xt7ncj87j610 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ncj87j610/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19500721  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 21, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 21, 1950 1950 2013 true xt7ncj87j610 section xt7ncj87j610 oesi oopy Avanaoie





Filson Club Into What's Inside
Plans Meet
Quick-sig- ht


Sfarf a "time" chart.





A special summer meeting of the
Filson Club, oldest historical association in Kentucky, will be held in
the Guignol Theater, Fine Arts Building, on July 31, at 8 p.m. Dr.
Thomas D. Clark, head of the Department of History, will be guest
speaker. Dr. Clark wil speak on
The American Frontier in Austria.
General purposes of the Filson
Club are to collect and preserve
publications of historic nature pertaining to Kentucky and adjacent
states, and to cultivate a tasta
for historic enquiry and study among
its own members.
Membershin is orjen to those per
sons interested in the history of
Kentucky and surrounding states.
Members are not required to write
papers, but are strongly encouraged
to do so.
rei'rf.n miRRET. iour- nalist, lawyer, and student of his
tory, organized the Filson Club in
1884. It was named in honor of
John Filson, who wrote the first
history of Kentucky, and alsq made
tne iirsi map 01 me siaie.









The UK meeting will be the first
held at a location other than
Louisville, where headquarters are
located at 118 W. Breckinridge
Street. Monthly meetings of the
club are held from September to


may be made

through the Filson Club or Miss

Jacqueline Bull, Archivist, University
Libraries, Lexington, by writing or
phoning on or before July 24.
THE MEETING is open to all
persons interested in the work of
the Filson Club.



We Must Be
Better Citizens
Dean Stahr




Read uhvut the cheesecake
battle in letters to the editor
See page 2.
Downing Tennis Tournament underway. Sec sports
page, page 4.
Dean White visits ROTC
See page 3.
Education honorary to hold
See page 3.

Law Students
May Serve As

By Gene Sears
Dr. Elvis Stahr, dean of the Law
College, has announced that arrangements with the Kentucky State
Bar Association have been made for
law students to serve a short-terapprenticeship in the legal office of
their choice before completing
When the present summer school
session is over, 40 UK law students
and 12 University of Louisville law
students will begin their apprentice
work. The program is optional for
the students, and will last from two
to four weeks. No money will be
paid the students wages will be in
the form of experience.
NO RESTRICTIONS are placed as
to the community in which the students may wish to work. They may
enter any legal office provided it
has been approved by the State Bar
Association Committee. The Committee conducts a preliminary investigation to determine if the work
of a particular office is of a sufficient amount and variety to be of
the most value to the student.
Members of the State Bar Associae,
tion Committee are Marcus
president of the Kentucky
State Bar Association, Eldon Dum-mi- t,
Lexington attorney. Dean Stahr,
Dean A. C. Russel, of the U. of L.
law school, and James Graves,
Louisville attorney.

For the convenience of
guests, UK authorities have
arranged for the Student Union to
serve dinner at 6:30 p.m. preceding
the meeting, at a cost of $1.25 per



"The Critical Century" was the
topic of a speech delivered Monday
by Dean Elvis J. Stahr, dean of the
College of Law, in the Browsing
Room of the library.
After giving a pagentary sketch
of other critical centuries, the dean
said our particular century is faced
with the problem of fighting Ideas
with finer ideas. This fight, which
is essentially a battle of brains, will
probably reach a showdown within
our lifetime, he emphasized.
Our century is more' critical than
past centuries, he said, because not
just our religious freedom or our
political ideas are threatened, but
because our entire way of life is at
In order to win this battle, we
must have a more politically intelligent citizenry to take a deep interest in public affairs. Dean Stahr
said. There must be a large group
of competent young leaders to guide
our affairs. These young leaders are
possibly now being trained in our
A if A
Emphasizing the part education
will play in this fight for our demoDean Stahr
the critical century"
cratic way of life, the dean said,
"No enemy from within or without
Dean Stahr said this is the first
can deal us an effective blow as our time UK has had the advantage
own ignorance and indifference.''
of such s program, and that Kentucky may be the first state to
adopt such a program for undergraduates. He said, however, that
two states have previously made
an apprenticeship a prerequisite
for their state bar examinations.
DEAN STAHR EXPECTS the program to be greatly expanded by
next year. He said he hopes soon
to have all UK law students serve a
One case of Colorado tick fever
short apprenticeship before their
Dr. Vincent E. Nelson the victim
has hit the Department of Geology's graduation.
summer field camp at Gunnison,
Colo. Dr. Nelson is "back on his feet
again," however, according to a report to the Kernel from Dr. A. C.
McFarlan, head of the department,
who with Dr. Nelson and Dr. William R. Brown, associate professors,
has charge of the camp.
Dr. Thomas Fields, professor .if
The camp site, at an altitude of
9000 feet, is situated in a narrow geography, has announced that a
valley between mountains rising new base map of Kentucky will soon
3000 feet on either side. Radio re- be completed by the Geography Deception is poor in the daytime, the partment. The work was made possible by a grant from the committee
report says.
on graduate research.
One member of the party, identiDr. Fields said that it has long
fied only as Morrow, had to leave
for home because of sinus difficulties been thought that a more suitable
base map of Kentucky was needed
at so high an altitude.
drouth, broken just for study and research purposes.
one day previous to the writing of The present maps are not acceptable
the report July 9, had caused consid- for accurate reference work and
erable worry about the fire hazard. they are not complete enough, he
No smoking was allowed during the added.
field trips except at regular sitdown
The present research work on the
new base map is about
- breaking deluge completed, said Dr. Fields. All availThe drouth
caught Dr. McFarlan and six stu- able reference sources have been
dents on horseback 2,000 feet up a used in the preparation. The map
mountain trail. They were "beauti- will be highly suitable for a variety
fully drenched with rain," the report of purposes, he said. The size will
be 4 x 3, and scalled eight miles per
Cement Creek, which meanders by inch.
The base map has been made in
the camp site and is mainly melt-watmounfour phases as follows:
from the snow-captains, is the camp's refrigerator and
1. Identification
of state and
water supply.
county boundaries.
Field work is carried on in parties
2. Identification of state, county,
of three and four with the instruc and magisterial districts, with urban
tors rotating among the parties. areas.
They are concerned mostly with
3. Identification of state, county,
stratigraphy, structure, and general magisterial,
urban areas, plus county
geology, and with the preparing of
the usual geological map showing names.
4. Identification
of magisterial
the underground situation.
The field session lasts rifht weeks, districts by number.
coincidim Willi the regular UK sum- the." maps will be available in dent
and research sizes.
mer term.


Tick Fever In
Geology Camp

r. .


ill I



Base Map Near
Final Stages



BOOM TOWN DAYS AT l"K with four buildincs under ronstrurtion.
(Top (o bottom) Chi Omegas, Spencer Mi C lure (on ladder) and Liz
Boss, help out at the new ( hi O house on Rose Street. Workman Carl
Jones looking on is a little concerned about Liz's ability with a



Joan Cook (kit) and Sue Uossett, ADPi's, confer with foreman
the ADPi bouse at Hose and Columbia.

Eus&ell Moberty about plans for

and Operations will be located in their new home
The building, on Lime across from the campus, is
Bearing completion.

in September.

The Journalism Building next to McVey Hall is still only a steel
frame, but the brii.'t walls should start Koing up this month. The
Journalism department hopes to be in the building next fail.




FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1950

Going Up, Please

I'nivenitt of Kentucky



A Criming Ccmc'c m

Music Department To Sponsor
Orchestra And Ensemble Clinic
Beginning On Campus Monday

Purpose Of Clinic Is To Motivate Playing
Of Stringed Music In State And Help Get
It Going; Musicians And Teachers Coming
A five-da- y
string orchestra ami ensemble clinic will bec;in
Monday at the University, Dr. Edwin E. Stein, head of the Music
Department, has announced.
Conducting the clinic will be Miss Elizabeth Greene of the
University of Michigan, director of the Michigan
sch(X)l orchestra since 194-3Dr. Kenneth Wright and Profs. Marvin J. Rabin, Cordon Kinney, and Frank Prindl, all of the UK Music Department, will assist
Miss Greene.
The purpose of the clinic is to "motivate stringed music in
the state and lit-l- it get going," said Dr. Wright.
APPROXIMATELY 50 Kentucky Mixer dance Monday from 8 to 10
high school musicians and 30 teach- - pjn.; a violin recital by Miss Greene
ers are expected to be here lor the Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Memorial Hall;
movies on music Wednesday at 8
The Clinic will provide dairy p.m. in Memorial Hall; a chamber
periods of instruction and rehearmusic program by University staff
sal for student enrollees and demmembers and ensemble music by
onstration classes in teaching student groups Thursday from 8 to
techniques for teachers.
10 p.m.. and a concert by the Clinic
Evening programs scheduled for orchestra in Memorial Hall Amphi- each night of the clinic include a theater Friday at 8 p.m.


"Are We Meeting the Needs of
American Youth?" will be the subject in discussion on the "UK
Roundtable" at 10:30 a.m. Sunday
over station WHAS.
O. J. Wilson, research assistant.
Bureau of School Services, will serve
as moderator for the program.
This week's participants in the
include Dr. Leonard
Meece, professor of education and
executive-secretar- y
of the Kentucky
School Boards, Dr. Irwin Sanders,
head of the Department of Sociology,
and the Rev. W. Robert Insko, vicar
of Christ Church, piscopal.

all-sta- te



WBKY Plans
Ag Programs
Station WBKY is planning a series
of programs in cooperation with the
State Agriculture and Industrial

Development Board, Elmer G. Sul-ze- r,
head of the Radio Arts Department and director of WBKY said
this week.
Mr. Sulzer pointed out that the
programs will be based upon the
agricultural and Industrial contributions of outstanding Kentucky communities. The contemplated series is
entitled "Community
Campbellsville has been selected as
the community to offer material
for the initial program.
Don Sherlock, radio arts senior
from Lexington, will announce the
programs, and Robert Moranville.
radio arts sophomore from Hazard,
will serve as engineer.


Elizabeth Greene

Mortor Board
Plans 'Night'




Mortar Board, in cooperation with
the Personnel Department, is planning an Activities Night in Memorial




Hall at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 14. All campus organizations have been invited
to participate.
Purpose of the "Night" is to give
each organization an opportunity to
make itself known to new students.
Each organization is to be allotted
three minutes during which it may
present a skit, a talk, or anything
considered appropriate for the occasion. A master of ceremonies will
give a description of each organization and the requirements for membership.

Delynn Dagley, a student at the
University from Lincoln County,
was seriously injured in an auto- mobile accident on July 15. He
has been given several tranf usions
from the blood bank at the Good
Samaritan Hospital.
Delynn Dagley is unable to pay
for these transfusions. Anyone de- siring to donate a small amount
of blood to replace that which has
been used by Dagley may call at
the Office of the Dean of Men
receive instructions as to
where to report. Blood type is
not important.

By Gene Sears





inarian. Dr. Marianne (Spud) Smith,
has a hankering to travel. With the
end of July, Dr. Smith will end her
present stay at UK and take a trip
to Ireland.
Spud, as Dr. Smith prefers to be
called, says she doesn't have a specific position In mind when she
reaches Ireland, but will look the

country over before deciding where
to stop. At present, she is not planning to study Irish animal anatomy.
"I don't even know how long I'll be
there," she said.
Dr. Smith was born and reared in
New York city as she says, "In the
middle of New York." Her childhood ambition was to be a rootin-toot- in
cowboy, but when she found
that would be a rather difficult goal
to attain, she switched ambitions
and decided to become an animal
doctor. Spud spent two summers
working on a horse farm oefore
commencing school. Then she spent
a couple of semesters at a girls
school in Maine. "I won't say which
school it was," she said, "because it
sounds too snobbish!" She quickly
added, "And you can print .that too!"
IN 1949, DR. SMITH received her
D. V. M. degree from Cornel University. There were only four girls
in her graduating class, and Spud
says they really had a lots of fun.
After her graduation, she came to
UK as a veterinarian.
Dr. Smith's chief duty is being assistant to Dr. Ross Brown of the
College of Agriculture.
She said
they doctored every specie of animal
from squirrels to zebras, but that
she prefers to work with horses.
Spud says that someday she hopes
to become a horse specialist. She
expects to find the road to being a
horse specialist a tough one to
travel. "Where horses are plentiful,
there seems to be too many established veternarians," she said.
IT WAS ALMOST a necessity for
this young lady to become a doctor
while still in her twenties. Spud
has a unique way of explaining the
necessity. "My father was a doctor.
my mother was a nurse, and my
brother became a doctor and married a nurse. I'm right in line with
my family, if I am a horse doctor."
Spud says her main hobby is
working with animals, but she does
like to do other things sometimes.
Among those other things she lists
riding, traveling, and just enjoying
herself. When a few spare moments
arrive at the Pathology Building
one may hear singing with accompaniment by a guitar. The strings
are strummed by Spud, who is helping her friends ta enjoy themselves.
DR. SMITH SAYS that many
funny things have happened since
she began her work at UK. One
morning an ailing rooster named
George was brought to her. It was
a net roaster which had a habit of
nnnouncin'; reveille to its masters
by pecking their heads. That morn- -

the followin? week for high school
bandsmen and their directors. This
ciinic win oe unaer me direction oi
Bernard Fitzgerald of the University

To Aid UK Student

Lady Hoss Doctor Planning
To Leave UK For Ireland

A SIMILAR CLINIC will be held



of Texas.

Hill Opens


An address by Dr. Reuben HilL
University of North Carolina socio
iogist and nationally known coun-an- d
seior on marital problems, was the
feature of the opening session of
the University's fourth annual Fam- -'
ily Life Institute.
His address,
"Families Under Stress," was given
Tuesday night in Memorial Hall,
Principal speaker at a second gen-- I
eral session on Wednesday night
was Miss Lois Gratz of Chicago,
consultant for the
White House Conference on Children
and Youth. Miss Gratz spoke on
"Kentucky s Concern for Her Chil- ' dren."
Dr. Mary E. Sweeney, former head
of the UK Department of Home
Economics and onetime associate director of Detroit's Merrill-PalmSchool, addressed the Institute's
closing session at noon Thursday.
Her topic was "The Future of the
American Family."
SECTIONAL MEETINGS on various sociological aspects of family
life were held in the Home Economics Building Wednesday and
Thursday. Dr. Irving A. Gail. Lexington psychiatrist,
session on "Factors in Marital Ad- justment." and Dr. Hill led a discus- -i
sion of "Courtship Patterns and
Succesful Marriage."
Following Dr. Hill's address Tues-- !
day night, a reception was held in
Home Economics Building in honor
of the speaker and other Institute
participants. Hast ess was Dr. Statie
Erikson. head of the Department of
Home Economics and a member of
the Institute planning committee.
DR. HILL HAS TAl'GHT courses
on marriage and the family at the
Universities of Wisconsin and South
Dakota. Iowa State College. Columbia University, and the University
of Chicago.
He is
with Howard
Becker, of "Varriage and the Family" and "The Family. Marriage, and
Parenthood." and with Evelyn M.
Duvall of "When you Marry." His
most recent book. "Families Under
Stress." is a report of family adjustment to wartime separation and reunion crises in Iowa.
DR. HILL'S WORK has been featured in such publications as Readers' Digest. Parents' Magazine.
Better Homes and Gardens,
and Readers' Scope.










" - 'i.tiii













Mc-Cal- ls,


Farm Tour Is
Next Thursday

SPl'D AND SPEEDY pose for a Kernel photographer but Speedy
doesn't seem to have the confidence before a flash bulb that her
master Dr. Marianne "Spud" Smith has. Dr. Sniilh I'K's UU.v vet
didn't realize her childhood ambition to be a Western cowboy, but she
can strum that guitar with the best of them.
ing It had failed to peck, and it
was taken to Dr. Smith for treatment. "I started to get it ready for
an autopsy alter I saw its toenails
were painted red," said the doctor,
"but somebody suggested I give it
medicine instend."
Spud's many friends will have a
difficult task finding another per

son with such a warm personality
to take the place of Dr. Smith
when she leaves, but there is hope
that she will return to Kentucky
soon. "Kentucky is a wonderful
state, and someday I hope to settle
here," she said. "Besides, I'm lenv-i- n
j n.y dog here and will have to
come back after her."

Two horse farms and Keeneland
race track will be included in the
tour, sponsored by the SUB, to be
taken Thursday.
Students taking the tour will visit
formerly known as Idle- -;
Circle-hour and owned by the late Col. E.
R. Bradley: Calumet, a 1200 acre
farm owned by Warren Wright; and
Four Kentucky Derby winners. Behave Yourself. Bubbling Over, Burgoo King, and Brokers Tip. were
Calumet has ako
raided at Circle-produced four Derby winners
Whirlawav, Pensive. Citation, and
Ponder. To be visited at Keeneland,
which is a
are the club house, library, and the
Keeneland horse sales.
Students planning to take the trip
should sian up in Room 122 of the
SUB by Wednesday. The group will
leave at 1 p.m. Thursday. Each person taking the trip will be charged




* 1'apo 2, THE KERNEL, Friday, July 21, 1950

The Kentucky Kernel



Vets Planning School Change
Must See Veterans Office

Student Doesn't Like


Dear Editor:
As a tr&rried man, I must obviously employ considerable restraint in
praisii-4all but one pair of female
..Cartoonist legs
Nell Elair
Editor Gene Phflli;
and drooling is definitely out.
....Managing Editor
Joe Lee
Bob Fain
News Editor Stanley Portmann. Gene Sears, Dor- But my marital status imposes no
othy Allen, Wilfred Lott, Eleanor restrictions if I choose to throw
J. T. Vaughn
Asst. News Editor
Mrlnturff, Wynn Mosley, Paul bouquets in the direction of my colStanley Porthiann
Sports Editor
Knapp, Joyce Cooley, Tony Berry, lege paper when it pictures ten such
Jonn Cook
lively limbs as appeared on the
and Sue Dossett
Wilfred Lott
Advertising Manager
front page of the July 7th edition.
It seems, however, that there are
two schools of thought on this delightful subject (witness Craig Hamilton's letter in the succeeding edition).
1. experience . refreshment
Several displays in the Margaret I. King Library show a variety when I see attractive girls in Gaining suits: others, it seems, experiof subjects which students shouldn't overlook.
ence revulsion. After all, Mr. HamThe latest exhibit is a collection of books bound by Henrik ilton religious convictions aside
coeds do have legs! I have conductTark. master bookbinder of Denmark, and the "best Danish lxxks ed research on the matter, and the
of 194S." These collections and a display of wood engravings by Anatomy Department substantiates
Entered at th Post Office at Lexington.
Kentucky, as aecond rials matter under
the Ait of March I. 1879.

Stone Plants
On Display
to graduate

Writ By Hand

$1.00 per semester

Profs Horsing Around

letter appeared in a recent issui
a local paper, sianed by a UK
senior, in which the horse culturi
of Lexington was condemned.
I don't know who the UK senioi
happens to be. but this bny has tht
ipht idea. From my own observa
'ion of sports friends. There are pro
become evident that UK is also in
;luded in the category of thing,
which are too horsey.
A university is supposed to be a
place of learning and not a collection of sports friends, here are pro
fessors at this school who have the
nerve to stand before a class and inquire about the races when thf
Keeneland meet is going on. Stil
other professors speak openly anc
freely of betting on horses.
girl too!"
"Yes, I married an
How can we, the students, be led
this statement. .
when gamblers are doing the leadReynolds Stone, one of England's foremost engravers, are being
The summer Kernel staff are to be ing? We must have a change. Uni- 3acrifices which is several miles out since it passed through one of the
general for their versity officials should keep a close n the Gulf of Mexico. Here in the large fruit growing regions of
shown for the first time in this country. After being shown here commended in
stimulating journalistic verve. Fur- check on its academic staff as to waters along the coral beaches, the Mexico.
they will lx? sent to other libraries in the United States.
After arriving in Fortin. the ailthermore, I feel they exercised con- its general habits and moral life group saw many tropical fish, as
long ments of most of the group were rewell as huge, silvery,
Pal O. Mino
Another interesting display is tlie source materials, used by siderable discretion in publishing the
tarpons which were being caught by lieved, at least temporarily, when a
photo referred to above. Not by the
Robert Penn Warren for his recent book, World Enough and fartherest stretch of the imaginaglance of Hotel Ruiz Galindo was
Mexican fishermen.
By noon, the tours about Veracruz had. If you recall, a few weeks ago
Time. The materials, most of which were a part of the Samuel tion could such a policy be termed
imprudent. Here's hoping a precedwere ended, and by noon there were we spoke of this summer session
And now,, on with the tour of signs
M. Wilson library, were studied by Warren here in December of ent has been established.
of upset stomachs among some being deluxe. Well, the stay at Hotel
Stimulated Jalapa, Veracruz, and Fortin de las if the members of the group. This Ruiz Galindo was something super,
Flores which was partly covered in is
really deluxe deluze.
always anticipated when the trip
last week's letter.
Aside from the intellectual sport they provide for the student,
In the first place, the Galindo is a
group arrived in Veracruz on
these displays also provided a considerable amount of intellectual
Sunday afternoon, the second of
spreading over a large area of land.
July. After a slight mixup on reserarrangement, and research for Mrs.
gymnastics in organization,
Covering the hotel are red tile roofs.
vations at the Gran Hotel Diligen-cia- s.
All doorways from all the rooms lead
Frances Dugan, associate archivist of the Library, who is in charge
the rooms were obtained as
to the red tiled verandas which are
previously planned. It is in many
of the displays.
sheltered from the rain by either
situations such as this that we find
glass roofs or by the floor above.
Students should note that these exhibits serve a more important
Dr. Server's knowledge of Mexico
These verandas are wide and long,
and Spanish to be of the
function than fillers for display cases in the Library.
and are furnished all along with
asset to the entire
the most comfortable chairs. From
There was no
ft ing up the gang long delay inMacam-b- o
all verandas are seen gardens filled
to head for
with all sorts of tropical trees and
beach that afternoon after arvegetation, orchids and gardenias
riving at Veracruz. In a matter cf
included. Flowers of all sorts were
minutes, the group, with towels and
blooming, and their fragrance con
The issue at stake
swim suits, was in taxi cabs riding
The University was host Tuesday through Thursday to aptinually filled the air. The food was
bo'.!'along a beautiful palm-line- d
abundant and delicious, the beds
proximately 300 delegates from organizations throughout the
vard which winds along the sea
were soft and comfortable, and the
shore to the beach.
state who attended the fourth annual Family Life Institute.
entertainment was excellent. Ho
ever, the highlight of Ruiz Galindo.
Those attending the Institute heard some of the leading authorIt seems that Mr. Craig Hamilton ical beach,nothing quite like a
and especially Mocamoo
and the thing that brings it all near
the field of family life. Dr. Ruben Hill, author, counselor, his missed a very important part of beach. There are palm trees whose
ities in
to perfection is the swimming pool.
education. Please inform him graceful,
feathery branches sway
In the swimming pool float thou
and sociologist from the University of North Carolina; Miss Lois that birds do more than chirp, bees gently as the warm salt air winds
sands of freshly picked gardenias.
and trees do
White House Conference on do more than buzz, and spread out off the Gulf; the light gray sands
Cratz, consultant for the
Author and senorita.
Along side the pool are more
more than stand up
of the beach descend slowly under
gardens filled with palms, banana
Children and Youth, and Dr. Mary E. Sweeney, former associate their branches.
waters, and
the warm,
trees, and many different types of
John "Red" Bird, Pres.
School, gave the principal addresses.
director of the Merrill-PalmBird Lovers Association under the continuously rolling white to Veracruz Is taken. No oneserious, colorful flowers and shrubbery.
Im A Drone, Pres. breakers which send sands and sea why this illness,, which isn't Carolyn
Then, across the gardens, rising
In addition to these lectures, sectional meetings on various
Bee Benevolence Society shells racing inward, only to carry takes hold on some
above all else
reflected on the
was the one this year waters of the and with the palms,
sociological aspects of family life were held in the Home Ecopool
Fred M. Stump them out again. There is no place Critchlow feeling
the worst, and no is snow covered and masterful
rolling beat of the drum who was
Sycamore Sympathizers, Inc. where the
nomics Building. The entire program was open to the general
and the sizzling sounds of marracas doubt she will be relating to many Orizaba Peak with its 18000 feet of
seem more appropriate than at of you this fall her miserable but elevation. Sounds good, huh? Well,
Mocamoo, all nature and music torn-bin- e unique trip from Vercruz to Fortia its just as good as it sounds, and
The Institute is another of the many services rendered by the
at Mocambo to present a tan- de las Flores.
this was the place at which we spent
LTniversity to the citizens of the state. Thus the University
talizing sensation found only in
Here on this bus trip, Dr. Server two nights as well as the 4th of
showed a trua spirit of sacrifice by July.
God there are still a few the tropics of Latin America.
As night came on, the group re- offering her hat to Carolyn in the
people on this earth such as Craig
Fortin de las Flores is definitely
Hamilton. It is indeed a good thing turned to the hotel. The balconies event an emergency arose. However, a town full of flowers. For those of
to be able to go to bed at night and of the rooms that night overlooked Dr. Server's hat is still in good con- you who might be interested in
Gulf of dition, Thank goodness!
know that our school, our state, and not only a
orchid prices here we took the
cur country is still capable of pro- Mexico but also the Zoealo, the centrip from Veracruz to Fortia trouble to inquire about it. A box
tral square of Mexican towns and deThe Flores, which means little of eight large orchids, the kind that
ducing men who possess the ability
The Browsing Room lecture series, sponsored by the Margaret to become future leaders of this cities where people congregate on fortress of flowers, was quite senic, sell from $10 to $15 each in Ken- Sunday night much as they do in
I believe that he is
I. King Library, has proved again this year to be a very worth- surely nation.a man.
Kentucky towns on Saturday flight.
am in complete agreement with Most of the UK groups joined in
while thing.
by Mr. with the Zoealo throng, who were
The four lectures which have already been given have not only the sentiments expressed of your lazily strolling, time and again,
Hamilton in the columns
Our Work Guaranteed
At Reasonable Prices
Ixvn informative, but interesting, personalities and subjects from paper. Listen to this student and around the square. Finally, the
heed his advice. Both you, your walking mobs grew monotonous, and
different departments and Colleges have been presented to the staff, your school, and all your read- the energy expended at Mocambo
was being felt, so, a tired crew of
ers will greatly benefit by his teachaudiences.
143 S. Lime
UK students made their way to bed.
Two more lectures are scheduled on the calendar of special
The next morning brought tours
Respectfully yours,
of Veracruz and San Juan de Ulna,
John R. Quebeb
events. Dr. William S. Ward of the Department of English will
once a Spanish prison located on an
spoak Monday on "Magazines and Their Readers One Hundred
Island in the Gulf. At San Juan de
Ulna, built in the 16th century, the
Fifty Years Ago," and Prof. Elmer G. Sulzer of the Department
group saw many sights of historical
of Radio Arts will lecture on "Kentucky's Abandoned Railroads"
interest. There were dungeon cells
thick where,
July 31.
I don't' suppose any of the with walls some years ago, prisoners
faculty takes the trouble to read as long as 400
The Library is to be congratulated for presenting this "local the letters column, but I've got a were placed to rot for the remainder
bone to pick with certain of their of their lives.
The old gallows, deeply cut by
number anyway. It has to do with
outside reading requirements de- the hangman's rope, still remains.
manded of unfortunate defenseless Still remaining, too, are scars in
students during this brief but tur- the wood and stone where those
doomed to die by hanging clawed
bulent summer session.
The shock that comes with the for a last chance at life. The dis106 W. EUCLID
Writers have referred to the men of the last war as "lost youth." realization that but three weeks re- posal of the dead body was simple.
main to take care of three months' The rope was cut and the body
Perhaps in the five years following the end of the war these men reading packs a 'wallop sufficient fel into the sea. The age of the
(formerly Campus Dipper)
were on the way to recapturing the element that was missing from to seriously affect one's progeny for prison cells was not difficult to concome. Mortal ceive, since calcium deposits formgenerations
their lives. Xow it seems that they are going to return to that untoldcan stand just to much and re- ing stalagmites and stalacites made
the cells seem as age old caves.
category which was referred to in literary