for publication on lngton, Ky.
receipt. ·
March 1, 1919 _ i LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. II. No. 4
The State conference on Kentucky Exercises in honor Of“lHSl1l1'lgl.OI1lS The YVar Department has deVel0D€d Socially the Ulllvefslty of Kell- l Contemplated plans for extending
problems is called by the Kentucky birthday were held in the chapel of complete plans for the organization of tugky cglgbrated Weeiiingleiys birth, lllg work of the University and fO1_im_
Vouncil of Defense, March 4-5, to con- the University of Kentucky, Saturday a "depnrtment of military science and day with a beautiful military ball in proving and expanding it includes
siiier various matters arising out of morning, February 22, at 10 o’clock. tactics," at University of Kentucky; whe armory Of the muaslum buildin t_ f _ _ .
the War and Kentucll;1gd3lZ€llR Wlldll lg? Wal; lggllalléalglytll‘;0l;_;;rY Egugléitgulgelg improvement oi the low ground at the
It is expected that those who were Clll0glllm— Came on an le Gsgrve mers l . l` D G01‘11el‘ of Limestone and Winslow
;'Q_ . V. . l . I _ Training Corps yvgg Sidgtfacked to Hlumnl \VhO have bI`O`l1ght hDI1OI‘ to ' l
.;i§ZlZ??..ii‘§.‘; .§.’1.2.‘Z‘Z,`i.‘2.‘;l.Z...(3.l,,‘i`§’. .,Z£f;;`;‘Ti"l.“l,.Z‘i’.l§`;€.i?. S5 §?.i.§§§.   was m do s=msm· Aim ds rrirmv by me ¤¤¤¤m ri Siiiiii Wm il is erected ii "dim·
any phase of war Work will attendl C. Al Lamperll the Singing Of .,Am8I__ Tra,1n1ng.C·0rps, ¥V1tlil the signinglof Will`, WBYB DYGSGIIK and- W01‘e the 11111- ILOHS O1` building for the accommodg,.
In addition there Should be many man by the audience and the Na_ the ormistice the latter organization l0l`mS llldy had W0r¤ lil Servlde, wd tion of the student body will bg
(therg who would be interested in the tional Hymn played by the Umvep was abandoned, and it is proposed to lll€ girls fl`0m'€V€l`Y DAN of tllé SUNG erected. East of the Commons on
mogmm ,1,0 all these a lllelcome ig sity band ' renew the Reserve Officers Training Wore attractive evening gowns. The Winslow Street 8 library may be
rxtended and an urrent invitation l-1-—-—— Corps On la more ambitious and very grand march which was led by Major blllll mid ¤dj¤l¤l¤S this ii gymnasium
° ` - - · Headley Shouse of Lexington and ’
1.. t l gieatly peifccted plan._ l
iiren 0 be present ALPHA Gnlvijlvrd qydpmngpv Ong of the interesting features Of Mm Mary Turner of Louisville, Open On Limestone street the plan calls 1
-l-HE R INITIATES MEMBERS. i eil ·e that it i-e eeee te gd the ro mm_ The ues iis; numbg for a law school building and to the
P OGRAM the nev pl 1 p p D S g t 1·
TUESDAY MARCH 4 10 A M —·—·‘ make officers of .a.ll who take the ed about 200. right of the quadrangle a, great engi-
l l ` I l Allllldl Gdmllld Cllldlller or Alpha course H9I`€lZ0f0l`€ only Fi small D9? The Cadet officers are- neerin
. . _ . . . g structure to be used as the
Assembly Hall Admmlstmtlon Clll Sisma. lll€ lldllllllill Drelessleniil cent of those who took instructions . . .
Bullllillg _ _ _ _ _ Mayor: S. H. Shouse. College of Engineering, and further
` Cllemlciil fr€it€!`liltY·_ lield HH l¤¥'€l¤· ever received commissions as reserve C L , d Ad _ tl t_ _` _
THE GENERAL 1>noBLE1v1. tion Satiirdazv. February Sth. follow- officers. To make the new plan at- sr am ar “l“ an' H‘ *l· Mil' voir lowml I{“‘?‘*Sl‘?“°_ Slmet all
Call to Order by Edward W_ Hinge ed by e banquet at the vwemanis Ex- neeove and furnish an incentive to lm _ "‘fl"°“““"*l llulldmg ls lll °°“°°ml’l"·‘
communi'; Sm in led ll Prof chonee. The active members of the efforts it is intended that those stu- Cilplalllsl LHB ll/lcCl*’·lll· F- E- dd mm'
Lampem y g gl y l fraternity are: 'Dr. A. M. Peters, F. deiite wiie take the tgvg yedysi ed- Mey, W. R. David. E. S. Dabney, R. The Sclierrie of €XD9·¤$l¤¤ and :lI¤·
Statement of Purpose of Conference E. Tllttl9. D1`. H. ll/I. B€dfOI’d, DI`. P. L, vgncg ggurgg shan ygcgivg ggmmis. A· Belt, Grover Cl`€€Ch, prollelnent Wlll be added to Frolrlll tllllle
. . l Blumenthal. Professor J. R. Mitchell, sions as second lieutenants. Lieuterieiitsi W. C. Piper, J. R. to Uma ri the raids or the i¤Sdi¤¤¤¤
Edward W· Hm°S· Clldllmdll or the require and it becomes necessar to
Kentucky Council of Defense and Mr. J. S. McHargue. Never has the War Department Drummy, H. H. Greene, R. D. Warth, ha la _ t _ d Y t
· .. . vea reeuimeninrer
_ The General Situation; (a) Some The following were initiated; A, J. been iis Well prepared HS if is HOW to J. J. Leman, Mose Smith. MGD page iithqingtitutiéns gf bl lik;
qf the Problem; Frank L_ Moveyl Kramer, L. V. Burge, E. B. Freedman, €5‘¤‘·l>li_Sli there Cellegd ddpdllmdnls The chaperones were: President nature in other States
President of University or Kentucky, A W. Petrey, F. H. Bell, J. P. Head, of lllllllllly Scldllcd dllll tdcllcs dll 3 and Mrs. F. L. McVey, Captain and
` (li) National Problems After the War, and E. V. Murphrce. The chapter was Sdlldfdclllly l°0llllg· The close lll the Mrs. H. N. Royden, Dean and Mrs. l
Arthur W. Macmehon, Agsit, Chief of assisted inthe initiation by Messrs. “`lll` Wllll G€l`llldllY_llaS left avallallla C. R Melcher, Prof. and Mrs. A. C. MUTCHLER'S RESIGNATION _
Federal Agencies, Section, Council gf NL C. JGXVGLL R0b€l‘t Holy, C. H. an llbulldancg Ol Offlcers and materml ’Z€I1'lbl`0d, DEED aud. MTS. W. T. LZUIGT- _      
Netiendi Defense, Keinker, H. c. creme, and nr. c. J. ldrlrldlmdii Wlrrclr l>€l¤rd__ llrd Wfir ty, Judge and Mrs. Lyman c. Chalk- ‘ --—-—
Discussion. _ Rolle of the Alpha Delta Chapter of WOTG allllwed only me Olllcer El; m' ley, Mrs. Dora. Beryley, Miss Frances Die Fred A_ Mlllelilerl forlsix yeere .
The Soldier on the Land, Prof, El1· the University ot Cincinnati, and Strllcsorl or   Eesgslue lgglgértsg 11;: Jewell, Major Henry.   Rhoades, director Of agriculture extension of
wood Mead, University of California Lieut. H. W. Brontraeger of this chap- ilgglfnm lowlet Eau 31; Offllcer they Major and Mrs. Bengamine F. Van- the University Ol; Iiautucky, hee re.
and Adviser to Department of lnter- ter, new stationed at Camp Taylor. l 9 g _ _‘ ` M€€t€l’· . signed to become State agent for D.
ior, · needl band mall; Wlll hda _°fE§€fS vrj Following were the various student C. Heath Company of New York and
SDAY ARCH _ Community Singing- have mln we tmme m le scum committees in charge ot the arrange- Chicago. ` The resignation will take
TUE ’ M 4’_2_‘00   M' Rural Sanitation Surgeon L_ L °ll;Xl;°rl€u°B_' t th _ no uml ments: effect June 30, 1919. The Executive
Assembly P§"llid?”`dm‘“‘Sll“l‘°“ i.....msded U. s. Public Health Service, to ij ‘ifi°§§g§’Q§‘O‘§‘ im ‘*fife“m.d.my Music; Grover creeen, H, H. Committee or the Board er Trustees
ul mg` Miss vane Lernner Director or Lake   _ Greene, R. D. wertn. iii meeting Wodoesdav. February 19.
SON/[E · equipment the War Department ex_ CCE ted .t with B mt
I EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMS DlVl$l°ll· Rell Cross Nlll`dlll%· poets to be able to furnish to the in— Pr-0S1'¤1ilSi E. S. D&b¤€Y, R A. Belt. 3 056 l tl rs rb';) éht before the
Hon. V. O. Gilbert, Presiding. · . . ° (_ . . . . _l_ _l_ L mall l r mil 6 ll i
Community Singing Discussion. stltutions held. artillery of all sizes € l board at the last meeting were m_
. ‘ · Tile Keiillieiiy Eigalth problems Di-_ from the 155-inilhmetre gun down the Decorations: F. E. de Mey, W. C. . .
The Rural S°h°°l add what to Do Ailllul. rls hiccornlack Stale Héaltll l’st guns not only of American make Piper Mose Smith ports and routine busmgssl
. . . . ‘ . . . ‘ · __ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ Le e i bs nce w s recommend-
Elilllglltlitl Mgsjllogharl Slgérlxvlgglgglil Olllcdl ef KdlllllCllY· ladle Chief Hdllllll but MSO Brmsh me Franc? guns" In -1;-- ed fg; Piefgssff Ge0r;e H- V¤¤S€ll»
_ _ _· Ofllcel. Ol P_,lmlma_ C3_Hal_ every way the equipment is to be as . h
Memphis. ro¤¤<==sseo. l°r°l- J- Virgil Discussion thoro as it is possible to make it. Meme Aovrsns Mom: ex- ?S;‘S1“‘“¥ l’¥'°*“Ss°lf°§”;"°l°@’· l°" l °
Cliaiiman. Supervisor ¤fRiirsil Soliools. I Much more empnesie is to be laid TENSIVE DEBATE WORK. EC ° asm year ° 9 9` 9 °' C' S'
. l The Counclls of Defense and C0m· _ _ _ Crouse was appointed professor of
The Moonlight School. Mrs. Cora . . . on pnyeleei tl‘Z]..Hll’lg than heretofore. .t . . . . . .
Wilson Stewart, Chairman Of ma munity Organization. Arthur W. Thl_ includes not mgml mmtar _ l metallurgy in mining englneermg;
_ . ` . . Macmahon, Asst. Chief of Federal ° y y Professor E· C- lVldlll€· lll charge or VV J Carroll assistant professor in
Kentucky uhmméy Ccmmlsswm Agencies Section Council of National tmlulng Such as attendance at d1lmS' Oldlcllcdl ard fomllslc work Ol trio on- inleerin and A S Cha lin assist-
Care of Defectlves, Dr. Archibald ’ l ele but liiiysieei exercises ef eii . . I . dd g gi ‘ ‘ ‘p i
Dixon Henderson Kentucky- Defense. Mrs. Helm Bruce, Chairman   G t 1 th_ be Ch at- Umversityl of Eentuc ry, in- an a ress laut in poultry Bxtcnsion work. Form,
Edl . .` . Kentucky Division, Womens Com- Sm sj an O me fd ls rei as to the Union literary society, Friday QI. appointments Of clerical and ex_
l10i1tl0¤i1l Bills lil C0llgl'€S'S,P1'0l- _ . , A tractrve as possible, summer camps , · F ll »tll ·d th l th .
George Baker Universit of Kem mlttee, Council of National Defense .___ ‘ll€lllllg· € l`lldl`Y l Y Sal lll 8 tension workers were COHEFIIIGG by
’ Y i _ Wlll be l)l`°Vl°lGd· University is now a nationally known tl 8 board
tuck _ WEDNESDAY. MARCH 5, 2.00 P. M. 4 _ . . , _ _ . _ 1 -
Y- _ Each man will receive ireeof cost .
l . . . nstitution and must talte its place in
Assembly Hall, Administration when he Enters the course mperly _ _ _ _ -_____,\..._....
TUESDAY, MARCH 4_ 8:00 p_ M_ Buldmg _ _p the world of American un1V€l‘S1tl€S,
Assembly Hall. Administration ‘ die eéliril value or Wlirdi is $41;% neniienes,-debates and all other Hoornn cnosmn T0
Building, c0MilUN1Tr ORGANIZATION Til? lllgilluiiigcggs ;g°;;_°°;;iB$9·;;_ contests. _ HELP SELECT CATTLE.
COMMUNITY oReAN1zAT lC°nlln“&d‘l gusset shoes $4 as olnelw ol slllirt The debates the Unlvmslty has *;‘
I ION Dr Fmlllk L Mcve President Ulli_ l l l O l b€€l1 llavlllg with smaller Kentucky Professor _]'_ .]’_ Hooper of the Da-
i.ieii_ A_ ()_ gieiiiey Governor Of Ken. ‘ · y· i $3.50; one overcoat, short $13.56; one _ . _
i ’ . . versity of Kentueky, Presiding. pail Canvas legglus lim-,. one we Colleges ivill. deubiless. be ¢¤¤i~¤¤¤d iiartmeiit of Animal Husbandry. Col-
` tuc ry; Pl`BS1dlIlg. . Community Singing. me hat $2 00. two Clmar Oimamants 7 for the purpose or stimulating inter· lege of Agriculture, University of
(’°mmumtY Smgmg - l · _ ’ ' ’ ’ est, in the Patterson and Union socle- Kentuck and Count Agricultural
. . . . The elements in Lommunity Organ l . ll ll l . b It Y. Y
What is Community Organization? _ _ cen s, one at cor ,9 cen s, one e , _
· , gzation; 23 C€ntS_ Chevmns 57 cents The f0l_ iles, but plans have already been 00m- Agent, L. S. Roberts, have been se-
Jdrrleri E- Rligerii. Field Se<>r€l>3rY of la) Good Roads, Rodman Wiley, lowing éddmonal gquipmenl Worth plated for Kentucky to enter a large looted by the Dairy Cattle Commit-
Vllrirl Celllp Cerrlmlirilly SerV1Ce. New Slate Commissioner Of Hlghwm,S_ $14 67 at cost prices is auO“;€d those southern oratorical union composed tee of the Fayette County Board of
l"];;l:;ll;q of clommmft O a _ (li) xvoulenls ClubS_ Mi.S_ Lawn altténdmg Summer cllmpsl TWO pairs of West Virginia. Virginia, Tennessee, Agriculture to purchase Holstein
J ‘ p " ” ly rs mm' · · · _ . Alabama. Johns Hopkins and Fl0r1da. dgiiry cattle which have been order-
H H D_ Ham E J I U S B Riker, President, State Federation of Cotton hi-eeohes, $3.38, one pair of
r° · ;·,.di‘ X. · “"“°“· · · “‘ Womens oisss. ,.,....,.en..,.. shoes $..65- one wool me rrr System or ddd dorm row rild er rv farmers direiglr do Agricul-
reau o 1. ucaion, · · » · .. · -
l l l l (C) Commemlal Organizations, ·50_ . 1 . I 1.05; with the law college of the Univer- tural Board. The cattle will be bought
what the l*`0°d AllllllnlStl'illil0¥l did Charles F_ Hlillleili, Loulsvllley Kem zig E;d§3?0§;;i1§$n;;? Ogigligi cird 9 sity of Cincinnati has also been eil- in other parts of the State, in Wis-
in Community Organization. Fred M. lucky cents ’ ’ ' lei-ged to e triangle, with the law col- cousin or New York.
Snglsigillilllize ;_(;)qdni";gg2:iS;;a;21r‘aid (dl The School. Miss. Elizabeth Each meii Wiii receive iii four yeere Lose of Vanderbilt dd the °lll€l' mem' Two carloads of cattle will be re-
. “ , · .‘ ‘ l ‘ ‘ lireollii¤s· Preston
Agriculture. Labor and Statistics, Corimunitv Service. mei·S_ 135 ddyd at 40 cents e day, e {moe or $50 is made to cover extra -T0h¤S0¤. Harry Bl1rg0Y¤e» elid C- R-
l°l`€Sllllllg· A