xt7p2n4zkm50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p2n4zkm50/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19141015 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 5, October 15, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 5, October 15, 1914 1914 2015 true xt7p2n4zkm50 section xt7p2n4zkm50 , tl
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° U i ersity of Kentucky
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’ The mtent addlttmu ma P 0 t• Imuch Imerut shown in Mlkmg mnt some student, utter writing u letter Tho Depmmmxnt of Mmmry Science
Thi! HFS! of K **6****** of m°°u"g” University library ure; Victor Hugosy _ to 8 lady [Mend faued to address ·
H°P E”J°Y*b‘° A"""· ’ in the I'ntvm·sity of Kentucky in one
" held under the auspices of the Y. M. works In eleven volumes; M(,Caul€y.s mm? and it was returned to the Y' I I .
C, A. of the llniversity was   last History Of Plurope In Hyg volun-les; ' N   (V A nf the   dgpartments In the (Int
. ¢ "h" UK WK dance will be given in ` ` ' ° versity It not only is a way to create
Sunday ""°"’"8• Ocwbe" 10* "°m 6'l'° M¥¤b°' °* the students who use me ttbmry daily and *·‘°•*—; MISSISSIPPI A & M who play football are excused from
» ? Student body, were added to the pr0_ requests it announced on behalf of me       R N drill until the football season is over,
* gram. Mr. CM'! L· B€¥'¤h¤"t °°“°°m' new students that the library will be           O then thvy are required to take up me
Gd to BC! BB officinl Piano player f°r‘ open from 7 to 9:30 in the evening.  —— work'
the following meetings, It, has been} . Drag Sophomore, Imc Clifton pond Strong Southern Aggregation to be THB Suits have been ordemd for the
planned that a schedule shall be Bf-`CITY     pretty clothe- and All- i Entertalned at St¤|| Ft¢|d ¤¤ "**d"t*‘ and a"` °"p€ct€d *0 arrive
ranged sometime in the near future:       I Next 8aturdly· "‘°°"·
for every meeting, including that ___ l FIRST ..FREsH» y|cT0Ry_ t __ { —-•.•...;..
speaker and his 8¤bJ€Ct» as W°u ui Leximzton has come to the S¤t>D0¥‘¢I —; I F|R$T REAL OPPONENT        
any new ¤ttr¤¢¤0¤ ¢h¤¢ ¤¤¤ be added- of me University Wildcats- M¤y¤r» The stwond annual putttest betweenl 3
whirh wi1¤b¤<>f.i¤*¤¤‘¤¤*· Cassidy. MR J0¥1€¤» of the Young the yearlings and two·yea.r-olds atl Qu next Saturday the wudcats will}      
_.._,,.._,_ §Man’s Business Club and S€<*¤‘9¤¤‘Y Clifton pond, Tuesday afternoon atlget busy any g gw0·week¤ lay-oi! undl ————
    {Cramer of the Commercial Club. have 2:30, resulted in the yearlings winning | tack|g a mah -·sur9.nug·· rombgnl Patterson and Union Men o' War
taken a hand in the K€¤¢11¢kY U¤iV9¥'· in the- stretch, and consequently thctteum from Mississippi A, & M, The] Manuvumg for sam,
·     VICT0RY!sity football same tv bf! DI¤Y€d here mo-year-olds had their spirits con-,Su-gngm of the S0uth€t‘¤€¥‘S is mk} 18
U "_`°_ |S““*'d“"· A hm *‘°""°’ “'"‘ be °"‘, —’ <1¤¤¤t>¤¤¤¤¤S weret nmnng victorious in Saturday`s con-!¤>¤t¤ ever held ut the Universitr The
*““dd'"“ 1**8* Saturday whm they d€`l¤iti¤€¤S 0f L€Xi¤8¢0¤ as ¤m0¤8 thatdug, hands taped. and "bung!" that MCL Isubject, "Resolved, that the Monks
Y`€¤¥€d the eleven from L°“iSvm€| students 0f th6 U¤iV€¥‘¤iiY- Thisl starter's pistol rang out.     Doctrine should be abundoned," is one
Manual Training High S°h°°l by me; 8l1S¤l‘B well Y0? by Such 3 f6€U¤8 0Yt At first. neither side seemed to have         got vital interest now to the American
¤<`0¥'€ Of 7 t° 0· `sympathy is established between CRY { an advantage. but in a. few moments:       people. The three men from each so—
The whole gmne was played in 8 Bea] and UHIVBPBHY- { the foremost of the "S0phs" were seen   ciety who will compose the team will
l of mud with a hard rain falling hnost, ;._..,.,___ jgmduauy to giye “.ay_ The ..pmSh_  clan Orat°r' ——A“mam Editor and be Chosen by process-of elimination in
°' me "‘“"’- ‘““"‘“‘ "‘° "““ "“"’ ‘° PROHIBITION CLUB **€¤·" ******5 mr °**‘°’° g“’°· S°€"°""r A..t.....t vmny »=¤¤•¤n· man- """"'“""“’" °°"“"" "“'°" W"' °° md
|¤¤¤<"€ and mussmg the players up Ivi-torv, and threw all their hopes ini wepurately, Patterson Society October
. bl r T0 ELECT OFFICERS ‘ · { aw chow-.   _
, ¤¤i¤¤r¤ Y· 5 Itheir hands _and their footholds, tmd· ·-4. and [¤i0!1 }8·t€¤‘-
The Louisville b0yS W€¤‘€ ¤*`!€€¢€d The Pmmbmtm Club ofthe Ul1iV8l`·I[hg crowd saw and <‘h€€¥'9d—U*" b"‘€ The Junior clay; met ut noon !"¤`i·: Three years ago President Barker
more by the WGBUWF €0¤dm°“s than sity will meet Friday evening, Octo-Ltttning or me em], i day, October 9, in brofessor Uanmefsl gave to each socinty $25, to be invest-
the *""€¤hm*’“• **8 mei" best plays ber 16th, at TIUU 0'¢'l0Ck. ifi Ute YN Only a few of the "S0phs" went intor , _ , ed as it saw flt tor prizes. lt was
_ gruotn to dispose ut business left mer}
W€¤`€ from Open f°"m*’·ti0“S and r“` M. (`. A. room l0 elect officers for U16 I the water, however, while the major- { from the previous meeting agreed by both societies to invest the
quired fast pl”·y· while the Slam ye"` collegiate >'9¤¥`· The club was °"K**“‘ ity, all bvdévkéd in their <‘0l0t‘S Of` , . ‘ ` V  ttt0ttey vollectively in a loving cup and
_ f hurl Zertoss, 0t' Ashland, winner of V _
UHKS relied m0¥`€ on line plunging to ized m the spring of last year. b\tt·b1n(-k and gum, balked at the tinisn, , _ _ _ _ _ _ tdubatv tor possession ofthe cup. 'lhis
I tlw l mon Ltterary aoctety gold medal _
giiill U1€i¥‘ S¥`0\md· failvcl to be represented in the inter-, not wishing to soak their ngmguarun- ` for Ommrv in his Freshman year was I has been done for two years. In 1912
The 8¤¤¤€ Swrwd with M¤¤¤¤1 "" collegiate prohibition orutoriral con-{ttm!-to-be-rust colors, The "Freshies," ` __, ,, ’, _ ¥l’atters0n Society won the cup and
_ elevted class uratur, and blim helix,] _
cetving the ki¤k·<>*'Y· *******9 mcked *° test held at Winchester lust year. 'ufter their victory, fen mm marchtng 0t_ Hartford WM elecwd cms vu lkvvt tt at year. Last year. 1913. the
` » - J ' -
· Manuul's thirty-five yard line fwd the The club will hold regular tneetingsiordel- and flgunting their blue and leader trophy passed into the Unt0¤'s hands
Same was °“· The Reds failed to this year and discuss lhé D¤`0hibiU0¤1tguld insignia, pulled the spoils of wart l__Ull;myi"g me Custom of electing by a two to one decision. The society
kwin and Adams ki"k"d· The mm got question. which has 0f HWS b€<’¤¤1€ tthv vublet through the city to Sayre} . _ , which wins this year's debate will be
_ _ -t1n·¤·t· nsststant managers tor the Var-
by Rodes and went to the nw yard one of lhv must DOWN! ¥¤<‘\0¥`>¤ in Truttsylvautia and Hamilton (V0lleges,";iU_ football team one of whom is ullowvd to keep the cup permanently.
U¤°· but S""“"` kicked out of d““g‘°”`· pclitirs. szivinx triumphant yells. t` ` ` I The Patterson Society has all or ns
_ . tchoaen as manager next year, Julius
’“‘“' ""“ "‘“ """ "““"“’° “" “"°   1 A '*"¤*‘ "'°“"’· ““"°“* ‘° *8** won of An.t,...d F t> ·t·0»t·m .»s!'““‘ Y"' ‘°“'"· “‘"‘°““" " '“ "°“"““'
d0W¤ the ¤*¤|d» b€i¤8 in M“"“**l'“ tm" ••K” Tags at Buginessldt-tmmstrutiuns of the latest "swh11s,"]“ di. I in ld ii I; H;)M_ of Eiim wlwtltvr all these ttwn will try this
it t ftl time and ut the und _ , . _ Y   V.   u ”°“ *'·‘*   f H t L
      (,.1...., Rm   A¤°"*’S °“‘°°· ‘ $"‘“""‘   ‘'‘‘                 ···~ ¤¤~·*··~··— `VIS `T   °§“ F '1 , . .1 in . .
e ·s ’—     ·># t t . ·.· rs
° °`° W . ;‘*•**—— "‘  "‘*” “"“'·“‘* """“’**" ··"’ °” “‘°"’t ttutm tm.t.t...., ot mnkrtm, was ‘“ ‘ °" °°"’ °` “ ° ““
U' YH"} litw in $****98 i·‘0“€““l°"·     l·‘msl1tt1ett and za somewhat smaller I t d 5 i wm editor of me __Kt_u yvur tvuttt. which was composed en-
t» et- e u ·¤ H t ·
The 0"W touchdown uf the game       nutnbt~·t· of "S0pln·s"—and were disap-lmckiuni umd wm bv (_dn0r_m·chh_f tirely of Sentors. However, strong re-
was made early ht the second quarter I,0;,m.d_ y(¤u_ qgttupputuwq because; [ I P F (mum mn eluted vruits have Joined both societies this
_‘* ttex yvu‘. t. .. ' . ‘
when, d".8l‘ several HDB bucks by '|`hp list uf g[ud(¤n[ adytigurg f()|‘ [he {hy)-   "0[ gpg un uulagxup Anugngg l i`t un bu`iu€`% luunugur ur )'t*ill` Wiul the UIIBIIUQII of Illlkulg the
R SS I 1 .` , . . . .
5 U¤`i¤0¤» R¤<1¤¤ und U*¤b*’*>*d<*'· the 1*** l`olle1;u of Arts and Scietxce. with the Kellerman. ;(_mhum INS had wwrul wars of ev truths. About ten men will enter the
l8r WVHS puulled ever for u t0u(.lld0wnv uuulys of [he 5[[|d(;)u[§ u5§lg||(*d to 'l`l\(} Iareshuluu class of lust year" lN.l·it;u(·t¤ in j()[||'|\illi*i[il° \4urk and   lyultersun   contest.  
['!‘()lll \\'hi(5h }{Ud8S kil'k€d guul. Thr (»u(·|| p]'()]’(»¤§5()l‘, {S [)t)S[t*d OH the bul|<+- WIN) Hr? now S0pho"*HreS· found lustglu (nt j` I Hp()|[g [‘ 9]) Th; He Hill] “hUlu “   be l`. P. Nk.h0lm"'   C.
rest of the ¢t¤¤rl**¤‘ WM ¤l¤*¤t in 5*******1 tin bnnru in the hull of the Atttnlnls- ttm- tu tnnir ttisvtnntnrt that tlw tng—t HH \\ USUN- *¢>¤¤¤!*¤· (mid!. H¤¤‘¤¢>‘ Mid
s i . __ `
NWN “""u"d um new- “” Very “p*""|!l‘¤U01t |*¤Udi!lH· ut'-wur was exactly what it wut; repre-I N W !\\tHe·tt, and several l·re·shtnan.
tuculur [NAYS UQNIS llllide by ¢*iUN‘*i`t Thy ;g5gign|ug|;[5 have been made ug sented (U [N- the wp[[p;;[ und must}   I }"Ull|' Illvll S0 YH? BIB W0l`kHlg for U18
‘ • ' » - ·` ¤
Hide- EN"' M ii WHS l¤U¤Hib|¢‘ to UW l>|‘0Y68· tlisxtgrveuble ntvthutl ever devised fort ` . ` _ §lttlr» ut¤•*¤¤‘·

 2 T H E I D E A
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the G0’s G0.
”°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE °"""'°"5° l
Mc At Admission l0c
F|R8‘|’·CI.A88 IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. BTAMPER, Jr., 0wn•r and Mana •r. OPIN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. A
•} ·|• O ¢ •¥ •I• ·I· + O O O O O O O O O "\ '.'' l·`or fourteen years he has st hool ln w hl<·h eighteen young men ···· »'·'|l.L GIVE AN ADDRESS AT THE ~
L ` p•—ri•·n¤·e it is rendlly seen that he is l*ro|l .l. l·`. Ilruner and Miss Ella Phil- fore the Ashland lllslrlvt l·Itlll<‘nllolln| Y. M. C. A. MEETING, SUNDAY
*'•' *‘• '• * **   +°'° ++ + + lh every way qualified to traln the alps and Miss Vlrglnln Tlngle have Assoelntlon, nt Pnrls, Ky. lt ls prob- NIGHT AT SIX 0'cL0cK, sun.
’|`h•· reading room or the Y. M. l`. A. m•·n harm- of the work. able that Prof. (`. ll. Melclner, the rv- JECT, "THE FRESHMAN TEAMN <'
ls better equipped this year than ever · .—*.. . eently appolnted dean of men, wlll ALL YOUNG MEN STUDENTQ m. ll
b { rp the Hteram") being domuul bv The inter-frat basket ball series that ‘| he I.oulsvlll•· t'lnh, one of the lwmmpnm, mm ./,,.ED TO BE PRESENT “
e 0 .. ‘ . , _ . .. _
me from me (ih It ih nm (mw is being promoted at present ls an-~ trgest of the l'nlverslty clubs, held ,|
  · ·'_ ‘ _ .l;_ ·  
p _ I wm other entlrely new feature and lsY..s first meeting Thursday, October , ,,
lnterestlmz but edntntlcnn M l · ` \ _ A _"_ |·r,.,,·d,.m H,.m·y gr |;u,·k,.,· wm gu  
_ _ mm hoped to be a great success. »..l, and elected the lollowlnpt of ters. ` 5 r
n*’*n$ ‘°n'P°"‘*‘d of uw b' ’" ""mu ‘ _ _ , I, 4 __m' Ht IPO I q_mdm8m‘_ `,i(_P_ to South Park, Jefferson (onmk, Ky., l
l"b"°h°d in me °°`mmV' as wu as "" "* "“"`”“ ""“ ""°""""" "" ""`» »l·e~la»m’ yum ev,. H t;,,,m,,,,. <*<·t<>l><·r 25th. to m·u»··»r an ¤a.n.»,.,. ... , "‘
’*°v"nI duly p°p°”· ` Law School do not take muvh interest    uhuum Maury (,I_m(_h€r' and w(_I;(__ the openlng of the annual cI1autan<|u.l 5 U
m. E, 1.. mm ts in recelpt or a let- °" °"""'*“‘“ """ °°°"y d°"°'°“""°"t" my, Mm Marie 1.. Mlchot. ""“"’· · H
wr from the Imemauonal Y “ (, A ,thelr training helm: entirely mental., ___ _ -- »» —••-•— — — l A U
_ N _ Y k H 4 H io instill vigor and strength into thenej .\ buleltln has just been heued by i _, r'
‘¤¤*m*“*“*‘¤* °“ °’ ‘*·°°"“" _ ___ _ ... . . ,, _ . ·•··•»·•·•••·•••·•··•··•··•··t··:··c- e n
mpntmg the lmiversitv hand book men n g)II1 (lass has ht-·Pll started lor, ne I•.xp<·r|ment bln. on con (·‘f`lllllR
. · • ` . I
Ming (hm it g., the bpqt [hey hay, new l>·‘n¢*ll¢» U" *“l*"n T“*‘**d¤Y lmdl Zn· presahl si:a.atlon wl;h reference 4     '•° A .   v { °
B ` a t _ ` ' {
mn published in the vnmd Sum ·r»...mny, from 2;:40 .0 zum. mn class} _Q W ....,,€.-.._ The m,.,,.»r is .,rg.»d * * * * * ‘* * * * * "' * "‘ "‘ " "‘l T
0*Pn S me wu then editor and pm_ meets. About thirty men have en- \ zo avoid the many "l°ake" cures of this .1.*. 1  
mcter 0} this book and much (nam is rolled and it ls hoped that this num- | disease which are being widely advey-- The law students held a meetlng ln, CI.UBTTP£ABODYO¤).TRO¥N.!  
due Mm for mn ablmy as wen as his ber wlll he lnereased at each meeting. l tlsed, and to depend more upon sam- the Natural Science Bulldlng Monday I ; J
Z 1
we wow- V . — . , 3 _ ·
ummus energy in placing in the A biological sodew has been formed l ta.y tondltlons. The laxperlment Sta at noon and elected amuel Monarch A n
, ‘ · on supplies literature on this subject subsrrlptlon manager of the Kentuckyl   J D  
hands of every student such a valu- , . , , , · · .
u` uw { mWrS“)’ Open [0 students Offand hog cholera serum the only cure Law Journal. The journal, of which - a
nble "u°l°· all departments ln the llnlverslty Mr V ’ ` . EYE' EAR• NOSE nnd THRQAT
‘ ` ' ` of the disease, ls manufactured there l. M. Nlekell ln edlwl'. will be the Ol- SPECIALIST b
·—··*""’_‘ * ) ' .
Dr. W. L. And€l‘B0n. l<·‘n¢‘hP¥` of 11llYS· b' I` xmmg has been elected pres. land sold at cost of production. .flcla| publication of the (‘0llege of} Gai"! GV¤¤¤¢| N Ol‘d8l‘· *
mu training is giving dancing lesmm dent. All students ln the University. Lila".- l McClelland Bulldlng. ll
to his classés in me gym This is interested in thls Held are requestedi Virgil L. llownlng, who graduatedl romu Pn°n° 932* n“|d°n°° 739* ` V
"   ..,l·`ld‘   : s - .-2 T
something entirely new and hemtoforel o Joln M the next meeting r use from the \lethanlc¤l hngineerlng De r The hm gtudgntg 0; the umvkr,,,ty4
unknown in the Un“_m_s“v· D0(_tm__nlgl1t. Doctor Anderson wlll ¤dd¥'e¤=·; partment ln the class of 1911. lmslassembled Monday evening in the ‘ L
,t..dm.,,. ..,1 --l hope bv this mem ·*¤~· ¤¤·<*€¤*~· Subject- "H···¤¤·· E¤· ben ¤¤ ¤·¤»¤¤s¤<>¤ vrsmng his r¤¤¤·e··.lt-mm mom of the Law Department as A D A M E A DE . ; l
m develop cordmauon and gmcemp genlesf l\\'. l·`. Downing. Mr. Dogvrxng ls I0-la legislative body. B. T. Roundtree,   1
_ -··· ·· cated wlth the Thos. B. e ery (Tom- \-|0 w mb r { U K [ k·1
nm ·¤ me mn- ¤¤ ¤ -¤¤*¤ ¤¤¤¤r Se 'I`he Mme-f.¤u¤.l students expressed _ I " “" “ "‘° ° ° ‘° °“ “° ’ l $\|P[|]|()|] yA|,||)[y||_L[ ·,
ful man than a man of great mn), manufacturers of automobiles, Legislature durlng the mm Spsgqoml <,
B gr-ce an UPM deal of mgmt at the loss of ard has been successful ln this workl rt-sided as B gakgr Sgvgyu] gm Ort l fl?
““`°“g"‘· T"° '°"“" ' °““ "°""°" Prof. S ¤·1- J<>¤e¤- whe M8 ¤°°°¤“*° “ sh,.9 graduation ight laws “erepul¤cu· ed mom; tl) m} l E
_ ., · . * · , ss , a ne ‘ ,
'““"h qukke" un"' me l“n°r· lucrative posltlon at Purdue. Profes-‘ • · E 2       _ ; l
J h t I t U h 1 h re I -——-———i \ l the blll to prevent hazing ln State Unl-x ‘ {
"—"""—" . scs e · ·· ‘ , _ [
Preparations are being made for u qorthonisi as iiugl som p y [ r u ansxer to me quest O"' \huz€(:l verslty. Thls blll was one aetuallyl 3 '     ' 3 ¤ t
·, n s coun su ·,   ,-
truck meet to be new vn October 31. *“ ° “ '°“ ’ “ Y ,""‘"°' W Z “ '“°°“ ““ ‘"°"°“""° llntroduced an the Kentucky- Leglsnu., <·
for any and every man in me Umvmn veys, upon whleh he compiled Clféfllliby the Lexington Leader, Professor, ture , - r
sity "ho has not won u   It is statlstles, has been a Contrlblltlvn i0lH. H. Downing, astronomer and, l       ` 5
hoped that bv this means more Inter- the K°"t“°ky f"m°"‘ `“`““"“‘““°'°“· SWB me ““"'° “'” AW Now, DAD. '
wt wm be ggwu to [rack mmeucs —·*————-- [nothing the matter with the moon on!       ,. t
Much in the Dust has been snowed to The Kentucky Miners Society °f|·he night ln question, except that lt "Your mother-in-law ls mighty tall."     ` l
Ftaze University, have elected the fol-‘ . . ; .. · . , ,| -‘ ‘ .
8*... Om of the 1500 Students I U1 fn r Lwas ln its third quarter, that ls, lt, Xes, but I dont think shell stay: Und". Emmy Mw ”.M"m•M   1
Flush material Should be found to °“ ng ° °°"“· lwas stopping at every cafe on the road long." . f 1
p;_‘__ Kmuckv in me from at any v··<·s¤——·¤. w. Noe. ~,, an ,,,,0,, .0 ,,9, fu,. and ,..,,9,, ,,8%     .
uupk men mlm country vi°°`Pr°Bm°"t· S‘ ‘I‘ C°udm‘ [was only three-quarters full. lt may '
· w , , ¤ s * ‘ 4
-—-*7 beeretary and Treasurer, W. L. lnyl., M., that me embryo astronomers who   AM |     I ; 1
lloetor Anderson was a member of After the business was attended uwllook such particular pains to find To ? . `
the Yale track team and there won his “"`i“[y indulged in r°mimB°°"s° mr R freckles and Swiss cheese holes on Q I
  —— — »·————~»--- -A-We —V·»- "k`°““m h°“r·   Nllss l.una’s face dld not lack as much I • D { ` n
L,xi, ton Ci 3, CO so -         exmgnm mg 0mD3nY — i
• g tg ’ 'l he lixerutlve Committee of they ` . *
Inu ra ' ·**’*`—*··~ ~ ·
Muwhgzjrcn of .‘ss0<‘lullUll Ul' Kt‘lllU(‘k)’ (`0ll€l;€S. met Th`, hm.m.(, Mmm Society of Sm",   ’
      in culled session Monday afternoonp l·nh,emm, wm meet Thumday Mew we A_—"""`_"“""`""`""'” '"' "”’*' ""`“_"" """‘"‘*T*‘—i   -
EXCLUSIVELY ""°""“' ‘“"‘· “‘ "‘° """"*""*‘ "'“'**¤··¤. <>·-one ln. l.. l·¤ud¤.m,.. mln. E   J
over the llen All Theatre. 'I`hose`i , 4 · 1 `
AIN naar - "g· C C C   W y & C p y
· ---·--———136 wFiL-L——§V-—-e-» M.-- present were; President A. M. Millery , { • ° a 0 a     ·
University Lunch Stand of state Vniversity, who presided: The Vanterbury Club met 'Fllursduy `\   l l
Secretary F`- H Rnlnlél', of (`€|lU`¤l evening, October Sth ln the offlce of · 1
1 l t t st u t ' l
Cay': U: u·fv;ty‘ °Unl:I“;r;t· Vnlversity: Xl. ll. Adams, presldent 0f |¤y·0|‘_ _|_ '|‘_ (‘_ Ngg ` I         l
an aw y 0 I Q   U¢*¢>¤‘svtun‘¤¤ Vollesez 'I`. B. McCartney.   l~~»——       and Gymnasium Supplies
A.       T of Trarxsylvania, and Professor M. ld. Nuns are being worked out ln the l   I d R _ , l
con. s. Lnmasrouz Ann c0LFAx Marsh, or sem college. ~Hu»i¤··~¤=· Ast-Ms erm-e or State vm- { myc es an €nnn:S• Pennants and P°$t€i'$» .
  llatlirul amendments to the consti-L versity Y0? li ('Ullll)l8\€ l'€p0l'l of the 1    
'< ` tutlon relative to the admlsslon ofldulll and ¤ll0¤¤Ull>' €XD€l\dllU!`€B of , · · . . . { I
. lDkC3d LOB} CO. ' l l S ccal Pnce• on G mnanum an Eu dn
_ _ other colleges and a standard of qnall· l State Hall. the d0¥`l1\ll0¥'Y <‘0|!\¤10|\¤ Y0? C P .:d Su lifq {giant, tm·n  
Anthracnte and Bltumlnous flcatlon for membership were con—iSl¤d¢*¤¤iS of UW ln¤lltull0n.   PP O y . ,
  sldered. A committee was appointedl ll is YUOUSIII Ulu! UNH will l·i!‘€¤i|)' § I46_‘48 WEST   ST   KY
_ to consider l.ouisvllle's quallflcatlonlilnl UW ¢*"l€l¢*¤l¢‘>' of H10 Undvrlnklllg. l ` n
Lexington; ' Kentucky for membership in the association. i'U¤*‘ <'0lU¤¤l0|lS WHS bull! 011 llw ldeu lm i____ ___n__ _ V _
1 A;   lol furnishing food for the students ati ·L··—·*";‘·—·——*—···;——·~—·~--·~——————~——··———r——~——~- f
W S       '|`ll£* Rlllluul t*Xecull\'e lnééllflg of \ll**l its at-tual (·oht_ and in order to do   in
• O ,
Kentuvky Intercollegiate Assvvlnlluilltlnis lt is planned that financial effl-`     &    
The Samtary Gl'0C¢l' ans held Monday evening. Ovtnber 12. t·’ent-y hast be the basis on which the,  
    lll runs upon the ellglblllly of U18 (‘()|ll||l()[|§ must be (·()ndu(·[9d_   l Ile
com 8- Umntcm lad Vlrgmia AVL ·‘·»oxhnl| players whieh wlll represent The flrst monthly report has not,    
_ the four instltutlons of the assovla- heen made out yay, bun M, far, [hel ,
[JO!). There Wei`? ])!`(*H€Il[ (llllilfllllill \||](l•·|‘[gki||g hgh; bggn guypgssfulb audl lncorporutda »
Cleaning Prntlnq, Miiflfll 'l`. ll. Nle(‘artney, dean of 'l`run¤ylV¤· as the students realize the eonven-{ n
REPAIRING ‘ "¤ I nl\‘··l'Sll>’1 >•··<‘F•*l¤¤‘>` J0hl\ |·-,n*nc•· and the help lt is to them they; ‘
lllll. dean of lleorsetown l`¢¤||•+H*‘1‘I¤·ml their patronage and lts permav     h     I ~
|'l'Ul'k*>·HUl` I" I. Hulllv)', ol (`PllU`l.\l nent 5t|q·(-pgp; hq aSsur(a(| t   •
tcvcnson » . tv
• • l'H‘\·(,l·Sit)·; lbrofessur JI   ||(.;\`·l(.•ll' _ _Y_ __ `   ·) h
Ladies’ Work 8 of K+·nln¤·ky \\'esleyan College, andl |°F<‘¤ld*‘Hl UNH`} S. Harker has been, _ lr ml
  Prufessm. M_ I.; Marsh of H`.,-ea (‘0l.\V`l'(|l1<*S[(‘d by the Young 1\len's (`hrls- _•  
leg, vlan Assoclatlon, of Stone, Ky., to de-     A     gl}
Club Rates, 5 Sult,8   ’lyer sn address before a meeting of " 
_ Morton High School, nf Lexingt I, bl ·t K ·k’ l · . · · • ' ` K
°°l •- l-'m• "*‘°*‘• **7** _ ` °‘ ‘f" "’"‘ °"‘“° ’ "‘ ““'*’ “‘ "‘°“*· 124-128 North Lnmestone Lexmgton, Ky. ns .=
has sut·c•·ssful|y llluugufuled at night h‘s week. President Harker has at·— • H  
·‘ P
. »;v
. . I

 T v ` M ` VA ” M " ` ` "“` ‘h•·fnr¤·. I';IIf,h\IF\1KHIYl run high mul ihv   rhimm, y 0 Q 4 Q Q 4 Q ¤|• Q Q { Q Q 4 Q Q Q
• { puhllv tnnk n gr•·n.t•·r inte-ro-xt, in the- Alias Maury I·`lsh•-r has rvturnml tn *       *
W 1
J J   J J gmuv. All ¢·aIu<·nt|nnal institutlmm In \ ¤|¤·- Hull after n. plvmmnt visit. to h4·r + • • +* *+•* *;'+ *+ ’• •
th•· Statv put out hnnkvt. hull tvmns, rnmtlwr in Ilanvllle.
M" · V K V Uanal, with only one or two ¢‘X(YP|l¥|()¥lH. Miss I·`mmI•» Hum-mrk, of Paris, was “;""" ""
l \VAN'l`F`l)-»—F`v•=·ry ntudnnt l th U i
      shlvs gum! records ln eu-hon] (hay have I *‘\`*’¥`Y ¥v*'*\¤1 had fl 800d i¤fP¥‘•‘¢¤|l+·L:¥nI¢# th•· guvst, nf Mins Helen lwsha., this ' ' ‘ ’ ’ n 9 n
  _ _ _ _ _ I _` k d versity to read the Saturday Even-
    hnd <·0nsl< playod was u wlnnvr do-t<·rmln•·
¤ on. ns eau nm u ·e · - , . »
Barker emphasized the importance ot which is to be held for a week in Chi- I ""I M MM l'°m° in *°'r|S‘ i   I T  
nvuts playml in the Southern lnt<·rc0\· \H“ yqmw, \y,,,,d wa., HN, gum'; ° · •
the farmer to the community, and the cage), beginning October 22. Previous I i { MH ti A 1 ti n _, ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ' I 127 Ch .d
~*;s+ v,· SSOCRO. · · - w. ·. .·_,
necessity of scientific training for to this time may will also attend a big WA! 1 I I fbtl qt t U iwrsm Ul Mm" Mum l’°m”° m(`hm’ “*d"°°   gaps, e
, M- ure o ne . an l' ‘ .   , . ,
every one engaged in agricultural pur- sue or Holstein cattle at Sterling, Ill. { I P t (_ H L am Fast dd) nm"` f HOUVS ’* ¤·m· **> `* 9-"*· [ h·‘¤** ****4*
· ,.eor•+own oeee ,J ·     - .. ` .,
I suits. H0 presented Judge Lyman Of these four men, Professor Hooper mmx T t d E th 1 Hugh? M‘*“ ‘l‘”“i‘ H‘""""* *l’°“° tm; +• A  W-....
x A (         Q V ) Y A _ I i ` l · 1 , \ $2 $i-tt!
Chalklcy, who gave an entertaining wm elect mree as a regular team, the Im ) A i tl b k Tl 8 ust of “° *k""l M hp" hmm m ( ’mmMm‘ { 0
,+'II'|8))Pl` ll IG 00. I   ·· . * . »‘ ‘ » ~
 — talk on the subject, "Diogenes vn. remaining man to go as an alternate. a H B M"” °'°""‘* Pwd MH M tm guwt DQ Y Ou Know
. cmfilcluls approve:] by thH l`l1I€s COHI- U'- yu" `Iary Loulq,. Allchot tonight, i
· Socrates? The main Idea. that the The Kentucky boys will compete with m { , H f H Mug K muck ‘ " ‘ " ‘   Th be _ d
r cw un ams ne u o' 0 -   ·· · · · ..,
judge wished to bring out was the fifteen or more State Universities and l H l )t_ J J Ti en gmt? Fm M"” Hem Ml°d‘ Ot I’°"mm°' “‘°" he _" I. none t°° :°°
·m4; ’r0. . . ,.·. .»-1..,.   · · A -
¤€¢¤6¤|tY for the student to aim at Colleges, rmm an Over me Unngd d it ' f R bt jg Hinton ('eorge ~·¤ »,u+>t in the my thm week end. W era}; ccgneg [4; gu? of:
v·rs ·; ’ru. 0 . . , · - 4 . · ;
A accurate thinking. States, for four cups, (one for each ( y(_ H H my Shankun Ash ; MBS Marie Beckw and (umn gtzp e (mt e e “ e
emu ,0 e e; e , -, . r · _ ·_ ·· ,
» A delightful vocal solo was given breed of cattle to be judgedb, and l( d Y “ gv A nd Prof A Keith [mmm wem `mmm m l°m`mH° an lee
Il . . . . ., B . . . *
bY MISS HGIOH B\1hkh0ld€l‘, uccompa- various individual prizes, ad P f B H rn rd of me Euqt€rn1bunda·Y· `
n ro. en a u , . · V .
* — med by Miss Frances Gelsal, after while away on this trip, Kentucky‘s 1 I 1 mss Eva me A**€¤d··r Mu Spmd      
. wma. . ·
. which refreshments were served. team wm pay visits to Ames, l0wa.| ( lu" mgm with Miss Mary Louise 311 W Main Street
e  , -————-•••———-— . `· ` iday night. ° `
The joint meetings ot the two socie- and Madison, Wxsconsin, where the \ \h°h°t M
;. . |·I·+·l·|·•|••I•·I•·|•4•·O·|·•I·b·|·•I·••* ’
  ties wlll be held regularly the second two state universities of these state-wl + + + + + I, + + + + + + + + + 4. +  The student · Photogrlpher
· ` "' A _     * ·|• See the committee on the Hal- ·I·;
,_ Monday in each month. are located. l* + * + + + * * * + + + + + 4. +   __ _  _ __  r   _ _, _ _ _w_
`T ·I· l()\\'|·+`€ll contest and give the •I· 3 k g ‘_ p g h p · (
. `  .;.....•.. . V I { I { cn ar 0 sc , roprne ora
 . I ·—— “·•·¤*·¤·1bn¤r· M
. FAT STOCK JUDGING me orrncmp c0u.a¤•A1·s mw Um , , | ¤¤~~+r¤t> we we 0 wur  
· . ·. y Parra spent Saturday in x E I B b  
»  + dramatic ability. ·•·  ag € ar 2f op
(     BASE BALL GUIDE Ni I I ul · »
  -———— ¤ -— $.Z° ‘"lLf Burrier vm. wm, M + + * + * * * * * · * * * * * * *L *°’ °···**· :*"···*°··· *·"··*
· . ss . · ·
w Preparation for the fat stock judg· ·· - 1 y Mrs. \\'. (‘. Lutkemeier, Hary Lutkew Oppnin tm humx H°t°| Block
  1 t h bm ht t d [he otficiul collegiate DBBB bal auves in the county this week- _ 1 “ d VI H d Mr Lexington, Ky.
  ng ""` °° ug °° ° g°° ¤“‘d°· °°'““‘“‘“g “‘° °'"°*“' ’“‘°“ ““‘ mss qwwodossa xvxcmnrre, ¤r Bards- me °r‘ ‘ ”‘ “" ‘ rs" °wS°r an S"r=ms·r-cuss wonx GUARANTEED
f· bunch of contestants this tullaud from prescribed by the colleggam basket t f Hy Student of the Um Salender were the guests of Miss· ,#_____________ _
. .—  own, orme a ·
·  th°* th°*`° Wm b° °h°°°“ ”· team that ball rules committee, has just. been is- versity is vhmng at me Han Carolyn Lutkemeier, Sunday. [ Meet Mc Aflef the Game it
* ·¤h0\lld bi! able to b|'|¤8 bfwk 8 good Sued from me pmss and wm soon be “HS;)S Annie Hodges and Annabel Miss June Dickey visited Miss Jus-I M  
` U. sh°r° °f th° prius {mm the I“t°"““·‘I ready for distribution. The book con- Grainger wwe me guests of Miss Map   tinc Stricker, Monday evening. C
  u°““l Fat Smck Sh°W at Chicamlater mins pictures of all the leading col- thu vuey in Georgetown Sunday I Miss Annie Louise Dean was the when dl il wen md GOOD-
  zhis tall. The students have already lege teams of the country, also rgggrdg W I n Dickey vm