xt7nvx05zk8p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nvx05zk8p/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1932 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. VII, No. 3, Winter 1932 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. VII, No. 3, Winter 1932 1932 2014 true xt7nvx05zk8p section xt7nvx05zk8p The Quarterly Bulletin of
t The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
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 TRAVELLER (0n the left) AND HIS GOAT  
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Nzmnie is carried by Miss Marion Benost  
on Birdalone "
(See Page 3) I
I .
Published quarterly by the Frmitier Nursing Service, Lexiiigtmi, Ky.  
    LLLIL (L-? LL- ‘ I
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lex- ’ ij
ington, Ky,, under the Act of Mrwch, 3, 1879." — I
‘ 1
1 ·  
* » I
* _ I

   _ imonrima Nuasme smizvicm 1
  I never loved your plains!
’ J Your gentle valleys,
, Your drowsy country lanes
And pleached alleys.
I want my hills !—the trail
That scorns the hollow.
Up, up the rugged shale ,
Where few will follow.
Up, over wooded crest
And mossy boulder,
" With strong thigh, heaving chest,
And swinging shoulder.
'il So let me hold my way,
Q g By nothing halted,
Q = Until, at close of day,
i y I stand, exalted,
  High on my hills of dreams-
  Dear hills that know me!
  And then, how fair will seem
* The lands below me!
5 Q How pure, at vesper-time,
 l$ The far bells chiming!
  God; give me hills to climb,
 i   And strength for climbing!
 l 1

"Awakened from the dream of life." » g
Mrs. Davis C. Anderson, Cincinnati ;
Mrs. Eugene J. Buffington, Chicago Q
Mr. Cabell B. Bullock, Lexington, Ky. 2
Mr. Joseph Carter, Woodford County, Ky.
Dr. Lee K. Frankel, New York '¤
Mrs. Charles H. Hodges, Detroit .
Mrs. James H. Perkins, Cincinnati "'
Mr. Embry Swearingen, Louisville , ’
Mrs. Charles F. Thwing, Cleveland “
Dr. Whitridge Williams, Baltimore i
It is with sad hearts that we read the roll of the death of  
ten of our members during the last six months. Each name Q
recalls the memory of some outstanding act of service to our 1
young organization and brings before us the gallant history of  
a long and useful life. It is not possible, in a few faulty human E
words, to express the poignant appeal of this roll call to the i
Frontier Nursing Service. i
Dr. Whitridge Williams gave us the prestige of his great 5
name on our National Medical Council and the advantage of his E
rare mind and high obstetrical attainments; Mr. Swearingen  
was one of our larger donors and, like his wife, a strong sup-   E
porter of our work; Mr. Carter was the husband of one of the l
first members of our Executive Committee; Mrs. Buffington  
came on our first Chicago V Committee; Mrs. Thwing never  
failed in her devoted interest to the work through the Cleveland *
Committee; Mrs. Hodges gave devoted service on the Detroit ,
Committee and opened her house for one of our meetings; Dr. E
Frankel, a National Trustee, lent the force of his marvelous  {
intellect and the statistical services of his great institution, for
i our use; Mr. Bullock, who has lately died at the age of 91, gave
many hours of the last years of his long life to the early strug- ,
l gles of our young movement, and placed undying faith in its  L
i success; Mrs. Perkins was one of the little group of Cincinnati  
I women who first adopted the Frontier Nursing Service and or- _
ganized the Cincinnati Committee, of which Mrs. Davis C. ’
Anderson was co-chairman. Our brief tribute to this roll of A
friends must close with Mrs. Anderson’s name. It is impossible » Q
to express the blank that her death leaves in our ranks. No _
A sweeter, no finer spirit ever crossed over to the other side.  T.;
The time is coming when the membership of the Frontier Nurs-
i ing Service across· the Great Divide will equal its membership i i
. in the world around us here. The outward loss is an immense i
spiritual gain. No movement is really successful that hasn’t l _
the backing of that real world, of which this outward semblance ·'
is but the shadow of a dream. A ‘
l . l

   Fnowrma NURSING smzvrcm 3
{ ;. ..;j.
: Dear Friends Everywhere:
V’» Through the medium of our little quarterly publication,
·   I shall try to express my inexpres·sible gratitude to the hundreds
I of people on both sides of the Atlantic whose cables, telegrams,
i letters, cards, flowers, services, and messages of all kinds, have
{ sustained me since I broke my back in that horseback accident
  November 29th. I also wish I could find the right words in
Q which to thank all of the members of our committees, the staff
  of the Service, the many generous donors of Christmas supplies
  and of money, who have strained every effort to carry gallantly
§ my share of our common work as well as their own. Surely no
g one suffering from a painful and long illness, ever met with
g more kindneess and devotion. From the firs·t group of moun-
E tain men who picked me up out of the rocks of Hurricane Creek,
§ 7 where I lay in such blinding pain, and carried me as tenderly as
E ” women into the nearest cabin, to the various doctors and our
  own nurses who have given me the kind of care that only affec-
  tion combined with skill ever gives, every one in everything has
[ conspired to sustain and encourage me. Under such circum-
g stances, even when the body rebels, the spirit is so enthralled
. , that the only possible outcome is happiness, trust and peace.
‘ I am glad to be able to tell you all that the latest X-rays
j show satisfactory new bone formation and that I am promoted
 i to a steel brace and promised a complete recovery by next Sep-
, tember. I do not doubt that the efforts you all are making will
  continue to bring success to the cause we have at heart during
the months in which I cannot carry my full share of the load.
’ 1 Now a few words about my horse Traveller. Dozens of
1 , people have written letters of inquiry about him, and I know that
 1 everybody wants to know what became of him‘ and how he is
l "adjusting," as the psychologists say, to mountain life. No
' I better diagnosis could be made of Traveller’s behavior on that
  » ride than has come to me in a letter from General Pres-
‘ ton Brown at the Panama Canal Zone. He writes: "Do permit

, I
a relative to reproach you mildly for riding a nervous thorough-  
bred attired in a cape of any description. They always flap  
and are certain to cause a nervous horse to be quite unmanage-
able." That explains Traveller. We do not know his pedigree, r
but he has the erect ears and the markings of the famous Pea- I
vine Kentucky saddle strain and also the immense wind, endur- W",
ance and the shoulder formation of a thoroughbred. It is not  
uncommon in Kentucky to cross saddle stock with the thorough- 1,/.
bred, so we assume that some such pedigree lies back of Travel-
ler. It will be September before I can ride him again. Mean- vt
while our object has been to get him mountain-wise. There  
isn’t a mean bone in his body. He has no nasty tricks. He is I
not an "outlaw." He ran because he was frightened, and his  
record of three miles of rough mountain trail, mostly a steep Yi
upgrade, in less than fifteen minutes, without being winded or Q
fatigued, proves the thoroughbred in him. I
Our first concern was to get Traveller accustomed to the
blue Canadian Mounted Police model raincoat of the Frontier {
Nursing Service. A horse never forgets. We knew that if  
anyone attempted to ride him a second time in this costume that 2 =
he would run away again. So Dr. Capps volunteered to get  
him "adjusted" to the raincoat. He found, however, that . 
Traveller wouldn’t let him approach even with the capecoat  
flung over his arm. So we adopted other tactics. The cape-  i’
coat was hung in his stall; then the man who fed and groomed I I
I him began wearing it while he performed these duties. Soon Q
I Traveller got so accustomed to the sight of the thing that he · 1
looked upon it with patient endurance. Then the cape and
I hood were flapped in his face! Finally he allowed Kermit to ‘ I
mount him in the once terrifying costume. Now he doesn’t  ·
l mind it at all, and the best riders of the staff are able to give
, him all the exercise he needs. g 1
Lastly, by way of quieting Traveller’s highly sensitive ner- yl
I vous system, we bought him a nannie goat. In the early days I
f of racing in England, when the thoroughbred stock was devel- I
“ oped by inbreeding, to gain the qualities of endurance and A-
swiftness, it was found that a goat about the racing stables  I
I exercised a quieting influence on the horses. Certain horses. {
I  `

i Fnonrxmz Nunsmc smnvicm s
i.  had their owngoats and became much attached to them. From
E] this comes the expression "to get his goat," because unscrupu-
i lous people in those days, the night before the race, would steal
  the goat of a horse they wanted to fail. This would so upset
1 his nervous equilibrium that he couldn’t do his best on the tracks
i·1‘ the next day. Goats are occasionally kept even now around
Q racing stables. So we bought one for Traveller.
`i’/‘ _ The first effect was happy in the extreme. The goat be-
came deeply attached to Traveller, slept in his stall at night and
Y trotted down to the river to water with him in the morning.
1 Unfortunately, however, we hadn’t figured that a goat, as well
S as a horse, might have a nervous system. One day when a
  W strange dog frightened Nannie at the river and she tore up the
i mountainside, Traveller bolted after her. We are wondering
1 perhaps if it wouldn’t be wise to sever a bond so intimate and
W disconcerting. We are inclined the more in this direction as
1 Nannie has shown a capacity for devouring every vestige of
green sprig at Wendover and an ability to climb the roofs of
. { houses, a tendency to excite dogs and disturb geese, and other-
    wise break up the bucolic calm that usually rests on the Wen-
{ 1 dovlelribarnyifirds. Has anyone any suggestions as to what to do
. 1 wit rave er’s goat?
 Q Again my deepest gratitude to each and all of you for
 ‘   everything.
1 Yours sincerely,
1 ....._._-__
L ‘ From One of the New York Couriers
; .;__;..
  "I do want to thank you with all my heart for letting me
V " help a little. It meant so much to me. It was heaven to work
 »l with and see such wonderful people, and my only wish is that
1 you will ask me to help again. With love.
`1 _ "DOT."
1 (Dorothy Clark)
· 1
1 .

 . l 
6 Tum QUARTERLY Bunrmm i
Our Bulletin is mostly filled with descriptions of field work. wi
l We think our friends and supporters would like reports from E
time to time of the activities of the offices and various com-  
mittees of the Frontier Nursing Service on the outside.
The big major task of the organization this year has been  
the sale of passages on the White Star Liner "Brita_nnic" for a li
West Indies cruise February 27th to March 14th, with the  
Frontier Nursing Service working in cooperation with the i
White Star Line. Through the generosity of the White Star  
Line, 25% of the proceeds of every ticket sold goes to the Fron- I
tier Nursing Service, and if the ship is sold to capacity before  
she sails, through our efforts, we will receive nearly a third of {
our budget for the current year. All sorts of lovely social fea- ,
tures, in addition to the facilities of one of the most beautiful  
steamships afloat, and the charm of sixteen days in tropic seas {  
and of beautiful ports of call, will be afforded our guests. At  
Haiti, Colonel Jeter Horton is turning out the Marine Corps in  
our honor. At Panama, General Preston Brown, in charge of I
the Canal Zone, is meeting the boat with a party of friends and `Q
taking all 600 passengers under his wing for a most interesting l
personally conducted tour of the Canal. He and Mrs. Brown i
are giving everybody a reception at headquarters, and no detail I
. will be omitted to make the visit memorable and fascinating. ,
Therefore, the major duty this winter of the Frontier Nursing
Il Service committees has been to put the cruise over.
A Special cruise committees have been formed in most of the
H cities where we have regular committees, and men of outstand-  
` ing financial position have acted as voluntary sales agents. _
i Circular letters have been sent to many thousands of especially ( ,
i selected people; posters have been placed in prominent clubs,
A . and the folders of the "Britannic" distributed widely. Louis- -
ville has adopted the novel plan of having a series of radio travel `
talks. Through the courtesy of Station WHAS, and several  
’ l
* i

Q Faoncrinp. Nuasme snnvicm 7
prominent gentlemen who know the Caribbean, these talks have
B been given during the busiest evening hours. Through the
, courtesy of Mrs. Thomas H. Dolan and Mrs. Stacy B. Lloyd,
a radio talk has been given over Station WLIT, of Philadelphia.
f, Cruise committees are working actively in Washington and Bal-
_}‘ timore. Particularly charming letters have been gotten out by
E the chairmen of Detroit, St. Louis, Pittsburgh and other cities.
  Voluntary sales agents in the different cities are as follows:
i Baltimore: Junior League.
il Boston: Mr. Charles Jackson, 10 Postoffice Square.
  Chicago: The Chicago office of the Frontier Nursing ‘
}   Service, 106 East Oak Street.
il Cincinnati: Mr. James M. Hutton, First National Bank
i l Building.
i ; Cleveland: Korner & Woods.
  Detroit: Mr. Eugene W. Lewis, Morris Plan Industrial
§§ Bank.
  Hartford, Conn.: Miss Janet Luther.
  Lexington: Mr. C. N. Manning, Security Trust Company.
  Louisville: Mr. Bethel B. Veech, U. S. Trust Company.
l New York: New York office of the Frontier Nursing
  Service, 63 East 57th St.
l Philadelphia: The Girard Trust Company.
Pittsburgh: Mrs. Charles S. Shoemaker, 1432 Termon
{ Ave., N. S.
  Rochester: Mr. Hiram Sibley, Jr., Sibley Building.
  St. Louis: Mr. Harry French Knight, Knight, Dysart &
Gamble, 401 Olive Street.
_ Washington: Junior League.
N We gratefully acknowledge magnificent publicity from the
. { _

press in all of these cities, including rotogravure and feature  
articles. I
We cannot do better than conclude with a brief report ,
from the Executive Secretaries of our three veteran offices in
New York, Chicago and Boston. I
* * =I= =|= =I= E
New York  
Is it a postoffice, a book store, or a travel agency? The ‘
New York office has unfortunately been unable to find itself _
in the dictionary. During the autumn months the New York  
committee has been occupied mapping out plans for the Britan- I
nic cruise. This includes folders with special letters attached  
mailed to our eight hundred and fifty subscribers here, folders  
mailed to special lists provided by the committee, a program  
of newspaper publicity beginning with weekly releases, grad- l I•
ually increased through January, culminating in daily notices  
. until date of sailing. Among these are of course special feature I
stories and rotogravure. Folders are being placed in clubs, ho- I
tels, doctors’ offices, hospitals, museums, and our own pet hair-  
dressers. Radio publicity is obtained through the courtesy of ‘
Dr. Shirley Wynne and others. Magazine notices have been I
given to the following: I
Conde Nast publications I
Spur !
Park Avenue Social Review  
» Junior League magazine  
I Travel Trade  
Travel Tour _ ,
I Travel I
Wor1d’s Work Ii
, Survey-Graphic. I
These writeups appear in the January and February issues. I
A highly successful debutante committee has been formed to  I
‘ I
l 1

  promote cruise sales, and exhibits have been placed in prominent
shop windows.
A For their faithful and intrepid spirit in braving strange`
newspaper offices and magazines located up four rickety flights
* of stairs in lower New York, thanks must be rendered to the
it New York couriers, Miss Ethel Bartlett, Miss Carmen Mum-
E ford, and Miss Dorothy Clark, and to Miss Cynthia Beatty.
A! As travel agents we are slowly learning, though it must be
  admitted that on our first booking we sold a dining room table
instead of a cabin.
5 The last few weeks have been unusually busy due to the
l very successful sales of Mrs. Gardner’s book. The mysteries
  and intricacies of the publishers’ business, to say nothing of the
  bookstores and wrapping departments, have been opened to our
  bewildered eyes. From an inchoate mass of content, illustra-
. U tions, print, covers, and miscellaneous parts, we have seen some-
1 thing compact and professional arise. We have also learned to
Y call that corrugated material in which books are wrapped
  "chip-back" and that it costs less to send books to Europe than
1 to certain parts of our own great country. S
i Such in brief have been the heterogeneous occupations of
I the New York office during the past few months and will con-
, tinue to be until the Britannic leaves these shores on Febru-
I ary 27th.
U Executive Secretary, New York.
l l * * =!= =k
, , Chicago
I The Chicago office has moved out of one corner of the liv-
{T ing room of the apartment of the Executive Secretary and now
T occupies one-half of an English basement room on East Oak
Street, just a stone’s throw from the Drake Hotel. It is a most
T delightful and convenient spot and finding it, through the in-
 ` terest of Mrs. Frederic W. Upham and Mrs. Charles W. Demps-
{ .

 _ _  
ter, was one of the greatest strokes of luck which has yet come Q
the way of this outpost of the Frontier Nursing Service-.
It came about this way. For three weeks I had hunted
an office. Offices were plentiful but expensive and my com- i
mittee were obdurate on one point—they all insisted that the  
t Frontier Nursing Service must be established on the ground I
floor. Chicago people walk about a great deal. They pop in , {
and out of first floor establishments, but they refuse to go up- ;
stairs if it can be avoided. The cheapest office I found on the i
level of the street was three hundred and fifty dollars a month,
which was about ten times the sum I had to spend.
In desperation I finally decided to take a room upstairs,  
although the committee advised against it, and I had written the `
letter to the agent and had told my twelve year old son to mail . I
it. Fortunately, like the average male creature, he omitted to ,
do this, being intent on a game of ball in the courtyard. I was  
on my way to the window to remind him of his dereliction when , E
the telephone rang. Mrs. Dempster was on the wire. Q ,
"Have you found an office?"  
"Almost," I replied.  
"I have a suggestion for you. Mrs. Frank Hibbard is going l {
to start a little shop, the profits of which go to charity. She .
has found a location and wants to rent half of it. Do you know _
Mrs. Hibbard ?" p
1 I told Mrs. Dempster that I did not know Mrs. Hibbard
I personally but knew of her, of course.
V . "Call her at once," said Mrs. Dempster. N
I I_ called Mrs. Hibbard. It was ten-thirty o’clock and the D 
i morning was Sunday. By eleven Mrs. Hibbard and I had met, .
and by eleven-thirty the bargain was sealed. I was to have A
half the space of the shop which she had found and my share of 1
the rent was to be twenty-five dollars. I figured that I could I

always pawn the office typewriter if worse came to worst and
J raise that insignificant sum.
Mrs. Hibbard had certain ideas about fitting up the office
_ of which I heartily approved, so I agreed to everything she sug-
‘ _ gested. When it was all done, it was one of the most attractive
‘·* places in Chicago and when I requested the bill for my share
I she replied:
if "Furnishing your half of the office shall be my contribu-
  tion to the Frontier Nursing Service."
By a singular coincidence, many of the people who patron-
ize Mrs. Hibbard’s shop (Conveniences) are also interested in
the Frontier Nursing Service. It is a most worth while ar-
g rangement.
i Now that the Frontier Nursing Service has a definite home
S   in Chicago, accessible to all, we are making real progress. Mrs.
  Alfred Granger, Mrs. Harold Eldridge, and Mrs. Joseph E.
l Otis have recently been added to our committee. I think I can
il see a tremendous growth of interest in our work.
, i I like Chicago. I like everyone with whom I come in con-
  tact through the Frontier Nursing Service. There is a tang
` I to the air of this place which is most invigorating. Chicagoans
  are keen, interesting, alive!
I g Executive Secretary, Chicago.
New England
A On October the 28th, 1931, we held the first Committee
‘ Meeting of the Frontier Nursing Service at the new office on
· 96 Chestnut Street, with Mrs. Breckinridge and Miss Anne
. Winslow, Executive Secretary from New York, present.
- Mrs. Breckinridge explained the unique plan to raise money
  for the Service by filling the Britannic on a West Indies cruise

 . . ‘ ;l
by which 25% of each ticket sold would go to the Frontier  
Nursing Service through the generosity of the White Star Line.
At the meeting Mrs. Breckinridge invited Mr. Charles s
Jackson to be Voluntary Sales Agent for the cruise.  
The "Mountain Cruise Committee" was formed, but no def-  
inite program for cruise publicity decided upon. Mrs. Gardiner :’
` Davis consented to be Cruise Chairman. I
At the second meeting the cache idea for cruise publicity it
originated by Mrs. Davis was decided upon by the Committee.  _
In order to spread the news of the cruis·e through as many »
personal contacts as possible, each member of the Cruise Com- {
mittee took the responsibility beginning the Monday after  
Thanksgiving of establishing ten caches. Each cache is equip-  
ped with a sales talk for her personal use and five Britannic  
cruise folders; one folder to keep on her own living room table  
to show her friends and use as a basis to explain the cruise and  j
the other four folders to be given out to anyone interested in  
taking the cruise or to use at home to tell more people about the _ H
cruise and influence anyone considering a trip to take the Britan-  
nic February 27th and enjoy s·ixteen days of pleasure while help- -,
ing a splendid cause. ‘  
Caches have been established in Massachusetts: Needham,  
Dedham, Brookline, Jamaica Plain, Cambridge, Westwood,  {
Chestnut Hill, Winchester, Belmont, Concord, Newton, Way-  /-l
land, Cohasset, Salem, Hamilton, Berkshires, Pittsfield, Lenox, l
Stockbridge, Williamstown, Deerfield and Worcester. Connec-  _
ticut: Hartford and Fairfield. Vermont: Brattleboro. New  
Hampshire: Portsmouth and Concord (in the Executive Man-  ‘|
L sion of the Governor). Maine: Gardner, Augusta (in the Ex-
ecutive Mansion of the Governor), Portland. Rhode Island:  
l Providence. -”
. There are 165 caches, and 825 folders have been distributed
personally and are being used for publicity.
  A committee of ex-couriers and future couriers has also T
A been established and they have done splendid work establishing 1
caches and bringing friends to see the "Forgotten Frontier." V;
l l
l .

*i Fnowrxnn Nunsmo smzvrcm is
All Miss Frances Gardiner and Miss Anne Houghton are Co-Chair-
· men of this Committee.
i The motion picture called the "Forgotten Frontier," show-
[ ing the public health work of the Service in the Kentucky moun-
1 tains, has been shown each week at the office on 96 Chestnut
  Street since November 20th and will continue to be shown until
E after the cruise. Tea is served after the movie.
` Two thousand cruise folders with a letter explaining the
if cruise, signed by Mr. Jackson, have been sent to a carefully se-
Y lected mailing list.
· In order to have as many pamphlets as possible distributed
! personally, the Cruise Committee is_at present, with the help of
  friends, working by blocks, giving single cruise pamphlets to
  friends living from Massachusetts Avenue to Joy Street and
Q & from Commonwealth Avenue to Beacon Street.
 ; They are also working on a list of doctors so that as many
_’  doctors as possible in Boston will have cruise folders on their
il waiting room tables and can advise patients who need a change
· I to take the West Indies cruise. The Presidents of the different
;i organizations for public health nursing are being sent folders
_   accompanied by a letter from Mrs. Codman and Mrs. Davis
 il asking each President to exhibit the folder to her committee I
 “ and explain the cruise.
Q  The Boston, Fitchburg, Worcester, Hartford and Provi-
  dence papers have given the cruise splendid publicity.
_ , Executive Secretary, New England.
 .i { Cincinnati
’ We are happy to announce the selection of an Executive
“ Secretary for Cincinnati in the person of Miss Mary Randolph
Matthews, of 1104 Cross Lane, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati. The
choice of Miss Matthews for this position was the last service
Mrs. Davis C. Anderson, of Cincinnati, rendered the Frontier
{ Nursing Service, and every day brings evidence of the wisdom
1 of her choice.
1 .

 » ‘ ‘z§
i*_;j§?P;?E€f_?i%X,*iE‘i*.‘?Ti°;rWm- .-n...nn  .,  4  
"There was an old woman who lived in a shoe"——and Susie,  
like the woman, had so many children she didn’t know what to *
‘ do. She would have to vacate the cabin she had been renting
for $10.00 a year as the owner was coming back. She was too  
poor to rent any other house in the community. Far back in l,
the woods and up a little "branch" (brook) was a spot where (
Susie wanted to have a house. Here was a clearing where once  
had been a house, and here was a spring. Arrangements were  
made with The Fordson Company for her to build on this site, . '
and for her to use as much of the dying chestnut timber as she
needed. But, of course, Susie couldn’t build the house herself,  
and she was a widow with no man of her own to help. Q
The time drew near for her to move. The nearest neigh-  
bor cut enough logs for one room and laid them up (with the  
bark on) and covered the roof with hand-hewn "boards" (shin-  
gles.) When the day came for Susie to vacate her rented cabin,  
this man used his team to help her remove her few possessions .i
into the log room he had built. Could it be called a room? It  
T had log walls, but no chinks stopped the cracks, only boards l
had been nailed across them; it had a roof, but no ceiling; the h A
ground was its floor and there was no foundation between the  
ground and the bottom log; it had no chimney of any descrip-  
tion. But it was Susie’s house, and she moved her s·tove and  
beds and her three children and her daughter and her daugh- .;
ter’s three children into it on the first day of the year. For- V!
Z tunately the weather was mild, but they needed a fire. Susie l
  attempted to build a fireplace. She cut an opening in the logs {Sl
( at one end and then placed stones in a semi-circle on the out- M
( side, cementing them together with mud. These she built up
7 l to a height of about five feet, and then made her fire. There
· was not any stone next to the logs. It was a fire-trap.
4 , When we heard that Susie had moved into her new house ¤
` before it was finished, we went up to see what shape things  {
, were in. We found her cook stove sitting near one corner of  
i  ¢

   Fnonrimn Nuasmo snnviciz is
  the room with a big fire under the dinner she was cooking, but
i no pipe whatever on the stove—the smoke simply drifting out
wi I through the cracks of the house. One of the doors to the fire-
. box was missing and flames licked out, reaching greedily toward
*1 the clothing of the small children who played about it. While
we sat there a neighbor came by, and we all agreed to send
J word to all the men in the community in the belief that they
if would get up "a working" to finish Susie’s house for her and
E; the little children.
if The very next morning twelve men came armed with axes
` and saws and chisels. They chiseled out stone for the chimney,
they cut logs for a second room, and hewed sills for the room
  that was already built. Big Benny Adams, who has a saw mill,
i donated fifty feet of lumber for the floor and he and Cook Mor-
V gan loaned enough sawed lumber to finish the floor. Jahugh
{ Morgan donated trees on his place to replace the lumber that
  was loaned. Elbert Morgan hauled the lumber as near as a
  wagon could take it to the site of the house, that is, within a
j third of a mile. In the afternoon two more men joined the
  crew. During the first day enough stone and logs were gotten
  out to work with the following day.
A; On the second day, which was Saturday, six men returned,
  one of them being a stone mason, and they built the chimney
E with two fireplaces and laid the floor of the first room and part
rl of the logs for the second room. That night it turned very cold.
  All of us were thankful that those children had a good fireplace
l in their home and a floor under their feet. Over the week-end
A Susie’s brother and a cousin heard that her neighbors had had
., "a working" and they came down to see if they could be of any
help. Centers Revis and Calloway Caldwell, who had worked
both days, returned again on Monday and chinked the spaces
between the chimney and the wall, using small pieces of wood
‘ and mortar. Susie’s relatives remained to complete the second `
I room. They are splitting "boards" for the roof from dead
 _ chestnut logs. Every part of the house is "hand-made" except
  the floors which are of unplaned lumber cut at a sawmill. As

` o iT
yet _the house has no windows, but we have given her two which  
her brother will put in for her. .5
This picturesque cabin sits on a little rise on theedge of a rl
clearing in the midst of a great mountain woodland. At one Q
side is the sunny slope of the field which will be her garden, \
and through the trees on either side can be seen the distant
shapes of other mountains. Susie is so proud to have this little i
home all for her own that she is planning to split palings for a
fence and to move some laurel and rhododendron plants into g
her yard.  
o Following are the names of the men who worked on Susie’s  
house: Centers Revis, Calloway Caldwell, J ahugh Morgan, l
Lucian Morgan, Ed Morgan, John Fields, Pearl Fields, Gordon
Morgan, Aden Morgan, Cecil Morgan, Cook Morgan, Davey `
Adams, Ira Adams, Garland Lewis, Jim Combs and Harrison {Y,
.._.__; »  
. rl
Which of You Will?  
It is possible for the Frontier Nursing Service to buy sev- yl
eral acres of land with two cottages in good condition, adjoin- `l
ing the grounds of the Hyden Hospital on both sides. The  
· hospital badly needs this additional space and the two cottages -  
for housing its personnel. The hospital is the only one in the ol
. entire mountain section giving free care to children and under- JI
` writing the costs of medical and surgical attention for emer-  
l gency cases, both general and obstetrical. Patients are brought '
to it in increasing numbers from an area of several thousand °
T squ