xt7ncj87mb65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ncj87mb65/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-10-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 24, 2007 2007 2007-10-24 2020 true xt7ncj87mb65 section xt7ncj87mb65 \\ \Vly’. KY KERNEL ( ()M


()( l()l5lR ’4, 2007




Faculty worry about workload from U


glaster'Qkylternel com

l'K's proposed l'Sl’ program took another
step toward implementation with yesterday's first
laculty lortirii. where the audience raised work?
load concerns.

The new l'Sl’ reqinrtmcnts call for incoming
lr‘cshnisn in loos) to complete ‘ll hours of general
education coursts tli it. with \eiy lcw cyceptrons.
would be outside mator and pie-mayor curriculum.

The current proposal. released earlier this
riiorith. splits.requirements into two lS-credit-hour
hal\es: (‘ommtinity of Learners. freshman courses
focused on the liberal arts and the transition into
college. and (‘omniunity of ('iti/ens. courses to
take anytime before graduation that emphasi/e
ethics and critical thinking.

"It is the faculty that will bear the burden of
developing these courses." said Peter Perry. a
mathematics professor. "It is the faculty that will
bear the consequences of inadequate prior plati-

Perry and about 30 other people at the forum
questioned the workload it would reqiiire from
professors to teach the proposed courses and the
time teaching the new lTSPs would take away
from their current classes in their colleges.

Provost Kunible Subbaswaniy said faculty all
over campus would share the responsibility of
teaching the new L'Sl’s.

Musicology professor Jonathan (jlison said
faculty in his department and other stiiall colleges
on campus could be forced to de\ote less time to
their speciali/ed siib_iects with the proposed l’Sl’

"Most of these people liaye a lull course load
and can't reduce it." (lll‘tilll said.
The number ol faculty ayailable to teach nia-

yor curriculum. much less in general education. is

already small.

"I don‘t know how other departments are."
Brock said. "I know chemistry is like sarari wrap

we are stretched so thin we are close to break-
ing "

Hrock also said l'Sl’ requrrements would put a
strain on students by adding to then course load

"ll it goes through. it is going to be impossible
for students to go through two semesters of chem-
istry and two semesters of rriath in their tirst year."
Brock said

“I don‘t e\pect niaknig a tiyelyear mayor w ill be

said chemistry professor (‘arol

teaching requirements.

[\l)l{()l’ l.\' 'l‘l lli BLT Ils'li'l‘


Above: Hon“. talls on the pedway over South limestone Street that leads into Parking Structure Number live

Below: English and classrrs sophomore Spencer Drllehay and anthropology sophomore Elll‘ Rschter walk hetwee'i t‘ r: Pawns

yesterday, trylr‘g to keep therr umbrella from tilowrng out of their hands



acceptable." she said. “l don‘t know what we‘ll do."


1.. i‘jtt ( :17

The Lexington area is getting a much anticipated

dose of rain. Four inches of rain fell yesterday alone,
and there is a 50 percent chance of rain today. Rain
is expected to continue through the end of the week
with a 40 percent chance on both Thursday and
Friday. Despite the recent showers, the Lexington
area is still four and a quarter inches below normal
yearly totals. According to the National Weather
Service, Lexington is still in an extreme drought.
Although recent rainfall offered a short relief, the
four inches will not have much efiect on the drought
in the long run, said meteorologist Jim Maczko of
the National Weather Service.

SG senate to COHSidCr expensive icq ucst

8r BlalLThoogs

titliomasakykernel com

Student (imernment does not usually see a
funding request for Sltttltl. but tonight legisla—
lots will liayc to discuss something a little out of
the norm

Sti Senate President 'lyler .\lontel| said the
request has the potential to be the largest sum
grien out by S(i at one time that he can remem-

"l‘d imagine this legislation is going to bring
some opposition.” .\lontell said. “Student (iov
einnicnt has ncy er go en away more than S] 500
Hot one eyent l. so asking for this mtich money
has the potential to be e\plosi\e."

The resolution. w lircli was approied at last
week‘s .\ppr'opriations and Re\cnue ('ommittee
meeting. is on tonight‘s lull senate agenda. It

Possible Rupp

8y flebecce Sweeney
liewsfikykernel corr

A possible replacement for Rupp Arena.
w hich would be funded by a new proposed
downtown tasing district. could take up to five
years to complete.
. l'lic l.csnigton (‘enter and the Downtown
l)c\elopmcnt .\utliority approy ed issuance of a
request tor proposal Monday to hire a consultant
to esaminc possible boundaries for a new taxing

The district would be established around fU»
ture dc\elopiiient. which includes the Lexington

First issue tree. Subsequent issues 15 cents.


would give 34.000 to help buy plane tickets for
executive members of the lriterfraterriity (‘oiin
cil. Panhellcnic and National Pan-Hellenic ('oun-
cil to take a Greek sery ice trip to New Orleans.

The group. including eight executiyes from
the lnterfraternity ('ouncil eight from l’anhel
[chic and eight from the National l’an llellenu
(ouncil. plan to travel to New Orleans on No\
30 for a two—day sery ice prolect with the Associ
ation of (‘ommunrty ()rgani/ations tor Reform
Now. Four of those e\ccuti\es are S“ senators

The lnterfraternity (‘ouncil worked w tilt the
association last year and gutted houses destroyed
by Hurricane Katrina

“This is something members of ll‘(' started
last year. and we thought was important to con
tinue." said Sen. Jesse Parrish, one ot the resolu
tron‘s sponsors and vice president of lnterfrater
nity' (‘ouncil (‘hapter Sery ices.

(’cnter. Riipp Arena and the Manchester Street

“The propect would bring payroll no and
sales tax that people would be paying anyway.
biit the taxes from the area will go back to pay
for the protect." said Harold Tate. president and
executive director of the Dow ntown Develop
ment Authority.

In addition to the tax increment financing,
the project for a new arena may gain supplenien~
tal bonds. state bonds or money from the priyatc
sector. Tate said.

Six to nine months after being hired. the con-
sultant would bring back a report of the area The

i‘llttllflt‘tl at
amount ol

l’amsh said the legislation riirs.ht be
the mcctirig tomorrow night arial the
lunding requested could be loyicrtd to near \l 500

”We originall\ requested this much money
because the trip was rrt its planning stages. and
we weren't sure how lllllkll we were going to
l’urisli said “I ooknu: at ll tio\\_ it mrglil
not lt‘qllllc as much lundrng '

lonight the senate \szll .ilso \otc on going
VHS to help pay tor .idicrtisrng and l shirts for
a basketball tournament being organi/cd by
l'K's \l.\\'Rl K or .\lcri \i.‘ and
Rill‘t‘ til l‘l‘\

Sti's \ and R sonitiiittee .ippimcd SSH“ tor
the event .it its meeting last \\cdricsd.i\ Iliat re
quest tor additional money and the landing re
quest for the New ()rlcans trip has to be \oted on
by the lull senate because .\ and R can only give
up to SSH“ tor a general funding request


.tlll\l \iolcrice

replacement could take 5 years

nest steps in creating the new tasrng district
would be to determine how much riioncy to bob
row. liaye a public hearnig. seek approial ol the
planning commission and ('ity ('ouncil. and send
the proposal to the State Ta\ lllc rernent l‘inanc
ing (‘ommission in l'ranktort. Tate said

“It will be at least IX to Til months before the
proyect would begin Tate said. "and depending
on the protect. it could take an additional 24 to
.10 months to complete. including the design and

lhe proyect. which is set to cost at least

Sim Arena on page 3

SP proposal

The additional required courses would cause
colleges to re~e.\amine their graduation require-
ments. said Steven Hoch. dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences and a member of the USP steer-
ing committee.

“Yes. there are some majors that will be
pushed up six to nine credits." he said. “That's
probably not desirable. and I think each college is
going to have to revisit its requirements."

Hoch said the total costs of the new USP pro-
gram will be difficult to gauge but estimated it
will be “no more than $1 million a year." which
he said was "not a huge number" compared to the
university 's SI .9 billion budget.

It is not known. Hoch said. how many students

See USP on page 3

look to create

legacy after
2010 Games

inews@kykernel corn

When the World Equestrian Games leave
liurope lor the first time in history to come to
Lexington in 2010. city officials want to make
sure a legacy is left that will continue beyond the
lo-day ey'ent.

More than l0() community members gathered
yesterday at the Hyatt Regency Ballroom to dis—
cuss citizen-generated ideas for the Alltech FEI
World Equestrian Games Legacy Project Initia-
tive 7 a pemianent community project stemming
from the games that would have a lasting impact.

After a call for project proposals from the
Lexington-Payette LTrban County Govemrnent.
more than I40 ideas were submitted. ranging
from a World Equestrian Plaza that would in—
clude an amphitheater and Lexington—themed
nterry-go~round. to a permanent. covered farm-
er's‘ market.

“It‘s Lexington‘s time to capitalize on an op-
portunity that it has." said Carol Coletta. CEO
and president of (‘EOs for Cities. “The World
Equestrian (iames are an unusual moment in
time that giies Lexington a reason to do sortie-
thing special and to create legacies that are
known all our the world."

Other ideas included revitalizing Third Street
from Race Street to Midland Ay enue. converting
Main Street to a partial pedestrian mall and es»
tablishing a wireless mternet zone throughout

Yesterday 's meeting was the second of three
sponsored by the John S. and James L. Knight
Foundation. a Journalism organization also in-
volved in community development. The meet—
ings bring community members together to dis-
cuss the different proposals~ feasibility and long—
tcrm benefit.

(‘liarles Bohl. director of the Knight Program
in (‘ommunity Building at the University of Mi—
anii. said the foundation is spurring community
coiiycr‘sation among different people and organi-
/ations that could eyentually help implement and
tund the proyect

"The meetings are a chalice to get communi-

See Games on page 3

Prof. to lecture on
'Stopping Time'

By Juliann Vechon


The concept of time seems obvious to most.
until someone has to explain it and realizes that
the notion of seconds. minutes and days is not
easily defined. said Michael (‘avagnertx chair of
the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Harvard physics professor Eric Malur will
discuss this concept of time in a speech titled
“Stopping Time" at the Singlctary (‘enter
Recital Hall today at 7 pm. (‘ayagnero said.

"The connection between the philosophical
and scientific aspect of time is becoming more
and more frequent." he said.

After discussing historical attempts to cap-
ture merits of a short duration. Mazur. a leader
in science and optical physics. will present re-
search focused on splitting a second into smaller

The research involves using laser pulses to
split time into millionths of a billionth of a sec»
ond to better study chemical reactions. nanos
scale technology and sub-cellular surgery.

“His research is very interesting and cutting
edge." (‘avagnero said.

Today ‘s “Stopping Time" lecture. sponsored
by academic fratcmity Phi Beta Kappa. is free
and open to the public.

‘ Along with scientific research. Malur is also
known for how he has changed his teaching
methods. cspecrally in science disciplines.

“His main innovation has been in the class-
room. trying to get professors out of the lecture
mode and instead have students participate in

See Tillie on page I

m: 257-1915; W 257-2872
' )

































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By Linda C. Black

day’s rdIIIIg ‘0 5
the IIILISI rm “LI"; III)

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IS ‘d 7 , Y-zII. ’L> I’,‘I((
portaIIt (L: InaILI‘L’LLiLI‘I
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Taurus (April 20 — May 20) (rain
is a 7 NII need (I: s‘ILLirL‘L yLLLL' II
search WII’I cl')\/I"(‘>'?, vet K 'I ‘ ‘


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fl'le Di

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Ll‘Lm. 35. (ILLL( Ihi‘eLiteiieLI (LI (LII)
himwlf 1( he we (lie .LL‘IILI~\
\\i(|i LII‘LLIthei‘ Illilll. III‘IIxL'LJIILIIx

.\LII'I(\II \(LIHMHI. W. hm
“\(Cki (he (I\L‘ “IL-((iLILLIiI
(‘liLIt\\\LII'((I. ('Lilihii‘IiILL. (i(‘((\\’
he ‘(iai'eLl \Hlil e\-\\i(L' (MIL
\LIII ('L‘L'se. ‘5. (III 5] ( iiiIllIIIii
Pay dirt!

('SI‘XN \(dl (iLII‘L Sme-e.

52L Inked ;L Lien] that \\ Ill LhiIIhIL'


your daily dose oi entertainment, pop culture and (Lin Keme' ‘ 0'

(l(\ ~.I(.II) \IUUUHU 'LiIi
L-pileLI (III (he ('HS Lli‘LIIiia‘x
llt'\l \I.".l\()il.

,\(.LL(LIIIII.I. »l‘)_ \\l(( (Lune (iei
(LLiieIIIIiL‘ IL‘L‘L‘LI'd (Lihel. \\Lll'l(L‘l
Him (LL \(le1 LL \llll IIIIliIIIIi
iL-LLIILhIig LmL( ((‘tlllllg LIIIIII‘LILI
\\l((l LIIIIL‘LII'I pI‘IIIiioIeI‘ (.iw \Lir


IILLII. )‘k'( (in ‘x‘Lill Street .(IIIII‘

LN IiiI LIIIL \l'llhllnllg. 20. en


\LIM-I'Lil necks "In den! \\|I(l
\UIHC ()L‘l\()ll.li Issues," her I‘ep
\LllLi UL‘IOi‘Cl (1


\ mLL-III ()‘UIILIIIIILI. 48. \\ Ill

(I.L\e (ll\ \eLniiLl huh} \\Ith \\i('e

('Lii’m VLm ()k'l l)LIiIl\. 3L\‘_ ((lh
Getting hitched

(he (’I‘IL‘L' Ix Right (imt
()Icv. (Lire). J". pilipmul to (llx

:II'III'IL-IILi. L'Iiliii'LIi‘}-\L‘(imr( grad-
IILIYL‘ NIL ale LILII’LIL‘I. .13. October
‘I It \\I(( (\e Ihe (ll'\( marriage
(III with

Shoe business
|L‘I'I} Se’lllia‘iti~\ \\IlL‘.
“(ll ()pI'IIh Winfrey.

53. Ii

L'Li . Wk

((ILIII'I. \LIII filll (ll 31 [)Lll1\ LII
hue» LIiiL‘lLiLliiig (‘hI‘IxtILm
(IILI'ILLLIIII~.. \IhiL‘h \e(( at
ILLLI; (I..\ HAHN) Ll [‘Llil'l “hen

(L :L LIN L‘Lmkhnok. ()eeepmev
(_\ ()L‘liLIIqu. (Ieeaiiie ‘LI hext~
\‘(ici‘ (LIiILHHng (lCl' ()L‘IUi‘L‘l‘ H
appear on \ViiilieyK talk



Car Trouble

No holiday break

(mt LIIIim Michelle R0—
Lli‘Iguel. 2‘). “as III'LlereLl to jail
«In (‘hrixtmax (i\e to begin LI
\1\ month \eiiteiiL‘e (LII‘ \l()(£ll'

in; her l)('l pIIIhLIIIIIIi h_\ ('ai(~
mg to L‘LIIiiplete her LLimmImII}

sei'\ ice and (I) L‘Linsuriimg alm—
hLIl three times uhile nearing Ii
lllllllllUl‘lllg LleI. ICC.

Nannies reluse buyout

.-\ “eek Lillei’ Howard K.
Stern slapped Rita (fish) \\ ith a
"$60 mIlhIm libel suit (III her
hunk. BlLIIILle .-\lll()lll()ll. she al—
leges that tun nannies who
\ILII‘keLl (LII' Anna Nicole Smith
\kl“ \ILlL-LI or Stern. 38. having
\e\ \Iith (arr) Birkhead. 34).
Lincoln Baiii. a Bahamian talk-
shrm host. accused (why of
trying (0 hrihe the nannies~
(Lmyer h_\ uttering: In arrange a
SHIN)“ “photo mile" \Iith In

The purported reason".1 T0
gel Siiiith‘x ex—emplnyees to
back up her book claim.

(fish). 42. tells Us. “l be-

lieve my sources regarding the
relationship between Stern and
Birkvhead \‘l ere credible and ac—

Ian Drew


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Continued from page 1

ty members. stakeholders and
other important people togeth-
er to discuss what is best for
Lexington.“ Bohl said.

"The heart of these mcct«
ings is to ask. ‘What specifical-
ly needs to happen to make
these projects a reality." " he

At ‘the meeting. partici-
pants sat at It) tables divided
by project topics. including
community branding. culture
and arts. downtown develop~


ment. aitd community arid
neighborhood building.
The workshop allowed

community members to dis-
cuss the projects with the most
promise and projects that
could be merged for larger im—
pact. Bohl said,

"By combining different
projects and interconnecting
them. Lexington is creating a
whole package." Bohl said.

The next legacy meeting
will be iii November. For a list
of the proposals visit the pro
ject 's Web site
llfucg.coni \vor'ldequestri—
art games i.

"lf it‘s no longer a USP requirement.
will psych llll have 80 percent of the stu-


Continued from page 1

will continue taking classes that have tradi-v
tionally received many students because of

the current USP program.

dents? Sixty percent? Forty percent?"
Hoch said. "We don't know. We just don't


Faculty and students with questions
about the USP program cart attend today‘s


Continued from page 1

$200 million. is an opportunity
to provide better facilities not
only for UK basketball. btit
also for other events hosted at
Rupp Arena. Tate said.

"Rupp arena is almost 411
years old." Tate said. "'l‘echnol
ogy has changed. and it‘s hard
to reuse old facilities."

Events at Rupp include coir
certs. family shows. motor sport
events and trade shows through
out the year. w itli an average air

nual attendance for all events of

more than Hiltlllltl. .t\.\tlltl|ll}_’ to
the Rupp .-\icna \\cli


"'l‘hcic aic sonic c\eiits that
we can't get to conic to Rupp
:\i‘cna because sic don't have
the upgraded tatililies and tctli
iiolog} to support them," late

his l’tcstth‘iit lee lodtl ltllkl
Lexington Mayor Inn \eulit II\
that l'K is committed to play ill}:
basketball and is
stipportne ot the concept ol

dovs iito\\ ii

pursuing ta\ inclement lnntlnig
ill the area. l K
spokesman .l.i_\ Blanlon said


forum. front 330 to 5 pin. ill the \Voisliarn
Theater. and Thursday ~s. from 3 ill to S pro
in room ltll ot the (‘ollcge ot Nursing

Student (iovci‘itnient \\lll host a student


UK police reports from Oct 16 to Oct 22.





Oct. 16 Theft of wallet reported from Student Center at 11 59 am

Oct. 16 Theft of iPod and umbrella from a car reported from the Student
Center at 4:24 p in.

Oct. 17 Alcohol intoxication reported from the corner of Avenue til Chain-
moms and Lexington Avenue at 2.40 a in.

Oct. 17 Arrest for alcohol intoxication reported from Pennsylvania Avenue
at 3 39 a in.

Oct. 18 Injury accident reported from the corner of Woodland Avenue and
Rose Lane at 10.24 am.

Oct. 18 Drug and marijuana use reported from McDonald’s on South lime»
stone Street at 5:48 pm.

Oct. 18 Theft of cell phone reported from Kirwan l at 8 41 pm

Oct. 19 Drug and marijuana use reported front Holmes Hail at 12 11 a m ,
and from Blending Tower at 1225 am regarding three to four
students smoking on a bench outside

Oct. 19 Theft of purse reported to UKPD at 10 30 a in

Oct. 19 Injury accident reported from the corner of Euclid Avenue and
Aylesford Place at 12:49 pm.

Oct. 19 Theft of cell phone reported from Memorial Hall at 110 p in

Oct. 19 Theft of textbook reported from UK Hospital at 1 39 pm

Oct. 19 Theft of bike reported from WT Young Libraw at 546 pm

Oct. 19 Drug and marijuana use reported lrorn Ho!mes Hall at 629 pm

Oct. 20 Assault with the use of an ax reported from the corner of Ken-
tucky Avenue and Euclid Avenue at 12.04 a m

Oct. 20 Drug and marijuana use reported from the Student Center small
parking lot at 1243 am.

Oct. 20 Alcohol intoxication reported from WT Young library at 9 18 am

Oct. 20


Arrest for alcohol intoxication reported from Parking Garage No 2


forum on the proposed changes l'ncsday
front 4 to 5 pm in the Student (‘entci



.‘ieil'a‘siltiv ilt l’lllt‘l 2'4.


(fitéf‘r IT DAIi Y.




wroursm on 24





aw! . v M 29941 9


Ellen \_



Oct. 20 Theft of key ring reported lroni Uls Hospital rii' l in p n.

Oct. 20 Arrest for alcohol intoxication reported tron thin n lllcvr‘ijij‘ supp
um at 342 pm 34/ p m 3‘36 pm 413‘ tin: an: ‘ Si" .
tan Hospital at 704 p rn

Oct. 20 Alcohol intoxication reported ‘rnn lino Pain from

Oct.20 Assault With the use of a killlzi .Vl"it‘ su'wt is . i» .. ii,“
from Commonwealth Stadium riiriiirtiiu 311W :s‘a" a' 'i‘ i':
9 50 p m

Oct.20 Alcohol intoxication reported tron 'iir r'nrniv ..r ‘1 : " * ' "
Street and Winslow Street at El 53 p

Oct. 21 Arrest for drug and marijuana 115* top um: twr 'i
Winslow Street and Jersey Street at ‘i" lltl a "

Oct. 21 Alcohol intoxication reported trorr Artiv's "it l9 :3" . M" '-
Street at 12 35 a m

Oct. 21 Alcohol intoxication reported "or? 1i'vi: i’ 111’ NW” "

a m regarding subjects in r loniw 'n’Y‘i“ Ill
and screaming

Oct. 21 Alcohol intoxication reported tram tilt» - W it ‘sFi :”=-‘, ”w
Street and Colfax Street at 2 ”'1 .i in

Oct. 21 Alcohol iiitoXIcation i‘epi'irterl “on 11‘s lli so '.1 i' 9% it

Oct. 21 Theft of wallet reported “our hi1 ii isi‘ '=

Oct. 21 Fire reported from the corner . ‘ Li" .- 's f. ii 2 '
at 5 26 p to

Oct. 21 Drug and marijuana use, reported 'R’i" {wt i‘ iiii A'izirimn
9 37 p rn

Comiled from reports at UK Police Department
bystaflwriter Nice Haymond.
E—mail ahaymond@kykemel.com.




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October 25th




-Are you creative?
~Arv you currently par'tit iprtfing in a research or scholarly worm in
‘ -l)o you want your work to be SliliN?‘
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'l‘l l.i\.\'ls'S (‘.\'l'S -\'( ll I‘RIC 'l‘l ll‘l lll'iS'l‘


.‘Iiii.’ | PAGE3 3












()( tolwr 34
Page 4



T" . 'tl‘tt‘v



Legion follows in Crawford’s footsteps

By Travns Waldron

IWdttt’Ottchynttz’u t0"

lt l\ .1 ttutultur 'xllLJtllltlll tot l'lx' httxlxct

A lttgltl} toutctl guard L'Ullllllll‘ to the
L'nncmt) ot \ltt‘lugttn. thcn t'ltttnggtw lux
nund and roopcm lux lL'Ll'lllllllClll

And when ”lk‘ \lll\l \cttlcx ltc tutnountm
hc‘x hcutlcd to tht' ltlucggtttxx

ln ItKl-l. tlt.tt tt-t't‘tut \\tl\ \L‘lllltl gttuttl
.loc (‘rtmt'ot‘dt ln ZUHT tt t~ .\lc.\ chton.

"l ;tl\\;t_\\ ltkutl utttt‘lung Kt‘tttut‘k} ttotn
thc tunc tlt-s} hml ,ltutttt! ,\l.t\lthttttt." thy
lt’L'\llttt.ttt point gtmttl toltl l \.\ lotltx tttttt
\tgntnt: “lllt I‘K ittxt \pttnj.‘ 'Ki'tttttgtx} lltt\
u gt‘cut tt‘utlttton lt\ to lug; ttx _\ou tutu pit
and | \\;tlll to hc .t pttt't ot thttt tt'tttluton ”

lnltk-c (‘rtmtot'tl uho tttntc to l l\ to
plu) tor tottnct hrutl LUJLI) luhh) Knuth.
l.cgton\ uttct’cxt tn tht‘ (flux llllk‘lhlllL‘Ll onl)
ttt'tcr Smith lctt tor lllk' l tlt\L‘l\ll§ o2 \ltn
noxottt lust \pt'tttg In the L'lltl. l.t‘}llt\tt ho
ctunc hczttl vouch Bill} (ltlltxptc'x tu\t t;-
Ct‘utl Ltl ['K.

[K \Mh httrcl} cwn on ltt\ tnup lk‘tou'
(itlltxptc .u‘rtwtl 1n l.c\tngton. chton \tllkl.

”'l‘ltc} “ctr hut tht‘} \wt‘t'n't.” hc \illd.
“1 know I \utx looking: at :1 lot ot other
school». tl'K) mmt‘t Ullk‘ ot the trout i'unr
ncrs tor inc.”

’l‘t’utlttion lurcd ltugton to l'lx'. hut ll‘.‘
t\ tmut'c ol thc tttn .tnti nttstlttt tuthtt'ux
that conic \\tth plotng tn Lutngton tt'ottt
\Mttchtng (‘I'.l\\l‘(‘l'\l. .t tclio“ \ltthttrtut

Attct‘ .twt'ugtny 24 potnh pvt gJIHL‘ tll
high \chool. (‘t'tm tot'tl \tt'ugglul to .tkl|lt\l ttx
a trcxhntun ttt ['le \iot‘tn}: tuxt ll potntx t‘tfl
gumc. llix trcxlunttn _\ctu‘ \\.l\ tllttt't'L‘tl \\tth
unhupptncwt and (tau tot'tl tlt'cttlt-tl to loo;
l'K nnilntt} through tltL‘ \cttxon l‘tk‘lltlk‘ ultt
tttatlcl) tlccttltng to to

l.cgton \tttl he tlocxn‘t utmut to lt.t\\'
thc \Lttllk‘ prohlctnx tuttl h tc.ttl\ to tlcul \\ tilt
the cxpt-ctuttonx tltttt \ltl'ltllllltl l‘lt‘xL‘H .vt
pronuncnt propt‘tunx

"Actually l ktntl ot llhi' thc [‘rl't'\\lil?
chton ~;tttl. “lt ltllLC\ ton to ix- l‘lttl'.‘ to
CU\Ctl. _\ou tlon‘t tttkt- ohttt _\ott htt‘tt‘ toz
gt'untctl, You \Mltll to \xotk htutl .uttl It} to
ltttpt'L‘\\ )out' l‘.tll\ .tntl .zlm tttmu to mum at
thut )ou \‘Jtt tlo it ”

lcgton \l'\k'l..!L"C|l 1““ i‘tttt‘th tutzt ‘ "
houutlx .tt ()ttlx lltll \ktttlk‘ltl} t\}t L \lhctt-
hc pltoctl lll\ \cnttu \cttxt-n tuttl lctl tht~ lxo
kcthttll t.tt‘tot‘\ to tt n.ttton.tl t'htutuuottxlttp.
llc \ct ()uk lltllK t'ccottl tot tlum' l‘ttlitl
\hoottng h) ntttktng J: pctt‘t‘nt ot llt\ tt‘
lt‘tllPl\ .t numhct‘ tlt.tt \\.t\ tttnon}; tht- tt.‘
ttongtl lk'llklk'l\ In lugh \tltool l.l\l watt

"\1} xttt'nuth l\ Hl‘\l||it\l_\ ht‘tn}: tt ‘utngt

\hootct.“ ltxyton \tllll
\t (V toot

utntp \hott l L‘L‘ll‘ll into not \zst'm ltlxt' 'hc

J ttllxl dllllk‘fli '\‘ llit txlit'th





‘tt twt‘ ”gt .- _;t t'ti gututl. llt~ m“; .uttl
t lilti' ‘ " «\l‘lllkl long it ll=t‘~tllttll
t” ‘C t 'tl ahoofx. l‘ttl tt' l l\ lt‘
‘ tt .ttttlt l~\ll“ ilti_‘t\ ll” :‘i'll‘ll

L'. 't ‘\ _.»\
lit-p .t~ \th \‘ tut! t; ltout' L'uutl
‘tttj .-..,!;E\ ’t hp v‘t " (tu‘txtut‘ \ttttt t1: Lt
\ ‘ Ilt'tl' t't‘ 'l tlw l \‘tttttl t: i‘t". ‘ltul

\.t:t'~ to not;
lit‘ltfiitc ltto‘.‘ ~ l.k'_t'l“l' lt.|\ thtt’ ;‘-‘t\t;


"‘t \ ‘~ »tl\ \.‘t"«. \lttltgtl punt-L hi
\ lt' lla’ \ ' «’lIt, ttl‘.lll\ lz‘ «HI; 3 tt\ltt‘l\ ~
li , 1t‘:1-\ t ‘ .ll l l\ llthlt‘i l‘tk'll «lt‘L’ltlUl
lt“‘:,,:r fl; :'t,"t\ .t thkl‘JJlUll trlltttal)
at. ‘tt‘t\i\ (sxttmt‘. tll‘l l, It \t
t» w: _' ‘ l’ "' t' littzv‘lltW _tt. ll\.x lttt‘



t‘ l) w t'"'\"' it tt'l' ,1; )‘l'tll':
I ‘\ \‘ Iv (t' l" ' ‘ IX‘ tl‘i ” . “.
too tcttu’nu‘t; \kUI‘Cl\. ttntl \Uplltttt‘u‘l'k‘

L‘lldl'tlx ,lothc Much .tntl Drunk ,lttxpt‘t .tl\tt
tutu-Ll \lgllllllktllll ttlllllllu‘\ lttUt \cmon

l‘un tht‘ Pl;t\L‘t'\ .u‘cn‘t \ttt'c \khttt pow
non» tltc_\ ~ll pltt} Ullkk‘ lllL' \Ctt‘tUlt \Ittl'l\ tn tt
lt’llt‘ tni‘i l‘»\tt \H'L'lw (ttllifittc tlttlttl C‘tL‘tt
hxt poxttutnx lot the [‘tltt}k‘l\ tn thi' tt‘tttn‘x
Ellt‘tlltl guttlt'

(itllt~~ptt' hm toltl lth {cunt :h.tt plttjmng;
llttk‘ hm to he t‘tunt‘tl. .uttl l cptott ill\l\l\ hc
tx not ttu'ttutg.‘ .t lu’tnttt \ltlllllJ .ttttttult‘ thttt
tun ttwult ttozn gutttn; w tntult ttllt'lllltlll w

“\\hcnt:\ct' I get out llk‘ik‘. l “tilti to tlo
:tt} hwt tot tht- tuttnf lxgton \tutl. "llmv
\wt |lltll\ ttltlllllt“~ ht ttmix l \houl:l g'ct.

tltut \ \khut lt'1u'tu'tl"


ALCOHOL RESf/l/t’ffl 57110155147 UK

’ lx‘ent ti '1
l"? l't'l tll’lt‘ll
’t-l‘.‘ liltg‘,

'.tlt ‘» t3.




"89 Soothpgn ‘- 27:7-agoyéf

. Portabella’s *
Itahan Wood Ovan 86 Grill

Wednesday Nights
Witty down \\'ctlut‘stlt y
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2 for l Domestics
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Lexingtmt, Ky 4050:)










N i? Gil ‘fflllR RESUM







Bantam; :eade' - lmn Armv ROYC.
tut mu Maritza? ttt‘ & hm :.t' fl: a H; A‘t't‘,‘ ROlt) minute at ltltps A'www ttltyttjltt’tuttwtttttf .3'
cortazi‘ ‘Jagm l‘t‘ttl l“:"5ttglCt‘ at '25} hbbfi/bdha'tifid-‘uky edu







 PAGE 5 | Wednesday, October 24, 200/

Seniort urwarLt‘ Aaron Swanson h titles tor the ball flight Lnst inw 'tn 'Ln UL:

H1. at tn!»

iltx ROW?" "L

nave CCJllllllllt‘Ll to sen re. tune of the Cuts H gt LLtLls llll, mutsnn

Jats struggling offense

D ‘ ‘ ‘ (38‘
L10 £21111 L
By James Pennington
sports alkykernet com

'l’hrough the tn‘xt l i gumex ot tlte )eut'.
the men\ \oeeet‘ teztm hux heen \truggline
to \eore goals. The (‘Lttx‘ h11\L‘ \eored nine
gottlx te\\eL' thztn then‘ opponentx tlnx xeztxon
and rank nettr the bottom ot .leoxt e\eL‘_\
(‘onterenee USA ottenm e etttegor).

Dexptte the tettm‘x \trugglex. \ophomot‘e
Llel‘entler Burr} Riee LtnLl \L‘ttht' toL'uLLrLl
Auron S\\Llli\0ll h;t\e t'lotn'txhetl ;t\ \eorerx
thix \Ctt\()n. tteeottnting tot nLne ol‘ the (I