xt7ngf0mtr25 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ngf0mtr25/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19880401 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 1, 1988, no. 524 text The Green Bean, April 1, 1988, no. 524 1988 2014 true xt7ngf0mtr25 section xt7ngf0mtr25 n ¢///
Number 524 April 1, 1988
The Spring meeting of the LS/2000 Users Group will be held April
17-20 at OCLC and at the Stouffer Dublin Hotel in Dublin, OH.
The meeting will include reports from the Local Systems
Department, an update on Release E, information on the next major
system release and other issues of interest to LS/2000 users.
On Sunday, April 17, conference participants will have the
opportunity to tour libraries in the Columbus area using LS/2000:
Ohio Wesleyan University Library, Grove City Public Library,
Columbus State Community College Educational Resources Center,
and the OCLC Library.
Further information is available in the QB office.
LSO would like to remind its members that there is still time to
‘ bring in books to be sold on the LSO tables at the annual book
sale in April. Many members have already done so. Books may be
brought to the Bindery Unit where they will be stored until the
day of the sale.
So far this year LSO has 43 members, an increase over last year.
It is still possible to join by paying your $5 annual dues to
Kathy Martin in the Reference Department.
Fire alarms will be tested on Tuesday, April 5, in King North and
South. This is the regular monthly test.
Ing Newsletter of the Umversnty
l I
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

The University of Kentucky‘s Appalachian Center is holding a
tenth anniversary celebration on Friday, April 15. Celebration
activities at the UK Student Center include lectures, displays by
regional community groups, a luncheon program, Appalshop films
including "Long Journey Home" and "Harriet Simpson Arnow,
1908-1986," and a panel discussion. There will also be an
evening concert featuring Marion Sumner and Lee Sexton at
ArtsPlace, 161 N. Mill Street. All events are free and open to
the public, with the exception of the luncheon ($5.50) and the
concert/reception ($5.00).
Tickets for the luncheon and for the concert/reception may be
purchased through the Appalachian Center, 641 S. Limestone.
Concert tickets may also be purchased at the door. For more
information, call the Appalachian Center at 7-4851.
Volunteer help is needed for the annual Library Book Sale April
21-22 at Buell Armory. Help is needed in setting up on Thursday
morning, cleaning up on Friday afternoon as well as for cashiers,
book baggers and table stockers to work two-hour shifts during
the sale. If you can volunteer to help with the sale, please -
call Paula Pope at 7-9401.
We also need your grocery bags for bagging materials purchased at
the sale. If you would like to donate bags, bring them to the
Director's Office, Paula Pope's office or to Collection
Denise Stinnett ..... Microfilm Center.
Gearldene Gerke ....... Microfilm Center.

"Britain by the Book" (August 1 -16) is a tour of Great Britain
which will feature visits to some of the most famous libraries in
the world, in addition to stately homes, museums, and points of
notable literary interest.
Libraries visited on the tour will include the National Library
of Scotland, the University of Edinburgh Library, the British
Library Document Supply Centre, the Bodleian Library, and the
British Library.
Cost of the tour is $1674; this includes round-trip airfare from
Atlanta, bed and breakfast, some additional meals, transportation
while in Britain, continuing education credits and all entrance
fees and tickets to attractions visited by the group.
A $200 deposit is required by April 15. Registration should be
sent to Lea Hable and Lynn Davies, 1922 Strathmoor Blvd.,
Louisville, KY 40205. Further information is available in the QB
office or from the address listed. Telephone is (502)459-5158.
The 11th annual Appalachian Writers Workshop is scheduled for `
July 31—August 6 at the Hindman Settlement School in Hindman, KY.
The workshop will include seminars in the novel, poetry, the
short story, dramatic writing, non-fiction, children's writing,
and Appalachian literature. 4
The workshop staff features Appalachian writers, including Jim
Wayne Miller, James Still, Ed McClanahan, Denise Giardina, Lillie
D. Chafin and George Ella Lyon.
Cost of the workshop is $200 for room, board and tuition.
V 3

 JOB OPPORTUNITIES Assistant Architecture and Fine
Arts Librarian. University of
A Florida. Salary: $20,000
_ · ALABAMA minimum. Deadline: April 20,
» 1988.
Head, Veterinary Medicine
1 Library. Auburn University. American/English Language and
Salary: $25,000—$30,000. Literature Selector.
Deadline: None given. University of Florida. Salary:
$23,000 minimum. Deadline:
Serials Cataloger. Auburn ApnU.20,1988.
- University. Salary:
$21,000—$25,000. Deadline: INDIANA
None given.
Assistant or Associate
COLORADO Librarian, Reference Chemistry
Library. Indiana University.
Sciences and Technology Salary: Assistant
Librarian. Colorado State Librarian—$20,470; Associate
University. Salary: Librarian-$25,650. Deadline:
C o m m e n s u r a t e w i t h April 15, 1988.
qualifications. Deadline: May
. 30, 1988. LOUISIANA
CMWHHHMT Cataloging and Special
Collections Librarian.
Head, Hebraica and Near East Louisiana State University.
Cataloging Unit. Yale Salary: $19,000 minimum.
University. Salary: $24,500 Deadline: None given. `
minimum. Deadline: May 15,
FMHUDA Head, Monographic Section,
Acquisitions Department.
Central Science Library Access University of Massachusetts.
Services Unit Head and Salary: $22,000-$34,000.
Selector. University of DemUine: ApnU.22,1988.
Florida. Salary: $20,000
minimum. Deadline: May 2, — DUSSOURI
Assistant Director for
Chains, Department of Special Technical Services. University
Collections. University of of Missouri-Columbia. Salary:
Florida. Salary: $37,000 $39,000 minimum. Deadline:
minimum. Deadline: May 2, May 31, 1988.
Science/Engineering Librarian. -
Serials Cataloger. University Waskxingttu1 University, St.
} of Florida. Salary: $20,000 Louis. Salary: None given.
’ minimum. Deadline: April 20, Deadline: May 30, 1988.
k 1988. .
· 3
i 4

 ` Reference Librarian/Psychology Library Information Systems
Subject Specialist. University Librarian, Automation Services
` of Nebraska. Salary: $18,750 Dept. Virginia Commonwealth
minimum. Deadline: April 15, University. Salary: $25,000
1988. minimum. Deadline: April 30,
Access Services Librarian. Management Information Systems
` Rutgers University. Salary: Librarian, Automation Services
» $29,243 rninimum. Deadline: Dept. (New position) Virginia
May1,1B8& Commonwealth University.
Salary: $25,000 minimum.
Reserve/General Periodicals Deadlmun April 30,1988.
Librarian and Assistant `
Circulation Librarian. WASHINGTON
Princeton University. Salary:
dependent upon qualifications. Administrative Librarian. _
Deadline: April 15, 1988. U. S. Dept. of Education.
Washington, D.C. Salary:
NHNYORK $46,679~$60,683. Deadline:
April 8, 1988.
Department Head, Science and
Technology Libraries. WEST VIRGINIA
Syracuse University. Salary:
$32,000 minimum. Demhdnez Network Librarian. West
May 1,1988. Virginia University Medical _
Center Library. Salary:
Department Head, Information $18,000. Deadline: None
Services. Syracuse University. given.
Salary: $32,000 minimum.
Deadline: May 15, 1988. .
Head, Serials Cataloging
Section. University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Salary: $30,000 minimum.
Deadline: May 1, 1988.
TRIN Systems Librarian.
University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. Salary: $20,000
minimum. Deadline: May 15,
1988. ‘

Copies of the following titles will not be renewed for the
Routing Service when their current subscriptions expire. (Most
will expired with the December, 1988, issues.)
We are wondering if there are people on the library staff who
might be willing to loan their personal copies of these, or
other professional journals, to be used as routing copies so that
we can continue the routing service, even on a limited basis.
Routing slips would be set up so that the issues would be
A returned to their owners after completing the routing cycle.
If you would be willing to loan your issues of the these titles,
or other library—related journals, please fill out the form below
and return it to Mary McLaren in Acquistions. we will get back
in touch with you as to whether or not we'll need your copies and
if we do, the date we will need to start getting them.
I would be willing to lend my personal issues of the following
‘ titles for the Library Journals Routing Project.
American Libraries
Chronicle of Higher Education
College and Research Libraries
Journal of Academic Librarianship ‘
Kentucky Libraries
Library Journal _
Library Quarterly
Library Resources and Technical Services
Online A
Publisher's weekly
Serials Librarian
Serials Review
Southeastern Librarian
Special Libraries
Unabashed Librarian
Wilson Library Bulletin
· 6