xt7n2z12p548 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n2z12p548/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1953 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 24, 1953 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 24, 1953 1953 2012 true xt7n2z12p548 section xt7n2z12p548 I I I .»
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V Deon of the College of Engineering  
  President, American Society of Civil Engineers V
  (Story on page S)   V
V ' ' ·· " ’ ' VV 1 · · ·   V ·¤.   -‘ <=I.~V -,V:.(·pV.Vr`V·. -- ‘V-~V  .’;7*=&;s,.`¢‘ :·~· . wz. J:I.‘»‘~»····.»-V.‘:V-V&·;‘ I?L··r—z·:Ve¤*%?V=»P3¥·uin? .’         , ,·x;.· ;;:_4‘..._I_—- ;-V V I I    V
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 V0Iume XXIV November I953 Number 4   ‘
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A l
l I
- 2 - • c c 2 2 J
l Gy GDB (11718 QU" OT Oya y
  Alabama alumni contributed $48,004.65 to its alumni fund in 1952. Centre :
l alumni gifts totaled 22,849.75; Georgia Tech 1nen gave $53,017.77; University of  
» Il Louisville Pflumni Fund gifts totaled $20,253.26; Miami (Fla.) alumni came · ,.
l . _ . .
l through with $30,204.00; V .M.I. men contributed $28,327.70; VV3.Sl11l1gtOl1 and  - ,;,5}
l Lee alumni $44,261.69-to mention a few-  
i I Assnl
1 I C,
l $3,479.50 T
, l . l
l (attic
l , t ea
, E The men and women listed below are those who, in many instances, make un- . gel;
i solicited contributions. They are the alumni who need no prodding, no urging. pin
. . . . . . . · ml'
· , Their pocketbooks match their loyalties, and it 1S to them that young Kentuckians  . —
l owe the opportunities which the Loyalty Fund affords.
A R. ii
I . I I TI};
I *  . A-
' ` B. {
l lei
. ‘ ‘ (I
l ludz
‘   A
l * will
I '   léiiglgléelgrlg?lgggggogasgaaélcélniszzgl’A§,(g??elgi?,;k%?,:I NI YI   g};¤\\§rt.lIl432 Brookside Dr., Union, New ]erS<·)‘ I lohg
l H. Lester Reynolds, 161 Washington Circle, Lake Forest, lll. Eélwih V`? i;·,,q;,,,,   BK`,  . Doll
’ W. M. Woolum, Chevy Chase Apartments. Lexington, Ky. C H B,,,,,, 1é64 ’F,“L“H ’ R·l' L ,. ,, K_  ~ MTS;
l Maynard D. Van Horn, ]r., 136 Iroquois Ct., Lexington, Ky. ]" C' H;,“,j,rd Bm ,,6‘ ‘L;mE‘·Kf*"'l¢ °“· V p vi
  Robexi§yH. Hillenmeyer, c/o Hillenmeyer Nurseries, Lexington, é',,h€Q,, HI kim; 5 irgylln, SLI Ch(,\Q)_ Ch,,S,_I MdI ’ ROE
l WI PI .11,,te 317 Jarvis Lam, Louisville KVI Mr. and Mrs. ]ohn N. Sehweiter, 1438 Clearview ltd., Lyml-  I ]_ C
Z DY.-GEKSOH Lowenthal, 280 Doctors’ Bldgi. Cincinnati, Ohio UGH: E1r&;$f{`_,,Ogl,O4 13,,..,,, A ,_ LV- ,t K,  ‘ ln
, Elvis ]. Stahr, ]r., c/o College of Law, U. of K., Lexington, Ky. VV B   _‘ L ` ‘“ SM , _\L" U‘ml>.q“3 }‘_ . _  f DL
_ l Carl G. Vannoy, 435 N. Franklin. Madisonville, Ky. _` 'J 'B ,§k,$rslmEB99%8 $l‘“'l`EIjfm°‘ L°`§11*V]ll° 13* kb V,  il
‘ ¤ Nvrrmm Chrisman, Jr., 298 S. Ashland Ave,, Lexington, Ky, ty ,,;Ib'·1 Sill, 420¤&erf,I lyaiistonb . b II Hm
< I Charles White, RR 5, Lexington, Ky. Ci', ‘§ liar 1,*;,*5 0`lld B ,1.;. It IR V°" Fwms °r°’ ky Tl
-   Dorothy L. Prows, 456 Park Ave., Lexington, Ky. \6).l‘,.;OmL CMPRQW ’ 0* 82005 3 4·, a"fm§T\g“· S . v_ ` GUY
“ james K. Latham, 160 North Arcadia Park, Lexington, Ky. 1 "X?k ' ‘"° mw"` ‘ “°m°"* ( ' l* Ol lm"f”‘ · ll
· Thomas H. Asbury, Briar Hill Road, Lexington, Ky. D, V-1 L' T, , B , 4- V   1,, K _ will
, E. H. Lewis, 1902 Netherwood, Memphis, Tenn. D0 lf;   lil¥nx3?.‘ 0)* °’ '€`§‘" (S* l' _ Y. · Bl
I . EI ZuCk€m_,m,I 2017 EI 38,}, SLI B,,00klynI NI YI 1.   I ron 3 iott, 306 Trust Company Bldg., Lexington. , Mm,
Q Wilbur E. Davis, 1075 Morse Ave., Glendale. Ohio R VV BI; vm _ Hors C U K , Ll
l H. c. Edwards, 364 N. Park Dr., spmemlmrg, s. c. H·,,,.· B°-(figs, 6,,, ay Ri, L . .,,_ ,, K_  · Dr-
Billy Patton, 283 Newport Ave., Rumford. R. I. Cf Ile, gy f, . E lfm GE KY Omsvl ° * l'  ‘ ll
` W. E. Pulverman, Sterling Hotel, Wilkes-Barre. Pa. Clmr €‘_   ?,(i?*k a,Qmgt§,"·k   , _, vv _ _ S ,  = H· l
C. L. Morgan, Clemson College. Clemson. S. C. megw,   kdg H`; €WY 0,: ml/€rmy’ ushmgmn gum" hl
- , F. Randolph Childress, 571 Sunset Road, Louisville, Ky. , Q; Q" _ ‘ ew Or . , . . .  g $**11
Phil M, Miles, 229 Bqrrnxv Rd,_ Lexin;_;mn_ Ky, ltlmcfi · §1l{l!5.I_I1?7§ Connecticut Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio ,; M
Lloyd E. Teague, 838 Spring Road, Charleston, West Va. liullcw _q‘BhfBh‘ .iP‘)1éb°;,nlfi,.2f‘?1"fBI D·1j?*1*§& ,Al"‘ "
C. E. Lauer, The Texas C0., Port Arthur, Texas ,°`_",nl_;‘)C ‘N,,:lm° *1 *:,1,, *S 1   {FY] °· )‘ ¤
Perrin Rule, 9355 Kreiter Ave., Chicago 17, Ill. \,$’°§ D ‘, _°,*°naWI‘*_, t' t°§<1lm· V _ Paul
W. H. Townsend, First National Bank Bldg., Lexington, Ky. .‘ All ll },:I§‘xV ;l°:?st°r·,,   ,1. _I i K;
i George A. Hillsman, 402 McKee ,·)\le.,IlVIonessen, Pa. I glnw I$$(;u;_ 64,3,; N°0f;&;m13“R3$*   26 Tcvls I web
Mr 133 Ma We E   4—   Dr- Le=mg*¤¤~ .;,..3..., J. r....;,6i€;0 i.....l.; Ave.,   ..... i   N. in  - ,.
‘ . ' , _ , · I , . N _ . . ewman, ueensway Dr., Lexington, Ky. i
  ?y`_ M mom C1 Charles M. Wheeler. 624 Wataga Drive, Louisville, KY. I A Gm]
I ]_ H_ Hubcn 555 Highhmh AWN FL Th0m,\s_ Ky-_   VV. Zimmerman, 733 Moreno Dr., Los IAngeles 49, Calif- Chvl
G. M. summa, 409 Rolling Lane, Lmiisviiie 7, xy. Arthur 11- Recb- 941 E- MM St-- L<>¤¤sv¤1l¤ 6- Ky- .,, E
]. E. Barlow, 308 Fisher St., Burlington, N, C, L- Clmunccy Brown, 2200 Coffee Pot Dr., St. Petersburg.    I I ,
R. L, jones 120 Gray Ave., Syracuse, N. Y, Ml'- and Mrs. Forrest Mercer, 401 Maple Ave., Owensboro,  I New
W. D, Sullivan, 3219 6th Ave., Beaver Falls, Pa, Willi§’·¤¤r- 413 Walker Rd-- West 0r¤¤z¤- N- l-  . ll
.  ; is
r  ‘ L
. i r,

 1· *
T h K t k Al “    
, The Kentucky Alumnus ....1. c.....,€‘sE3? §§§.il3§.i".§........ M2::;:.,.°;;;1"e.;·1·1s¤e..L·  -“11e·*‘.r““$. 1 T
  o, co s - .
' Allen C0unty_]Ohn Pedig S ’t_t   DUH ·· TS. BZID . DWG , 1 ~ .
published quarterly by the University of A”d€'$°11 C01111tY—Walter Patrick, Dawirenceburg Mgzgimgziggllidglséinzgg W t L·b   1 -
Kentucky on use bcnrniins of the Univeiisity. ’,§§I}Q11·1(§¤¤=;1v—,§e¤IhPKe11ev. gVi¢l·»¤gy—n.   Bi11l<€1". Pineville Nicholas Couritv Miss Morrizuivioro uC;r(i§I;   l -
  OUP on ou¤ty— agi H d ,P ‘ T ‘ ·—‘ · , 1 ·
Member of National Editorial Association, Ken- B°Yl€ C011¤tY—]ames M.a>lV§;]vell?Ii§reen Acres, NO&h;ai§§LlinnI$s°nI2u°](y`Iam€s D' N'°k°’“· B°"       _
tu(;](y11Pl’€SS Association, American Alumm B D;1(11V1lg,€»   M L,] Ohio fjoui,i,;_vg}i,a;i,o priest Hartgord 1    
· racen oun-' " H' ,B ‘ I ·_ · . ,
  Breckinridge c0....§ir,L.ia§...L’§€°£r,,,§?,;‘{f,¥g° IQ§;;? §.¤·1¤g>,—§·.If·s1rev1;;r- New Lybenv 1 I 1
Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Calqwell C°1111*Y·Willi¤111 M¢C01111€ll. P1'i¤¤¢t0¤ - O¤er·ii)riips>Xssoc‘·ii=g“gi—{` Cai) Hazard com V l · 4
` °“‘°‘* “*r‘.r°”“§‘i’“1e‘i§" %f§*¥.}1.“EE21A1‘“"°' Emi? €°“l"“15i"‘*’ir Er‘%“§‘5*°"· .·5`·'““g*°“ Pike can; r.....L`w"’wi`"'r—1. ’ll 1 1  
the acto ug. , . l e y e umni M10 Ol-111 y— rs. . . tout, arrollton _ - 1111% 1 evi ff I ’
Association. C=1$€Y C0“¤tY—G€01'g€ Noble, Liberty Powell County—Ralph B. Conlee Stanton 1 ·
  Clinton C0unty—Ch 1 1. ir 11, Alb - ’ `
1 Helen GM lgfig .........................   ..........., ggitgr gfirilstir-gr Cotr;nr%»,.R?,1o;itC(`3`; éaycg Qlgsnidnsviue P"g€:;rl,f,'€§;“”*Y—I0l1¤ Prather, Box 106,   -
(l,l_, ain ...................... anag'ng 't ar oun — t , _, 93 F h _ _
. llnrgiiiritg McLaughlin .......   Associate Edits; Ave., Wincbesiiegene on Jr rem R°b€1'l$°11 C°1111iY··R#1Y N- D1’Y¤l¤11. Mt- Olivet -
me Wiemami .............. Vital Statistics Editor   C0EEnty—t§Ja{lhStgnsorIi, Manlcbisger R0€’k$§l$tl9 C¤unty—Rudolpb Burdett, Renfro
  117011 0un— ar ttr,l aey
C'ltt€11d€11 C01111tY·-L0l;S   6l1lPD$. aliliifivll Russell County—Othel1a Gaskins Russell Springs
, 1953-54 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Cumberland County-Leslie McComas, S tt C C . '
- . _ _ Bu,.k€s\,IIIn co ounty-]. . McKnight, Georgetown 1
R. ll. Dawson, President Bloomfield, Ky. D . C Sh Ib C F .
’ T. H. ,Hardwick, Vice President—Kentuckian as-;1$i;,sb(g,`:;lty'F°"°st M°r°€r· 401 Maple Awe S, B y (gmty" 1$1chdrSm°(§’ sh€g’Y"‘,tl;°
f Hote, Lexington . _ _ impson ounty- oo ow oots, ran in
I He,l§1eGi,€5,§rI§gsO§1€XeCutiV€ Secrel:ary—522 Sayre I€;,;}gtg°3g,§}L?3i$Il;?;ng:§,i;tg,v1g°? Adams, Old Spencer County—Harold Love, Taylorsville
B, A,·,Shive1y’ Tl-easllrex-_Depas-tls-lerlt of Ath_   Keen Péace, V€BBll€S Pike, L€Xi1'lgt01'1 rraylor C0untY_HaYYY R- Smith, Campbellsville ·
Mics, University nf Kentucky eming 0unty— r. . D. Blair, Flemingsburg Todd County-Logan Webb, Guthrie
Iames S. Shropshire, R.R. N0. 4, Lexington F1¤v·1.€¤¤¤1v—W¤¤<1re—v Bumheth 1’1ee¤¤¤e1··¤e Trigg County-Tom Magraw Cadiz
(term in 1954) Ffllfllxllll C0ul`lty—August Luscher, ]'r_, rg/0 _ ’
 _.IIIdg, B,j,§,1f §fI,W,In com of Appeals F,,,,,I,_ Schenley Distillers, Inc., rruuirron Trimble €¤¤n1v—I- G- Dye. Bedford
I Ion (term expires ’1954) ’ Fl¥lo§0,County—]crry ]om—s, 314 Paschall St., Union County—Tom Harris, Morganiield
31;,%; I('{€,1.:l{;bi%§:%9Ii5‘it§]Brf0rd Ave" Lows- Cagrlandr County-Miss Iona Montgomery, Lan- \V=C;$?iig?§i? g]E3g;;? Kgfnncm 832
I Il,IngdK€ovInIg;o,1;,e2cg5r5,s\;15€gl;a Ave., Ash-  S,`Is0n,,,§_G€mg€ Covinmony 632 S, 8,,, \V;§%;2n,gg2;¤;dCounty·-Chmles ]. Haydon,
. · · · -. ray e ;
ew lcrscy · Mairiihniiiiillfiieliln €ggirg`xi§5gfm‘“al Bldgn Grayson County-Marshall Henrin, Leitchfield Webnei C¤¤¤1>’—Hnr¤1d Trader- Providence 2
` I Douglas Parrish, Paris, Ky_ (tem, expires 1955) Hancock County—Harry Black, Hawesville \Vhitley County—Sam Cannon, Corbin
, MQIHT. Iere Beam, 69 Willow Terrace, Louis- Haé%?,I$,$E:fY:R°b°n McNamara- \Volfe County-Everett Miller, Campton
? rin.? ii?%1ié“E.1'.E§ei9¥1i1e¤m.y.. Nurseries 11e11=1¤ C <*·¤·* 111-101111 C1¤e111v¤11e· 11- Bee 589 W°?‘“°¥“ °°““"‘l°"“ W' W“‘“°**· l’11
R, Lmd 5 ,IésxInst0n4(tennIexp,3€ne,;._ 195;,) ’ Ha{ris&1;,1ut(1;J1g;1n,r;,ty—Wil1iam Renaker, Route No. lersamcs I
L., Q - - . arise yers, r., Holiday Road, Lex- ’
-, iiiston It ~ 1956 Hart County—R. W. Poynter, Horse Cave , , I R _ , . , ... . 1
_ I1>¤.r¤1pri¤"§`e1$’$iY°ico n.L1....-..1.., L......n.... 11e¤·1e*ee¤ C¤·1¤1>1—51¤¤11 Me1~¤¤¤- 511-12 0- “¥T`¢i?i C" T°“` D°“ ‘`‘‘` "‘ S8' s""“g S" 1 1
kl-` ` Hmoard of Trustees) He\r;ryB(qjl2)l;n1:;rdi% L M Eh E · Charleston W Va ]ames V Karrick 1001  
sy, I €,l,;lln€E?,l;€S]i Evans, Pineville, Ky. (Board of gicknnnnCCnnnIy_S,,I,nh Shngh   Lookout Rd. 1
(; _ . op ins ounty—M. R. M`1ls, M d' '11 G t C' ` ti—B tti D L , 229 S - `
0. $,,.1..... ,%.2,, {`,l“%,“;}§é,,§’e"¤W 1¤e¤1· Le1=·¤e1¤¤ rene]-s»·» Ic; r··» tyiclnurls1s,r;;c~vis,m$Ialilh ...... '§?..i‘s..,"§°.i‘3‘§? c...$Z, éy. ° °“‘ "° I
 ·   . . ET I\ll( VC., OUISVI B . ‘ _ » ' `
1 wifi?. 1lEJg‘Z`i¥r5`s??.$.;...’S1§?.E. {X?°,‘§?§.,.£.‘2.‘l‘§ }e;3em1¤eC¤¤11p;>1nW11e,g·; {ogg, Ng,111¤%1rv) ' M ’ y` ( ° mem ‘”· 1,j§,n;;,€€§,;,n£;SénnIs,y ésigggeeibrlgiodgenville Dayton. Ohio—]amt·s E. ricnry, 66 E. Dixon
= 1’lll0l' lass Reprosouiuii,,o-]osso (;-ii-doo, 36.; ‘ ` ‘ ' ’ n . Detroit Mich -]ames Thomas Bowling 2158
;i_ Ohio I 1iockinnI,ndL,,n€ L€_xI,,gIO,, Ky‘ 1 Lawrence County—George R. Burgess, Louisa FI ~_ d b P .   d 30 ·.
‘ ’ · · L C t -1), Cl, C b , B t ·u eetuoo , -r0sse olnt oo s , Mich. ·
I APPOINTNE LES,. ‘E;`1,‘l..¥.,-{s..,L1°‘l°§.m§mH$d.,°“ "“ ‘* norm, re....-n. 1. Rucker, sor E. Maple
' Paul G Blazer I I   A %E[Ch€ICC0UDtyEl{. {.4. I'gByS, Whlitesbnrg Avc•
 . - . r., ane i rive, shland, ewis ounty— ares taggs, ance urg ]\[`ddl T -R b i T, H , T · bl,
- nI§,l,;,_d E C Lincoln County-Truman Taylor, Waynesburg 1R0;?d,   Tigris? mma nm P
_ W P   90l>er, Somerset, Ky, Logan County-Granville Clark, Russellville New Orleans, Ln.-George E. ]ones, 4969 `
mda, N. Y.   nm·k, urlm, State Highway Department, Lyon County-]. Phillip Glenn, Kuttawa Mot,-opoliiim Drivo
V  - n ml- kr'- McCracken County—]0hn Blackburn, Citizens New York City_W,,its, N Fri in II. C/0 `
" -. G°°1’E€ P. Hill B · Swings Bank Bldg Paducah · · ~ · ` pp ’ ~ "
e, lx). 4 , vm C0 17 $,11. C/0 luegrass Pipe_,.nd Cul- M   C` n _C"vV‘ H ‘ S, California 'lcxas Oil Co. Ltd., 551 Fifth Ave.
49, C¤l1f· - C .   1 ¤ndAr1>ee¤s1. Louisville, Ky. ° ""Y °“ tj · · “""*· "“"‘$ Philadelphia, Pa.—\Villiam A. Lurtey, 312 Jcrico ”
y lll’l$ R, Kilgus Ha . . McLean County Charles Catton, Sacramento .
· _, r yswood Hospital, Maysville, — _ · · Road, Abington, Pa.
.I I l`l.i. Ky. Magoffm County Luther Rice, Salyersvillc .
ers 111 E· ._ I · _ \V1lSi'llllgI0ll, D. C.—C0l. ]0hn McDonald, R.F.D.
Ienshmo, lt), , newton W _ _ Marion County Paul Owens, Lebanon \I 4 B _ ,,,,,0 F .f _ V .
_c,‘D,,nI.III,._  _ H,,,,de,_s0· KNee1, City Engineer-’s Office, Nfarshall County-]. Homer Miller, Benton Win? ’ °"W“ s, maui, °w.I 109 ,
" Am, B1 Y- Martin County-Troy Mills, Inez _ * “““§°X · “·" · * ls°“· ]"·· .
I I_ 1 ,,,‘:,'gi11tt1ng, Ameriooii Ai, Filter Cm, First Mason County-William D. Calvert, Maysville lcsep v€‘ _
` Dual Ave., Louisville, Ky, Meade County—Wi1l1am Henry Allen, _ _
 i l·s-Watkins 145 E H- b S . Brandenburg Executive Committce meets second Monday I I
· T. Duwso   . ' lg t" L°xmgt°“· Ky' hienifee County-Fairel C. Bailey, Frenchburg night of each month, September through f
Louisvmn K mums- 2549 T1'€Vili811 Way, Mercer County-Mrs. Irwin Huddleston, May 6:30_ l)·lll· Colonial Room, Lafayette I
` e’ v' Harrodsburg ¤ Hotel, Lexington I g
 1    `
N T U 1 ‘
C K Y A L u M N u s 3 I I I

 sh   Z
3 .
  "` " ' E. R. Denney Takes Z C
r L p il
Q N at `onal Leadershi Om f°' U‘S‘ For T
  _ Ldwin Ray 'Denney, LL.B.. 'fily Oi
{ I<. Mt. Vernon. lsy., iorinerly ol §[Umi_ bi
? F r A       iello, was sworn in last Sept. 30 it T
  O p United States attorney for the kiigimi A
I)istri<·t ol` lientuckv. the first Rcpubli ·1i
§ The University of Kentucky is honored by the selection of DANIEL V. Gm U, hold limi Oiiim iii 20 yciiisv iii
» ii TERRELL as president of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The The -*I%l—year-olrl Mi. Vernon attoriicr
  i dean of the University’s College of Engineering thus opens still another is rl"*`;*l°;i (·i`<`***rl .l**{i§°_*** *l*€ \\=¤n1i» . U
Rt as; - o · ·c:1st e r istricl. a .· —.
l chapter of useful ejfort. He has served for 40 years on the U. of K. mir]: lhdéi in U S $Um3:"*]lE’* · [Q
V ',’ ’ ,' · ··   `_<1lIl _ s
i faculty- Sliernian Cooper. HC is a lm·mn· _
Q Dean TERRELL has devoted himself increasingly to the task of recruit- president of the U niversiiy at hn,. ii Si
  ing bright young people for the engineering profession. Last year he r**°l¥§; ·)l*****“* —‘\”"(`***r*(’*l **** · · ez: z · int .· Il ier. ·
‘ 2 notes, 1s inferior to its enemies in gross numbers. ’ Our hope must he in V   qllltlitiit It liu Umm _l _
i .. . _. » · · ` i ` "*r‘  . ,
3 fruuful research (mu 'rulss PrOduCu0’r· iudsge Denney was a member oi Slgllls  
i   i The D60?} f'ldS (ZONE filS Sfl(LI'€ IH ])I'O{lLtCl)lg f'fl€ fi]])C of SCl61’lf"lSf HIC (ill! f€()(`lill fl`2llC1`1l1[}'.  · Cf
.1 country needs. He is himself a good example of the man who combines Z iii
  Skfll€Cl SpCCl(llfSf ffllfflillg {Diff} (I f9I'0(lCf Ol,t'fZOOf€.         1 l\'
i , _ , .1.;’ Jl , I . · `
Q —LOu1SV1lle Courier Iournal OUIRED BY T1-IE ACT OF Coxcllrii rh
` »   BYTI-... ,T. . ·.  
l OF "i%e&’?Tf5i~ ii’§§z~H"% r?3§’§“£€E ’
i IULY 2, 1946 (Title 39, United States Cali Ki
` ° le l(iD\VELL JR I46 Sectilm 238) ·
1 Dr Ralph Angelucci r-· —- · · . (
° __ OE Kentnekv Alumnus (University ui lxn- m·
· i     U K       |     iueky, puiulisheilg_%uarter1y at L(‘XillQlOIl. ih. hc
· Of OVOITI )0I', F) .
e I L0lliS E. Kl(l\\'Cll, il`., oi 509 l{Zltl1Cl”- 1. The names and addresses of the pllllllillri. lh
i Dry Ralph j\]]gcl[[C(fi’ ’34’ Of Lgxing. Yue Pi Austin r—i—C{u‘i has i)CrOmc H editor, managing editor, and business i11i1¤1.i<1¤r5 ` xii
l . · . . " ' . ’ ’ `Z ` T mei  .
i L°“· has been "i°l°_°mted dr? ¤l¤m¤¤¤ ineinher ol the organic chemical re· _ Publisher; University of Kentucky, Lexiurwzi. j U
’ i rr1€1nl')CI` of the LlIllV€TSl[Y ol K€ll[U(`kY sgurgli section 0[ hl()l']S2lll{() (ill€ITllC?ll   Helen C King 5-2:; Swm .•“-i. {nl i [il
i B¤¤rrr><>¤‘=**i¤¤§ R Bl FH K  ‘
. l -» v i » · _· g Y   V ~ . _ __' A _ / OFF`--·_~i ·; _ _ Di i_· _ oo1nil·t._l—· ·
1 ‘° “°“ ’°‘“l ‘“°}" ’°‘ he d` lh? *<·~l>* 0* *~¤¤**·- *9*6 ··¤’ 0* *~¢·¤*¤<"*<>’ -**¤¤·¤* °".1$3£3£2iI$'1$}l‘? .;il;.‘.‘§.i.€1‘;1*S?.!lt§Z;""‘* "’   in-M   .··» in   _q·:;3,,,5r~i;;21l:; .*, .  . it
Association and a nieinber ol` its exe<‘u· Cliicago Chili mei-ts third Monday of eaeh “}id"’ i‘”'r"“li “_“’°klL"r‘l5riN{"‘;iii_”‘iiimiig of ch:  ;_ wi
V . . month, noon, Builders Club, (2lst floor) “ m [0 mf _‘“?pe‘_r P _k, imiirilli _
{ tive committee, 228 N_ ilnsiiiiv SL eompany as trustees, hold stun {lll: hmm iii, I Hi
-——~—- Louisville Club nn-ets 4-very Monday, noon, :;:\]?u_e"p°`e1ty other than that 0 ` _` 
, · · _, V ()`l Ho iso, F`rtl1 St. V i ' _ , » · y,,.   Se lip
The Dldrgaret I' Klug Llbldrl of the Nortli:·ustr of [hc °l’C“'fl""$ (ll` AA` A  ,r, i AT  A        Dean AlAerrell was inducted into of.       =
· { '.   ' I ( V ‘ ' . . I, ,   , A A ‘   -· -- _ _ A`—
in and tl lift tlsion in July, l·.)J2, Col: O Roark has   i  l.  ·     i P llttf at the October convention of the I   ¤
I (jonnnandant ol the U. S. Army Signal y.  .... . _ .—’\   »;'“'¤  , A Society in New York last month. l I , ·
zr ai fil- ‘» ' ,   ‘—· Y s "       '.. 1 »
  AZIIIIIIIIIIIII $‘l‘°°l m ·\mI“Ch‘ (’€Ul"m1‘   y , I   _`_ 2   I =,_·     Dean Ierrell has served as a direc. I I ‘
I Im II FII - He received degrees in mechanical _,I_ I           ,r, lor and a vice president of ASCE. and   I {
’ le ff and electrical engineering from thc l;II{’· gi  =i= ~      has hem] 00 [hc UnII,€rSiII, OI Kem I I —
@16%***3 lll fllt University of Kentucky in 1931 and ac-   I ,       ·· . ~ A        tuck y faculty for 40 years. Since 1946 A A
C"“"“"f“’“ 1* rcpted a reserve commission in 1937.  A A     he has been dean of the college and A
me UIIIIUIIII .-\fter being appointed in 19/ll as a    .      director of the Engineering Iixperi.
nbcr OI SIUIII; second lieutenant in the Signal (Zorps,     ‘ _  ‘   ment Station. He has been active in A
I ” A j hc served at Ft. Hayes. Ohio. as cx- g t is  ’ " ___V   higlnvay engineering research for al- A
· ecutive officer to the signal officer of  i  — ~&-s  ‘ .   A   most four decades and since lt)-t‘7 has
- _ _ _    ·_4 »  __,   at   ·__,   ,_r _.,. _   ‘ · — — •-
I the nth Service (.ommand. After      ’I.   ._I_   =·»       been director of the Kentucky State
l~g£LR:%g°gxl.II§; World \\’ar ll he was integrated into A     A   ’     ‘A Q=fAA.i l‘llgltWa)’ Research Laboratory. He
*017 Cogcms the regular army. LL COLD L 0,R0m.k has been a leader also in furthering
  E A.  . . . A A · .   , - » _A
IHA?   He became military governor of   mduhu 1-*] (l€‘€lOl)m€!li Ul l\€l1lUel~y
tinted statesertr. ‘ ltcmhalh and lmcl- gmmbIIIgI GcI._ through research for more effective
_ _ , 1 Y . · ·. .. . · »- use olA the state’s n· t r·l i ‘.
ImvmIII. III IIIII I many. during tht occupation. In 1941   Graduate Gets V 0 I *' U ‘* Y€$°“Y€€$ I
at L¢‘¥m¤*°“»l*1` hc returned to the United States for I llle lxellttltiliy alumnus and (lean .
ESUIIIwpIIIIIIIIIII_ the advanced officer-s’ course at The C Drk CO. CGQE Job has been president of the Kentucky V
business nnunttré ~ Signal School at Fort lvloumoutlk N_   \II_ml_iC€ Iilckym (Il )h\ Sku I Society of l’rofAessional Engineers and
. . — 1 . . . , i rz z- . _
, II,,nn_ Upon completion of this course he rc- . . ·A l 1 H FCI formerly was iresident of the Ken.
,ntuckv, Le. _ [lOl] dlI`€ t 't l - I . _ / , l
A turned to Germany where he was as- C Of AAA AAA ”CxmgAAm \`M' tttckv section of -\SCIi
2 Sayre Am ta. . _. I ` ‘ (..A., was named head basketball coach ‘ A A
· I nstant commandant and later com- it Chrk (toumv Hirh SCI] I I_ _I Last September Dean Terrell was
[CCln;u,Bartls10\\‘¤. I  ltlantlant of the Signal school at Ans- July A A ‘ B A A AAAA AAAA honored at a dinner given by   I
_ K_ WSIIII bath. In _]uly of 1950, while at Ans- ’A __ t Stephen \\'atkins, B.S.C.E. ’30, and   I
J. mg, ·~- . [mh h_ _ , _ I I. Mr. lackson. a 195.0 graduate of the _ _ · t — .. .
_ . c nas ptomotet to ieutenant _ —_ _ Rc hold \v· lt Bggh 4
· t University ol Kentuck succeel L t A A AAA mS’ A ` ` ' `8’ Uh A
§‘S“’K;’f ITAIQI, » °°l°“€l· , * I A? C graduates and Lexington consulting 1 .
on, .· — CI , _ . cher l\orton who took Clark (.ountv . . . . "’ ·
_ 0. ORoark served   director ol . . . · engineers. in recognition of the honor
III BI0¤I,Il;l.h_tt. , IIIC _' . _ .   _ _ teams to the State High School Basket- ._ _ _ . ,
< · LCIIngIIIII_ tI, Operations division at SCTS front INII ,I.0um_Im€m SIX OI the www ml which has come to him and to ken-
> '. ·. I   . . . t ¢ .. ` ` "' `S . . .
lyé   ly; Illstllllldl until june of this year when he (_O_I(_h€d there Mr NOYIOIE IC tucky through his election to the ol-
‘“ ’ ‘ ` A te was made actin chief of ‘t‘ ff A A A A A lll€S ll1l'0llgh both stirring
Ext-cntnt ;*f"IIII _ IIIOLO Rvark 15 the son ot M1. and from 194b to 1992 was with the Vet- and tumbling. Prof, Kendall ts re-
,` .. · ll? " _ . _ Y , _ I _ I _ . . . . . .
b<*¤*** ‘“‘   III)? - C· OR0arls, 14 Ralph Place, erans Adnnnistration as a training of- search analyst in the department of 1 | 2
. . · 1‘lSt0wn _ . . · ·. .· · · . · - · ·
I G_ Mi§IItlIlglII , ’ N   lleel 111 LOU1S\1lle. mining and metallurgtcal engineering. I I
Sept. I » °` '  t  
...i»»~·’   T
. 1 t `
` A ~ 2

 { .
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  E 7’65l6l1€I’l[ 5 Llgé     o l
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  Miss Helen liing. our Alunrrri Secre- coutrty there is a county farm agent President Donovan   ll
  lilfy, I)l'()l)()SC(l to HIC SONIC (lilybi 2lgO illl(l il ll()lll(I (lClllUllS[1`il{l()ll2lgCllf.]`(ji\(ly ‘ ll
  that she would give me a page itr each to give you advice regarding farnr . ll
{ issue of Tl-IE IQENTUCKY ALUM- problems and home management. Feel . ll
1 NUS in order that l nright corrrrrrurri- free to call upon them for such as- lllllllll lll`ll§l`lllll$» $ll<>l`t wllrses lm- , ll?
cate to you sonre message about your sistance as you may need. During the llllllllclsr *ll`l?0l`$<>nuel tli. l Sl
I _\lnra Mater. lam delighted to have year professors from the University l`Cl`llll`$· _l*ll`lll€l`$· l€ll<`ll€l`5» litwyers. l lll
  this opportunity to bring to you from will be visiting your community, lllllll`lll*ll`l*l$· CllL{lll€€l`$· llllil rrraiit l _ll
; time to time information about the speaking itr the high schools and giv- lllllcl §l`llllll$- lllllls lllllllt Cducatioit
  University wlriclr I believe you will ing the students there such guidance lllllgllllll l$ lll lll€$illllill>l€ Value to ll
  be interested in receiving. as they may be able to offer. They will lllll` l`lll"¢ll$· Mere llllll lll<>1`C pe<>l>lt· ll
l You will have received before this also be pleased to address an alunmi lllc lllllllllg lll ll$ €ll€ll Y€lll` Mkiug ut 4 lll
`   issue of the ALUMNUS reaches you a meeting which we hope you will at- ll"` llclll llll lllcll Pill`llt`<>l>lcrrr».  Y SY
  copy of a brochure entitled \\’ORl{- tend. These professors will be pleased lll lllll‘ lilll<>l`ill<>l`l€S each day tlrcrc l lll
y _ ING