xt7ngf0mwf6k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ngf0mwf6k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1976-09-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1976 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1976 1976 1976-09-21 2020 true xt7ngf0mwf6k section xt7ngf0mwf6k Volume LXVIII, Number 28
Tuesday, September 21,



Health Services Covered
by Student Health Fees

Northern Kentucky University‘

[University oi Louisville


Doctor’s office visits

\ lWestern Kentucky University‘


Routine pelvic examination

\ \ iMu'ray State University ‘
\ \ i Eastern Kentucky University


Pap smear

\ \ \ lMonehead State University‘







Allergy injections


First aid care



Physical examination


Udimited visits to Mental Health Clinic



Reference to specialists


Emergency room treatment
when Health Center is closed




Commonly used medications


'No fee charged for health services


information on this chart was attained through administrators of UK, Mur-
ray State University, Eastern Kentucky University, Northern Kentucky Uni-
va'sity, Western Kentucky University, University of Louisville Student Health
Services and Morehead State University Infirmary.










*\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Uriversnyomemucuy

:1 /



GSA lives

SG fails to approve move to abolish assembly

Kernel Staff Writer

The Student Government voted
last night to defeat a constitutional
amendment which would have
abolished the General Student
Assembly (GSA). At the same time,
SG voted to actively search for an
“effective alternative" to GSA.

GSA is a constitutionally-fonned
body made up of full and part-time
students given the power to make
resolutions. The SC constitution
requires that the group meet at least
twice each semester.

SG approved the amendment at its
last meeting by a vote of 26 to 8. In
order for a constitutional amend-
ment to be final, however, it must be
approved by a two-thirds vote in two
consecutive meetings. The final vote
on the amendment was 12 to 18.

At least two of the senators said
the reason for the change in their
votes was that they had recon-
sidered their previous opposition to
GSA. They said they had come to the
conclusion that the two meetings
held last year were unsuccessful
because of procedural difficulties
rather than difficulties inherent in

Cathy Welch, Arts and Sciences
senator, said any opposition she has
to GSA comes as a result of her
being opposed to the resolutions
passed rather than dissatisfaction
with GSA itself.

Hal Haen'ng, SG vice-president,
said the GSA meetings last year
“ran pretty good considering the

rules they had to go by at that time."
He said GSA is a means for a student
organization that feels strongly on a
subject “to express itself."

In a separate measure, SG voted
to search for an alternative for GSA.
The bill, sponsored by Mike
McLaughlin, SG president, Steve
Petry, Engineering senator, Kim
Hay and Billy Henderson, senators-
at-large, gives the Constitutional
Amendment Committee respon-
sibility for finding an “effective

Kim Hay. senator-at-large: Billy Henderson. senator-
at-Iarge; and Bill Crosby, architecture senator. listen


an independent student newspaper 1

Health services


top at Kentucky .

Kernel Staff Writer

Although several other univer-
sities in Kentucky do not charge a
health fee, the services covered by
the $12 per semester health fee at
UK are more extensive than the
services offered at other universities
in the state.

According to Administrator of
Student Health Jean Cox, services
covered by the health fee include
visits to physicians, routine pelvic
examinations, pap smears, con-
traceptive services, immunizations,
allergy injections, first aid care,
physical examinations, reference to
specialists on the medical center
staff, unlimited visits to a mental
health clinic and emergency room
treatment at the medical center
when the health service is not open.

Student health also dispenses
many “commonly used"
medications free of charge to
students who have paid the health
fee. she said.

The measure, which was voted on
prior to the defeat of the anti—GSA
amendment, states that “GSA has
not proven to be an effective means
in communicating with the student

Another move approved by SG last
night condemns the Lexington Metro
Police Department for its use of
dogs to disperse a crowd of students
on Aylesford Place on Saturday,
Sept. 11. Gene Tichenor, senator-at-
large and sponsor of the move, said


to Steve Petrey, engineering senator. during last

This range of services compares
favorably to that offered at Murray
State University, Morehead State
University, Eastern Kentucky
University, Northern Kentucky
University, Western Kentucky
University and the University of
Louisville, according to health
service administrators at these

A comparison of the UK health
services with those of other Ken-
tucky state universities (see chart)
shows that more services are of-
fered by UK. The information was
attained from student health ad-
ministrators of each university
appearing on the chart.

Student health fees at UK began in
ttm, according to Cox. “Up to that
time general university funds
supported the program," she said.
“In 1971 the only way to keep the
program intact without cutting
services was to charge students for
services. We were the first
university in the state to institute 3

Continued on page 6

the resolution is not designed to
“condone what the students did." He
said, however. that he didn’t think
the students' actions warranted
“turning a bunch of dogs loose on

The resolution refers to the use of
dogs in the Aylesford incident as
“irresponsible and excessive.“ It
further states that SG will “deplore
any future use of dogs against
student crowds."

Continued on page 6

—Ii|l Ki‘M

night's Sf} meeting. The observer in the rear is

Close shave

University ofKentuchy
Lexington. Kentucky


—am Kight

Charles Kirk, who works for the UK Physical Plant Ground
Division, appears to be unduly interested in these two signs on
University Drive. Actually, he‘s just making sure that his tractor
tires don‘t graze them as he passes.

Student support dies;
K YSPIRG bites dust

Kernel Reporter

The Kentucky Student Public
Interest Research Group
(KYSPIRG) died last year on the
UK campus of funding failure and
student apathy. It was three years

According to Carlton Currens,
former president, KYSPIRG was a
statewide, non-profit corporation
controlled by a student board of
directors. It was designed “to give
voice and authority to the people of
Kentucky," said Currens.

By combining students‘ energies
with the knowledge and experience
of about 10 people in law, economics,
science and other fields, KYSPIRG
was to serve as an effective in-
strument for change, Currens said.
The group was designed to provide
practical experience for students to
do initial research, organizing and
lobbying with the help and super-
vision of professionals.

Currens said KYSPIRG’s ob-
jective was to accomplish, in their
view, necesary changes in en.
vironmental quality, consumer
protection, racial and sexual
discrimination, occupational safety
and housing problems. Lobbying,

Fine Arts Complex to house art, music departments; theatre remains

Kernel Reporter

With construction set to begin this
winter, the site of old Stoll Field will
soon become the home of UK's new
Fine Arts Compbx. However, the
new building will be without a single
facility for theatre or dance.

Accra-ding to present plans, only
the art and music departments will
be moving into the complex, with the

theatre arts department remahing
in its present structure.

Dean Herbert Drennons of the
College of Arts and Sciences said
that the complex “was designed to
provide performance and exhibition
areas for the music and art
departments. At present, the music
people have no area of their own in
which to perform and the art
department has very little."

“This was our own recom-
mendation,“ said Bob Wills, head of
the theatre arts department. “There
is no feeling on our part that theatre
'3 being slighted in the planning and
construction of the new complex.

Our concem is one of desperately
needing space and really not being
concemod whether it is old or new."

“At present," he continued, "we
have no classrooms of our own. But
with art and music moving to the
new building, this will free up space
for us to use in the present struc-

There are three advantages in the
theatre arts program staying where
it is, according to Wills. He said that
currently there are two good
theatres in the Fine Arts building —
Guignol Theatre and the Laboratory

Theatre “with adequate wing space
and technical facilities for both.
Secmdly, a third theatre can be
added with only slight renovation
work being done. Finally, the
building‘s existing classrooms can
become full—time homes for theatre
arts classes when the new complex
is finished.

Both Wills and Dcnnons said that
the University investigated the
pmsibility of building a new theatre
into the complex. However, the
project‘s limited budget ruled out
the addition. “Inclusion of a theatre

capable d produdng an opera with
all the trimmings was just out of the
question,” said Drennons. “The cost
was horrifying.“

The Fine Arts building, present
home of all three departments, will
be connected by an overhead bridge
to the new structure, which will be
built at the cornerof Rose Street and
Avenue of Champions.

Designed by the firm of Johnson
and Romanowitz, Architects, the
$5.4 million facility will house a
1,500seat concert hall, a «fiscal

litigation, investigative exposes.
public hearings, legislative
testimony and direct citizen action
were KYSPIRG‘s ways of im-
plementing such changes.

Despite good intentions,
KYSPIRG never achieved its goal of
educating students. “They never
fully understood what KYSPIRG
was all about," said Currens.

Consumer advocate Ralph Nader,
cooriginator of the program, spoke
on campus during the spring of 1974.
This stimulated some interest and
awareness, Currens said, but most
of the excitement and enthusiasm
had been Irst by fall semester, 1974.

A funding system to insure con-
tinuity, and financial stability
without catering to any economic or
political group was needed in order
to act in the public interest, Currens
said “A little bit ofmoney from a lot
of people“ to finance the project
seemed the best method, he stated.

(‘ontinued on page 6


Coolin’ off
Partly cloudy and cooler
today, highs in the mid 605.
Colder tonight, lows in the mid
405. Sunny and cool tomorrow,
highs in the low 60s




in old home

recital hall, rehearsal rooms, and a
20,000 square-foot museum. Offices
for the new College of Fine Arts will
be housed on the connecting bridge.

Accrrding to the office of Clifton
Marshall, university architect,
construction bids will be taken on
Sept. a). If one of the bids is ac-
ceptable, actual construction will
begin armnd the first of November.

The remainder of Stoll Field.
which has been vacant since the
demolition of McLean Stadium in
1974, will become a park-like ex-
tension of the Botanical Gardens.







editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

Glnny “wart
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Walter Ilium

Managing Idler
Joan Wiu Illlier

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Susanne Durham Prediction Ian"
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laeteueedifl words and eon-nu are restricted to 1!





discussed substantive issues.


questioning panel.


,1 —-Mari( Kammish


In a Sept. 8 editorial, we supported the
presidential debates if a proper forum for
questions was established and if the candidates

But clearly, the ifs have been neglected by the
debate sponsor, the League of Women Voters,
and the four television networks.

Rules for debate coverage were formulated by
the league in collusion with President Gerald
Ford and Democratic challenger Jimmy Carter.
In addition to barring cameras from cutting
away from the candidates to the audience, the
League also permitted Ford and Carter to
participate in the selection of journalists for the

The four networks justifiably protested the
candidates‘ role in “staging” the debates. They
argued that the debates were a news event and
that taking directives from the candidates




Presidential candidates
become TV producers

amounted to prior censorship.
The candidates for president of the United
States have now become television producers.

They are screening cast members ——the jour-

The League

nalists —and directing camera crews.

of Women Voters provided a

public service when they offered to sponsor the


debates. But the organization has displayed
tremendous weakness by allowing the can-
didates to produce the show.

Similarly, the four networks, who have
acquiessed to demands by the League and the
have created a dangerous
precedent. By allowing outside forces to control

coverage, a basic journalistic principle ——


Much has been said and written
about the alleged failure of
Democratic presidential candidate
pressing national issues in the
course of his campaign. This ac-




cusation has remained surprisingly
durable even in the face of public

' stands taken by Carter on even the

most controversial topics.

In order to help the Kernel‘s
readers make an informed choice
among the different candidates and
to focus particular attention on the
relationships between the settled
public positions espoused by Jimmy
Carter and his private character, it
is necessary to catalog some of the
issues about which Carter has

‘Can government be honest.
decent and open‘?‘

This is one question that Carter
deals with frequently in public
appearances. He believes the






freedom from prior restraint has been neglected.
We hope the networks don‘t give in so easily in
negotiations over coverage of the three ensuing

federal government should adopt an
all inclusive “sunshine" law which
would require that meetings of
federal boards, commissions and
regulatory agencies be opened to the
public and that the same rules be
applied to congressional com-
mittees. The only exceptions to this
rule which Carter would recognize
are those involving narrowly-
defined national security issues.

A broad public access consonant
with the right of personal privacy,
which includes declassification of
unnecessarily classified materials
and stringent restrictions on the
future use of the “top secret" stamp,
is considered essential by the

Of particular concern to Carter is
the shadowy relationship between
elected officials and representatives
of special interests. As with most
areas, he believes the solution to this
problem is to open these tran-
sactions to public View.

To accomplish this, Carter favors
a new lobbying law which would








; .. \u 0 ll-

Tips l5 WHY I PRAY.

HE s BEEN Asrrm mtuou YRS.






require more than $250 during the
reporting period. In addition, the
ca nd idate fa vors public disclosure of
all requests for special government
consideration by private or cor-
porate interests. Carter has
repeatedly stated that decisions on
such matters will be made strictly
on the basis of merit.

A parallel problem is the
“sweetheart” arrangement which
exists between regulatory agencies
and the industries they regulate.

The present practice whereby
decision makers within the
regulatory agencies are taken from
the industries regulated, returning
to these at the end of their govern-
ment service, has drawn special
criticism from Carter. He is com-
mitted to discouraging this practice.

With his own fine sense of ethics,
Carter is especially sensitive to
prospective conflicts of interest on
the part (1 public officials. He is
committed to legislation requiring

'complete revelation of all business

and financial interests of all major

officials, and would insist upon the
divestiture of holdings which might
affect decision making.

Intrusion of political patronage
into such important areas as the
appointment of ambassadors and
other diplomats, federal judges,
prosecutors and the upper levels of
nearly all executive agencies
greatly disturbs Carter. To help
remedy this problem with regard to
judicial appa'ntments, he proposes
the use of a blue ribbon panel to
recommend those persons best
qualified to fill judicial vacancies.

Another Carter proposal to help
depoliticize such important positions
is his recanmendation that the
attorney general and his assistants
be barred from political activity. To
further assure independence of the
attorney general’s office, Carter
favors giving future attorneys
general those powers and
prerogatives recently given to the
Watergate special prosecutors.

This change would be made with
the understanding that attorneys

Michael Macca is a freelance artist.

Candidate Carter... His administration would keep government open

general would still be appointed by
the president with advise and
consent of the Senate, serve for a
specified term, subject to removal
only for malfeasance.

Carter strongly favors
maximization of personal privacy
for private citizens while constantly
emphasizingtheneedfor completely
open government. To increase his
own availability to the public, he
promises to hold frequent press
conferences — a minimum of one a
month — during his administration.

In short, he pledges never to close
the door to the Oval Office.

In evaluating these positions as

well as those of other Candidates, it
is important to consider whether
they have any reasonable chance of
beingimplemented. This means that
any thinking voter must weigh
whether the candidate who receives
his vote can be elected.
This article was submitted by UK
Carter Campaign members Jim
Gordon. Linda Ferris, Jeff Bowman
and Roy Fugitt.



Being nrce

My dear Miss Pickford, thank you
for your amusing and informative
letter to the Kernel Sept. 14. If you
could stop cheering for “our” team
(rah! rah! rah!)andopen youreyes,
you would see more, much more.

I see a few, maybe seven, selected
days in the fall of each year where
50,000 hopeful people fight the
traffic, the crowds and the drunks to
experience our most native form of
Americana. . . I see the spirit of an
otherwise diversified and separated
groupof people, UK students, drawn
together for that magical moment. .
. And I see 22 players, trying to
prove themselves more than to
anyone else, that they are men. .


Miss Pickford, stop what you are
doing and listen. Above all that
worthless garble you’re saying, do
you hear those poor “exploited
females” complaining about
mistreatment? I think not. Now
think about what you said about
“dignity" and the “FEMALE
ROLE.” Whate the hell is the female
role? I thought women had the right
to decide their own place in life.

Oh, one more thing, do you
remember your assumption that
“attractive" girls aren’t informed?
Really, Joanna, that’s not being
very nice. Being nice is being like
me. I wouldn't dream of calling you
a Female Chauvrnist Pig!

Chuck Hellman
business administration senior

Jay of cooking

I must thank Marie Mitchell for
her interesting and useful article
‘Dorm chefs improvise cooking
techniques.’ I lived in a dormitory
and had a pretty tough time going
without breakfasts.

My ‘Hurrahs’ to this innovative
girl, Greryl Gregory, for her coming
up with the idea of preparing easily
a nourishing breakfast. I am sure
many students will try this simple
method enthusiastically. Well done
and congratulations, Cheryl.

B. Muniveerappa
Department of Mechanical








“Dear“ Mr. Norton, you may be a
great assistant professor of your so-
called psychology but, actually you
don‘t have a damn bit of taste in
entertainment. I read your article in
the Kernel and it was the most
outrageously funny commentary




I‘ve ever seen! Your article was on
KISS, or as you called them -— the
dancing bears of rock (HA! HA!
that‘s a clever one!).

You see I was at the Sept. 8 con-
cert in Louisville at Freedom Hall.
Yes, I saw it all. and I‘m proud to
say KISS was as great as ever!!
Their stage show is magnificent.
Their talents as musicians are
limitless! Really, these guys have
worked long and hard to achieve
what they are today (the Hottest

Band in the Land and you, as a
mere mortal, have no right what-
soever to rub this terrific group's
face in the mud like you did in your
ridiculous article!! Obviously your
binoculars weren‘t working very
well dear, because frankly I think
you mi$ed the whole concert!

Since you don‘t know the
“meaning“ of KISS, let me offer to
you this quote once said by Gene
Simmons himself:

“Really whatwe‘re dealing with is
emotions, you don‘t always get a
chance to pumh somebody in the
face when you feel like it. It‘s
frustration and it builds. Some
people never let it out. They crack
and they‘re (arried away by the men
in white coats. Our situations are
‘Let your guts out‘ things. You
scream and all that frustration
comes out. When people become
disenchanted with the world they
turn to fantasy — and here we are.
We‘re real fantasy figures.“

This group is the height of Rock
and Roll today. The boundless
creatures from Mars that came to
rescue the locked up feelings of
young and old alike. Oh yes, and the
part you wrote about Gene Simmons
spitting out “cow-blood." Well, you
read the latest article on KISS in
Circus magazine didn't you, Mr.
Norton? I'll have you know dear,
that this was a downright lie.
Publicity is all they are concerned
with, not the poor stomach of Gene
Simmons, who incidently wouldn't
touch “co w-blood" with a 10-foot
pole, let alone put in his mouth!

You see, I met Gene Simmons
himself at the hotel they were
staying at in Lou'sville. He is the
most decent and considerate person
I have ever met! He confided a few
secrets with me and a few friends
before he bid us a pleasant good.
night. One of them was that you
can‘t beievea thhg magazines say.
But, if course, Mr. Norton, due to

your incredible 1.0. you believed
every word you read! (No more than
to be expected I'm sure.)

Also, for your personal in-
formation, the “blood" he spits out
is nothing near the real thing. He
also said that due to their
remarkable stage set-up they gave
jobs to thousands of unemployed
skilled men and women. lncidently,
KISS doesn't take any types of drugs
so their act will always be in tip top
shape for every concert.

KISS may not be all “clean," Mr.
Norton, but they do take showers
after every concert (Which is every
day). Otherwise, what is wrong
with their act? If your idea of “raw
sexuality" and "vintage violence”
are displayed at a KISS concert,
have you watched the 11pm. news
lately? If ya: want to clean up sex
and violence in today's world, Mr.
Norton, go play Super Straight Stud
to Hugh Hefne- and Kojak (now
there's your sex and violence).

Also, I very much doubt that one
more tour will “do KISS in” Mr.
Norton. If the “Rolling Stones" can
last as long as they have playing the
shit they play, KISS should be im-
mortal cause they could go on
playing the rest of eternity! From
now on, Mr. Norton, if you don’t
have anything good to say about a
group, don't say anything at all!

Oh yeah, I thought I'd let you in on
andher secret, the reason your
favorite Bob Seger was backing up
Kiss is because they “need" the
publicity. Bob Seger knew that KISS
would a bigger crowd than anyone
else in the Rock and Roll world of
today (and tomorrow). He and his
band of bullets were lucky to even
appear, let alone with KISS!

“All right, fans, let's hear it for


Tammy Gondola is a Lexington








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news briefs




Candidates, three networks agree on terms

President Ford agreed with a
proposal banning camera
shots of the audience during
his televised debate with
Jimmy Carter on Thursday
night, a White House
spokesman said yesterday.

“It is the League of Women
Voters proposal and we ac-
cept it and the Carter people
accept it,” Press Secretary
Ron Nesen said.

The three commercial
television networks have
objected to the restriction.
but CBS and NBC have
agreed to televise Thursday‘s
debate between President
Ford and Democratic
nominee Jimmy Carter.

There was no an-
nouncement from the third
major network, ABC.
Earlier, the Public Broad-
casting Service had an-
nounced it would televise the

Originally, the networks
had balked at ground rules
that barred cameras from
cutting away from the can-
didates to the audience at any
point during the 90-minute


They also protested the
decision of the debate
sponsors. the League of
Women Voters. to permit
Ford and Carter to par-
ticipate in the selection of
journalists who will do the

Richard S. Salant.
president of CBS News. said
in a statement: “Despite all
this, because of the special
circumstances presented »
the overriding interest in and
special nature of the event
and the shortness of time —
CBS News has with sub
stantial reservations resolved
this difficult question by
deciding to broadcast the

NBC News said in a

“We assume from various
reports that there will be no
modification in the control of

some of the broadcast aspects
of the debate. That is
regrettable because it keeps
us from doing the best job
possible. But the central news
is the debate itself and NBC
will be in Philadelphia


battle in Panama

Panamanian soldiers fired
over the heads of rock-throw-
ing university students yes-
terday during an escalation of .
student demonstrations
against policies‘of Gen. Omar
Torrijes‘" government.

gilt appeared no one was

"wounded by the shooting.

which came after a student
fired a shot into the air. After
the volley, the police attacked
with tear gas and truncheons
and at least three dozen
persons were arrested. The
disturbance lasted several

Reporters at the scene said
combat-ready national
guardsmen arriving outside
Panama’s National Univer-
sity yesterday afternoon were

met by thrown rocks. Then a
student dashed to within a
few feet of the troops and
fired a pistol over the fence
above their heads.

The student rejoined fellow
demonstrators as about a
dozen soldiers wearing gas
masks fired shots into the air.
witnesses said. Moments
later. guardsmcn shot tear
gas grenades onto the univer-
sity grounds and hit several
students with rubber trunch-
cons. Reporters saw one
bleeding student fleeing.

Shortly after the shooting. a
band of students scaled the
fence and set fire to a parked
car As the vehicle burned.
they scrambled back to the
safety of the university
grounds. which the troops did
not enter.

Thursday night to carry it

Meanwhile. there were
these other developments:

~It was learned that the
second in the series of three
Ford-Carter debates will be
held in San Francisco. It will
be staged Oct. Sand will focus

Vernon Adair rocks back—both jaws
packed with tobacco—during the In-
diana State Fair tobacco spitting contest

on foreign policy and national

~The League of Women
voters said Edwin Newman of
NBC will serve as moderator
of the first campaign debate
and the panel of questioners
will be James P. Gannon of
the Wall Street Journal.

Patooie !!

Elizabeth Drew of the New
Yorker and Frank Reynolds
of ABC News.

The first debate. in
Philadelphia. will deal with
domestic and economic
issues. The third debate, on
Oct. 22, will be open to a
variety of topics.

in Indianapolis. .\dair‘s l7-l'oot shot was
two feet short of the winner. but he won
the 'style show, according to fans.

100 die as Lebanon truce ends

BI‘IIRL'T. Lebanon | AP] —
Lebanon sank deeper in its
bloodbath'yesterday after the
collapse of yet another effort
to end the 17-month-old civil

Fighting increased long
traditional Moslcm~Christian
fronts. In addition. rival
Christian militias fought each
other in two separate deadly
clashes. These apparently
stemmed from undeclared
inter-Christian differences
over the takeover of power by
President-Elect Elias Sarkis.
a moderate Christian. next

The casualty toll in the

Black African rule proposals unveiled

PRE'I‘ORIA. South Africa
(AP) —The American-British
plan outlined to southern
African leaders by
Secretary of State Henry A.
Kissinger is intended to in-
sure that blacks and whites
can live and work together in
a peaceful, thriving, in-
dependent Rhodesia.

US officials said the
scheme, which Kissinger has
been bringing up during his
week-old peace shuttle. would
mean setting up under
Britain‘s leadership an in-
ternational consortium with
funds in the vicinity of $2
billion to be used mainly for
development and investment

but also to safeguard
emigrating whites against

"If a settlement based on
black rule is reached. it is a
shared American‘British
belief that African
aspirations for independence
could be reconciled with
European white fears." a
senior British authority
explained. “Many black
leaders have expressed their
strong desire that those
whites ready to put their faith
in Rhodesia should stay on
there where their talents
would help in the country’s

Kissinger and British



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Foreign Secretary Anthony
(frosland. according to
sources from both countries.
are sounding out the views of
friendly Commonwealth.
European Common Market
and other allied governments
about the extent to which they
would be ready to contribute
to the fund.

Members of Kissinger‘s
party appear inhibited about
discussing the scheme
because it still is a subject of
exchanges with the South
African and Rhodesian prime
ministers. John Vorster and
Ian Smith. A senior US.
official recently said details
are not complete.

latest 24-hour period since the
collapse of a tripartite Leb-
peace conference at (‘litoura
Sunday. was 110 killed and 150
wounded. according to hos-
)itsil estimates.

The night fighting in Beirut
was the heaviest in two
weeks. It included indiscrim-
inate shelling by both sides of
residential areas. well be-
yond the four-mile battle
front splitting the city.

Martha Mitchell: she believed

Watergaters caused her illness

Martha Mitchell was con-
vinced members of the Nixon
administration induced the
bone marrow cancer that
eventually killed her. a blood
specialist who treated Mrs.
Mitchell says.

“She never gave up the
lingering idea that ‘those
guys‘ had induced her
illness." Dr. Klaus Mayer
was quoted as saying in the
current issue of Ladies‘ Home
Journal. The article was
written by Helen Thomas of
United Press International.
long a confidante of Mrs.

Mrs. Mitchell.