Ker 21 com. "In" dun. - Mormon” "Yin“ Ohm” " "
Bloc 't‘tlt'i Qi)()"fl'{}()’ ' '. ,4 Mm'i «it .
Today Will tulriing cooler With a chance J?" o iiwi i. i“. ,. i,” cm“ W, 1H,;
of light rain. The high Will be in the ii, '3'",an 3.4 i ' 72.; ,5' 1k 3...... 74 v‘; .
upper 505 to low 605 Tonight will be .i.. . ,VV.“ I , ”L”, .._-,i. “it,“ . .
Cloudy With a 40 percent chance of light . . MM ,, I. H V” .A,“ ‘ #qu .
rain ihe low Will get in the low 405. 4 . .
Vol Lxxxw No ISI Monday Amine i992 “WWW oil-noun ia-mqton trauma, Al "depciideiiixiudwi"t‘v~\piipoi .i t. w ’
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«s . - s. ~ N ~ Brown fulfills bill prOVISIons :
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~21. its a": s.
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.. V . ,, .. revamps education councul v
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' 31‘ .a ' “r , ' '11;
a - I t’ = , . h . ,, 1 '~ It ________- lawyer and an alumnus of ('umbcrland (‘ollcgt- and the
'. a» 2’ ' 1 inc" 9" l ’ . By JAMES EnwiN HARRIS at College of 1m.- f;
V ' l , '- ,. N ' ‘ t \ AssistantManaging Editor *7 J. David Grissom. 43. chairman and chicf exec s ?
“fig ." "‘ " ""' " , ' utive officer of Citizens Fidelity (‘orp. Louisvnlc. and
d‘ ' I ,. , — _, .. . .. - .. . . an alumnus of Centre ('ollege and the lfniversny of ' .'
5‘ V . " V N - y , . . . . Louisville Law School
» 1*va .1 ' Q5 Gov. John Y. Brown iuiiiiied the provnsnons of a bin Council Chairman William H Mt-(‘ann :13. in iii-m. 1, .
~ ' l #7:"; ' .. ~J« 4' that passed the 1982 General Assembly earlier this year chester. an alumnus of L'K and its law school. and a V‘f. _
, ~ t} :‘W ~ ' . and reorganized the state‘s Council on Higher Educa- partner in the Lexmgton law firm of Brow n. Sledd and
1»- w. . . A - , . "i . tion for the second time in two years Saturday. naming McCann.
m ”A at . if A nine new members to the panel. 7 Gordon H. Hood. :34 of Fort Mitchell. a (‘mcinnati "‘ :3
3i , i ‘J t . Among the new members are former UK Board 0i lawyer and a graduate of Dartmouth ('ollege and the
L , ' _ .‘ , ~' Trustees member WT Young and southeastern Ken- ['njyersityof(‘incjnna[1La“‘ School
. " I f5 f it. “Why newspaper publisherAlSmith, .,. (‘arolyn (‘. Wosoba. 37. of Louisville, superinten- -,’-'v
. ~ kg. ,3 ‘5' ' ’" . @2377 The nine new appomtments became necessary when dent of the Anchorage Independent School District and .' ‘
~ “"3 ., , . ,_ Senate Bill 168, sponsored by Democrat Sen, Joe Wright 3 Murray State University graduate, A,. . ‘
. . . ‘ ._ 1‘ (f of Harned. easily passed both houses of the General As- Young, 64. was nominated by Speaker of the House ,' _
.. 5’ . ' , , 'x _., .43? I semblyin March. A . _ Bobby Richardson to serve on the (‘Hl-Z He was vice- "V-
‘ " ' ,‘~ i. ,, , The reorganization. a part of a bill altering several chairman of Brown‘s cabinet and a member of the UK 4: 1:
W, I t , N ' ' t" a. . commissions and departments in Kentucky‘s govern- Boardof’I‘rustees untilhis resignation last summer
" . i?" W" i , w. is ' ' Li” 1’ . ment. changes considerably the membership Of the The resignations were Young's response to newspaper '.3 ,
> . N d. i i fix W3 1% states higher education regulating h0d."- reports that questioned his involvcment in lobbying the
1" V’ ' V. ’ , a The CHE now grows from 15 to 17 members. Each 0i state for a certificate of licensurc tor the new lexmgton , j .
_ “A ,. (I ' 3’ g m . N I, , A, the state's eight public universities will be represented Community Hospital. schedujed [oupen next year >_
“a . - _. .. m. ’ . , h" u N . “Ii ' ~ . ' ' . by an undergraduate degree holder. Each state congres- The hospital is owned by the anisvillc-based ilumana _ 1
...... .9224. «a 7 ' ‘3‘ x , ' “ -m~”~ " ‘ . ' "W“- W ““N ...) sional district will also be represented by a member. Inc Vof which Young is the largest stockholder A a
. . 323"" g X. ’ W5“ ; - “i it . my“ W’Wfifl’re . ”my” and the House Of Representatives and the Senate Will He is also chairman of Royal (‘rown (‘ompanies lric . "
.i 4., § ‘1 ,' fiat ma“ it {3 « 7;: ' "3%” each haveare rcsentative 'T Y ‘ ' I ~ ' l h i T ' "l " l‘ 'i .
rial/11.4,”? ”V; ~ ‘, g" , “ . . ~ s W t ,A more! . g' .. . ‘p . _ - ‘ w _ W oung Storage nt ant t t ransy yariia niur . .‘
(3"? ”1?;«2/ f ,W’N ’1’ .-,_” ‘ rx' ;‘i,"' I AW ,, . am "r 25,-, For the first time in the (HE s history. the governor sity board of curators . .
V" .. gs ’1 " i, ' i i‘ . N ’;’;§}%v "" 4,, ” . Will be required t0 nominate to it a Kentucky Citizen at- The (‘HE‘s other new appointees included David
r, x . “7-- , ’7’" :‘V/ i . .. , N. " 3‘ ‘ "ah “I ”h . . %§I”»NC M’gfwwk‘fifl tending one Of the state-supported universities HS 3 itill‘ Jones. Humana's board chairman and chief cxccutive 7
WK” ,1 -v7 ,. of”; .. ,g . 7" . V: y‘ I -» “ 2‘1’5’ , . ”QJWQQNNNX time student toaone-year term each July l. officer '
4 -, 1' . _; ‘9‘” ‘1 . "9 g’rr «2,, £4.” .» N That appomtnient is yet to be made. as the eight stU- Jones, 50. of Lomsylllc. is a graduate ot 1'1. and Yalc .V’
H'NN‘W/égm’ tfl'v I; “..f’” 31' My... N, A . k 53'" .V 1/ ~ it!” ” dent [30(1) presidents have not all been elected Once Law School He regigned in January 35 a [L [rmteoA : .i
_ 1% N «.2.- " fl” . 5.“ 3;? V‘ .A . . \i . ., 1, ”' ' not“ elected. they will submit t0 Brown their nominations for saying he had achieved his main purpose by bringing in AL ; ,.
'1? it” Ni; ,3": ’ 4 . . . i?” L. Vat} . .... . 3W aw ‘ .V the Council pos1tion. and he willchoose from those. the university's new president. Donald (‘ swam ‘ _‘ ‘
' Mu, ti": . i&_ ’1 , “kw? ' . v. 1* W "’ a N A,“ v, Seven members of the former Council. including its ()ther new appointees were 5
V ' ,. . , . z ... , ~ N”; r 1, N at ' "..., ' chairman and two other former chairmen. were reap» ,.. Smith. 55. owner of Al Smith Communications. a , ~. .
. with “3“” , '1 Y’ “N POihtt’d Saturday. They include: newspaper group. and federal cochairman of the Appa- “
"°“"""°°“ "°"‘°‘5'°“ — William M (0* 40~ 0i Madisonville. a UK graduate lachian Regional (‘ommission Smith also owns lht‘ Lon if» ..
Monkey'ng around and owner of a Madisonville trucking firm. He is a for don Sentinel Echo and several publications in \li'cstcrn 5 :V f,
mer legislator. federal highway administrator and was Kentucky .,
Hanging upside down ffor“ 0 tree is a typical activity for many children. Genny Von Over, along aDemocratcandidateforlieutenantgovernorin1979, ~ Billy Joe Hall. .34. chairman and prcsitlcnt of Mount
with her brother and sister, Plays in a tree in the south parking lot of the UK Medical Center. They ‘ Morton Holbrook. 67~ an ()wensboro lawyer and a Sterling Natiimfll Bank and ii Rriiiiiikitt‘ "i \liti’t‘ht‘iiti ’
are passing the time as they wait for their grandmother to be released from the hospital. UK and Harvard Law SChOUl graduate. State l'nivcrsity i
. Former Gov Bcrt T Combs. 70. of Louisville. a who.“ thi 14;. A,
I ' l .'. . ..
South Georgia “”Vw'mm'm
' I d Beverl Sills talks abo t the he by impaired
recaptured _——___ Otherwise weare violating the rights of a t'ellowcitizen.” . She later appeared on the “m“, >0in opera Om Um 5.1m , 'i.
By JOHN GRIFFIN “My daughter can do anything except hear.” she said. day as a Kentucky mountain girl w ho was lxatcii by her if! ‘-
Arts Editor “And that's what you must keep in mind - they can do any- ther ; .
' I thing except hear." The theatrical impressario .l J Shubcrt lll\ll(‘