xt7n5t3fz86x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n5t3fz86x/data/mets.xml Ellis, J. Breckenridge, (John Breckenridge), 1870-1956. 1910 books b92-50-26953602 English Press of Reynolds-Parker Co., : Sherman, Tex. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Carr, O. A., Mrs., 1846-1907. Carr-Burdette College. Disciples of Christ Biography. Christian education of girls. Church colleges.Carr, O. A., (Oliver A.), d.1912. Story of a life / by J. Breckenridge Ellis. text Story of a life / by J. Breckenridge Ellis. 1910 2002 true xt7n5t3fz86x section xt7n5t3fz86x MNRS. (). A. CARR I i i I i I I THE STORY OF A LIFE BY J. BRECKENRIDGE ELLUc AUTHOR OF "T1HE SOUL Of A SERF," THE DREAD AND FEAR OF KINGS," "HOLLAND WOLVES," "SIEMR," "ADNAH," "ARKINSAW COUSINS," "TWIN STARRS," "GARC LASO," "IN THE DAYS OF JEHU," "KING SAUL" "STORK'S NEST, "THE RED BOX CLEW,` ETC PRESS OF REYNOLDS-PARKER CO. SHERMAN, TEXAS 1910 TO HER GIRLS AND TO THE MEMORY AND PERPETUATION OF CARR-BURDETTE COLLEGE MRS. CARR'S PET-THE CHILD OF HER BRAIN AND HEART THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED This page in the original text is blank. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. I. A KENTUCKY GIRL. II. IDEALS. III. A KENTUCKY Boy. IV. A SCHOOL-GIRL'S NOTE BOOK. V. A UNIVERSITY STUDENT. VI. LovE AND SACRIFICE. VII. "I WILL Go." V111. AN EINGLISH PRIMROSE. IX. THE LONG VOYAGE. X. LIFE IN MELBOURNE. XI. Busy YEARS IN AUSTRALIA. XII. EXPERIENCES IN TrASMIANIA. XIII. TRAVELS IN THE ORIENT. XIV. WORK IN KENTUCKY AND MISSOURI. XV. LADY PRINCIPAL OF THE UNIVER SITY OF MISSOURI. XVI. IN PURSUIT OF ONE'S IDEAL. XVII. ACHIEVING ONE'S IDEAL. XVIII. CROWNING MONUMENT OF A LIFE. This page in the original text is blank. INTRODUCTION. The story of any life, if fully portrayed, should be more interesting than the story of a dream-phantom of fiction. In hearing of one who really lived, there is with us the feeling that the sunshine which greets our eyes, the rain which dashes against our window, in brief, the joys and sorrows which like flowers and thistles grow everywhere, were all known to that real character in the world's drama. Therefore, since, in a measure, our experience and his are in common, his life, inasmuch as it touches us at so many points, should lead us into new fields of interest and instruction, as it goes on its way alone. This is true of any life, if we could know it in its entirety. But how much more strik- ingly true it is found, when the life selected is one that leads from the twilight dawn of infancy to the twilight close of life, in one straight line of definite desire and inspiring achievement. It is the purpose of this book to trace such a life, from the little bed in the nursery, a bed of weakness and tears, to the THE STORY OF A LIFE huge pile of brick and stone which stands as a monument to that life as if to show what may be accomplished in spite of tears and weakness. In the story of this life will be found stir- ring scenes and distant travels; romance will not be lacking; here and there the faces of famous men and women will, for a moment, appear; across the bloom of youth and hope will fall the shadows of war. All these reali- ties will be presented in the colors of truth. But something deeper than an interest in connected links of a story is here to be found; it shall be our endeavor to discover the causes that lead to wider activities. In endeavoring to divine, and clearly reveal, the motives that prompt action, we shall try to hold ourselves detached from the subject, finding no fault, and indulging in no encomium, defining beliefs and ambitions, not because they are ours, but because they were those of Mattie Myers, and, to understand her, one must understand them. It will not be sufficient to consider her work, and the opinions of those who knew her, in order to reach the desired result. As far as X INTRODUCTION XI possible, she shall speak out herself, out of her old diaries and the abundance of her letters. As her biographer, I would be but the setting to uphold the gem, that it may shine by its own light. And yet, there is no life whose story may be fully understood, unless a knowl- edge is gained of those other lives with which it comes in contact. In the present story, this truth is of wider significance than one finds in the lives of the majority. Here will be painted scenes as widely separated as Kentucky, Mis- souri, Texas, Australia, England, and the Levant. This page in the original text is blank. THE STORY OF A LIFE. CHAPTER I. A KENTUCKY GIRL DON'T believe she's going to live I t long," said the black nurse, mourn- fully shaking her head. "She's so / g thin and weak, and she cries -nearly every night!" The nurse was speaking of little Mattie Myers, who lived in the old Kentucky town of Stanford. The child was seldom to be seen engaged in those sports natural to children. She was grave, quiet, thoughtful. - Her one amusement was found in her family of dolls; she was alwavs their teacher, and they were daily going to school to her. For companions, she chose those who were much older than her- self, and she would sit by the hour, soberly listening to theological discussion, weighing, in her infant mind, the arguments of learned men. Her mother was dead, but Mattie could re- call her sympathetic touch, and tender smile. It seemed to her that out of the shadow of death her life had emerged, to be clouded by new losses. One after the other, her two sis- THE STORY OF A LIFE ters were taken from her. Then the brother, who was her only intimate companion, went to another town to teach school. Mattie found herself the only young person in the large house of her wealthy father. Of course she received all care; her slightest wishes were granted; the love of her widowed father was doubly hers, because of his bereave- ments. But the little girl was very lonely. When the flowers sent forth their perfume on the warm Kentucky breezes, she was remind- ed of three graves; and when the sunshine gilded the level pike leading toward Lancaster. she felt as if her brother Joe were calling her to come and nestle against his loving breast. At every turn, the big house in Stanford re- minded her of her mother's footsteps, her sis- sers' voices forever hushed, and that beloved brother from whom, for the first time, she found herself separated. Is it a wonder that the nights often witnessed her tears Is it strange that there should have grown up with- in her, the intense desire to go to her brother She made this wish known to her father, and her brother seconded her in the plan. Why not stay with Joe during the school year 2 A K!NTUCKY GIRL Then thre could specnd the vacations at home, together. Henry Myers, the wealthy and influential father, considered this proposition. He was an ambitious man. He had spared no expense in giving his son a thorough education. He was pleased, now, to find that little Mattie should show a disposition for learning. She was only eight years old, and yet he felt that, in the companionship of her brother, she would find ample protection. Moreover, while a child of eight is usually no fit inmate of a boarding- school, and while it is not best to send one so young, to dwell among strangers, Mattie was no ordinary child. Nor was her mother an ordinary woman. Mary Burdette possessed a cultured and orig- inal mind, related in sympathies to that of her cousin who is known to the world, in the famil- iarity of affection, as "Bob Burdette. " When Mrs. Mary Burdette Myers died, it was sup- posed that Mattie was too young to appreciate her loss. She could not, of course, appraise that loss at its full value, but its shadow rested upon her girlhood. This death, and that of her sisters, had rendered her serious, had brought enforced reflections upon death and 3 THE STORY OF A LIFE immortality. The letters -that she wrote, al- most to the days of maturity, are found inclos- ed in faded little envelopes, which show the black band of mourning. No, there was no danger in sending Mattie to Lancaster where brother Joe would be her protector. Her father consented. The ambition to teach school, entertained by one who was a man of means, was a rare thing in the South before the Civil War; or, at any rate, it was rare in Kentucky. Yet that was the ambition of Joe Myers, and to this ambi- tion he devoted his life. He was a natural teacher, and Mattie, who admired him above all others, imitated him in all things. What he liked, she liked, and what he wanted to do, she meant to do. The young man was very fond of music-so was his little sister. He opened up an academy at Lancaster-Mattie established her first school, as we have seen a college of dolls. When at last it was decided that Mattie should go to Joe, great was her joy. Some of those few golden hours of childhood, which she afterward recalled, came to her then. She went-the pike had not called in vain-but she did not leave her dolls at home. She boarded 4 A KENTUCKY GIRL 5 with her brother Joe Myers, and her education began in earnest. "I was only eight, " she afterwards said, "when I entered a boarding school; my whole family of dolls matriculated with me." Lancaster and Stanford were not far apart, though in different counties. It was a short journey to go home Friday evening, and visit there until Monday morning. But of course these visits were not of weekly occurrence. There was Joe to stav with, and these two never tired of each other's companionship. In the twilight-hours, the young teacher would play his flute, and the little girl would sit lis- tening with all her soul, translating his music into definite resolves. Just as he had given his life to teaching, so would she. She declared her purpose at that age of eight. She would teach a school-a school for girls. It was a purpose she never changed. Thus the years passed by, in sweet compan- ionship with her brother during the school months, and with the reunited family every summer. Mattie did not grow strong. The black nurse still shook her head. "We never thought she would live! " she often declared, in after years. THE STORY OF A LIFE In the meantime, Mattie still associated with those who were much older than herself, still found pleasure in discussion of religious dif- ferences. We shall find her, at the age of eighteen, saying that most of her friends are married or dead, thus showing that no inti- macies existed between herself and girls of her own age. At twelve, a change came into her life. So thoroughly had she pursued her studies at Lancaster, that it was determined to send her away to college. At that time, the strongest college for girls of her father's faith, was at Harrodsburg, Kentucky. The name of it was "Daughters' College." Mattie's brother and father, justly proud of her attainments, and still resolved to encourage her in her desire to become thoroughly educated, sent her to Har- rodsburg to be instructed by John Augustus Williams, the President of "Daughters' Col- lege. " Boarding among strangers, now far from home, Mattie found accentuated both her spirit of self-reliance, and her attitude of re- serve toward others, two traits always shown in her childhood. The six years at Harrods- burg served to strengthen and deepen her 6 A KENTUCKY GIRL already-preconceived ideals. John Augustus Williams carried on the work that Joe Myers had begun. The Harrodsburg President was as devoted to learning as the Lancaster pro- fessor; and he had farther penetrated its depths. He was, indeed, a remarkable man, one who magnified the dignity of his calling, always conscious that the better he succeeded as a teacher, the greater would prove his bless- ing to the lives of others. On Sunday we may follow the college girls to church. There goes Mattie Myers, in her solid-green woolen dress, her wonderful suit of hair arranged as plainly as such a wealth of heavy brown will permit. We see the neat and unpretentious hat from under which appear the serious brow, and the eyes always bright and intelligent. We note her reliant step; her form, too thin; her face a little weary from over-hard studying. Shall we not enter this church on Main street, and watch the young ladies as they seat themselves in a bright oblong of femininity, if not of beauty We shall certainly do so, if we are young ministerial students, attending the University! Unfortunately, young Oliver Carr cannot enter 7 THE STORY OF A LIFE with us, for he is still over yonder at May's Lick; but never mind-he will presently be coming down to find out what Latin is like! What happy fortune has brought the Univer- sity for young men into the same town that affords a college for young ladies That, too, we shall presently understand. At any rate, here sits Mattie Myers, decorous- ly listening, it would appear-we hope she is not thinking about her studies-while Dr. Robert Richardson, or Robert Graham, or Rob- ert Milligan-all teachers at the University (among whom "Robert" seems a f.! orite name)-preaches and preaches. About what Why, about what we must do to be saved, to be sure. And Mattie listening eagerly-for of course she listens-finds that these distin- guished men agree entirely with her father, that what we must do to be saved is very much like what Peter declared we must do-nay, is exactly what Peter declared, to the very words. Far, indeed, is it from the mind of this thin, erect girl in the dress of solid-green, and under the hair whose splendor refuses to be concealed -far is it from her mind that any young man of the Kentucky "froglands" is ever to enter her life as an integral part! 8 p This page in the original text is blank. A KENTUTCKY GIRL Little time is there for day dreams for this child!-Little time, and no inclination. Study -ever deeper and more persistent study for her; late hours after the lamps are out, sitting in the window with long hair streaming, bor- rowing favor from the moon-that means spec- tacles in no verv short time! Study-ever more absorbed, and absorbing study, at noon- recess, in early morning, on holidays-till the form grows thinner, the face paler; and, indeed, she had better have a care,, or all this will come to an end, with pain and (lisappointment! The sermon is nearly ended. Are you sorry you missed it An hour and a quarter, already! Do the school girls move uneasily in the straight-backed benches Let us hope they are entertained by this searching exami- nation of sectarian " positions. " How new that church building seems to them! Why, it was finished only a few years ago-that is to say, in 1850. There was a time when two bodies of believers met in Harrodsburg; one organized by the followers of Barton Stone, who called themselves "Christians", another the "disciples" who had followed John Smith and John T. Johnson out of the Baptist church. The Christians met from house to 9 THE STORY OF A LIFE house; the " disciples " in the old frame build- ing at the corner of South Main and Depot streets, nearly opposite the public square. Each body was suspicious of the other till, one day, they found out that they taught the same things, believed the same truths, were, in short, blood-brothers of faith and practice. So they came together and formed the church which Mattie is attending. She comes every Sunday; and every Sunday you will find, if you examine her closely, that she is a little paler, a little weaker. Working too hard! The end must come if this is kept up, year after year. We find the girl subject to an unappeasable hunger for facts. Is she not to devote her life to teaching her sex Now is the time to store the mind. John Augustus Williams spurs her on, leads her into untold scientific difficulties; lets her realize how little is her strength; then aids by teaching her to help herself. One thing he does not help her do-that is to hus- band her physical forces. As he stands before his "daughters" in chapel he hammers away at this idea: "Teaching is woman's profession and her natural vocation. No lady can claim to be well educated, therefore, or trained for her 10 A KENTUCKY GIRL proper sphere in life, until she has learned to teach, and to govern the young. The learning which prepares her for the school-room, pre- pares her at the same time for the highest social and domestic position. No time is lost by such a training, even should the student never become a professional teacher. " It is no wonder that the enunciation of these ideas strengthened the girl's resolutions. Here was the most learned man she had ever met in daily life, a polished speaker, a graceful author, a correct translator; one who reads the pages of his manuciipt, "The Life of John Smith," that his class may parse it; a preacher, too, who pointed the way back to Pentecost. Wis- dom flowed from his lips, and his lips proclaim- ed teaching the "natural vocation" of woman. And the was in which this teaching was to be done-in a word, his conception of what an education means-that justified his dictum. He said over and over again: "You have an infallible criterion bv which you may determine the success of your own That "drill in Rhetoric, in English pure and undefiled" when she analyzed and parsed every sentence of the Manuscript read to the class Mrs. Carr often spoke of, and of John Smith who, in his last days, abode at Daughters' College to furnish material for his biog- raphy. She was always proud of the fact that John Augustus Wil- liams taught her English. 11 THE STORY OF A LIFE and your teacher's labors. If you feel in your heart a greater susceptibility to truth, a livelier appreciation of the purely beautiful, a a profounder regard for virtue, a warmer affec- tion for the good, and sublimer devotion to God, esteem your labors as eminently success- ful; but if your attainments, varied and exten- sive as they may be, are to render you less ami- able in disposition, or less pure in thought- less charitable to your fellows, or less devoted to God, then have we labored in vain, and your learning, also, has been in vain. " To such a teacher as this, every year is a book written full of sweet influences,-books far deeper and more permanent than any work of the pen. The girl understood this; that is why her determination to be a teacher grew and ripened; not to impart facts but, by means of facts, to inculcate the love of learning and of truth. She wanted to come into touch with the world, and to send the ripple of her personal influence far out into those magic circles of in- finite distance, which the casting of an idea forms on the sea of thought. She wanted girls, many girls, countless girls,-to receive a higher view of life by having known her; to enter more fully into the inheritance of their 12 A KENTUCKY GIRL estate through her ministration. No other re- lation than that of teacher and pupil, could connect this circuit of spiritual influence. Teachers-the world was full of them in those days, just such as they are now; teachers who bend beneath their burden, who seek in their business but a means of livelihood, and who are ready to lay aside the textbook and close the desk, when fortune smiles: who see their day's end at four o'clock, and their happiness, at the dawn of vacation. But there have al- ways been, of teachers, a few who regarded their work as Williams regarded his, and who, as in Mattie's case, with no spur of necessity, selected it from all careers the futnre had to of- fer. But we do not mean that these highest am- bitions of a teacher's sovereign realm took de- finite shape in the girl's mind in her twelfth year; for see! She is no longer twelve, but thir- teen-fourteen-fifteen-how fast she is get- ting her education!-sixteen- And then the blow fell-we said it would!- hours too late, and thought too intense, and eyes too severely taxed! Has it been for no- thing, after all She must flutter back home, now, like a disabled bird; high ideas all lost in 13 THE STORY OF A LIFE a maze, definite purposes fused white-hot in a raging fever. Not only so, but in her sudden breakdown of vital force, there is no one to understand the despair over her own weakness, except, indeed, that brother Joe who alone understands her. Mother and father are both dead, now; and the sisters who are proud of her attainments- for she had finished in the Junior Year at Daughters' College, -wonder that she is not satisfied. Is it not enough Already she is "educated." And she is sixteen; and her inheritance as- sures her of future freedom from necessity. It will be a long time, the doctors say, before she can resume her studies-a year, at least; maybe two. But does that matter In two years she will be of age, and rich, or nearly so. in her own right. "And then," said brother Joe. "I will find her a rich husband, and see her handsomely established for life! " Not that Joe had himself married; he was too busy teaching school, and too absorbed in his beloved work; but he felt the responsibility of his guardianship. Mattie was too ill, too broken in spirit, to combat his plans or to form 14 A KENTUCKY GIRL 15 any of her own. She could only lie silent and, suffering, uncertain of the outcome. Leaving her thus, as we found her at the beginning, in suffering and tears, let us make a journey to Mason County, in search of that possible husband. He may not prove so rich as brother Joe could desire. We shall see. CHAPTER II. IDEALS. U T no, the biographer, on second B thought, will not go up to May's Lick in the present chapter. Let that expedition be reserved for Chapter ) Third. And let those who care for the story of lives merely for events, not for motive-springs of action, skip the present chap- ter, if they will. It will be to their loss, if they do so; for what life is to be understood, with- out an understanding of the principles that direct its course In the life we are seeking to trace, there were three great principles that shaped events. The first has already been amplified-the resolve to become a teacher of girls. The other two must be defined-one's thought of country, and one's religious faith. In those days, a man who had no opinion on the "slavery question, " or on the "current reformation," was no true Kentuckian. If one has slaves, his children are not only dis- posed to regard slavery as right, but as highly fortunate and desirable. Also, when one's re- ligion is being placed on trial at every cross- :AA C: 5, rl This page in the original text is blank. IDEALS road's log-schoolhouse, the smallest girls in the household have some opinions on the Gospel Restored, on Election, on Baptism. In the veins of Mattie Myers flowed Southern blood, and it was with the South that she sympathized with all that fire of young enthu- siasm that characterized Southern adherents in those days. As for her religion, that calls for more particular description, because it is indis- tinguishably blended with all her emotions and purposes. It was no more Mattie's intention to become a teacher of girls, than it was to spread a knowledge of the Gospel as she herself understood it. In portraying the belief of this child-a belief that time served only to strengthen-it is far from our thought to influence the particular faith of the reader. That biographer is un- worthy of his task who allows his own opinions to color his narrative. What I believe has no more to do with the life of Mattie Myers, than has the belief of the reader; and this is the story of a life, not a controversy in disguise. But at the same time, it is not only due the reader, but the object of the biography, that the faith of Mattie should be presented so clearly and so fairly that no one can fail to 17 THE STORY OF A LIFE understand what it was. I shall do my utmost to make it plain. It occupied too great a part of the girl's life and the woman's life, to be ignored. As she sat at her father's knee in Stanford, as she rested with her brother on the porch of the boarding-house in Lancaster, as she made her stage-journeys, in short, where- ever she was, she heard religion discussed in all its phases. And that phase which appealed to her was the same that Walter Scott-kins- man of the illustrious novelist-had proclaimed from state to state. One peculiarity of this faith was, that who- ever accepted it with zeal, became more or less antagonistic, combative. It was not because it despised peace, although peace, in later years has sometimes proved fatal to it; but it was because every hand seemed turned against it. Had it asked for peace in 1850, that petition would doubtless have been derided. And why Because an acceptance of this faith meant an end to all creeds, to all sects, to all denominational barriers. Therefore all denominations felt that the faith of Mattie Myers had raised its hand against them. When Walter Scott and his co-workers prayed the Savior's prayer that all might be one, 18 what-if that prayer be granted-was to be- come of the many It may be true, in the Twentieth Century, that one need only have enough money to hire a hall, in order to start a new religion; that Society has but to smile upon the dancing of Dervishes to popularize Orientalism; that a woman, by the writing of a book, can convince intelligent thousands that diseases are but delusions of their mortal minds-perhaps in- stincts would be a better word, since unimagin- ative quadrupeds sometimes "think" them- selves sick. But whether this is true or not, it is certain that, in the first half of the Nine- teenth Century, it required much more than money, and more than the writing of many books, this endeavor to re-establish the old re- ligion of Pentecost. It called for courage, firm- ness and ability; it invited persecution and mis- representation. "I would rather," an aunt of Oliver Carr once declared-herself a stern soldier of the Cross- "see you go to your grave, than have you join the Campbellite Church! " What was this "Campbellite Church" of which some spoke thus disparagingly And why " Campbellite " And why did the denom- 19 IDEALS THE STORY OF A LIFE inations regard the people they thus designated much as, at a later day, the Mormons were regarded Before we enter into details, it is enough at this point to emphasize the fact of general intolerance. To worship God in your own way is the right of all; and no man dis- putes that inborn right, so long as you agree with him in your religious belief. The Puritans were ready to sacrifice their lives to preserve re- ligious freedom, and to take the lives of those who desired a separate freedom. In the first half of the Nineteenth Century, more especially in the first quarter, the jangling and wrangling among different sects was almost inconceivable. It would appear that often where differences of tenets were but slight, the fight was the more determined, as if the possi- bility of preserving a denominational integrity, depended largely upon keeping alive a spirit of hostility to all other denominations. Happily that spirit of antagonism has largely died out, and men are not so ready to take each other by the throat because they are seeking to gain Heaven by different ways. This tendency to minimize differences of speculative opinions, and to draw close to each other on the fundamental truths as they are revealed in the life, death 20 IDEALS 21 and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is doubtless in a large measure due to the pioneers of that faith which Mattie Myers had accepted, and which, at the time of her acceptance, was the object of so much bitterness and ridicule. Thirty years had already passed since Walter Scott and Alexander Campbell first proclaimed their views in the "Christian Baptist." The distracted state of the religious world had grieved many a pious and erudite soul before 1819. In looking for a solution to the amazing preplexities that baffled the seeker after God, in trying to avoid the anomalous condition of changing a gospel of love to a gospel of inter- minable disputation, the solution proposed by Thomas Campbell was a return to the practices and faith of the early disciples. This solution was urged by Walter Scott and Alexander Campbell. What more simple Everybody should be willing to accept the Bible; every- body should be willing to discard everything else! In brief, then, that was the work of the "current reformation." It would call for a sacrifice of individual opinions, of sectarian names and dogmas, of that poetic atmosphere which time bestows upon any organization, of THE STORY OF A LIFE those intimate human associations derived from a commingling with relatives and friends whom a common rule of practice holds together. As a recompense for this sacrifice, was offered the privilege of returning to the Apostolic faith and manner of worship, the sense of security that should spring from following closely in the foot- steps of the earliest disciples, and the privilege of performing one's part in the realization of the prayer of the Savior of mankind. Alexander Campbell's life was given to this fundamental idea-that the world should go back, in its religious beliefs and practices, nine- teen hundred years, to learn again the condi- tions of its salvation from the lips of Christ's apostles. Campbell himself, was but a voice calling in the wilderness. He seemed always to be crying, "Look back! Behold the Lamb of God!" As for himself, he would have been but the medium through which an enlightened vision might see that glorious spectacle of God in man. "Do not regard me," he seemed to say, "For I am nothing. I am but a voice-a voice proclaiming no new doctrine, only the old; asking you not to originate a new faith, but to remember the old. Look back! Behold the Lamb of God!" 22 IDEALS But the world did not wish to look back. It exclaimed that these people whopretended to do away with all sects, were themselves the nar- rowest sect of all. These preachers who pro- claimed that there was but one church, were accused of "wanting to get us into theirchurch. " The result was endless debates. We have seen that the denominations were at war with one another; but all of them became more or less cohesive, in their attack upon these people who claimed to be no denomination. If Campbell and his friends urged that baptism should be administered as in the days of the Apostles, the cry was immediately raised that "These men believe in nothing but bap- tism." If their editors asked for an instance of infant baptism between the lids of the Bible, it was retorted that "They have only a head religion-they don't believe in a change of heart. " If a preacher said no more about bap- tism than did Peter on Pentecost, his listeners went away observing that "he believed water would save him." If nothing was said about baptism, if on the contrary, the discourse were concentrated upon the idea that all Christians should follow the same rule and practice, should dwell together in one great homogeneous 23 THE STORY OF A LIFE body, it was charged, "That is really another way of saying that immersion is the only mode of baptism." If, by dint of innumerable rep- etitions, Herculean efforts at self-restraint, monotonous insistence, these "reformers" suc- ceeded in convincing the antagonist of the fact that nobody believed water would save him, and every Christian believes in a change of heart, all this laborious and indefatigable en- deavor went for nothing. "Well, maybe you do believe in a change of heart, " it would at last be conceded, "but your church don't." Or "Maybe you don't believe water will save you, but your church does. " Such as th