xt7np55dd52w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7np55dd52w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19760514 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, May 14, 1976, no. 128 text The Green Bean, May 14, 1976, no. 128 1976 2014 true xt7np55dd52w section xt7np55dd52w »` J I
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Through 20 May - Bertolt Brecht G R E E N
exhibit - MIK South
L¤bby B E A N
16 May - Softball practice -
3:00 PM, Old Stoll
NEWSLETTER NO»l28 5/14/76
19 May - Admin. Council meeting David Farrell,Editor Ext.82684
21 May — Staff Organization reception for retiring members - 3:00 -
5:00 PM, Special Collections (see note). y
Hunter Adams twice honored: _
Hunter Adams, who will be honored by the Libraries at Friday's
reception (see below), recently was honored by the University in
two singular ways. First, the President approved the faculty's
motion to give her name to the Architecture Library she headed
until this year. Second, Mrs. Adams was awarded the Algernon
Sydney Sullivan Medallion at last Saturday's commencement exer-
cises. The Sullivan Medallion has been awarded since 1927 to
the outstanding male and female of the graduating class and to
an outstanding citizen of the Commonwealth. The award is
sponsored by the New York Southern Society in honor of its first
president and is presented annually at 15 leading colleges and
universities in the South. Previous recipients at UK have
included Genevieve Murray, Alberta Coleman, Smith Broadbent,
Betty Kirwin, Sarah B. Holmes and others noted for their civic-
mindedness. F
Reception Slated for MIK Retirees:
cordially invites you to a reception in honor of retiring members:
Hunter Adams Kate T. Irvine
Jacqueline Bull Lucille Keating
Carolyn Hammer Mary Ada Sullivan
3'to 5 P.M., Friday, May 21, 1976 I F
King Library North, Department of Special Collections
The following remarks only outline briefly the years of service
to the University of Kentucky Libraries by the six retirees.
Contrary to what was reported in an article in the Kentucky
Kernel (April 30, 1976), a total of more than 150 years of service
is represented. The officers of the Library Staff Organization
hope that you will join us and other university personnel and
friends in honoring the six retirees.

 -2- , ,
Before becoming Architecture Librarian in 1965, Hunter Adams
served in both the Acquisitions Department of MIK and as Pharmacy
Librarian. While Architecture Librarian, Ms. Adams became a
member of the Special Libraries Association of KLA and served as
resource utilization liaison to both the architecture and pho-
tography faculties. Involved in many activities associated with
her work and the community, Ms. Adams served on a committee to
assist with a meeting of architectural historians in 1976 and a
committee to arrange a National Trust for Preservation meeting in
Lexington in 1976, as well as being a member of the Northside
Neighborhood Association Planning and Zoning Committee.
Two very special honors were recently awarded to Ms. Adams. The
first was the naming of the Architecture Library in Pence Hall
which will now be known as the Hunter M. Adams College of Archi-
tecture Library. A second honor was just awarded at commencement
exercises held May 8. Hunter Adams received the Algernon Sydney
Sullivan Medallion for recognition of her service to the Uni-
versity of Kentucky.
Dr. Jacqueline Bull has served the University of Kentucky Libraries
E§"SEE?€EE?Y`E5`tHE Librarian, Assistant Reference Librarian,
Archivist, and, from 1955 to the present, as Head of the Special
Collections Department. Prior to receiving her doctoral degree
in history from the University of Kentucky in 1948, Dr. Bull
received a Rockefeller Foundation Grant in the Social Sciences.
Among her publications are included an article entitled "Writing
on Kentucky History," which appeared in the Kentucky Historical
Society Register, volumes 56-57, and in successive issues of the
Margaret I. King Library Bulletin. Dr. Bull has co-edited two
books; Bluegrass Craftsmen, published in 1959 by the University
of Kentucky Press, and Travels in the Old South, published in
1973 by the University of Kentucky Press. She was principal
contributor to Winston Coleman's Kentucky, A Pictorial History,
Dr. Bull is a member of KLA, the Manuscript Society, the Society
of American Archivists, and the Phi Alpha Theta History Honorary.
Contributing to both the fields of History and Librarianship,
she has also taught a course in Special Collections in the Uni-
versity of Kentucky's Graduate School of Library Science.
Carolyn Hammer, a native of Kentucky, has received national
distinction in the field of typography , as well as contributing
to Librarianship. Before coming to serve as Head of Acquisitions
at M.I. King Library, Ms. Hammer was a cataloger and special
researcher at the Library of Congress, was Librarian and teacher
at the Stewart Robinson School in eastern Kentucky, and was
Reference Librarian at the Kentucky State Library Extension
Division. Ms. Hammer became M.I. King Library‘s first bibliog-
rapher in 1966 and has held the title_of Curator of Rare Books
from 1968 until the present. p
Ms. Hammer was awarded the National Endowment for the Arts Award
for her work in typography. She is the author of articles,

reviews, and two books, one entitled Notes on the Two-Color Initials
of Victor Hammer, and one entitled Ravens Creek which was illus-
I trated Ey Harriett Holladay. She has also designed, printed and
edited fifteen books. The work of Ms. Hammer’s late husband and
internationally known printer, Victor Hammer, was exhibited at
the Grolier Club in New York City in March, 1975, along with the
work of Ms. Hammer and of their students. Just this past week,
K Ms. Ham er presented a paper entitled "The Private Press"at the
Symposium on the Book Arts at the University of Alabama. .
A lasting contribution to the University of Kentucky has been the
private press which Ms. Hammer began in 1956 with two fellow
librarians, Mary Voorhees and Nancy Chambers. It was orginally
named High Noon Press (because activity was at first limited to
lunch hours!) and later evolved into the King Library Press. Ms.
Hammer has also taught courses in Development of Book Collection,
History of Books and Printing, and workshop in Printing and
Bookmaking in the University of Kentucky‘s Graduate School of
Library Science.
Kate T. Irvine, also a native of Kentucky, was an instructor in
French and English at Georgetown College, Assistant Professor in
French and English at Campbellsville College, and Librarian at
Picadome and Lafayette High Schools before coming to the M.I.
King Library. Serving first as Assistant Reference Librarian,
then as Head of Circulation, Ms. Irvine became Head of Reference
in 1964.
Ms. Irvine has served on numerous library committees and has been
an active member of KLA, the Southeastern Library Association, ALA,
AAUP, AAUW, and is a member of Beta Phi Mu, National Library
Science Honorary Fraternity. In 1971, Kate Irvine was voted
Outstanding Academic Librarian of the Year by the College and
Research Section of KLA. _
Lucille Keating began her work in the University of Kentucky Li-
braries in the Acquisitions Department, M.I. King Library, but
served as Serials Librarian in the Law Library for the majority of
her years at U.K. Ms. Keating was Librarian at Chapman College,
University of the Seven Seas Cruise in 1967 and was a cataloger
at Calgary, Alberta, Library Service Center in 1969 and 1970, then
returned as Serials Librarian, Law Library, from 1970 until this
Ms. Keating, a member of ALA and KSA, served as Treasurer of the
Ohio Regional Association of Law Libraries until her retirement.
Mary Ada Sullivan, another native of Kentucky, was first distin-
guished at the University of Kentucky by receiving the Chi Omega
Award as Outstanding Woman Student in Economics as an undergraduate
in the School of Commerce. She is a member of Beta Gamma Sigma,
Commerce Honorary.
Ms. Sullivan has served in a variety of positions at the University
of Kentucky Libraries, including Secretary to the Librarian,
Assistant in the Order Department, Archives and the Henry Clay
Project, in Special Collections and the Law Library. From 1967
to the present time, Ms. Sullivan has been Head of the Newspaper/
Microtext Department.

Librarians elected to University Senate
Ellen Baxter, Sandy Gilchrist and Ed O'Hara have been elected to
represent the Libraries in the University Senate, according to
letters received recently from Elbert Ockerman, Senate secretary.
Their terms expire 31 August 1979.
Travellers: , i
Larry Greenwood and Toni Powell are in Ann Arbor for the 6th Annual
Conference on Library Orientation for Academic Libraries 13-14 May.
i Hungarian librarian to visit: ‘
Dr. Katalin Balazs, Deputy Director of the Hungarian Parliamentary
Library at Budapest, is scheduled to visit the UK libraries on
Tuesday 18 May. Dr. Balazs is on a month-long tour of American
public and university libraries from coast to coast. Her tour is
sponsored by the Institute of Internation Education in Washington,
DC, and her host while in Lexington will be Susan Csaky.
Graphic designers needed
The Green Bean will be sporting a new coversheet in the new fiscal
year. Ideas and sketches are welcome and should be submitted by
the end of the month to the editor.
g;§H\}FI·BfZ\!!   A g .
There will be an Information Storage and Retrieval System conference
June 6-8 in Carmel, California.
The University of Oregon School of Librarianship is sponsoring a _
Conference on Bibliographical Control of Afro-American Literature
at Chicago 16-17 July 76.
For information see Faith Harders.
Acquisitions librarian. Center for Research Libraries, Chicago.
Reference librarian. Univ. of Kentucky Medical Center Library.
l July 76. $9,500+.
Asst. to Director for Administrative Services. Univ. of Maryland.
1 July 76.» Open.
Asst. to Director for Personnel. Univ. of Maryland. l July 76. Open.
English bibliographer. Syracuse University. l Aug. 76. $11,265+.
Asst. to Director. Washington State univ. l Sept. 76. $15,000+.
Special Collections librarian. Washington State Univ. l5 Sept. 76.
$16,000+. A ‘