xt7nvx061c6q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nvx061c6q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1995-02-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1995 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 17, 1995 1995 1995-02-17 2020 true xt7nvx061c6q section xt7nvx061c6q  











turtle/II. Ina" urn/(ml W; part/t
.IIIl/llt‘ tomorrozz', II/Ig/I min I"!


(into/1r rumor/III." the nut II'II'I /I/I1Iii{ r/II m

(I'Im Int/III H’t'i

[rm moi/III. String man/IH/II, [III/LII-


Iim {Ir/III.




WEAIHEB l [ml/t i/II/II/l

’lodilt‘. /tl_q/' 4/1 4“. [tart/t i/II/II/I'



[III/rivalry ] 7.

o I II. 7 ,I I 4
l I ~ 8 2
I 'II 7 l I l" 6




tilt may mimic other schools' cahle options


Other schools' plans

VMorehead State University: By
next tall students In the residence
halls wrll receive 24 channels lrom a
satellite system. to be determined
through a student survey. Students
would not be charged extra for the

VEastern Kentucky University: A
cable system is sent through the
university, which adds educational

By Lance Williams

I‘I.\\'I)L Itlft’ I‘ii/Ih)!‘

\\ hilL L K Is lookInLr into thL
possihilitt ot spreadInLI L .IIl lL st r
IILc to all Lampus rLsIdenI I II. i||s
other stI‘ItL schools am also dL. ilmLI
\Iith rapidlI chanLIInLI It I hnI ilI ILII

\loiehtad State I iIiI'ersIH. tor
ex ample Is installing a sIstI nr tor
next tall that will lIrmLI stu. II. nts
more channels that IIIlitt \lore
head residents can i‘L'I'L‘HL‘ tron:
the local cahle serI ice.

Salo Faier, an AISLT tLLlImL al
serviLes eniploIee said thL IIL‘\\


He said the system “'1” he
Installed at no additional costs to
students The sI stem \Irll reI-plILL
the current I) LhannLl sIsth
\IlIILh has heen in the residenLe
halls .It Alorchead tor mm 31)

hater said there are currently
no plans to charge students lot the
additional seI‘I ice.

“I )ur IiIissIIIII Is It) proiide that
servite to all IIIII*L'.lllt|IlIs) students
\Iithout charging them heLause
(her are not paIer lot the serIrce
tlIII IreLIettanoII, l"aie;.rsiid

channels. Cost Is added onto stu-

dents’ residence hall fees. {mm a “(CHM





Morality speech highlights A & S

Distinguished professor:

moral center 1705 moved

By Stephen Trimble


Has the “moral lilier" oI' our nation headed south
since \Voild \Var ll 7" liter allv:

\es s'a\s lohn ( IIIIelti, the Distinguished Protes-
int ott he ( IIIILIre oi Arts and Sciences, \\ ho IIill leL—
Illit‘ on the topic \\ednesd.n night. Actualh hes s-IIIs
hr he lIeI'es the moral center noII lies both South and
II little to the \\ est.

“ll-he South and \Vest have hecome a sort of
residue for traditional American culture, " said
(lam lti \Ihose leLture SearchinLI Ior Scatlttt l‘he
Search for SI uthern ldentitI in the 1080s and ‘)()s
Is Hit of i pthrIIInarII draft In a hook hers \IritinLr

I ride r the lianner ot neII— —stIle Southern l\L‘plll)liA

Lan IeaIILrshIp III American politiLs noII led hI‘
House Speaker I\e\It (I'IneriLh oi (IL-or Iia, (,aIIL-lti
s Iid the South and \\ est reLIIons haIe staked Llaim to
hem LI the II Itron s hreadhasket of traditional Ameri-
can I .Ilues

l he South II as perLeiIed IIs shoulderinLI a proh
lLiIIIIlt past sLaIred III' the leLracI of

dawn and raLIsm, (.auelti


I‘IL'ss lifts




said, II lIIle the \\ est was
I'ieII'ed as the {dam tor
not alII .t\s dL LLIII I
. WEI hope the
“llie notions of these .1]
reLIions as .Ariierica‘s other» “Imp,“ ‘w 5“
hroken down,"
Srzenrex 15 a
In the time hetore the .9111“, when»
l 1' '
Iast \I orld \\ .Ir, most Ieo» .
. . l I 131718? are
ple reLoLrnIzcd the .\oth s l
‘ 7
urlian mecca as the source 010‘” 7
said. l)urinLI the post—war V
era, l]()\\'L‘\‘L‘ , Northern Richard Edwards
Litres haIe lost their erasp College (If/111mm!
on AmeriLIIn I'alues. Sanitarium
mer President Ronald Rea—
LIan. a (.aliIornIan haIe redefined the moral topoLr-
rapht,( IIIIelti said.

But politics Is not (.aIIelti s game he said. For a
IUIII/ mI ILI.I7.ine and studied the effects of upon liter ra-
ttire ol lames lotLL s “'Ultsses to the Beatles, the
soLial Impact of his Llaims are a relatively uninterest—
”1L" ttttillt.
soLial L‘MlilISttltltntLS oi theI alue shitt he II ants to
understand the ImpaIt II Lord I haIe on AmeriLan lit—

AmonLI literature re searchers, he said there is
t_I of time regions.

I IIIII lti s lcc tuie Is one ol two major lectures that
Lenterpiece L K s Arts and Scientes VA eek startinLI
\londaI l’ulitrer prize \Imner (IarrI \\ ills IIill giIe

adIenIure and Irppotttlnit},
that/1715 11nd

(.aII'eltr said.
ot moral authority, (IIIWL‘lIl debated”

New leaders, such as for—
man It ho has inIestiLrated the larger meanings III

Although he Is not primarilI LonLerneIl IIith the
LiIIiLnth a protound attempt to redefine the identi~

.S‘L’e CAWELTI on Back Page

ststem \Iill include 24 Lhiniitls

work channels and Ill instruction
al channels tor use he students and

th \lSL iesidenLe hall LIIII»

er-nant has met IIith housing and

.Impus th hnoloLII IilliLials Iihout
the plan.


StudLrits sLem \l r\ it . L pIIII "
Iihout the plan lItIIr and
theI lIIIIL LIIIerI IititiI'Ia!» Input iizto
\\'lt.lI Ihaoiiels the} \\l‘l!ltl like to
see \I ith the sei‘I ice

l‘II‘catise Ill-Illt' satellite tee 'i'II rl
mg}, \lSl, Hill In aide to put tiIL
most poptzlar channels .IrriIIiiII IIIr
dents on the sI-I‘I ILI

KetiltII. kt.


l'lastel‘tt I I:t‘.L‘I.,t‘~.

also has It calile sI i‘\iIL fut ,Ili ~'

dents in the residt IIII- h Ill. lhr
\klll'Itl [rats the lot li . Iii. m'I-tII
a fixed tee to hrItILI I ‘Ilt't' I'ir 1t.".:‘i‘~

to all iooiiis on campu-
'l III Iliannels I: ~
through the IInII'er‘sn:

ltist sent
IahlI I\s

tern. IIhrch adds seset'al t'IltII .l
tional channels IIII ~tIIdeIIls. Ind
Iltt it LIItltItI'Is III l‘I'siIlI‘iit t’ l‘. Ill


said (ILIII llrd.. it‘leIIt‘Ial IiIaI
lst'III‘l‘.’ It: \IIII-ri..iII
( .ll l l



I.tIIlI:rIiiIeI‘It III. ls‘r h

.‘IIsI\III [i1(‘\\I.tI'ti|

lIlIlt‘Il HIIIII [ltt’lt

iIIII.sii.I.' ..r IIts. lItiI he IllIitiI
I‘IIt spin I'II l'l'l’lllit'ls IIIidIiII-I
.t.l~l' l"' ,. tIti IlI.tli’:! lot
‘I .tII
lU pv »~-I'llIlIlill‘.ll‘I.‘lt IIII
'I ’llI . I’II‘ ~I.te:i: l'iIl lIIiI.
'I‘II‘II I .III ‘ .‘ I-.l I- Lari ;»’-I\illt
l‘,i'si. .,.lr|c \I‘l‘s! t‘ plil~l 1'? ad lI
IlI':lll(\lIl I. iIhII‘I-IIII
lhr' pIaIi I, I itrtItrdI .I


\Itiw' 'I-Iaill. I, I (U lI. stIidI i.t on

. .I
I Hid"? .IIII i‘ Sitiat? ( air


I iiI'ssee .I
II . litti’.l‘. .Is ‘


s .rw is.

[cpl iIIi‘I’l lt‘Irl

I ant liodI.



mi \'- Itthl
rnI hr“

I.Ilft lIItLI'II.

IIIIIIsc .it lndiari \Vells( Itlitlli\ I r'III
Ier‘en. es ilIII\\IIl‘-\l.ll‘.tllllt‘

DISIINBUISHED PBOFESSDBerlIn (farce/rt Il‘ll/J'flt’tl" H 'ed/iewluy ling/Ir III part I,/ I inI .IIIII1.\.rI-IIIII :. til at l /\ l ( ,

’W/hi/t .1 "ram ..

It'IItllII- 'II :I.,-- 11!; Hit I'xt.‘
iiiklllIiIi I. tall II II' . II. II.'.»:1II':
liIIsI :Idiai. time II II IIII‘III“ i’tl
I.IIll lIItII. :: hr _.

ll. "IIIII. ‘.\II.iI.i -r‘-i\' [.r'
sL-IiiI-aiI-I per sY'IIII'll' am1 ,I.., ll



l'“ ”Ht IIJII’I'I tor .llIr:. i: I.

K" ' lI‘liII' il,‘ \p , ’t I
[III-».t.i.I: lira l I. I: LI .‘
l't'SiilIsIJJ “I, m,"

”I It! lllIItI' II-.- 1).; I,
lI I 'III I I , ,. (
lk'fii‘IIlI-III'IT: ji- II‘I‘ . 1 .

been :I,, l H. ”I. I , .'
linesfoi'tli. HM”.

Illi'rIII'. I.:f'\ [ K1
liIlItII,IIII:.~,I ». I"

\r L‘ABIE Back i’age




N Iotlt Rain and storms
spread across America

and th

.illtll :‘stI

['li.s sl‘rl‘d‘i "V'HI‘

\'IIII!II.is'.< lI. alatrrt llr
|\Ii.lli!i. l

lit' "Ilis».:»«.iptr‘ ‘Italat‘w lrz‘.

.III iIIII l‘» -' iii 1‘ true red

:II I on. It: I 'r‘ ..

Iltt‘l ‘I .I ‘I ~"..


\ pie 'tlt's\i! II.til.iIlII I III I.. t" .I
i ItlliI‘ loa \I..tiiIiII:IItt§I:: 11.1. 1 i,’ ‘:-.;..-,
petrplt .ml IilIlII'lIIL’IilIIItil “2' lt-I I-
I tL't’I'ItiI,‘ talli . Him. [I .II ‘E .\-I I I
ltixi \lelkfl IIIIIIHHII'.~"- IhII: ’l’IlL. purple
driI ltr‘. It Iitll. ,III'IIlI-zItI Id II ‘I I


I' thatl LIN . '.l* 7:.'I

mm Israel, PLO break deadlock

ll\l/lI \L il(I\.\.i,iSI:i. l- tk il‘i‘ta
.Alirirs:rr ‘irt I'hak l\.ilttii .II.‘ i'l It 1:13? ".a-
, \I III]! lIlIIl.t .i II'IIllIIIl “Wit I. .l ‘ ~ .I
t «:ep I!“ tills \pati tiny sI I? rid; It. ' tl' ".\I~f
l'l dim prorritsL-It to eaa .2. tinsel l~:'r E i-I :I'rt‘
III’IIII‘ l’alI-stinratis in the \\'I : litilh III: (I
Strip 3 I return to tolis [It i»: mi mm: “Sci. ‘3
III-d: llIIt' .Ittei \".'tl.li .lil". ‘ .‘ 1:..Ii' I. '. I i’ZIIIlI‘ ;.:
Id Il‘II pI'II L' Iaik~ .ItIII I 't’dlt f I i.i"'tt.'I'. _I» "’
tiII=sI sirspLIted-rl I'ta. l-Izipl IiI‘l
ls’aliiit.iisopiotIIsL."liit \. lIl'-»".l 71,’ ;..I
LIIIIIIetI.’ I.lI-.t‘ our; t‘ I: Home ..: tin ‘I‘II II? .“I
I .r‘ olglI "Itri l’InI t'.iiesttt‘.rII'I.\I ”r: ., III: 7.3. .tI‘I.l
lrer Inst: he an: 3,.'t'\t.:rl Ili.‘- he Il-Iilt‘ \Iit‘iI .t‘ j' T.'.‘l

f NAM Er/l‘o/I/il'ng

Presidents, Hope hitlgreens, people
I I\I)l-\.\'\\i-'_.iis( II'III“ I

t thI p--rLerlLIIt ot the I. ltlfL'Il State s III 'II it“
LIIIII hall lltitll\ in a sIII‘Ii .r‘rp "III. II-IIII hr '-I.'I ‘ I.
. l’artnL-r kIt'III
tIIl‘s;_lL‘t‘t_\ I'llll’tl‘l l
Three men knoIIII as" \li
:{olt‘ed \Itth lloh llrrpr‘ IIt.
\Vedtiesdat and prodIII ed as t:‘;.,l
liloripet‘s as Illlllt‘I'rI htdhatire l..


"L lizish .i:-I,.



hooked his titst driIc ItIII-

t'Ii\\ll_ hut It didn't hit .iI.III~:I

‘s; sen holes later his hall .'- l Ir..'*d

oil .I 'IIIIIIIa. .‘L IrrIL‘I-r lill‘Ii‘i r;

Iltt‘tt‘ll lIis sIIIiittl lIi. III? II TI'I

thin the late III .lt‘ eideti'. IIIn’H‘Itt III.“ 1: III: 'I
It lies Itid lioitoted .i lat" I I‘ .i:
sputator lllt lustori. I'rrrrrp ‘It'HIt-I 'I I»
~:Iteat Iitttt‘ as lllt‘\ \Iotked tI‘IL" II I. It i.. 'III

H! 'J,'


legendary ”OXBI‘ All to make stops lll Lexington tOIIIOI‘I‘OW

By Brenna Reilly
.S'III/l U 'rlrt'r‘

.As part of llK's celehration of
Black History Month, Muharir
mad Ali and his wile Lonnie will
Visit a community
center and attend
the k l\ I‘llorida


s‘IIn Ballroom.
“ Ali."

()per a House

Pitino, foothall Coach Bill (ilII‘H'
and former (iov.
_lr. will host the reception.

AnyoneL can attend the rut p “.-\li. '
tiIIn, “hlL‘li inll he III the I’artei
\IltIIIssIIIII Is the
puthase of a ticket to the plat

lhe IIIIard \IinnmLr IlaI IIIII
he presented leh.

AIricanaAiIIL-rrcan Student Affairs,
said Ali‘s \‘Isit \Iill help the Lotti
munit) and promote the play

l; H )\\'II

john Y

lt Is I Irood \Iill trip he is
an itt oI thi raIIal IlIIIiLultIes In
lexinLIton mm the past months."
(IrundI said

(IrIIIIdI' said All Is .I stmhol ot

Alter the game
.'\ll \I'rll attend II
reception given by
k. l\ .II Illt‘ llyl‘llt A"


LIK AthletiLs Director (I..\l.

Newton, haskethall coach Rick


lhe star ol the plaI.
Inning III” also he atconipantinsv
lliL‘V Will llt' ('St'tlllt‘tl III IlII'
game In former llroIIn and lii‘s
\Iile, l’lI}llis( IeorLIc llroun

(Ihester (lrundI. driettor ol

3 and (I at Iltt lirotlierhood and LIood “ill. and
”his mere presence Will make .I
(ILHIIIItL \‘ pristine L'Iintt'IlitltIIIII to helpIIILI to

heal this I'oIIIrnIinItI "
at III .I m. \h and
l'IIInLI \\lll \Istt the lhinhar I ”III

l IiillIIl’tIt“

tIItInIII (lentI't,
lhe l)tItIlI.It (enter Is an open

lt't Ieatron l.|t llII\ ( enter direI tor

AnLIIe (irecn said the Ienter “I”
“roll out the red Larpet II ii Ali."

'l‘he center PM“ Ides rt't reatron
lot kids oI all ages. mI ludmLI has
kethall lcaLIues, .lt‘t'tillll's and
and ( IIIIts, (Ireen said

“ll “I“ help sortie ol the kids to
Sl‘tl ul
hope II III” haIe .I his: Impact on
Iltt‘ lsltl\ ..

gt't‘lllll'kl'dl l.i\\ student l)eI‘


st'e \IlIIi he Is." (IlcetI

ItIk l’aLIe said he Is e\'L ttcd .Ihoiit
Ali's Irstt and Will attend the post
panic reIeptIon In Illt IIIIIIIII
ltIIhtI-I ‘s honor

"I tust like what he represents
.is .I and as hlatk

lllIlll lll.ll‘. III

partII Iilai l’IILIe said

admires that \II
has IIIIIaIs stood tip lot IIlIIit he

l’IIIIe said lit

helIeIes In

"I lc IIIII ks the system. lItit peo
ple lIIIL- him It _:.i."dlcss." he said
('ar‘nIclixa ('olcman, .i liter
I lt.iIIIlI\|lIt] senior, said she is look
In}; IoruarIl III the pin .ihoiit Ah.

ill\' hoIiIetoIIII.
out \Ihtt he Is all .Ihont."
like ( oh I nan All Is a IIIItitsIIllc

llll kets lot the plaI IIill he on

salt at rhi door of the ma eptton .it

Is .I IIlIlitlll‘I person Irom
and l IIant to lind
she said

l'attI-ison llallrooni
l II kt'ts I III also he pIIrI hascd
at the Student ( ‘eIIlI'I‘ ttL‘kL‘t IIIIILL'

Ali's itinerary

VFormerheavywer ht tcharrpi-
on Mut Iammed Ali. his wile an".
actor Geoffrey Ewmg wt! .Isd .
the Dunbar Cornmrinity Center j
tomorrow at I0 a m ’

VThey wot then attend the UK-
Florida basketball game at Rupp
Arena at 3 pm

Vlmmedralely totlowmg the
game. a reception wrll be held at
the Hyatt Regency's Patterson

VAnyone can attend; admrssmn
Is a ticket to the play “Ali ' Tick—
ets may be purchased at the
Student Center tIcket office.



 2 I'HiLn I't'lv‘iun If. I‘W‘. Alli/nth It Imi‘


Dampier's presence key to UK breakdown

By Brett Dawson

\[w ti Iai’tlul

Rick l’itino talled it the staple
oftheit‘ season llis playt is said it
was a symhol of pride. Strange as
it seetned, the fasthteakuig,
three~pomt homhmg t‘k‘ \\Iltl
cats were [tying to lietome ilie

\'ew York chks.


It's heel) the
L I\'s season slitte day one. It has
heen nothing shy of dominant

\Vith otie e\ception a hreak
down against Mississippi State on
'I uesday, otie that lead to a 7o 7I
stunner as the Bulldogs sliiedded

watchwoid of




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that defense for w hat was arguahly
the upset of the year in the South—
eastern ( It inference

State's win in Rupp was
iiiiproliahle, hut so too was the
way it went ahout accomplishing
it. L'K's defensive armor hadn't
shown so much as a think
throughout the season.

The numhers going into Tues—
day night were not lust iiti )ressive,
they hordered on unhe ievahle:
'I he (:ats' opponents were shoot:
mg tust 3‘) pet‘tent overall, :75
pertent front three point range;
L‘K had held IS of It) opponents
to four or few er threeepointers.

:\nd it wasn't ltist defense on
the shooter that was putting the
t lamps on the opposition. L'ls' was
torciiig 325' turnovers per game

I’itino had his players con~
\llitt‘tl that defense was the path
to victory. Since helore the season
hegan, l’itino had isolated defense
as his team's strength. He had
stressed defense to the extent that
his players were afmn/ not to play

“\Vhen you get heat, you‘re
first thought is ‘l )h, (Iod.'



. e
. tot


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31:“ pin 3 .HI pm
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Join the action at the

' . Ice Center. It‘s a (loud Place
._ loi‘ Fun for children. teens.
4 adults and large groups.

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sot) I’ureka Springs I)ri\‘e


swingiiian Rodrick Rhodes said oti

“You start thinking about how
had it itiiist have looked. You
know when you watch liliti, you're
gonna get it.”

Until 'l‘uesday night, that
effort had paid massive dividends.

“Sometimes the other team
doesn't even get a shot it“.“
Rhodes satd liefore the .VlSL'

game. “I thitik that‘s funny The
{T'SCUJIHI clock runs out, and
they don't even get a shot. It iiist
frustrates them so had.

“That‘s an funny to me."

for the most part, though,
l‘ls's defense is no laughing mat
tei. I’itiiio called it a "symhol of
L‘.\( ellence" to his playeis

“\Ve take pride iti that
defense.“ guard ’I ony l)elk said
on Monday. “\Ve'ye really
stepped up on defense lately
the past two or three games, we\ e
lieen taking it to another level.“

The level they took it to on
Tuesday was a different one all
together as well . one lower than
they had experienc ed all season

State hit I I threerpointei‘s and
shot $7.4 percent from the floor
for the game.

The Bulldogs hurned L'K's
defense to the extent that they
were ahle to win despite .74
turnoyers and ii fewer shot
attempts than the (Iats.




"liverythmg was precipitated
hy our play poitit guard Anthony
I‘ipps said after the loss to State.
"\Ve inst didn't play well defene

JOSEPH HEY AU Knew! :mfl’

ONE 0" ONE l)e/i'I/ie In!» flee!) the key In L'Iy'k \cumn mfilr, I'm the (.lm m];
find it [Writ/ole; n . H 'l {ital/41y trig/"t rulieu t/‘ey [wt to .llii‘i‘ia‘i‘fi’f” SN!"-



l ’l‘l

‘ l'ClHiLifl l )



I'ls' The tire r‘iCNCtTEw a Cla\le ghost story


s at R pm, — (iiiigttol Theatre . 5749.39



1"“ and 33. H. 37

1 ‘.


Most of that hreakdown came
as a result of L'Is's chief weakness
a season ago . its difficulty in
containing a massiye hig man.
Though .\lark I’ope did an
admirahle ioh against .\lSL'
goliath I‘il‘IL‘k Dampier late iii the
game. it was Dampier‘s fast start
that allowed the I)ogs' offensive
attack to gel.

Ten of Hampter's I7 points
came on dunks. The others catiie
from Iay‘tips in the paint over
l‘K's smaller front line and a trio
of free throws

'l he (lats' efforts to keep
l)aiiipiet from eiiipting for even
itiore points caused them to doue
hle and sometimes tt‘lttlt‘ett'fltll
him, allowing opeii looks for .\lar
cus (ii'ant, .\Iartus litlllztt‘tl and

Daryl \Vilson. They were the hest
three—pointers UK allowed its
opponents to get off all season.

“I w asn‘t unhappy with the way
we played," l’itino said “Our
effort level was a It), Mississippi
State just played great. They hit
the three and they played great

“They heat us at our own






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Pl RH} ‘T \lWTH SI UPI-".5


Lflllll CI‘OWII to greet llats

By Jason Datlilo

.vaixran/ Sprint [xi/Hm

'l‘ennessee takes its women‘s haskethall team very
seriously. .'\l]il rightfully so. After all, the Lady Vols
are ranked .\'o, I in the natioti and hring an impres
she 24-] oyerall record into Sunday‘s game with the
Indy” Rats.

L'T, which also has an unhlemished ‘Ml South-
eastern (Loiifereiice slate. plays its games in the
Nulilil) seat 'l ltttlllpstfll'liUllllg Arena. the largest
made fotvhaskethall facility in the country. 'I he
I.ady Vols are averaging a SIX: leading 7,311 fins
per home game.

liy comparison. his I Ill—l l, 3—!) SH I) had just .‘I I
people show up \Vednesday for its home game with
.\Iorehead State L'niversity.

“Tennessee has a tremendous crowd," said L'Is'
forward Stacey Reed, whose lirl point scoring aver
age leads the Rats. “It's a huge arena, and I‘m s'iiie

JAMES CRISP l-mvm‘ do,"

GAME or "IE YEAH T/‘e may Kala” mi. m t/‘t'lr mug"-

ritfiie aft/w imam Sunday when t/th’ play at Yer/matter.


they‘re going to have a good crowd for the game

In order to keep the score close. Reed, an All-SEC
selection. said his will have to keep the traditionally
raucous 'I‘ennessee ctow d ou' oftlie game from the

“If we let ('I eniiessee) get going early, they're
going to run away with it," Reed said. “\Ve‘ve got to
go m and itiake a staiid early, and say 'look we didn't
tome hete to roll over".

Iiut against l'T. that‘s easier said than done.

The I.ady Vols‘ offense. which ayerages‘ a whop-
ping rsl points a game, is one ofthe most powerful in
the nation. In fact, all five L'T starters average in
tlmthle figures

I’orward \ikki .\lc(ira\ leads the way with a [6.1

stoi mg ;l\l rage, while (t—foot .3 center Dana Johnson

is close hehiiid averaging 14.1 points and 7.3
reh< ttllttls per contest for Urach I’at Sumniitt‘s squad.

L'T also has a haekup center. (elootA-l 'l iffani

_lohnson, who ayerages a team leading 7.7 rehounds a


“('l‘ennessee) has a lot of depth, a lot of power and
a lot ofstrength inside," said Sharon Fanning, Lady
Kat coach. “It's a great haskethall team.”

\Vith all its tall tiniher on the inside. Tennessee
has hurt many of its opponents on the offensive glass
this sea‘ on

‘LT he deleiisiye hoards, I think, will he a main
key." Reed said. “\Ve need to allow them only one
shot." '

.‘\S\lf,lnt‘tl with the task ofstopping the Indy Vols'
hig people will he L'K‘s fi‘ontline of Kat‘ri Koach,
Kim l)enkins .ind Vonda Iaekson. \Vhile Koach. a
serum. has played in games against 'l‘entiessee
hefore.Jackson and Ilenkins, hoth freshman will he
making their l‘T dehut.

l)oes L'K's wealth of youthful talent know w hat to
eypect m Ix'itoyyille?

“\Vell, they‘re going to learn real quick," said
Fanning, whose team has two other freshman,
Shauiida Roherts and lattasha I’eterson. playing a
signilit ant amount of minutes. i

The lady Vols always seem to hring out the hest
in the I.ady Kats Last season, L’K took a highlv—
ranked L 'I squad to overtime hefore suecimihing 9S—

“It's going to he a Rat and Volunteer fight," said
Reed. whose team will he trying to hreak a five—game
conference losing streak. “It's always a good rivalry
hetw'een 'l‘ennessee and Kentucky. \Ve just gotta go
down there .tnd he fociissed and ready to play."


makes the grade

.\lark l’tipe, a center on the UK
men‘s haskethall team, has heeii
named .i I‘W‘ i’iTls l)l\tl‘lt.t I :\II-
.‘\lll(‘l'l('.ln. Stu.lentuithletes elet t
ed to the team are l't‘llllllttl to
maintain a *3 grade point ayet'age
and sophomore atademit stand

I’ope, .in l’nglish tumor with a
io') (il’.-\, is ioiiied on the team
hy‘ ()hio Stat: 's Doug lCt/Ier;
\Vt stern lsentutky's I)ariin
Ilorii, .i I.e\mgtoii natiye, and
Vanderhilt‘s Bryan .\lilhiirn la
Kt'nilt' ky native) and I‘rank



The team memhers were
selected hy memhers of the (Zol-
Iege Sports Information Directors
of Amerit a in the states of \lahm
ma, Kentucky. .\lich|gan. (Ihio
and 'I’ennessee. ‘

Baseball team play: three

"I he LK hasehall team (I .1)
trayels to .\lohile, Ala, this week
end for a threergame series
against South .\I.ihama.

Single games are set for l'riday
:it Till p.m. Saturday at I p.m.
and Sunday at I p.m.

The prohahle starting rotation
fol LVK is sophomore (:tlrtis
\\'hitne\ (I to, freshman Scott
I)owns (I) fl} and tumor (ireg Reid

ll) ll.

L'K heat The (Litadel and lost
to (ieorgia Southern in last week-
end‘s (atgo Southern Challenge.

little team plays ITO" to match

The UK rifle team will host
No. 3 Murray State and No. (i
Xavier in a shooting match tomor»
row, beginning at 8 am. at Barker

All three teams should qualify
for the NCAA Championships,
which will he held March le-I at
the Naval Acadeitiy in Annapolis,

“This match will he a great
tune up right lK‘ftn'C nationals,"
VK coach llarry Mullins said.

I firm/tiled from imf]. air? 7?er



.- , w-..






i. in A, humi Int/.11 I'M-ruins I' I‘l'li 3

"K BASEBALL 11! South Alabama, 7:?(1

tome/tr. 1 pm. tomorrow and 2 pm. Sum/try.


“WHAT You hit mm: l‘v [taut/r 'I/rt‘ i/izyi (If

rill-II/IIIiIII-t .m u t/ m tit/lit :11 t’itrit'r/urt/ H


(r'ym Carr (If girl/turn. '7: )‘0 pm. r()IlI()ITOL“. Rick Pilino. i it . ,

ital ENUprez/z'ew

[If a ditterent team tor rematch with Bats






‘ need to . “\Ve uere going to L
FlOTZd” needs improve our “K vs. Florida lien .iinlwh' that l [@g‘firzss'rmx
‘ - “““‘i*““”‘."~" Tomorrow 317.221. “'f—‘l‘l-V‘ i r’ “‘i
‘ ‘ , 'I'o illiis— R . . \iit .inh diil % a
' ’2' ’ 11 item ., ,
517 072g ylZ‘S‘IJ tr‘ate that PP ‘ L is. s (tIIt‘il‘rHl' , 7' ..
° ‘ Itoint. one UK 17 4 9 2 SEC \I]H\\lllfl irlrt/ I'ilitll l (”\fhkkyi]
. . - - * . i
[72 6072 67’ 67166 need only ( ’ ) da. lttit its defense ]
”1m“ I” the Probable Starters: Pts: Reb: “ 1‘ IN. I , in ‘ STANBIHGS
BY Brett Dawson (iators past Gjellsnfimwd 92 33 \ltlllt‘IllllitI it ha i _ . _
‘\/””""‘l”"’ five games. CAririreeirrriick 46 43 struggled “at; rm 1 Eastern IIIVISIOII
. . I‘ilorirla's oitI\‘ FROG!” Rhodes ”U ’53 the lietter jtlli at ‘
.[ht- last tinte the I I\ iras'i’tet— I‘M amonu E'NaitethEEnyP 71600 At 54 the 1““ NH \H l SEC All
. . . : ‘ . . _ ‘ ~ eserves: ai ope, tog llOi-‘l‘? 1 .
liall team met I lorrda. the “slid those was J Walker 74' Anthony Euro i‘tuareriPriuletl. e...“ .. (mum } thlllUCKV 9/2 i7-Ii
9““ were beginning I" h” “l“ e. too].' as the 7C SeoltPadtell 21 Caiirurun Mills 2“i rower llll inside ‘ , ' _
- v r. , -. 1“ J r , I l in , '7
In ”(it L I\ 5' 554% “'1“ “WT (iatoi‘s \iere CilltS Harrison.18,A|lenEttwards 15 [,l‘nue l tulidd [-4 l3~l
Florida on _lan. 11) might still he lamiiasted 71)- 'i 1“, (3‘1“ UH” l Georgia 56 l4~7
. . « ~ . ».. _ g _ y ”at
the mill] pointoi (ht. (.ats season. 4,. at .\Iis‘s‘is~ Florida “3'7, 7'4) pleteli neutttli/ed j . ' _ m
1‘ “‘"' ”film” (rm mikfiiui‘m 9“” siltiti State. Probable Starters: Pts: Rab: Hui-til i‘s iii-trai- iali Vanderbilt b—tr 11710
eution, ottensive \' ant tetensive~ . GDariCross 178 3 [cm .1 M1 | M] y (i. _ , . . , :7
l- ‘ 8‘" L i .h‘" usieg Wllllaltls 7? as ‘ ‘ ‘ “ “ south Carolina Ml (-14
.l' . x 4 ~ _ Willi three in a CArtdiew 09014114 .99 92 l).iirietti Ill“ and
. . , - , V ’ ’ ' T» ._ s -,:. f " r
. H m" mt ("min (1' " ' 4 W“) 3“ P," FBrian Thorittisjuri 44 39 I‘ll'V‘MF‘l \Hrllt '\\ lt‘lliit";>r:€ 2*ltl 13' l5
Southeastern (.lttllt‘l‘cllt'e’) ((tlllc L‘tliltlltrttllllt‘ FDametr' Hlli 136 55 I):‘( :lt'l‘tl. 1”,”an
to town rilirnorrotr tor Itilie ”mrmm‘ hoid~ \l’tveuservesidaaoiré‘r/ifierson2686.ngLéfn‘ifiii A ”NEW” wmi‘m i ‘ ’
r 'mat 'h anot ier )erlormanee i'e . ‘~ 1 78”“ . d“ l ldnhi »» “r- r‘ Nb 1,, t x (I . , ' ‘ ' l
i k i. . ll il- ‘ 'i' l . mg ”5 ”PW" 24,Cldyil;llBal€i..21.3mm Entrainment} ] t“’”'"~ ”1 ~i ’- , WBSIBI‘II DIVISION 3
i 1‘“ "”L “’1‘ ‘ ,‘L ”I“, “ 1‘” [2‘ nents to under [tarrrnriMailrliirOGliitiriflritiitiama ;r.».l it-iree (Well 1 :tr 1" , l’l .. m ‘1“ 8, 11L." 1
‘lmmr ordered i‘” L 1‘ (1" "ii ) <7 twin“ I)” Reirittart UU deemed “tiiusw il' " “ ‘*“"‘ ‘J 'V r' 1
DZ. . game during . _ I” ‘ run-lilo g‘.;,\r‘mf;3<\ 3.4 20.53 1
Iliat‘s because the iotirth' ‘ _ . ‘ TV.JP~Channe.tr “W ii iii} ,.h , i
. . , that stretth. it! \ . A: .3 4, ‘ 7 a I. .
ranked (tor now) (rats arc coining Dewy“. ____.-_ *____ M 7 Mm; ”My “m, a“ t~‘::..=rii‘l:: iv-4 i/--.) l
0” a L’an “hurt their deiense that littttrrn'e» (iattrts _ii‘r‘ ii-:ii‘-l H l, ”I 1‘ .) ]3_tj
., . ,, ,, _' '. . , _ . . ‘ . , ..i:.iwi \ a 1
“mi“ mm." “'r'} ‘md Ilu'ri’mn“ ment, Isruger might still ha\e mg into torm. ‘ihe. 11‘ Hot a the If r ‘ I I
“in” “'thms’ 1"” 3'1”" late.) . nightmares ahout his last date with level they were last _\e ii \\ Itt'lt 1 LO” 9; it Iirltl
. I.” 1“ him“. IMS {fix”' "I Mix: Rick I’itino and his (Jars. L'K took they rode Kruger“, “IViiiil \ \\ r\ .. i lilll Miss ’5 ya burr;
”film“. State U" IUCSdR-l' L k Iilorida out oi‘the game early and determination to a spot at. l l: is ' ” ‘ ‘ 1 “
“MIMI.” stop the 8””de irotn kept pouringr it on with oi‘i‘ensive lotte.
knoekin‘g down the three-pointer eonsistenet' it has shown in ”n", a iiiit the ( iators hare mth an,”
and couldn I seem to knock down tL-u pertrrrinanees this year. strides sinee iieiirg t.‘lltl).ll i'asst .l at WW” 9“ “PH“? ““ "' :i‘i‘ "“

points or any kind down the

\\'hile things might eome easi~
er' against the (iators tomorrow, it
won‘t he i)_\' mueh. Alter all. Flori~
da is a defending Final Four par~
tieipant lightingr for its N(I:\:\
Tournament life.

And these are not the same
(iators whom L‘K walloped a little


“I remeinlrer Kentucky coming
in very. very sharp," Kruger said,
“I thought Kentucky u as out—
standing offensively and just did a
very good ioii on both ends of the

L'K has managed sueh oliensive
excellence on on }' one other oeea—
s'ion this season, a 941)} loss at
Arkansas in which the (Eats plated

home in the (:.its, iitieirse." I\lllL’L‘l s.tlii “( )1 L'

"'l lie-\"re eei'taini} (llt'fllltt' lit
and going L‘\ct"\Illll1fJ the; taxi
get." I’itino said. “i llt'\‘le tlltill..’_
some or the things the‘. lit" d to
get done. liut it's ltaslt‘all} the
same team 'l‘het‘i‘e tll:rsil\ iIItlilL'
the same things iiiienaixeix that
they were their,"

Kruger has [it hope 73in: Ills Ii.t'.i’

iii rr's easiti «.‘rirl lll.lltil'ti1t‘“
I)ittttt' ti, thoiigir. i iiith in: the
‘iatoi’s. \rgriaielx or! the \T \.,\
i\ rit', lt.t.i; irrl
\ii i .l v in horrid «er

lllll)l)ir'_ ii a twii
l‘.i\ ltt‘i'll
ia'idt hr lgi iii 'r.li'iil . irlaf. iii: II!
V int-t mil. iii fil‘l -.r.r‘rlll‘i‘.l timitlwll

to: ll' \! intuitii's \l (: iririrtra








”V” " month “14‘” uell enough to Win. hut still team doesn‘t do the same ’ll'll. -- 't ”i" ‘1’ l-~ l'w 1-"! lg‘v Evading
.t‘ ‘ . _ v t _ _ . y ‘ .
“W L'“ too or three “‘CCI“ weren‘t as dominant as they were did deterisiieh iii the r‘atilt'l lli‘t‘t" lite ir .is'wl ir ‘ ililtl'illli'\.
“‘3‘“ PW“ i’ii‘l'mi" better." “(m in (iainess'ille. . inu. \\ hen [is shot ‘1" 1"" rm: htilu I \«i‘id
”3 “’“Ch 1“”) Kr“¥“"“‘i‘l .‘C‘Icrfl “\Ve just had one of those from the lloor and trim-ii tor: ' \n, illllk' tori trio tlrr league RIJICIID r.
‘lilh ““0 r“ ”Wk'ms’ " 1‘” “l nights tiLlel‘lSI Florida where we playersirrdoulrle tigiires. lt'ailr". triu‘xe riot in oriiiiirrurii "
me-rrc“ ”1 “”“C ”INN Pl” “'9 5““ were great." I’rtino said yesterday. "\Ve're got to heel: lx'wiitrirltt tr ‘ .r" ..
The straw that stirs the Gators‘ drink 15 guard Dan Cross The senior has made 39 i :
three-point field goals and has a teamhrgh 74 assets. Tony Delk leads UK With 50 l
treys, hitting on 40.3 percent from downtown Delk also is third on the team wth 39 - : ! FLBBIDA ‘ .
assrsts. i ”7/ H
g i '
- - UK did the job detenswely when it beat Florida 83-67 in Gainesyille earlier this year. _ u__i . .
Team Statwt'cs holding the Gators powerful frontcourr tanderri ol Dametrr “Da Meat Hook“ Hill and Cross Team statistics
Andrew DeClerq to 10 and 9 points respectively. in order to do that again, UK writ
need a more consistent ericrt lrorri starting center Andre Riddick who has aver.
"K opponents aged just one blocked shot per game aver his past two outings Uf Opponents




Field Goal Percentage
Free-Throw Percentage

Freld Goal Percentage

BENCH '= e4 Free-Throw Percentage







.378 Three-Point Percentage .293 f ‘ " ~ Center Mark Pope was one of the lew players who performed well ottenswely down 74?? Three-Point Percentage .328
85 9 Points per Game 67 4 the stretch against Mississippi State on Tuesday. finishing with 12 pornts, 8 jar ; Points per Game 557
' ' ' ‘* l k.Fl h l l e e 'h asrrrrn s4 ornts

40.9 Rebounds Per Game 36.3 r" I g12°ggnrfiggmfiebpf§j 0"da agonympay ’a" ”‘9’ 9 “ yd p . Rebounds Per Game 33.9
14.4 Off. Rebounds Per Game 13.3 " m ‘V‘ ‘J Off. Rebounds Per Game 12+.
18.9 Assists Per Game 11.8 ‘ : . Assrsts Per Game 13 8
15.9 Turnovers Per Game 22.5 i 1 UK leads the all-time series against Florida 64-21, including a 33-5) edge in games - 7r. Turnovers Per Game 13.2
5.0 Blocks p