xt7ngf0mwc97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ngf0mwc97/data/mets.xml Texas Texas State-wide Records Project United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects 1940 [45] p.: ill., map; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number FW 4.14:T 312/2/no.155 books English Jefferson, Tex.: Marion county; San Antonio, Tex.: State-wide Records Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Probate records -- Texas Marion County (Tex.) -- History Index to Probate Cases of Texas. No. 155, Marion county, May 15, 1860-May 2, 1939 text Index to Probate Cases of Texas. No. 155, Marion county, May 15, 1860-May 2, 1939 1940 1940 2019 true xt7ngf0mwc97 section xt7ngf0mwc97 I I ‘ '7 UNIVERSITVOF TENTUCKV I L L I .. LLIILIIIHH"ULLILLINILHHLILHIIIHJHNHLIILLIIHIHIHLW L ' - 3 ””3533???” 5. INDEX 1’0 . PROBATE CASES filed in .V E 5T4 ‘1 0 6’“ R ,3) '3 I I \‘s ‘ \ L V \ ‘ 3 LL , M2 \\ ._‘_ “I 4/}; o . 0 am“- 0 o . No. 155 . MARION COUNTY 'i TEXAS STATEWIDE RECORDS PROJECT ! 3‘1? ,5“: W7 HE ”IL.“ L iv? in; CL‘L L L: L U L; KY 1 '1 1 INDEX TO PROBATE CASES OF TEXAS 11 1 11 11 I1 1 1 PREPARED BY _ 1 ‘ THE TEXAS STATEWIDE RECORDS PROJECT DIVISION OF PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE PROJECTS 1, WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION 111 11 1 1 11 1 NO. 155 j 4 MARION COUNTY 1 ' May 15, 1860 - May 2, 1959 1 1 1 ‘1 . 1 * >1< * >1< * 1 ' 1 JEFFERSON, TEXAS 1 MARION COUNTY, TEXAS 11 June, 1940 :1 I 1 31.1: ,i L H E: '. PREFACE«1[§ , f 1 1, o 1 The publication herewith presented, an index to the J 1 probate cases filed in Marion County, Texas, is No. 158 6f the , Texas series of counties. The publication is intended to meet Q the requirements of day-to—day usage by the officials of the 1 county, attorneys, business men, and other citizens who have'oc- fl casion to consult probate case records for the proper conduct of y their affairs. The publication may be used by historians and genealogists to obtain references to unpublished source material. u The names of the deceased persons, miners and other H principals are arranged alphabetically with reference to the 7 filing date of the case and the case number. The notation "no ‘ p papers" following the name of the principal indicates that no 3 case papers were located during the inventory. Lunacy cases are indicated by "L" preceding the case number, and "E" indicates y Epileptic cases. Differentiation between probate cases assigned A duplicate numbers is accomplished by the addition of a letter A folloWing the case number. Case numbers preceded by "C" were 1 assigned to previously unnumbered cases. The following numbers 1 in the series 1 - 1761 were not used as case numbers: 84, 90, 1 137, 138, 141, 206, 216, 231, 517, 577, 757, 738, 859 — 878, 1281, d 1310. l 1 In Marion County all probate records are in the custody 1 of the county clerk. Case papers are filed in numerical sequence p in plainly marked steel file drawers in the clerk's office. 1 1' Since the transfer of territory from one county to y another has affected probate jurisdiction and has determined the H county in which the probate case should have been filed, a map . § and table of territorial changes is included herein. Notations . i concerning present location and availability of records perti- . W nent to Marion County follows: ‘ .- p . . , l ‘ El Bowie County, Boston, records destroyed by fire, 1884 1 . , . ‘ g{ 3 Cass County, Linden, all records extant . i 2T1 ' ' E . A Harrison County, Marshall, all reocrds extent 1 ' -' ' fl Nacogdoches County, Nacogdoches, all records extant ' fl . . . j‘ Panola County, Carthage, all records extant fl . , Paschal County (defunct), Linden, all records extant . , . , $ Red River County, Clarksville, all records extant % 1| 1:? l1 5‘! Lf map of marion County Showing the Probate Areas Ffi: and Their Derivation F; Legend En (:) Area in Munic. of Nacogdoches from 1/51/1851 to 11/11/1855 (1) pg " " " and County of Red_River " 11/11/1855 " 12/17/1840 (2) A; . H " Bowie County ;. " 12/17/1840 " 1/28/1841 (5) 11E " " Paschal County (judicial) " 1/28/1841 " '1842 (4) gg " " Bowie County. " 1842 " 4/25/1846 (5) [j ‘" " Cass County ~ . " 4/25/1846 " 2/8/1860 (6) 15 " " MariOn County " 4 2/8/1860 " date (7) 8% (E) " " Munic. and County of f? ' Nacogdoches " 1/51/1851 " 1/25/1859 (1) " " Harrison County " 1/25/1859 " 1/50/1841(8) ( ,4: " " Panola County (judicial) " 1/50/1841 " 1842 (9) _ " " Harrison County " 1842 " 12/8/1865 (5) if '"r " Marion County " 12/8/1865." . date (10) j? <:) " " Munic. and County of - , y Nacogdoches " J../51/1851 " 4/25/1859 (1) " " Harrison County ~ " 1/‘25/1859 ." - 1/50/1841 (8) $75 " " Panola County (judicial) . ." 1/50/1841 " , _1842 (9) in " " Harrisbn County -' ' " ‘ . - 1842 " 4/50/1874 (5) \ yf§ -- " " 'Marion County " 4/50/1874 " . ~datev(ll) L: g? l. H. P. N. Gammel, Laws 23 Texas (10 vols.,~Austin, TeX., The Gammel pg BOOK Company, 1898; cited hereafter as Gammel, Laws), I, 281. . / r 2. Ibid., 552. 791 5. Ibid., II, 561. , I 4. Ibid., 520. P g 5. Acts attempting to create "judicial"-counties were held unconsti— EL: tutional. Stockton z, ypntgomery (Ian. term 1842), James Wilmer a? Dallam (compiler), Opinions 93 the Supreme Court 9£_T§§§§ from if: 1840 to 1844 Inclusive (St. Louis, Mo., The Gilbert Book Company, ii 1882), 475. Therefore, the area remained,in the original county. ,,, See Gammel, Laws, II, 926, for act of 1844 legalizing the public 5? records of the judicial county of ?anola and making them part of 3,: the records of Harrison County. 6. Gamme1, Laws, 11, 1441. ‘ 13:; , ~ '1 7. 113161., N, 1419. g 8. Ibid., II, 159. :.‘ 4 , ;‘ ";.‘- ; ,~‘: g; .12; . E 9. Ibid., 617. t 10. Ipig., V,¥719; ' : . A :-,‘-,.E- V-fizT :.I=; ;; 11. Ibid., VIII, 180. F ' - ._ , ,1. .'. v.' .; c-‘, ya; 15. 1 1 . B o w l E 1 1 1. \_ I w -5ULPH UR 4,“ 4— 2,, IA 7 '1 i U) 1_i 1 1 : ‘ 1 1 1 ‘0 11 . 7 . 1 1 I 1 3 11 1 r ”*1 , 1 ‘1‘ 1 1M 0 R R I s 1 1 C A S S 1 A: 1 i ODAINGERFIELD 1 v 1 1 QLINDEN 4 ' ________ ‘1: ,1 .1 ~ 7 V ‘ ‘ \, 1 \ ‘1 1 5 ,1 CAMP\\;\ 1 7 \\ 1 1 5 ..-_-__ x , 1 on k A 7 <1 :Zi777fA7EZ~ ’~-' ;1 t L‘W__fi%_:fig€::l—f/ :Tt _ ‘ E._ _M :A::R::|:O: fiW‘—— 111 1/ Z '1 ’W—h—fifla‘,” gfi; 1 111 Z1"; I}, 1 ' mars/ease" Il‘ ““1 4353, ,11/1 Lu 1 1 17‘"- ,1 1%/‘FO~——— l I [In1 , A :31 «(72/ 3; ‘ 1 u - s H u R ' ?/’/ 7 d 95 \E‘ \7‘1 11=1311 0V 1711 1: 1 [I'Q ,1/ KW/f $11 1171;,0‘90 1 1 V 1 7 {MI ‘\>;::<\> 2 _ N 111 - l//’ 1 SS 1 U) 11 /{/J 1 1 1 1‘ LA/f/ 1: A R R l s o N 1 N 1 1’ 2 1 \ ' 7 1 ‘ OMARSMALL 1 1 1 gusvlsw W I D :11 1 I r 1 1 1. : 1 x ,_ . O 1 " G R E fl 1 1 1 MAP OF 7/ \ ,/'/—/l 1 \I 1 11 MARION COUNTY /—/—/’ 1 1 SHOWING THE SEVERAL PROBATE AREAS 1 1 1: 7 _ PRESENT BOUNDARIES OF MARION COUNTY 1 1 i: 1 .— -_ COUNTY LINES OTHER THAN MARION COUNTY : 1 1 (FOR EXPLANATION AND REFERENCES SEE THE 1 1 ‘11: Pnzcsome PAGE.) I 1 11 1 1 1 . , ' _ 2.. ... , ,'. y" ; ' ' ‘ “” ”“' " "INDEX'T ‘PROBATE CASES i. E MARION COUNTY COURTHOUSE, JEFFERSON, TEXAS % 1 Name of Deceased,Minor,0r Lunatic Date Filed . Case No. 1 - A - ‘ ' - i: 3 Adams, J. H., deceased July 9, 1924 1280 N ' Adams, James 3., deceased Dec. 29, 1914 ‘ 1021 y j lAdams, Mrs. Janie, deceased ‘ July 9, 1924 1279 y 'Aha, Henry, deceased Sept. 17, 1881 ' 470 M Aikens, Linnie Mae, Marvin and Nina a 'Pearl, minors r March 5, 1917 ' 1084 M ‘ Akin, Eugene, minor ' Sept. 27, 1920 1171 W Albrooks, Elvira, deceased May 5, 1925 1247 M Alderman, Golda, Issie and Tessa,minors March 15, 1891 597 M Alexander, Andrew, NCM. Dec. 1, 1909 (L)928 W Alexander, Mrs. R. H., deceased Dec. 16, 1911 ~ 974 M Alford, N. A., deceased - Jan. 1, 1877 595 A Alford, Moses, deceased Feb. 18, 1874 515 $ Allbrooks, Willie, deceased June 15, 1925 1515 R Allen, Leonard, deceased March 7, 1866 69 @ Allen, Lutherine,.minor Feb. 14, 1929 1424 M Allen, Mary Lee, minorv Jan. 28, 1951 1492 y . Allen, Maud and P. M., minors Oct. 9, 1901 ' 754 fi Alley, Mary H., deceased Sept. 20, 1952 1555 M Alley, T. 0., deceased June 15, 1860 4 {% Alsabrook, Madison, deceased July 15, 1862 * 55 W Alsbrooks, Annie D., minor ' May 4, 1922 1225 1 Ames, Leonard, deceased Sept. 27, 1920 1176 m Anderson, Mary A., minor Nov. 16, 1869 - 188 ;w Andrews, Lee Roy, minor March 5, 1925 1502_ M ‘ Andrews, Lee Roy, minor June 20, 1925 - 1522 H Armistead, R. L., deceased Aug. 4, 1926 '1565 % ‘ Armistead, W. T., deceased Sept. 6, 1920 1172 ,9 Armistead, W. T., deceased Sept. 21,-1920 ' 1175 if Armstead, Jane, deceased June 5, 1902" 759 M Armstead, Jane, deceased July 2, 1902 742 EM Armstrong, Lewis and Sam, minors May ,.14, 1910 945 3% Arnold, J. D. and Sallie Mae, minors Dec. 15,‘l920' 1185 gfi Atkins, w. T. Sr., deceased April 25, 1950 1470 gm Atkinson, Jim and Richard, minors Nov. 16, 1909 927 51 - B - ' h - . A ‘ Badgett, D. 0., deceased Nov. 1, 1920 . 1180' 2“ Badgett, J. D., deceased Dec. 18, 1929 1465 Ed Badgett, w. F., deceased June 4, 1920 1166 it Bagby, Lucy D., deceased April 22, 1872 258 gfi Bagby, Maggie, minor Sept. 22, 1871 .' 257 1 Bagby, T. H., deceased Feb. 28, 1882 . - 484 ‘ {H 1’ s- I “3'1 % Name of Deceased,Miner, or Lunatic Date Filed Case No. 3% - é . " ' 11 3 Belle, Emma, John Jr. and Kittio,minors Dec. 22, 1871 241 L“ ? Belote, J. 8., deceased July 23, 1906 829 'W g Belote, James H.) deceased July 2, 1864 . 50 h , Benefield, Mattie Jackson, deceased , ,1150 ‘H 5 Benjamin, Lacy, deceased Nov. 5, 1956 1667 1 1 Bennett, Aaron, deceased . Oct. 5, 1929 e 1455 U , Bennett, Amelia, NCM , March 28, 1891 -(L)598 m , Bennett, Clara, Emmersen, Frances, .,, H Gladis, Lemon and Melber, minors Dec. 16, 1921 1205 t Bennett, David, deceased April 12, 1920 1161 11 1 Bennett, David, deceased Aug. 5; 1929 ~ 1443 1% Bennett, Earl and Kermitt, minors Feb. 7, 1936 - 1633 3” ‘ Bennett, Leman and Melba, minors ' Feb.‘ 26, 1932 1540 ,% 3 Bennett, Lcmelia, NCM ‘ . 598 it Bennett, 8. A., deceased April 9, 1919 . 1155 ;y Bentley, Richard R., deceased , Sept. 12, 1922 1255 if ‘ Benton, Flint,_NCM ' Dgc, 5, 1919 (L)28 L” Benton, Flint, deceased June 15, 1922 1226 it ; Bernstein, E. C. and J. C., deceased Aug. 28, 1882 '- 1 487 W Berry, D. L., minor . March 11, 1933 1570 QM ‘ Berry, Frances B., deceased Jan. 12, 1903 ' . 760 Ed Berry, Mrs. Francis, deceased Jan. 1, 1910 932 EA . Best, Benjamin C., deceased Nov. 21, 1936 . 1669 gt Bickfcrd, c._c., deceased , Nov. 14, 1892 623 1d 1 Biggs, Daris, deceased July 1, 1929 1459 it ‘ Birdwell, Joe B., deceased Oct. 11, 1929 1457 Q Black, H. H., deceased Aug. 15, 1862' . A 55 1 ‘ Black, H. H., deceased y__ Oct. 15, 1866 '105 1 Black, Ida J., deceased ' Jan. 17, 1905- A 765 1 1 Black, Ike, deceased April 19, 1915 1059 it 1 Black, Ike, deceased April 19, 1915 1040 g” ‘ Blackbourn, Annie, Mary, Millie, m Richard and Toudie, minors Jan. 17, 1913 991 @ Blackbourn, Clinton, George, Haywood, " H . Lottie, Ruby and Stallcup, minors Nov. 12, 1918 ‘ 1106 1 Blackbourn, Robbie, minor Nov. 7, 1918 , 1117 it Blackbourn, Robert, deceased April 13, 1917 1089 fl Blackbourn, Themas E., deceased Nov. 7, 1889 578 gt Blackburn, Frank’W., miner Sept. 6, 1878 . 413 g ‘ Blackburn, Gray Jr., deceased May 17, 1877 - 385 # Blackburn, Gray end Mary Alice, minors Oct. 22, 1885 ' 530 1 Blackburn, R. A., deceased Dec. 19, 1861 ' 31 1 Blake, Dennis, deceased April 19, 1938 1736 h Blake, James, deceased June 25, 1921 . 1197 ‘h Blake, W. L., deceased June 5, 1928 - - 1407 Q Bloomingdale, L. L., deceased oct. 11, 1872 275 Blunt, Judy, deceased Oct. 25, 1901 ‘ 733 M Bobbitt, Rodney Daleg'Lemmons, minors Nov. 29, 1918 , 1119 t Bobbitt, Rodney Dale} Lemmons, minors Feb. 4, 1919 _ - 1127 H ' Bobbitt, V..A., minor‘ March 6, 1915 - 1032 1 Bookman, Margaret A., Mary J. and ” M , ,Rntn, minors Oct. 11, 1869 ‘ -,. 185 ‘3 Bolton, Sallie, NCM ‘ Sept. 1, 1902 . r 748 It , vBomer, T. B., deceased Sept. 12, 1956 '5 1665 fl -, l5 3 Boone, Stenkey, alias Washington, ‘- , a, , V 1 T Rayfield, NCM > . .‘ - Sept. 20, 1919 (L)26(A) ; e Borner, Alabama, deceased Aug. 8, 1952 ,' 1550 i g Bosworth, Sarah Ann, deceased June 5, 1861 ‘ 25 i ; Bowden, George, NCM, . April 12, 1900 716 g E Bower, M., deceaSed , Den. 4, 1918 1121 § E Boydston, w. 8., NCM , Feb. 12, 1885 522 g g Bradley, R. R., NCM ~ Sept. 19, 1878 570 1 % BradShaw, Arin, deoeaSed March 24, 1874 519 A E Bragg, Mina, apprentice ' . April 19, 1867 , 117 1 E Bramlett, Austin, Hugh, Mabel, Nova 1 ‘ ’ ' V 1 E and Ruth, minors . _ May 4 6, 1920; ‘ 1158 B Brande, s. E., deceased . ‘ April 16, 1884 ‘ 509 ?§ Brantley, Mrs. Alice, deceased Dec. 18, 1908 901. 3 Brantley, Mrs. Minnie Lou, tubercular May 19, 1958 _ 015 p f Brantley, T. R., tubercular Oct. 4, 1929 . 09 : Brantley, Una May, minor. Jan. 20, 1909 " 906 E Brantley, w. L., deceased March 10, 1905 ‘ 797 fi Brantley, w. L., deceased Maren 10, 1905 “ 798 i Bratton, Jesse,-NCM. / » June 11, 1890 ’. , 587 f i Brazier, Lavonia, deceased May 11, 1897 691 i % Brazzolari, Louis, deceased Aug. 27, 1886 542 E Breckenridge, Leonard and Paul, minors Oct. 16, 1937 .1713 d Brewer, Eliza A., deceased March 11, 1952 1542 i Brewer, William J., deceased Sept. 50, 1925 A ' 1527 , : Briant, Gabriel, deceased May.‘ 5, 1885 '_ 540 E Briant, Guy, Paul, Robert and Willie,minors Oct. 24, 1885 . 531 ' f Bridges, Nat, deceased Jan. 7,.1889__ ’, 571, g Briggs, R. w., deceased Sept. 25, 1895i ' ' 857 E Brinck, Clara J., Estella M. and ‘ ' ' ‘ 3 John T., minors May 25 1882 486 Q Brinck, J. P., deceased ‘ July 12: 1871 229 i Brinck, Jesse (colored), apprentice June 25; 1866 ‘ 95 E Brinkley, Bob, NGM , ,Aug.. 15. 1950 . 1477 g Britt, Burril and Thomas; see Bngly, - ; ~ , ‘ ‘9 Mary et a1 (colored), apprentices June- 50; 1866 97 E Britten, Martha A., deceased July 25* 1880 ‘ e50 g Brooks, Ben and Lesley, minors Nov.. 6: 1922 1256 j 2 Brooks, E. E., deceased April 10, 1934 1579 I 3 Brooks, H. T., deceased Sept..ll, 1906 . 854 i? Brooks, J. H., deceased. Oct. 5, 1909 923 ,3 Brooks, J. H., deceased. Oct. 9, 1909 924 y ;, Brooks, J. W., deceased Oct. 25, 1958 ' ' 1745 }, Brooks, Mrs. Janie, deceased Oct. 50, 1920 ' 1179 ‘3 Brooks, Vivian, minor Dec. .28, 1910 ‘ 959 f; Brooks, W. D., deceased April 50” 1938 1737 s: Brown, A. B., deceased April 21, 1922 . 1220 {g Brown, Billie Jack, George Jr., Grace, , . . . 1* Lindbergh, Louis.and Olive E., minors . Nov. .22, 1935 _ . 1625 E Brown, Christine, Gertrude, S. J. and :. fl .v 1 Sedalia, minors. ' . .' Aug. 20, 1955, _ 1512 1 1 Brown, Elwilda, George F. and .3: p Horrdce, minors , . Sept. 29, 1905 , - ’ 809 2 l, .-- ‘ . 5 7 1,", . Lu. . ‘15 ; 1111i ) o - 1 . - . - 1'. : —' 1 ‘Neme of Deceafgdiydnor,or Lunatic“ -1-3 . .1 Dfifiélfiiled . . Case.N0. W 1 ' w . 1 11 J 1 Brown, Freddie Lee end Lucille,minors Sept. 7, 1955 . 1616 1 5 Brown, J. A., deceased . Morch 15, 1937 _ 1683 1 1 Brown, J. K., deceased Dec. 31, 1909 933 1 1 Brown, Jimmie, Leoln and Nannie, minors Jan. 24, 1903 764 1 1 Brown, Josephine, deceased, Sept. 4, 1909 919(B) m 1 Brown, Josephine, deceased. Sept. 4, 1909 920 m 1 Brown, Mrs. S. E., dececsed Dec. 22, 1920 1 - 1185 M 1 BrOWning, Rainey,-deCeasod. Oct. 5, 1907 782 1 1 Browning, Raincy, dedeased 1 Oct. 5, 1907 - 882 1 1 Bruno, Chas., deceased 1 Nov. 15, 1861' 1 ' ~ 29’ m Bruno, Charles, deéeased Nov. 1861 * 1‘ 1 82 m Bruton, Arthur, minor Jon. 11, 1911 - - - 958 1 1 Bryant, Willis, minor Dec.’ 9, 1911 973 m Buchanan, Dora, NCM Aug. 24' 1906' 833 w I Buchanan, Robert, minor Sept. 14, 1907 881 1M Buchanan, Robert, minor _ . Jan. 20, 1909 , 905 w Burke, Alice, Edward and John, minors "Sept. 30, 1879 438 1 Burke, John, deceased Aug. 4, 1875 299 1 . Burns, Adolphus, Clarice, Claudine 1 1 and Helen, minors March 18, 1931 1515 m Burns, Helen, minor Oct. 1 1, 1956 1664 m Bynum, Ann 7., deceased _ March 9, 1896 671 m ‘ Byrde, John, NCM . Oct. 31, 1930 1481 11 1 , — C - 11 Caesar, Bervin E. Jr., minor Sept. 3, 1954 . 15891 q 1 Calhoun, August, Mae, RooSevelt and 1 .1' 1 1 1 T. B., minors ‘ Sept. 15, 1922 ‘: 1255~ M Calhoun, Mary Ann, minor V Oct. 23, 1873 -' ~306 fl Cameron, Theo., deceased Jan. 2, 1877 400 W Camp, w. B. Nunnalee, minor Jan. 20, 1891 595 1 Campbell, Alfred, NCM 1, ' Aug. 28, 1909 918 1 Campbell, Connie Estelle, Leamon C. 1 and Mayzee Bell: Hale, Albert Lenmon; 1 Scott, Cecil and viola May; Williams, . 1 ‘ Harvey Ray, minors ' Jan. 26, 1918 1102 1 1 Campbell, Hes, deceased Nov. 6, 1911 971 1 Campbell, Heck,-deoeaséd Sept. 50, 1916 1071 f Campbell, T. N., deceased 1 May 18, 1869 176 1 1 Campbell, TerZa B. and Wiley C.,minors Sept. 9, 1869 186 1 Campbell, Thomas No, deceased Oct. 5, 1865 54 1 Campbell, w. T. C., deceased March 14, 1878 . 405 1 Caple, Eirta, John and Whit, minors Jan. 21, 1904‘ . 777 1 Carter, Charles T., deceased Nov. 9, 1931 1534 1 Carter, Joe, minor Sept. 11, 1920 , 1174 1 Carter, Joe, deceased May 21, 1921 1193 1 Carter, Joe, deceased July 15, 1921 1198 1 Carter, Mary, deceased Sept. 17, 1920 1175 1 1 Corwile, Mrs. Allie, NCM Feb:‘ 17, 1931 - 1399 1 Corwile, Mrs. Allie, NCM Feb. 14, 19311 1 1504 1 _ Carwile, J. L.; Lake, minors Aug. 9, 1935 1611 1 Castleberry, J., NCM 'Dec. 21, 1880 04 1 . 'I 1 ' » 3 Name of Deceased,Minor,or Lunatic__“‘ _ 4”,; Date filed H ,Case No. 1‘2? i g Castleberry, Jason, NCM _ ; Dec. 21, 1880 (L)455% E Oates, Arthur; Haywood, Annie May, - 4 as L. B. and Willie, minors April 20, 1928 1404 g Caton, B., deceased . , , Jan. 5, 1895‘. 651 ' g Cawthorn, Leona Gray and Mary " , " f ' i g Charlotte, minors . 3 June 13, 18611 26 g E Chambers, Alphonso, minor ' Dec. 23, 1874 338 E g Chambers, Anna Lou and Jessie P.,minors Oct. 21, 1918 ' 1116 E § Chopin, Emma, deceased _ June 13, 1934 1581 E E Chapman, William, minor Dec. 23, 1882 496 g Chaudron, Mrs. H. F., deceased Jan. 22, 1910“ 935 E Chavers, Cora, deceased Dec. 24, 1891 ~ 610 E Chavers, E119 and Esther, minors Jan. 12, 1893 ' 628 Q Chavers, Henry, deceased . Aug. 19, 1919 1140 % Chavers, James, deceased Sept. 17, 1895 664 ;§ Chavers, Julia, deceased , March 4, 1926 1351 E Chestnut, Bernice, Mattie Lee, Murphy ‘ § 8 and s. A., minors ' May 10, 1937 1691 g Childress, N. 9., NCM _, Jan. 2, 1935 1596 E Christian, E. C., deceased V Nov. 2, 1903 772 8 Christian, Joseph, deceased March 22, 1869 168 j Claiborne, Fannie M. and Lucy L., minors May 2, 1891 ' 596 i Claiborne, V, W., deceased . Feb.' 11, 1897~ 689 ' S Clark, Argie, deceased Oct. 12, 1927 1391 , 2; Clark, C. C., deceased ,.,., Aug. 17, 1917 1013 ii Clark, C. C., deceased Aug. 17, 1914 1014 8 Clark, C. C., deceased , . 3 Sept. 19, 1919 1143 1 ,5 Clark, Harriet, deceased 0ct.' 14, 1904 = 789 is Clark, Hubert, NCM _ g _. Dec. 3, 1934 1593 8 Clark, Sibyl, minor ., Feb. 13, 1931 " 1501 g 8 Clark, William, deceased Feb. 7; 1928 ‘ 1397 E Clayton, John, deceased June 13, 1881 ‘ 466 § 8 Clayton, Rob‘t. 9., minor Aug. ‘ 4, 1869 ' 183% § 2 Cleveland, 9. H., deceased Oct. 6, 1882 491 8 Clinton, Laura, deceased , , Aug. 13, 1930 1 1476 d Clinton, wallace, deceased ' March 4,_1926 ' 1350 6 Coffman, John, deceased _ ‘ Feb. 5, 1935 f 1597 3 Coffman, Theresa, NCM Feb. 8, 1896 r 670 g Coffman, Theresa, NCM . , Oct. 14, 1913 'j‘ 1002 8 Cohen, Israel, deceased , _ Dec. 27, 1934 *, 1595 g Cohn, Joseph, deceased ‘- , March 20, 1885' ”:1 . 510 9 Cole, Ann, deceased . ' Aug. 7, 1915 ‘ ifp'41045 ? Cole, Preble, NCM ,1 ; Oct. 13, 1926'; *" 1372 8 Coleman, C. 9., minor _ . .. March 4; 1881’ *" 'y456 ; Coleman, Clyde and Emmett, minors ‘ ’ July 7, 1915 f 1042 % Coleman, Essie D.; Spencer,minors Feb. 15, 1926 ‘ 1347 l 1; Coleman, Warweek, NCM . ‘ Jan. 30, 1869“ '(L)161 f Collins, F. Maud, Harvey.and ‘ , F John T., minors . , July 6, 1877 ‘ 4382 L Collins, 1. A. and W. L., deceased Aug. 29, 1874 A ‘ '533 1‘ Collins, W. L., deceased June 20, 1874 . f ,326 1; Connor, Eon J., deceased, June ’18,t1924 -1 . 1277 i Cooper, Berry and Bonnie,Mae, minors Dec. «2, 1892 624 i Coor, Birdie, minor Feb. 12, 1898 697 PE | ‘1»: , Name of Deceased,hinor,or Lunatic ___;;;:;_ 'Date Filed’e;l; "““ ”Case No, M E 1;: I Coor, Birdie Lee, minor ' ‘ - April 16, 1910 940 i I Coor, Willie, deceased . Sept. .10, 1885 528 1 1 Copeland, Alice, James and Robert,minors July ‘2, 1880 446 W 1 Corley, Mrs. Mary J., deceased ‘April 19, 1916 1051 1 : Cotton, Addie Belle, Bessie, Daisey, 1 § Ella and Kay, minors j,‘.‘ Dec. 13, 1887 - 558 H ; Cotton, Wayne H., deceased ' Sept. 19, 1867 . 131 l ; Couplnnd, Ethel; Hawkins,'minors Oct. 18, 1921 1200 N 1 Coverson, Addie Lee, Charles, Marie, . m ; McAlbert and Murrilee, minors lay 31, 1937 1696 W 3 Cowling, Geo. and Livingston, minors April 16, 19171 ' 1093 w 1 Cox, Chorles C., epileptic lpril 29, 1919 (2)5 W 1 Cox, James Tally, M. F., Mabel and ,1 W Mattie, minors ' ‘ rev. 29; 1932 1558 1M 4 Cox, w. 8., deceased’ ‘ Dec. 11, 1889 .. 192 m } Cox, William, epileptic Nov. 28, 1930 - 010 1% ; Craven, D. 3., deceased June 8, 1877» 1 388 {1 1 Graver, D. C. and J. P., minors Dec. 4, 1577 397 H Graver, David C., minor Feb. 4, 1882 . . 480 ' ‘H Graver, Elizabeth, deceased Sept. 15, 1879 .~ 429 ‘ 1% 1 Graver, George, deceased June 10, 1922 1225 11 1 Graver, P. F., minor ' Dec. 3, 1377 396 11 Crawford, Albert M. and David J.,minors log. 8, 1908 894 19 Crawford, Harriette, deceased may 19, 1928 1 1405 9 Crawford, Jack, deceased May 9, 1925 . 1311 d ; Crawford, L. K., deceased Jen. 21, 1875 , 339 {l 3 Crawford, 7. K., deceased Jon. 21, 1875 340 1 1 Crenshaw, Jim, NCM July 4, 1908 ~892 1 j Cromer, J. C., deceased Dec. 19, 1928. 1416 i 1 Crow,.Lcuis F., Mary F., Phelps T. . 1 1 and Zaida Lou, minors Oct. 3, 1905 .. . 811 1 ; Crumby, Bernice, Geneva, Henry and . 1 j Maurice, minors . June 29, 1936 1 1652 W , Crump, J. 2., deceased July 13, 1874 327 1 Crump, R. P., deceased 1 June 10, 1873 , 292 4 Culberson, Addie Lee, Beatrice,Charles, ‘ . % Marie, McAlbert and Murrilee, minors May 17, 1937 - . 1694 1 , Culberson, David B. Sr., deceased Aug. 15, 1882 ,.- , 34 i Culberson, Eliza J., deceased June 9, 1932 1548 it Culberson, Eugenia, deceesed May 19, 1899 . .- 704 1 1 Culberscn, J. H., deceased Oct. 21, 1902 753 f ‘ Culberson, Ers. J. H., deceased June 20, 1924 . 1278 j Culberson, Sam J., deceased Feb. 6, 1932 1537 g 1 . ~ 1 Dnlzell, James A.,'deceased Feb. 20, 1878" ' 402 i A Daniels, Luella, deoeosed May 27, 1916 _1066 E Dannelly, Cary, Chas., Elizabeth ' . . ' fl and Frank, minors April 17, 1923 1248 u 1 Dannelly, I. C., deceased Dec. 24, 1921 - . , 1208' 1 1 Dansboe, Paul 3., minor~ Nov. 21, 1901,. .. , 721 :1 Daughtry, Ardalia,‘hamie and ‘ ‘ ' 9 Wilson, minors Feb. 13, 1909 907 1 - H 2 .11 I % ,Name-of Decensed,MinDr,or Lunatic Date Filed Case No. k <- MWW' ‘-—"—'.—'T—" % Dnuson, Fannie and Wilhelmina, minors Oct. 4, 1886 ”~ 545 I g Dauson, William, deceased; Fannie and ‘ V 3 Wilhelmina, minors ““j ' Oct. - 8, 1885 , . 544 § Davis, Charlie, Cunnie, Henrietta and - ' s‘ Whit, minors ‘ ‘ March 9, 1958 1725 I g Davis, E., deceased ' . Jan. 5, 1925 1240 § Davis, E., deceased ' March 5, 1923 ‘1245 f E Davis, Eva Howard, deceased Nov. 24, 1925 1262 E Davis, Henry, Ollie Nae and Queen = . - I F Esta, minors March 7, 1951 1508 I 1% Davis, Hollis, minor 1 ‘ Feb. 9, 1926 1545 5 Davis, James Wesley, NCM June 9, 1950 1475 E Davis, James wesley Jr., NCM Dec.‘| 6, 1950 1485" 2 Davis, James Wesley Jr., NCM Dec. 19, 1952 , 1559 1 a Davis, John L., deceased " Aug. 3, 1898 . , 740 8 Davis, Mahala, deceased . July 28, 1925 , 1524 8 Davis, Matilda C., deceased _ Oct. 26, 1917 - . 1099 g Davis, Tobe, deceased- ' Dec.s 6, 1950 ' 1486 E Davis, W. R., deceased Sept. 25, 1929 .1450. , 8 Davis, w. R., deceased 4 Sept.‘25, 1929 , , ~1451 [ 5; Dawson, Mrs. Anna, debeased Nov. 21, 1915"” V1005- q; Dawson, Effie and Ellen, minors April 8, 1950, ' #1458. g i Dawson, Ercel and Nathaniel, minors Jan. 30, 1926 v ’1542 j E Day, George, deceased‘ April 9, 1921 '71191 E E Deadman, James, deceased Jan. 4, 1952 ' 1562 i 8 DeLattre, Paul M., deceased _ May 1, 1885 ' 525, E g Dempsey, Carney, NCM July 5, 1915 (L16 : ii Dennis, Charles R., minor Jan. 7, 1888 559, t 5 Dennis, Chas. R. and Orion M., minors April 25, 1884‘ 511' 1 E Denson, Jessie, minor V Feb." 18, 1882 482 ' 1 3 Denton, J. F., deceased ' _ July 8, 1933 1571 E ‘ § Deprang, W. R., deceased ' Sept. 19, 1951 1555' 1 g Devareaux, Arthur, minor ‘1 Nov. 15, 1905 . 817 i i Deware, Charley, minor ,: Oct. 18, 1900 <719 1 § Deware, Charlie, Jessie and Robert, minors Aug. 26, 1899 v . v708‘ E E Beware, Charlie, Jessie and Robert, minors Feb. '4, 1901 1' 7247 . 1 5 Deware, J. M. Sr., deceased Dec. 5, 1924 . 1295 t E Dielman, 5., deceased Jan. 20, 1904 ' 775“ E F Dielman, Katherine, deceased Jan. 2, 1915 990 1 9 Dillard, G. W., deceased July 7, 1876 362 g i Dilling, Lincoln, NCM Jan. 25, 1915 (L)3CB) ; 8 Billing, Primers, NCM Dec. »2, 1915 . (L)2CA) : Z Dillon, Lincoln, NCM Oct. 19, 1915 (L)15 i f Dixon, Apner, Dora, Doris, Luther, E 5 Mandy, Marvin, Maudy, Patsy and Sam § Lee, minors 1148 5 Dixon, Elynia and Moscow, minors Feb. 28, 1920 1157 5 Dixon, John deceased Sept. 19, 1908 895 3 ;; Dixon, Lewis, minor May 7, 1925 1558 3 1 Dixon, William, deceased Feb. 2, 1927 1575 , g 5 Dobbins, Saran T., deceased Narch 4, 1857 114 ' I 1; Dockery, D. C., deceased Feb.) 25, 1894 541 a , is Dodd, Clyde, minor Sept. 29, 1919 -1144 g s i g. I I ‘ 3 i . I Name of Deceased, Minor,or Lunatic , ., rDate-Filed. 9.5;: Case No. T” W i . Doe, Annie, minor June 8, 1867 : ' . ‘ 120 im Doe, Dick and Lilee(colored),spprentices Jan.» 11, 1867 ~‘ ' »J'107 11 Doe, Doug. apprentice ' April 19, 1867-I , “115 19 5 Doc, Jack, NCM Sept. 15, 1882 ~‘*'¥ . ‘488 TM 1 Dee, James (colored, apprentice . March 1866. ' ' - 85 1“ 1 D08, Jane (colored), apprentice Feb. 27, 1866 ‘ I 65 t Doe, John (colored), apprentice Dec. 17, 1866. 105 '5 9 Dee, Mable, minor . ,ch. 15, 1899 710 15 % Doe, Mariah and Sam, apprentices June 15, 1869 178 1% i Doe, Precellu Ann (colored), apprentice March 1866 86 ”1 ; Doherty, John, NCM ' Nov. 20, 1918 . -(L)24 1 i Donaldson, Henry A., deceased , Aug. ,17, 1872' , 266 H l Dooley, Mattie,‘NCM‘ April .3, 1928 1402 1y 3 Dorgan, Mrs. Allie,‘NCM June 15, 1921 -(L)56 $1 I Dorgdn, Euell and Torrens, minors Jan. 4, 1915 1025 K 1 Dority, John, NCM Nov. 7, 1916 (L)15(B) 13 9 Dotson, Jones B., deceased March 28, 1870 . 205 1 [ Dotson, Mrs. L. v., deceased Oct. 2, 1924- 1290 1 i Dotson, Sam, minor March 18, 1951 1516 11 3 Dougherty, G. A., deceased July 5, 1923 1255 fif g Doughtry, Ardalia, Mamie and - - fl E Wilson, minors Feb. 15, 1909 . ' 907 Hf 5 Douglas, c. A., NCM "' Aug. 10, 1955« (L)rs75 11 E Douglas, Charles, deceased Nov. 22, 1888 _ . 567 1% 1 Douglas, Chas. and Rosana, deceased Nov. 7, 1885 ' 504 5 1 Douglas, w. A., deceased ‘ Jan. 11, 1907 841 1 E Douglas, W. A., deceased Jan. 21, 1907 844 d E Douglas, W. A., deceased April 15, 1907 847 1 1 Dreeben, 8., deceased Aug. 9, 1906- ' ‘ 851 3 E Drew,-Wm., deceased . June 5, 1861 " ~ 1:25 J j 8 Drew, Wm., deceased July 16, 1877 r‘1 390 w E Driskell, Mary A., deceased . ‘r June 1, 1921 ' 1194 w E Driskell, Mary A., decensdd Sept.. 5, 1921 ' 1199 ' E ; Dugsn, Geo. 9., deceased ‘ :.Feb. .29, 1916 1058 1 1 Duke, Eugene, deceased ‘ ' March 22, 1957 1686 i i 1 Duke, Lewis; see Bagly, Mary et a1 ' v 1 f (colored), minors June 50, 1866 W 97 $ } Dumngine, Paul, NCM June 11, 1859 ' 177 H ‘ Dumas, Susnn, deceased ‘ Jan. 25, 1895 - - 657 f ? Duncan, A. T., deceased May 19, 1857 1695 A ; Duncan, Charley, Dellir, June and . 1 ‘ Porter, minors Feb. 5, 1915 1029 3 g Duncan, Plummer, NCM May 51, 1906 859 1 i Dunham,*Mary A.,_NCM , Sept. 18, 1866 101 d g Dunkin, Lockey, NCM ‘ ' Jun. 15, 1905 761 g Dunn, John T., NCM . Jan. 4, 1896 667 11‘ } Dutcher, Mattie, minor ‘ Dec. 27, 1875 - 510 . y : - ” 3 , ii _ -. E - . . {if j Eeson, Frank J.,»minor. Oct. 7, 1872 , 274 d 1 Eascn, J. G., decensed‘ Nay 24, 1890 - 589 H g Echols, Denjsmine T., deceased Jan. 12, 1909 . 902 H 1 ‘1' t E1 i 1 i ‘p‘l E 1Name of Deceased,Minor, or Lunatic . , >“fifi'iDate Filed' Case No. 3“ WWW-“WW i Eddings, Josh, deceased Nov. 25, 1882 494 5 Edison, Edward Ether, Robert Durham A _ i and Thomas Audry; Hart, minors Dec. 16, 1920 , 1184 % Edwards, Charles, deceased June 24, 1871 7 . a 228 § Eidson, Edward, Robert Durham and - ‘ ,, , 1 3 Thomas Aubrey, minors , July 5, 1923 . 1850 E Eldridge, E. P., deceased, April 1, 1885 .524 ,; Elliott, Anderson, Mary Jane and r . ' % Viola, minors , , . June 25, 1916 1068 g Elliott, Anderson, Mary Jane and Viola, minors_Jan. l, 1926 ’ 1537 E Elliott, Serce, deceased ;, Sept. 7, 1871 240 ' 9 Ellis, M. 0;, Pink 0. and,Willie O.,minors March 29, 1872 253 8 English, Florence and Lionel, minors Nov. 10, 1881_ 474 J A English, Frank, NCM Sept. 19, 1876 .3 369 g Epperson, B. H., deceased_ March 50, 18805. 415 3 ‘EpperSOn, Ben and Janie, minors V 585 S Epperson, Ben and Janie, minors Feb. 3, 1890' j 635 Q j Epperson, Ben C., minor _ 1 Jan. 24, 1879 ‘_, ' 420 E Epperson, Eugenia, minor --;‘,~ April 17,.1885 '11 , 559 I § Epperson, William T., deceased March 9, 1861' ,‘ l9 5 Epperson, wm. T., deceased .1861 I. 78 i ; Ethridge, Mose, deceased _ Dec. 20, 1928 1417 1 3 Eubanks, Charley, NCM , Nov. 3, 1919 ‘ (L)26(B) E Evans, Harper, deceased Oct. 22, 1887 h 556 f E? Evans, Mrs. Louisa, NCM Aug. 5, 1901 750 i E — F - " ' ' I n 4' ~ g g Farber, A., deceased June 1866 j V 95 E ,Q Farber, A., deceased April 1868 , ,149 1 Q Farber, Arnold, deceased April 24, 1866 .1 91 I i Farber, Caroline, Joanna and Rosa, minors Aug. 24, 1866 99 E E Farber, Caroline and Rosa, minors Aug. 9, 1867. 127 g: Farber, Caroline and Rosa, minors Aug. 9, 1867 , _ 128 ! é Farber, Joanna, minor Dec. 23, 1866, 106 I g Fason, Edgar Haywood and George S. l p ‘ a , 5 1f Sexton, minors May 14, 1920 . 1164 i Q Fason, Haywood, Roy and Sexton, minors Jan. 22, 1916 . 1056 E § Fason, W. D., deceased May 8, 1926 1559 1 5 Faucett, Vina, plaintiff July. 29, 1867 ' 129 i f Faucette, James H., deceased "Sept. 19, 1865 52 i f Fausill, Catherine, Harry and Lallie,minors June 19, 1875 294 i g: Felker, W. L., deceased , 1282 E f; Felker, Willie E.,.deceased Feb° 9, 1917 1082 ff Ferguson, Ada, Cora, Effie.and . g 1 Florence L., minors ' . Jan. 19, 1886. 536 g H Ferguson, H. A., deceased,. Sept. 7, 1926 1367 E is Ferrell, Arthur Thomas, Lula, Nellie and i ;s Violet, minors April 2, 1951 1520 1 g Ferrell, c. C., deceased June 17, 1915 1041 i 2 Ferrell, C. C., deceased 1" Aug. 17, 1915~' ,1047 a & Ferrell, Charlene, Lorene, Mignon, Nina . , ; 5 p “and Zoe, minors .,: .~ May 5, 1918 » ,,1107 g g ' l E if E ir~ } E w L Name.o£~Deceased,Minor,or Lunatic ~ .11 -~ Date Filed " " Case No. N 5_ h Ferrell, Charlene V., Lorene B., Mignon, I . 1 ' ' J :5 Nina, Oscar V. and Zoe, minors July 12, 1915 ' 1043 w Ferrell, Charline, Lorene, Mignon, ‘ ifl Nine and Zoe, minors’ ‘ oct. 11, 1919 ' ' 1145 H Ferrell, Charline, Lorene, Mignon, ‘ ' ' rt Nine and Zoe, minors Dec. 27, 1923 1265 m Fiedler, Mrs. Caroline, decedsed July 27, 1922, ‘ p 1231 I Fiedler, John A., deceased ' Oct. 14, 1918 " 1115 fl 1 Fiedler, John H., deceased . 1355 M Fiedler, Telsie, minor March 27, 1909 06 '1 ’ Figures, Andrew J., minor- lbrch 30, 1872 " 254 2 Figures, Bartholomew, deceased March 19, 1872 f’ 252 W J Figures, Bertha, Edne, Lillie Mes, ‘ - i E Mary, Magdalene, Pecrlic and Queen . t 1 Esther, minors - Nov. 17, 1957 . 1717 F i Figures. E- 9., minor ' . Mnrch 30, 1872 ' 255 t 1 Figures, Martha E., minor June 30,‘1873 ‘ 296 fl 1 Finchu, Mrs. Rene, NCM - April 29, 1930 '1471 1 I Finley, Ids 9., deceased , Nov. 10, 1888 ~ 564 l , Finley, J. K., deceased April 12, 1893 ‘ 630 F E Fisher, Anna Mary, deceased Aug. '8, 1873“ 298 l j Fisher, Arverta, J. C., Lovie D. , l i and Willie, minors ' Feb. 19, 1931 ' 1490 M . Fisher, Bobbie D., minor - April 13, 1921 1192 N 5 Fisher, Elizabeth, deceased 1 Sept. 25, 1860 ' 8 «t [ Fisher, Eliznbeth, decessed June 11, 1861 ‘ ‘ 24 ,9 3 Fisher, Exie V. and Velma; Morrow, ’ W E Izetta, minors ' 4 Jun. 24, 1931 ‘ 1489 F 1 Fisher, Francis 2., minor Sept. 25, 1860 11 1 1 Fisher, Frank, deceased Jen. 9, 1936 1631 1 E Fisher, wesley, deceased Feb. 18, 1921 1188 it 1 Fisher, William, deceased ' Jan. 4, 1869 , 160 ‘1 1 Fisher, Zebdie, minor. Dec. 22, 1922 1239 y 1 Fite, La Juan, minor . Feb. 20, 1937 " ‘ 1677 ;W l Fitzgerald, 4., deccosed oct. 28, 1910 ‘ 953 $1 5 Fitzgerald, A. L., deceased July 7, 1920 p 1168 ,3 g Fitagernld, Barrett and Zoe, minors July 5, 1907 852 l { Fitzgerald, Bonnie, Daisey, John 1 1 Lawrence and Leonard, minors Feb. 3, 1939 . 1754 1 l Fitzgerald, F. D., deceased April 26, 1894 '647 J i Fitzgerald, G. 9. end J. 2., minors Nov. 15, 1861 ' 215 1 i Fitzgerald, Has