xt7ns17sqt87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ns17sqt87/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19670222  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 1967 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 22, 1967 1967 2015 true xt7ns17sqt87 section xt7ns17sqt87 Inside Today's Xenial
A poge of pictures on the Blue Marlins who are planning their annual
show this weekend: Page Two.

University is 102 years old
day: Page Two.

University of Kentucky

Vol. 58, No. 103


Eight Pages


Kentucky Village emphasiies concern
obout its young people: Poge Thre.

Editorial discusies the Dean of Men's
sending out fraternity information:
Poge Four.
The grading controversy in higher
education grows even lorger: Poge

Charlie Bradshaw spends the winter
selling his program: Poge Six.

First Steps
Toward Reorganization
AWS Takes

UK women's hours are less
liberal than many. Story on "page

Kernel Staff Writer
took steps Tuesday
toward altering its structure in
that would likely
a move
strengthen and expand its programs for women students.
Approval was given a basic
outline for a unicameral legislature to replace the Associated
Women Students' present Senate
and House. A tentative constitu-


tion under which the proposed
system could function will be
presented the Senate at its next
regular Tuesday meeting by Senators Jean Ward and Mary Alice
Shipley, who are charged with
"revamping AWS."
Miss Ward and Miss Shipley
described their guideline plan for
constitutional revision as much
like the AWS structure at Indiana University.
At UK, the plan would better
communication, on policy between senators and their constituents, replace-wha- t
many be-

Kernel Photo By Steve Rocco

Crisp, Winter Moon

crisp, clear wintry moon illuminated the tower of Memorial
Hall Tuesday evening, effecting a sharp contrast to the rain
and snow that had fallen Monday. The photograph was a one
minute time exposure at f22 using a twin lens reflex camera
and Tri-- film.




weakly-structure- d

House of Representatives, and
increase representation for
Expansion from a
body to a
one would enable AWS,
Miss Shipley said, "to cover
more programs and areas" than
before. A strong system of committees and subcommittees is
intended not only to increase
efficiency but also to leave the
legislature freer to formulate policies "pertaining to the welfare
of the women students of the
The new structure would have
a legislative board of 40 or more
members that would in effect incorporate both House and Senate. Its executive board would
be primarily a "clearing house"
for business items, Miss Ward
Committees of the legislature


Western Kentucky Asks
For Engineering School

policy-makin- g

Special To The Kernel

The Western Kentucky Joint Technical Societies
Coordinating Council told the Governor's Science and Technology
Commission that an engineering college is sorely needed in the
Western part of the state.
The Governor's Commission was touring the area which is one
of the most highly industrialized in the state, but there are no
engineering schools there to supply the area with technicians
and scientists.
W. W. Ferguson, general foreman of the B. F. Goodrich plant
in Calvert City, suggested five improvements for the area:
1. An engineering college at Murray State University
2. A
program at Paducah Junior College.
3. Allowing advanced degrees from Murray to be completed
in Paducah.
4. Gearing area colleges to provide continuing education.
5. Improvement of high schools and vocational schools.

would expedite



by discussing and drawing up

solutions the entire Senate must
now weigh.
Final decisions
would, however, rest with the
The executive board's president, vice president, secretary,
and treasurer would be chosen
in a campuswide election. The
board's International AWS contact would be elected or appointed from the legislative body.
Regular members of the legislature, they would have a vote
in its proceedings.
Women's Residence Halls and



would be chosen by those organizations as liaisons with AWS.
At present, they are chosen in
a campuswide election, as are
all other senators. Class senators would be eliminated but
each women's living unit on
campus 14 sororities and 13 residence halls at present would

send AWS one representative for
each 100 women.
Under the current AWS Constitution, the House of Representatives is composed of the
president or vice president of
each unit. Provision is made
for an additional representative
for a living unit with "more
than 200 women." (Under both
plans, units with less than 100
women still have a representative.)
Misses Shipley and Ward


gested increasing the number of
Town Girl representatives from

two to four. Sen. Amelia Symp-so- n
said she thought the figure
might be small for the number
of women students living
However, Patty Wyks-trTown Girl representative,
said four might be too many
because "many AWS policies
like on hours don't affect us
(women living at home or in
Continued On Page 7


AWS Senate Rejects

Forum For Candidates
A proposal by the
Student Party for Equal Representation to sponsor a forum for AWS Senate candidates jointly
with AWS was turned down by the Senate Tuesday.
The senators agreed with one
The Senate said campus woof their members who said, "I
men "already have the opporwould think that anyone having
tunity" to hear candidates' views
a question could come to the
with the coke party AWS sponsored Wednesday afternoon for
party and ask it."
When Miss Korfhage told the
women to meet the candidates.
group there were only "about
Mary Korfhage,
four women" out of 50 students
attending the caucus, some senabrought the idea before the senators wanted to know "what busitors. She said SPER expressed
ness our elections is of theirs
a feeling that AWS elections were
(the men)." Another senator said,
"not involved with issues" and
that a forum in which each can- "I don't think we know enough
about it (SPER) to align ourdidate could give a
make the election selves with it."
speech might
SPER vice chairman Ralph
less a popularity contest.
asked the Wesley told The Kernel that he
Miss Korfhage
Senate to consider "what the could not speak for the party but
issues are supposed to be and that he personally believed that
what the purpose of the coke if AWS did not like the forum
idea, it should be dropped.
party is."
newly-forme- d

two-minu- te

Revising Draft Will Be Difficult Tasl

Kernel Staff Writer
When Congress looks for a new Selective Service law this session, it may
find it difficult to follow the recommendations of the White House Commis- And, according to two UK political
scientists, any new law will not be decided by what is best for the national
interest. It will be determined by public pressure.
The special commission, appointed
by President Johnson last fall, is expected to recommend this month gradual elimination of student deferments
and a lottery system for choosing its
manpower from a pool of all acceptmales. There
able 18- - and
is doubt, however, that either of these
measures can survive Congress in such
simple form.

not going to be
made rationally," says Dr. Frank Marini.
"National interest will not be considered
foremost. Every congressman is going

"The decision


to have to worry about the emotional
nature of the draft . . . what kind of
sense it makes in terms of his constituents."
Whatever form the new law takes,
predicts Prof. Bradley Cannon, "it will
be a hodge podge."
Congress has to act on the draft
before the present law expires June 30,
and it is shaping up to be one of the
hottest items on the Congressional agenda. Public pressure against the present
system has been mounting since United
States committments to the Vietnam war
first climbed into the
Typical congressional conservatism,
political pressure with elections approaching and the diversity in Congress' composition make it apparent there will be
a lot of debate and a lot of amendments.
The student deferment issue is expected to be one of the major points
in the debate. Preliminary reports indicate it is the commission's most important conclusion, but the same sources

have revealed it passed that select group
by only a narrow margin at the last

"It is going to be a close question,"
Prof. Cannon says, "Public pressure is
too great to prevent their (Congress)

considering it."
Dr. Marini, however, does not think it

will necessarily be so close.
It depends, he explains, on the concensus of each individual congressman's
constituency whether or not the majority
of this group involves college students.
"Being for student deferments could conceivably be a very unpopular stand," he
"If a congressman votes to eliminate
student deferments, parents of college
students are on his neck; if he votes to
keep it, parents of
are on his neck, arguing that student

deferments discriminate



College students, he notes, are in a
minority. "A congressman might also
take the view that the great protest

and peace movements are coming from
college students. He could say, 'Well,
we give them deferments so they can
protest against the war and foreign pol-

icy.' "
It must be recognized, though, that
these protestors are a minority among
Prof. Cannon agrees with criticism
of the
deferment. "I oppose student
deferments as they now are. They lead
to exemption from the draft by either
marrying and having children while in
college or by going to graduate school
until age 26 (the practical cutoff point
for the draft)."
Congress has, as a rule, taken the
conservative road, backing up the customary and avoiding drastic changes.
Both professors agree this could have
a bearing on Congress action this ses2-- S

Congress would hesitate to make any
changes in present laws, Prof. Cannon
says. "Nothing is going to get through
Congress very easily."

* 2








IYb. 22, l!Hi7









.... ..,

r- -











T;-x-- r-:


The Blue Marlins will present their annual synchronized swimming

Marlins Explore Broadway

show Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. This year's show "Marlins Explore
Broadway" features the Women's Glee Club, who will be providing the
songs for some of the numbers, all of which are aquatic interpretations
of Broadway show tunes.
Show Chairmen Daphne Yeary and Kathy Hale predict this year's
show to be one of the group's finest and they are especially excited about
working with the glee club.
Blue Marlins, which has been in existence since 1950, numbers about
30 of which are "Guppies," or Marlin trainees. They are
selected in the fall and spend about six months preparing for the show.
After a test in the spring, the "Guppies" graduate to become Marlins.

60 members,

7J adfcyn

The show will be held in the Memorial Coliseum pool. Admission
75 cents and tickets may be purchased at





the Student Center and at the door.

























Photos by Dick Ware

* .Till:

Ken lucky Village
Emphasizes 'Concern'


KIIKNKL. WVdius.nU. IVb.




IFC Nominations Made
Nomination of candidates for IFC offices was field Tuesday flight
at the regular
The nominees for president were Chris Dobbyn, Sigma Alpha
Kpsilon, and Dave Hatterman, Phi Camma Delta.
The other candidates are Mickey Miller, Farmhouse, and Clen
Williamson, Lambda Chi Alpha, for vice president; Huss Ketcham,
Zeta Ik-tTan, and Khner Neuman, Kappa Alpha, for secretary;
and Krnie Harris, Phi Kappa Tau, and Mnrrell Porter. Alpha
Camma Rho, for treasurer.
The election w ill lx? held af the next meeting.
In other business, a motion was passed which lowered the
IFC dues from $3 to $2 er semester for pledges, and left the
active fee at $1.
According to Mickey Miller, treasurer, the action will relieve
some of the pressure on chapter budgets, and decrease the excess
reserves of the IFC account.
Kenneth Brandenburgh, assistant dean of men, told the IFC
to le on the look out for Norval Schultz who has been ojxrating
in the area. He has been taking orders for sweatshirts and then
leaving town.



Kernel Associate Editor
When a juvenile delinquent comes to Kentucky Village, he
doesn't care about himself or other people. Worse, he thinks
"nobody Rives a damn about me."
four miles north.
vvnen the youth leaves, he
west of Lexington.
has discovered someone does care
Children at KV learn to care
about him. And he is at least
through a group therapy probeginning to care about himself.
gram, where they are encourThe lack of concern, as deaged to honestly share their probscribed by KV director Robert
lems and experiences. Some take
is why the instituMcClure,
a real interest in other members
tion's emphasis on treatment,
rather than vocational education of the group. "We believe it is
impossible to not help yourself
or merely on strict confinement,
while helping others," Mr. Mcso worthwhile.
Clure said.
"Wcfccl the treatment should
The institution's greatest
be intensive," McClure said
is in school classrooms.
at the first of a
Tuesday night
Only 200 children are in school
scries of special sociology lectures. "We've got to be able now because the rest cannot be
to turn them out in five or six handled, McClure said. Another
shortcoming is in recreation, for
months, otherwise with 20 youngwhich no funds are allocated
sters at our door each week, we'd
by the state. The vocational edbe drowning in children."
ucation programs needs about
There are now 380 youngsters $500 thousand, he added.
instihoused in the
Changes in staff training and
tution for youths, the largest coadministrative procedures are
educational facility in the nation.
causing the dawn of "a new
day" at KV, McClure said.' CotThe Kentucky Kernel tage parents (counselors) were
The Kentucky Kernel, University
recently given a crash course in
Station, University of Kentucky, Lexdelinquency, human growth and
ington, Kentucky 40506. Second class
postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
development, and KV policy, and
Published five times weekly during
the school year except holidays and
sensitivity in a pilot project fiexam periods.
nanced by the federal governPublished by the Board of Student
Publications, UK Post Office Box 4986.
Nick Pope, chairman, and Patricia
The treatment team concept
Ann Nickell, secretary.
Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and
is the "most excitingthings that's
as the Kernel
published continuously
since 1915.
happened," Mr. McClure added.
Advertising published herein is Intended to help the reader buy. Any The social worker, counselors,
false or misleading advertising should
teacher, labor supervisor, and
be reported to The Editors.
cook in each cottage sit down
Yearly, by mail
and talk about each child and
Per copy, from files
his problems.
Editor, Managing Editor
Editorial Page Editor,
Mr. McClure placed great emAssociate Editors, Sports .... 2320
News Desk
phasis on family problems as the
Advertising. Business,
source of a youth's delinquency.





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Some 200 students from juvenile delinquency classes of Dr.
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David and from Dr. Harwin
Voss' criminology classes attended the talk. The delinquency
students will tour KV in April.

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* The Kentucky Kernel
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Univkhsity of Ki.ntucky




22, 1967

Editorials represent the ojnnions of the Editors, not of the University.

Waltkh M. Chant,
Stkvi: IUkco, Editorial rage Editor


William Knatp,

Business Manager

Fraternity Propaganda
Dean of Men Jack Hall has

of American



Hog-was- h!

been sharply criticized for mailing

"fraternity propaganda" letter
to parents of all incoming freshmen malesand the criticism is
fully justified.
Dean Hall described his letter
as "informational" in nature and
tone, explaining that its purpose
was to urge students to investigate one phase of campus life. That
would be fine if the facts bore
out the explanation; but they do


First, if Dean Hall were interested in a fully objective perusal
of information about the fraternity
system, why did he send only a
booklet which is unquestionably
biased toward that system. The
booklet is entitled, "Should your
son join a Fraternity? Men who

speak from experience say YES!"
Somehow that doesn't suggest a
the kind of treatise we might call
Why- didn't Dean Hall send
out a pamphlet describing negative aspects of fraternity life, which
certainly exist, even to the admission of fraternity members? Of
course the pamphlet might be a
bit more creditable if it included
any data to support the claims of
those paragons of leadership and
scholarly wisdom like Tom Harmon
and Andrew Holt, president of the
University of Tennessee. But no
such data appeared. Instead the
parents are to be inspired by Sen.
Birch Bayh's words that the fraternity system is "a basic idea

pamphlet, entitled "Fraternity Life
at UK Starts Here and Never
Ends", is basically a localized
edition of the material mailed by
Dean Hall to parents.
Content of the pamphlet is undoubtedly public relations material
for the Creek system although Os-

wald, Johnson, and Hall do each
mention the question of individually deciding whether to join
a fraternity. Neither can the ethically doubtful technique of mailing the spiels home to parents
be charged about this publication.
But what can and definitely should
be seriously questioned is the whole


The inclusion of Bayh's statement directly in Dean Hall's letter also makes it difficult to buy
his explanation of a purely "in-

formational" letter.
Given what is then an obvious
a much
more serious question about the
philosophy of running a University
arises. Can an official office of
the University ethically endorse
one student group, recommending
the virtues of its membership? Ethically the question has a special
meaning for an office like the Dean
of Men, which though the misinformation may be unfortunate, is
likely to be taken as a post second
only to that of the president by
a parent. And as one faculty member has stated, such a view is all
too common among parents of college students.
Casting any considerations of
academic merit aside, endorsement
of the Greek system does a tremendous disservice to the student.
Were he inclined not to join dear
old dad's frat rat booze barrel
clan, he is left with hardly a leg
to stand on when he comes home
to hear, "See, the dean out there
says you'll really make it big if
you'll just join your ol' man's

Furthermore, such an endorsement of fraternity like indirectly
suggests the independent student
is less likely to meet academic
success which hardly meets the

pedagogical test.

tip rptf



"I've Got To Go Slow On That
Speed Would Be Dangerous!"
Letters To The Editor:

Complex 7 'Housemother9 Praised
students would undoubtedly be' alTo the Editor of the Kernel:
During the past week there has leviated,been quite a o over the strained
Marg Stommel
A & S Junior
in many of the dorms.
Carson's Symbol
The girls in Complex 7, howAs an interested student, I keep
ever, are happy to say that such
a daily vigil for the arrival in the
a relationship does not exist. The
Kernel box of the latest bullsheet.
reason: Miss Evelyn Eaker.
Eaker is our head resi- ,Feb. 14 I found that "The Daily
dent, yet we choose to call her Truth" had done it again. It had
our "house mother," for she really brainwashed the campus. Carson
does her best to make our dorm Porter has become "an anonymous
a home away from home.
symbol for the campus wheeler-deale- r
I "would never have
Never has there been a time
when Miss Eaker was too busy predicted that the Kernel could
to talk with one of us about a accomplish so much in only one
problem we may have had. Never year."
Dida't only one student carry
has there been a time when she
such a sign at the Haggin prohas been unfair to us in any case.
Miss Eaker puts full trust in test? Wasn't that sign written by
else who neglected to
every girl in Complex 7. Of course someone
inform the protestor of its supthere have been some who have
inbetrayed that trust, but they are posed meaning? Doesn't that
fer that the
injie low minority. The majority importance? incident is without
of girls would think twice before
disregarding the rules and her
Carson Porter has become a
wishes. Miss Eaker treats us as symbol. He is the symbol of the
mature young women. We reciproKernel's policy of character ascate by obeying the rules and assassination. Is it that the Kernel
her in any way we can. is incapable of presenting issues,
We're happy with our "house or that the Kernel has no issues
mother." If every dorm had a Miss to present?
Eaker, the current problem of fricJames W. Staton
tion between head residents and



At Many Levels
And not to be forgotten in the
business of pushing fraternities'
best foot forward are to other relatively important University officials: President John V. Oswald
and Vice President for Student
Affairs Robert Johnson.
Along with Dean Hall these
administrators have seen fit to write
a more mild mannered endorsement
of the fraternity system, with personal pictures and signatures attached, in a pamphlet produced by
the Interfratemity Council. This


tone of the open letters to the
students and in each case the
tone is wholeheartedly positive
and even the very presence of these
officials in a bulletin sponsored by
a minority group making a membership pitch.

Certainly it would be just as
justifiable for the president to include his picture and praise in
pamphlets pushing SDS, YAF,
Dutch Lunch, or any of the other
200 organizations scattered about
campus, which in Johnson's words
are also "an integral part of student life at the University of


A Way

To End UK's Parking Problems

When it comes to the enforcement of speed limits on the Commonwealth's highways a double
standard seems to be applied. At
least such was the case when More-hea- d

State University's president
Adron Doran was cited by state
trooper Don Woodall for going GO
miles an hour in a 50 mph zone.
As a result, President Doran

was found guilty in court and
fined $10 in addition to $18 in
costs. Dr. Doran has sent a letter to Woodall's post commander
suggesting that Woodall "not be
assigned to active duty on the
campus of Morehead State University in the future."
He added, Woodall's action was

"unbecoming to the purpose of
which they (law enforcement officers) were appointed."
If this example may be considered a precedent, University students might hope that President
Oswald's car may be towed from
campus so that OK Garage will
be abolished forevermore. - -



IVb. 22, !Mi7

UK Policies More Restrictive Than Many
Only twice in recent years
has UK's Associated Women's
Associated VVomens Students, Students abandoned its
to any charge
which this week w ill discuss several experimental hours plans in the present hours policy. In
that could be put into effect in .1964 senior liours were begun
March in "selected houses," has and senior women with paren-tia- l
in its hands one of the most
permission could sign out
debated collegiate issues.
after hours according to the policy established by individual resiOver the past
far more campus crusades have dence units. This year senior
privileges were extended to jubeen waged for the emancipanior women.
tion of women from curfew sysAWS has allowed experimentems than for any other single
tation with the hours system in
And a surprising number of various contexts and has for the
past several years authorized
schools, as a result, arc knock"late hours" during the
out of the wall of
ing big chips
weeks immediately preceeding
hours which traditionally surrounds women's dormitories and final examination periods. During late hour periods women
can stay out until midnight on
The latest is Ohio State Uniweeknights providing they are
versity where this month the out of the dormitory by 10:30
women's government approved
p.m., the regular curfew time,
a no curfew plan for juniors,
and are signed out on the spe-- .
seniors, and women over 21 that
cial sheet provided.
will go into effect in September.
The pressure for late hours
Hours for underclassmen will before exam periods came from
still be midnight on weeknights coeds who wanted to use the
and 2 a.m. on weekends.
library until midnight, the lilast spring brary closing time. But in exPurdue University
dropped all hours restrictions tending hours before exams, AWS
for women wlio hav e been out of apparently forgot that the 10:30
weeknight hours were originally
high school for more than a year.
The new policy, which in effect set when the library closed at
10:30 the rationale then cited
means a no hours plan for sophfor setting those hours. When
omore women and above, is supfor thelibrary closing hours changed,
plemented by regulations
.freshmen that require them to be however, women's hours remained the same.
in their dormitories by 11 p.m.
One tradition AWS rationale
on weeknights and 1 a.m. on
against changing the present
Kernel Staff Writer

half-decad- e,

hours is that UK liours compare
favorably with tliosc at comparable scliools. This logic, first
voiced publicly by Sandra Brock,
AWS president in 1964-6not seem to be borne out by
the facts.
Of the neighl)oring scluxds
with which the University is
compared in the Academic Blue-

print, Indiana University with
an 11 p.m. weeknight and 1p.m.
weekend curfew appears to be
the most restrictive.
Other Midwestern schools,
and for academic purposes the
University can be considered in
the Midwest, generally have less
restrictive hours and are moving,
with varying speed, toward doing away with hours all together.
At the University of Wiscon-

sin, for example, freshmen are
required to be in by 11 p.m.
on weeknights and 1 p.m. on
weekends. Sophomores must be
in by 1 p.m. on weeknights and
have no weekend curfews. Juniors, seniors, and girls over 21
have no hours.

Northwestern University requires 11 p.m. weeknight closing
hours of first semester freshmen
and 2 a.m. curfews on Friday
and Saturday. Thereafter, hours
are 12:30 a.m. on weeknights
and 2 a.m. on weekends. Juniors
and seniors with parential permission have no hours.
Hours at the University of
Missouri are 11:30 p.m. on weeknights and 1 a.m. on weekends

Grading Controversy Grows

New York Timei New


NEW YORK -- Last year'skick
was the college students' demand
to be permitted to grade their
professors. It now appears that
this year's fashion may be the professors' demand to be permitted
not to grade their students.
At Yale, Prof. Robert Cook
announced that he would give all
students in his sociology seminar

the grade of "satisfactory" this
term after he had briefly considered acceding to a student vote

to give everybody a perfect score

of 100 to satisfy the university
regulation requiring numerical
At Cornell, Leonard Silver,
professor of mathematics, will
give his students only "S" or

"incomplete." The latter indicates that the student has not
ability to
yet demonstrated
master the material, but an "S"
will be substituted as soon as he
can show the competence.
And Columbia University last
week dropped from its English
Department Richard G. Tristman
who gave A's to his entire class
last term.
Why the rash of professorial
rebellion against grades?
Without a doubt, widespread
objections to the use of grades
to determine whether a student
should be deferred from military
service started the ball rolling.
Even many faculty members who
are not ready to abando nor sabotage the grading system feel that
the application of the academic



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Imperial Plata Shopping Center

yardstick to an unrelated government purpose which may determine a student's life or death
in an unpopular war debases
higher education.
But the objections, though
sparked by the draft, go deeper,
as the statements of the teachers indicate.
"To grade students is, in a"
sense, to treat them like products
in a meat market," Dr. Tristman
said. "I reject the assumption
that learning is a process of attaining goals and leaping hurdles."
The rebellion against grading
is, in part, a reaction against
excessive competition, for admission to prestigious colleges and to
the leading graduate schools.
academic observers
admit that a mania for top grades
may harm education. In extreme
instances, it induces students to
take easy courses rather than more
meaty ones.
There is, however, another
element in the rebellion against
grading the old egalitarian romanticism which has ingrained
hostility, even revulsion, against
Against thecompetitive"may the
best man win" concept, the romantics pit the idea that every
man shines inhisownway.Thus,
Tristman' s rejection ofgradingas
an instalment of the commodity
Despite its nobility, the noncompetitive extreme raises some
very practical questions, including those of ultimate fairness.
If there must be some sorting,
for admission to the next higher
level of study or for job and
career placement, what happens
after everybody emerges with an
A or a "satisfactory" label, regardless of accomplishment or capacity?

Headquarters for Auto Insurance for Students



137 N. Upper





THE SIGN OUT: Part Of The Hours Institution
except for seniors who are issued rates, however, have schools with
dorm keys and thus have no more liberal hours policies. At
Boston University, for example,
At Michigan State Univ ersity,
curfews are 11 p.m. weeknights
weeknight liours are 11:30 p.m. and 1 a.m. on weekends for
and weekend curfews are 1 a.m.
freshmen. Thereafter,
The University of Michigan is weeknight hours are 12:15 a.m.
more liberal still with midnight and 2 a.m. on weekends.
At the University of Pennweeknight hours and 1:30 a.m.
curfews on the weekend.
sylvania in Philadelphia, women
Restrictive hours policies are stay out until midnight on weekat present more a fixture of the nights and until 2:15 a.m. on
South than any other section weekends.
of the country. Weeknight closIn New York City, Barnard
ing liours at the University of College freshmen coeds must be
Miami (Fla.), for example, are in by 10:30 p.m. on weeknights
9 p.m. for freshmen and gradbut once achieving sophomore
uate up to 11 p.m. for seniors. status they may stay out until
But even in the South one midnight weeknights.
finds many schools with more
Coeds at George Washington
liberal hours thanUK. At Vandy, University in Washington, D.C.
for example, weeknight closing stay out until 1