xt7ns17sr604 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ns17sr604/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-12-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 1998 1998 1998-12-08 2020 true xt7ns17sr604 section xt7ns17sr604  






Real contest

Some deep

This was taken from an
actual newspaper
contest where
entrants age 4 to IS
were asked to imitate
"Deep thoughts by
Jack Handey."

0 When I go to heaven, I
want to see my
grandpa again. But he
better have lost the
nose hair and the old-
man smell. Age 5

O I once heard the voice
of God. It said
Unless it was just a
lawn mower. Age ll

O Give me the strength
to change the things I
can, the grace to
accept the things I
cannot, and a great
big bag of money.
Age l3

0 I don't know about
you, but I enjoy
watching paint dry. I
imagine that the wet
paint is a big
freshwater lake that
is the only source of
water for some tiny
cities by the lake. As
the lake gets drier,
the population gets
more desperate, and
sometimes there are
water riots. Once
there was a big fire
and everyone died.
Age 13

a I like to go down to
the dog pound and
pretend that I’ve
found my dog. Then I
tell them to kill it
anyway because I
already gave away all
of his stuff. Dog
people sure don't
have a sense of
humor. Age 14

o l believe you should
live each day as if it
is your last, which is
why I don't have any
clean laundry
because, come on,
who wants to wash
clothes on the last
day of their life?
Age 15

0 Whenever I start
getting sad about



December 8, I998

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By John Wampler

Mother of two tells of her troubles in raising
kids while attending college at the same time

doesn‘t have much time to her-
self." said her brother Eli. an 8th
grader at Jessie Clark Middle

Yet Wallace said she feels it
will all be worth it.

“I think it will change their

but he doesn‘t want to wear it."
After spending up to 20 min-

where I am in my life,
I think about the last
words of my favorite
uncle: “A truck!"

Age IS

it It sure would be nice

if we got a day off for
the president's
birthday, like they do
for the queen. Of
course, then we
would have a lot of
people voting for a
candidate born on
July 3 or December
26, just for the long
weekends. Age 8

Every weekday. 29 year-old
Kimberly Wallace. a second-year
student in the business and tech-
nology program at Lexington
Community College. gets up be-
tween 7115 am. and 7:30 am. to
get her two boys. Branden. 12.
and Logan. 2. ready for school.

Branden presents no prob—
lems going to school. but the
“nightmare.“ for Wallace is try-
ing to get Logan ready for
preschool. He is living up to the
”terrible two‘s.‘ often refusing to
wear certain clothes or eat breakv

“He hates to put a jacket on."
Wallace said. “It's cold out now.

utes just to get Logan to wear his
jacket. attention is turned to
breakfast. a second ordeal.

Wallace said that on occasion
she has to fix three different
meals before Logan will eat any-
thing. The whole morning roti-
tine can take from an hour to an
hour and a half.

Taking Logan to and from
Kindercare preschool. picking up
Branden from his numerous ac-
tivities (basketball. baseball and
football at Southern Middle
School) and going to classes from
11 am. until 4:45 pm. on Tues.
days and Thursdays makes for
quite a schedule for her.

“It's pretty hard on her. She

lives to see how hard I worked
and how important an education
really is." she said.

She said Branden is already
considering which colleges he
would like to attend.

Before deciding to attend col
lege. Wallace had worked as a
self-taught paralegal at SCS ln-
corporated in Fort Meyers. Fla.
and then at Matthews and Miles
Law Firm in Shelbyville. Two
years ago. though. she decided to
take the next step to fulfill a life-
long goal.

”lt‘s always been my dream
to be an attorney." she said. “It's

See SINGLE on 3 3))

0 As you make your way
through this hectic
world of ours, set
aside a few minutes
each day. At the end
of the year, you'll
have a couple of days
saved up. Age 7

- Source:

-Ron Norton

.. ......n ma...



um moon | mm STAFF

Single responsibility

Married couples
discuss their
troubles with
being married
and going to
school | 3

Graduates say
that finding a

because meeting

places are
geared toward
undergrads | 4





Tomorrow's By Matt Hey

Hi to
Keepin' with the sea-

son. it will be cool and
mostly cloudy Wednesday.


VOL. ”04 ISSUE 872




News tips?

Call: ZS7-l9l5 or write:




As the decision as to where UK
would end up for its first bowl game
since 1993 moved along slowly. even
players found themselves score
board watching.

During the two weeks since UK
played its last regular season game
in Knoxville. Tenn. against Ten
nessee many surrounding the UK
program had been surmising about
where the I' -4 team would end up.

Would it be at the Chik- fil- a
Peach Bowl in Atlanta against a 9-2
Virginia team who had lost only to
Florida State and Georgia Tech?

Or would be at the Outback
Bowl in Tampa. Fla. against a Big
Ten Conference representative like
Michigan or Penn State?

Wait. hold on a second. If every-
thing fell the wrong way for the



Wildcats react
to reached goal

Despite comments to the contrary, Wildcats were
worried about which bowl would invite Big Blue

(.‘ats. they could even find them-
selves in Nashville for the Music
City Bowl or Shreveport. La. for
the Independence Bowl.

The key for [K was having the
Southeastern Conference get two
teams into the Bowl Championship
Series. When both UCLA and
Kansas State lost last Saturday. one
had to wonder if Florida would be
bumped to make room for one of

”We were worried about that."
senior defensive lineman Marvin
Major said of those two teams los
ing. We wanted the Outback Bowl

So bad. that the Cats were even
cheering for archrival Tennessee. a
team they had just lost 59-21 to sev-
eral weeks ago.








. .1. , thumwmabwfi,qfl¢% Imp“. ‘..

Cat taming

Indiana will try
and erase
recent loses
when it takes
on UK tonight I 4




mulled at

Students voice concerns
to police, UK administrators

By Zach Atklns

UK students discussed the new alcohol
policy and its impact on surrounding
neighborhoods with police and UK officials
last night at William T. Young Library.

The forum. sponsored by associate pro-
fessor Patrick Mooney's sociology class. in-
cluded speakers from Transylvania Neigh»
borhood Association. 3 Lexington Fayette
Urban County police officer. Student Gov»
ernment Association President Nate
Brown. Joseph Burch. vice-president of
University Relations. and the president of
the Lexington Landlord's Association.

Despite the guest list. only a few stu-
dents showed up to discuss the policy.

Shannon McAfee. an undeclared senior
in the class and a former Sigma Alpha Ep-
silon fraternity member. coordinated the

"We are trying to get students to come
out and voice their opinions on the mat»
ter." he said.

McAfee said the most positive outcome
of the forum would be for [K to open its
eyes and see that students are really no
comfortable with this policy,

"I think the problem with the sur-
rounding neighborhoods was a result of the
fraternity houses going dry. A big part of
fraternities is coming together and drink.
ing. and they ‘re taking that away from us."
McAfee said.

See FORUM on 2 Ti W



finds humor
in life’s work
Disabled educator gives her

students all no matter the cost
By Ann Mullins


Joann Berryman. an educator at [K
for the last 34 years who retires this month.
spent a typical afternoon recently in her
Taylor Education Building office.

The sound of an advising session drift-
ed out the door. The phone rang. The traffic
in and out of her office was steady as stu—
dents dropped off papers and exams;

Inside the office are stacks of papers.
files and books left strewn about but within
easy reach. Ceramic Guernsey cows. like
the ones she and her husband raise on
their Jessamine (‘ounty fartn. graze the top
of the filing cabinets among family photos.

Every so often. the soft whli‘ of her mo-
torized wheelchair is heard as Berryman
lips in and out of Room 119. checking for
her next apimintment.

When Berryman was a student at [K
in the late 1930s. she remembers adopting
football players to carry her in her wheel-
chair up the stairs of the old White Hall
Classroom Building

She chuckles as she recalls the narrow
stairways that kept turning as you went

“it wasn‘t so bad." Beri‘yinan said. “I
knew a lot of people oti campus and they
were forever helping me."

Handicapped parking spaces didn't ex
ist on campus either Parking ollicials cre
ated l'K's first handicapped parking spot
for Berryinan by digging a hole in the
ground and putting a sign in front of it.

Berryman has seen a lot of change in
accessibility since the early days. long be;
fore the Americans with Disabilities Act
became law.

Angela Ready. a special education se-
nior. is one of the students Berryman ad-

When Ready was in Australia last fall.
Berryman often emailed her about new
requirements to get into the education

See IENRYNAN on 2 >>>




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Wain anon | Wanna.

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The Low-down

Oultleaderstocusonoilatsummit A

ABU DHABI. United Arab Emirates

widely watched oil-price benchmark sank to an
all‘time low shortly before six Arab Gulf leaders
opened an annual summit yesterday expected to
focus oii falling oil prices that have shaken their
economies. The Gulfoil producers. who control
about half of global oil reserves. have been hard
hit by the oil market crisis. The GCC includes
Saudi Arabia. Kuwait. Oman. Qatar. Bahrain
and the United Arab Emirates in a federation

aimed at economic and defense cooperation.

Reno rejects new Clinton probe

Censure not ruled out for Clinton

WASHINGTON The chairman of the
House Judiciary Committee said yesterday a
committee vote on censure for President Clinton
has not been ruled out. But Chairman Henry
Hyde said his panel has "made a compelling
case" for impeachment of Clinton. Meanwhile.
the White House laid out plans to call H witness-
es before the panel to argue that removing Clin-
ton from office is too severe. White House attor-

neys will open their defense tomorrow.

Clinton prepares for Mideast trip

WASHINGTON , With Clinton due to fly to
the Middle East on Saturday. differences over the
Wye River accords have cast a pall over what
was supposed to be a celebration of growing
peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Israeli
Foreign Minister Ariel Sharon yesterday cau-
tioned Clinton against raising "false expecta-
tions" among Palestinians during his visit. He
said Israel would stand firm and not proceed
with the second phase of its partial withdrawal
on the West Bank unless the Palestinians stopped

Violence against lsrael.

Heroin use up among U.S. teens

taken belief that it's less addir tire than shooting
up. experts say. The proportion i-i American
thh-gradeis who had used heroin doubled be-

Attorney General Janet
Reno declined yesterday to order an independent
counsel investigation of President Clinton over
1996 campaign financing. She concluded there is
"clear and convincing evidence" that he and Vice
President Al Gore lacked criminal intent to vio-
late federal spending limits. At issue was whether
Clinton and Gore were improperly involved in
Democratic Party-financed issue advertisements

Heroin use has risen rapidly in
recent years among ITS. teens. with many mid
dle~class youngsters snorting the drug in the mis-


Cindy Crawtord
had to have
class removed
trom her eyes
after an auto
accident near
her tdallhu
homo Sunday.
Crawford was in
the passenger
and her hus-
band, Randy
Gerber, was dri-
ving their sport
utility vehicle
when he had to
swerve to
dodge a horse
on the road.


great thinkers
can appreciate

Hawkins, the
physicist and
author at A
Brief History of
Time, was in
Los Anoeles
last week to
lend his voice
to an episode of
the Fox cartoon
that will air in
the spring. He
will star as

tween 1990 and 1996, from 0.9 percent to 1.8
percent. according to a study in the December
issue of the journal Pediatrics. And the rate
edged up again last year, to 2.1 percent. said
the study's author.

Gates: Microsoft misunderstood

WASHINGTON -., Microsoft Chairman
Bill Gates portrayed himself yesterday as the
victim of overzealous lawyers who don‘t un-
derstand the "incredibly fierce" competition
of the nation's high-tech industry. Citing last
month's $4.2 billion purchase of Netscape
Communications Corp. by America Oiiline
lnc.. Gates called it “hard to believe the gov-
ernment can continue to make its case with a
straight face." In a high-profile defection from
the government’s case. South Carolina an-
nounced it was ending its involvement in the
trial. leaving 19 states and the Justice Depart-
ment to pursue Microsoft.

Consumer borrowing rises in Oct.

WASHINGTON 7 American consumers
increased their borrowing in October at the
fastest pace in more than two years. provid-
ing a solid spending base for holiday sales.
Credit outstanding grew at a 9 percent annual
rate to a seasonally adjusted $1.29 trillion. the
Federal Reserve said yesterday. That‘s up
from rates of 4.9 percent in September and 3.9
percent in August. There hasn't been a faster
increase since July 1996.

'Shirley' teaming with Patty Oulte

HOLLYWOOD e Two former TV girls
will be teaming up. Cindy Williams. formerly
of "Laverne and Shirley.“ will co-star in the
“Patty Duke Reunion Movie." a CBS TV
movie starring original cast members from
the '605 series. including Patty Duke. William
Schallert. Jean Byron, Eddie Applegate and
Paul O‘Keefe. Williams will play Duke‘s long-
time nemesis Sue Ellen. who tries to turn
Duke‘s old Brooklyn High School into a mall.

Bennett's song sat in a drawer

LOS ANGELES w Tony Bennett might
have left his heart in San Francisco a couple
of years earlier if his accompanist hadn‘t put
the song in a drawer. Bennett says two song-
writers gave “I Left My Heart in San Francis-
co" to his accompanist. who put it under some
shirts. It finally came out of the drawer two
years later as Bennett was starting a tour in
1961 and wanted to do something that would
impress the locals when they played San Fran-
cisco. "We rehearsed it for the first time at Va-
pors Restaurant in Hot Springs. Arkansas.
and the bartender, who was the only guy in
the room. said. ‘I‘d buy that record.” said Ben-
nett. who has an autobiography. The Good
Life. out. “I knew then we had something."

Compiled from wire reports.



Continued from page I

“She would
take an interest
in our personal
lives and get
excited for us
over anything."
Ready said.
"She's just like
doesn‘t stop
Berryman from doing much.
“My mother said I had po-
lio because the good Lord want-
ed to slow me down." she said.
“But that’s about all He did."
Berryman. a Louisville na-
tive. developed polio at age 16.
two years before the vaccine
was discovered. She spent a lot
of time in the hospital. where
she developed her love of read.
ing. She especially loved reading
to children in the other wards.
She eagerly read the six
books a week her mother used
to bring her. as well as all the
books on the hospital‘s library
cart. Desperate for more reading
material. she began to read Chil-


dren '3 Life magazines on the bot-
tom of the cart. She especially
enjoyed the magazine's riddles.

Berryman's determination
paid off while she was a student
at UK. She went into accounting
because someone told her she
would never be able to handle a
room full of children. Because
she couldn‘t walk well. she
should sit at a desk, they said.

She soon realized teaching
has more to do with what
you‘ve got upstairs. not down

"I could handle 30 children
very easy." she said.

"She's a committed. serious
educator. and at the same time.
has great empathy for the stu-
dents," said Bruce Cole of the
College of Education‘s associate
dean's office. “Her sense of hu-
mor puts students at ease."

Berryman‘s sense of humor
is evident as she talks about
some of the challenges she has
to face because of her disability.

Until two years ago. the
Taylor Education Building did
not have accessible bathrooms.

“1 don‘t want to say any-
thing. l‘ve only been here 34
years.“ Berryman said as she
burst into a giggle. "They're a
little slow on the uptake. but
that‘s alright.“



Continued from paqel


Lexington Police Cpt. Mike
Bosee said he had seen a defi.
nite increase in the number of
alcohol violations near the sur-
rounding communities of UK.

“We sort of anticipated it
with the new alcohol policy."
he said.

Burch said the strictness of
the new alcohol policy isn‘t
unique to UK.

“There seems to be more
misinformation than informa-
tion.“ Burch said. “All of these
things are swarming around at
a national level. not just at

Burch went on to address
the fraternity issue. He said
that by the year 2000 there will
be few fraternities that will al-
low alcohol in their houses.

Residents said the offAcam-
pus partying is really getting to

local neighborhood officials.

“The biggest thing is every-
one has a right to party. but
they need to know when to stop.
When my residents ask to have
a party. I don‘t mind just
keep it in the house after mid-
night." said Lisa Johnson. pres-
ident of the Transylvania
Neighborhood Association.

Andy Sloan. president of
the Lexington Landlords Asso-
ciation. also added. “When a
person is old enough to go to
college. they should be old
enough to conduct themselves
in a civilized manner."

Jennifer Harrison. a sociolv
ogy junior. said some students
are having parties in residen-
tial areas and trashing the ar-

“Fraternities should be
able to drink in their houses be-
cause it decreases the amount
of drinking and driving as well
as the disturbance to the sur~
rounding Lexington communi—
ties." said Jarrod Gabbard. a
business sophomore.






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Continued from paqei

what I‘ve wanted to do since I
was a little kid.“

Realizing that no matter
how hard she worked. she
would never reach past a cer-
tain point without the creden-
tials of a college degree. she en-
rolled at LCC.

The desire to give her chil-
dren a higher standard of liv-
ing was also a driving force be.
hind the decision to pursue a

“I think it‘s good that she
wants to go to college to be a
lawyer. so we can get more
money." Branden said. “I‘d like
to live in a house rather than
an apartment."

Wallace and her family are
currently living on child sup-
port. while federal Student aid
and student loans pay for Wal-

lace‘s education. Wallace has
also done some work-study and
picks up odd jobs when she can.

Odd jobs work better for
Wallace because caring for her
children and attending college
make holding a steady job diffi-
cult. Even on the days she
doesn’t have classes, if she has
a test to study for. a homework
assignment or if one of her
children gets sick, she can‘t

Sick children have present-
ed additional problems as well.

“If a traditional UK student
(ages 1723, no children) has a
slight fever or cold. they can
still get up and drag themselves
to class if they absolutely have
to go.“ Wallace said. “But if Lo—
gan has a slight fever. Kinder-
care won‘t let him attend. If I
can‘t find someone else to take
care of him while l'm in class. I
have to miss."

This presents a large prob-
lem in classes that have an at-


tendance policy. Wallace said
she had a class in which she
had almost an A. until her son
Branden had to go to the hospi-
tal. She had to miss class a
number of times and ended up
receiving a C in the class ~ the
first C she had ever had. She
had a 3.8 grade~point average
up until that point.

Childcare is especially a
big issue. While UK does offer
some childcare for students. it
is only half-day. can only take
children 3 and older and has a
long waiting list.

While Wallace readily ad-
mits that the hardships she
faces as a single mother and
non-traditional student are her
own problems and not anybody
else's. she said it is still hard

“Sometimes i feel like I
have to do double (the work)."
she said. explaining how she
has to find ways to occupy her
children while she studies. does

Loeee looked oe es
his mother Kimber-
iy reed e textbook
for one of her
clones et LCC.
Kimberly lest lee-
ele reisiee Lone
eel her other see
Brenden, while else
trylee to fled time
to case for tests
eel ciesseerk.

Im Intel | mm

research or writes papers.

Not having a computer at
home. Wallace does her re-
search and types her papers in
the lab at LCC.

“Your house is a mess
when you have kids." Wallace
said. "i could go sit in my liv-
ing room now. and think of a
hundred things I have to do. but
I have a test tomorrow. so I
won‘t be doing any of them
(this evening)"

Wallace encourages young
women to take advantage of the
opportunities they have now.
and not wait until later to go to
college like she did. Single par-
ents often have to deal with
matters that traditional stu~
dents take for granted. she said.

"I hear kids saying. “Oh. I
didn't get to study because I
was out late last night party-
ing.‘ And I'm thinking. ‘I didn't
get to study because I was up
late last night taking care of my
2 year old.”



UK life through married eyes

Couples see student life in different way
when dealing with house chores, child rearing

By Regina Prater
STAFF wniirn

To most students. marriage
is the end of freedom. some-
thing old people do. But to other
students. marriage is simply a
way of life.

To newlyweds Sarah Hat-
field. a first-year graduate stu
dent. and Scott Hatfield. mar-
riage was a normal progression
of their relationship.

“I was friends with Scott's
younger brother Mark. Then
when Scott came to see his
brother graduate we met at a
party the night before gradua.
tion." Sarah said.

They dated for about a year
and married in July of this year.

Sarah completed her bache-
lor‘s degree in 1996 from
Maryville College in Maryville.
Tenn. and worked for a year
before going back to school to
earn a master's degree in com-

Sarah said she is experienc-
ing many new situations this
semester. She has moved to a
new state. attends a new school.
has a new a teaching job and a
new marriage.

Scott is very supportive of
her continuing education and
evenly shares the household
chores with her. Sarah said.

“There is no formal set of
rules. whenever something
needs to be done, one of us does
it." Scott said. “Sarah tends to
do the laundry. and I usually do
the kitchen and bathroom."

Most of the time Sarah and
Scott eat at home. and Scott
said he often cooks stuff that is
fast and easy to fix.

The couple has opposing
views as to how they are able to
spend time with each other.
Scott said it just works out that
they are able to spend time to-
gether. Sarah said she works
very hard to get her school
work finished during her spare
time in the day. so the couple
can spend time together at
night and on the weekend.

The two of them agree that
their lives get stressful.

"There are no difficulties
that we have not been able to
overcome. We get stressed out.
but we don‘t take it out on each
other." Scott said.

He added that he has seen a
progression of acceptance of

women working outside the
home and better communica-
tion in his own family through
the generations.

“1 think it is fine if women
work. I think Sarah would be
unhappy if she stayed at home.
although it is fine with me for
Sarah to do whatever she
wants." Scott said.

Another married L'K stu—
dent. Cindy Caton. an educa-
tion senior. will be taking the
semester off in the spring to
give birth to twins.

Caton. 29. is an adult stu-
dent who came back to college
last year. Her first semester
back. she attended classes full-
time in addition to working
full-time. she said.

She quit work to concen-
trate on school when child care
cost reached $300 a Week during
the summer.

Caton has three daughters.
Megan. 9. Ashlea. 6. and
Bethany. 5. from a former mar-
riage. Her husband Chris has 5-
yearold daughter. Sarah. from a
previous marriage.

Caton said she is frustrated
with UK‘s enrollment policies
because she will lose her senior
priority registration status if
she sits out next semester to
have the twins.

”My doctor will not allow
me to do anything stressful that

will jeopardize these babies. My
doctor ordered bed rest in Feb
ruary." she said.

Caton said even though she
has a medical reason for miss-
ing a semester. UK is making
her reenroll as a new student
in August '99. causing her to
possibly miss out on enrolling
in the courses she needs.

Caton said her husband is
very supportive of her continu~
ing her education and often
tells her to put her school work
first. Caton said she is a respon-
sible student. but she has other
people who depend on her.

Caton said being a mom is
her first priority and with
school second.

if one of the children is in a
special program. she will skip
class and take a reduction in
her grade to attend it. unless it
means letting her classmates

“If others are depending on
me for a group project. then I
will have to be in class." Canton

She said she is straightfor-
ward with her professors and
classmates about her other re
sponsibilities and everyone
seems to understand. Although
occasionally. she said she may
run across a professor or stu-
dent who doesn't understand
what being a mother is like.


Grads say relationships harderto find

Less time to find that special someone results
from spending more time on the books

By JoeeiferCeldweiI




Meeting people and building
relationships aren't hard to do.

if. of course. you're an un-

Upon reaching the graduate
level. many graduate students
say there‘s less time to spend on
finding a special someone.

“i think it‘s harder in grad-
uate school to meet someone."
said Nicole Mann. hall director
for Jewell Hall and a psycholo-
gy graduate student.

Most graduate students
said they meet their significant
other during their undergradu
ate years. and the relationship
grows as they move through
graduate school.

“i think that most people
marry a person they meet in
college and meet their first mar-


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riage partner in undergrad."
Mann said.

Tammy Chapman agrees.

“Probably undergrad col-
lege is where they meet their
first marriage partner." said
Chapman. a doctoral student in

"After undergrad. some
probably meet through profes—
sional activities like confer-
ences. through mutual acquain-
tances. church activities or
sports activities. i‘d say they'd
have to have common interests
for them to meet up some»

randon Claycomb. a phi-
losophy graduate student.
agrees that common interests
are important.

"in graduate school. we're
at a certain age. we‘re older
than undergraduate but not in
the work force yet so we have.

more in common with other
grad students." Claycomb said.

Most graduate students
say they met their significant
other in residence halls and

“I would guess the resi-
dence balls is where most peo-
ple meet." Chapman said. “If
(students) don‘t live in the resi-
dence halls. then they probably
meet in classes 'cause that's
where you find people who
have similar interests."

Clubs and churches are
also common places for rela-
tionships to start. the students
say, but meeting that special
someone through a mutual
friend is just as likely.

“i think you meet in under
grad during your extracurricu-
lar activities. like fraternities
or sororities and the clubs or
religious groups you‘re in."
Mann said.

“During work and not so
much classes. but through oth-
er people. is how people en
counter their partner." said

Melanie Trowell. a graduate
student with a bachelor's de-
gree in biochemistry.

A work relationship led to
her marriage.

“I was an RA over at I)ono«
van and (Calvin. her husband)
sat nightdesk. and wejust start-
ed talking." she said.

“I think the relationships
that really last are built on some-
thing deeper that allows them to
stay together. So a place where
they get to see that person for
who they really are is where
most people meet their first mar~
riage partner." Trowell said.

Meeting someone in a li-
brary. though. isn't usually con-
sidered a normal place to start
a relationship.

“We met in the periodicals
department at King." Ciaycomb

According to the National
Center for Health Statistics. 2.3
million people get married a
year. The average age of a
woman for her first marriage is
around 24: around 26 for men.







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