xt7nk9315n8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nk9315n8t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-11-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1977 1977 1977-11-30 2020 true xt7nk9315n8t section xt7nk9315n8t  

Volume LXIX, Number 72
Wednesday, November 30. i977


Texas transfer

Former J-school head

shapes up department

on Austin campus

Kernel Staff Writer

Dr. Dwight Teeter, the man
responsible for getting UK‘s jour-
nalism school accreditation back, is
now at the University of Texas
trying to do the same thing for its
journalism department.

Teeter, who left his position as
director of the journalism school in
May, is now the ciairman d UT’s
journalism department. Of his work
on accreditation, he says he feels
he’s made good progress, but that it
has taken much longer than he
anticipated Accreditors are ex-
pected at UT Dec. 7.

As for his other duties, Teeter
says, “I do the same kind of thing
here thatl did there (at UK), and l



like the cianges from day b day.
Even though I may notlike all of the
changes, its never drill. The faculty
is very friendly and tolerant of
either me or the fact that I am a

He added that his one biggest
frustratim is that he has not been
able to get out arri see the state. “I
had pnaimonia for threeweeks, and

United Way
gets check
from Haggin

Haggin Hall’s Jim Williams
presented the United Way can-
mittee with acheck for $2,500 at last
Wednesday’s fund (hive banquet at
the Hyatt House.

The money was raised by the
residents of thatda'm ina campaign
that inchded a raffle, a “floor
contest" and a benefit dance in the
Student Center ballroom.

Haggin’s contribution brought to
$105,409 the amount raised by
studerts, faculty and staff at ‘UK,
making the University the largest
group contributor to the United Way
for the sixth year in a row.

that caused part of my semack.”

Teeter’s main goal is placing
studentsinjobsaftergradrntim. “If
we can’t place every student that
wants a job, then we might as well
shut down.

“My views are similar to those of
my former cdleagues at UK; we are
not interested in news consumers,”
he said, but rather making jour-
nalism students news producers.

“We‘ve had good success with
placement, so we plan to keep going.
Here (in Arutin), we now have more
editorial newsjdis open than we can
fill. My pay-off is when I can get
students out and they do a good job .”
Teeter added that he had just
received word from a former student
who had won the Pulitzer Prize this

The journalism school at UT is l

much larger than UK’s, but Teeter
said it is not the largest in the
country, as many people seem to
believe. UT‘s program has 500
classes, but only 35 or 40 are in the
junior or senior level, and, ac-
cording to Teeter, that is what
makes it smaller than other
univ ersit ies.

Teeter said he hopes to get out
from behind his desk soon and meet
more students and faculty. He said
his biggest concern before going to
UT was that as big as the school is, it
would be impersmal. Brit once he
got there, he said he was pleasantly
surprised to find it isn’t.

Teeter has mingled among the
students at least once when he was
chosen to help coach the football
team for a day. He erplained that
two or three professors are chosen
for every hone game, to spend the
day with the team.

“We ate lunch with them and
spent halftime in the locker room.
That day we beat Virginia, 68 to 0.
Fred Akers, the coach, told me that
if I hadn’t messed them up, they
would‘ve run the score up further.”

Besides h's ptsition at UT, Teeter
is wa'kirg on the final draft d a
second edition of a communications
law tertbook he wrote with Dr.
Harold Nelsm of fire University of

He said he hopes to meet with
Nelsm at the end of December to
fin'sh the final draft. “I’ve had
trouble getting at it. it’s been slower
than I had anticipated."

He added that there is not much
new ga'ng on in the area it libel, but
thelaw can be more damaging to the
press than ever. “Some papers just
can’t afford to have a suit against
them; it’s expersive even if they
don’t go to court. "

Teeter mentioned several times
that he misses UK, and the students
and faculty. “The journalism school
(UK’s) has excellent support up
there, and the one iere does, too I
guessthatit willjusttakemeawhile
to get acquainted and to get the
special cmtacts that I had up






r 3

center court.



(Ul independent student newspaper W}

Taking a pause that refreshes, \t‘ildcat LaV'on Williams, sophomore
forward, sips water that's melted from a bag of crushed ice during
basketball practice yesterday in Rupp Arena. The Cats are
preparing to meet the Indiana L'niversity Hoosiers, who will come
to the arena Monday. This will be the iIoosicrs’ first visit to the civic


“he” , "
‘° Wm mom-wsxmtm



~48"! flight

Cat’s sip i


Needs volunteers

Book swap may go on despite debt

Kernel Reporter

Despite the fact that the Student
Government's book exchange
program went. into debt last year,
coordinators are willing to try it
again this year because a nrrrnber of
students have requested the service.

SG sonata Mark Benson, vrho is in
charge oftie program, said, "(in the
whole, we handled 3,200 books last
year and saved the students
thorsancb of dollars."

The book exchange is meant to be

an alternative to the camprs and
local bookstores fa‘ buying and
selling used textbooks. Generally,
students can get a greater msh
return on their books sold thrrugh
the book exchange.

To make tire project a reality this
year, Benson said, studerts need to
respond now. He said students are
needed to volunteer to help with the

Benson said if the rspome is
large enough and the service is
implemented this year, several
improvements will be made to





University 0! Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

Water line tests
delay completion
of utilities trench

Kernel Staff Writer

The new campus “boardwalk"
extending from Funkhorse' Drive to
Euclid Avenue will be complete in
about three weeks, miversity of-
ficials said.

“As of Nov. 1, the project was 65
percent complete,” said UK Design
and Constructim Director Clifton
Marshall. Gary Cunningham,
construction engineer, estimated the
project at 72-73 percent complete.

Work on the walkway-utility
trench began July 5, bit a com-
bination d unforeseen problem and
bad weather has resulted in three
extensions of construction com-
pletion dates. Tie original com-
pletion date was Nov. 15.

Cunningham said the present
delay involves the water line, used
for air conditirning, which lead to
the new Fine Arts Building, Thirty-
six hours are necessary to prepare
the pipes for testing, drring which
they are filled with water. He said
the contractors are now dolrg this
and that if the pipes are sound, they
will be irsulated Friday.

There were p‘obiems obtaining
bolts to connect the existirg utility
lines near tie library with the new
trench lines, said Fred Walker (1
White, Walker and McReynolds
project engineers.

The system of a boardwalk-utility
trench is unique because of its
versatility, Marshall said

“You get utility lines—steam,
electric, and air conditioring line—
through a central point where they
can serve as many buildings as
possible,“ he said.

“This trench gives us a north to
south tie-in between Funkhouser
Drive and Euclid Aveue, and it
goes over the east-to-west trmnel (1
utility lines near the main library,”
Marshall said.

Joining the north-south ling and
east-west lines simplifies the utility
system, allowirg access to the entire
system at me point at campis,
Marshall said.

The fourton precat concrete
slabs, 15 feetinlength and five or six
feet in wrdth, cover the pipes and

streamline the program. These

include using computers fit in

ventories and hiring only two

Students can also save time using
the book exchange, according to
Benson. There will be several pick-
up points around campus for books,
and according to Benson, when a
student canesin to prrchase a book,
the process should take less than five

"The idea is to save the students
time and money, something that
cant be done standing in a line at

lines but are easily removable for
repair work

“This is are of the first trenches (i
this type that’s been bu'lt," mid
Cunningham, “Other universities
are lookirg at the project and are
interested in it.”

Business Affairs Vice President
Jack Blanton said, “The work-
manshiplooks good, and theconcept
works out well,”

The cracks between the cmcrete
slabs will be filled with special
caulking when the temperature
reaches 40 degrees or above, said
Walker. The polyurefliane material
the contractors plan to use won’t
solidify unless the temperature is
above 40, so the cradrs will [robably
remain open all winter, Marshall

Neither Walker nor Blanton
foresees any prrblem with accidents
involving the open cracks in the
sidewalk, becarse, they said, the
inch wide space between each slab is
too small to catch a heel in. Blanton
said he wasn’t aware that any ac-
cidents had occurred and added that
leaving the cracks open doesn't
violate any safety regrlatiors.

New light fixtures, a handrail m
sloped walkway sections and ex-
tensions ri library and classroom
building plazas are planned as soon
as the rest of the concrete slabs,
which are already manufactured,
are placed on the walk.

Sodding and landscaping of the
muddy areas edg'ng the walk will
have to wait until] spring, Marshall
said. Plann'ng is continuing on a
landscaped walkway intersection
west of the new Fine Arts Building.
The intersection will contain ben-
ches, a statue (r scripture, and

Marsimll said, “We estimate the
total final cost of the project at
approximately $411),000.

Both Marshall and Cunn'ngham
appreciate the understanding and
maturity shown by students and
faculty members during the con
struction activity.

“For the complexity of the job,
we’ve had excellent support from
the students, especially the ban-
dicapped," Cunningham said.

one of the local bodrstores.” Benson

“Each student would save from 10
to 20 percent on each book, which
may not souni like a lot. But com-
pare it to the fact that if he (a
student) were to take the bodr badr
to the bodrstore where he bought it,
hestanrk to loseso to 60 rercent on a
new book and 30 to 50 percent on a
used text.

“The student can only benefit
from the use of the book exchange, ”
Benson said.





DETERMINING II" THE VICTIIMS were totally 'lrnocert
can be one of the difficult aspects of awarding money unrtr
the Kentucky Crime Victims Compensation Law, theprog'am
director said Tuesday.

“The law gives the (rime Compensation Board members
wide discretion on the extent, ifan y, that provocation should
affect the degree or amount of the award.“ said (‘attie Lou
Miller, executive directa' of the board.

One claimant Paul C l‘urner of Lmisville was sint
several times by Walter Conway of Frankfort, as bestowed
from a car parked in rural Franklin County where he had
been sitting with Turner‘s wife. Board member Fred Morgan
ruled that the six shotgm wounds Turnerinoirred were not
provoked, althurgh Turner was with Conway' s wife at the
time of the shooting.

“Some crimes that come before the board defy reality,
they‘re so violent. ‘ Miller said. "Those people v.ho have
received grants are inmcert victims. They hive no other
source of funds."

COAL OPERATORS AND MINERS in Kentucky are still
resigned to a national strike. desp‘te the intervmtion of
federal mediators in Washirgton coal contract talks.
spokesmen said yesterday

Industry and miners‘ rerresentativrs agreed it is too late
for the United Mine Workers to ratify an agreement before
the contract expirrs Dec 6, and that a contract extension is

“ It can be extended. and that is always a possbility, bit I
don't think anyone sees it as a very great om," said Tom
Duncan. president of the Lexington-basal Kentudty Coal


Mill-:5 l-IAIII. RAY was denied a new tr'nl on escape
charges yesterday. amd Itay will have another l~2 year term
added to his 99year prison sentence for killing Martin Luther
King, Jr.

Criminal Court Judge lee Asbury denied Ray's motion for
a retrial in a hearing in Wartbrrg. Tenn. and ordered that
Ray be sentenced today. Ray. 49, and six omer prisoners
climbed over the wall of Brushy Mountain Penitentiary on
June to. All were recaptured in the next four dws, Ray after

54"; hours if wanderirg through the mountaimrn
surrounding the prison.

CINCINNATI TRAILI-II) six other cities as the mat
desirable place to live. according to a national srrvey
commissioned by the Cincinnati Chamber of Comme rce San

Fransisco rated first followed by Atlanta, hfinneapolis,
Kansas City, Hartford and Lou'sville.

of 25 and 54. Although nationally the survey responrknts
charly favored Louisville over Cincinnati, the closer to
(‘incinnati the respondentslived the morelikelythey were to
rate it h‘ghly against oher citirs. Even among those livng
less than 150 mfles from lorisville, Cincinnati was topchoice.

today in the low and mid 4th andlows bright in the low «is.
Cloudy and cool tomorrow with a chance of mowers, highs in
the mid 40s. Probabilities of measrnbb precbitation 50
percent, 70 percent today and toright.

The survey sampled 1,5)0 wage earners between the ages


(‘00L WITH RAIN LIKELY today and ton'ght. Highs

Compiled Irerrr Associated Press depetches




040.4,Nn-‘00au- -».~......r.





mm to am New at»: cm Plot-mom I‘m mum
Stove Bullhur Sin-Inn- Durham um Kim
Judith Burton
Mun-gin. Editor Ml.“ 5"“? Sports Editor Lynn Funk
lick Gabriel Mort: Mitchell David lllbbltu mu, pup"
Phil Rutledge
Flltnrlul Editor 3“" Artist an. Editor
Jm Kemp William Full“ Thomas (‘lurk



Books won

without some volunteers

The future of a project that has shown much
promise is in jeopardy at UK. Unless volunteers
come forward, the Student Govemmert book
exchange will not operate next week.

Without the book exchange, UK students Will
be left at the mercy of the three—oops, two—~-
bookstores near campts. With that kind of
competition between the canmercial dealers,
it’s urgent that this strong alternative be con-


The exchange can save students a good deal of
money when it comes time to trade in textbooks.
because it has few expenses to pay for and

doesn’t need profits.

Jimmy can’t ’seem,’ s

\l'.»\Slll.\Jti’l‘it\~—- President
Carter ins hit his first nadir. All
presidents have nadirs. sane as
often as every 5.x months. others
quite rarely. It's ares-nit of everyone
knowing that the y' re stuckwith each
other for a fixed four-year term.

Anything can bring on a nadir.
Franklin Roosevelt had one once
owing to a sudden loss of interest in


After falling in debt last year, the exchange
was revived with some changes this year. Much
of the processing will be comptterized and the
sales will be streamlined, according to Mark
Home Economics student senator. ‘
Benson estimates that students could save 10 to
20 percent of the cat of the book by buying
through the exchange.

0f cmrse, all of this could becane as y
academic as the textbooks if no one volunteers to
help run the operation. That would be a tough
break for all students who need to save money,
and a tough blow for Student Government in

tryingto work forand with the studentbody.

’i. Wooten is that the dd peanut
farmer is breaking down at the
edges: “There are new furrows in
his brow, deeper creases in his
cheeks. fresh tints arourd his eyes
and more flesh beneath his chin, all
testimony to the incessant demand
of White House responsibilities..."

While th is isn't as bad as an artice
suggesting he has to take uppers to

Nicholas Von Hoffman


the work. He dawdled and doodled
for months near the beginnirg if his
sccondterm. Then is snapped out (I
it. which made things seem much
better. and since die art of seeming
and making others seemis the heart
of the professional craft, everyone
immediately felt better.

Carter had not yet learned how to
seem properly The pone-crippled
FDR used his handicap to seem
stronger than ordinary men. One of
the ways he created the illusion was
not to permit the newspeople to take
pictures of him being assisted tr
seated in a. whtelchrdr. Thus the
actual infrrmities of the disease
were never cieary depicted while
this big. energetic torso of a man
overcoming them was quite vivid

Publicrty rigors

Carter has no very obvious
physical handicaps, unless you
count the one nded by the New York
Times recently under the headline of
“Rigors rx‘ the Presidency Are
Showing Up in Carter‘s New

The nub of the piece by Mr. James




drag limself through the day, it's
the type of publicity they hit ydi
with when you're suffering through
a nadir.

Nadirs are mtxe likely to oedir in
nonelection years unless the glutty
surplus of pditical reporters can be
kept distracted will allexpenae paid
seminars on emergirg trends of the
early '8ts in Aspen.

If allowed to stay in Washington
these people will fill their idle hours
by con missiming public opinim
polls. This means 1,500 nd too
randomly seected citizens. who
haven’t given the matter a second
thought. will be asked, ”Is Jimmy
Carter living up to your or-
pectatiors?“ Is your new Chevrolet,
IS your wife (I husband are your
kids, are you living up to your or-

Nothing is and nothing does.

Armed with this data if unrivaled
unreliability, 10,000 petple can htp
to their keyboards and write, “With
his popularity ratings in the polls
slipping badly, it‘s fair to say that
President Carter’s 11—month-old
admin'stration is in trouble.

The phrase “in truible“ is por-

' hit/M1,: u, .


5 N



tentous because it's so imprecise. In
fact, the trouble that a (resident is in
when floating in the greasy waters of
a full-fledged nadir is that he gets
picked apart for what he and other
presidents are praised for when
floating on an apogee.

Thus the complaints wer Carter
surrounding h'mself with men and
women who, we‘re given to un-
derstand, are provincial Georgia

John Kennedy was admired for his
Massachusetts Irish Mafia, and here
was a time when you could read
about how Nixm’s bright, young,
Southern Californian men were
bringing a fresh western je ne sais
quoi to your nation‘s capital.
They‘ve got just as much je ne sais
quoi in Getrgia but, like a lot of good
things, you can‘t see it during a

Too ma ny ideas

They’re pidring on Jimmy frr
submitting too many ideas to
Congress at one time and, as anyone
familiar with that institution will tell
you, even a single idea can be no
more than those 535 geniuses can

FDR said, “It is a little but dif—
ficuit in our system of govemment to
pursue two equally important things
with equal emphasis at the same
time. That is darned hard."

Yet Roosevelt himself scored
some of his most important
legislative succms when he was
throwing a lot of thirgs at Congress
at once. At best, FDR coild seem
four times larger than life, the
personification of the word
leadership, because he invited the
country to do what it wanted to do




7 o STD.
a gram 5&9. ’

wont totem... ”

. (All Do
Willi Till








anyway. He had the gift not (i
simply being lucky, but of knowing
when he was lucky.

That's called timirg, am this isn’t
a particularly good moment. Carter
can't ask the counry to do what it
wants to because it doesn’t know

what it wants to do. The program he
got elected on last autumn turned
out to be conventimal sloganeering.
There was no mandate and no way
to manufacture one.
But the days will pass, something
will suggest itself, or some happy

ohe’s depressed

catastrtphe will offer Carter an
oppcrtunity to seem m5 idential and
the first nadir will be over.

Copyright. 1977. by King Features
Syndicate, lnc.

Another Normal adventure

Speedo's X-mas


Another in the continuing ad-
ventures of Speedo Normal, mild
mannered normal person from
Nowhere, USA.

"Speedo—Speedo dear. Let‘s go
out and do some Christmas shapping
today. The magic date is getting


up rich


closer and closer and we don’t want
to be caught in the last minute

“Last minute rush?" Speedo
asked, “Dec. 25 doesn’t come for
another four weeks!”

“I know, but I’d really like to get
started on my shopping There are
so many people andl jist don‘t have
any idea what to get for anyone.”

So Speedo and his girlfriend,
Speedia, traveled out to the local
shopping mall.

.Nxm‘mmmvw‘NWN \\\\\‘*~\
s“ “\sfiwmxm




“Can ya: 5% it, Speeda?”

“Yes. It’s mly another block

Three hours later, the two made it
to the shopping mall entrance. After
drifting aimlessly for a while, they
entered the closest department store

“Oh look. Speed.." Speedo hated
that nickname,“there’s a Kermit
The Frog."

“1 hate that nickname. What’s a
Hermit The Frtg anyway?"

“It’s Kermit The Frog. Why it's
simply the hatst item on the
Christmas market. Everyone is
trying to get one. And they are so
hard to find. Why, there are hardly
any left in town. Mister? Oh,

“Yes ma‘m," arswered die clerk

“How much are your Kermit The

“Well ma’m. make that Kermit
The Frog. It’s the last one in stock.
And just about every retail store in
town has called is askirg for any
Kermits we can spare. It seems
we‘re the oriy place in town with any

“ Oh Speed, Speed—you know what
I want for Clristmas more .
anything in the whole wide wald?
Do ya‘, huh, do ya’?"

“A Rotco Jiffy Taco Toaster? And
I hate that nidma..."

“A Kermit The Frog! l”

“How couldI ever have guesed.”
Speedo reluctantly forked over the
cash for the last Kermit in town.
Damn corporate capitalism, he
thought. Facing shortages in the
consumer market by under
production. Now, undoubtedly, the
price of Kermits will skyrocket and
people will be put on back orders fa'
months. Goodness gracious—
Christmas would now fall in March!

“Now Spud, dear..."

Speedo interupted with a loui
clearing of the tlroat.

“I mean Speech—what do you
want it! Christmas?”

“Wlut do I wont?" be ponders!
out loud. Thai, with swelling rage he
answered “What do lwant?”

“Of course, dear. How could I
possibly at you somethirg nice
without knowing what you want?
There are just too many people I
must shop for and coming up with a
cute idea for each one is just next to
impossible. And it would be such I
waste to pt you sometflng you‘d

r.,._~~-—-. ...-

have to return anyway ’cause it was
the wrong color, or ’caise you didn't
like to make deepfried ores cert

“But I just don’t understand
What’s the point d it all if you can
make up a list of what you want,
distribute the list, and expect it to be
fulfilled by the magic (by? Where is
the spirit d giving, the desire to give
out of feelirg rather than the at-
pecting to get cut of wanting? The
whole event becomes an excme fu-
people to buy fir thermelvs what
they wouldn’t ntrmally buy during
the rest of the year!"

“You‘re spoiling my whole
Christmas,” Speedia sobbed

“I'm spa’ling your Christmas?
What about me?”

Speedia began to moan softly,
turning her head to are side,
avoiding Speedo's glance. And
Speed (whoop—Speech) hates to
see any woman cry.

“Listen. I‘m sorry. Let’s forget it
1 was wrong.” Spealo was being
disgustingly apologetic, but why the
hell not. If that’s what Christmas is
about, so be it.

“I’ll tell you what. Let's go over to
the book section and I'm sure I’ll
find sanething I’d really like fir

They walked tlrmgh the bodr
section, lmking at the categoria.

“Let’s see," Speedo thought out
loud, “we have ‘h'sta'y,’ ‘arts,’
‘sports,’ ‘classil’...”

“0h, Speedo. Look." Speedia’s
demeanor was remarkably im-
proved. “Right over there, between
‘fiction’ and ‘liyit ertertainment’
They have a new section."

Speedo was brightened by
Speedia’s charge in mod until he
saw the new section. He coultki’t
help but twinge in pain.


“Oh yes And look. Tlu latest book
is entitled I Installed the San
Clemente Sewer Linch'lhe True
Story Beflnd The Plumbers. Doesn’t
it somd cute?”

“Sure does," Speedo replied with
a forced grin.

Oh well, he thought. It’s Christ-
mas. Why not.

Harry B. Miller Ill b early for
Christmas. but then ngnh. be can
afford to be. lllo column appear!
every Wednesday.




._.._.— _








ter an
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on didn't

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Where is
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n softly,
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forget it.
as being
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ably im-
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:ned by
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._.._.— _




Long and


r-E‘hll Kighi

(‘ars were slowed on the Western Parkway Sunday
about 10 miles east of Dawson Springs. The reason?
’I‘wo snow plows and a run of icy. snowy road that
made traveling hazardous. It's probably just as well
the plows were slowing traffic: road conditions would
have made regular speeds dangerous.

A photographic arcll've has
been established in the
special collections and ar-
chives department of the
King Library. Under the
supervisim d library science
graduate student Gerry
Nliinoff, the archive will
contain thousands of
photographs that were
scattered in various collee

(lifts from alumni and
friends of the University have
helped develtp the archive.
and many prints will be
available for the first time to
students and researchers.

llistorical documentatim
will be the empl‘asis of the
collections instead of artistic
photography, although some
collections qualify in both
categories. Included in this
group are Appalachian
portraits by l)(ris L'lmann,
who was assisted by John

Paying plasma draws more students

Kernel Reporter

Only 119 persms gave blood
yesterday in Student
Government's Central
Kentucky Blood Bank (CK~
BB) donor drive held in the
Complex Commons. The goal
for the threeday drive, which
ends today, is 200 donors per

Meanwhile, Plasma
Alliance, 3 commercial
plasma center in Cardinal
Valley shopping center, was
packed with people.
Operations manager Tyon
Foster said 51) percent of the
paid donors were UK

CKBB accepts voluntary
donations, but local radio
station WKQQ aided the drive
by giving away albums to
donors. Families of donors are
also entitled to a one year’s
blood coverage. During the
year, if the need for blood
arises they can get blood in an
unlimited amount at any
medical facility in the United

The lack d CKBB donors is
not a result of apathy, said
CKBB technical director
Patty Bolin. “Students are
more aware of Plasma
Alliance because PA can
afford to advertise.” Bolin
said. CKBB is a nonprofit
organization and doesn't

Art museum opens exhibit

The UK ArtMuseum begins
today a free exhibit of
modern art frmi its Mayer
and Nadler collections. The
prints will be in the art gallery
in the Fine Arts Building.

Included in the exhibit,
which continues through Dec.
20, are original works by
Chagall, Matisse Marini,
Jose Clemente Orozco,
Rufino Tamayo, Phillip
Evergood and Joel Stein.

The works will cover the
years between 1925 and 1973.

This is the first time works
from the Nadler collection
will be shown publicly at UK.

to perform

The UK Symphmy 0r-
chestra, under the directim
of Phillip Miller, will present
a free public concert
tomorrow night at 8:15 in
Memorial Hall.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam B. Nadler
are former Lexington

“There is no substitute fa
repeated contact with the
original wa'k as it affects the
student’s experience of art,”
said Priscilla Cdt, museum
director. The gallery is open
from noon to 5 pm. daily.

Music head

named chair

Dr. Joe Buttram, director
of the School of Music, has
been elected chairman of
Region 8 of the National
Association of Schools of

The region includes Ken-

tucky, Tennessee, Alabama

and Mississippi.

Buttram earmd h's doc-
torate at the University of
Kansas and came to UK in
1972 from Loyola University
where he was than of the
College it Music.



Advertisnng Director
Anthony (iray

Ad Production Manager
Dianr Harkrader

Circulation Manager
Gary ‘l'anner


The Kentucky Kernel. 1N Journalism
milding. l'nlversity of Kentucky. Ln.
Mon, Kentucky. 40306. is mailed the
times weekly during the year except
tuilidays and exam periods, and onrr
weekly during the summer session.
third class postage paid at Lexington,
Kentucky. 405”. Subscription rates are
mile-d 82.00 per semester, $1.00 per
summer or 85.00 per year. or one cent
per year non-mailed.

Published by the Kernel Press, Inc.
md founded In 1971. the Kernel began as
1hr Cadet In 1‘94. The paper has been
lllbllshed continuously or the Kentucky
Kernel since [915.








Help yourself financially while
helping other: medically.
Payment paid for each plasma donation.

Come by or call


313 E. Short St.


7:30 - 4:00








Tom Watts, CKBB ad-
ministrator, described
commercial, plasma centers
as dargerous to the blood
donor as well as to the
recipient. ”They are legal,"
he said. “Although the Food
and Drug Administration has
made a move to eliminate
these centers, all they can do
is increase regulations."

The potential danger. said
both Foster and Watts, is the
reinfusion of the red blood
cells. Said Watts, “Rein fus ion
of the wrong cells could cause
immediate death or per-
manent renal kidney

Foster explained that a
two-check system limits
possibilities of wrong rein-
fusions. The system corsists
of a number placed on the
package of blood and on the
donor’s chart.

According to Tony Pa tIon
manager a" PA. each first»
time donor is examined by a
physician and fills out a
medical history question-
naire to determine donor
acceptability. The donor is re

examined twice a year and 1

may sell blood twice a week.

Since PA sells plasma to
pharmaceutical companies.

the center is able to give;

donorsa $10 bonus for every
two pints of bloat.

“We at one time paid
donors," Bolin said,"but it

became unsafe because
people would lie about their
medical history in order to
get paid We now accept only
\oluntary donations; this
lessens the instances of

Regular donors at (‘KBB
tar. give blood only once
every eight weeks. said
\i‘atts,"fhey are required to
file a medical history and are
examined by a physician


prior to each donation. We
don‘teven accept dmors with

Foster said he doesn‘t fear
people lying about their
medical history. “ I‘ve been in
this business for eight years
and I can usually tell when
someone is lying. We won‘t
accept anyone with needle
scars or someone we Stspect
being addicted to drugs We
take clean-cut donors "


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KENTUCKY KERNl-il., Wednesday. November 30, 1977-:

Photographic archives
to let students see

some work for first time

Jacob Niles iii the 193%.

More typical of the archive
are thousands d plate glass
negatives of I'K scenes taken
by Louis E Nollau, a
professor of engineering
drawing, from 190% to 1333

There are also large
collections of family and