xt7nk9315p7s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nk9315p7s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-01-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 27, 1986 1986 1986-01-27 2020 true xt7nk9315p7s section xt7nk9315p7s _——_—_—___________________________________________——


A N Vol. ch No. 60 Established l894 University ol Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since l97l Monday, January 27, l986
2 7 OfflCials to begin .... ,
.j‘j 'L‘V; 3" l. 4»
. . . . r~ . s. ,3 ,4 ‘ ‘ I . .
____.i investigations into Ll “‘ J, . , n“ fin ma -. ,
. , . ,. , , er it. t 1m . w . . -
. r ‘ .0 ‘; «.._'_Y t ' I '
.. unsa e apartments 2 iv L w'?“ _
. tr“ " v ' ’ ' '
B) BRADCOOPER ———————— ' A ., I .‘- «i! y .f y 2 . e;
Staff Writer . . ' - « ‘ ‘ .3 they , -' V , .V t ,
“We’rejust gomg to w: f ‘ » "gt .. 4 . 7 7‘" t ._ -;"
The Lexington Fire Department find out what’s an \ if ‘ , ._. g . . . , w “A“. . ._ , .
today will begin a door-todoor in- , .- ‘ .. "It ‘13?" .. . ,y ’ . ;, “ 1* , ' .' .- T
vestigation to find houses that have apartment and what S ' -. :1. ‘ L? if: ' . 4 '. '
illegally been converted from single . - . . 4 . . . « . ‘ .. _ ." '. ' -' 5
family residences toapartments. nOI' We re gOIng t0 4 . ,. . I, 5‘. .' st 3%??? . 5 ‘ ‘2."- ‘
The Fire Prevention BureaU‘s in- check to see if there is "W " “ =7 - ,/ e11? "; .. ‘ - w .' . -'rt 1-33!-
vestigation will focus on East and . . e. ’ . W “3%:‘3 - .' 1":
West Maxwell streets. an area near any prOblemS Wlth fire ‘ ‘ , :‘ , - . 1 l ,, *7 ; .‘ '2 i‘lj .3 ifi';
campus W'here many UK Students escapes and Stories on ”Van-ix. ' “ , ., A A " Vt V .'.' . 5." .
live. _ . n . ~ g . q ’1’, k 1:? .I I. i .4 _: .1: : .z;
Earl R. McDaniel, chief of the the buildings. 0’ V e t V V” --:e :j. ‘. .
Lexington Metro Fire Department, M - . 7 ’ ' ”a 4 a \ V‘ f at" ' . ._ '
said he suspects there are a number a!‘ James Sallee, I ’ « \ , .' , V 1‘ . j, I Di“ . W .v/ * . ' , _‘ '. ;
of houses on Maxwell Street listed in acting fll'e marshal l, , ‘ . V, 9' ,- ‘ i ,- . ' - , V.
city records as "private dwelling u (1 ' ' A; , " ‘ - - V 2’ .
residences turned into makeshift " _ r‘ ' Q ’ " ifis‘T‘V. ‘ _ ,'
apartment buildings." ~ .. . ~ . . _ J}; . .~ , ”w .‘t'etf‘ ~‘ __ :. .g h - ._ . "‘ . '-_ -
The investigation comes two {Algesescapes and stories on the bmld \ " .. ‘; . " A .’ i s "we; .. V\ . . ‘ .
weeks after a fire broke out at 207 Deibra Hensley 3rd District Urban ‘1 / , . W”' V. t J ‘ . l t‘ m “ ‘ ' ‘ . "
E. Maxwell St. killing a 5-year-old Countv councilwoman who rep- , W W “‘" ”we- *‘f .5 - _'-. ‘. . -. ,
b0\ ' . _.. . .. , f
~' __ . . resents those who live on Maxwell i i .:~..v . s. - . ‘
When firefighters arrived at the Street said she is "tickled to death" . a a -' ' . ' J ‘
address, they thought it was in 3 sm- about the investigation \ . ‘ V w. \e 3 ~ , . ‘ . . ‘
gle-family residence. but discovered "To me it ‘15 critically important .7 _ ‘ ‘ xi ‘ ‘ 2 V . ‘
the house contained seven. apart- to have that kind of an ohgoing proc- ' .. f . .e were it ' ~ ' ‘ ' 'i
merits. said Maj. David Norris of the $5 .. Hensley said ‘l'm just sorry - . s. i“:- . . .V ‘ ' ‘
legmgtonl‘irteogaepartthmept. de t that it has to” happen alter there has “ 1 na‘ .i .244 . ~‘ " l f" 3)?" ’ -. ' ‘ I» “ V
eg'mmg 3'. e ".8 par- been a fire that resulted in some- “mums. , I = ‘ '
merit will determine which other oneislifeu M b i Ph' . , ‘ ' ‘ "
buildings have been converted to JamesGalvin buildin . t‘ em ers {3 I Sigma Kappa fraternity cheer for the New En- Chicago Bears late in Super Bowl XX in New Orleans. The Bears . ' '. -.
apartments without notifying bex- coordinator for the Lexifigltbhpgcuilfijri gland Patriots after they manage to score yesterday against the won in theirtirst appearance in the Super Bowl, 46-10. 1 I . ,. ' '
"mum‘s Building lnSpections office. ing Inspections Office. said the last ' ‘ I t 1
Any house which has been con- time the building at 207 E. Maxwell . l '
verted. hasn t notified the office and St had been inspected was Jul u er OW l e . . .
doesn‘t meet the current fire code as 19"“ when the owner applied for a); I . . ‘ ,
established by the National Fire permit to p1,“, concrete blocks l . e.
Protection AssoClation will be re- ‘ ° . ' . ' '
. t k - , - ’ ’ l ‘ ~ .
gum ,0 .mm up to code for m undlerwgfilbiafmptfirtgu W Building Chicago dominates offenswely, defenswely in 46 10 Victory at er New England 5 . , .
sat'ely.”i\lcl)aniel said. . - . ~- , ‘ . . , . . , ' ' .
Singlefanlily residences that have Effigctlosgiéfiltlf; l‘fiiizsbaarlixifig- By DAVEGOLDBERG quarter with a sprained left from scrimmage. and failed to yards were the fewest in ii nupt-r ‘ .
been converted to apartments since tori resident who co-owned the house Assocmted Press wrist. . . complete a pass for 35 minutes or Bowl since the tlakland Rilltlt‘l‘> . .
"'8” are governed by the Kentucky from 1978 through November 1980 i e . e . V , The score might Point to an of- get a llrsl down for Zii as ('hit‘ago allowed Minnesota 119m 1977 .. -
Building Code. which stipulates that “Because as hr as we‘c‘in tell back Ma“ ORLEANS —The (.hicago fenstve game. But it was the de registeredsix sacks so ('hicago won the NH. llllt‘ ' .
it In llll‘te’ill 1” make changes in the {01990 th‘itw‘w 50V rd‘h’ho 1 Bears completed one of the most tense. With seven sacks and a In fact. New England didn't \\'l'_ll li’. \‘lt‘lilrit‘.\ iii in gimme m . . -
Nu“, m or ix‘cupancy of" buildings HF-r- ‘ .hfiidkt :1, lul: 1.159. dominating NFL seasons ever safety: that brought the Bears raise its net yardage tolul illj‘tnf’ i-liidiiig three playott \lt‘ltll‘lt‘> iii l f
without approval from the Building ,, .. 0pm”: :3 ‘ m: “9 occutpgi- With the most dominating Super their first NFL titlesince l963. zero until (‘hie‘acr tar xiv-i." ..liit-li they bear flur- ‘e'i .e ‘i‘iii‘L i. ' ‘ V
Inspectionstlffice. h d ._ l‘"‘:‘tuil:““ 'dahangw‘rt th’ {(1 Bowl, Led by ends Dan Hampton and The Bears had Upt’nt'il it in H L: (in-nits. Los .\lli.‘.(‘lt‘.~i lain.» ..-i.a [ » ‘
Chang?- .' d5 (l N“ - on m The Bears crushed New En» Most Valuable Player Richard by the end of the third quarter on the Patriots by an aggregate iii ' '
Houses converted , to apartments t at Y‘dfif’V‘” “hide" from them ~ - - gland 46.10 yesterday behind the Dent. the "46" alignment that one—yard Tl) runs by McMahon iiii-iii ' ' -
before 1980 are subject to 'the Na. and 't “lb'jlhdl‘b 5°14be realtors clutch quarterbacking of Jim Me often puts eight men on the “HO and Perry and Reggie- l’hillips‘ ,
“Ohill Wilding (Ode. "Normally 3;" Wu“ ‘weling residence “‘th Mahon and an overpowering de- of scrimmage limited New En- 28-yard interception return \ Perhaps no olht‘i‘ lt'ltll‘. t-yi‘r . -' . ‘
“'ht‘h .VUU hUlld 0r add‘to a house ,.‘I':‘P°ZV;’“'{‘g (1):" h V . fense that turned the Patriots' of- gland to minus-19 yards in the safety by Henry \t‘ai-chtt-r. lilt'k~ had such a dominant season as ,
you apply for a permit. McDamel JdusSt 0‘“ t t mkbl ey have the” fense intoa retreat. first half. as the Bears moved to ling Pats‘ quarterback Stew tiro- lhln 3'92““ “91*” I - .
sa'd‘ recor ‘uPbeO datte; 1.“ I dgpdt think McMahon. whose sore buttock a 23-3 lead on three field goals by gall in the end Ztmt' as llt' tried to ' , f ‘ .
“We‘re “N going {0 find out 3?me then filth) ‘31 e any- and off-the-field antics dominated Kevin Butler and TD runs by MC ll2158.t'app9dlhe scoring Excluding the” 01“} his-N d 38' ' - " ‘ ~ I
what‘s an‘ apartment and what‘s mg rom em. 3 953‘ ~ the week before the game. scored Mahon and running back Matt That was the major factor ill 34 decision in Miami. the Bears . j ' , ‘
not." said acting fire marshal Maj. Juan Hernandez. owner of an on two short runs and completed Suhey. . Super Bowl records for most non eight games éli‘léHh-‘t h'e'm‘i-n ‘ ' “ ‘
James Saliee "We‘re going to check apartment building on East Maxwell 12 0f 20 attempts for 25.6 yards he' The Patriots gained yardage on pmnts and largest margin at W. wnh recorde of lit-ti m‘ hem-i" in a ‘ ' - .
to see if there is aiiv problems with Secl\\r‘s”|‘|(u\no\ Page? fore leavmg the game in the third only one of their first 16 plays tory. And the Patriots l‘lii total total of 2454i] 3 '. '
P h "11 ' SGA f d f l b d “ ‘ ' .
a acy , raises un s or 1 rary oors . -, .._ ; .
c ass over W V . - .- _. 2. "Vi!” B."“:‘KYANNEELUOTT the lobby of the library for individu- controversial subject Many people. . ~ , . ' _ , ~
~ » wk’ 1 I. t I" have Staff Writer aldonors including Willis. have felt the need , '. ‘ f

. “MW“ " .,""-""~V"-"“' fiv- ‘* Several months ago an attempt forthe doors 'e , . '- ‘.V‘ "
ca aCIt V ,....w-~'W .- ”Cg‘? *1 Today. the .Student Government was made to purchase automatic Although many handicapped stu- ‘ . “f 4" ' "V ,

‘ . 2.; M5 ASSOCIahOh “‘1“ set ”P a display to doors for the library but not enough dents use 'hc library. u 1‘”in hm - - ‘- ', . ; . .

‘ ‘ ‘ ' ’ raise fungs for the ihnstallment 0f au- money was raised that reqti; cs academic programs to . " .: .' ‘ . , . ‘

~--'- tomatic oors in t e M.I. Kin Li- L ‘ igsl ‘ t i ' i1 -‘ " ’U

450 people crOWd _ brarv. g Jake Karnes. ””‘wmr 0f hand‘ tiii‘dul‘ilst.loeljhot lllt‘rllllggllcl‘lififigal‘l?“ .1, -V “ '1 -‘
l 0” I ‘ ’ - ~‘.‘ A” The doors would provide easier icapped student «“t‘l‘l'lk'95~ IS hOldlhg ‘ h ' ‘ i i .‘ l:
:' _",;:e access for handica students. more than 51.000 that was raised Willis has seen the need for auto- : .. _.1.' ‘;

C assroom for 3 V . ._ v: John Cain. SGAgflidemV said the last year, said Paul Willis. director matic doors "for along time Five . . ‘35,:
Hy BRAD (‘OOPER _ 3 . . e . display. which will be located in Of the library 0”“5"1‘r““‘ MN ' ‘ . ‘1 if i f :‘
StaffWriter ‘W ’ Egg? :Enthte rllgfié‘yi Willi 1°?kwll‘l‘e a That money will be added to the Bl" lhe the lack "f mm?) has al . I f." N ‘: ‘~ l‘ i'
McCall Morehead pays more than m . e e as e 0 5 go funding from SGA and the L'niversi- ways put such a project on the Side > .' .‘ "’ ~ ' ". 't‘

. ‘ 1‘5“; are“, d up.sow1llthetemperature. , t. , _, ,t l . . . -V,
$3,300 a year to attend UK and he g... ,3 ~ ~ V . ty, Vlillis said lhe combined lhebr I, i- . :
. ' . . ‘ — SGA has set a goal of $3,000. which V . V. . . . -

Sitsonthefloorinoneofhisclasses. will be matched b the University amount should b" enough to h“‘9 ., v. .. - -. .~ . . . «v w "'5“;

When Morehead a business sopho- _ . . . ‘y . . . - ‘ the doors installed. depending on the “m” “m the L n'wrblt} ha” “‘9” ’ _ ' . ‘

‘ . 0 ‘ Already organizations and Individu— . _ the need too but the librarv does . .- - . . - '.
more entered 106 Classroom Bulld- - - typeof (100“ ' ' . ' ‘ '~ ‘ ' “
in at the be inn” fthe t J— ‘ I ' als have donated about 3800' not have priorit}~ on its list The rear . . ‘ " - . .

g g ing 0 semm er ' e Cam said he didn‘t think it would i ‘ ‘ . . . son he sod is th't there 's 'lw' vs ' .
for Pharmacy 222. he was greeted < tak th b t th t sliding doors would cost about ~ ‘ ‘ d “ d d.» V
with the instructor's message on the ” U f, ‘ .6 3:0“? an a 0" a men 0 $l0.000. but the type that swing out. someone around ‘0 help hand _ .. ~ f
Chalkboard: “450 students on] 300 ~ ‘ raise e'T‘mey‘ . such as the ones in the Classroom icapped SlUdehIS enter lht’hhhar.‘ ' . - ‘
.. . y - V, SGA Will ontact various campus ~ , _ , - - - . .
seats. _. .. organizations for donations hesaid Budding, cost about Si. Mi. \tillis If th he ,

.. , . . 'd. ere are no ot r students . -' '
enggfiregnl'y‘thabgm 415$?“ are In addition to the thermometer 58' around. then the library staff 15 - ' ‘ ‘. - ‘
Society gas: bhltlgsthere 32°33: display, SGA will place a fishbowl in The need for the doors has been a there to help. ' ‘ » ‘
seats for 300. The class‘s instructor,

R. David Cobb. an associate profes- I ' , ,, . . ,
sor of pharmacy, said he allows en- Beture serles focuses ‘ m i ‘
rollment to exceed seating capacity " . ' 1'- . . .
because he thinks it is important Pa ' v e e H '
that students are exposed to a drug ' _ h l f I
education course. w on “man 1 e In nove Slnwr Nancy Wllson's per- .

I have had 35 many 35 1.100 Shh " . . . . tormonce Friday was every-
dents Sign up for the class during . By SEAN ANDERSON man and settles in a small town. thi o ‘02! ton ld h
preregistration." Cobb said. u] take ' . Staff Writer There she finds herself oppressed by f "9 ' cou _°p°
450 normally knowing that the aver- j the apparent futility 0‘ her life. T0 or and less. For a revtew,
age attendance in an elective course V ‘ This year‘s College of Medicine relieve these feelings. she begins to see ”VERSIONS. Page 3.
is normally aroundsopercent,“ Humanities Seminars begin today take other lovers and eventually

But _University officials said the With a discussion of French novelist wastes her husband‘s fortune on 11.. w'm" boot the 7.".
class either must be moved or en- Gmtave Flaubert‘s Madame 30' them. nessee Vols Saturda 74-57
rollment limited. vary. At the end of the novel. she kills F de _ Y ‘

”if the fire marshal were to ap- The seminars will be held at noon herself in desperation. °" ""5 °b°”' 'h" game,
pear in a class like that, he would each Monday over the next four The puipose of these seminars is so. scours. P09"-
certainly thin the place out," said Gum KemelStatt weeks in MN-363 Medical Center, to study human existence through .
Ruby Watts, associate registrar of The 450 students in Pharmacy 222 literally overflow from the ”M9099?“ Elgelberg. ”0‘53“ 0‘ "5 portrayal in novels 3'“? literary ‘ ’. “yew?“ '
systems development and research. classroom designed to occommodote3003tudents. phyiuology 39d biophysus. masterpiecesEngelberg sa‘d‘ f5»; . L ‘3 ‘ ' _

“He would indicate to the instruc- Today's discmsion will focus on The knowledge of human nature sf“: “19km: ‘
tor that there are too many people Ba - - . ‘ ' .. the protagonist Madame Bova gleaned from great writers is rele-
. , sedona tto - “’33"! that much 0‘ 8 surprise, . ‘ ry, .. ..
in there"— hes got to move toanoth- day morning. vgach 35:3,? 33,. said Steve Edmonds. an accounting end Will be conducted by Erling vent to both practlcmg physiolans T ill be i dy d b't
erarea, Wattssaut . . . - who tood - the it Eng.apsychologlst.Emelbergsaid. and medical students preparing to °d°V W W" °" "

ems are suffICient for $50 students senior, S In M 0n the . . . . . ~.t

Gary Beach, manager of the UK - . ' r tda of l Professor Philip Duncan of the workmthpatientsmesaid. terly cold v to tow flur-

. . , but there Just aren tenough seats. “'3 Y c 833. . .. . . .
qfhce of Acmdent and Fire Preven- And because of this some stu- "The more the merrier," said French department. Dr. Damel Every piece_of literature is a riot. The high will 5. zero to
tion, said he would Offer Phlflmcy dents are forced to sit 'on the floor Alan Ray, an accounting sophomore Nahum °f the College °f Medicine ““3““ “3" ”sun". Engelberg 5 above. Tonlght will be
officials "NW option: either keep near the instructor in the aisles in who was able to find I sent last "‘1 3° N“ “’"d‘"' “ mm“ “'d' "The” mum" by “mm °f partly cloudy and continued
the class in the same room and limit thebeckofthemoniandinthehell M, Ill! be “M! a” size could fist, will participate in I panel dis- greet genius. reveal a great deal
enrollment to 300 or move the due ' ponelfireheurd. mission. about human relationships that often bitter 0°” M'h "’0 '0‘" "’0'"
manner-mornJudlnMema'hl “I expected theretobe alotof i-Awmtqmm‘m. Thenovellethestu'yoflfarm- pessunnoticed. 5 9° IO 50'9“.

. peqfle. but not that many — it SeeCAFACI'l'Y.Puc8 a" argua- who mania a phygi. Soel.ECTl7RE.Pue7
‘ l .l

 2 - KENTUCKYKWEL My, ”727, 1.
Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor. with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
publication date. \
e MOVIES F X- Free premiere Worsham Theatre: 7 30 o Academics: Last day for payment at registration 8-or fl
. p in Call 7 1287 , hausing 8 dining fees in order to avoid cancellation at mg ”27, F X- Free premiere; Worsham Theatre: 7.30 p.m.;
' Meetings Feminist Alliance meeting, 119 SC, B-9z30 tstration and or meal card Call 7-1287
0 in Call 266-1651 . . ~ 0 Intro-murals. Entry deadline for Intramural Racquetball 1'28: Buckaroo Banzai; $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30
0 Other SpeCtal Service» Free briet marriage-family the- (D), turn tn entries to Room 135 Seaton, l p.m.; Call 7-2898 p.m.' Call 7-1287
tapy available by protessional personnel, supervised by 0 Meetings. SAB Public Relations Committee meeting: 1329.. Buckaroo Banlal; $1.75; Worsham 111.0,“; 730
John F Crosby PhD Call 77761 or 272-7087 115 SC; 4 p.m.. Call7-8867 p.m.' Call 7-1287 .
‘ ' 0 Other Member sign up tor information-discussion 0 Movies Buckaroo Banzai; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 1 30. Buckaroo Banlai; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 730
. ' group on Career Planning Job Hunting Issues sign ups all 7 30pm. Call7-1287 p.m.; COIN-1287
.‘ ‘ tut-ti 201 Matthews Bldg. I Other: Baptist Student Union- TNT- Tuesday Nite To- 1 3]: Dune $1.75. Worsham Theatre: 7.30 p.m.; Call 7_
g . gether 429 Columbia Ave. Baptist Student Center; 7:30 ,287 ' '
‘ . 5 9"" C0" 7'3989 2 1; Dune; $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30p.m.; Call 7-1287
‘ 0 Recitals: Faculty Recital: Dale Warren, trombone; Rich- 2 3: Dune:$1.75;WorshamTheatre: 7:30pm.; (01174297
‘ . ard Domek, piano; Center for the Arts: 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900
' ,_ , ' Sports. UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. Louisiana State Uni-
. versity; Memorial Coliseum: 7:30pm.; Call 7-6046
‘ _ 0 Sports: Deadline for sign up tor the Fitness Through .3
‘ _ ‘ Weight Training Clinic: $1: 135 Seaton; 4 p.m.; Coll 7-3928 -
- ' - ‘3 I - 0 Sports: Fitness Through Weight Training Clinic: SI; / ARTS & CONCERTS
. ' ' . Seaton Conditioning Room: 7:30-8:30pm.: Call 7-3928 R
‘ , . ' a t
. ' ' w‘J
‘ ' . I 28: Faculty Recital: Dale Warren, trombone: Richard
V ‘1 . Domek, piano; Center for the Arts: 8 p.m.; Call 7-4900
' ' 2246: Photographs by Guy Mendes: Free: CFA Art Mu-
' f seum: 12.5 Tue.-Sun.; Call 7-3145
’ r - _v 29 i I E l 5 .§I
. ' . . , m\ SPORTS
. 0 Meetings Campus Right to Lite Membership meeting 0 Lectures: Newman Center D'silngu'ShEd Speakers PTO‘ (I:
. . ‘ 115 SC 7 3CD m Call 272-6723 gram Rev. J. Bryan Hehir speaks on Morality 8 Foreign :A’IL‘A
° C'hei Soua' 8. Behavioral SCience Brown Bag Lunch POl'CY Newman Center,7'30 p.m.;CaIl255-8566
Series Enhancing 8 Extending Autonomy for the Elderly ' Meetings: Twenty-One P'US‘ d'SCUSSV'O" group for "‘9 ,r
E'liiz’OigLegOlApprOISOlS I28 HomeEcon.Bldg.,Noon older student (21 8 older): dinner will be served; K» _ _
o veetingr, Wednesday Evening Fellowship- toad, fun 8 HOUSE “QROSG Street; 5.30 p.m.. Coll254-1881 l 28: Entry deadline tor Intramural Racquetball (D): turn in l 31: UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. University at Charleston,
.‘va‘uc worship K-Llouse 412 Rose Street 6-8.30 pm, ' Movies: Buckaroo Banzai: $1.75: Worsham Theatre; entries to135 Seaton;4p.m.;Call7-2898 Memorial Coliseum; 7:30 p.m.;Call7-6046
(31,125,, 188‘. 7 30 pm. Call 7-1287 1 28: UK Lady Kat Basketball vs. LSU: Memorial Coliseum; I 31: 7th Annual Bluegrass Invitational Wheelchair Basket-
, . 0.1m". Mankind on the Brink (Great Commission stu- O Other: International Student 'Tea Hour' (American stu- 7:30p.m.; Call7-6046 ballT0urney; 113 Seaton; I p.m.; Call 7-1623
stritx flee 5c theatre' 7 p.m,, Call 254.3997 dents welcome); Free; 18th floor POT, lounge: 3-4 p.m.; 1 28: Deadline to sign up lor the Fitness Through Weight 1 31: UK Basketball vs. Auburn at home: Rupp Arena
. Meetings 5A8 Concert Committee meeting. 228 SC: 5 011176601 Training Clinic; $1: 135 Seaton; 4 p.m.; Call7-3928 21: 7th Annual Bluegrass Invitational Wheelchair Basket-
_ p ., CalI7-8867 0 Other, Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon; 51' l 28: Fitness Through Weight Training Clinic; $1: Seaton ballTourney: 113 Seaton:Ca|l 7-1623
. VOW?s Buckaroo Banzai 51_75- Worsham Theatre, Baptist Student Center 12:15pm; Call7-3929 Conditioning Room: 7:30-8:30pm.; Call7-3928 2 ‘1 UK Women's SWim Team V5~ Vanderbilt uniVE'Si'Y 0'
. 4 ‘ 30 p m (0117-1287 0 Meetings: Regular meeting of the UK Fencing Club- 129: UK Basketball vs. LSU at LSU home; Memorial Coliseum 900': 2 P-md C0” 7-5626
- . 59C,“ UK Basketball vs_ LSU at LSU tree instruction, equipment provided Alumni Gym; 7:30 l 29: Entry deadline tor bowling- students, faculty 8 statl 2 23 7"" Annual Bluegrass Invitational Wheelchair BOSkel‘
. 5pc,“ Entry deadline to, bowling students, loculty a pm. Call233-5201 eligible: see campus recreation for further details: 135 ballTourney:113Seaton:3:30p.m.;Call7-1623
‘ “at, eligible see campus recreation for turther details, Seaton; 4 p.m.; Call 7-3928 2 2: UK Basketball vs. Vanderbilt at home; Rupp Arena
135 Seaton 4 p m Call 73928
' . , o Other Laughter is the Best Medicine by Dr. Mike
Nizh is F d i Th ht d s o to : Free 119 SC
. N00: “$329? °°9 ” 9 ”p MEETINGS & LECTURES
1 27: Feminist Alliance meeting; 119 SC: 8-9:30 p.m.; Call
. _ 266-1651
I 28: SAB Public Relations Committee meeting: 115 SC; 4
p.m.; Call 7-8867
1 29: SAB Concert Committee meeting: 228 SC; 5 p.m.;
1 29: Campus Right to Life Membership meeting; 115 SC;
\ 7:30 p.m.; Call 272-6723
3 7 1 29: Wednesday Evening Fellowship- food, tun 8 creative
FRIDA SA I I lRDAY worship; K-House 412 Rose Street: 6-830 p.m.; Call 254-
' 1881
I 30: Twenty-One Plus: Discussion group fro the older stu-
' dent- (21 8 older): dinner will be served; K-House'412
- 0 Movies Dune $1.75 Worsham Theatre 7 30 p.m.. ' Other' Register for National Teacher Exam- required Rose Street; 5130 p.m.;Call254-1881
'- f Coll ‘- 1287 lor new teachers 1.66 Taylor Ed. Bldg; 8-4230 p.m.; Call 7- I 30: Regular meeting ot the UK Fencing Club- tree in-
. 0 Other C0110quim tn Sooal Philosophical Studies in Ed 2791 struction, equipment provided; Free; Alumni Gym; 7:30
uto'iC-ti 13-, TaylorEd. Bldg. 3-5p.r‘n ,Call7»4795 - Other: National Dental Health Month (Activities will p.m.:Co|l233-52OI
' y . -' - Sports ux Lady Kat Basketball vs University ot be publiuzed):Oswn|d(L.C.C.)'Call7-2992 1 30: Newman Center Distinquished Speakers Program:
, . Charleston MemorialColiseum 7.30p m. Call7-6046 0 Academics Deadline for submitting application for ad- REV. J- Bryan Hehir speaks on Morality 8 Foreign Policy;
. . V 0 Sportu 7th Annual Bluegrass Invitational Wheelchair mission to College oi Dentistry for Fall 1986. Newman Center: 7:30p.m.: Call255-1651
' Basketball Tourney 113 Seaton 1pm. Call7-1623 ' Movies: Dune, $1.75. Worsham Theatre; 7:30 pm:
. ' _ ' Sports UK Basketball vs. Auburn at home, Rupp Call 7-1287
: p Are-ta 0 Sports 7th Annual Bluegrass Invitational Wheelchair
‘ . ‘ Basketball Tourney' 113 Seaton, Call 7-1623
‘ _ ' Sports: UK Women's Swim Team vs. Vanderbilt Univer-
. _ - ., Sity at home: Memorial Coliseum pool: 2 p.m.; Call 7-5626
" 1 . ,V .‘ 0 Other "The Hub Colleehouse': live Christian enter-
tainment K-House 412 Rose Street: 7:30 p.m.; Call 254-
. l88'l
‘ ‘ I " 'w I ' 1 28: Last day tor payment at registration 8-or housing 8 2/1: "The Hub Cotteehouse": live Christian entertainment;
3 r 2' ', , 2', dining tees in order to avoid cancellation of registration retreshments will be served; Free: K-HOuse-412 Rose
: .1 ' - and or meal card Street; 7:30 p.m.; Call 254-1881
- A' i ‘1' V 2 1: Deadline tor submitting application tor admission to 2/1-2/l5: Register tor National Teacher Exam- required tor
; y ,. . ‘. ‘, .., conegeofoenfisnygor Fal|1986 new teachers: 166 Taylor Ed. Bldg.; 84:30 p.m.; Call 7-
i ‘ ‘ I I : ~ -, I 27: Member sign up tor Inlormation-Discussion group on 2791
1‘ .y 2 . -_ . Career Planning Job Hunting lssues- sign ups all week: 2,-1-2/28: National Dental Health month- (Activities will be
i ,' :1 - ‘ ,_" ' 201 Matthews Bldg. publicized); Oswald (L.C.C.): Call 7-2992
’3 r ' ' ' ' . ," -' 1 27- Special Service; Free briet marriage-family therapy 2/3-2/7: Apply for Student Teaching for Fall 1986; 1018
I l , ‘ ' available by protessional personnel, supervised by John F. Taylor Ed. Bldg: B-4:30p.m.; CalI7-1BS7
’ .» I '. t ; I Crosby, PhD: Call7-7761 or 272-7087 2/3: Information-Discussion grOup on Career Planning Job
-- _ 5 - 5, l 28: Baptist Student Union- TNT- Tuesday Nite Together; Hunting Issues; Free; 201 Matthews Bldg: 5:30-7:30 p.m.;
i ‘. -’ 429 Columbia Ave.. Baptist Student Center; 7:30 p.m.; Call Coll257-2746
, , . ‘ . ' .5 i . 1 29: Social 8 Behavioral Science Brown Bag Lunch Series:
‘ " ' ' ‘ Vi, "Enhancing 8 Extending Autonomy tor the Elderly: Ethical
.‘ , ' ‘ ',' ' 8 Legal Appraisals"; 128 Home Econ. Bldg; Noon
‘ 5‘ . r 3" - 1 29: Mankind on the Brink (Great Commission students):
' .. ‘. I Exhibitions Photographs by Guy Mendes, Free CFA o Other: Information-Discussion group on Career Plan- Free: SC theatre‘7p.m.:Call 2543997
_' , t -. . At. Museum 125 Tue. Sun ICaIl7-3I‘45 . ning Job Hunting Issues. Free 201 Matthews Bldg, 5:30- 129 ’Laughter [is the Best Medicine' by Dr. Mike Nichols,
' - ' F'lms A‘hl‘md K'wor‘" Club F'Im 59““ 0' AShlm‘d 7'30 p.m.,Ca|l257-2746 Food tor Thought discussion group; Free: 119 SC; Noon;
- . -~ , Community College $3.50. ACC Auditorium 2 37 p m 0 Other Apply for Student Teaching Fall 1986; lOlB Toy- Call 7,3295
. , ' CU” 3292999 _ . ' 4 lo' Ed: 3&9“ 843091“: 0’“ 7"357 I 30: International Student 'Tea Hour' (American students
, - ' Sports 7th Annual Bluegrass Invitationar Wheelchair 0 Movies: Dune. $1.75: Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m.; welcome); Ffee: 18th "00, p01 lounge; 3.4 p.m.; Call 7.
, _'. ‘ " Basketball Tourney 113 Seaton 3 30 pm. Call 7-1623 Call 7-l2B7 6601
. cM0. Sports UK Basketball vs. North Carolina St at NC It”. Baptist Student Union Student Luncheon: $1: 309”"
' ‘ ‘ 5 Student Center; 12:15p.m.: Call 7-3989
’ I 31 Colloquim in Social-Philosophical Studies in Educa-
. ‘ . . 5 tion: 131 Taylor Ed. Bldg: 3-5 p.m.; Call 74795
‘ 2/4: Last day to drop a course without it appearing on the 2/5: UK Basketball vs. Vanderbilt at home; Rupp Arena
student's transcript 2/5: Last day for reinstatement at students cancelled for
2“: Last day to change grading option non payment at registration, housing, and/or dining lees.
2/4: Last day to tile tor repeat option in college dean's Requires 9" payment plus $50-
ottice, it student is retaking a course in the 1906 Spring
2/4: Randall Robinson 'U.S./Southern Atrica Relations';
Free; Memorial Hall: 0 p.m.; Call 0-0067
2/4: Contorence tor people with little or no background in
computers: Carnation Contaronca Center; 0:1!) a.m.-3::D
p.m.; Call 254-1N0
l i .

Arts Editor
Aumom Am Edna
“ 1-' ‘- e”¢“a*%m&hfig3iy m ._ - -- A
-:..-.. »- -- ~ - - - .. H. wemsamz“ *oxzt’iaigx ,v ..*a .. ’4“
‘Superb’ jazz show Harper’s new ‘ V alerie’
conf d d' 6‘ not at all like ‘Rhoda’ ' ‘ '
" ' By JERtRY BUCK started to say. ‘This isn‘t the way , - A
By GARY PIERCE -————__ Assoma edPress Alan and Jim did it.‘ “ Alan Burns - . '
Arts Editor L OS ANG l , and Jim Brooks were the creators ‘ ~
REVIEW ‘ ELES ‘ V3 erie Harper and producers of “The Mary Tyler 4, V A
. . ) believes that at long last ”Rhoda MooreShow“and”Rhoda .. 3 i .
Singer Nancy Wilson’s perfor- — W has been laid to rest. ' .' ' , ,
mance Friday night in Memorial . ’ , ’ For eight years the world knew -. , ~ ~ ., . . ' .' ‘ *
Hall was everything a jazz lover "5000mm. and If her comments be- ’ her as Rhoda Morgenstern. First. as wa 31:3 goait 2;?ng thTartlastnot the y 4 -
could hope for and. unfortunatelv. a tween songs were sometimes ‘00 pat ’ ' the cynical insecure wisecracking y ' - '. - “dé a - » ' ' -. k v
Sooddealloss I and ShOPWOth they were nonethe- ‘ I zafti sidekick on ”Th M l ' great experience. I had fight won- ’ ' ' "
' lesswellreceived by theaudience. g h h e ary Tyer derful years 0‘ "- I know hOW a ' 'i I ' ',
Fll‘St. the best: I '- ligaore 8.13:)“1‘ en}; onhthe spin-(6:3 stage runs, But this was a different , -'. _ ' i I
Once Wilson finally took the stage. At times Wilson‘s show seemed ,~ , s on; d 'f'dste ad turned way or working than what 1 W85 W “ -,' 'J,’ .[2 4‘,
her performance was for the most better suited to a nightclub than a -, ‘ g. 5V: t: 3? tell/)1: lR'ent was marri used too In the Mary" days and 0h ' V . 5 , is"
part SUPeTb- Her unique vocal styl- sitdown show on a college campus, ’ , j" 1% {ll E‘L ' anun‘en OS - 'holghl-m . ,. , ‘Rhoda' I never saw the network .. V, ’ . Hf
ings, which range effortlessly from as when she draped her jacket over , . g‘fs: . A» //i . ‘ < '- - .5 amaaing 'dw ' e Rh?“ l? People or the studio people No“. . . ._ ii‘
light jazz 10 b11195 ‘0 a 801‘ l 0f UP- a microphone stand and delivered cuvowm Kernel 5m" figwuligimllfi‘ sai Hanger} “1:815 I‘m dealing “‘"h'hem . ’xfx'
[OWh slur that borders 0" scat sing- some ballads from atop what in an Nancy Wilson performed Friday night in Memorial Hall. lled “V f a 9.8%? w‘ or ‘ ‘ : 2 11",“
ing, were everything her hype ideal setting would have been a bar ca ‘ aeriei” guess enough Jason Bateman the fast-talking ’. ‘ {-1 ;.;
claimed them to be. stool, or when a clumsy attempt at rough-and-ready reading 0f "Teach Office of Minority Student Affairs “me has elapsed. . . . slicker from “its \our Move and ~ 1"‘l'i€,-".?‘,I'_
. . “intimate" lighting during the en- MeTonight,“ and the Student Activities Board. Herlnew ShOW,.ln.Whl(:‘h She plays “Silver 5900'” plays her teen-age 5' ." -‘;-‘-‘.'=.-'3."5..7~‘
The beauty of Wilson 5 style _ or core marred an otherwise wonder- N ow the worst: the show‘s beleaguered co-sponsors. the Wife of an airlinepilot and the son David on “Valerie .. Danny f "5 I} wit-nil
one Of the many beauties, anyway — fully conversational version of the The show was delayed for several who seemed as much in the dark mother of three sons. .15 expected {0 Ponce and Jeremy Licht are her .
IS the delightfully unexpected way emotional “Guess Who I Saw minutes due to technical problems about the curious proceedings as milk? 1‘5 debuton NBC In March. twin sons. Willie and Mark Josh _‘-..:‘v‘;1_x
she has of thSlll‘lg a familiar lyric ,. with Williams' bass which seemed th di ‘We did seven shows and came Taylor plays her airline pilot hus- ‘ "1,. ; ;.';'~f-,"-‘7 A'f'fi,
'I it be d ’t’ 'th t Today. But these were small con- . v was eau ence. ba~k fter th hol'da ,, f f , y, 3 . :‘ 3 _
“7‘05 . Y0" 'ewg'“ l0" w' 0" cerns in an overall topflight perfor- ‘0 brmg the WOW down from the Afew disgruntled patrons actuallv L .33 .e .. ' ’5 or our band b‘" 3'0““ 59mm“ 5‘39 h'm 2‘» .‘ 9351.5”;1.
losmg "5 intended emotional force. mance. excitement of a rousing introduction left the show during a makeshift m". WOT? she said. _ The problem With He‘s usually off flying the friendly , {j .. 1." ‘3 t 1 j
in fact. her embellishments are by Ann Grundy, a teacher/counselor termission following the trio's per- finding a place "1 the schedule '5 skies. [jg-flex xii».
often far more emotive than the The highlight of Wilson's whirl- at Central Kentucky Re—Ed School. formancei Many who stayed were that NBC has an embarrassment of _' . .2. i
words she sings. as was more than wind 55-minute set was a bluesy Wilson's trio then performed an forced to scramble in the dark for riches. There arent many openings Valerie Hogan is a suburban (‘hi- .L \ ,
ewdent Saturday hlght- . ' medley that kicked off with a slow, inordinately long warm-up set be- their seats during Wilson's opening and the" policy of_keeping Show 0“ cago hOUSBWllt‘. WhU 8150 VH)rks as 3" 1 _. ‘,
Wilson and her accompanying trio smoky version of Al Green's “Let's fore Wilson appeared. While a brief number when the intermission was tofind an audience '5 paying 0“ the manager of a local auction 3 V ' -‘ ; i,
variously swung. SCOrChed and Stay Together" that never nodded to warm-up is par for the course. no brought toan abrupt close. Harper filmed the hm .Seve“ house. There appears {0 he no “11- a. ’3 K
swaggered through a setful 0f stan— the lately-more-familiar Tina ”l‘urn- explanation was given for this ex- Shows at the M'I'M-CBS Studios on gering trace of Rhoda in her new ’ 5 " . .‘