xt7n8p5vb14r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5vb14r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-02-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 1982 1982 1982-02-22 2020 true xt7n8p5vb14r section xt7n8p5vb14r g; - ' sags}. ? _ f ‘ ', . -_ ______—___—_——
Monday .. -
KEN l 0‘ KY . . .Iutsodld Tonnes“.
Powered by Dirk Minnietield s Ilth‘hour
heroics, Kentucky rallied to deleat
Keep your many side up Vanderbilt in Nashvtlle on Saturday But .
Tennessee. the team Kentucky is chosmg ‘
It will be partly sunny today With highs In ‘ for supremacy in the Southeastern Con
' the low 50s with variable cloudiness , L lerence, also won beating LSU on a later
I tonight and YUGSdOY- LOWS Monday "'Qh' " “‘2' ' than lost-second shot The Cats stay in 56
e e In the upper 305. Highs Tuesday in the op- _. , g. Q . (0nd place. one game behind the ,
per 505. Light northwest wtnds Monday. s f ‘5'- ~ Volunteers
V°' LXXX'V- NO ”I Monday Fobmrory 22 I982 Un-vnrsltynenlutky lenington gammy, A” ,,,,,99,.,,,,,,., “um,” ,mwwupw w“, ‘v’v __._._._______‘. w L 9- 3 _ ‘ 1‘ 3". ..__ . , — ¢—-———r~~—~——-~~r—~v ~~ s ,L
n - Egg . .. -
~ Panel teStlfleS before s UK Medical Center :
is. x. - - - -‘
$3:L\L\:\§%§§:L§\L‘Lx cs ‘ Invefl'gates Charges . '
§>0L§§mwsssL _ - - - 4-
’ ouse mem rs “sswm of contract Violation ..
I I §:gstwscsgg\ss§g§s - ‘.
sg‘iisiiw‘sv ‘ “NAMESEDWFN nuns =
———-—————— At one point, Rep, WilliamF. Goodl- education program several times, \s‘ssgs‘fiw : <5 Asmstant Managing Editor .,
BYBRAD SMGEON i118. 3.123. the subcommittee’s rank- including his authorship for the 1958 i \t y ‘ .L . __ r ,_W_»__ ___.__*__._..-, 2
Kernel Contributor in minority memw, said Reagan Education Act, Which origimm ’jL , Lj_ ~> _
____.._____..____-— will have to compromise this year. several student loan prOSTRmS- ' The dean of the University's Col-
Bl“ Ming added that if the my Perkins and many others “"53“! lege of Medicine said Friday he is in- -,
Apanel on student financial aid of- dent reveiled where those com- what they called the “tragic irony" vestigatlng allegations that two or
fered special testimony here Satur- promises would be at the present that a Republican president was ‘ p more college faculty members may ' -
day at a Congressional hearing for time,hewouldbea “foolish leader.” rescinding — as an initiative to ‘ have violated an agreement which re» "L '
five members of the US. House sub- The subcommittee, which held bolster national defense through in- . .- g . _. gt . :1...- _\ quires they direct all their clinic in- ;-' -'
committeeonelementary, secondary hearings Friday in Ashland, has 313° creased spending — education loan , -' L " " ~. .. . .. s » . . . L‘ L i come intoa spemal fund. 'L
andvocational education. held hearings in Illinois, Minnesota policies enacted by another "L“L ' L L Dr. D. Kay Clawson said the physi-
Three members of the state Task and Wisconsin on the impact of pro- Republican president asa measure to cians may have violated their con- L".
GrouponF‘inancial Aid. appointed by posedbudget cutbacks. But after two upgrade national security. . g g tracts with the Medical Practice
the Council on Higher Education, hours of yesta'day’s six-hour M. Britt Brockman, UK Student . sit: .ggs «gfi‘ f‘g§ s; Plan, an organization regulating col- '3 .L
joined 51 professionals from fieltb ings, Goodling and the other “5001360“ president and a member ”is “ glass“ 1?“ “log lege faculty members' practices in
related to education as witnesses Republican on the subcommittee, of thastate financial aid task group. 3; L1, , “A .. .:.. L L the UK Medical Center’s 10 outpatient ,,'.‘
before the subcommittee. Their Rep. Thomas E. Petri of Wisconsin, called Reagan’s proposals “3 fun- -. 1* 1, u in .2 . ‘ ,_ * ‘ ' ‘ clinics.
testimony covered the impact 0‘ pro- retumedtotheir home districts. damental retreat in (federal) policy . 7,. LL iii Lg, .g; .i, g“ ._L.- .. 1, . , The plan, adopted by the UK Board 'LL‘L.
posed cutbacks in federal support, of extremely short-sighted origin. M, ' ‘ L. " L.. . f» ELL: _ g . of Trustees in 1973, disburses the in- .
which was unanimously predicted to Once again, we are asked to dig fur- ’1' ‘- 1‘ ‘ ”Lg “L i " j ‘43:: ;L La... come received by full-time faculty " -'
have devastating possibilities for ther into the very heart of America: ”s“ ‘ ~ t i s ’t r ‘ “Eggs” V1 "V“ - members who work in the clinics. : -.
educational programs at all levels. the (middle) and lower-middle class. is ,_ l» s .- g; ““ g _, ».: g : ,g Clawson said yesterday the in- .~
The subcommittee was chaired by 5, . a. , “President Eisenhower said, LsLLL g: i r ‘M ‘» sf” 41"?“ his 1 *L‘L " _ vestigation was centering on whatthe ,' -

_ Rep. Carl D. Perkins, D—Hindman. P’L"“"l‘”” biscnhoucr ‘Nostudent of ability willbedenied an g c. . ~r " ‘ item's. 1““ 9g L“: if » ,th _ professors and the University define
Although student financial aid is an said. ”.th studcnt of ability opportunity toattend college because E‘L‘ssi * g “ ‘ L s‘ V. : “LL. 4.}; 51,335 ff" - his“ as income. He would not identify the
issue under the jurisdictionofthe sub- will bc dcnicd rm "mu". of financial need. In October 1981, ggnggss'fa’g " " _. “ L‘LL‘L‘ _ imgsgi“k?§$ faCulty members involved, but said
committee on post-secondary educa- _ II (the Reagan administration said it syygt’wwgwg __ Nerf-‘3' ‘ ‘_ ~ « they were cooperating in the two . '
tion, Perkim apparently invited the (unity '0 allcnd (‘0 Pg? does not) accept the notion that the isgfifix mi *' QMSXLL ' m“ t ' week-long investigation. _Lk
special panel because a study by the bccausc of financial nccdf federal government has an obligation Iiiwzifis” He promised a thorough investigg ‘
subcommittee staff indicated 32,000 In “”01",, 1981. (”,0 to fund generous grants to anybody “Rwyy ‘.‘ tion that would continue until he
Kentuckians may be adversely af- . . . that wants to go to college," cf _ , . gathered enough facts to makeadeci- .-
fected if the proposals are approved Rcagan ad"”"'s"""0" Brockman said. “L's I”: =4? l sion on what action would be taken -‘ L ;
assubmittedtoCongress. ' said it docs no!) acccpt thc As a representative of UK Prasi— gg, sch g , with the faculty members involved. 3.

130th subcommittees arepartofthe notion that 1]". fpdpral dent Otis Singletary, Brockman of— 'L _-.-:. flfisfigwfi g’L ‘ - The plan is administered by the ‘ ,
US. House Education and Labor bl' fered projected statistics of how pro ”woven Keno-5m” Kentucky Medical Services Founda- 1.
Committee, which Perkins also gorcrnmcnl has an " ‘g‘l' posed cuts will affect certain UK Let's go fly a kife tion, a non-profit corporation that .
chairs.The committeehasbeengiven (ion to fund gcncrnus students. . oversees the clinics‘ operations. The L. ‘L
a March 15 deadline to make com- rants to anybody that Besides the GSL program, he said, Takmg Odvomoge 0* ”‘9 WON“ wealhe‘ and crisp breezes 0“ 50W)" foundation bills the clinics' patients “
plete budget requsts to the House {I L ‘ ‘ .. iffully enacted, the Reagan proposal day, Chris Sharp, 16, 0 lunior 0' Totes Creek High School decided *0 and collects and distributes the fees ', .
Appropriations and Revenue Com- wants 10g" '0 collcgc. would affect, by 1984, almost one-half take his We out Of Storage for 0 flight in Jacobsen Porky according to the Trustees‘ rules.
mitteeforthenextfiscal year. of the 9,000 UK students receiving

Paul P. Borden, chairman of the . s'uden' Association Pres]. Basis Educational Opportunity
state task group on financial aid, said Grants, 1,000 students receiving Sup- {

. the effects of the cuts “will be dent Britt Brockm‘l" plemental Grants, 340 students Gov names trustees
disastrous (to the state‘s future). ______________.,____ receiving College Work alloy and I .«
Enrollmentswill drop rapidly. There 1,700 students receiving National _ _ -
may have been abuse (of student Direct Student Loans. 7’.» .‘
,m,,mmemsmmm,m,, A mm, mm _ ma, mam, Louiswlle busrnessman and horse owner added to Board ,
is misleading to place the program in Both Republicans missed the programs have no “fat” remaining in _————————— and ideas that will be very helpful." one of the world‘s largest
that perspective.” testimony of thespecialstudent finan- their budgets — was also repeated By DAV!” PAULEY he said. thoroughbred operations. ~' ' '

Borden said because of proposed in- cial aid panel, but Perkins reassured frequently by Perkins and the other Stafferter Brereton Jones, 42, said he is look- He is president of the Thoroughbred .,
creases in interest rates for loan pro- the panel the entire presentation two Democrats in attendance. _____.__.__”__-_.___M ing forward to the position and taking Club of America, a UK Fellow, and a "L f. .1
yams, people from lower income would be entered into the Congros- Borden. also the executive director of the appointment“very seriorsly." member of the UK Development "
families who fail a test of need for sional Record. Goodling, however, the Kentucky Higher Education Gov. John Y. Brown named two “I‘m going togive it as much time Council. UK Business Partnership
financial aid will be unable to borrow was willing to comment on one loan Assistance Authority, outlined the new members to the UK Board of as necessary," Johes said Foundation, Inc. He also serves on the
the difference between what they program after Ieavingthemeeting. special panel‘s support for that view- Trustees Friday, Midway He admitted not having been on the board of directors of woodford -_

’ receive in grants and what they ac- “There is no question there will be point, in response to questions from thoroughbred owner Brereton C. board before will require extra efforts Memorial Hospital and Citizens =
tually need. But he said final compromises in proposed cutbacks in the congressmen. Jones and Louisville businessman R. on his part, “It would be silly for me Fidelity Bank in Louisville. j

I estimates of the statewide effect of education programs," Goodling said. Rep. Augmtus F. Hawkins, D—Calif, Larry Jones. to say I'm an authority on UK. never Larry Jonah, 51. received his
the proposals will not be made public This includes compromises in the pro- said, “The president claims these Brown also reappointed Madison- having been to my first board bachelor of science degree m *
until his group completes its work in posed removal of graduate students proposals won't hurt those who really ville businessman Frank Ramsey, meeting,“ he said. chemical engineering from UK in . ,
about three weeks. for eligibility in the Guaranteed Stu- need them, just those who are in- Jr., who has served on the board for Jones said he will “try to be a very 1951. He played football for the '

Perkins interjected, remarks dentboanprogram, he said. vesting the money rather than using it the past eight years. good board member. But I certainly University and is a member of the K- ,. L, .
throughout the hearing assuring Oneof the subcommittee‘s two staff for school.“ The three men will serve six-year don‘t want tobe a onedimension type Men Club. 4:14
witnesses thesubcommittee and com- experts who made the trip said, “The Borden challenged Reagan ad- terms on the 20-member board. board member. He also founded Jones Plastic and ,7 '
mittee will fight further cuts. He also reconciliation mechanism distorted ministration allegations of the extent Brereton Jones replaces Whitley Ci- “With the money crunch the way it Engineering Co. in Louisville with his .f ,
predicted President Reagan would the legislative process.” In this case, loan programs are abused.He told the ty attorney Homer Wendell Ramsey, is I think we've got to make every ef— twin brother, Harry. ,g’L. 1
meet greater resistance this year the term reconciliation applies to the subcommittee, “I think the president and Larry Jones replaces W. B. Terry fort to run the university as '53, .. i.

. than last year. agreement made by a Senate and hasbeen misadvised. InKentucky for of Lexington, chairman of the Blue economically as possible,“he said. Ramsey, 50, a 1953 graduate of UK. ,7 -.

“I don‘t think the A&R committee House conference committeeto vote instance, the default rate on federal Grass Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Jones said he plans to get in the is currently serving as president of ' . ~
will take the ball and run with it this on last year’s budget as a whole, loans averages 2.1 percent. Our Donald Clapp. vice president for ad- midst of university operations and Dixon Bank in Dixon and operates a W ,
year,” Perkins said. The committee rather thanona piecemeal basis. students accept their responsibility.” ministration, said, “The two new “use whatever business sense I have farm in Western Kentucky. "

ledus tobelieve last year that the cut- Perkins frequently reiterated his Hawkins said with a good U.S. members have experience in and to help." While at the University, Ramsey 3.“,
backs were final, he said. promise—onbehalf of his committee Department of Education, the prasi- around the university so they’re not Jones graduated from the L’niversi- was an All-American basketball ,3
“I don’t think we’ll buy it this time. —to ”do our best” to protect each of dent would be better advised on the totally new to what goes on. ty of Virginia in 1961 and moved to player, He was elected Saturday to f- i

Wewillmist them with every means the federally-suppOrted programs. actual amount of waste in loan pro- “We certainly welcome (them). Kentucky 10 years ago. He Is the the Basketball Hall of Fame in Spr-
possible.’ Perkins said. Perkins alluded to his past efforts for grams. I‘m sure they will bring new insights owner and operator of Airdrie Stud. ingfield, Mass 3 ‘L. f”

H S ' ty ' d h tud t

umame OCIB In 09 01188, 8 en 3 say

, , ___ . . . ..

By LAUREL BAILEY Violation 0‘ the leash law may Ifan animal is not claimed within Living close to campus may “The dogs on campus don't He also recounted an ineldent L" .L
Reporter result in a fine 0f $l0 ‘0 no PllB seven days. it is put up for “adop- create problems for some dog bother anyone," said one dog which happened in Woodland Park. -L.. .
_ . . court costs at the lUdSG'S discre- tion.” If the animal is quite old or owners became many yards do not owner. “I think students enjoy play- His dog was running in the park ‘_‘

tion. sick, the Humane Society will put it provide animals with enough room ing with them. If they caused pro— when the animal patrol drove by, he '2? L.

The campus canines and the Dispatcher of the Humane Socie- msleep. for exercise. blems, then there would not be as said: “I called my dog, he came ,

Humane Society are playing a t)’ P080 Poole explained the pro- C... ; many of them hanging around the running towards me as the patrol f,

gantcottag. cess of capturing an animal: “The a ’1 f . ‘ fountain.“ truck started chasing LB. Luckily it i

’ Despite utdngton's leash law, call comes through that a stray f «I w . was dark so we could hide easily L . .

which reqiaresdogowners tokeep animalisinthearea, we ask fora _ g ., v. ' __ _ Shekeeps her own dog onachaln withoutbeingseen. .

theirpetscotiflnedtotheirproperty dacription and tell them if at all .~ w '- “1f &~ 1. lnherfrontyard. ...

orbya leash, many dogs roam free- poesible whold itincaseof injury “~ * & ' '_ ' Another student reported that he “The Humane Society inflicts the . '9

lyaroundcampm. “We then go and patrol the area. A . Q and his roommate keep their dogs idea that to be a good master. one “ '
Golden and labrador retrieve", W“! are he!" With “3 at all .n" , indoors. but that sometimes the has to keep their dog on a leash. I .
German Shepherth and mixed m m capture the "want the“ \ r l 3 “My, Ill , dogsascape. just don‘t agree. It's an unwar- '
MunMMMfmd‘ mmpa'titbacktotheshelter." l li‘g L.‘ I ....lll';"__ 'y‘ H 'd th ” Soc‘ t ranted necessity." .‘
Some chase squirrels, some . l , \_. uIIIII , t c sat e umane le y . '
splash in the fountain some git obe- She said all animals are given L‘ ' - , ‘I-_ ll .“ )5 brought one of their retrievers back hewtakhen alikehlijs‘thaL i1y?i st; actiohen _- .,
L dlently waiting for their masts-s. two “110‘:th when they arrive. . ‘ f / y‘alllllll l“” home and then issueda citation for l'edeg‘l “08 L't two dsz .f .
And some are retrieved by the Oneisforifistcnwwhichincludes “dosrunninsatlarse-" rel" ‘ “3““ ”5’" ’5" : ,
I lulu“ . he s not home, I drive down to the
WNW“! '“mmup‘ld by ”mm' " ‘ i} . Hesaidoneofthe’ d ha bee heiter " '
The society. located on Old WWW- 1L ‘ 'F l inthe“ l " bdlito'gstis 'LL SA L ‘ tlo sen'o rel ted L L
art Pike, is a non t menthtrialParvodnt.tocorn- 2’ 'y ll'L the c'ooer a SIX mos in commumca ns 1 r a. , .
i “I“ F all . ‘ past five years. an ineldent With the Humane Soc1e-
organiutlon dedicated to the but a new vin- which caued an . g __g _4 _ _ _ IY' "No men cametomydoorask- ‘
~ welfareofanimalsinFaycttcCom— “We I." W» “idDV- my ‘_ ‘ ' I “is; _ .;_; ‘- L ' .g , ;/ An advertising senior said he ing if I owned a Dachshund. 1 said , _
ty. Ihmllmmtulw- Am “Md. WW mm- ‘1 g ‘, L_-;L’L3:L'L a r j I ‘ L" ‘l _‘ feels gm leash law is biased: ”No no. mey told me they had me trap- ‘
mam. w “ the ahdtu'. The vin- “ t, .Wil-v’i d If i 1 Le.»- other animals are required to have pad in my backyard and would I
Henry Davis. Humane Society “I“! WW0!- “ MI] ‘0 . ._ . ‘. . \ a leash, so I don‘t see why dogs mindifthey went back We ..
director, said animals do not have animals. i ‘=2'=i="'-=/.f “1"" -,. 5A “ __ 3 ’ shouldbeconfined.“ L "
to be ratralncd but must be kept in men h a :4 daily diameter the .; «t! g ., ‘ A few minutes later they had a
the yard with a fence. If dog are uiimal. WM“ an owner claims hi! ' "f ‘E2;2::“},.;;;.$.'55;: \(f t' “9 said he is Opposed to the leash on the dog and had seem-ed
not on that: owners property, they N be Int-t show proof of I amt \ “NW“ bans able to drive by and his mouth. she said. “ten they put - .
mint be m . lash no more than 10 Kentucky State Dog [Joelle and a \ .551, if :---.3;;§{;3é':'= pick up dogs that are free, but in him in the Animal Patrol Division
(mum. rabiavaccinationcertlflcate. " " ' theirowners‘frontyard. truckandleft.
LL I ' ‘ ~ g ' v I C

KW \
. “Domination
. Edllonal [d-lol '
IIII Moldov- Kon AIOIM Mercy Mo. MOI Crouch "'5' “W M. Mr loll:-
. i Editor mChuet Doy Educ: Money I. Davie wumEd-io: Ans Editor Graph-rs Edito: Photo (duo:
Jame (lulu Norrie .
. ’ . efiuas'on Ann. CMIM Hull“... John um. labile lulu: t...“ Michigan ”IIVM 1°“
- . . ‘ Monugmg Ed‘lo' Copy Edllot A““'°"' MG"°9"‘9 (’d‘w" Asslslon' Spells (mini: Assistant All, Edlwl Layout Edllol (ii-oi Photogtopl-m
, ' l l I
. . g I I I I
- . _ , lg] "te- Citizen apathy about crime situa, tion makes safety-patrol groups nausea-v: ry
”came PROBLEM“ 'f "t
. . . as I t. Was your
’. . 2" When Guardian Angels founder and mentor like the Guardian Angels must exist, then '
-‘ -. Curtis Sliwa spoke on campus last week, he there is something wrong, not only with socie- SORWIIv RATHER ‘ ‘ w
i _' .- j g raised several good points on the crime pro- ty but Within ourselves. “We have literally ”01" GET MW... e C l S I on '
_ " . blem, not only in New York City, but all across become prisoners in our own homes,” Sliwa
j _._ f _ ., the country. said. “The fear of crime has actually become I , _ ‘
I ‘I o o - e . I ”
. t h. . . _ He said crime eitists because we allow it to greater than crime itself. I If
“ .. ', _ . happen. Too many heads are turned when a The solution lies at all levels of society. The
‘4 f f. , ' _ crime is committed, too many eyes are closed, police must clean up their act by increasing ,
.- ‘- ~. g V. _ , too many minds are shut off. patrols and apprehending those who commit ,7,
- crimesa inst r rt nd n.
_ , .‘ , Although there are some who do not agree ga p ope ya perso , If \
,; .3 .. , f .' ,w‘tlhashwa 5 brand off chug” deteri‘eklliice; which The justice system must become something ' \ ' . )r’ -
is v13: %I‘OU_ps 0 1818 t patro g 'cmhe better thanarevolving door for criminals who , .7‘ ll , ”f. , . " t
_. . areas, 1 ea ‘53 V3 uable one. consistently break the law. Overcrowded .v i ‘ 5: Egret; I Vt ‘.
~, . There are those who condemn vigilantism courts allow offenders to plea-bargain their [Jag l v.’ $9.5ny , , h“) I
._ y . and the matter of “taking the law into your way back onto the streets after servmg a less- ”MM/4, "l a {6.3%, “41‘
-_ ' own hands." It’s not so much demagoguery as than-minimum Jall term. it"-?‘-‘353§5:h5//?I} s. W ; is?! “M at». - *‘ - ~
. ~ , "15 frustration and concern. Citizens must not allow themselves to l' . 130’” _ .2. ., . - o - ; - ’— ‘ ,: ‘ -e
. , ' y’ . The Guardian Angels were conceived out of become prisoners in their homes. They should 'QWI-u Fifi: < ‘ 3 - ‘:- o — h
‘ . ' ; ' Sliwa’s frustration with insensitive and in- fight back when attacked and not” let " ‘ .. get - . ‘ .> «- ‘5‘ ° _.
L , , competent police, the tumstile justice system themselvesbebullied and savaged over. I l i, i “55"“ ’“r . - ' ,' . 3“ ,»/
, -, " fl and concern for the helpless victims of crime. hsfigth’e PatI'OlSteléke flhe ,Gglard‘ah Angels ’ Ill ' I ’-.- * I ' f -‘ ’j/W ‘ ‘
. - .. .. . . . s o permit to nuns in areas w ere . - a .,//////< " - s
e, .‘ . ,' ~ The Guardian Angels would like notlung it is necessary. It is unfortunate that they are 4,. /:I , ! 5: 5}- fi/Iil/Zé/é/ 3% .
. . :: . .- ”9““ "‘3" ‘° We °“’ ”hits a“? ”tress. a reality, but it is comforting to know that It , . o 4///////,
.5 Shwa told the Student Bar ASSOClatIOIl.. I some people care enough to protect strangers f‘] i a .,.,j}':;\,,ar, .‘ s
. _ , . . 3:" ”19:51! comgortable walking around 10°th from muggers and rapists. iii-”’7 ”I’ll l ‘ RV." ‘h . g G?"
. , -. - e a o i . , , , in .. .,.;::;.;.-':si7 ~ ‘55§5:‘5-;.»::‘Es&::.'5&5.-:;.:::;(:. 4 .- , ‘
1‘ . pOP After his speech, Sliwa talked With some it“ in a, ‘:§§§§§;;;:_:§§{v / ¥-,,;-.’: w r I'
j r 1 . 3 Sliwa has a good point. If people weren’t so concerned students about starting a chapter I" a. ‘5'; _"'°"""“~“r‘"}_“ J "‘ as ' ‘ ‘
, _ indifferent and callous about crime, then there here. Although a Lexington chapter hasn’t "l 5'7! 7% , - i - =;:- - :77,» \-
. , , would no need for an organization such as the become a reality, and it might never, it is . 'I; V// II .24 A. »— _. - “
- . Guardian Angels. reassuring to know that some people care ‘ ”I “gig; "ti“ er
- , " When it gets to the point that organizations enough to talk about it. ’
.' BilIets sideration of mining set a dangerous Humana Inc., or maybe it’s tobacco drastically affect future research
' ,- ; . students to save precedentfortheuseofotherUKpro— base to R.J. Reynolds 00.? These workatUK.
,_ , , - » . ,- perty? We are in the midst of budget ideas nught seem ludicrous, but the _ , _
., '. . Doux Rab'nson ForeSt cuts fromalllevels. But should we li- Trustees seem more concerned about Those 0‘ us 1h the magma]
:,..w , quidatealong-term educational asset the money that comes in than the rhino“ have studied $9100. plant
-, , .. .r . w... for a one-time, short-term monetary research that comes out of the ‘0 °gy and the dyhhhh“ °f the
,_ ,. ., .1 , _ \J A l’ (:8 The future for eastern Kentucky gain? ‘ University. renewable forest system as a whole.
- ‘ -.l ‘ 4“),- ‘ be and coal will lie in renewable The Board Of Tristees has ap- The wrong deCiSion would have a Math, ogoug'have “med and worked
.. ‘ ‘ (‘ UK is studying the feasibility of resourcesy (timber and reforestation) mime“ 8 ”mm" t° Study the mhdehcy mih‘eh‘hfy the mm” P” on- e - ms?“ For-m we have a
, .. .~ _ ,. ' ( mining coal in Robinson Forest Robinson Forest can be im tant in possibility of mining in Robinson blems for several reasons. First, name Viewpomt Wh‘Ch we want t0
_' ' . ‘ . . ' . , por Forest, A decision has not yet been private contributions of money, land s he'
- -/ _~ I There has been much discussion of obtaining knowledge for this, as well . . . . . _
‘. V . . . . . . . . . made, so it is not too late to save the or faCllltles would decrease because To tins end the Students to Save
. , . .. . the possible benefits to the Universi- as prowding a training ground for a . ' .
'- - " ty but what aboutthelosses" newgenerationofforesters forest. the benefactor would not be able to Robinson Forest have organized a
" _ 7 ~, .. :. first and most obvious is the loss How will mining in the forest affect If V°“ ”9 ih‘e’es‘ed ih ‘he mm” °f "h“ the “hi“mhy t° use the gift f“ 9“th meehhg M “M” “h 25
‘_ j.- ' ‘_ O ’ . ’ . . . . ., Robinson Forest and its effects on the purposes under which it was at 7:30 pm. in the Student Center
, , j \ a of an educational resource. Theforest the attitudes of potential gift-givers. . .
-. - f ‘. . . . . . UK, let yourself be heard. There Will donated. Misic Room.
_. , . f , is currently being used fora number According to the deed, Robinson be . tional/‘nfo tio 1 Second outside research founda
‘2. " v , , of ongoing research projects, in- Forest was giventoUK “forthepur- an orgamza ' rma. na . ’ . . ' Thismeeting will offer an objective
’\ J h eluding: forest management and poses of agricultural experimental meeting or Students toSave Robirson tions, through whichalarge portion 0‘ presentation of facts concerning the
.- . .t j . ~ - - n - . . ForeetThul-sday, Feb. 25, at7:30p.m. UK research is funded, would be ap- . .
, _ , , - hydrology studies, imect and disease work and teaclung . .. Will numng . the Stude tCe ter M . R00 rehensive bo t f di . is history of Robinson Forest and the
‘ . ‘ ‘ " damage research, and as a control be construed as a breech of trust by m h h USIC . m _ p a u un .ng proiec ongoing research and educational ac-
. '; u f - ~ . _ . Watch for posters. We Will have that may never be finished due to . .. .
~. _ . _ , ‘ \ area With which to compare the ef potential donors? Would you makean l'de sh d ber elim'nat‘ of hf 'l't' tiVitiestakingplace there.
hf}, L ,.- 1, fectsofvariouslandusepractices. earmarked donation knowing that SM“! a 5.1 ow an mem ' 1 ion researc .am I "5' . , .
, a: 3.‘ , , ‘8 your intentions mi ghtbeignored? ship applications. Please come. I feel the UmverSlty and its We believe that a decision to nune
i: .. \ .\ . . ”i; 0n the economic side how much trustees should conSider these ideas the forest would be a dangerous
<' '_ l { , _ money willUKactually receive?Who Patti A. Logsdon :efore makingadecision 0" Robimon precedent to set, constituting a li-
' .95.. V.- -.~'-.: \ ' % I; I: ‘ €- IE " u will be respomible for reclamation? . Engineering junior ortst. quidation 0‘ the educational assets of
.,“..'- I And, will the money even to 80 UK? - the University and on] hem
,.\_. , o ;': . Joth.Moriarty , ya 90"“?
I?“ ‘3‘: g. 1.. ’I‘helgtgfactgenghts we‘ll-edegzdtoUK Fa [mm Forestry graduate student solution to a long-term problem. If,
."."i‘ / v, \ _ I _ 1n , miner l1 ' seven however, you trunk that mimng would
- -. , -. = . . _ . . , years later — not to the UruverSity, The controversy over Whether or , _ _
. “ ‘ ’ \ c g. - .2 -1 ” -. but to the Commonwealth of Ken- not to mine Robinson Forest is more '3 renewab'e behem the Shh°°h 0" h you Simply
: ;¢,'.'-f _ . \/ 1 . /' , f ’ .. > tucky. than just a question of the virtues of , haven’t made upyour mind, you have
A . ‘, "- , K . l 14'" \ if/ : SO. fliereisaquestionof who would mining. Itwillwttheintesrity of the As students in the department of “ mwm‘hh‘ty t° “than the he“
_- ' "" 1 2, . yyflj. “ - ’4 \ 2 actually receive the monetary University as a research institution forestry_ we have taken a deep in- before “mung youropimon.
t' \ ., , , g [1/ jg! benefits. And, if UK does receive on the line. The University would be tens: in the current debate over Thursday’s meeting offers you a
-.' (7.71 . - 6 - 3 money, will we lose funds from divesting it’s research facilities in Whether the Robimon Forest should place to start — or continue — hear-
; a" i ,//, (55;: '5‘ ., - _‘\ Frankfortasaresult? Inshort,dothe order to balance it’s budget. This is be mined. The Board of Trustees is ingthefacts. ’
M _. ,1": .~ x‘) ’ i. 4 4‘, ‘ i. . ; _; iéa. benefits outweighthecosts? . not theway tobecomea “world class considering a move which could
__ i» E y- . A / . _ . . / The long-term benefits of Robtmon wuversuyf’ sacrifice the University’s future in-
, .1. . 4 ‘ e 1‘ . ,3 f 3‘ , \ Forest need to be cons1dered. Its After the coal money ran out, what tegrity as a research instutition. The Jerre L. Creighton
,1 ,l ‘ A f \ “Ms“ value as a research tool cannot be would the UruverSity do. next? Would potential loss in mmh contribu~ and C. Steven Meieeife
.) siucunoos “mos..." undemtunated. Does not the con- It selltheChandler Medical Carter to tions and trust donations could Forestry graduatestudents
1’s} 37-1, P l l I l W l l l 7
.' .11”,fo .
ark/n9 wo atlon. hy aren t regulations written down.
9.351" 1: 31.}, E i had a run~in with the UK Police Ieven remarkedtoafriendlsawon do you? I have cash on me . . He ty. iielookedosifhehadnoidea what where they stand. pic, but I can't think of anyone that
;- , g ' Papartment the other day- The sub my way ‘h that I was about due to be Jmtlaushed. ' Iwas talking about, and referred me The half-price towing charge is a would care to donate that amount to
grommet time... not... $me": are norm... mimosa W... “are"
- . 6 8 W W e e 8 e 8 session, headtherumor,but reisnowrit- their et.
1,: The parking situation is one that ped in to inform me I was “on the scene. I just got mad. [became even the sergeantprand I. We both agreed ten lSpolicy concerningthematter. 'I‘hepolice department canmakeits
, j a," meets with hostility on both sides — rack," which resulted in a frantic moreangrywhenamemberof UKPD that the current parking situation is Ihitthe sergeant with that question jobeasier by finding the time and the
. .1: [It ,1 unidents and faculty get tired of try- rish outside to try and prevent the in- told me thatyes, indeed, you can pay bad, and there is a. great need for point-blank, He finally admitted if a emoumofmoney it takes moompiie.
- -, , ,1, ms tofmdalesal placetopark at any ewtable- right away If you talk to the officer cooperatmoobothudes. student finds their car being towed, handbook uiat states precisely all
: .1 hour. and the police officem get tired There so! my poor little Mom. before yourcar is towed, and it would He doesn't like students' attitudes, they can go with the officer to head- policies concernim parking, towing
- f' ' ,» of spending their time searching out rear end high in the air, about to be cost $10 rather tlnn $20. and pointed out violators are break- quarters, pay half price and get their and fines. The time now spent towing
, . ,; .. -.-, "mewhobreakmeruleo carted off to that pnson of an un- When I wait to leadquartm the mg the rules True, but I countered carbackatthattime. carsandwriting tickets couldbebet-
,- ,v _, _: -' .. poundment lot. ' . next day _to get my mode of that sincenocurrent handbook exists. Ipointed out students havetheright ta- used patrolling campus. in-
; j .1 'y . I was very polite to the police of- tramportation outof hock,lbroached and not too many students are clalr- tobeinformedof this atthetime. Ten vestigating Mummforth.
‘ . 1» . ficer prefient.l%:yugiit of breath, but thesubject with thedispatcheron du- voyant, many don’t know exactly dollars may not make or break peo» Butthosethat parkoncampm need
, fl]: M 33?? $1225. to worklunmibbgtm fix ohehymufltjutt t:
» ’ , . _ ______ _.A.,. M thismorning, and I really don‘t liketo 'Lmu com by Berke Bream exist. That check I wrote will remind
, _ walk on campus at that time of ME mm meofthat before I try togetaway
‘ y; 3“" "h“ the"? 8” h°.h°’hy "h“: mam." Willem (JIM WM mooorr_..iwor I that wtmparkintllllesally awn
. , Wtwflmmp‘m'flmm The look he gave me could have NWW mmlflw cannot! um men 3 tune the mic. in writing
- "'8. many violators simply M" melted steel. Without mincing words W'm'h’ ' I mm W m“ ”5' violitolzwillhevemexcmetou “l
.' . ,r realize just whotuollowed and what he mid me em “I m, depart: “m, ”1'“: [5 *fl‘.’ Rm. MSWKJM... I ,H ,, m cm Wm Jaw
' , ' ianot. merit regulations units: could just I I r ' I | fit is allowed magmt rlghtl
U 1-5 Generally, I'm pretty good about marchm doWnto ,' it.“ ‘b _, . ‘: 3/ '-
' . ‘ ' he“??? meg ’3." our- a, my We affim Q , c) a i the . v i Q” " “hmwdihgmofihm
' mifm watchout ' ““h’mh'h‘md‘wm- “9 -—2 ‘1'. i f :1, s a m‘. o6" 3’ '0 ,‘.,_ J moon... on to: comm. and both
, _ . ' waverydirectmndnotatallpolite. —-—-e—-_