xt7n5t3g1w46 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n5t3g1w46/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-03-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 21, 2001 2001 2001-03-21 2020 true xt7n5t3g1w46 section xt7n5t3g1w46 LEFT OF CENTER


The sequel

Left of Center is proud
to present the
second half of the
new rail writing
team. I'm not going
to take a lot of time
introducing myself
because there is
plenty of time for
that later. My name
is Jared.

The less than hostile
takeover of this job
may have aroused
some doubts about
rail quality. In fact, I
walk around the
newspaper office and
there seems to be a
consensus that we
have some big shoes
to fill. Is it possible?
Will the sequel be
successful? To
answer these
questions I offer the
following examples
that we hope to live
up to, and then a few
examples we hope
not to follow.

L0.C. II will follow in the
path of:

0 Rocky II: perhaps the
greatest sequel ever.
It surpassed the first
in my opinion, but
they weren't done.

- Rocky IV. This was by
far the best, despite
the fact that they
had to get Rocky Ill
out of the way first
(Hulk Hogan? Mr. T?
Come 0n!!!).

° The Godfather II: This
sequel shows
Coppola at his Oscar
award winning best.
We'd like to “Make




March 21, 2001


freshman get
ready to take
the stage in
production | 6




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Greeks go with Robinson/Harralson

By Jenny Robertson

In the 2000 US. presidential
election. Florida‘s 25 electoral
votes decided who got to move into
the White House.

At UK. the Greek community
traditionally decides who will oc-
cupy the Student Government As-
sociation‘s executive suite in the
Student Center.

The Greek Political Action
Committee voted Tuesday night to
endorse presidential and vice pres
idential candidates Tim Robinson
and Caroline Harralson.

The GPAC historically en-

dorses the winning ticket; accord-
ing to a news release distributed
by Edwin Orange. the campaign
adviser for the Robinson Harral
son campaign. GI’AC has en-
dorsed 12 winning candidates
since 1988.

Many feel this is an important
win for the Robinson/Harralson

"We think we‘ve earned the
Greek support and now it‘s time to
earn the rest of the campus‘ sup-
port." Robinson said.

llarralson agreed that contin-
uing a campuswide campaign
would be important.

“This won‘t change our strate-

gy." she said. "From the very be-
ginning. we‘ve tried to include a
lot of different organizations."

After Tuesday night‘s vote.
other candidates will also look to
other organizations for support.
particularly the non-Greek

Presidential candidate Steve
Shaw said that, because there are
four tickets. the Greek vote would
not carry as much weight as it has
in the past. Each ticket had at least
one member who is involved with
a Greek organization.

“lndependents are going to
win this race because the Greek
ticket is so split up." Shaw said.


The serious si ns,

sides of suici

'l‘wo representatives front
each sorority and fraternity in the
Panhellenic Council. the lntetfra
ternity (‘ouncil and the Nl’lilAN
(‘ouncil participated in the vote.
which was preceded by a debate.

Four panelists asked a variety of

questions. This was followed by 1:3
minutes of questions from the

()verall. candidates stressed
open communication lines be
tween SGA . the Greek communi-
ty. other campus organizations
and students.

"Every student on this cam~

pus who pays tuition is a part of

SGA." said presidential candidate


Nic Wilson. "We don‘t want stu
dents to be left behind whenever
decisions are being made."

Presidential candidate Alyshia
()chse agreed that the executive
door should stay open to students.
She said that. as president. she
would be visible on caiiipus.

Despite sortie candidates hopes
of ovei'coiiilfig the (il’Ai‘ vote.
Alan lleStmtIs . (‘ollege oft‘oiiimil-
nications professor and llltllf‘l'ttliil‘
ol"l‘uesday night‘s debate. stressed
the influence the endorsement has
carried in the past.

“This is Florida." he said.
"Whoever wins this traditionally
w ins the election "

WSP importan
to all genders

By Andrew Cohen

gn‘r'rw‘arlir‘ ’ ‘7

Joan t‘allalian doesn't deny that our society is sexist. ln fact.
the professor of philosophy anti director of the women's studies

Loss of hope: Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young
people, it is preceded by car accidents; rates have doubled since the '505

you an offer you
can't refuse."

- r2. “Read the rail if
you want to live"
(Need I say more?)

- UK's Men's Basketball
team: All I need to
say is that the
second half of the
year is much much
better than the first
(Kudos to Tubby).

program will admit to it.

“()ur society is still very. very sexist." (‘allahan said.

()ne way I'K is attempting to educate students about the sex-
ism that exists in our society is through the women's studies pro-
gram. a program that pays special attention to the position of
and contributions by women.

Callahan. who has been the director of the program since
1908. said it offers an undergraduate minor. a topical major and a
graduate certificate Each course requires coursework in femi-
nist theory and crosscultural studies as well as courses on
women and gentler in a variety ofdisciplines. Students can coin-
plete either the major or the minor in the same amount oftime it
takes to do any such program iii the humanities or social

By Anne Rogers

Why do we mourn the loss of lovers like Romeo and
Juliet or pity the destruction of noblemen like ()thello‘.’
Why do their stories seem so decent and heroic when their
deaths solved nothing anti even produced more serious
consequences afterward?

The star-crossed lovers‘ end “naught could remove

L0.C II will strive in
every way not to be

- Indiana Jones and the
Temple of Doom
While surrounded by
greatness this flick (I
say flick because I
hesitate to call it a
movie) was over
shadowed by its
predecessor and
DOOMED to fail as a

- Aladdin 2 By releasing
it straight to video
Disney dubbed it crap
before it began. This
combined with the
loss of Robin
Williams' humor led
to what l call a sucky

- Titanic 2 This little
known film was sunk
before it began and
the producers
drowned in the debt
accumulated by the
casting of the Olsen

Fear not Kernel readers
the great tradition of
the rail shall go on.
This rail will follow in
the footsteps of the
great sequels. Flop
we shall not!

dared Whalen


THE 4“


:9 39

Only in Kentucky will
it snow on the first day
of spring.



VOL. 13106 ISSUE $3120


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their parents' rage". and the feud continued after their


()thello. who after his death was known as “great of
a murderer's soul

heart". still died with


Studying certain Shakespeare tales introduces us to a
glorified and gallant world of suicide. However. beneath
those eloquent words and famous phrases lies the disas-
trous and nightmarish truth of an illness that never kills
without leaving a trail of unanswered questions and griev-

ing survivors.

Suicide is the second leading cause of death. preceded
only by car accidents. among college students in this coun-
try. Since the 19505. college suicide has doubled its rate in

women and tripled among men.

According to Dr. Charlie O'Neil. assistant director of
the Counseling and Testing Center at UK. five-toseven per-
cent of his cliean discuss thoughts on suicide in a serious
manner. O’Neil also said that though it is not abnormal to
think of suicide. it is a critical matter if the thought is not

passing or briefly contemplated.

Fortunately. UK does not appear to have a high sui<
cide rate. But ()‘Neil says he does receive a fair number of
suicide referrals from faculty. advisers. parents and resiv
dent advisers. Most of the calls come during advising
weeks. when students feel pressures in deciding on the

next semester or year.

O‘Neil also feels that it is hard to get an exact idea of
how many UK students seriously contemplate suicide.
Since some attempts may be made offcampus. it is diffi-
cult to document each case if it is not publicized or



ability and age.

as such'


of women.

see SU'C'DE °" 2 (‘allahan said.



Callahan-said students in the program study a variety of top-
ics related to gender

”Gender...is a thoroughly social-constructed category. hav~
ing to do with the feminine and the masculine." she said.

Gender. Callahan said. affects many different areas like ap-
iwarance. behaviors. tasks. characteristics. virtues and vices.

()ne of the main studies in the program relates to how this
gender-coding system works. she said.

"Who benefits from the gender codings we have and who is
harmed by the gender codings we have."

The course also pays careful attention to other categories.
like race or ethnicity. class. sexual orientation. ability and dis-

“You can't just study 'women‘ because there are no ‘women
women are in different social locations. and the stud-
ies attend to this." (‘allahan said.

The contributions of women. an aspect (‘allahan said is oflen
neglected in traditional history and literature courses. are also

The interest in this field is growing. more so with women
than men. (‘allahan said. She attributes this to the fact that
women seem more, committed to taking courses that reflect on is-
sues relating to gender.

That's what the enrollment numbers reflect. But men are not
excluded Callahan said there have been several men in the grad-
uate certificate curriculum and nearly one-third of the students
in the current course. feminist philosophy. are men.

And it is both women and men who are affected by the study

“Women‘s studies is important because sex and gender af-
fect every aspect of our lives whether or not we're aware of it."


Diet guru shows students the way to Subway

Slim sandwiches: Subway's commercial star to visit
campus on Friday as part of UK's healthy eating campaign

By Paul Naker

Happy Gilmore isn't the only person
with a fascination for

Students who enjoy Subway sand
wiches or are interested in learning more
about the, Subway diet will have the oppor-
tunity to hear the man who brought atten-
tion to Subway's healthy fast-food alterna-

Jared Fogle. the college student made
famous by losing 245 pounds by eating a
Subway sandwich for lunch and dinner for
nearly a year. will speak at 10 am, Friday
at the UK (‘ommons Area

His talk is sponsored by Health Ser-
vices. who are promoting a FiveA-Day

campaign for the month of March. The
Five-A-Day campaign is designed to in-
form students of the importance of eating
a proper diet that includes eating five serv-
ings of fruits and vegetables.

Fogle. who graduated from lndiana
University in May 2000. started his diet in
March 1998 after seeing a sign at a local
Subway advertising seven sandwiches
with six grams of fat or less. For nearly a
year. Jared ate a six-inch turkey sub for
lunch and a foot-long veggie sub for din-
ner. With each meal. he consumed a bag of
baked potato chips and a diet soft drink.

Fogle weighed 425 pounds when he be
gan his diet in March 1998. A year later.
be weighed 180. After he lost the first hun-
dred pounds. he started walking instead of
taking the bus. When he had been on the
diet for a year. he began to eat other low

fat foods. He currently weighs I90 pounds.

The commercials began early last year
and have inspired many to go on this diet.
The latest advertisement includes testir
monies of people inspired by Fogle to go
on the diet. Fogle has given numerous
talks since appearing in the commercials

Alex Beh. an undeclared freshman.
said Fogle's weight loss was amazing.

“It's hard to believe that eating just
Subway caused him to lose that much
weight in only a year. It‘s amazing that he
was able to do it. If] ate that much food
from Subway. I‘d probably do the opposite
and gain weight "

The Subway

Jndf‘odewilspediamun onl’ridayatthe

The Student Newspaper at the University of Kentucky, Lexington

Tn shape

Jared Fogle crafted the may diet when he
began eatlhg only Subway salt-Hes two
years ago. Fogle reacted from “all
University In May 2000.




z I venison. ”6395.420“ IKEMTIICIYKEIMEI.

The Low-down

I wasn’t
with her
but I
bought it
for the
cover. I
loved her
and her

outfit. ’

Chyna, 31, World

Federation super-
star, suggesting
to the Associated
Press that rapper

Lil' Kim would
make a great tag

team partner.

Fed poised to cut rates a third time

\k'.»\SiIlN(l’l‘()N The Federal Reserve is
poised to cut interest rates for a third time this
year iii an effort to keep the record US. economic
expansion from ending. economists say. Another
big rate cut is needed now. they believe. given
the continued weak state of manufacturing and
the cautious mood of consumers. whose spending
accounts for [Wurilllt‘tls of all economic activity
Another reason: the ltuge sell-oii' that has been
occurring on Wall Street. where the Dow Jones
Industrial Average last week suffered its biggest
weekly drop iit Il years. If paper losses tnake
consumers feel a lot less wealthy and they stop
spending. that could put an end to the 10-year
streak of uninterrupted economic growth. ana
ly sts said

US. and Israel vs. Palestinians

l'NI'l‘l‘II) NATIONS The battle lines are
clear It's the Palestinians and dozens ofstipport
ers vs Israel and the l'nited States. As the l’ales
tinians again pushed \Ionday for a l‘..\'. observer
lttt ce to help qtielI six months of violence. the difr
tereiiees between the two sides were again stark
ly clear. Since a previous request was defeated in
llet‘etttliet‘. the l' S, atid Israeli administrations
have changed and so has the l'..\'. Security
(‘oiincil membership. lliit the Palestinian de
mand argued during an open Security (‘ouncil
debate on Monday still faces almost certain de~
teat Since September. the violence has killed
more than 12:; people. including more than 3:30
l’ttlt‘stllllllllS and dozens of Israeli .lews.

Finance debate begins with close vote
\\'.>\Slll.\1(l'l‘0.\ Senate supporters of lim
.tiiig political donations narrowly overcame
their first challenge in their drive to bring about
the most significant change iii campaign spend
lllLi law in a tlllt‘lt‘lt‘l‘t't‘lllillW. The Senate by a .317
In \ote Monday defeated a proposal to effectually
eliminate direct party contribution limits for
candidates running against wealthy opponents
who put at least $1 million of their own itioney

into a catiipaign. The vote opened two weeks of

debate on legislation offered by Sens. .loliti Mc
i‘aiit. R Ari/ . and Russell l“t‘lllgt)l(l. l)-Wis.. that
would ban loosely regulated “soft money” dona
tioiis that corporations. unions and wealthy indie
t itlitals give political parties,

Sub officer apologizes

I‘I~'..v\RI. HARBOR. Ilawaii IIis voice briiti
ming \\ itli emotion. an officer of the Navy sub-
marine that i‘aitiitied a Japanese trawler apolo-
gized as an inquiry into the deadly accident
neared its end "To the families of those who per
ishetl and to the crew of the Eliiine Marti l
humbly apologize.” |.t. lg. Michael (‘oen said

MTV has deemed
Modomo's video
for her latest
single "What it
Feels Like For A
Girl" too violent
for prime time.
MTV will air the
video only once
at 11:30 pm.
The video --
directed by
husband Guy
Ritchie. stars
Madonna as a
pissed-off chick"
on a crime spree
and is filled with
"ironic humor,"
Madonna said in
a statement.

Actor Scott
Baio, who
played Chachi
Arcola on the
sitcom "Happy
Days," turns 40
this year. "I am
having a good
time," Baio told
Us Weekly mag-
azine in its
March 26 issue.
"I would give up
the wisdom of
40 to be 22
again." Baio will
celebrate his
birthday on
Sept. 22. He
played Chachi
on "Happy
Days" from
1977 to 1984.


Monday. Coen. 26. is one of three officers of the
USS Greeneville under investigation over the
Feb. 9 sinking of the Ehime Maru. The
Greeneville smashed into the Japanese fishing
vessel while demonstrating a rapid-surfacing
drill for 16 civilians. Nine people. including four
teen-age boys. were killed. Coen read his
unsw'orn statement to three admirals presiding
over the Navy‘s court of inquiry. Attorneys for
another officer. Lt. t‘mdr. Gerald Pfeifer. submit
ted a written statement to the court that was not
released to the public. Closing arguments in the
inquiry were expected to begin Tuesday.

Welfare programs pass on choice

\‘VASHINGTON (‘hurches and other reli-
gious organizations have shown little enthusi-
asm for a I996 federal law that invited them into
the competition for government welfare dollars.
and states have done little to protnote the pro-
gram. a fill-state Associated Press survey shows.
.lust tive states have aggressively used "charita-
ble choice." winch President Bush hopes to ex-
pand to programs across government, and nearly
two-thirds of states ltave bypassed the opportuni-
ty altogether. the survey found. The AP survey
found 31 states attd the District of Columbia have
awarded no government welfare contracts to re-
ligious groups that would not have been eligible
otherwise. An additional 14 states report spo-
radic use of charitable choice a handful of con-
tracts at most. Just five states Arkansas. lndi
ana. Missouri. Ohio and Texas have embraced
it. spending hundreds of thousands or even mil-
lions ofdollars.

Mir will be dumped Friday

MOSCOW The Russian space agency on
’l‘uesday set a final firm date for dumping the
Mir space station. saying it would be brought
down into the South Pacific on Friday by a six-
hottr series of engine pushes. The Progress cargo
ship docked at the station will fire its engines
twice during two consecutive orbits to lower the
station. Several hours later. it will fire one last
time to send the station hurtling into the South
Pacific between Australia and (Thile at around
9:30 am. Moscow time Friday. said Russian
Aerospace Agency spokesman Konstantin

Guyana's election peaceful

GEORGIC’I‘UWN. (luyana Opposition sup-
porters angrily complained that many names
were left off voter registration lists. with sotne al-
leging a vote-rigging conspiracy in Guyana‘s
racially charged election. The South American
country's national elections on Monday followed
a longstanding pattern by pitting those of
African descent against those of East Indian an~
cestry. First results were expected Tuesday.
Some supporters of the black-dominated opposi-
tion said they suspect a vote-rigging conspiracy
by the governing party of President Bharrat
.lagdeo. who like the majority of his supporters.
is of Indian descent.

Compiled from wire reports.




Continued from page I


brought to the attention of the

According to the Ameri-
can Foundation of Suicide Pre-
ventioti. the greatest cause of
suicide among college stu-
dents is from tnental illness
usually depression.

While AFSP claims that
suicide factors can be very dis
verse and complex. Issues
such as anxiety. stress. rage.
hopelessness and alcohol are
most likely to increase the
risk. especially with college

In the article "Moods and
Worldwide Views: Suicide on
Campus“ by Ricardo Rivera.
he states; “the presence of
mood disorders not only
makes it tttore likely that a
person will attempt suicide.
but will also incline them to-
wards more 'set'lous' and
planned efforts."

Besides medical and per-
sonal factors. Rivera also

writes that cultural aspects
can attribute to the growing
number of suicides among col-
lege students in America. He
claims that universities offer
many life-altering choices. and
sometimes students have a
harder time identifying with
something meaningful or pur-
poseful in their studies. This
loss of control can cause the
risk factors of anxiety and
stress. among others, to rise.

The best way to help a po-
tential suicide victim is by en-
couraging that person to talk
with a counselor or someone
influential (a teacher or

Then. if therapy or hospi~
talization is necessary. it can
be provided and used to re-
duce the possibility of attempt-
ed or succeeding in commit-
ting suicide.

lleed help?
The Counseling and Testing
Center is open 8 a.m.-5 pm. on
weekdays. The center can be
reached at 257-8701.



CKBC out for blood


Matty students have been bleeding
blue this month thanks to March Mati-


The (‘entral Kentucky Blood (‘enter
hopes students will bleed a little more on
Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

CKBC. in conjunction with the Bap-
tist Student Union anti Farmiiouse frater-
nity. will hold blood drives honoring the
men's basketball team for making it to
the Sweet 10 ofthe Nt,‘ AA 'I‘ournament.

The center has suffered front ongoing
blood shortages caused by the flu and

blood-drive cancellations.

Mickey Bowling. manager of donor re
sources at CKBC. said the center must stay

The UK Baptist
Student Union blood
drive will be on
Wednesday from to
am. - 6 pm. at the
UK Baptist Student

The Farmllouse fra-
ternity will have
their blood drive on
Thursday from it
a.m. - 7 pm. at the
FarmHouse fraterni-
ty house across
from the William T.
Young Library.

at a level of 3.000 pints of blood. Bowling
said the center has seen shortages of 300

units below the ntcessaty level.

“It has begun to recover but we still need good participation
at all the drives on campus and everywhere." Bowling said.
The last campus blood drive was in February when UK com-

peted against the University of Arkansas

UK beat Arkansas.



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Liver transplant performed
on 9-year-old girl at UK

Kudos: Second pediatric liver transplant at UK


Elizabeth Henderson be
came the youngest patient to re—
ceive a liver transplant by an UK
Hospital surgical team last week.

The eight-hour surgery was
performed on the 9-year old cerr
tral Kentucky girl last 'l‘hursday.

Dr. Dinesh Ranjan. director
of llK‘s liver and pancreas trans
plant program. led the surgical
team that consisted of Dr.

Thomas Johnston. director of

UK‘s pediatric and renal trans-
plant program and Dr. K. Sud
hakar Reddy. a liver transplant
surgeon and associate professor
of surgery Two anesthesiologists
and three nurses and or operar
ing room technicians were also a
part ofthe surgical team.

Henderson was the second
pediatric patient to receive a liv-
er transplant at UK.



"This is the second pediatric
liver transplant we have per
formed, and it is quite a mile-
stone for our liver transplant
program." Rajan said.

l'K's first pediatric liver
transplant was performed on
May 18. lwfton a litryear-old girl.
who continues to do well.

Henderson. who has alphalr
arititrypsin deficiency. was listed
in critical condition after Thurs
day‘s surgery. as is the case for
all transplant patients immedi
ately following surgery, She was
moved to the pediatric intensive
care unit to a regular room in the
lTK's Children‘s Hospital.

AlATl) is a hereditary de-
fect in body chemistry that fewer
than 100,000 Americans have.

A protein that circulates in
the blood. the liver produces

riiost of the protein in the blood.
It protects the tissues of the body
from being damaged from chemi
cals in white blood cells.

White blood cells contain en-
zymes that help them move
through tissues. clean up
wounds and perform other

The activities of these chem-
icals must be strictly controlled
to keep them from attacking nor-
mal tissues of the body. Alpha]-
antitrypsin normally provides
one type ofpmtcction against the

The most common genetic
cause of liver disease in children.
A] A’l‘l) occurs when the amount
alphalantitrypsin in the blood is
very low.

That causes lung problems
because of the lack of alphalan-
titrypsin means the tiny air sacs
in the lungs aren't protected
frorn the chemicals released
frorn white blood cells.

Students, faculty members
can rate library in survey

By Becky Hess!




Students and faculty will get
a chance to comment on the l'k’
library system in an email sur»
vey next week. The survey mea-
sures what people think about
the library services and

All libraries. from the large
William T. Young to the smaller
specialty libraries. are included.

“We are trying to pick up on
people‘s perceptions of the ser
vice quality." said Judy \Viza. as
sessment coordinator for the

A random sample of students
and faculty will be notified by e
mail March 26. The e-mail will
link to a web site with the survey.
which can then be completed,

All survey responses will be


confidential. and no identifying
links between responses and the
person responding will be kept.

lfa person not chosen by the
sampling process wants to partic-
ipate. they may receive a paper
copy of the survey or be directed
to the web site by \Viza.

Survey questions range from
types of services expected by li-
brary users to how well library
employees give current services.
How complete and comprehen
sive the libraries‘ collections are
is included in the survey.

The physical appearance of

the libraries is also a concern.

"We want to know if it's a
quiet. meditative place to study."
\Viza said.

;\> libraries receive data
from the surveys. they will be
able to compare themselves with
other university libraries. l'K.

Abuse of nuns a


Vatican on Tuesday denied a
report in the National (‘atholic
Reporter saying sexual abuse of
nuns by priests especially in
AIDS-ravaged Africa is a se-
rious problem.

The magazine article is
based on five reports compiled
by senior members of women‘s
religious orders and a priest
and dating to 1994. The publica
tion said the reports have been
discussed at high levels in the

Vatican spokesman
.loaquin NavarroValls ac

knovvledged there were isolated
cases of priests sexually abus
ing nuns. but said the problem
is “restricted to a limited geo-
graphic area."

According to the National
(‘atholic Reporter. priests
afraid of contracting AIDS
sometimes turn to young nuns.
who are seen as safe sexual



“ln a few extreme iri-
stances. according to the docu»
mentation. priests have impreg-
nated nuns. then encouraged
them to have abortions." the
magazine said.

hi. one case reported by Sis-
ter Maura ()'l)(.rnohue. a physi
ciari and member of the Med-
ical Missionary of Mary. a
priest got a nun pregnant and
then arranged for an abortion.
She died during the procedure.
the magazine said. and the
priest officiated at her funeral

The reports cited by the Na-
tional (‘atholic Reporter also
say that nuns who become preg-
nant are often forced to leave
their orders. while the priests
involved are allowed to contin-
iie with their ministries.

The Vatican statement was
issued 'l‘uesday after the ltalian
media reported on the maga
zine article. The Vatican had
refused comment to the Nation-
al (‘atholic Reporter.

which is one of 4.3 university li-
braries participating in the sur-
vey. hopes to gain an understand-
ing of practices that work the

“Besides understanding peo-
ple‘s perceptions, we want to
identify areas where we need to
improve." Wiza said. “lf we see
certain areas that didn't get high
marks we can work on them."

The L'R survey is part ofa pi~
lot program to finertune the set“
vice. and soon the ARL will offer
the survey system to all academic
libraries interested in knowing
what their patrons think.

The survey is given to
liile'Aln . a web-based in-
strument controlled by the As-
sociation of Research Libraries.
It began at 'l‘exas A&M Univer-
sity where LileIAln has been
used for several years.


The National (‘atholic Re-
porter said there are no com-
prehensive statistics on the seX»
ual abuse of nuns. but the “fre-
quency and consistency of the
reports point to a problem
that needs to be addressed."

The reports cited by the Na-
tional (‘atholic Reporter link
the problem to cultural atti
tudes toward celibacy as well as
to the fear of AIDS and to tradi-
tions of female subservience,

The Rev. Bernardo
(‘ervellera director of Fides.
the news agency of the Vati-
can's missionary arm. said
celibacy has always been a
struggle for some priests. but
he was surprised at the ac-
counts of sexual abuse.

“1 was a missionary for 25
years and I never encountered
such a problem." he said. “hr
stead. l found priests and nuns
who gave themselves wholly to
people with leprosy. with All)S

priests and nuns who live
their love for Christ."

Containing the





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'AClU Meeting 8pm 23l Stud (tr we“
"Boats of Study Abroad" Info Sesnon 4 Spin Bradley

Hall Rm I08

'Dinner in the Dorms Hillel. Jewish Stud Org 6 lSpm lllozer (ourt
and Private Dining Room

'Table Francoise french (onvervotion Group 4 from Blazer Hall
Private Dining Room

'Entountei (otsfor (host 7pm 230 Stud (tr

'Green Thumb Mtg 7 30 pm l06 Stud (tr

-PTOyEl"A((OUnlUbllIW Groups Uplinli (ampus Ministries 635m
(ulvory Baptist (liurrh (ollege House

‘Dinner and Worship Sen/rte Uplinli (umpus Ministries S 30 6 300m
(olvory Baptist (hurth Rec 8 Outieorh (tr

’(ollege Libertarians Mtg 830mm tt3 Stud (tr

‘Equestrinn Team Mtg 8pm Ag North Bldg Rm A7

'Dressoge Team Mtg 5.45mi Goriigus Bldg 2nd Floor (onierenre

‘Muslim Stud Assoc Mtg 645pm 2” Stud (ti

'Golden Key lntl Honor Society Mtg 7 309m 705 Stud (tr


'(retrtive Writing Group 6 8 300m Writing (tr rourq librnrv

‘lnvrtotionol (ontert Bond fevtwal 730m Singleton (tt (H

'UK hide (lull 6 30830071 UK Alumni Gym [0"
"Medieval and Renorvvonre luropeoc Donorig 7 99m 363 Old Stud (ti




Refreshments will be served


Campus Calendar

March I 9 -
The (unions (oiendor iv produted by the Wire of Student Attivuies Registered Student Orgs and UK Deptv (on submit inloimotion for FREE online ONE WEE t
PRIOR to the MONDAit information IS to