, Gay s: The GLSO NEWS
Services August 2008
Organization '
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Service Organization Volumne 23, Number 8
Imperial Court of Kentucky The Lexington Lyons Celebrate!
The Imperial Court of Kentucky This month the Lexington Lyons
Will be holding its fir“ event 0f the year, celebrate their tenth year of service to
Investitures 27, on August 17th, 2008 at the community with an gathering of
7:00 pm at the Radisson Hotel Plaza in friends to be held at the Lexington
Downtown Lexington. All members 0f Raddison Plaza Hotel. The dinner will
the Imperial Court are asked to be in be held on Saturday, August 23rd at
attendance for this event. 6:30 Pm°
Emperor 27 Daddy Wayne and E.m- Reservations are $50 a plate which
press 27 Eve St Mykal W1“ be bestowmg include a double entree dinner enter—
titles of their respective Lines of Descent , . Z
for the Year, and handing out titles to all tainment by special guest-Bernie Lub-
members ofthe organization. bets, a look back on their Decade of
Investitures ‘27 will be held off the Dedication, and the installation of the
main lobby of the Radisson Hotel in 2008‘2009 officers.
Spirits Lounge. Doors open at 6:00 pm Special room rates have been ar—
and the festivities will begin at 7:00 pm. l'31“ng for the night - please COIN?!“
Light snacks will be served and a cash the Raddison at 859-231-9000 and
bar will be available. Mark your calen- mention the Lexington Lyons for your
dars now for the Courts premiere event discounted rate of $99.
as we embark on another exciting year The Lyons will also be having
of Fun—draisingll their annual charity yard sale on Aug.
2. See page 8 for more information.
Lexington Fairness For further information on the event, ,
The Lexington Fairness Awards please visit www.1exlyons.org or email , ‘
Banquet was held on June 27 at the lexingtonlyonsll@yahoo.com. .
Radisson Plaza Hotel. The July newslet— v."
ter had to be printed before the gala
event so we now want to congratulate the Sponsor 0f the Month
winners of the awards. . .
The Jennifer Crossen OUT for Fair— Unitarian
ness Award went to Latoya Becall/Mark Universalist
Johnson for his outstanding work in the
central KY area. The Award was named ® Chan-Ch
for Jennifer for her years of service to i m 01: Lexington
our community
The Ally for Fairness Award was Celebrating Diversity
given to Reverend Bill Kincaid for his .
ongoing support . Information on pages 2 and 4
Comntued on page 2