xt7nzs2k9n11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7nzs2k9n11/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2006-10-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 2006 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 2006 2006 2006-10-10 2020 true xt7nzs2k9n11 section xt7nzs2k9n11 ON THE WEB‘







OCTOBER 10, 2006





UK hopes to have new police chief by spring

By Sean Rose
sroseakykernelc om

UK is searching for a new police
chief for the second time in two years
and hopes to have one in place by early

UK President Lee Todd recently
asked Frank Butler executive vice
president for finances and administra-
tion. and Kim Wilson. vice president
for human resources. to initiate a new
search. said UK spokesman Jay Blan-

McDonald Vick was chosen as
UK‘s new chief last February after a

14-month search costing $29,000. He
resigned from the position over the
summer after it was made public that
he paid off an ex-employee to drop a
sexual—harassment complaint against

Maj. Joe Monroe of UK Police was
named interim police chief in July.

Blanton said UK hopes to have a
new chief take the job by January.

“We hope to have extended an offer
and to have it accepted by the end of
the year." Blanton said.

UK used a search fimi when select-
ing Vick but opted to use an internal
process this time.

Having two administrators handling
the search personally “underscores the
importance of this process." Blanton

Blanton said UK was in discussion
with the firm on the payment of the
$29000 and may receive a refund.

UK is “seriously considering" sev-
eral candidates. but no formal applica—
tion process has been initiated. The
candidates are a combination of those
from the past search and new ones rec-
ommended by police agencies, Blanton

Monroe was a front—runner in the
past search and some. like Capt. Kevin

Franklin of UK Police, would like to
see Monroe take the job as the perma-
nent chief.

“I'd like to see Joe named it be-
cause of continuity." Franklin said.
“Joe's been here. he knows the people.
knows the place. There wouldn't even
be a transition."

Monroe said he would be interested
in taking the job if UK President Lee
Todd wanted him for it. but he said for
now he’s focusing on moving the de-
partment forward.

“We‘re just continuing the day-to-
day job as needed." Monroe said.
“We're just going forward and pro-

gressing the police department to top-
20 status."

Blanton declined to comment on
whether Monroe was being considered
in the new search. He also declined to
comment on the advantages and disad-
vantages of internally hiring a chief.

“We‘re looking for the best candi-
date," Blanton said.

Although Monroe said the depart-
ment is running smoothly without a
permanent chief, he also said “it would
help a lot if we had someone fairly

“It gives us stability." he said.

See Chief on page 3


to new home

_By Chris Weis

ldeaFestival organizers may have moved this year‘s
event to Louisville from its birthplace of Lexington. but they
have not left UK behind.

Three UK faculty members — Buck Ryan. director of
the Citizen Kentucky Project of UK's First Amendment Cen—
ter; David Mohney. dean of the UK College of Design; and
John Stempel. senior professor of international relations in
the Patterson School w will speak at the IdeaFestival.

The ldeachtival starts tomorrow in downtown
Louisville and runs through this Saturday.

“UK has been a real leader since (the ldeaFesthal) first
began." said Kris Kimel. president of the Kentucky Science
and Technology Corp.

Kimel. a founder and one of the leading organizers of the
event. said the ldeaFestival provides a space for thinkers
from diverse fields of study to explore the intersection of
ideas between their fields.

"It is at these intersections where a lot of the most dy—
namic and meaningful innovations are happening." Kimel

Ryan said the ldeaFestival. which was founded in 2000
and held its first three events in Lexington. helped the city
and the state “get a reputation of being a very creative

Ryan. a faculty member of the UK School of Joumalism
and Telecommunications. will join three other speakers for a
discussion titled “The New New-Media" on Saturday. Ryan
said he will focus on the rise of citizen»driven joumalism.

Mohney will respond to landscape architect Adriaan
Geuze in the "Landscape Illusions" presentation on Friday.
Mohney said Geo/c is the “leading landscape artist of to—

Along with this lecture. thc UK College of Design is
sponsoring an exhibition of Geuze‘s work at the American
Life Building throughout the ldeaFestival.

“Students (from the College of Design) have been work—
ing hard on the exhibition. building entire pieces of it."
Mohney said. ”They‘ve done a wonderful job."

Stempel said he will discuss achievement of peace
through relationship-building with a focus on religion in his
lecture. “The Art of Peace." which will be Thursday.

Stempel said Kimel and the other organizers have some
“big names" attending this year‘s festival.

“(Kimel‘s) also got some people like me who have had
some interesting ideas bouncing around." Sternpel said.

Ryan said the ldeaFestival will be “a blast."

“it would be impossible to go down the list of events and
not find something fun and worth the time." Ryan said.

Kimel said accessibility is important to the ldeachtival:
most event tickets are free or inexpensive.

A person would pay more than $4.000 to attend a com-
parable cvent elsewhere. Kimel said.

“For four days we will have some of the leading
thinkers. innovators and performers in the world." Kimel
said. “(The festival) is an invaluable experience and opportu-


William Downey, center a sociology} unior, and Andrew Palumbo right, a sports marketing sophomore face- off against civil engineering; junior Dan
Sigler and Kyle Davis, a management junior at the foosball tournament yesterday evening at the Cats Den


Students compete in a foosball tournament yesterday evening in the Cats Den The
winners of the tournament received a free trip to the regional foosball tournament in
Knoxville, Tenn. which will take place in late February

Students gathered in the Cats
Den last night to test their
foosball skills, with a trip to a
larger tournament as the prize.
The winners of the UK
tournament will advance to the
Association of College Unions
International regional
tournament in February with
students from four other states.




Suspicion surrounds retreat in gas prices, poll finds

By Steven Mutton

WASHINGTON Gasoline prices are down
about 75 cents in two months. but whether mo-
torists will see further declines at the pump de-
pends in part on whether the Organization of the
Petroleum Exporting Countries can agree to cut

Members of the oil cartel have been negotiat-
ing to cut the group‘s output by l million barrels a
day a move that could drive up oil prices and
reverse the trend at the pumps. But most oil
traders and experts doubt OPEC can achieve more

First mu. nu. Subsequent luau 15 «on.

than half the proposed reduction. A failure to cut
output could keep supplies strong and oil and gas
prices soft.

Pump prices
$2.28 a gallon for regular unleaded already
have fallen because of a slowdown in US. de»
mand. a buildup in crude oil and gasoline invento-
ries. the end of the summer driving season. a col-
lapse in profit margins at oil refineries and a $17-
a-barrel drop in crude oil prices since August.

“The supply was coming back. and I think
consumers cut back on use." said Philip K. Ver~
leger. an oil consultant. “The question is how far
down it goes."

now at a national average of

Though half a dozen countries have talked
about production cuts. highly populated countries
such as lran. Nigeria and Venezuela are already
producing well below capacity and their old quota
levels. and face pressure to produce more because
of heavy domestic-spending demands. Kuwait has
not cut production since 1998, Saudi Arabia is re-
luctant to play the role of sole swing producer and
has already trimmed output.

“We do not expect any srgnilicant production
cuts by OPEC at prices above 34‘ a barrel. the
new target price." Fadel thit. oil analyst at ()p—
pcnheimcr & Co. said in a report to investors. ()il
markets seemed to agree. The price of crude oil on

the New York Mercantile Exchange closed Mon
day at $59.96. up 20 cents.

While motorists have welcomed the drop in
gasoline prices. a Washington Post-ABC News
poll released Monday showed that many Amerr
cans remain suspicious about the reasons for the
recent decline and skeptical about whether it will

Three out of 10 Americans think the recent fall
in gasoline prices Is a result of domestic political
factors. including White House and Republican
Party efforts to influence the November elections.
That‘s nearly as many as the 35 percent who at-

See Fuel on page 3

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PAGE 2 | Tuesday. October 10, 2006


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By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating: ID is the easiest day,
0 the most challenging.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) To
day is an 8 — All sorts of informa~
tion is gorng around Some is true
and some isn't. Don't base your ac—
tions on what you hear, make sure
you have the facts

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Today
is a 6 v— You do the best you can,
and others are impressed Skill and
talent are reported, but so are caur
tion and practice Don't make a srl
ly mistake

Gemini (May 21 - June 21) To
day IS a TD You're ready to start
again but you still need to be care-
ful. Listen to your competition,
your adversaries and your partner

Oh, and your conscience, too.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22) Today
is a 6 i. Undoubtedly, there's at
least one genius in your group.
Don't assume that everything he or
she suggests will work, however
Check it out.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today IS
an 8 »— You may be surprised to
find out what the people really
want. It's good to know, even if you
decide that's not what you're going
to do.

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Today
is a 5 -2 People are telling you
what they want, Figure out how to
provrde it Let your imagination run
Wild, and you'll be well rewarded
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Today is
a 9 Allow yourself to make big
plans, but don't begin them yet.
Give yourself time to figure out
what Will work and what probably

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Today
Is a 5 ,... The game lS to see how

much you can get without spend-
ing your savings. You get extra
points if you end up With a profit.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Today is a 7 * Conditions are un
stable for a while, so pay atten
tion. Use experts and other associ-
ates to help, to minimize frustra

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) To-
day is a 6 -— There's lots of work,
but there are also lots of changes.
Keep communicating, and keep
making corrections.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) To-
day is an 8 _, You're especially at-
tractive now, and interesting, too
Discuss your vision for the future
With somebody you admire
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) To
day is a 6 -_, There will be squab-
bling, not your favorite envrron~
ment in which to work. Maintain
your calm. Don't let the little
turkeys drag you down.



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Construction * TXU Power * US. Navy * University of Kentucky
MBA Ctr * Wilson & Company, Inc. * Wright Patterson Air Force

Base * Wyerhaueser

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Tony Danza. 55. and his
wife. Tracy. announced their
separation after 20 years of mar-
riage on Sept. 28.


The baby daughter of leg—
endary rapper Reverend Run. 41
(of MTV's Run's House). and
his wife. Justine. died shortly af—
ter delivery Sept. 26 in New Jer-


Michael Jackson. 48. and his
ex-wifc. Deborah Rowe. settled
a suit over custody and visita—
tion rights for their two children.

Details weren‘t disclosed.
Ay Carumba!
Shakira. 29. scored live

Latin Grammy nominations. in
cluding Album of the Year. for
2005‘s Fijacion ()ral Vol. I.

Idol News

Olivia Newton— John. 58.
and Jewel. 32. will serve as
guest judges on the audition
episodes of the sixth season of
American Idol. debuting in Jan—
uary on Fox.

Hot Ray

Rachael Ray. 38. faces off
against James Denton. 43. and
Drew Lachey. 30. among other
stars. on the new season of
Celebrity Jeopardy. airing Nov.

LIVE l’A'l‘II)



Ray also ranked No. 2 on
Forbes' list of the “Ten Most
Trustworthy Celebrities.“ No. 1‘?
Tom Hanks. 50.

For Sale

Billy Joel. 57. is selling his
beachfront. l4-acre Centre ls-
land. New York. estate for $37.5
million. He bought it for $22
million in 2002.

New Gig
Brad Pitt. 42. and Nip/Tuck
creator Ryan Murphy an-

nounced plans to executive—pro-
duce the FX drama 4 01.. about
a transsexual sportswriter.

All Together

After two episodes. Sur-
vivor‘s black. white. Asian and
Latino tribes desegregated into
two mixed-race teams Sept. 28.


Nick Carter. 26. confirmed
to Us September 29 that he lost
his virginity. at 15. to Florida
ex«teacher Debra La Fave. then
14. who attended his church. In
2004. at 23. LaFave was arrest—
ed for having an affair with a
l4—year—old student.


Madonna. 48. set a new
Guinness World Record as the
highest paid female singer. cam-
ing an estimated $50 million in
2004. She beat out Britney
Spears. 24. who had held the ti-



tle since 200l.

Legal Briefs

Paris Hilton. 25. was
charged with a misdemeanor
DUI stemming from a Septem—
ber 7 arrest.

Lost‘s Adewale Akinnuoye-
Agbaje, 39. has been cleared of
driving without a license and
disobeying an officer in Hawaii
Sept. 2.

[ix—98 Degrees singer Jeff
Timmons. 33. was sentenced to
a year‘s probation for reckless
driving in Florida last April.

— Kate Frank

Screech's Sex Tape!

What would Mr. Belding
say‘.’ Phoenix—based talent agent
David Hans Schmidt tells Us he
has acquired a sex tape starring
Dustin Diamond. who played
geek Screech on the ‘90s sitcom
Saved by the Bell. In the 50-
minute video (working title:
Saved by the Smell). Diamond.
29. gets it on with two female
dancers from the Midwest. “He
comes up with incredibly
comedic lines!" Schmidt. who‘s
in talks to release footage on
gambling site BetUS.com. tells
Us. Diamond. who‘s engaged to
Jennifer Mizner. told CNN’s
Showbiz. Tonight September 28.
“I‘ve seen a clip on the Inter-
net." adding. "It‘s caused tur-
moil on my home from." His
manager didn‘t return calls for

# Kate Frank










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 Tuesday, October 10,2006 I PAGE3



UK researcher’s study featured in Science

the recipient of the 2006 Henry Paolucci/Walter
Bagehot Book Award, according to a UK news

William J. Daugherty. associate professor of
government at Armstrong Atlantic State Univer-
sity in Savannah. Ga., wrote the book “Executive
Secrets: Coven Action and the Presidency."

In the book. Daugherty provides evidence to
disprove the notion that the CIA initiates unsanc-
tioned, risky covert-action programs.

Daugherty served eight years in the United
States Marine Corps before joining the CIA.
During his first CIA tour in Iran, Daugherty was
held hostage for 444 days along with 51 other

Daugherty also authored "In the Shadow of
Ayatollah: A CIA hostage in Iran."

The Paolucci/Bagehot award is presented by
the Intercollegiate Studies Institute and since
2004, the annual $5,000 award has been present-
ed to a scholar whose intellectual achievement.
as shown in the form of a book published within




Continued from page 1

“Anytime you have a change in the leadership, it could
be a blow to the morale. The not knowing can some-
times harm morale and progress."

Franklin said the events over the summer affected
the department's morale.

“I've seen it (morale) better," Franklin said. “This
whole thing over the past two years has been different to
everyone. You don’t know what direction you're head- '
ing "



hmMmW‘S'd" . A study by a UK researcher was recently
y featured in the current edition of the journal Sci-

The study, by Glenn C. Telling. an associate
professor in the department of microbiology, im-
munology and molecular genetics, focused on
infectious protein structures in deer with chronic
wasting disease, according to a UK news release.

The study found that the disease is transmit-
ted by animals' blood and saliva. The mode of
transmission of the disease was not known until
the completion of this study.

CWD is a neurological disease of deer and
elk that produces small lesions in the brains of
infected animals. CWD is similar to mad cow
disease in cattle and scrapie in sheep.

CWD is known to be transmissible between
animals; however, transmission of the disease
has not been reported in humans, although. ac-
cording to the release, scientists believe it is pos-


identified how ang‘

‘The biggest disadvantage of not having a permanent m. Only one employee’s
fives searched. f

chief is being unable to plan for the long term, Franklin

“I think we’re kind of in one of those limbos,“
Franklin said. “It’s hard to plan strategically when we
have to work from day to day."

Franklin said Monroe has served well as the interim

“Joe has taken us a long way,“ Franklin said. “I have
no complaints or problems with what he 's done."

In a headline in yesterday’s pa~
pet, The Kernel incorrectly stated
the outcome of Sunday’s women's
soccer game against No. 16 Florida.

. UK tied Florida 0-0.





University Press of Kentucky author wins

“As you may know, gasoline
prices have fallen recently in


Continued from page 1

tribute the recent price decline
to market forces or supply and
demand, according to the poll of
1,204 adults conducted from
Thursday to Sunday.

The survey also showed that
suspicions about the steep drop
in gasoline prices over the past
two months aren’t limited to the
nation’s liberal strongholds. Six-
teen percent of people who iden-
tified themselves as conservative
Republicans, 26 percent of
white evangelical Protestants
and 29 percent of Southern resi-
dents think the plunge in prices
is linked to the coming election
or other political reasons.

Those beliefs may be blunt-
ing the positive impact President
Bush and the GOP hoped to get
from falling fuel prices. “I think
the president‘s party is lowering
the gas prices until the people
think the economy is settling
down, and then they will raise
the price again, blaming it on
the Arabs for raising the price
on barrels of oil," one respon-
dent said.


many parts of the country," the
survey said before asking:
“What do you think is the main
reason gas prices have gone
down?” The top four answers:
increased supply, Bush/GOP ef-
forts to affect the November
election. the “upcoming elec-
tion” and “market forces."

A large number of people in—
terviewed pointed to the absence
of disruptive hurricanes or sim-
ply “supply and demand," while
one respondent said prices were
falling “because the gasoline
companies got what they want-
ed, the big bucks; and if they
continue there will probably be
an investigation."

Gasoline experts said there
were some signs that prices
were stabilizing. The pace of de-
clines in the prices charged by
wholesalers was slowing, and
there were some tiny wholesale
price increases late last week in
the Gulf of Mexico region, said
Trilby Lundberg, editor of the
Lundberg Survey.

Lundberg warned that the
sharp drop in prices could spur a
resumption of increases in US.
gasoline consumption. She also
said that the closure of refineries

for maintenance, not unusual at
this time of year, could lead to a
decline in inventories.

“Some analysts expect to
see a fairly large amount of re-
finery maintenance this month,
which could lead to product in-
ventories being drawn down a
little bit more than normal," said
last week’s report by the Energy
Department’s Energy Informa-
tion Administration. “Large vol-
umes of product inventories are
one of the many reasons cited
for declining prices in recent
weeks, and should they begin to
be drawn down significantly.
this could stop prices from
falling further.“

But Verleger said he expect-
ed prices to remain weak
through Thanksgiving or longer.
He said that much of the in-
crease in gasoline prices this
year was the result of logistical
problems oil companies encoun-
tered in adapting new govem-
ment regulations. The compa-
nies have had to reduce sulfur
content in diesel fuels and begin
to mix gasoline with ethanol in—
stead of methyl tertiary butyl
ether. an additive that once
made up about 3 percent of the
content of gasoline.


Google to pay $1.65 billion for YouTube

By Sara Kehaulani Goo
H A HI N ‘

Google said yesterday that it will acquire ln-
ternet video phenomenon YouTube for $1.65 bil-
lion in stock, a deal that leaves the search giant
betting on the future of online video as well as
tackling some of the risks that come with manag-
ing a site built by a homegrown audience.

The deal. which Google Inc. called “the next
step in the evolution of the Internet," is reminis-
cent of the late 19905, when Web companies
judged their success by the buzz they created more
than immediate profits. This time, YouTube, an as-
yet-unprofitable Silicon Valley start-up with two
twentysomething founders, grew a huge audience
at a pace outdone only by MySpace.com.

In less than a year, YouTube attracted more
than 72 million unique monthly visitors by allow-
ing Internet users to share short homemade video
clips. Spread by word of mouth, the site became
an instant Internet phenomenon, providing a huge
library of entertaining videos and giving a voice to
budding lntemet stars every week.

“There’s a new class of sites that have really
developed very quickly, are very successful and
very attractive to users, and are obviously deliver—
ing value," Sergey Brin, a Google co—founder, said
in a conference call. “It’s kind of a next generation
of lntemet sites and companies. It’s a whole new
ecosystem, and we’re excited to be a pan of it."

Behind the buzz of the high-priced deal come
a number of gambles, including a large amount of
copyrighted material on the site that attracted both
viewers who shared the videos and lawyers who
cried foul on behalf of the copyright holders. Clips
of popular shows such as “South Park," “The Dai-
ly Show with Jon Stewart" and “Laguna Beach“
can be found on the site.

Also a factor is the fickleness of YouTube's
online audience, which could migrate elsewhere
or become turned off by the large amount of cor-

porate advertising making its way onto the site. A
year after online star MySpace.com. a social net—
working site, was acquired by News Corp. for
$650 million, the core audience has shifted from
teen-agers to thirtysomethings.

“The game back in the l990s to 2001 was to
attract as many eyeballs as possible. That hasn‘t
changed,” said Tim Bajarin, a longtime technolo-
gy consultant and futurist with Creative Strategies.
“The big difference today is the social network.
One of the most powerful methods for spreading
information is word of mouth. and the incredible
explosion of that use, from spreading information
and inviting people, especially within this young
age group, is one huge difference."

Several analysts said they were surprised by
the nature and price of YouTube‘s sale. which
equates to about $22 per YouTube visitor. accord-
ing to senior analyst Brian Haven of Forrester Re
search. That’s a substantial jump from the roughly
$10 per visitor in the MySpace acquisition. Col-
loge-oriented networking site Facebook. which
has about 14.7 visitors monthly. has been said to
be in talks with Yahoo Inc. to sell for $1 billion —
about $67 per visitor.

“It's a little high," Haven said of the YouTube
price. “But online video is really exploding.
There’s a lot of profit for it in the future."

Some analysts had cautioned Google not to
purchase YouTube. out of concem that online au-
diences could shift if they don‘t like how a site is
changing. Earlier this year. several thousand mem—
bers of social networking site Tribe.net left to start
another site in protest of new restrictions put in
place by new management.

“We would be cautions about (Google) paying
up to buy a hot video site like Youtube.com be-
cause hot sites may fetch bubble—like valuations.
and what is a fad today may be forgotten by next
year,“ wrote Guzman & Co. analyst Phil Remek
in a research note earlier this year.

annual award

the previous year, embodies the ideals set forth
by the awards namesakes.



The author of a book published by the Uni—
versity Press of Kentucky was recently named


recycle the kernel.





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The Campus Calendar is produced by the Office of Student Activities, Leadership 5 involvement Registered Student Org; and UK Dept! can tubmrt information forFREE online orvr wrrx woe m m- MONO-«W , tor'rmrrn“ i m armour r.» 257-0357 "w": , or "'.if

Visit tax»; was am to:

m was“: more :.sss‘:s its wax"


PM, Maggie Room, Grehan


OBaptist Campus Ministry —
TNT - Tuesday Nights
Together, 7:30 PM, Baptist
Student Center - 429
Columbia Ave.

0810 425 Seminar, 10:00 AM,
02006 Bale Boone
Symposium, Various
Lexington locations

OAIpha Phi Omega, 6:30 PM,
359 Student Center





Center Patio


-University Christian Fellowship, 8:00
PM, 230 Student Center ~
OMlDTERM MADNESS College of Arts

a. Sciences, 6:00 PM, S Campus
between 8 A K Towers

-LECM Food for Body and Soul, 5:05
PM, St. Augustine's Chapel on Rose

-La Table Francoise, 3:30 PM, Student
Center Room 357 (8/30-10/25) Room

IBlO 101 Health Volunteer Opp for

'2006 Bale Boone Symposium, Various
Lexington locations

0Comedy Caravan with Jim Wigginsl,
8:00 PM, Student Center Cats Den
-Engineerlng Career Fair, 10:00 AM,
Student Center Grand Ballroom

0310 101 Health Volunteer Opp for

oTutorlng at Bryan Station Middle,
4:00 PM, Bryan Station Middle
tNetionel Coming Out Day, Student

0Wildweter Cots Roll Session, 9:00 PM,
Lancaster Aquatic Center

0Meyda del Valle and Spoken Word
Jam, 7:30 PM, Memorial Hall

PM, Commonwealth House of
the Gaines Center on Maxwell St,
OSynergy, 8:00 PM, Christian
Student Fellowship Building
-Open Mic Night, 7:05 PM, Cats

OFreshman Focus . Baptist
Campus Ministry, 7:30 PM,
Baptist Student Center - 429
Columbia Avenue

OFrenzy, 10:00 PM, Center
Theater in the Student Center
ODanceBlue All Committee
Meeting, 5:30 PM, Student
Center Room 230

OSuccess with Online Applications
and Assessments, 3:30 PM, James
W. Stuckert Career Center 408
Rose Street

02006 Bale Boone Symposium,
Various Lexington locations


OFeminist Alliance Meeting, 7:30 .



-Rear Window, 10:00 PM,
Worsham Theater in the
Student Certer

02006 Bale Boone
Symposium, Various
Lexington locations

Center Cats Den

ODanceBlue 2007 5K Run for the
Kids!, 745 AM, Alumni Tent @
Commonwealth Stadium
0Psycho, 10:00 PM, Worsham
Theater in the Student Center
ODanceBlue 2007 Family Fall
Festival, 1:00 PM, Goodbarn
°Chi Omega Golf Classic, 900
AM, Connemara Golf Course
02006 Bale Boone Symposium,
Various Lexington locations
CATS DEN, 2:00 PM, Student

0UK Ultimate Frisbee
Organization, 1000 PM,
Intramural Fields (usually)







October it), 2006
Page 4

Megan Boohnlio, edllot In Chlel
Koifll Smiloy, managing editor
Wu Bluvint. opinions edtIOf
Duiuoh Shah. multimedia editor

Kenna. Eonotiila Bum

Brenton Konhl, copy desk chief
Jonathan Smith. sports editor
Ellen Sawyer, features editor
Alice Hayniond, copy editor

lite Homo; page ixrmoes a forum for the examine of ideas Unlike news stores, The kernei‘s
unmgmzu (”HUM-IS iepieseut the vews of a iriajoih of the edaona. hoard letters to the editor, columns, cartoons and
tithe: features on the: = tpinmns ivige ratio! It»: mm of their authors and not ”(cessai Iy those of 1m Knmei


UK was right to name frat house in safety e-mail

On Sept. 29. UK's Office of Emergency
Management delivered a security alert to the
e—mail inbox of every student. faculty member
and staff member. In the e—mail. UK sa