xt7n8p5vb34v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5vb34v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-09-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 2000 2000 2000-09-12 2020 true xt7n8p5vb34v section xt7n8p5vb34v LEFT 0E CENTER

College life

I'm outta

Being out of beer is
probably the worst




drinking problem there
is. Just for kicks, here


are some jokes about
life on campus. if you
are experiencing prob-
lems with your drinking,
you may find the follow-
ing list of problems and
remedies useful.

Problem l: Drinking
fails to give any satis-
faction or taste. Front of
shirt is wet.

Reason: Mouth not
open while drinking, or
glass applied to wrong
part of face.

Remedy: Buy another
pint and practice in front
of a mirror. Continue
with as many pints as
necessary until drinking
technique is perfected.

Problem 2: Drink fails
to give any satisfaction
or taste. Beer is unusu-
ally pale and clear.

Reason: Glass empty.

Remedy: Find some-
one who will buy you an-

Problem 3: Peanuts
are unusually tasteless



Slim pickens?
Eminem wins
1. MTV music
\. award for best
’ .. Video of the
I yearlz

Businesswomen come to area

Conference promotes women in the workplace: Over 250
people expected at the Women Mean Business Conference

By Ashley York
ASSISTANI ms rmion


And business is exactly
what they will talk about
Wednesday at the eighth an-
nual Women Mean Business

“'(Hl’lftll lllf’illl

Debbie McKnight. the
conference coordinator. said
the event offers opportuni-
ties primarily to entrepre»
hours and also offers great
incentives to aspiring busi-
ness students.

"If you‘re thinking about
starting a business anti you

Women‘s Business ’I‘hera
pist: Eliminate the Mind
blocks and Roadblocks to
Success." Hunt is the author
of several books on money
management. including
“The Financially (‘oiifident

McKnight said the con

members and eiiiployct-s
from other departments.

Becky Naitgle. state di
rector for KSBIX‘. said the
keynote speakers will pro
vide beneficial information
to students.

“limit would be an excel
lent speaker for anyone who
is concerned about personal
finances." Naugle said. "She
has good advice on personal
credit .iiid credit worthi

Naiigli- said "It's a good
niche market "

liven though the confer
ence is aimed at the women's
business market. McKnight
said that some of the speak
ers are male and seycral
men will be in attendance.

\aiigle said the confer
ence will not only givi-
women an educational ~xpe
rience. but will also otter .t
great opportunity It» ticl


UK faculty. staff and
students may attend


and difficult to chew.

Reason: You are eat-
ing your remaining mon-

Remedy: Try to save
any notes. Loudly accuse
the bar of giving you
counterfeit money.

Problem 4: Feet cold
and wet.

Reason: Glass being
held at wrong angle.

Remedy: Turn glass
the other way so that
the open end is pointing

Problem 5: Feet
warm and wet.

Reason: Loss of self-

Remedy: Go and
stand next to the near-
est dog. After a while
complain to the owner
and demand a pint in

Problem 6: Bar

Reason: You are
looking through bottom
of empty glass.

Remedy: See remedy
No. 2.


Problem 7: Bar sway-
Reason: Unusually
high air turbulence due
to darts match in

Remedy: Insert
broom handle down back
of jacket.

Problem 8: Bar mov-

Reason: You are be-
ing carried out.

Remedy: Find out if
you are being taken to
another pub. If not, com
plain loudly that you are
being kidnapped.

Problem 9: The bar-
maid dressed in the
green uniform refuses to
talk to you.

Reason; You are talk-
ing to the rubber plant.

Remedy: If you are
sitting on a barstool,
then you are probably at
the bar already. Turn
around and try again.



THE ‘4ll'

V .3

7.5 5.9

Although it will be a
little cooler, sun is final~
Iy in the forecast.
Rent mac


VOL. ”l06 ISSUE m4


News tips?

Call: 2574915 or write:

Conference at the Radisson
Plaza Hotel. Keynote speak
ers Mary Hunt. Marcia
Rosen. Pamela ()raber and
UK (.‘hancellor Elisabeth
Zinser will speak about op-
portunities for women in the
business arena.


need an opportunity to meet
with other women. then this
will be a great opportunity to
do so." McKnight said.

Two of the
speakers have written books
about women and business,
Rosen is the author of "The


ference, sponsored
Development (‘eiiter and the
(‘enter for lintrepreneurship
at the [K (Iatton (‘ollege of
people. including I'K faculty


by the

Small Business

around 2.34)


that router: I KERNELSYAFF

Carol Bohr (bottom, left), nianager at Kennedy Bookstore, calls Emily Deniarest (bottom, right) to tell her she was
the winner of the Volkswagon Bug (top) that has been resting outside the bookstore since the beginning of the

school year.



Naugle said the I‘I\III‘..', "It's
number of
business market is an nnpor
tant aspect for l'K students
to understand.

“Women are the largest
growing segment of starting
lius‘llicsscs iii the country.”


for $69.

For more info call
The conference is 8-
4 pm. on Wednes-
day at the Radisson

usually a t‘c.‘tll\
good coiilctciice. The work
shops are important and ed
titatioiial. but the oppoi'tttni
Iy to network with other
women business owners is
the most beneficial aspect."
she said.

iii the


Activists look
0 improve

‘Something had to be done': Activists prefer
“no-kill" to government-run animal shelters

.l.-\.\llu'.\'l‘t )WX. Ky. iAl’i Activists in Kentucky hayejoined
a nationwide effort to establish private or “no-kill" animal shelters
as an alternative to nndeitunded. government-riin shelters.

.\'o-kiII shelters have been established in several counties. in
cliiding .‘vnderson, Iilliott and .\Iartin. More are planned for Brack
en. ('asey and Russell counties. among others.

l’ritics have a long lIs' ot complaints about county animal
shelters and dog wardens. mostly in rural areas. Most complaints
center on the conditions of the shelters. the lack of training among
the wardens and a lack of reipiireinents at many shelters to spay
or neuter the ten dogs that are adopted. continuing the ovei‘popu
Iation problem

In Russell county. activist \t'ilma Hopper began visiting the
dog pound this year w ith food. cleaning supplies and a video cam
era because of her concern oy er the conditions

".-\ lot of times there was no water. no tood." said Hopper. the
president of a fledgling anitiial welfare league.

In June. she shot a Video of a dead dog lying in watering pans
at the pound. with another small dog drinking near the paws ofthe
dead one as llies Iiii/zerl around

The county paid tor a conciete floor for the pound last summer
and installed water .Icff Bryant. the county dog warden. said he
goes to the pound twice a day to feed and water the dogs and clean
up lie described Hopper as a “triathlemaker” who "wants a big-
time facility built ”

counties often plead poverty. but shelter and animalcontrol
programs can generati- money to offset the costs. said Prestons-
burg lawyer Nod I’illersdorf.

"It's not expensive to operate an animal shelter." Pillersdoif
said He is married to state Supreme (‘ourt .Iiistice Janet Stumbo.
and the two started the Ilewey Dam Dog and (Tat Protection Soci-
ety in Hoyd i‘ounty. which now operates the animal shelter.

'I‘eresa ()ns‘lcy. who keeps books for the shelter. said Floyd
(‘ounty provides smooo a year to operate it. and Prestonsburg
gives $2.1m. Annual operating costs are more than Storm ()usley
estimated Donations and adoption fees help cover costs.

The people trying to develop private shelters also are reacting
to high killing rates at some county facilities.

Linda Smith of Bracken (‘ounty said she started trying to es»
tablish a iiokill shelter this year after learning that nearly all the
dogs at the with y slietter get euthani/ed.

“It was the most heartbreaking thing.” Smith said
something had to lil' done "

“I knew

Kappa Sigma earns high marks, scholarships

Fraternity excels academically: After posting a collective 2.89 GPA last
semester, Kappa Sigma is showered with praise and funds

By Britt Clem
The Ill) members of the I'K
Kappa Sigma fraternity have a
reason to boast this semester.
After a three-day Kappa Sig-
ma National Leadership (‘onferv
ence Program. the Beta Nu chap-
ter received five awards. With a
chapter GPA of around 2.89. Kap-
pa Sigma received two scholar

ship awards for beating the all
(ireek and all~male averages.
“We had a successful year
last year as a fraternity. We
stepped up and got stuff done and
I feel really good about that." said
Will Price. an education junior
Ward Ballerstedt. a business
management and political sci-
ence sophomore. said winning
the awards shows the fraternity
has made great strides in many


“Basically this means a lot to
us as a chapter. It shows we are
excelling academically and that
we're setting an example on catn-
pus and nationally as a chapter
that’s successful. It should serve
as an example for other chapters
from our fraternity to follow."
Ballerstedt said.

Kappa Sigma received two
silver scroll awards for two $5.000

alumni donations to the National
Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund.
They also received a recruitment
award for both the fall and spring
seiitesters last year With 21
pledges for fall and 38 for spring.
these pledge classes were among
the largest on campus last year,
“(letting recognition for our

achievements gives us a sense of

pride and accomplishment.”
Ballet‘stixlt said.

The Kappa Sigmas are not
riding on last year‘s accomplish
merits to see them through. They
participated in the (‘iameball Run
for the ITK ys. if off. game this se-



mester. raising several thousand
dollars that will be split between
the two schools for their disabled
student resource center.

Not only are the Kappa Sig»
mas excelling within their own
fraternity. but they hold leader-
ship positions in many groups on
campus including the Student
(iocernment .-\ssociation. Stu-
dent (‘oum il and the Interfrater-
nitv (‘oiincil

"I think one of the reason's
our chapter is so strong is be»
cause we have a strong leader-
ship presence on campus." said
Brian Roth. a finance senior.




 2 ”I resin; secrets}; 2.609 limits" “are


ilm Staley
Scene Editor
Phone: 257-1915 I E mail: kernelatteiyahoocom




Midgets, mayhem,
music and MTV

Behind the scenes: Big time awards and big time performers
equals big time headaches for backstage personnel

By Marissa Fugate


‘A'alking into Radio (‘ity
Music Hall two days heioi'e the
MTV Video Music Awards is
like walking into Sherman‘s
camp two days before the Siege
Ui;\il£llli£l About iiillpeopleare
rushing in and out of the :iiidi
toriiiin. talking into walkie
talkies. screaming things like
"\Vhere's Christina?”

.\llllioiis of people watch
the \'.\l.-\s each year. but \‘t‘l'_\'
few think about the people be
hunt the scenes. A veritable
army of people from .\l'l‘\'

Travel. 'l‘aleiit Department
and Traffic Department work
in perfect precision to produce
the craziest awards show on
the market.
have just come from the
production office to find my:
sell‘adril‘t Ill a sea of little peo-
ple. Midgets. some might call
them. but here at .\l’l‘\' they
call them “little people." (‘onr
ing downstairs to 2.") little peo
pie is a shock. to say the least.
The way things work
around here is not simple.
Right now. it is Tuesday. This
means that today Blink 182 is
rehearsing on the Radio (‘in
stage, They are not here yet.
but their little people are.
Blink will be arriving shortly
on the .31st Street en-
trance. (in the

opposite side of

our entrance is

a barricade

filled with


f a n s .

of whom should be in junior
high algebra class right now.

The two days before the
show are devoted to rehears-
ing. Performers rehearse. pre~
senters rehearse

All of our performers
show Lip. they can't afford not

to rehearse. in fact. some of

them like Janet Jackson
rehearse much longer than an
ticipated. The presenters, on
the other hand. don't always
show. No rehearsal means
good luck on getting your lines
right. Mr. l)eNiro.

Behind the scenes. we are
making sure Britney Spears is
here for rehearsal on time. We
are keeping (‘arson Daly hap-
py in the lobby while he waits
to rehearse. We are directing
limos in and out of the Slst
Street entrance while protect—
ing *N Sync from crazy fans.

It is Thursday. the day of
the show. I am backstage with
a walkie-talkie on my head.
The backstage area is an inter-
esting place to be. At one point
in time i find myself with the
Red Hot Chili Peppers. Chris
Rock and the Wayans brothers.

We get the performers to
their performances and keep
people happy. During the Tim
my (‘. stunt with stage scenery
I am walking across the stage
to bring Nelly some lotion.

The VMAs. They are a
threerhour tour with a three»
month prep time. They are

big egos and big perfor»

Eminem adresses the crowd
after recieving one of the two

moon men he won Thursday.
assocurm mass

Moody album disappoints

By Sam mg


Jeff Arundel
Mood Ring

A mellow-sounding charmer
of a musician has hit the soft
rock scene with his debut CD,
entitled Mood Ring. As soon as I
put this CD in my stereo. I had
instant deja vu of several '80s
songs that rocked my world
years ago. This guy sounds like
a soft-spoken Bon Jovi. with a
bit of style borrowed from Chris
lsaak's love songs.

Unfortunately the music on
this album is far from the new
and improved. The sound is so
slow and relaxing that you can
play this disc from the begin-
ning and never know the song
ever changes. unless you pay
special attention. With some ab-
solutely monotonous rhythm
and chords. this is a depressing-
ly boring score.

On a higher note, an ele-
ment of Mood Ring that de-
serves recognition is the vast
amount of places in the heart
the lyrics allow us to travel.
Any one listener could find
himself remembering the death
of a loved one, empathizing how
hard it is to think positively on
life, or to dream of that par-
adise we all have imagined.

Of course. this is if the 11s
tener actually wants to get past
the upsetting drone of the mu.
sic and pays attention to the

I can say I didn't need a
“mood ring“ to tell me what
kind of mood l was in after i
took a listen to this release
Grade: C-

Paul Hak_e_r

Menace to Sobriety

Though summer is almost
over, OPM‘s Menace to Sobriety
is a definite summer album.

The album's first listen
comes off as a bad cross be-
tween Barenaked Ladies, Blink
182 and the Bloodhound Gang.
However. the more you listen.
the more the songs catch on.

The album‘s best track is
“Unda,” a song dedicated to all
the authority figures that have
caused 0PM trouble in the past.
The disc also features the skate
anthem “Heaven is a Halfpipe."

Though the lyrics are fluff.
the songs are upbeat and fun.
Songs like “Stash Up" and the
hilarious interlude “Rage
Against the Coke Machine"
give the album a summery feel.

Fans of the “Heaven“
should be warned. The album is
vastly different from the oft-
played radio time. But this
might just work in the band's
favor and rescue them from
one~hit-wonder status.

Rating: B


Top selling CD's for the week of Sept. 3-9

CD Warehouse Top Sellers

1. Nelly, Country Grammar

2. C-Murder, Trapped in Crime

3. Eminem, The Marshall Mothers LP
4. Dj Clue, Backstage Mixtape

5. Ben Harper, Burn to Shine

6. Various Artists, loud Rocks

7. Ben Harper, Will to Live

8. Vertical Horizon, Everything You

9. Phish, Farmhouse

10. Rancid, Rancid (2000)

CD Central Top Sellers

1. Ryan Adams, Heartbreaker

Z. Jets to Brazil, Four Cornered

3. Dave Alvin, Public Domain

4. Trans Am, Red line

5. Man or Astroman. Spectum of
Infinite Scale

6. Hot Club of Cowtown, Dev’lish

7. 6th's, Hyacinth 's and Thistles
8. Pontious CoPilot, Madagascar
9. BT, Movement in Still life

10. Bela F leck, Outbound

Billboard Top Sellers

1. Nelly, Country Grammar

2. Britney Spears, 00ps!...l Did It

3. Eminem, The Marshall Mathers lP
4. Creed, Human Clay

5. Various Artists, Now 4

6. DJ Clue, Backstage Mixtape
7. 3 Doors Down, The Better life
8. ‘N Sync, No Strings Attached
9. Papa Roach, Infest

l0. Soundtrack, Coyote Ugly



to be eligible.


Here’s How to Win:

111% Football
TICItET scnucnocn HUllT

lower level football Tickets tor the
Indiana (tome on Saturday. September 16“I
at 6 am. in Commonwealth Stadium!

1. Ten tickets vouchers will be located with an employee on campus. There are 04in
ten ticketyggchers. so you must be one of the first ten people to find the employee

()nc cluc will be giyen each for three days in the Kernel to direct you to the special
employ cc. «(‘lucs 2 and 3 will be located in thc Kernel Classifieds).
. You will only be able to approach the employee while hc/shc is in his/her office. Do
not disturb class or approach them on campus.
. Once you lind the voucher. bring it to (‘oach Johnson‘s office. Room 42HH Memorial
Coliseum. by Noon on Thursday. Scptcmbei‘ l-l.
. All youchcrs for the w cck will go into a drawing for the lndiana game tickets.
. The winner of the ll' game tickets will be announced on Majic 105 Thursday.
September 14. between 5:00 p.m and 5:30 p.m.
. if your name is announced. you must pick up your tickets in Coach Johnson's office.
Room 42”” Memorial Coliseum by 4:00 p.m. on Friday. September 15‘“








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John Dobson
SportsDaily Editor
Phone: 257-l9l5 | Email: ionathandthtaolcom


é? a a {I c"
KERNIL coummsr



(Bob) Knight's latest grab
proved to be the last straw

Call me “The General": Knight's firing qives
life lesson on presidents, protests and punks

Big surprise. Bobby Knight
allogodly assaultod sonioono.
No big deal. right'.‘

Wrong. It is a big deal. ho
eaiiso right now. Robert Mont
gomory Knight is out ot'a job

No longer \'\ ill ho ho storm
ing up anrl down tho sidoliiios
or torrorizing otl‘ir‘ials‘ anrl
sportswriters. thank (iorl.

lt's hard to holioyo that llio
rod s\\'(‘:ll(‘l‘ woariii'. big mouth
swoai'iti' coach from Iloosioi'
mama [and is goiio.

And I'm .sLll‘l‘ thoro aro
Knight followers out thoro still
wondering how it was possihh
that somoliodx had tho iior‘i'o to
let their lll‘lll\(‘(l gotiorai go.

That somoliody was .\l\los
Brand. liiiliaiia l'iiiyorsity s
prosidont tor now anyway

Klil‘llll :ig’t‘l‘iitl iii Iiillrm a

strict ”Zerri~toloraneri" policy
that Brand proposod to him.

That moant no moi'o blow"
ups. no more tirados.

Did anyone think that he
would be able to follow this pol
icy? ()r a hotter (iiiostion Would
be: llid any roasonablo person
(that oxc‘litdos all [1’ fans) think
he could do it‘.’

'l‘ho obyiour. answer is no.
llowoyot‘. tho i‘oal (iiiostioii had
to ho: l)id tho ll' prosidoiit hayo
the nails to actually tiro hiiii'.’

I guess that iiiiostion has
boon answered.

But Knight i‘r-ally did not
giro Brand mur'h ot'a ehoit‘o at
tor ho doeidod to teach lllgyear
old ll' t‘roshman Kont Harv-y
how to show propor I‘os‘pr‘oi to
his oldors, by allogodlfi grab
hiiig his arm and Verbally bo

rating hiin.

Apparently. what sot
Knight ott was that llaryoy sup-
posodly said. "What's up.

You see. the kid did not say
"(‘oach" or ”(‘oaeh Knight" or
what he actually likes to ho ro
l'orrod to as. “(ioiioi‘al (‘oaeh
Bobby Knight Sir."

By tho way. I export to re
eoiyo my ai'inrtwistiitg lesson
on ros‘por't from Knight any day

Sitioo this lli(‘l(l(‘lli was out
in tho opon. and sineo we all
know this was a yiolatioti ot‘tlio
"yoi‘o toloi'ani‘o" policy, We
waited for [1' to i‘ospond like
they always had before, by
making oxeiisos and swooping
it undor tho rug.

But whon thoy didn't follow
the normal ordor ot~ things. it

throw tho wholo (‘tismos out ot'
whack. Well. at loast this part of

tho c'osinos. anyway,
Personally. I still cannot Ito

lioyo Knight doesn‘t think he
has (loiio anything wrong.

He still does not understand
that it is not OK to grab and
scream at aiiybrkly ho wants. Ho
doesn't realize that he must do
what l do got permission first.

Brand did try to give
Knight an easier way out by
asking him to stop down. but he
wouldn't boc'auso ho (lid not
think he had rlono anything
wrong How could Knight oxr
poet anything difl‘oront'.’ l'ntil
this past year, not many had
qiiostioiiod his actions on any
thing. and those that did Wt‘l‘o
not met with opoti arms.

'l‘ho first i‘oac'tion on llf's
campus was a largo student
protest at Brand's hoiiso and a
burning of llaryoy in effigy. I
can understand protosting tho
president. but come on: it's not
like it is tho kid‘s t‘ault Knight
i'aii't koop it together.

Although. tho punk did diss
him in public






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Campus Calendar

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PRlOR to the MOM)“ information l‘. to appear at htlp://www.ulry,edu/Campus Calendar

Call 257-8867 ‘ar mm ‘rt0!'ncl'cr


'l-N-T Meeting, 7:30pm, Baptist Stud Union (hope 'A(LU Meeting, 8pm, 23l Stud Ctr
'AKPsi Pledge lnlo Mtg, 7 30pm, 88E Rm 309

'Society of Women Engineers Mtg, 7pm, Mining 8. Mineral Stud Ctr

‘MAKE MOVIES, Creative Film Society, 8pm. 203

'Dinner in the Dorms Hillel/Jewish Stud Org , 6 ISpm
Blazer Court Yard, Private Dining Room

'Table Francoise, French Conversation Group, 4-6pm.
Blazer Hall Private Dining Room

‘AKPsi Pledge Inlo Mtg, 7 30pm, 8&F Rm 309

630pm 23! Stud Ctr

'SAB Poster Sale, 9am-5pm, 245 Stud Ctr



students, Student Center Patio

88E Rm. 309

'UK RUGBY Practice, 6-8pm, Seaton Field

'SAB Poster Sale, 9am-5pm, 245 Stud. Ctr _| 7, g ‘ . , g ,_ w,
'llam-2pm President’s 880 for faculty, staff and I” W“ " UM G'een‘b‘)” 5"” “ ‘hm‘ ‘ ‘”


library rluditcrvom

m Iliurs Atrium Fri

'Amnesty International, 8pmi 228 “Finance Area Seminar Series 3 309m BRE Rm Jib

Stud. [n 'Health Benet is 05 Functional Foods " 3C 13:}pm M Young
on hape

‘Freslimen Focus, 6pm, Bapt. Stud. Uni


'Tae Kira-r Dr: {rut Practice "our: i ‘3 31m“ item": Cw” .c“
"volleyball vs SC Illmors ,7er Memorial Col‘seun‘

‘W‘men : Sorter cher 7pm UR Soccer Complex

'Professional Speaker-Metrozipcom, 7:30pm, ~—~———

‘Habitc’ For Humaniry House Bldg 80m 5pm
Newman Ctr (all 735 85-66 wrth 7s

ARMMOVIES “so Poster Sale 9am spm 245$rud or
8pm "La ies of Note" concert @ Singletury Center



'Newtnon Center Mass 69m




'Cross Country {I Tuscaloosa



'Tae Kwon Do Club Practice Hours llam l7 300m Alumni 6w"

’Volieybal vs lomesModison lprn Memorial (OlKPUm

88! MEETINGS 8'” 1 7
“Newman renter Moss 90m " 30m 58m and 830w

'Noor Bagel Bunch t"illel Iewnl‘ Stud lYOOprn Manhattan Bagel on
Richmond Rd
'Phr3rqmn 9mg ’om Wimp {tr

”'1 sporrs

' 7 IHill . . ,
'x&mel£nfi(6u:0Coimm$tudium WWW“ 30“" " “W‘ U” or" d“ WW Comple-
'VoNeyboIl vs Austin Peay 12pm Memorial Coliseum ARTS MOVIES

immal’efintron The (director at 7‘, Opening 30m Art

5 The 'UK Symphony Orrhestra (oncer‘ 3w Smotetorv (tr
) m Ind. endant 'liabitot For Humoity House Bldg BomSpm W 'a'fiioq'wm‘ 939 mg 5300"!
Stu y Nemmn Ctr col 755-8566 with "5 Stud Ctr Northern Theater
ngmm on MOVIES
Room 1 From Hell - 257-3466 'Docent Reunion, l0‘300ml2pm
Art Museum Morn Gallery



 Say cheese and
spread 'em...

Photos find
drug crop

LaPDRTE, Ind. (AP) -
Smile for the camera.

You‘re busted!

A man who had
snapshots taken of
himself with plants
he had grown in his
house allegedly made
the mistake of taking
the film to a
developer who
recognized the
indoor garden
as marijuana.

The processor alerted
authorities, who then
tracked down
the man.

Brian Davis. 38. pleaded
guilty Friday in
LaPorte Circuit Court
to a Class D felony of
maintaining a
common nuisance. If
the plea bargain is
accepted, charges of
dealing in marijuana
and possession of
marijuana will be
dropped and he will
be placed on two
years of probation.

"They were pretty
telling photographs,"
said LaPorte
Metro Operations
Unit Officer
Bonnie Ouigley.

"It was a pretty big
indoor grow."

Ouigley said authorities
confiscated 39 nearly
mature marijuana
plants. They weighed
2.7 pounds
after drying.

According to court
documents. the film
processor at Martin's
Supermarket in South
Bend contacted
authorities in
April because the
freshly developed
pictures showed
what appeared to
be a marijuana
growing operation.

Radium and
wine not so
very fine

Ventura was looking
for something to hold
his homemade wine.

So he stopped by an
antique shop in his
hometown of Almont
Township. about 40
miles north
of Detroit.

He found a $50 crock
that was perfect.

Or so he thought.

Now Ventura knows that
drinking wine or
anything else out of
the large jug could
have been deadly.

lts srdes are lined with
radium 226.

"This thing is in
excellent shape. not
a chip or a mark
on it," Ventura
said Friday.
"Unfortunately. it’s
something that killed
people in the
'205 and '305."

Ventura bought the
crock. replete with a
pouring spigot, late
last month. After
discovering the word
'Revigator,’ on the
bottom, he decided
to do some

An Internet search
revealed the
item's danger.

The Revigator was once
promoted as a cure-
all. During its heyday
in the 19205, the
Revigator jug was
advertised as a
healthy way to
drink fluids -

a "radioactive
water crock."

But drinking water from
the Revigator leads
to tumors in the jaw,
said Dave Minnaar.
Chief of the Michigan
Department of
Ouality's Radiological
Protection Section.

-Sonrco: AP lire


Editorial Board

Amanda Thompson, dialogue co-editor
John Wampler. dialogue co-editor
Amanda York, editor in chief

Chris Emmiclt. senior columnist

Patrick Avery, assistant scene editor
Andrew Grossman, at-Iarge member
Jennifer Kasten, at-large member
Jenny Robertson, at-large member
Alan Sloan, at-large member


A . I '






- - -

you may be too drunk
to drive but hey, so are we


\f z .
”will"?! " I


‘ s









Knight sees day
of termination

Final run-in with student results in Bobby
Knight’s release due to years of bad behavior

After 29 seasons at the helm of the basketball juggernaut we all
know as Indiana University. Bobby Knight is gone. Fired. Canned.

Sacked. History.

We all know about his "colorful" antics. his flaming temper. Af-
ter nearly 30 years of Obscenities. thrown chairs and abused
players. the Indiana administration W

not to mention the

”(3 Es;

Send us your letters
and comments by

e-mail. Hey, we love the

Net and we know you
do too. So send your
thoughts to

Snail Mail

Send your letters via
the postal service for
only $.33 — it's that
cheap. Send your
thoughts to
035 Grehan Building
Lexington, KY 40506-

general ESPN-watching public grew slightly tired of the 0042

Knight Escapades.

Knight belonged to the style of coaching called “old school."
where focus is placed on the program and its coach. but certainly
not on the individual players. Gradually. however. as collegiate

Length 8

athletics have become tnore and more commercialized. and as re-

cruiting efforts intensify. coaches have lost their demigod-liko sta-
tus. Some dealt with the changes. some didn't. Obviously Knight
never adjusted to the era of the mysteriously acquired SUV and

blue-chip player recruitment.

So was his firing over this last alleged incident justified? He
has certainly committed far worse offenses and gotten away

with them.

The circumstances surrounding the com-

plaint that led to his firing were shady A» both
the plaintiff and the two witnesses were rela~
tives of Knight‘s biggest detractor in the

Bloomington area.

So as collegiate basketball :9
changes. as the coach shrinks I V
away into oblivion. eclipsed by
the looming shadows of the
stars beneath him. we may never
see another Bobby Knight. No
more sarcasti