xt7nvx06196m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nvx06196m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-10-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1977 1977 1977-10-10 2020 true xt7nvx06196m section xt7nvx06196m --. \


Volume LXlX, Number 37
Mmday, October 10, 1977




at independent student newspaper

UK’s 4—1 record best start since 1950

Cats whip MSU 23-7, but Hopewell, Kovach hurt


Mississippi St ate quarterback Bruce
'l‘lII'I-adgill (if) unsuccessfully
an oiIb ourrtshing Bud liiehl (tilland
,iI-I'Iy lilanton (behind 'I‘hreadglll).
Uielrl, a defensive end. and Blanton.

defensive tackle. were part of II
defensive unit that fumed the
Bulldogs into their worst offensive
showing of the year as the Wfldcuts
won 23-7 Saturday.

Mother of seven
is student, director
of Project Ahead

8 y RUTH MA'l'l'lNGLY
Kernel Reporter

Eight years ago, Pat Durchholz
expanded her role as mother of
seven to that of college student.
Today she has a doctorate in
sociology and is director of UK‘s
Project. Ahead, helping to place
women returning to college into the
job market.

Project Ahead is a new program
operated under a $11!).000 federal
grant. The program is designed to
place college women 25 and over
back into the work force by working
part-time in various community
businesses s“As far as we know, ours
is the only grant of this kind In the
country ‘Durchholz said. The grant
was obtained from the Fund For
improvement of Post-Secondary
Education (FIPSIE) through the
office of Etrperiential Education.

Presently,Durc hholz is searching
for business to participate in the
internship program. She hopes to

secure at least 15 business iii--

temships in the spring semester.
These internships will last for one
semester, during which the intern
will receive pay and 3-15 hours

“Each intern will have a faculty
adviser. who will help determine the
amount of academic credit the in-
tern will receive for her placement,"
she said.

Poshards are being sent to more
than 700 college women who are25
and oven according to DuIchholz



“We will Ise three criteria for
selecting interns," she said. “We
will give preference to juniors and
seniors,” she said, adding that high
motivation and achievement will
also be important. “We will look for
achievement not only on an
academic level, but in the com-
munity as well." She stressed that
many skills are developed by
organizirg volunteer work.

Durchholz espec'uily wants to
open up come horizons for women
studying the liberal arts. “The pay
scale of women from liberal arts
backgrounds is Isually low com.
pared to that of men,” she said. “I
learned a lot as an English major
thatl‘m still using. My interns could
do an excellent job in management,
finance andthe consumer market.”

Durchholz graduated from the
University of Cinchnati (DC) in rm
with a degree in English literature
and she recently received her
doctorate in sociology there. During
her senior year. she became
president of the Continuing
Education Organization (CEO).

in an article written for the AAUW
Journal (November 1973), DurI
chholz described the CEO as “a
springboard of action for women
who entered the university from the
traditional background of wife-
homemaker; women for whom all of
the problems of clildcare and
homekeeping were part If the
milieu to which they added their
educational cmcerns”

( tllllllllll‘ll on back page

By DAVID mam rrs
Sports Editor

For the first time since 1950, the
year Kentucky wert to the Sugar
Bowl and stunned Oklahoma 13- 7,
the Wildcats have won four of their
first five games.

The victories have not been
cakewalks, nor have they been
achieved without a price. After UK's
23-7 snrothering of Mississippi State.
Saturday night, the satisfaction of
vicbry for Fran Curci was sobered
by the persisting deluge of injuries
and by the task of facing LSU next
week. '

“We’ re losing too many players,"
he said. "We‘ve got the meat of our
schedule ahead of us.

Starting center David Hopewell
suffered a knee injrry and will be
probably lost for the season
Defersive back Dallas Owens suf
fered a shoulder injury and
linebacker Jim Kovach, appearing
for the first time since the early
moments of the North Carolina
game. reinjured his shoulder.

”i also heard the LSU score.
Maybe that‘s why l’m (krwn. i heard

America policy pmhouncemnts be clearly labeled,
much like paid commercials.





University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky



they wme back and won (2815 over
Vanderbilt) and we re going to play
them next week down at Tiger
Stadium,“ Curci said.

Although he was apparently
drained by the. defensive struggle
that UK broke open in thr- second
quarter, (‘urci was happy with the,
performance of his bench.

"People like Joe fliprc and ("huck
Servino. who could have quit long
ago, and (Will) (ii-ant. hang in
there." he sand. "‘l'hI-y lust want to
be part of the team and don't quit
They keep us going. The tour hacks
we have now are physical people “

For the second straight. week
halfback Freddie erliams started.
instead of (.‘hris Hill, who is still
upset by a death ill the family.
Williams rushed for 45 yards in 15
carries and caught three passes for
33 more.

On Kentucky's first touchdown
drive, Williams caught a firstdown
pass from Ramsey and carried the
ball to theStat.e l l-yard line, where a
personal for) against State ad
vanced it to the six.

Williams pointed out the dif-
ference between Penn State and

Mississippi State. the two teams
against whom he has started "i
think l‘cm State was more physical
but Mississippi State was quicker, '
he sand

The schedrle ahead is rigorous,
includingI four SEC games on the
road 'lfthc team can stay on an
equal i(‘\.'f'i, that would be great,"
'I'ilbunss \“did.

\‘filitmiis had to short- game
lt‘U‘Plitlll tumors with split end Dave
Trust»! ’l'rrrspvr a Iomr rtod tight
end. :II’IIl-hed two (It ltan"rsey5
pinpornI losses in the second

’i'hII first catch. which went fnr Ii’i
yards, lid to Joe Bryant‘s 37-yard
field arm! " l was jllS‘l' rumour; a flag
route," 'l‘rosper explained. ‘l-ie
(Ramsey) just lobbed it out there."

Later inthe. quarter, 'l‘rosper was
on thcr'eccir‘ing (lid of a six- yard TD
passthat putilK illit. ad too. ‘ltwas
an unbeliet able feeling," he added,
"i don't know if i hotdogged it or
not "

The fact that Kentucky came out
throwing against MSU early was an
obvious break with history.

(in [it's second series of downs,

Pyranird of povver

lire sigussay “(live blood—play rugby" and this is why. The “ildcat
IIIgchs heatli vansvillc 2(6-(6 behind 'l‘IIIII Simms. shown here fighting an

l'l'itrII- \l'il‘lsit! \lor'.Ir';I ').~~. .. luri-

and Lil Its against the administration of

ii Imscy uttIIII-ivd (me pass»,
which tell inromplete. But no wz'e.
just getting warmed up for the
barrage he was to unleash lziter
“lic‘s IlitIIIIsI-y) Ll good one .III'It
their line came off the ball will ‘
Slate head coach Rob Tyler - .

State qqutI I‘l-nrk (‘4..-
Tln'crntprll also i‘; rd urrords :3: , :,..I:'.I
for Kentucky. the first U‘IIL'I
con'rplettrly dominate tho.- ,i'irtii"”tf.-.
this year. ”they beat llxI-
us. ‘.\.-t_"»“lt or. "575.1. tart? -.
this before." _ht; said

He also explainui litr: l't‘il'li‘l.‘ ~ '
‘itnur's hrenkrthvnn‘ "'l‘hoI'I
some real calls." in Mari-y;
\7 (body blocked their
it you had ii iii‘
coming at you.

sow: :‘
guy nil"
wouidir 5 II

'Ve shouldh me hes-n “,"iyr. . .
fireball Inthetust half as in: . .
the scmnd half," Tyler added

But even State‘s passing gzII‘IIr-
could not get Initial-k: t
'l‘hreadgdll Irranaged only -.
pletions in In attempts for 7.? I. Inc:
On the other hand, Rams-3:»
have finally Silt-twist his (“'1
hitting nine. (It i? for it"s! 'yIII‘I,‘



'v-«hrerr Sf'l'lltr

l \ansrille player for the ball. Simnrs, horticulture junior, scored lot‘r‘
(Lu (tour points apiece). .-\ try is practically the same as a touchdown,

.rr ~,r...I,I

IiII- Soviet l'Iiion opened the thud the Me of ”(I

it l'lliI'.

in,‘ lIIIIIlll, : \I- I,‘ ".‘ill- I'II - -!~


The *nate this week takes up a bill to curb child
pomqraphy and the House, their. a heavy calendar,
IS heading in another joust with President Carter over
the nation‘s nuclear breeding reach" project.

'ilI mu illit‘ the President 'II energy program sits like
.I smoking hulk on the Senate sidelines while the
HI once (tomm ittae tries to find It replacement for his
rutommended package of oil and natural no taxes.

The Senate Foreign Relation Committee, con-
tinuing hearings on the Panama Canal treaty, is
: IlIIniI, ‘.I \Mllltw‘hl‘h‘. with former secretaries of state

H'WI'j. manner-r and than liusk expected to testify
Maud the end of the work.

I'resitlentt'arter h expected to propose (III week
creation of a new agency that would swallow the 0.8.
Information Allt‘ll‘)’ and ivIIIIrantee that Voice of

Carter, about to send Corgi-ass his second govern-
ment reorganization plan, wants to replace USlA, an
offspring (1 die Gold war, with a new agency that also
would take charge of cultural and educational ex-
change prop-rims now administered by the State
he pr true nt.

Reorganization jians take effect automatically
unless disapproved within 60 days by either the Some
or Home.


India's new gov ernIeIrt is trying to repair the
political demag- aod fix the blame for the blunders
star-arming former Prime MinIter Indira Gandri'l
rII-rat md quick release on cmttar charges.

(hrnmtaiter only to hours in cuskrdy last week, has
resumed with new emtidence and aggrt's‘iw-neSs her

___. ,.,__.

Slicuppcsrrs to have turned her arrest .IIId release
into il political gain both against the government and
critics within her (‘ongress party, many of whom have
rallied luck to her support.

'iil‘ T'I II.IIII.rI l ut \\I*\t ttlllll‘ll'lli I- ill I‘m ithUI‘r
\Itpuslavra. rrruvI-s Into closed session this week with
the Communists resisting a U ,S. proposal for separate
discussions of human rights. military and economic

The dispute IlvtclIIrIIIl .Ittrr ,Irr IIIII-IIIIIII \u‘I-k m
‘u l'I'\_ ii I
.',Ili".)1\li‘r'”““\i”(i‘(llri .I'I Wired
(‘ommunist fathers to live up to human rights plates
made at the nus Helsinki conference.

The. Soviet Union re'pcted the charges as in-
teflcrcnre in It: internal affairs it said Iletente could

'iir, ((I'J

\Ih'f‘l"lr.\ III thI- l): ""lN‘I


“wilful IIIIHW it‘ ~


n...» .. .r. Ii,

. u...r. .I -'4I ,......

p l.(‘( lohuk upwith .IIIIl’hIiIng. put estihon

I‘.I.I.~. the offiiial news agency, said the Soyuz~25
hpilt‘tl‘t'ii ltliftcd off at dawn amid plumes of red smoke
trom the some launching part at. the llrrikomrr space

. “"ll' IiIII \tl‘l'iti“ :‘I J -:.IlI llrtw Hr '.'Ii'-i‘

l, i'Uf
hour‘s .IflI-r Mast oit MIN In.
television rcportedthat the cosmonauts were well and
were carrying out the flight plan.


i.\(l\(‘ :I 1'\t'f":.‘..


IIrstlI "NIH and \\IIIIIII lm‘ln, vrlt' in.“ .
lower (its 'lhere's a 50 per cent chance of thun
III-Ishuwcrs torijdtl. ( 'Iortdy undmt as cool with lows In
the mid Its. Showers and thmdershowers likely
tomorrow \I ith highs In the mid (Inc

I....,..I..I;.,..-. I.r...i .INIII- .,, -

u-e—--»...-~~I.nr.w,.uto.o- I- r


Much; ~L3‘



i { editorials 8: comma


w NM W M Photon-our c." um
Ion m ann- M. an light
Judith Burton
m I“ In.“ I“ m I“. UM Funk
11* a." m little“ livid llbbtttl Betsy Pearce
Phil Rutlodu
w I“ Ital W m I“.
J. In. Milieu Foul. Mu Clerk



Network wars: fighting battle of thin air

Nil“ YORK The three buildings
dedicated to the corporate
headquarters of the television
networks stand along Sixth Avenue,
two blocks apart and each appears
different to the eye: NBC of gray
emerete. CBS of black glass and
.\Bt‘ of chocolate glass. But they all
stand on the same foundation: thin




air. Recently, upon the start ofa
brilliant fall day, the first two
buildings you looked at. NBC and
CBS, :‘ppeared to be trembling

l'pstairs. somebody had just done
a nasty thing. They had delivered
the copies of Broadcasting
magazine, whose cover line said,
“ABC starts pulling away from the
pack."\i’hich it was. After about a
month of the new television season,
.iBt‘ had afive and a half point lead
lIl ther atingsover NBC. which was a
tenth of a point ahead ofCBS. As far
the trailing corporate
managements were concerned,
particularly at NBC. if any ofthe
people working at placing losing
programs onto the air had even the
least bit of true honor. they would
now killthemselves.

In btsiness power. a rating point is
one step before nuclear. I never
understood what ratings actually
meant: If ABC took a point lead, I
figuredtheykicked the extra point.
But yesterday my friend Neil Faber
of the Della Femina-Travisano




Fortunately. I got a chance to hear
the debate two weeks ago on a
proposed amendmet to the Student
(iovemment iSGi constitution. I‘m
sorry to see the Senate once again
wasting its time with this un-


necessary constitutional change
which has an excellent chance of
passage at to night‘s Senate meeting.

The amendment in question would
transfer Senate chairperson duties
from the SG president to the vice
president. As several senators
pointed out in the debate, the
proposed amendment has been
under consideration. in one form or
another. for the past two years.



advertising agency explained it. “A
show like Soap on ABC gets from
522.5(1) for 30 seconth," he said.
“Now, take a show a point behind it.
Take One Day at a Time on CBS.
That costs from $ 18,000 to $20,000 for
30 seconds. So add 14) all the 30-
second spots for the whole year and
one stow makes a lot more money
than the other. Then you figure all
the shows that ABC has on every
night of the week, seven nights a
week, for a whole year. You’re
dealing with millions fora point.“
The ratings are put out by the
Nielsen company, which places
black boxes on the television sets of
1,200 families around the country.
Out of this tiny sample is determined
all of television—its shows, its im-
pact on the country. Nobody gain-
fully employed in tebvision seems to
question the Neilsen ratirgs today.
although more recent historyin this
country suggests that when you have
this much money and power and
sucha few people involved there is a


clear chance for larceny. If we
caught a president stealing and
lying, who is to saythat you can’tput
together a ring of people who sit in
their livingrooms and sell out: “We
love Barney Miller but we can‘t

watch him tonight. You see, we‘re

But the ratings are all that
anybody in television lives for, so
Monday at ABC was a day ofshining
opportunity. At the other places,
CBSand NBC, contracting flu was a
fine move At NBC, for example,
there have been four program chiefs
in the last fouryears: Mort Werner,
Marvin Antonowsky, Irwin
Segelstein and Paul Klein.
Yesterday,NBC was onetenth of a
point ahead of CBS. TheNBC manin
charge of compiling all the rating
figures couldn't be reached on the
phone. The line was busy all mor-
ning with people going over things
with him . It seems that another set
of figures was to be up soon and if
anything happened to the onetenth
of a point,if N BC would up last. then
you could bring the fire department
training classes to holdrescue drills
and catchthe falling man out on the

‘The only reason they put on
shows is for money,” a guy was
explaining at lunch. “The safest
thing to do, then, is to put on a leisy
show. Why gamble on something
lousy that has a better chance to
bring in all the money? So imagine
how bad you feel when you
deliberately pick a lousy show andit
still doesn’t go anywhere."

The television season began inthe
first two weeks of September, with
the networks going for $8 million
apiece orshows rangingfrom ABC‘s
Washington: Behind Closed Doors to
expersive movies and prizefights on
the other two. It was an exhibition

season at the end of which the
ratings were cbudy.

Then the regular run of prime-
tirne shows began and ABC became
the nation '5 chief purveyor of
modem culture. Whenthe first flash
from the people who handle figures
came ona Tuesday, the people at


NBC and CBS shuddered. By
Thursday of that wedr, Robert
Wussler, the [resident of CBS, was
howling that ABC was cheating.
“They are using junk!" Wussler
said. Thiswaslike one bust-out joint
criticizing the other's whiskey.
Wusser‘s complaint surprised most
people in tebvision. ltwas the first
time anybody could recall anything
like this happening: namecalling
always has been considered bad for
the game. Say nothingand count
your money.

Two blocks away, over coffee, a
guy at CBS was saying thathis place
was not as nervous as NBC. “We‘ve
got a class act," he said. “Paley‘s a
clzss guy. Our problem is that
Freddy Silverrnan at ABC has a
stranglehold from 8 to 9 every
night—Rotter, Happy Days and
Laverne and Shirley. He gets allthe
kids. Now you‘re an hour into the
night andby that time y0u'rein a

jam. To get somebody to change,
you have to have him get up, walk to
the set and turnthe dial. It’s mur-
der. But we're not worried. We

started All in the Family last night.
ltdid great.We got a 50 share in

New York. That‘s great. We weren't

“What time did you find out about
the numbers?" he was asked.

“At 9:32 his morning."

He finished his coffee and went
back tohis bisiness,backto trying
to catch Charlie's Angels and Donny
and Marie. It is a bisiness of
haggling with half-formed ideas,
trying to shape them into something
with the pressure of money deter-
mining everything. On a creative
level,to put together a show, even a
bad show, is work of the hardest
sort.I‘ve written everything from a
paragraph to a novel and foundthat
the job of trying to write ascript for
the half-hour situation comedy is
work so frustrating that it pulls you
out of sleep at night. What is
disturbing, then,is why,if thework
is so hard, so delicate, do networks
set out to deliberately aim at the
lowest piblic taste?

Once you ask it, the answer ap-
pears immediately: Everything is
done for the money.

And so, this great instrument of
our timeis off on another season,as
they callit. with 40 to 50 million
people staring at shows that come
across the ptblic sky in disdain of us
allandearn hundreds of millions of
dollars for thenetworks. And have
an effect on us that we still do not
know how to measure.

I was thinking of this the other
night when ABC had on its docu-
drama about an imaginary trial of
Lee Harvey Oswald The theme was
that if Oswald had lived, this was
what his trial would have been like.
The show took an event that shook
the nationin 1963 and now, in 1977,
moved the facts aroundand ran with
it. as I recall, headache com-
mercials butting in. I watched the
actor portraying Oswald. He looked
ike Oswald, which automatically
made him distasteful. You won-
dered, however, what it would be


like if somebody in one of three
buildings on Sixth Avenue decided
that an Oswald character needed
some help. It needed, say, Robert
Redford in the part.

On television then, you would have
a captivating Lee OswaldOne smile
could rearrange the facts of our time
in millions of minds. Any business
with that kind of power ought to be
basing itself on something more
important to our lives than their


(c) 1977 by JIMMY BRESIJN and
the Chicago Tribune-New York
News Syndicate, Inc.

Senate is wasting time with amendment

However, somethirg not brought out
in the debate were the reasons why
the Senate has repeatedly and
justifiably rejected such a con.
stitutional revision.

The following three arguments
have traditionally been raised as a
rationale forthe amendment:

1t Separation of powers. Amend-
ment backers feel the SG president,
who holds veto power over Senate
bills, shouldn‘t play such a dominant
role in enacting legislation by
conducting Senate meetings.

2) Reduction of president's
workload. The president is also a
member of the Board of Trustees,
Senate Council and sundry other
Uni versity boards and commissions.

3) Increased duties for the vice
presidert. Past vice president‘s
have complained about a lack of

constitutional responsbilities.

As a former SG senator who
played a role in keeping this
amendmentbottled up in committee
last year, I'd like to point out why
this year‘sSenate should reject it
once and for all.

1) In making the “Separation of
Powers"argument, several persons
have claimed that the meetings of
”legitimate" bodies of government
teg. Congress, Kentucky General
Assembly) are chaired by someone
other than the executive. This is
false. For example, Lexington‘s
Urban County Councilis chaired by
the mayor and, ever closer to home,
University Senate meetings are
conducted by the U-Senate

The question of separation of
powers needn‘t come up in Student

Government, especially since many
would argue that SG has no power
and thatwhat power it does have
shouldn't be curbed by the students
themselves. Senate meeings should
be a centralized clearinghouse of-
fering cohesion for student efforts
throrght the University. As the
person mamated to representthose
interests, the president’s leadership
role must not be diminished.

And anyway, the president's
ability to influence legislation while
chairing Senate meetings is
minimal; his influence is manifested
more clearly outside the meetings,
in the draftirg of bilb and in those
lastmin me telephone calls the night
before Senate meetings.

2) It's truethat theSG president is
bu'dened with a greatnumber of
committee meetings which cut into



’V t






(Sift? FfiFTColi—Ri—i if










the time he can spend getting work
done. But Senate meetings are the
single most important meeting he
can attend, providing a focus forall
SG affairs ad a forum for student
concerns. Even the proposed
amendment implies this by
requiring the president to attendall
Senate meetings.

3) A shortage of vice presidential
duties is a myth. In fact, one con-
stitutional function delegated to the
vice president has been totally
ignored since the constitution was
enacted in 1973—chairing the
University Committee Coordinating
Council. The vice president is also a
member of all Senate standing
committees and may undertake any
project he or she desires.

In summary, the Senate would be
making a big mistake by passing

this amendment tonight and
removing the SG president from an
integ‘al part of the sphere of student
activity. The last thing students
need is to weaken a leader who
already has enough trouble
representing student interests at
this University.

And, to put this issue in a larger
perspective, it‘s time forthe Senate
to stop inflating its ego by imitating
“legitimate" governments. Spen-
ding hours of debate defining SG's
role (the constitution adequately
provides thisalready) is nothing but
a smokescreen for SG‘s inaction on
issues with direct significance to


Nancy Daly is a former student

Letter to the editor

In recent days the athletic
department has come under attack
from the student sector. While this
criticism '5 indeed long over due,
much (i i (eg. last Friday’s Ker-
nel). has been incorrectly placed.
This the purpose of my comments——
to give credit where it is due and
with a better understanding.

Many of my colleagues have
become upset about the
unavailability of football tickets and
understandably so. We have all been
“guara nteed" the right to obtain one
ticket for every event. But do not
blame your blame your fellow
students for purchasing guest
tickets. After all, how many of those
50,000 seats in Commonwealth
Stadium are taken by students’
grass? I will address this topic

The other myth that seems to
prevail, is that athletic programs
prosper at the expense of the
academic community. These
athletic programs (primarily
football and baitetball) provide
subtle, but invaluable support for
the University and hence academia
also prosper;

How? Ath Bronson won't like
it—MONI-IY. That men great that
rmkes the world til-n.

Firotof all, basketball contributes

little morethan token support, for it
is essentially a break-even
proposition. But football makes lots
of money. Enough to pay for itself.
withsomeleftover. So where does
the rest go? To the athletic fund in
order to pay br:

—Any defic'ss incurred in other
varsity sports.

—Women‘s sports.

—Intramural sports.

So if football was nota profitable
endeavor, then academia would
indeed suffer. That is why tickets
are sold ona seasonalbasis only—to
insure that income in case ofalosing

Returning to my original
hypothesis, how (it athletics help the
Universityas a whole? Pride. Civic
pride. State pride.

Orr legislators like winning teams
and when UK is winning national
titles and big trophies, they tend to
be more lberal with their (our)

For examplenote the influence of
former Gov. AB. Chandler. Thus
when the ‘Cats are winning, Mr.
Singletary can successfully beg for
more money. This hopefully, we will
all benefit.

Joe Hoffman
Engineer-big Junior





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ed the
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‘t, for it
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,we will





ERA foes ready new attack


So far it’s only peeked out
from under cover, meaning it
won't make the newspapers
untilJanuary. but opponents
of the Equal Rights Amend-
ment (ERA) are getting
ready to pounce in the
Kentucky General Assembly


fiankly, I’m getting a little
tired of this. Rescission of
Kentucky's ratification
causedemigh trouble during

the last regular session. But


perhaps you don‘t know the
details of thebattle of spring,
1976, which should be helpful
in predicting what to expect
next time.

Last session the Baptist
Church in western Kentucky
and the Catholic bishop in
northern Kentucky came out
very strongly in favor of
rescending the state‘s
ratification of the federal

Bus loads of “pink ladies"
were rounded up and herded
into the capitol wearing pink
and bearing goodies for the
legislators. One legislator
remarked, “We had a lot of
fun with the issue."

Under pres ure the House
of Representatives drafted an
innocuous constitutional hill
wh'ch passed and went tothe
Senate. There the original bill
was rippedup replacedwith



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a rescission resolution
(Home Joint Resolution 7).
and returned it to the House.

Contrary to popular belief,
ILIR 7 did not pass in the
House, hit was blocked by
Rep. William Kenton, who led
the floor fight against me. In
the Senate, llJR 7 was
Iogggerjammed in Senate
(‘ommittee All of the
members of the Committee

on Elections and Con-
stitutional Amendments
lexcept the chairman)

supported the ERA.and they
and Lt. Gov. t'l‘helmai
Stovall did their best to force
the bill to die in committee.

But it was a quiet death,as
many predicted it would be.
ERA opponents tried to force
“.1 R 7 tothe floor for a vote,
but they were unable to get
enough signatures on the
discharge position,

In the meantime. ERA
supporters lobbied. cori-
ducted petition and letter-
writing campaigns and
studied the legislative rules.
Finally it became obvious
that we \vercgoing to have to
show the public something it
already knew . that there was
public support.

We organized a very suc~
cessful ERA forum on the UK
campus. We marched and
rallied in Frankfort. When
the committee used hearings
as delaying tactics. we

testifiedand supported those
who were testifying.
In the last days of the

session, a vote was called
since the discharge petition
still had not gotten enough
signatures but it failed.

Then an ERA referendum
was added-as an amendment
to pro ERA senators‘
prisoner work release bill.
This was not a rescission
referendum for the federal
ERA. but a referendum for a
Kcntucy ERA.

It was switched in com-
mittee with a rescission
resolution for the federal
amendment. Other
shenanigans included
motions to suspend the rules.


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allowing the switch to come to
a vote. which alternated with
ERA proponets‘ motions to
adjourn This last maneuver
was stopped by the clock.
Two days later the session
was over. About a week later
(iov. «Juliani Carroll an-
nouncedhis willingness to put
rescissron on the slate forthe
special session I was con«
vinced at the time that he did
so to quietcriticism that he
had thrown out resc'ssionto
allow timefor his antibusing
bill. But in retrospect I think
it mightalso have beenorie of
those iiiuscleflexing whims

which poliicians exercise
from time to time.

The point of all this is that
defeat of the rescission
resolution yes because of a
number of factors, none of
which weredispcnsible: the
loyal persistence of ERA
propoiiets. the fact that
legislators see discharge
petitions as potential threats
to their own committees, the
time factor, and the happy
rcvclationthat at one ci ucial
point ERA opponents did not
know the r ules.

All of which leaves the
current situation very un<
comfortable. A powerful
alliance of Baptists and
(‘atholics has been formed
and they now know how to get
what they want.

In my receiitinterview with
Rep. Kenton he mentioned
two new clemmts which can
be expected next time: a
potentially more con-
servative legislature and the
abortionissue.'l‘hc latter was
not really a factor here in
1976, but the contrOvcisy
arising this year can be ex-
pected to color the climate
surrounding the ERA during
the ctming session

We need to get together and
organize now for the January
onslaught. Morethaii that. we
need togett hree more states
ratifiedso that it won‘t won't
make any difference whether
the Kentucky legislature
resccnds ERA or not!

('arol Dussere is a member of
the l'K \\omens‘ Rights




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