xt7n028pgc9q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n028pgc9q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-02-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 05, 1986 1986 1986-02-05 2020 true xt7n028pgc9q section xt7n028pgc9q . t
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Black ministry _, ~23 , . -. ~. t. . . . . , . - ._ -

r .. ‘ . M .‘ . . I . t ,4 s, I.. h, Hy.\l|(ll.-\l-.I.PL'I"I.ILL —————— '2 - 2. . . ,- .

'i ‘ I :‘2 " , ‘ " é, _ ‘: ' Ia . ' II; a Assoeiated Press II . . 7" . .’- V '-
tO fOCUS on needs II . / , ‘ A \ ' L - ’- . 3 . I Despite the pressures ' : ‘2 . .- .
‘2‘; I, ~ _ .. ii ‘ "" 2 2‘ / - WASHINGTON * President Rea: f d I . - . .‘
By DANNY PIGMAN "b r“ , ' :2 2 . k . ‘22“ gun. in a State of the Union address 0 our m0 ern world, '- ‘ ‘
Contributing Writer ., 2’ . ' I . . .. $ ,, I_ gf‘u’ ' expressing his concern for the f'amilv and comm ‘ . . ‘ .- '" -,

‘2‘ A ”M" "* It; ”I , a ’ T‘ ” ' ., ,2 '5. ~'" American family. told Congress last . ,' Ul’llIIV . : I - . I
The black campus ministry being 2‘ . 1- ..I I :0 I . I «:3; 2/“; , " night that “private values must at lcmaln the moral core ., .
or anized will fill a void at the Uni- ’ " a ‘ ‘ 2 ”2‘: ‘ 2' " " wa s be at the heart of llilil' )il- 2 . - , l' 2 " .' ". ""
voisity. said William (3. Parker, vice , '2‘". ,. - , 2- 2 . ’36:: : a... . “,ag, 3 .4" x g cieg.” p i u 0‘ Ohh 50cm)» .' ‘
chthcelIl‘tzrforIIiInIiInoriIgy affairs.Ba fi‘f; )' . ‘22. I, ‘ . e -. " u: - I: 1.3.}, ' . ,2 II'III)espite thde pressIures oi iilt‘ our guardians of our Values ; j, . I‘ I".

'l‘ e v. i is ope, a ptist , ‘2f I “ "‘ , i ' 2 m ern wor . ami _v and column , d '
minister in Versailles. Ky.. will head _. .3 e" .- 25 , , . " ~ .. “g 2 “1”" " ~22 7 nity remain the moral core oi our and hophh for [he . .‘, .
the non-denominational project. \ \‘l ,I \P ,1» . ,2; - "‘ «922.22 " “ J . . '1 7 society. guardians of our values and future ” ~,i - ' j ,i i
which holds its first meeting at 7 to- 3"; if“ ’2" 2 " .. _I‘ “,0“ . ~. .- Iu' ’ hopes for the future." Reagan said ' , - ':' ‘I I: g ._
night in the K House. on the corner 2 .T \‘h ‘ 2.1, .2 ‘ _ ‘ H’Il'l i ,2” . 2.22 "5 In the address. which was delayed President R9323" ‘_ . i. .
of Rose Street and Rose Lane. ‘2‘ ‘)\\6\ ,, t” I ‘ I.“ .4 ’ , " .-' .. .- . ”at 2 a week by the explosion of the space — ‘ , ‘ ' r L

“Rev. Pope iSIBOllthtandl has ex- y I 15-357 5.; 2’.‘ . ;' ,' ’ 4 4‘ shuttle Challenger. Reagan called . -. '
cellent counseling skills." Parker h"‘~£ l . h 22 . 1 a} r .‘2 . .2 2.3 for studies of how government can cause the success of welfare should ‘ ‘ . 3 ,'
said. “He has all the credentials II hki: ‘ f 2“ “I, 2 .2 f -.2 3‘ . protect family needs and \alues he ludb’t‘it by ht)“ "111th Of 11> Teclpt" ‘ , 2 ‘. .'
needed." hey, ‘3“ v '2; ..,:x / , I x/ ., ‘9 2 , Without increasing dependence on eiils become independent of wel- ‘2 ' . _ '-. I '

Pope convinied Parker 0f the ' ‘ "u. N ’ s ' ' ‘ ‘- , t ’ _ 2 tederalprograms, tare " ._ ‘ "
need for a non-denominational black K‘m . - I‘ . I ‘ I ‘33. 2 " Reagan mentioned what he called Reagan set no specific guidelines ‘ ‘ » . '
ministry after he became aware of a 2. '-\' m3? ' ‘ “5. f I, ,"I J I." - .4; : 2 a "Great American Comeback" and tor retoriii other than to acknowl- .'- ' -.
common occurrence among black “ ’ ‘ ff!"- p' , .321 't ,2 T" '2 " . celebrated family and ('lllllfllUllli\ as edge government's restxinsibility to _ ’ j z
college students When black college ‘ V' 2- 4- i 1‘! "t ‘- 42,? , ‘ ' r l t") ’ li\ co-stars ' ‘pl‘m lllt' shelter and nourishment ‘ ‘ ‘ " '

II L. . '\ SIIIIIi' \b I -. ‘fiszI- -, , 4" «. III f c . . . .
students VlSlt home. one of the first tyI‘I-j. . . t - . \‘ 2 . I; g .I I} “What we accomplish this year in for those who cannot proiide for . . , 2 -
things they do is attend church. he $2 neg-‘5‘ 2 K ' . ' . ." ' it“: ‘- Li’- -- 252.: each challenge we face. will set our Iht'liiwhes " " ‘- - . ‘ .
said. . . . 2'12 . \‘Itl‘ a: ’ " . I.’ ,i . I,“ i," ’ course for the balance oi the decade. lint he said. "We must reyise or .' ,I . - ‘ \

"1 never thought abOm a blaCk ‘ Chg ,3. we“ . It .,I¢‘2v' "hi! magi, indeed. for the remainder of the cen- replaci- [JIUL‘J'JHb enacted in the I ' i '
campus ministry and I‘ve been all ._ I>I;.I'~~ I2“ . iii-9" 7“ 2‘.!»I I, 4 tury." Reagan said “After all we‘ve lliililt' oi compassion that degrade - ’ 2 '~
over the country." Parker said. “It *1; l' I K‘ isI . ' ‘91,”; I - ' .‘ ~ , :I; ‘ done so far. tel no one say ihl> lia- the moral north oi work. encourage I -. ‘ ' . 2 ’ ~
covers some bases for a group of i". ‘ h ' . 2.2 " k“ a' 1A 4?; - J I e ' tion cannot reach the destiny oi our taiiiily breakups and drive commu _
kids who are very religious and 3. ‘ ‘4 ,,I “‘3 2, .12!‘ " ‘c ii ' J, ” 5.. 2? dreams. America believes. .\iiieric.i ltilit'.~ into a bleak and heartless de- . . I ':
come to Us ermI a background - Q 2) “ 2- fl . ». I, 222‘ I 2:. ‘1‘: :1 is ready. America can out the race peiidi-livy " . 2 '-
where they like singing in the choir. i \ x t' J2 2‘ “, \va Ii???" ’3 - . ‘ :h,’ . ” to the future.and we shall .-\ longtime opponent oi eompre- . '
Prayingand things of this type." 3" ' ” . h , y it il.:‘\ .2 .. "I "After hundreds of billions of dol- tiensiyt- national health insurance. -

“This is not just a ministry for . ;, I f h“ it ."4 ~ . ‘2,- 2 '. . ‘ ,r ”‘ m lars in poverty programs. the plight Reagan urged creation of a new pro< , . I .
hlaCk students. but the primary 8031 3t 2. . ‘yh " h . § ‘A he . y . ‘3‘ I 'lf'; t of the poor grows more painful.“ gran: to protect people who are vul~ . : . ' -
is to at least provide some of these “‘2‘ : 2 it 3",! , . . ’ 2 .1 it = , Reagan said. “But the waste in dol- newbie to being wiped out financial . - 2.
things for the black student popula- p . ‘ , 2 II ' \p . _ Rh: 2 :- lars and cents pales before the most ly by lhecosls oi serious illness . . I _
tion."Popesaid. [ ' 'I " 92: \z ' . if fi "21" . : I tragic loss: the sinful waste of ".\iler seeing how devastating ill- ~ 2' '

A blaCk campus minis”! W'OUId .‘ . I ’35!“ x I, ‘ . ’\ 1. ' ..a "II I“ .2 ‘4« -2 ‘ human spirit and potentlaL“ llt‘.\~ t'dll tit'5il‘tl} th(’ ilnanClLli SECU" .
benefit the University because it I. . '2 i, 3. mt» ' -. (.52. 1; . ‘ \I g t... ’2, Saying “we can ignore this terriv I'll} "1 2| lahhh-U ht’ said, ”i am d1" -
would give students "something to - ‘ t L ' " ‘22 2‘ ~2 ‘ ble truth no longer." Reagan or I‘cctlnu the M'Crt’hir.‘ 0t health attd ~ 2
relate to." said Erma Lawson. a so- Li a t IANDALWILLIAMSON Kornotsta“ dered his Domestic Policy (‘ouncil to human services. [Jr tilis Bowen. t0 -
ciologygraduatestudent. ’p ree report by Dec. lwith “a strategy for l't'tW't l” mt“ h.‘ )t‘ilrf’nd Wllh WC" - . I

“It‘s a good thing to have a black immediate action to meet the ilnim- Hmmcndotmlis on how the private ' I '
ministry because you need to in- perry Popkc ‘0 who lives on Kentuck Ave cle la in a tree e . . cial. educational social and sate“ sectoi. and goyi: nnient can work to _

. ~ . .. . ' , ., . sterda t , - . . . -
9"“? that 1h your education. said w‘d Seth Burnett, l2, who lives on Cliftyon Cir- Cliftcfn gircie. Y y m he m'ddle 0‘ Concernsot pmrtaiiiilies 424m": m ”(1'1"0“ th“ problems ”i .
Sylvia Cole.achemisli'y freshman --1 am talking about real and last .ilfoi'datlle Iii‘Ul .illt e for tlitise whose ‘ .
\cclll A(‘I\. Page 2' mg emancipation." he said. ”be- \ccRr.-\(.’A\. Pauc‘ - V '
° . ' "‘ F 0 . . ' f i
Speaker puts 5- Africa Budget-cutting act may mean - '
O f 0 lo . ' ; ' I
By MARY ANNE ELLIOTT Robinson said as Americans. ’ J0 088 In agrlcu “re CO ege 'L ‘ I‘ '
Staff Writer "from the very top of this country to . ' . ' I '
the very bottom,“ we are not very « 1 '. . . I'
Randall Robinson national coordi- sophisticated inourpolitical ideas. 2 . . . , .~ .. - :7

. ,‘ _ . , . , . .I I By‘JAi BIANTON The act will affect the agriculture that \\lii lie ailectmi by the cuts are ' , - - '
2;“? 0ft the . Free Ibouth (Mince: d Tile ,i'thned, it}??? ll; you??? to Staff Writer college's extension ser\ice. partic— the agriculture information and "I. , - . ‘
‘ bring? ‘ gave hdm'hng; as "Ilgh e? I‘M h 3ij {litr [“229 [Woes . ularly because the college is funded technology ~t'l'\lt't’. the home eco~ , ' , ‘ .‘

:1 [.1 ell”)? '30 $11?“ .“e Y'ew got Bee” 02‘ “Ir: dIth 01h? ndt'oél‘ ‘ .' The l'K College of Agriculture on county. state and federal levels. nomics “TH”? and the 4~H pro- ' I. I' »; 2 "
Iorfign [:Ohalf3.ln "I f ihca'Al? a 9th (“"2” '. .. as every ing 0 0 -. may be forced to delete 20 jobs by said Shirley Phillips. assocuite dl- grain there are :5oooo Hi mem- . ' , - g " ‘
Aercnurie' nH' t“ liar ti? 't'fit' .m- Ma‘s, ,Onus . . .h- th 211 , . :3 March 1 and possibly another 44 p0- rector of the (‘ollege of Agricultures tiers and :itiooo homemakers in 2 ‘ j '. ’ '_ 2 L-

Rgh‘iicson ‘5 Iory dion t ac [F1155 t .. 9‘“? appioaching eI :. (en: 2. sitions in October due to projected extension service. these programs . ~ U :3 I
A! . ' .bi‘ 5: Arec 9r 0 11:38- h"; m d. Vér-‘ngod'tfezu.’ 'me‘ 5 cuts in federal funding because of Phillips said the budget cuts would The college will try to recoup its 2 - _ ‘ "I

. réché ‘3 teiict “megécandtsi yh _lo.l,n’\,0_n Tah', ‘ ,u beencta lh Ias the new Gramm-Rudmanact. automatically affect 20 positions. losses through general fund support ~ ‘ i 2‘. ,' ".
33'. ..“Iar; ,_ fit gt; him out ("0“ eh I I‘f‘b eycrI h." o co . The jot) cuts would be the result of and the deletion of these jobs would and normal lob attrition. such as ‘. . ‘I ‘II . -' '
.’ neg) hdn ta af “U e °°".‘e".‘. (I‘HN . “9 M'd ngIeaI c anges must ~ a 4.6 percent decrease this year in definitely “affect the cffectiviness" resignation and retirement. Phillips . ' . ‘,I‘ I i '17
VI) wd'c American oreign policy Imm" about. huh t 9’ IIcannot come federal funding due to the legislation (it'lheextension service. \i'llli Job cuts tor tictober are purely '. ‘. i. ‘ -- .
lb'lrhha e. t t f h' -h A I dih’htd‘h'h‘IWtI} " pressure from the RANDALL ROBINSON that requires the eventual elimina- With the probablity of furthur ted- siwciilative. much oi it depends on t -_ 'T.I.- II -'

Ie Icon ex , rom ,thI . meri- l‘mt‘ 5“? 9:" .. _ , . A I . h- . . tion of the federal budget deficit. eral funding cuts. Phillips said an- the amount of funding from the Gen I . ': if". ‘. ,. I- ,2
cans View foreign policy is whether We must understand the historical ales bmkiicgd Iash supported that The decrease translates to an ap- other 44 pushmns mum be h,st m oralAswnmlI‘IshthI . . .- . .73. “f,“ :L‘ .-
or not a bconflictI involves Icommu: background of our V8r|0lb foreign Id‘eI hCI 'r beT 95; are the COh‘ proximate $400,000 reduction of fed. October. The college has been told Phillips added that the long, term . , . . ',:II- — I i, 2 I' I1;
nism. R0 inson said. He said this policies before we can understand hquUIlIhiaesdxe . arI w Ien weIIdont eral funding for the College of Agri- to expect a to percent cut for the fis- effects could be h.“ m programs I II.II ‘3" iI~'.‘-‘-. III
cquntIry tends to ignoreIforelgn poli- hmr we can partIchapateIiIn foreign un+ItIisIInIIedoinIrtIeginIIiIestork. . I culture with additional cuts calyeai‘sot 19863"th such as community development . . I .' _ :- II III» "i"
C} that “095 “0‘ centei “h commu— Wht'.‘ "lh‘hhh 2““?th sd'd; , e m ‘ q 9“ ‘1“ neier giyen projected for l987. The primary extension programs work and recreation -' _ i, 2 .2 . »'.' ",-
nism, He spoke of various foreign poli- \cc SPEAKER. Puget» I’ '- g 2. 5 ‘J',

. . , ”I r' 'iII Iiv'. l.',I:~V

Student’s _~ 1‘ *2 Grant to help disabled adjust : 2- . '-z -' :

. t, “W QM, . ..I: ”‘22 . . _ . II .

l d e a Offers 3’3“»; I I : I; W t 2 IIIsIKIQKI§ B)‘l\.-\RE.\PIIILLIP5 program director. ‘Through this include the parents and famiLv of ‘ ’ . , 2 -

22*: » 2:52 ' 3‘ g I»? , 2xfifgioh Contributing Writing coordination their employability will the handicapped indiyidual 12m,- . ' - . '. . .
2 .3 Mi. f“‘ .i 2 - i2. “is! §2t§:§>a22 23g»; 1.2"} heIlmproved as well as their role as \H” help the service keep track of . '
at ,3 -, _“I‘-II .22 v. «myths j’ Randy Rhodes had a hard time Citizens." . them and support them as they con» ' _ I 2 -

p one C p ‘1th 1223f -."‘2. .. m...“ we”, 22322 adjusting tocampus lifeat UK. The handicapped individuals WI“ tinue on in the community Martin» ‘ ' - . ‘

o”s2n ‘2" “”3“ fit.* “My first semester was real receive vocational assessment of son said. " - V
I 22,2213, 2- _ . jII .- 2;; tough. Rhodes said. In high school \\ hat jobs would be appropriate to
3) (‘.-\I\l)I.\(‘E\tI'll.l.l;\.\lS()l\ 22,3» %' 3‘22et2e I was told I would never go to col- their abilities and interests from .I I - '1 _ , I 21-2222
COHll‘lbUhht-i Writer /.. tgfi’ggwf‘igit; lege. solwas not prepared." transitional aids They will also re- " ~ 2 ' 22% .
I . t 21I 22 22:24.3: H.352, Rhodes. an undecided junior. is a ceive personal and socnil counseling ‘_ 2 ~ “I”; -
2‘ “3‘ "r“ started " a" ‘0' ThOm' ‘2‘ 3%“ “2 22232222 22“ handica student. “A disabled to help them work side-hy-SIde with » 2 ~ ‘2 2'»? 5 2722.23.22
.22. 52.53% . (”WVM‘ ‘m‘xfi we. 2 2 2 «sewage: p .
as Jackson. I I 12.. .. \ V2. .. “fifitI, . . IIIQ, student going to a universuy has theirco-workers. '
Jackson. a first-year busmeIss ad- :‘%:“eét “ 2‘? 2“ ' ‘ ‘2 added problems." Rhodes said . “The major problem of the hand- UK ”m makes a

ministration student at lextngton ~2- .' . , “‘22 2 2s. iI . ”We‘re thrown out on our own With mapped in their job is that they need splash in the water and in -

Community College. recently began :g‘oéhfitfiga I ‘ 2 fiahzi 2 . the problems of other students as to feel accepted by their employer." the ' Fo “M“

a phone seercIe thIatbcollects info; (agnofiimn ' §,,§,,’&5§°’. ii, I ‘ ‘ " well as the problems of being hand- Martinson said. “They often feel as c auroorg. 2' "

mation about oca usinesses a 22,522:- -f.:.' .. ‘ , . .. :1"; _ ‘ ica ‘2 if they‘re bein troni ed “ 3” . 090 ~

. . . . .222 -....,ii .. . . -, pped. . spa z . ”0'“
then dIStr‘hhhw that information ahfihfi” I 2. ‘ , -‘°°'- ‘23? 2‘ ' Recently. L'K's human devel- Those who aren't able to adjust to

freehto tge phlbiltltNF E t voéjéfiigfl . {2‘ I 2 ‘2' " :1 “f . opment program has received 3 fed- community life either exist only in

T ei ea or ON . a compu e- .32, ,i I ' . ' era] grant that will help students the family or in a residence home.

rized phone directory, came to Jack- 23,392; " “ihhmf”; ‘ i ' ' likeRhodesadjust tocampus life. This becomes 005”." ‘0 the social m .‘MN' d'w

son when h: wagI forced to hIIietcthtIlIlIke J ma an: x ndGOoph The program received about economy, Martinson said. many facets of artist's tot-

into town a ter ’scovering a , . ' "' "‘ $200,000 that will be spent on a two- "We want to make sure they ant. For a review, m I-

flat tire. He walked tW0 miles to a service and be able to find exactly “Our goal is [0 completely elimi- year project [0 help handicapped aren't just dumped out of school into M 90903

phone b°°th2 only to find there was what they are looking for or as close Inate the need for the "9"0‘.” P386 people make the transition from the community and left to flounder ' . ‘

nophone book. toit as possible. In Lexmgton. Jackson sald- “We school-age programs to employment around '2 Martinson said wasomuwm

.. Local buslnesses pay INFONE $35 want to provide all the services the dl‘f ' the "v ‘ ' ‘ ‘ '

”3mm“ PM" ”0““ and “ed mo th to be I' ted Th l' t the' - - a" 'e‘" - ”mm” 5' Melinda Yules of Mid—South Re- ' -

my only quarter to call 411." Jack- a h ‘5 - ey IS Ir Yellow Pages could pos5lbly proVide The project WI” benefit hand- . 'l Res (‘ t ‘ th fed . . _. . »

son said. “The operator gave me the name, address.Iphone number and and more. icapped individuals age him who glorIiIa f 325cc en er. anIoI erI k: ”as! .,

it her of a towi com it but hours of operation. They may also Since the plans for INFONE began are participating in or are eligible era y unI program. aso wor s

um “8 P8 y | t l f t f the - Wlth handica ped transmon I "cry-

when I called. the voice at the other bls Iany specia ea ures 0 ‘r last May. Jackson said that more for handicapped educational and ne- ices Yules‘ pm" th be swifkin Show.” If. M h

end was an answering machine. The u;hne§s‘b f the INFONE t than 200 bminessos have paid to list lated serVIces. There are about 23,- with Martinsgn's p 0.9“ on certaig common 90‘” I'll W.

on] thi I could do was hitch a I 9 10 ° opera 0" their services. 000 such persons in the potential tar- pr J m... today will COIN

. y rig is to make referrals to callers at [N- et popul t' f task forces. 5. ‘

”de- FONE' mber 255-FONE based ”h: ‘0' m"19'9- 50mm“ car 8 ~ 8 '°" ° ”muck” and low: M be In in

_ SI h" .' . . b on] - 1 according to a handout from the de- “There are a number of federal
"The idea for INFONE came to on the information given h each mks mi they c d d“ m - - - mu 0-. Mon slum
. .. , . . Y FONE and the o rator who an- velopment program. proyects for handicapped transuonal “

me 0" the way "“0 town he sald- busmess and on the particular needs . he ”The funds will be tt coordi serv'cos ' on " Yules said “Yet In the m ht We

“' thou!“ the" Should be 30"“? ofeachcaller. 8““ ”“1" 5“” "m “1'" "3° nate the endearing? Elwin; ma: Mariinsmgsgngroject looks like it is m with W

number in a community that 0909'e INFONE is available ‘0 the 90th name 0‘ a towmg company ' a tan. tional preparation with the potential theoriethat can tieitall together.“ Mn. 2'

could call when they are in need of a 24 hoursaday. Jackson said. SchDEA. Pageo employers." said Marty Martinson. One of the key points of this is to

 l ,T l .
5—. .. ' '1" "“
Jot-rm '
Assistant Sports Editor
W'ngard makes splash in o t of pool
Bum 11111le - . , . 3 . Q . 3 3
3 i . , . 3 ‘ . o§ . 3 ‘3 ~ . t d
Staffmiter 3. , . '- -;._ » 3 .. respec Commo OI'CS
Meredith Wingard is a perfect ex- ' 2‘ ' . _ 3 3 . ‘
ample of an athlete who has tackled ' . ‘ r -'-e 3 3 3“ ~-.,.- 3 By WILLlE HIA’l'l‘
the tough combination of academics A; ,;- ~33- « . - 3,, .33. £333 3 .- 3333;. __ -~ 'E'n‘ Sports Editor
and athletics and come out on top 3 .. ~ r 1:23;. .. 3.33 i. Q 3'53 ' 3 -. ' .3 2.313.433“, "'19“ 33 .' .-
inbothareas. ,n’ . '1 3 - 5"“). 3 3 [K - Ln" ~ 3; . 2 ~13 The Wildcats may have a 133-14
' One of two seniors on the UK gr. "" ‘ ' " record at Rupp Arena over 10
women's swim team. Wingard has _‘. .33. 3 _ ‘ '. seasons. but UK coach Eddie Sut-
* managed to combine a busy sched- ' 3 3. 3, ,3. . 3 , a 2». 3 a; E}: ‘ _ ton is still cautious when cellar
ule with a successful swimming ca- ~ ' ', ' .r« 2 3 r “23' 3 - " teams comeintoplay.
‘2 reer and still pull a 3.6 GPA. This is .3 .. ' - 2 ‘. _ 1 . ‘ Just yesterday he was throwing
‘ _ ' the reason for her sense of pride 3 .33 . “ ~32. , . ‘ ' out explanations why Vanderbilt,
‘ about beingacollegeathiete. a" ‘33 2' . 33 ,~ . 4-6 in the Southeastern Confer-
. _ ; “33-5 hard 33, be an athlete and a 3 3 3333 7 3. 333,-, 3-5.- 3)“. g “.3 3. ence and 10-9 overall. could find
‘ student." Wingard said. “It‘s an 22- ~ 3.23;“ 3,333,333 3 3 33“.“. .32.? 5;.- ‘L 23%.. .3: ~ ~ .3333; _ . its reason for living tonight.
‘ honor and it‘s something a lot of 1;: 2;.- .. "3;. 1g; " '"vgaao’f‘? .' e333 _ , 213:: 3 ‘%»”"i‘ 3;. .32 #33 After all, having four players
' - ~ ' ~- - wow ‘ 2 = .m”; "' ~ ~2 . ”i - -1 ’ - *2 it f K t k d ch who
. peoplecantdo 333 3 . 3 3, 3 , 3 3 7 rom en uc y an a coa . ”mun”
, - ‘ . , But when Slit‘ fll‘Si came to UK . ”‘J W" W ' "‘ "" IANOAWHILMIAMSON “fl"ds'afl played on UK‘S 1951 National - emeIC-rophics
-' ‘ - ' from Durham. X Li. Wingard didn't ‘ Championship team is enough to
’ I , know if She “WM get the chance to Senior Meredith Wingard has successfully mixed swimming and academics while at UK. fuel the Commodores' fires _
-- . ' 7 2 ' . compete 0" a collegiate level. be- against UK. the team which lost 81-70 to Ken-
! ’ 3 I ~ ‘ cause L'K d'dm have a women‘s team h wa~ read to be ‘n com- rfect “ but "Perfect actice too." she said. “But if a coach isn‘t And even W Vandy is third ”Ck" early in January. .
‘3 H - swimteam. . peting :gfiin b y g1 pmeakes perfect.“ pr there, ['1] jllst blow off a workout. I from the bottom in the SEC 3’ 'The Commodores. have their
2 3' ”8-" the “m“ 3 had dec1ded to The women's team is now three “She gets very concerned about need someone over me saying, ahead 0‘ Ole MISS (2'8) and M15' hrS‘ healthy ”15‘8" Slm‘e early In
' 3 .3: ‘ I come here and had received. my ac- years old and has rapidly pro every practice.“ Paul said. “She is ‘Yeah. that‘s good.‘ “ SiSSlPPl State ”‘9’ — it still has December. and at 10353 1W0 Phi}:
.. 7 ceptanceietter. l foundout. indune. gressed from its first year. starting a good trainer. and is almost too With all the hours of hard work t°1°°k ahead to 9°5t'59350" play. 9‘“ Who. (MM 5‘3”. “Sum.“ U‘
3- ‘ , . 2 ~ _ ' [heydldh thaveateam. She said. out swimming against small schools concerned about everything she does that Wingard puts into improving in Sutton §ald~ 3 ,2 h h lh [he firsthgame Will be In the
“hen Wingard chOse ‘0 come ‘0 with a team of walkons. Wingard being just so." the pool and in the classroom. she Thats why'Ungame “it. t e hh‘fUPtOhlg ‘- 3
' ' - . ' UK. she was very ”burned 0‘2“" and has also improved greatly since then in practice, Wingard has been frowns upon the negative image the Commodores tomght (3305 tl[)0ff 3 The Ole Nllb‘b game Which
. ~ disinterested in swimming. so the and she is now having the best sea- able to overcome the mental and media often project about college Wllh delayed telecast at 11:30 on Vandy. won. 66-63) was the first
‘ 590“ was "0‘ a criterion for her in son of her collegiate career, physical stress of exhausting two-a- athletes — such as drug abuse and WKYTW) '5. the same story time since 991 4 “'9 had all our
choosing 35cm], Win gar d‘s success in academics dayworkouts. boOsted grades. wlt‘hasllghtly different slant. players available and thats a
' - ' ‘ ' the' u- - r ' ' ' '- “You can be the fastest swimmer “It just bunches all athletes to- w'"‘ as many young men good feeling, Newton said after
- she began sw1mmlng m In a and swrmmmg is rooted in her dll . ‘3 f the 1th th 3 h‘ to , . edl _3 . ht
ho and who ' ' b in the world but if you don't have it gcther and that‘s unfortunate, rom commonwea a ‘5 am‘arriv 35 mg _- 3
_ - mural program, wever, igence in both areas. She gas y _ 3 3 3 d ha .. S 33 d “the ‘1] d' babl .. 3 3 3
' - .- - - mentall for et lt " she said. “If Wingard said. “All athletes are not V3" y S~ u 0“ 53' ~ y V3“ -‘ 5 pro e 3“" mg ”‘9
swimming coach Wynn Paul W the motto of assrstant coach Jeff y, 8 . 3 ta‘ 1 . .333 3 t 3. . 3 d d I) 11 D l 3
» . . . . . . 33 . ’t handle the m and on thesame.“ cer my come in WI a o 0 up incu esguar arre ua
to her about forming a womens Bush which is not, Practice makes you can Pa y 3 3 3 3. ., 3 398 33 _ 3 3
, - can‘t push yourself past that pomt. Still. the strong-willed personality emo ‘0": "93 3 pom 5 per_ game ~ 0‘“
' — - youwon't make it.“ of Wingard and her perfectionist at- BaCehleléosgtt :Surrovzi, Emil: gard (.len Clem 3bL9. ppgbi) agd
‘ , - . , . . . Although Wingard considers prac— titude toward life has driven her to "'3’ "' orwar ra urrow ”1-3 ppg. 34 re un S
‘ . kl‘..\Tl‘CK\ KERNEL BASKETBALL TOP 20 [we to be as important as competi- b3. successful in college. both as an Kornet and red-shirt forward per game). . 3
’ . loamtl‘irsi-placmoieti Record Votes Previous lion, she admits she has a hard time athlete and asastudent. Chip Rupp are all Kentucky na— TwO players who didnt start
l.\.mht.i.mliii.itlli 22-1 258 1 workingoutonherown. uAthjetfi are very special peO- tlves. Aformer coach at Transyl- against Uh are junior forward
- 3 (kW-2'22 W113) "-3 345 3 “i am selfdisciplined to the point pie." she said. “They have a talent, vania Universnty. Commodore Steve Reece 25.1 ppg- 3-6 1’ng
2. out. :04 230 4 that if I know someone‘s going to be gifts and ability and they are using coach C-M- Newton Is eighth m and senior guard Jeff Gary <88
V 4 "~""‘“""‘ ”2“" 30" 223 2 there and I know someone‘s serious them. and that is what you are sup- victories among active coaches in Pilgh who was elhOW‘i‘d "1 the
‘ “mus-H‘- I9-2 195 7 about what‘s going on. 1'“ be there posed to dowiththem_" his fifth season at Vandy. face in Vandy's game with Duke
' h.(>kI-ilii~lii-i 18-1 192 8 And Sutton just wants to be in December and missed the next
2 ‘ killlsiis 20-3 180 5 UK f tb ll . I sure all of this doesn’t spell doom 12games.
x \\lilt'll\k‘ 17-2 179 10 for the league-leading Wildcats Against Ole Miss Saturday
' 22 \‘1.lt\hli\ 20-3 158 6 00 a scores In c ass (18-3 overall. 9—1 in the confer- night, Gary scored 16 points.
' 1“ Uwrgctmin 16-3 132 ll . , . . . ence). mostly on long jumpers, Reece.
, . 11, t \1 \ 21-2 124 12 “P 3"“ ”a” ”pm“ scored a 3-5 and junior J°hh Groves “1 333.3333 h would be who broke into the lineup when
. 1;. “NH (1“ 13.3 123 3 Senior safety Eric Haas‘ 3393 was h3d3-3-42- h! 3. a"? cloac Vand in Kornet sprained an ankle. adds
1‘. \olrt‘ l)dnk‘ 14-3 93 13 the highest academic standing of 19 Other players above 3.0 were ju- app"; enmlifdilqtp “”33 y maturity to the Commodores line-
' - I" 33‘9“” 3““ ‘8" 82 '4 UK football players who posted 3.0 nior K9" Lange, senior RlCh [fid' that e won “give deTIFKOP- UP-
, IS touimllc 13-6 75 15 grade point averages or better last ford. senior Chris Derry. sophomore er rfilileclt‘b Su out sal ' ughog: But with or without a full line—
' . 16. Brudlci 22-1 50 18 fa”. Stuart Stubbs. freshman Jim Hill our ha 53" ,'5 ma fie epgeat’ up, Newton always respects UK.
. 1‘ \\ morn Kentucky 17-3 40 — He was followed by two business and junior Matt Lucas. realm}: 63:33:32“? e 0 mg “I think Kentucky has im-
‘ ”‘2 Indium 13‘5 38 ‘7 majors. sophomore Scott Haire and Posting 3.0 averages were Mark “5m upp ' proved since we played them.“
l9.\iir1h(amllnaState 144. 36 i9 junior Gary Nitzken.each witha3.6. Brock. Kevin Dooley. Ken Pietrowi- At least on the face of things. Newton said. “I thought they
ZO-UTEP ”‘3 l4 — Freshman Raymond Major had a ak. Mark Sellers. Brian Williams, Vandy is a little different from played well (Sunday-
‘ Others receivuig voles: Alabama 13. Illinois 11. Purdue 10. Virginia 11. Michigan State 7, 3.57, while junior Larry Smith Jacky Crawford and Jim Rider.
. .J'ilchmulll.flaryland2.(‘leveland8tatel.Georgia1.1.Slil
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J Special Prolocts Editor Scott Word This Spring Break If you and your friends then be good for travel for 15 days from the date
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 t .
Arts Editor
Assistant Art; Editor
. .. rosette” -
a a - .- . . __ .I‘I.
Exh'b" Shows " v Ti ‘- :9 Mandrell Parton nno n
fi '1 “as t; , g.” x»;- 9
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ByALl-‘XAVDl-‘RS CROUCH . 5 ; "‘5 re , {egg . y . By The Associated Press government has to he made to run the sponsoring non-profit People ' I '
Editorial EditOi: - e W? . ")7 .. K 1" . . i more efflClently before tackling the Reaching Out for Peace. or Pro- . _
,I B n ’ ,7 »" . t, f” "‘ - -~-~"' , NASHVILLE. Tenn. ~» Entertain- tax issue peace "We expect 51,0010 actually
. 3, --.~ . I. g 'x ' . . W.-. er Barbara Mandrell. whose career “My best to Maria." he added. makethebulkofthe march ” ' _» " ' .

People who go to the .UK Ar t Mu- ‘ ‘13., '5‘ M7??"" W , was ut on hold by injuries from a flashinga big rin .. . -. . 3 . . . I .i '-
seum’s Hogarth exhibit Wm see ‘I M .. . A. a.‘ 1 IP . I . . g ”N maith will stop in .37 cities in »
some vinta e work b the 18th cen- We" » . c . I ) .ggs. W traffic acmdent and by the birth of Shriver is the daughter- of Eunice 15 states. with a campsne to be built . ' I t
tur 'En lisgh rintma’llker but the .‘ .2 \ Y ‘» W? . . her son. said yesterday she WillIIre- Kennedy Shriver and Sargent Shrlv» at each location ' "
willysee simessrprising things too y »" m -»