xt7n2z12pv97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n2z12pv97/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1988 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 63, No. 3, Winter 1988 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 63, No. 3, Winter 1988 1988 2014 true xt7n2z12pv97 section xt7n2z12pv97 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE g _  
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US ISSN 00162116
Julie — by Sharon Hatfield 1
James Mosley Remembers His Heart Attack 8
FNS Employee Wellness Program - by Sharon N Hatfield 13 '
How To Make a Great Organization Even Greater . . . - C.A.R.E. 5 ;
- by Ruby Moore 15 ,
Mary and Barry Bingham, Sr. Dedication - by Ron Hallman 18
Mary Breckinridge Hospital- A Fresh Perspective
- edited by Sharon N Hatfield 20
In Brief 26
School Notes — by Ruth Beeman 27
News of Former Staff 28
Field Notes - by Elizabeth Wilcox 29
Courier News — edited by Elizabeth Wilcox 30
In Memoriam 31
Memorial Gifts 32
In Memoriam: Dr. Stuart Graves, Jr. 34
Alumni News · edited by Alice Whitman 35
Urgent Needs Inside Back Cover
i Staff Opportunities Inside Back Cover
Julie Dawn Maggard in her special posture chair. (see article Julie, page 1) ,
» 2
US ISSN 00162116 {
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
Wendover, Kentucky 41775
Subscription Price $5.00 a Year ;
Editor’s Office, Wendover, Kentucky 41775  
Second·class postage paid at Wendover, Ky. 41775 and at additional mailing offices 7
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, Ky. 41775 {
Copyright 1986, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.  

 1 .
I "Julie chases Roger
all around the house
; l Julie will squeal
“ I if she finds a mouse"
it Just about every weekday morning — if your errand happens to
i take you down the rear hall of the Mary Breckinridge Hospital
Q and past the Physical Therapy Department - you are apt to hear a
I woman’s voice singing nonsense verse to the tune of a familiar
nursery rhyme. Her singing is accompanied by a delighted child’s
joyful laughter. Being possessed of a curious nature, I decided to
check out these unusual sounds and besides, it was obvious that
o someone was having a very good time at 8:30 in the morning and
this in itself deserved investigation.
I’m sure you’ve noticed that every once in a while - always
I when we least expect it - life presents us with an experience that
changes us. I had one of those moments the day I opened the door,
stepped into the Physical Therapy Department and met Julie!
I Julie is a five year old enchantress who instantly captivates
l anyone within radius of her wonderfully inviting smiles. Really
  -its true - you have to see it to believe it. Now I’m one of the regular
f FNSers who have discovered that an early morning Julie smile is
: a great way to start the day.
i Julie Dawn Maggard was born July 21, 1982 at the Mary
Breckinridge Hospital. Julie has cerebral palsy, which means she
has impaired muscular power and coordination. Since April, 1987
I » Julie has been working, almost every week day, with MBH
  , Physical Therapist Evangeline Z. Goss. According to Mrs. Goss,
Q   when Julie first came to her she had many involuntary motions
  ' and was unable to control her head and neck movements. Also,
Q Julie had some movements which Mrs. Goss describes as
V ~ "unwanted movements". For example, when Julie turned her
 A l head to one side, the arm on that side extended straight out from
 Y ` her body. Her legs flexed and extended at the same time, prevent-
 ° ing any creeping or climbing movements not to mention the plac-
 _ ing of one leg in front of the other to allow walking. Her elbows
  locked in extension and neither Julie nor anyone helping her
 { could release or bend them. Julie could grasp an item, but then

could not release it. She could not roll over from her tummy to her  
back or from her back to her tummy. Julie was unable to sit i
unsupported, could not feed herself and had some difficulty swal-  
lowing. Although Julie is a very annimated child and makes l
many sounds, she could not talk and was unable to let anyone I
know when she needed to be toileted.
It’s been almost a year since Julie began therapy with Mrs. ~
Goss and everyone agrees she has made excellent progress. Ev- _
eryone also agrees that Julie’s progress has, in great part, been ;
due to the efforts of a dedicated team of caring people. Primary ,
team members are Mrs. Goss, Julie’s therapist; Mrs. Eva Mag-
gard, her mother; Roger (age 15) and Danny Lyn (age 12), Julie’s I
very special brothers; and, Julie herself. Each has made their own  
unique contribution to this special success story. _
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Physical Therapi  Evangeline Goss teac es  others Roger a d Danny Lyn and her A ,
mom, Eva Maggard, how to assist Julie with her exercises. 1  
Mrs. Goss ("Vangie") brings to her clients a very high level of  
skill that comes from both academic credentials and invaluable  
experience gained in over 35 years as a therapist. In addition, she  
brings something more . . a little harder to define. Blessed with a ` l
high degree of imagination and creativity, Mrs. Goss often comes
up with some very unique ways to help her patients "get" where  Ji
she knows they need to "go".  

fl For example, she remembered seeing a piece of equipment that
  allowed the user to lie down on a trolley-like platform and place
  their bent legs on a bar attached to springs. As the user pushes
ii against the springs, the trunk moves away and the legs straighten
l thus strenghtening the legs in their capacity to both straighten
l ' and release and bend. Following Mrs. Goss’s instructions, FNS
y, maintenance men built an adult model and later, when Mrs. Goss
. felt Julie could benefit from one, the engineer father of a courier
Y made J ulie’s "aeroplane" to her specifications. Julie thinks its
L great fun and can perform 135 to 180 push-aways - sometimes
  giggling as Mrs. Goss sings her original "poetry" and sometimes
l_ to music from the local country music station. Mrs. Goss is clearly
{3 the preferred entertainer.
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l julie rides her "aeroplane" with alittle help from mom and Mrs. Goss.
l. l On my frequent visits to PT, I have observed Julie working at a
  variety of activities - all of which looked and sounded to me like a
{ child at play, but Mrs. Goss would explain the purpose behind
, each exercise. "This is a pre-creeping exercise.", she would say, or
  "This is to prepare Julie for the sitting position." It became clear
 l that each exercise was a stepping stone to a skill that would be
{  needed next and one day Julie was ready to be held sitting on a
Y  pillow, in a chair, in front of a table. J ulie’s mom held her head in a
T, position that permitted her elbows to bend, and two PT assistants

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P.T. assistants Margaret Harris and Roxanne Mosley "play" the rolled-up towel game j
with julie and her mom. Q
helped Julie to push and pull a rolled-up towel and then to move a  
rolled-up washcloth around in a circle. To Julie this was a great l
game, but to Mrs. Goss she was developing skills that she will l
need for feeding herself and eventually will lead to the use of a l
marker and then to writing skills.  
Julie improved to the point where Mrs. Goss felt she was ready .
for a posture chair and long-leg braces. It took a very long time,
but finally, through the efforts of Mrs. Goss and a number of ,
concerned people in our organization and area, arrangements ·
were made to provide Julie with the very special posture chair and l
the braces that would allow her to stand and learn to walk. It was ,
truly a grand moment the day the beautiful, strawberry-pink \‘
posture chair arrived for the little girl who had worked so hard to _ =
sit up. An excited Julie beamed her joy as her chair was proudly \ l
displayed to her usual group of fans who, on that particular day,  
included her pediatrician and the hospital’s administrator. x
Wearing her properly fitted braces, Julie can now bear weight [
on her legs, stand and take a few steps with support. Now that she {
can lift and hold her head and has gained strength in her trunk .
and back, the ever forward looking Mrs. Goss plans to teach Julie

to feed herself in a standing position with weights on her wrists.
The weights, say Mrs. Goss, will help Julie to become aware of
where her arms are in space and thereby help her to gain more
control over her movements.
New doors have now been opened to Julie. She has been
` accepted into Leslie County’s special education program where
her team of helpers has broadened to include her teachers and a
Q speech therapist. Eva Maggard is encouraged by the speech ther-
= apist’s recent report indicating that Julie has made considerable
progress and pleased too when the teacher commented that she
hoped Julie had learned as much from her as she has learned from
. Julie. There are many of us who echo the teacher’s sentiments.
Unquestionably Julie Maggard is a remarkable child filled
i with determination, joy and a zest for life which is very infectious.
This is a confident, outgoing child - secure and loving and
obviously very much loved by a strong and supportive mother.
“ Eva Maggard looks calmly out at the world through dark eyes.
Her gaze is steady and thoughtful, and though one senses that her
3 life has known its pain, one feels her strength and peace — the kind
of peace, I think, that must come when life has presented you with
  a very heavy load and you have discovered that you have the
  inner resources not just to cope, but to successfully handle the
  tasks that are yours.
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i A proud moment! julie stands erect with the help of her new braces -and just a
( comforting hand from mom.

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Learning to take those first steps brings out that famous julie smile.
Eva is up early each day to get her sons, Roger and Danny
Lyn, off to school. Then she and Julie breakfast, load Julie’s _
braces and chair into the car and head for Mary Breckinridge
Hospital for Julie’s physical therapy appointment. Eva works _
right along with Mrs. Goss and Julie so that she and the boys can _
continue the work at home. l .
Then its off to J ulie’s special education class from after which
Julie attends regular kindergarden. Eva feels it is very important l
for Julie to spend time with able-bodied youngsters. "They learn   i
from each other", she says, "and that’s good." It concerns Eva
that many parents of handicapped children want to keep their  
youngsters hidden away. She hopes that she and Julie can help .
them to be more comfortable with their children. Eva works at the -
school as an instructional handicap aide. She assists the teachers J
and children and in between her duties does a lot of running back
and forth to check on Julie. "Its a very tiring day", she says, and  ~
by three o’clock even the good natured Julie is sometimes cranky.  i

 _ Once home there is supper to be made, the boys to be picked up
. after ball practice and often, after dinner, the whole family goes
k off to their church.
The days are full and rewarding - especially the joys that come
E _ with J ulie’s continuing progress. There are so many places to go
and Julie is growing too big to be carried. She needs her wonderful
chair and braces wherever she goes and her equipment is fast
; outgrowing Eva’s small car. But Eva, Mrs. Goss and all of us hope
; that some way can be found to provide the Maggard family with a
I properly equipped van.
In the meantime, Julie continues to work and learn and while
everyone else is applauding the progress, Evangeline Goss is
planning the future. Next she will teach Julie to hold a spoon, cup,
; toothbrush and a cookie, and then a felt-tipped pen. "J ust wait",
E she says, "You’ll see. We’ll teach her to form sounds into words, to
{ call mother or brother . . . to sing."
l —Shar0n N. Hatfield
if * * * * *
J Editors Note: Just prior to press time, FNS President David M.
Hatfield announced the creation of a special fund to allow J ulie’s
Q family to purchase the specially-equipped van mentioned in this
é · article. Because Julie continues to have an unpredictable startled
E reflex that involves her whole body, she needs to be transported in
{ her posture chair. Mrs. Maggard cannot manage Julie safely
  i along with her braces and chair in an ordinary automobile. She
 . needs a small van with a fold-down ramp or lift so that Julie,
 , securely fastened in her chair, can be rolled into and secured
 ~ within the vehicle. The total cost of the van is $15,000 and we are
 p in hopes that we will be able to raise these funds through charita-
  ble contributions from our friends here in the mountains and
 . beyond. Anyone interested in participating in this special effort
 l may send their "Julie’s Van" contribution to our Development
i  Office, Wendover, KY 41775 where it will be gratefully received.

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James Mosley was born January 2, 1928 . . . an FNS delivered baby. He
is a Hyden businessman and active in affairs of his church and ,
community. He was a member of the Leslie County Board of Education
for eight years. James is a long time friend of the Frontier Nursing
Service serving, over the years, as chairman of the FNS Advisory
Committee and on the Board of Governors. From its inception, James I
has chaired the Mary Breckinridge Housing Board, and with that group _
has seen the HUD Housing Project for handicapped and elderly citizens _
through to completion. In addition to the Housing Board, James
continues to serve FNS as a member of the Board of Governors. He and
his wife Mary have three children.
On November 18, 1987, James Mosley suffered a major heart attack. , .
Today, thankfully, James is back at work and active, once again, in `
community activities. In the following article, originally published in the f
Leslie County News, he describes his experience from the onset of the
heart attack through his recovery period. We felt it was a story filled with
strength, courage and spirit, and, with J ames’ permission, we share it ‘
with you.  ‘
November 18, 1987 was decision day for me. I was planning to L
check with my old fishing buddy, Fred Pace, to see if he would go '
fishing with me the next day down on Buckhorn Lake . . . maybe  '
to catch a big muskie. I was standing there talking to Dave Hat- {

 ‘ field when the phone rang. "Robert Wilson here." said the voice
. that answered. "How about some tennis?" He began explaining
. just how much better he was and just how bad he could beat me,
 , mentioning scores of 6-0, 6-0. Well, that was just too much for me to
» take, so I told him that if he didn’t chicken-out, to meet me about
’· 3:00.
I went home, dressed out in sweat clothes and headed for the
; tennis courts at the Richard M. Nixon Sports Center.
{ H I got there about three minutes before Rob showed up. We went
l through some more "bantering" and then started warming-up.
The weather was nice and the temperature about 45 degrees.
 · The game started with Rob winning the right to first serve. I
L jumped on his serve and was doing real well . . . had Rob down
3 4-2. Rob was serving the seventh game and was ahead 30-love,
when I had to walk off the court. I had been feeling a slight
? numbness in both arms and chest and suspected indigestion. I
; could feel a burp deep in my stomach and felt ifI could get it up I
I would be o.k. Finally it came up, but the numbness didn’t get
` better. I had had this feeling two or three months before but had
 4 fought through this hurt . . . you know, "play through pain." But
  this one wasn’t going to be denied.
 —_ I gathered up my racket and water jug, telling Rob that I was
 i feeling bad and had to go . . . not knowing at that time exactly
 i where I was going. I got into my pick-up truck, never looked back,
.“ and started toward town or home. As I drove I kept getting worse
·  and wondered about my situation. At 35 miles per hour, what
 f would I do if I started passing out? I figured I’d slam on the brakes
4 . and put it in park, but I hung on, made a right turn onto Route 80,
crossed the bridge and turned into the driveway at Hurts Creek
 ~ shopping center, remembering that FNS has a new medical clinic
 I i there staffed with a heart specialist.
  I spotted a good close parking space, but it was for the handi-
  capped, so I turned left going about 150 feet to a space. I didn’t
 y want anyone to see my truck with Chevron emblems on the side
T parked in an unauthorized parking space. People will talk you
 { know. I got out of my truck and, by this time, I was almost gone. I
»i staggered down the driveway into the clinic. The first person I
  saw was Jean Elam who, I later learned, was there to look the
  place over as a guest. I then spotted Lois Hensley, the receptionist

and I asked her if Dr. Kharsa in. She casually asked another girl if g
Dr. Kharsa was still there. My heart sank because I was afraid I .
would hear that he had just left. By then Lois became alarmed and
she asked, "James, what’s wrong with you?" I said, "I’m sick!" .
Then she rushed from behind the desk and led me to the first room r
that had an examining bed. My memory at this time is a little ‘
fuzzy, but I remember that all at once there were faces all around
me and in the middle of those faces was Dr. Kharsa barking orders
like a first sergeant. I felt needles in both arms, oxygen over my ,`
mouth and nose (I remember two kinds of masks). A girl raised my I
legs up on her shoulders, getting them higher than my head and
before the ambulance came, I could feel her getting tired and ‘
uncomfortable from the weight of my legs.
Incidentally, the ambulance was there in a hurry and I was
loaded into it. By that time I had had several medicines —— IV’s,
etc. Dr. Kharsa was standing over me on the road to Mary Breck- ·
inridge Hospital in Hyden. 4
Looking back, I am real proud of our ambulance people. They ·
responded like real professionals and I was transferred to the `
hospital without a hitch . . . just like on TV. I was very impressed
to say the least. The ambulance pulled in and backed up with the ·
little back-up beeper going. I knew where I was and then the h
ambulance doors flew open and skilled hands removed my bed. 4
Doors swung open and down a long aisle we went in a hurry. I saw `
the concerned face of my pastor "Butch" Pennington. Up the
elevator and into my room "stat"! I was still in a lot of pain, but
was improving now. I was receiving four IV’s. Several of these I
things I learned later. I had the services of real professional people  
from the beginning to where I am now, seventeen days later. _ ~
During this time I have learned to have a lot of respect for ceilings. i
I really had never looked at them so much. Z
Dr. Kharsa ordered all the equipment that was at his command I :
for tests. After reading everything, he came to the conclusion that ,_
I should have a catherization test, (best known as a dye test), since ° 
he must find the reason for the heart attack in order to know how I 
to treat the cause . . . by operation or medicine. He gave me all the ¢ 
options and, after consulting with my family, I decided to go with  .
him to St. Mary’s Hospital in Huntington, West Virginia, where  ·
he has hospital privileges as well as being on the teaching staff of  ,
Marshall University. Dr. Wicker of Hazard was also consulted.  

E We left on Thursday morning in an ambulance driven by my
· good Christian friend Mike Miller. One of the registered nurses,
Sandy Collins, came along to monitor my heartbeat and adminis-
· ter oxygen and IV’s. Dr. Kharsa rode "point" in his Volvo wagon.
[ I felt well covered. My daughter Amy, rode up front with Mike. My
` wife Mary, daughter Carmen, son Jeff and his betterhalf, Sharon,
followed in a van.
_ We arrived in Huntington and again everything was mechani-
  cal. People met us, doors opened, I passed down long white-
l ceilinged hallways to an elevator, then road up one floor to ICU
_ where I stayed until another patient was discharged and a room
was empty.
On Thanksgiving day, someone told my wife Mary that they
were so sorry for her. Mary’s reply to her was that it was going to
be one of the best Thanksgivings . . . "her old man was going to
“ make it."
I St. Mary’s Hospital in Huntington is a large, modern hospital
I about the size of St. J oseph’s in Lexington. Like Mary Breckin-
ridge and St. Joe, the people treat you great. I was given almost
anything I wanted or needed and it was obvious that I and my
L. family were going to be treated "right at home". This was a very
comforting feeling at this time. We were shown the catherization
.~ procedure on TV and it gave me confidence . . . both the skill of
my doctor and Almighty God watching.
Next morning I was taken down to the "Cath" room and as
. they wheeled me in, Dr. Kharsa very proudly said, "You are now
{ entering a one million dollar room." Very, very impressive to say
_ . the least. The procedure lasted less than one hour start to finish. I
i never lost consciousness and even watched the procedure on a TV
Z monitor. Good news, good news! No major blockage . . . in fact, no
p J blockage at all. After consulting with other docs, studying pictu-
res . . . study and more study . . . it was determined that I had an
 ‘ artery spasm and could be treated with medicine to keep this from
j happening again.
  Hopefully, I can play tennis again and have a normal life. The
¢  news cheered my family and pastor so much that they promptly
 - went out and had a big dinner and later, went to the movies . . .
 ,_ crying and laughing all the while. "Butch" ate the most and went
  home that afternoon.

Incidentally, Dr. Kharsa stayed real close during the whole  
ordeal and we will never forget.  
My pastor, "Butch" Pennington, left his Wooton home at 3 am .
Friday morning and arrived at the hospital about 6:30. I don’t L
know how to thank him for all the spiritual help he brought, but ,
also, he fell right into the flow of things and ate more supper than
anyone. This man provided friendship, companionship and
strength with his prayers, being a servant . . . ever alert. e.
We were ready to leave for Hyden and Mary Breckinridge
Hospital about 10:30 Saturday morning. We arrived about 2:00 i
pm. Back home among friendly, known faces . . . perfect hospital
care, professionalism everywhere, nurses in clean white uni- _
forms, name tags identifying whether RN, LPN, etc . . . even the `
cleaning ladies were neat and clean . . . well groomed, beautiful  
people. I met many of Betty Huff" s graduates from the Health  
Services School of our own Leslie County Vocational School. Dr. `
Beasley, a former FNS director, helped start that class several
years ago. _
Not being a hospital critic . . . not being qualified to pass ,
judgment and speaking from a green horn’s viewpoint, I was very *
impressed — from Hurts Creek Medical Center, the Leslie County  
Ambulance Service to the Mary Breckinridge Hospital. S
I’m back home now, still not out ofthe woods, but hopefully on .
the road to recovery, thanks to many people, (I wish I could name i
them all), but most important of all, to Almighty God. Finally I ,
want to mention the compassion that was displayed, not only by
the professional people ofthe hospital, but by so many friends and
concerned people who visited, sent cards, flowers, books, etc. This . _
is so important during recuperation and also the feeling that you
are missed and that people desire that you recover. To my family
and church family . . . Thanks. J
—James M. Mosley p

  FNS Employee Wellness Progam
l In February 1987, the Frontier Nursing Service began its Employee
- Wellness Program. The program utilizes a variety of tools to help identify
A potential problems before they manifest as illness.
. The backbone of the program is an annual physical examination
which FNS offers free of charge to each employee as part of their total
benefit package. The exam, conducted by a family nurse practitioner at
, the Kate Ireland Women’s HealthCare Center, includes a computerized,
I two-day nutritional analysis and a health risk appraisal (HRA). The
nutritional analysis and the HRA allow the employee to examine his/ her
i life-style choices with their nurse practitioner and this becomes an effec-
tive starting point for discussing needed corrections and changes that
~ will result in improved health now and in the future. Employee response
I has been very positive. To date, 126 employees have taken advantage of
  this service.
, A number of educational programs are being planned to assist people
A in addressing the most common and potentially serious health problems.
Smoking cessation and the management of stress and diabetes are high
Already in place is our Employee Weight-Loss Program which is
¥ planned and conducted by family nurse practitioner Debbie Browning
j and Sharon Hatfield, manager of the Kate Ireland Women’s HealthCare
P Center. This has proved a very popular program with many faithful
I members who have, as of February 1, lost approximately 950 pounds.
Y Weight-group members meet weekly (during work hours gratis FNS)
for weigh-in checks and mini-educational classes on a variety of topics. A
I recent theme focused on fiber in the diet and members sampled bean
burritos and oat bran muffins as they listened to Debbie and Sharon sing
the praises of a high fiber diet in weight-loss and in general good health.
’ · The importance of exercise is stressed as an aid to weight-loss and as
an essential part of general physical fitness. It is gratifying these days to
see groups of employees trudging up hospital hill on their lunch hours
J and others, early in the day or after work, walking the high school
p track . . . some pushing their youngsters in strollers.
  In response to those who wanted a more formal and disciplined
i approach to exercise, we began a low-impact aerobic class in February.
F Every Monday and Thursday evening, around 15 hearty souls gather in
, the MBH cafeteria and huff and puff their way through a vigorous one
  hour aerobic routine led by Laura Mann. Laura, a student at the Frontier
F School and a fully qualified aerobic instructor, bounces her way through
L the hour, smiling and calling out encouragement to her willing but weary
students. There is general agreement that Laura’s class is great fun as

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Weight Group members Deanna Adams and Peggie Lewis discuss dieting tips with the
group’s consultant FNP Debbie Browning.
well as beneficial.
Part of the motivation for any weight-loss program is rewarding
oneself for sticking to a diet and exercise plan. For many, a great way to
do this — especially with the holidays around the corner — was to V
consider a new outfit for their slimmer figures. Clothes-talk led to the idea
of a fashion show. Two local shops agreed to help and in December, with a .
number of weight group members as models, a wide variety of holiday °
fashions were displayed to FNS family and community friends. This was a
our first — away from the work scene — social event and everyone agreed `
it should become a regular affair with perhaps Easter and spring F
fashions as our next focus. It was great fun and in a very real way, a
celebration of success. Q
Once the FNS Employee Wellness Program is fully in-place with all of _ L
its programs operational, we plan to expand it to include the community.
While this goal is still in the future, it is important to consider that as FNS '
is the 3rd largest employer in Leslie County — following the educational  .
system and the coal industry — we are, in working with our 260
employees, already reaching a sizeable number of people in our service S
area. We are working hard to make this a very successful effort that can ·
eventually serve as a model program in health promotion in our g
—Sharon Hatfield y 

I How to Make a Great Organization Even Greater . . . C.A.R.E.
Ruby Moore is a native Kentuckian. Born and raised in Clay County, she
[ graduated from Clay County High School and received her BS from
Wi Eastern Kentucky University. She has worked for the Frontier Nursing
Service for thirteen years taking occasional time out for continuing
education and to have a baby. Ruby, a Registered Record Administrator,
worked in Medical Records for ten years, spent two years in the business
` office and is presently the organization’s Quality Assurance/ Risk Man-
i agement specialist.
f · Ruby expresses a real appreciation to FNS for providing the flexibil-
1ty of hours that allowed her to pursue a career and continue her