xt7n2z12pv5w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n2z12pv5w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19770819 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 19, 1977, no. 191 text The Green Bean, August 19, 1977, no. 191 1977 2014 true xt7n2z12pv5w section xt7n2z12pv5w UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER
8g19gZZ N0. 191
18 August — LSO Meeting, 9:30 a.m. , Special Collections
19 August — ACTS annual rreeting, 9:00 -· 12:00, Carnahan House
26 August — Fall Faculty Meeting
Current Exhibits: Foyer, King Library North — The Kikkuli Text: i
a new publication from the King Library Press. Also; Recent
Acquisitions. Gallery, Department of Special Collections — Three ·
Exhibits prepared by Library Science students (through 15 Sept,).
lobby, King Library South — "Nine Illustrations from Bambi": drawings
by Bill Crouch (through August) .
Contributors to this nurrber: Trudi Bellardo, David Farrell (Editor),
  Faith Harders, Mary Ransbottom, Bob Turner, Paul Willis.

  Librgy Tours September 6th—9th
The Reference department will be offering brief general tours of the
King Library September 6th—9th. We would welcome volunteers from the
, staff to help with these. It's interesting for our users to meet staff
who are not usually at the public service desks. We will provide as much
» help/srmnport/training as you feel you need before giving a tour. If you
. think you can spare 30 minutes during that week please contact Patricia
* Renfro or Mollie Sandock at 7-l63l as soon as possible.
x The Library has reoeived the new faculty/staff ID's for our unit and they
. will be distributed this week and next. However, some of them were printed
upside down; these were pulled out by University Staff Benefits and are
i being redone. So, if you do not get one, please wait 2 or 3 weeks; if, by
i this time, you still do not have one, please call Ann Short.
Maps/Reference Merge
  As a response to the MRAP recommendation for few, but larger departments,
, and the Personnel Utilization subgroup's suggestions for better utilization
of staff, the Map Department has been merged with Reference.
LSO Thank You
The showing of the film entitled "The Speaker" (co-sponsored by ALA's Qi
Intellectual Freedom Committee) was held by the Library Staff Organization,
Thursday, August ll. A panel consisting of Nbllie Sandock, Ellen Baxter,
  Lee Hisle and David Farrell led a discussion of this thought provoking
film with much participation from the staff. ISO would like to thank
the panelists as well as Bob Sandrock, the profectionist and Bob Turner for m
helping with the publicity.
UK Librarian Publisher
Nbllie Sandock in Reference has published an article in the Summer 1977
RQ. The article is titled: "A Study of University Students' Awareness
of Reference Services".,
Faculty Neeting August 26
If you are going to come, but "brown bag it", please let Pat Lloyd know as
we need a total attendance count for the morning coffee/donut break.
If you are driving and can take someone, pleases let Faith Harders know
as there are a few people who need. rides.

Conference Scheduled
Conference: Emerging Trends in Library Organization: What Influences
Change. Oct. 20—2l at Indiana State University. For further infomation
see Faith Harders.
Administrative Services Note
King Library North, King Library South and Art Library will close at
noon, August 26, for exterminating. Regular hours for Saturday.
E LT II, Medical Center Library, Media Dept. _
For information, Call Kay Saillard, 3·»5l3l
' LT II, Agriculture
LT I Circulation (nignt door checker)
LT II Art Library
If interested,   Faith Harders. Vacancies are listed in the Green Bean
several worlcing   before they are lis ted with the University.
PBi)EESSI()llA| EMPLQYI§»1EJ’\1l_.®l?fY3§l`fL.l\é ll IES
Slavic Cataloger, Ohio State Ihiiversity Libraries, Available: Oct. l, l977.
Salary: $lO,44<`) -— $l2,GOO,
Head Automatic; Processing Division, Ohio State University Libraries,
Available: Oct. 1.5, l977. Salary: $l6,20O —~$l9,080.
Research Park Librarian, Lhiiversity of Missouri.—Columbia, Application
Deadline: Oct. l, 1.977. I~’iini;mum Salary: $ll,OOO.
Slavic Cataloger/Bibliographer, University of Virginia Library, Application
Deadline: Sept. 5, l977..
Bibliographer for Latin America, Spain and Portugal, Princeton University
Library. Available: Immediately.
Affiliate or Assistant Librarian, Tech. Services, Business Library, Indiana
University Libraries, Available: Sept. l, 1977, Salary: Dependent upon
qualifications and e>qperi.ence.
