xt7ns17sr03k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ns17sr03k/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198710 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 1987 text GLSO News, October 1987 1987 2019 true xt7ns17sr03k section xt7ns17sr03k I E ; Free at Selected Business Locations
Home Delivery at $5 per year
NATIONAL AIDS PREVENTION MONTH planned. ACT is participating in educational
programs for the Lexington Police Department
October has been designated National and will sponsor a workshop for the U.K.
AIDS Prevention Month by the Centers for College of Pharmacy. On November 14th a
Disease Control. This Inarks the beginning of workshop is planned to bring more people into
a National AIDS Information Campaign which the AIDS education process within central
will run into 1988. Designed to motivate Kentucky. Details on this workshop will
people to take personal responsibility to appear in next month’s Newsletter.
understand and prevent AIDS, the Campaign The Health Department schedule
seeks to reduce fear, increase awareness, and includes educational programs for Detention
prompt preventive action. This Campaign will Center Officers, Planned Parenthood, Alpha
be promoted through the national media. Kappa Delta, and the Emergency Nurses
Locally, a group of Lexington gays met Association. The Health Department will
with a representative of STOP AIDS Cincinnati participate in the IBM Health Fair, having
to learn more about the STOP AIDS Project. already worked with the IBM clinical staff
Originally developed by the San Francisco during September.
AIDS Foundation, this program has spread
nationwide. By bringing small groups of gay NEW DRESS CODE INTRODUCED
men together, participants learn more about
the disease, share how it has affected their Have you been to the bars in
lives, and discuss ways of reducing risk. Cincinnati recently? Or perhaps you visited
This introduction to STOP AIDS, and an New York, Atlanta, or California during the
increasing awareness of the problem in summer. If so you probably saw men wearing
Lexington has generated the interest needed safety pins in gay establishments. Introduced
for our community to mobilize its own by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, the
awareness and education program. practice has spread nationwide. This new
AIDS Volunteers of Lexington (AVOL) is piece of jewelry is how you discretely tell the
being organized by local gays. A final world you practice safe sex.
decision has not been made about affiliating Greg Lee counsels those seeking the
with the national STOP AIDS Project because HIV antibody test at the Health Department.
potential group leaders must travel to San He reports most gay men say they want to
Francisco for training. Nonetheless, some of follow the safe sex guidelines but are
the STOP AIDS ideas may be used here even embarrassed to bring it up with a partner.
if no formal partnership occurs. In addition You can now solve that dilemma. To
to group discussions, the AVOL organizers are coincide with National AIDS Prevention Month,
considering an information table at The Bar on safety pins will be part of the Lexington
Friday and Saturday nights, as well as at local ”scene" beginning October lst. If you can‘t
gay functions. The Volunteers staffing these find one at home they'll be available at The
tables would answer questions, provide Bar, as well as at local functions. If you
brochures and offer referrals. The volunteers wear your pin, the friends you meet will know
will increase the gay community's awareness of what to expect of you, and know what you
AIDS, and the personal responsibility we all expect of them.
must share to reduce its spread. To help
AVOL reach our gay community call Chuck at DID YOU KNOW
233-0492, or, call the GLSO Phoneline.
In addition to the birth of AVOL in the There may be 15 persons with AIDS in
gay community, both ACT-Lexington and the the Lexington area?
Health Department have numerous workshops There may also be 150 cases of ARC?

 [:1 Please send me a free introductory
issue of the GLSO News and information
on GLSO.
"‘z.‘ ‘ , . mayMflkooenJy
. . ft ‘ 'r . mama“
[:1 I'd like to become a voting Member of "r; U unumatcdbyan
GLSO entitling me to free home delivery £53 9 a if: [3173' Zigifglgfimm
of the GLSO News and discounts at 1'15 ’ JU-g
GLSO functions. My annual Member- v a! .... ," Q‘mm‘mt
ship fee of $10 is enclosed. &;l 4”» ““35“"-
a I don‘t wish to become a voting Member »_ 'f'ii' ,‘ jf$5 gifijflfit
but please send me the GLSO News s“. i. 5' ' gig- J fifl-fifi
each month. The annual charge of $5 1?... l.\ in . 1‘.
is enclosed. _ ‘“'"""'”""“ :1;
National March on U
we, Washington for mum-*—
Lesbian and Gay Rights V
- ddress: —‘—"—#““‘_
City, St, Zip:
I ail to: Newsletter, P.O. Box 11471 ONE-TIME ONLY DISCOUNT
Lexington, KY 40575
The publisher of Gayellow Pages has
/ released its 1988 editions. The retail price is
$8.95 for the National Edition, and $3.95 for
.IIHHHHHHHH”Inn“””HHHHHHHHHH each of the three regional editions. However,
through GLSO, the National Edition price is
GLSO News is published monthly by the only $1513 and each [gig—1011a; Edith)? only; $3‘
Lexington Gay Services Organization, lnc. don d miss fls hc ancle o 'ge lyou;
(d. b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Esgionirlppitlflicactgfg vyhich Lingerigs 1132:3102? g3;-
Organlzatlon), Box 11471’ Lexmgton, KY 40575 oriented resources available throughout the
Steve Savage, Editor natlon.
Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar
Edwin Hackney, Asst Editor, AIDS Information
Laura Joans, Asst Editor for the Please send me'
Esmerelda Collective (Women's News) '
Daniel Stlnnett, Asst Edltor, News Items _____ copies of the National Edition
Additional Contributors: Dave, Bill, Debbie, at $7-50 each
Eddie, John; Couples National Network; "'" copies 0f the Southern Edition
NGLTF; P-FLAG; Couples, Inc.; March on at $3 each .
Washington Committee; The Advocate; ““‘ copies 0f the New York/New
NAGLAD; Typists: Dave, Craig, Kenneth, Jersey Edition at $3 each
Steve; Equipment: Dave, Karen; Typesetting: (1nc1udes a women's section)
Matt; Layout: Dave, Craig, Ann, Daniel, “"" CODiES 0f the Northeast Edition
Gerry, Steve; Mailing: Bill, Dave; Courier: at $3 each
Barry; Folding & Stuffing: Mark, Steve, Jim, Payment Enclosed:
John, Gerry. (Includes Shipping/Handling)
Mail them to the following address:
Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are
those of the authors and do not necessarily Name________—___
represent those of the GLSO Board of
Directors. Submissions are welcome. All Address —_._.—__._~—_
submissions become the property of GLSO and .
must indicate the full name and address of the Guy __._—____—_.__
author. Anonymous submissions are not ,
accepted. The editorial staff reserves the State— ZIP _
right to alter submissions (including ads) to
meet publishing requirements.

The countdown to the March has begun. The first major equal rights
It is not too late to join the GLSO sponsored demonstration for same-sex couples is
bus trip, you just have to act m. Here are threatened by a lack of donations. After
the details. The bus will leave the Lexington seven months of promotion, the financial
Mall parking lot on Saturday, October 10th, at support for the demonstration is not adequate
7 pm and arrive in Washington between 8 am to cover basic expenses.
and 7 am Sunday, the 11th. The March According to Walter Wheeler, President
begins at 9 am at the Ellipse behind the White of Couples, Inc, the sponsors of the event,
House. The bus will return Sunday evening "We have stacks of letters from across the
at 7 pm, arriving back in Lexington by 7 am country supporting The Wedding and to tell us
Monday morning. This schedule will allow that couples plan to attend. Only a few have
people to work both Saturday and Monday. donated money to support the event. Many
We hope to fill at least one bus, and people do not realize how much it costs to
maybe two. In the event that all seats aren't promote a national demonstration. We have
sold, all money will be refunded and an also learned that many couples are planning to
attempt made to organize car pools. The cost participate but have not contacted us. This
of the trip is slightly more than we had has made it impossible to estimate the numbers
hoped, but at $63 per person still seems of people to expect.”
reasonable. To make a reservation, call The plans for The Wedding are still
today! 266-9175. proceeding. Several nationally known gay
P.S. A late addition to the DC arts leaders have agreed to speak at the
offerings for the weekend of the March is demonstration, including Rev. Elder Troy
Beehive at the Warner Theatre (Downtown). Perry of the Universal Fellowship of
This is a musical about the girl groups of the Metropolitan Community Churches and
60's which played off-Broadway to rave Rosemary Dempsey from the National
reviews for 2 years. Organization for Women. A permit to close
Constitution Avenue in front of the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) Building is in the
NEWSLETTER POLICY works. The National March office staff is also
making arrangements for important support
You probably noticed the new format items such as the stage and sound system.
introduced in last month's Newsletter: we've Money is needed now to pay for these items.
eliminatod the cover page artwork and now "I hope we haven't come this close to
begin the news on the first page (like a standing before the federal government and
"normal" newspaperl). You may also have the world to demand recognition of our
noticed the new subscription form on page 2. existing relationships only to lose the
That Change is important to you and to GLSO. opportunity for lack of financial support",
Each month we provide a few free copies stated Carey Junkin, Representative of The
of the Newsletter at businesses such as The Wedding to the the National Steering Committee
Bar, Sqecial Media and Joseph—Beth, so new for the March of Washington for Lesbian and
people in town will know we're here to help. Gay Rights.
Those copies usually don't last long - Couples planning to attend The
everyone likes to get something free. Wedding should contact Couples, Inc.
Our writers, editors, typists, delivery innnediately. For more information on The
people and envelop stuffers are all volunteers. Wedding or to send donations write Couples,
Over a hundred hours of free time is donated lnc., Box 13323, [ms Angeles, CA 90013-0323.
to each month‘s issue. But, it still costs us
about $200 per month for printing, postage, —_—__—_____
and supplies. We cover local stories and
events, and try to provide information you will
find valuable.
Please become a GLSO Member or E I
Newsletter subscriber. Simply complete and
return the coupon on Page 2. We need your
help to cover costs if you wish to receive a
monthly issue.

REVISION OF BY-LAWS PROPOSED person's expressed interest in the purpose of
The GLSO Board has considered several
changes to the By-Laws and will officially Section 2. Members shall meet at least
present the revision for a vote by Members at annually, and the Members present at any
the monthly meeting on October 5th. meeting shall constitute a quorum. Every
Last updated in 1983, the most Member shall be entitled to one vote, and a
significant amendment would increase the plurality shall determine the outcome of
Board of Directors from nine members to ten. matters requiring a vote. The Annual Meeting
This change reflects the organization's of Members shall be held every June to elect
involvement in more activities and services. Officers and Directors and conduct other
Also, by increasing the Board to an even necessary business. Anything to the contrary
number, members would serve staggered two hereinbefore contained notwithstanding,
year terms. This means half the Officers and persons who have been Members for less than
Board would come up for election each year, 15 days prior to such Annual Meeting shall be
thereby providing more continuity in deemed ineligible to vote in an election of
leadership. As vacancies occur, replacements Officers and Directors.
would be appointed by the Board as is now
the case, but the appointed individual would Section 3. Membership shall be open to any
serve for the balance of the two year term person of legal age regardless of race,
being filled. The current By-Laws require political views, religious beliefs, ethnic origin,
that appointed positions come up for election sex, sexual orientation or physical handicap.
at the next annual meeting. Also, references As used in these By-Laws the word "person"
to "GSO" are being changed to "GLSO" to shall be deemed to mean an individual,
reflect and encourage the involvement of the partnership, corporation, or other legal entity
numerous women who contribute so much to recognized under the laws of the
GLSO. Finally, the existing By—Laws refer to Commonwealth of Kentucky.
a "Membership List." We don't maintain a
membership list and never have, so that Section 4. Membership shall be evidenced
reference has been deleted. Your membership by issuance of a membership card which shall
card is the only record of membership. expire twelve (12) months from date of issue.
We print the proposed By-Laws below
and encourage card-carrying members to ARTICLE III
attend the October 5th meeting to vote on this
proposal. All the proposed changes will be Board of Directors
discussed in detail at that meeting, and the
existing By-Laws will be available for Section 1. The Board of Directors shall
comparison. consist of a President, Vice-President,
Secretary and Treasurer with six (6) Directors
PROPOSED BY-LAWS OF LEXINGTON GLSO elected at large. All Board Members shall be
voting Members of the Corporation.
Section 2. All Members of the Board shall
Purpose be elected to serve staggered two-year terms.
Two Officers and one half of the at-large
The purpose of the Lexington Gay Services positions on the Board shall come due for
Organization, Inc. (doing business as the election each year.
Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services Organization,
and hereinafter referred to as GLSO) is to Section 3. Nomination of candidates for
provide educational, recreational, social and election to the Board of Directors shall be
referral services directly involving or relating accepted at a meeting of the Members held in
to gay/lesbian people. May of each year.
ARTICLE II Section 4. Vacancies on the Board shall be
filled by appointment of a Member by the
Membership Board of Directors for the remaining unexpired
Section 1. Membership shall be contingent
upon payment of an annual Membership fee in Section 5. Any Board Member may be
an amount set by the Board of Directors and a removed by a two-thirds vote (Article 11,

Section 2 notwithstanding) of Members present Section 4. The Secretary shall keep
at 3 called or Annual Meeting, provided that minutes of Board and Membership meetings and
the Board Member proposed to be removed shall perform other duties customarily
shall have been notified of the proposed action appertaining to the office.
not less than thirty (30) days prior to the Section 5. The Treasurer shall keep safely
date of the meeting. all funds of the Corporation and shall make
regular reports of same to the Board.
Section 6. The Board may appoint standing
or special committees. The presence of two— ARTICLE V
thirds of the committee shall constitute a
quorum for any committee meeting. All such Miscellaneous
committees shall contain at least one (1) Board
Member who shall report committee work and Section 1. The bank account(s) of GLSO
recommendations to the Board of Directors. shall be maintained at such banks or financial
The Board shall appoint a special committee institutions as determined by the Board of
known as the Nominating Committee, each Directors, and the persons authorized and/or
year, at least ninety (90) days preceding the required to sign checks shall be determined by
Annual Membership meeting, to solicit the Board.
candidates for nomination to the Board of
Directors. It shall be the policy 08 GLSO to Section 2. Final decisions concerning
encourage nominations to the Board of corporate activities shall be made by the Board
Directors from the Membership in addition to of Directors.
any nominations presented by the Nominating
Committee. Section 3. The fiscal year of the
Corporation shall begin on January lst.
Section 7. The Board shall be empowered to
compensate Members, Directors, Officers, or Section 4. A decision to dissolve the
others for work performed for GLSO. It shall Corporation may be made by a two-thirds vote
be empowered to create staff positions to be (Article II, Section 2 notwithstanding) of the
filled by either Members or non-Members. general Membership at an Annual Meeting or a
special meeting called for that purpose. At
Section 8. The Board of Directors shall meet such time and in that event, the Board of
at least annually, may from time to time fix Directors shall see that all Corporate assets
stated meetings at more frequent intervals, are distributed to one or more non-profit
and shall meet upon call by the President. organizations with purposes and goals similar
to those of GLSO.
Section 9. A quorum of the Board shall
consist of six (6) Members. Section 5. The parliamentary authority for
GLSO shall be Robert's Rules of Order.
Section 10. Any Board Member with three (3)
consecutive unexcused absences shall be Section 6. Proposed amendments to the By-
deemed to have resigned from the Board. Laws shall be presented at a Board meeting
and may be enacted by a two-thirds vote of
ARTICLE IV those present at a subsequent general
Membership meeting not less than thirty (30)
Officers days later.
Section 1. The general Officers of the ,“:::;:'>.3:_""j::.‘.‘ 1.525-. figmm
Corporation shall consist of a President, a 3,! ’”_':3_* 5.1 flfiilfin'éfi‘;
Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. j,{-.-;;-.;:-E~_ifi_f«_ fiflfl‘,
"".n's§.-I-'*-.;“ 3:33;:
Section 2. The President shall preside at all t“- " 6 “‘“mmm
meetings, serve as the corporate process _:{§:1'}:“1": .9 ”xv-.3355? Maura-mom:-
agent, and be an ex-officio member of all ‘1 ;;i1'":j‘_ tiara.“
committees. 134‘ :1‘.:‘.'.j_,7.‘.7 777‘“ “WW
5% ».;_: . 3;": Oct. 11th
Section 3. The Vice President shall assume ‘1’ -." if‘e.‘-‘:'4.E’«_';'—_:---E.m
the duties of the office of the President when T9357" “:‘--.'.'.‘~~F' -u.-...._.,_
the latter is absent. '""““”‘°'"’°" '

Greetings! Change is in the air and we HEATHER BISHOP IN CONCERT

want you to know what's up.

Feminist Alliance, the U.K. student Heather Bishop, the Canadian singer/
organization which has been publishing songwriter, is touring the United States in
Womenews has taken a new direction. Those promotion of her sixth album entitled "Taste of
of us who attended the August meeting found the Blues".
our interests were less feminist oriented and Heather Bishop’s bluesy, powerful
more lesbian oriented. We also acknowledged voice sails through songs by Billie Holliday
that student interest was inconsistent at best. and Joan Armatrading as well as a variety of
Because of this, we made the decision to put her own compositions reflecting her ideas of
our energy into GLSO. We propose to create love and politics. She's not too shy to tell
a strong lesbian croup within GLSO that will audiences that she is a lesbian, nor does she
fill our need for community without shy away from progressive politics. Neither
fragmenting us into yet another group lacking of these traits completely define her music,
numbers and resources. In making this however, as her performance blends the blues,
change we realize we exclude those women who contemporary folk, rock and country and
have feminist interests but who are not western styles with great creative finesse.
lesbian, but we are happy to announce that Tickets are $6 in advance or $7 at the
the Bluegrass Chapter of NOW is currently door. Advance tickets can be purchased at
holding regular meetings. We regret that Sqecial Media, 371 S. Limestone in Lexington,
Womenews is not being produced at this time Crazy Ladies Bookstore, Cincinnati, and
and hope "Esmerelda's Parlour" will begin to Carmichael's Bookstore in Louisville.
fill that void. We are still in the process of Childcare is available by reservation only.
discussing the future of such a newsletter and This concert is a "Seize Another
your comments are welcome. Moment" Production in cooperation with the UK

The GLSO Coffeehouse and Dance Women Studies Department.

Committee is going strong - our last meeting

was so widely attended we nay soon outgrow

local living rooms! Our meeting dates are now UNTITLED
listed in the Events Calendar on the back page

of GLSO News, so call for the locations. A friendly pair of arms,
October‘s C & D brings an open microphone opened wide,

plus a live DJ... so bring your talent and bid you near

favorite dance tunes. In November, GLSO will though you know better
not host a C 8: D; Between the Acts will be

presenting a play at the Unitarian Universalist Their safety and security
Church instead. Watch the newsletter for are what you crave right now
more info. But freedom and independence

The most exciting news is that the are what you need
Lesbian Potlucks are back! Join us on the
second Sunday of each month for our version To stand on your own
of the Sunday Social with good conversation To learn that you can
and good food. We have found the potlucks Means turning away
are our best opportunity to catch up with When it is hardest to
friends (or make new ones) and relax. Call
277-2877 for information. It means turning away

Finally, thanks to our performers at the when what you want most
August C 8: D: Carol and Laura, guitar and is to crawl into that
vocals; Pam, dance; Charlene, poetry; Sandy friendly pair of arms
and Greta, art display; and Lorna and Natalie, And be held forever.
photography display.

Don't forget your comments and D . L. C.
announcements are welcome and you can
contact us through the Gayline or at GLSO,

P.O. Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575. Just L d H d

ask for Esmerelda! Who?! 9 en a an n.



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The Fairness Fund has established a
system to mobilize constituent mail on behalf of
gays and lesbians. By calling an 800 number,
DICNITY/LEXINCTON you can choose the text of a mailgram to be
[(150.1994. Lampon'mw,” sent to your Senator or Representative.
Essentially, all you have to do is make the
decision to have one of these messages sent in
269'8417 your name. The Fairness Fund writes,
' addresses, and mails the message to your
FROM DIGNITY'S PRESIDENT Congressman for you - nothing could be
easier. The mailgram cost of $4.50 will be

The leaves are changing. The air is billed to your home telephone.
cooler, sharper. The days are shorter. I love Three different messages address
it. Judge Bork's nomination. Three additional

The reasons for this is simple. Change ones SUPPOPt an all-out national campaign
is a positive thing for me. It means new against AiDS- . ‘
experience, new Iearnings, new friends, new if You do hOt have the time to Wi‘ite a
happiness. Change gives me the chance to letter, 0i‘ do “Qt know who your Senator 01‘
push myself in new directions. Representative 15, call these numbers for

As you and 1 face change in our lives 1 immediate transmittal of your opinions to your
hope we both do it in a positive way. If elected representative:
something bad happens, may we look at the Bork: 1‘300”325‘5000, Operator 9188
good it brings us in learning and growth. If AIDS: 1'800‘325'6000, Operator 9184
something good happens, may we remember to
reflect on that and say thank you.

This past year of being President has SENATOR FORD SWAYABLE ON BORK
made me reflect and I‘d like to say thank you '
to you. Whether it be Larry's fine work as ' Kentucky Senator Wendell Ford 15
treasurer, Jim attending regional and national letting WOI'd 01“ his vote on the nomination 9f
conferences for Dignity, those who have Judge Robert Bork t0 the Supreme Court will
renewed memberships, or joined, those who hkely' depend upon what he hears from hlS
have attended a Dignity meeting, or even constituents (that's 118-)
those who took the time to read our page, I This is our cue gay Kentucky! A
say "Thank you." sample letter was included in last month's

1 hope to see you at Dignity soon. newsletter. If you didn't like it, draft your

In peace and Dignity, Keith own, but SEND IT! On most issues,
politicians do not even pay attention to the
particular content of constituent letters, but

OCTOBER DIGNITY CALENDAR simply count the letters for and against an
Tue 6th 7:30 Liturgy at Don's, 299-4458 Senator Ford is one of approximately
Thu 15th 7:30 Rap Session at Debbie's, thirty undecided Senators. if you are
Topic: FindingA Balance, concerned with protecting the privacy of
266—0757 Americans and equal participation of minorities
Thu 22nd 7:30 Program Meeting: Elections 3. in Iour society, you need to write to Ford‘s
Party at Keith's, 269-8417 office-
Convincing at least one of our
Senators to oppose Bork's appointment to the
ELECTIONS Court should be every gay and lesbian
Kentuckian's first priority in the crucial weeks

Elections are this month! If you are ahead. Even those who hold conservative
interested please let us know. There are all POiiticai views have nothing to gain by putting
different kinds of positions open and we would a man 011 the Court who believes the
love to have you volunteer! Let us know Constitution can keep government 011i 0f
today! Call 269-8417 or 254-9312. business sector, but not out of the bedroom.

_— _

Dear GLSO, Dear Newsletter Editor:

The Lexington-Fayette County Health This is in response to "Name
Department has offered HIV antibody Withheld" in the Sept issue of the newsletter.
counseling/testing on an anonymous basis since I am not able to respond to criticisms of ACT
July, 1986. Both counseling and testing are Lexington and the Health Department because I
free of charge. Testing will not be done am not very familiar with those organizations.
without pre—test and post-test counseling I am no longer a GLSO board member, but
(results are not given over the phone.) having served in that capacity for four years
Currently, about 80 tests are performed per I know the organization well. It is to the
month in Lexington (anonymous testing is also criticism of GLSO that I wish to respond,
available at 11 other local health departments admitting in advance that I am favorably
in Kentucky.) Expect about a one or two prejudiced toward the organization.
week waiting line for testing. i GLSO has been in existence for over

Although the health department does not 10 years. The organization is frequently
have a 24—hour AIDS hotline, information is criticized for what it does not do or what some
available during regular business hours at feel is not done well enough. Seldom does
252—2371, extensions 245, 248, 228, 239, 282, GLSO hear encouragement for the services
and 261. For those calling from out of town, they do provide. Criticism is consistently
call collect, using an assumed name for the offered by people who have no intention of
operator, on (606) 255-6152. Phonelines are helping GLSO overcome these short comings by
staffed at all times between 8:00 am and 4:30 volunteering.
pm, Monday through Friday, except for Each GLSO board member and
holidays. Your name will not be asked for volunteer has a full time job and gives what
when making calls, appointments, or testing. time they can to the organization. Much of

Greg Lee, AIDS Coordinator their time is spent raising the funds needed to
support the phoneline and newsletter. Any
Dear GLSO: new service or improvement in existing

When ACT was formed in 1986 there services requires committed new volunteers.
were some organizational problems. There As coordinator of the GLSO Speaker's
wasn't a phone, P.O. Box, or a way of Bureau, Iwould certainly like "Name Withheld"
providing the support intended. These to join us at our meetings to share his
problems were solved and today we function as knowledge. Questions about AIDS come up at
well as other volunteer organizations. nearly every speaking engagement, and we

Our phone, 606—281-5151, is answered like to be as knowledgeable as possible. If
either by myself or my machine. Messages are your research can supplement or clarify our
returned on a timely basis, with assistance information, PLEASE share it with us.
offered where possible. "Name Withheld," I realize that as a

Our mail is received at P.O. Box 11442, PWA there may be limitations as to what you
Lexington. It's picked up daily, and can do, but if you have knowledge to share,
correspondence that requires action is dealt please contact us by phone or by attending
with promptly by the appropriate member of our meetings. Your criticism is accepted;
our Board or myself. your knowledge and help are needed.

Since we are a volunteer organization, Barry Grossheim — Lexington
we are always looking for concerned
individuals who have the time, and can make a
commitment, to assist us in our education and Dear GLSO,
support efforts. All anyone needs do is call. I'd like to respond to last month‘s

Our Board meets on the first Monday of letter criticizing GLSO. When I moved to the
every month at the Health Department to Eastern Kentucky mountains from Bloomington,
handle the business of the organization as well Indiana, I didn't have any difficulty
as to plan our activities. These meetings are "communicating" with GLSO. I looked up the
open to anyone who wishes to attend. Gayline number in the phone book and called

We appreciate the support the Gay and it. A recording gave me the days and times it
Lesbian community has provided and we look was personally staffed. When I called at the
forward to your continued support. appropriate time, a helpful volunteer put me

David Kuxhaus, Pres, ACT-Lexington on the GLSO mailing list and described the


 available services and activities in Lexington. SIMPLY A LOVE POEM

GLSO could, I'm sure, be improved (as
any service organization can) by more money antique curtains in a sweet evening breeze,
and more volunteers. I did not notice that gentle laughter as you kneel astride
the writer had ever volunteered to staff an to tower over me.
additional night on the Gayline, or contribute
financially to ensure that GLSO will continue a quick twist and lace becomes wrap
to publish this newsletter for the community. about your sleek hiDS,

I would suggest the writer could help ican only marvel at that glimpse
the gay community more by suggesting of draped satin skin.
concrete improvements or pointing out and
correcting reported errors, rather than by summer draws back her breath and they
hysterically lambasting the supposed failures tumble out the window,
of those few who are trying to make Kentucky you eclipse the sudden burst
a better place for gays and lesbians to live. of golden sun.

Perhaps he could write an article for the

Newsletter, volunteer to help edit the AIDS alive with the moment they toss and tarry,
information articles, or speak to community loosely over the sill

groups about AIDS. These would be with a toss of your head, you arch up
constructive ways of "helping” our community to fall into my arms.

deal with its flaws; his letter was not.

Dennis Stutsman — Ja