xt7p2n4zkr9j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p2n4zkr9j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 08, 1981 1981 1981-10-08 2020 true xt7p2n4zkr9j section xt7p2n4zkr9j otWWWW,W 1$hWV11oWV=Wm dispersing so, . z 1 ;
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""1"!" ,' Beautifully cool, sunny weather will . 115111:
i’. #1 VV continue today as temperature re- "f;
:l' i 1 « main in the low to mid am. It will be 5231th l
,5 - fair but a little warmer tonight, with {1 ,,?'Z1-':‘;f§=’
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j .' . ' mises to be sunny and warmer, with 1'],_.1'":;~'".VT
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1" 1 . VOI. LXXXIV, No.39 An indsplld-lt m nmpapc since 1971 Unlversityof Kentucky l, . '-
‘1 : « 1 ' Thursday, October 8, 1981 Lexington. Kentucky i V V:
' =~' ;""1‘ ’ m g V,
.-:» V , . V. . ' . ('31-ng “ V:" ,- g '
, l g, eagan rom nera , ,
. . : .1 ""7" 11:; '1,- V;
""“”‘“""”‘ , ———-—-——-—-—— Egypt‘s ruling party gave Mubarak Peninsula next April. ,2 ,
1 ' V; fl ’ Combined from AP Dispatd‘es withinhoursof Sadat’s assassination. Egypt also disclosed that four
I . . , ”a V' 3; _m— Although Parliament Speaker Sufi gunmen including a Moslem fanatic 1,‘ -
'J V , V :5; i" V ' Abu Taleb became acting president assassinated Sadat. l .
V i . V ' . President Reagan will not attend on Sadat's death, it was apparent that Defense Minister Abdel Halim Abu ‘;
. .. l' . ”It. , t the state funeral of slain Egyptian Mubarak already was in chargeof the Ghazalia said, “There is nocoup. It is 2‘, i
. . - ’ _ leader Anwar Sadat in Cairo Satur- government. an individual group and they are not :1. i
‘ ' - 5, ;-1 .2‘1 day because of fear for his own safe- The Parliament’s action meant even related to any group or own :11 l
. «at: '1: V _ ty, but will send a delegation in- Mubarak’s name will bethe only one try,"1‘V/_ l,
, . giant» ,1; .1 ,V ’ eluding all three living former on the ballot Oct. 13. The date falls Haig said yesterday the United is; .
V; ~ '1 fig,» ’g, American presidents, a spokesman within Egypt’s 60-day constitutional States “would view with great con- .11 VI
1 '1. . . . ’rsiffi " . said yesterday. limit. cern" any attempt by other nations to 1V ;
i . V43, 2% 11:; V . . Presidents Richard M. Nixon, He is expected to be sworn in Oct. take advantage of political uncertain- ; 1
,V “‘2' .. :3... V . .~ i1: ', . Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter all 15. Mubarak was chosen by Sadat in ty in Egypt following the assassina- 1';- V
, $11132," to; ' m M”; V 3 agreed to go. The American delega- 1975 to be his vice president and even- tion.
1 ‘ J wg'wg’é fi,"&,g VV 1 1; tion will be headed by Secretary of tual successor. In a news conference, he said the if V
, ' gigs“ égtgngfi ~VV1 « . State Alexander M. Haig Jr. “We will continue in the name of United States is a full partner in the i'
1 - i if??? '_ 9311111”; , § 1 a: . Acting on the unanimous advice of the spirit and soul of our leader and Middle East peace process begun by "1 V
,, J - 1 , 1 . :f1VV’1/31iiette 1‘23 fwodjg“? US. security agencies, Reagan decid- 1 our constitution. We will abide by all “this gigantic personality” - Sadat
' T 5 fight“? ,yi'i‘ffirftk dig ed to remain home “with great treaties and commitments made," —andiiepledged thattheReagan ad-
_ _ ‘ ' »§?¢§?%'1§gf§% téftfi,“ i, regret,” communications director Mubarak said in a broadcast to the ministration would “pursue his ,
Vr . ' 5.352 a» 1’1”?" i we 11 ‘ 1,... David Gergen said. Vice President nation. work," ~
J I ‘ngi; 'f “if; ’V’lfi- V4 ' Washington because of the same shut down for Yom Kippur, the most messagetoMoscowtokeep hands off, V .
I .0 , . “‘1‘ "’ ’ «’4 security precautions applying to important day of the Jewish religiom Haig said he did not intend to imply ; ‘c
I l 5":4 2;?" V 1 f , " -‘ 3?; Reagan, Gergen said. year, said yesterday that both they “anything untoward.“ j
. - g "1.1 ~' ssfgsggiy _ " :..- V V‘ ‘« 1 , Officials would not publicly diSCIES and Egypt must pledge themselves to Haig spoke more directly of possi= ‘7 "
.1 1. “ff-‘11 ’ $53“; - ' , 1‘ . . V; the grounds for their concern but in- “the sacred trust“ of completing the ble Libyan interference, although he
i 4 i" 1‘" ' 11 . 1 1' ,. dicated they were troubled by the peace process begun by Sadat. But said there was no evidence that
' By TODD CHILDERS/KcmelSta" uncertain political situation in Egypt, doubts lingered whether the peace radical regime was involved in the
- i. 11,0 Lmk Of Love where Sadat was gunned down by would last. shootingof Sadat.
‘ , . members of his own army mesday. Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Haig said the assassination has not 1
. I A girl looksVover the railing's edge at Commonwealth handsome fellow wearing the blue sportcoat on the Ken- Reagan sent personal messages of Begin, who will attend Sadat‘s shaken the Reagan administration's ' ' V
} Sfadl'fm_d““"8 “‘9 Kentucky-Clemson game Saturday. "Why Sideline. condolence to Egyptian Vice Presi- funeral, said in a message to determination to sell $8.5 billion
'i She didn t say whether she was watching the game or the dent Hosni Mubarak, Sadat’s hand- Mubarak that Sadat had been gunned worth of US. arms, including AWACS '
‘ i’ . . picked successor, and parliament down by “the enemiesof peace.” surveillance planes, to Saudi Arabia. 1 '
smll m m speaker Sufi Abu Taleb, the interim Uncertainty over the peace process He noted that Sadat supported that «
president, acting press secretary clouded the future of Israel's rela- sale, which Israelopposes.
‘ Larry Speakes said. tions with the next Egyptian govern- He said that “we would make a ' ,
t at stuns mmpus Egypt‘s Parliament held an ment. Right-wing nationalists urged mockery of all President Sadat stood
‘ emergency session to overwhelming- Israel to cancel plats for its final for" were the AWACS sale to be stall-
- . . ly endorse the nomination that withdraw] from the occupied Sinai edor blocked becauseofhis death. _.
1 W— “The first thing that came to was “the world has lost a leader who V:
Senior Staff Writer mind (when I heard about the was willing to take political risks. B ' i
assassination) was the shooting of Therearen’t many suchindividuals.” rm I em to at ra ;
-—-—-—————— Reagan and the Pope,” said Student Clark does not believe that the l f; ,
, , Association Vice President Bobby United States will become directly in- _ "3
Tuesday seemed like a repeat of Clark. He added this will “cause anx- volved with the the changing of __By Nancy E Davis Arts & Sciences Senator Dean Garrit- Brockman said he is very pleased :3
last MarchaSStudents again] (“'de iety” for all world leaders Muse governments in Egypt “unless some Senior Smfwrim son. Rumors have Mn flying for With um nm of Speakels. He ex- ”:5
' around teIeViSlom, watching intently this assassination and the two at- other country takes an active role in days regarding Singletary's atten= pects ‘0 have 3 “0W 0‘ ”at 1995‘
, '_ a“bellied“! reportedontheshooting tempted assassinatiom all occurred trying toinfluence the transistion pm. ——-—————— dance at the rally, and Garritson 3,000“attendtherally.
. 0f yetanotherworld leader. withinthe last year. cess. If they do intervene, we‘ll be received confirmation of the presi- “Things are definitely looking up,“ 5- ..
The outcome on Tuesday was dif- Secondary education senior there. It’s high stakes." GOV- John Y- Brown has agreed ‘0 dent’s acceptance last night. Brockman said. Clark and Brockman .- '
' ' ' “ML “Never: MW” Sadat was Richard Disney said, “It doesn’t According to Disney. “it would be aim?" 3“ 0“ ‘4 F 8’” he” ”mung were in high spirits last night when a
1 assassinated When ‘0“? ‘0 six of his amaze me that it can happen, far better iftheU.S. keepsalow pro- ” ”Wreduca‘m ”mam“ “Brown's appearance sivosthestu- they heard of Brown's acceptance _
_ ’ i soldiers (according to various although it comes as something of as file in the Middle East [right now] dent body a chance to challenge the andSingletary‘s confirmation.
- , ' sources) jumped from a truck during Sm that it did happen.” because it can attach a label to the Brown appeared on the KET televi- governor with questions about higher Brockman said he has had a ' '
t " amilitary parade and fired automatic John Davenport, political science vice president of Egypt that he cando 51°“ Pr°8rdm “The People‘s education in the future," Brockmah “very strong "SW “'0'“ "Ham”
' ' ,3 weapons at the reviewing stand sophomore, said he was shocked, without right now." Business” last night and accepted an said. “They can challenge him to ty” and has received a letter of en-
. . where Sadatsatwatehingtheparade, mainly becametheassassination was Coleman thinksthegovernmenthas invitation to the rally from Student have positive statements as to what dorsement from Tom Smith, presi~
‘ This time, perhaps conditioned by unexpected. adopteda “wait and see"attitude. Association Vice President Bobby we can expect and not give is any dent of the Kentucky chapter of the
' ' 1 '1' 1 the Reagan assasination attempt “d However, Kenneth Coleman, Davenport also does not believe the Clark. “1 ”1de him if he Will“ be political rhetoric.” American Association Of University 1
"‘9 May ““30““ P099 30“" Paul 11- associate professor of political United States will become directly in- Willing ‘0 “We“ his Views (0" Frankfo" atWhey Edward Professors '
1 students interviewed on the UK cam- science said “Myfeelingistliatlex~ volved. He thinks it will be a smooth higher educatim budget “5’1" Pdchardichaimanomlecmltee Merinoers of the rally task {me .
905 were not surprised that the pected '81) attempt to be made on his tramistion to a new government, Clarksaid. “Andhesaidhewould.” on Higher Education in Kentucky‘s spoke at fraternities and sororities ‘ .
'1 - shooting of a world leader could oc- life earlier. But since it had not hap- although he is unsure how stable that SA President Britt Brockman said Future, will speak at the SA- last night to drum up support for the
J , - ' W-"Wever1many were Stunned by pened in alltheseyears Ihad come to government will be. he was “extremely happy" With spomored rally Connie Wilson. a rally. Brockman said they would also
. the attack, although some indicated hopeit would nothappei'l atall." “I think the US. is going to leave it Brown‘s acceptance. faculty member 01' the Board 0‘ speak in large classes, at University
.1; ' "‘3‘ l' was ‘0 be expected 30°09? 0' When Coleman learned that Sadat up to the Arab world to solve their UK Presidemmls Singletaryisalw Trustees. is also scheduled to give a group meetings and at Monday
' 1 13“"- had died. he said his first reaction See“SADAT."page3 scheduled to Speak at the rally, said speech. night‘sUnlversity Senate meeting.
' ' ’ Responsiile dn'ilting is aim O Alcoholics Anonymous
’ i of BACCHUS nization aha ter etsastart
A. , orila , , ‘ p g .
__— at ththime," Straus Wd- ,__________ table. There is nothing some of them
. '.- 3’ ”W'ASCHM'DT Fatigue. recent illnessandmoodall 1 By JANE GIBSON have done out there that I haven‘t
- V: Rep“ '3' affectaperson s responsetothedriis. A L co H 0 L Staff Writer done,“ Smith said. “Nobody is going «
\ r ‘ —‘ W 33:? ”“11 :tni‘nmtfgmm to drink to condemn them. We are not going to 1
' res 's. o “_———‘—— . ~ 1
' mammal «alcohol an individual pie (drink’iencg) is a stattggsfl'f: . , , .h . ggmgum {3913011313311
_ can drink and handle respomibly symbolofbeing acceptable. J Editor 3 note. John Smut . is a Y W 1
" ' t] f m nto n pseudonym used to protect the identi- “I had to change playmates and
““38?“ yro perso perso. Therearethosewhocancommne a - 1 =1 - 1 11
says Robert Straits, chairman of the lcohol the lid show 5;. A b ty 0fth19 story 8 subject playgrounds, Smith said. You have
rtm t of behavioral science in mm a . " “he" a -:-C- use or tochangeyourselfandywwonder If
depa en _ less effect. This is partly because of ;.;.:. John Smith 22 started drinking at . t is for better or for worse There are
the College 0‘ Medicine, and pro- the tolerance to the drug the in- :55- 12 Hehasbee'n arrested more than 16 two sides to everything and I‘ve only
. fmrdpl‘am‘?” and ”“0“?- dividual has developed. But Straus 1:-:-:;, A reness .1 . ~ . ,,
“Variability is the key word." he said this is not limited only to heavy W8 Elma- Both his parents were Imosm uthe badge $31318 him; its
' ' H ' ' . . . . . . :'-':':':':"-“ camics I sai m
. . . said. «Tummmt 2:216; Since I: drinkers. He said an indmdual begins '- Eight years ago Smith became in effects are what he is trying t0 teach
- . 'E' ' ' n '- l to develop a tolerance even after the .-2-!-Z;2;2:.;-:-:-:-:-:-I-Z-. volved in Alcoholics Anonymous. and students about. All the meetirgs are
.1 can comfortably handle. He said the veryfirst drink. . . . . .
~ ' ’ factors are - now he 15 orsamzms an M on cam- open. and frientb. mama and family
1 two major determlNM Straus said there are a lot of ,- to he, 3mm team about and be welcome
1 body weight and tolerance to the to drink _1.-V.;.;.;-:-:-:-:;Z:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;V.__ P03 . P . mem rsare .
, treasures 0“ youtu people 1 - deal withtheproblemsof alcoholism. The UK chapter was started
~ ‘ drug- , One reason, I! said, is because there ,-',-I-Z-I-I:I;I:.;.;.;.;.:-:-:-Z-I-I;Z;Z;Z:Z;.;.; :.1_ beca S 'th said he felt students
.~ . Straus addressed a meeting of the isnorespirtforthedrug .. use mi .
. ' Boost Alcohol Comciomnus Concer- ' . .‘ 2-2-Z-Z:Igifi132:}2-:=2-I-1-2-2:I;I;Z;Z;Z;3;3:3:-:-Z-'.-. MWVW mmVleBV people are could better relatetopeople their own
ning the Health of University mm "“91 3"“ “mm “ .1.1:3:3:3:-:-:-:-:;:;:;:;2;2:I:I:1:-:-:-:-:-:;:;:;:;:;:;:;'-I. settins involved In this promm age. Newcomersdonothave to reveal
”M1. 1 ts or BACCHUS . student student is getting drunk every .1.;'-:3:3:'-:3:3232:?2-32-9211:1:32352;232:2152-3311:3:3}:. became they are starting to find an their names. although Smith said a
1 .V - V sum“ '50“ doomed ‘io "mote wald- Many millet“! feel an In- :'-:?5-2322:32223513331333.33311323:3322}3333333333335523121;. empty spot andneedsoiiiethlmtotlll first name or nickname is used so .
1 ., Summon drums ammo mime a ltytoseltln‘wshtlieweekendJle .713112323:-:;i;123:3:?23:3:32313211311::1:3:3:35:113:35?:313I;I;1;i:. it besides the alcohol, Smith said studentseanhesddressed.
V. . V . etudenpa'ita. said. They have no comftVlVrtable way '1:323I:2322113'35:313123233333319::3:3:3:323212323231331341313} We are not asking them (students) Meetingsareconductedina discus- .1
. 1, _- , ;., it, aid the m for "mu,“ ‘0th 15m “m- ,3“ We L:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;V:;:V::1;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:V:;:V:3:V:;:;:;:V:;:;:::;:;V-_V:V:V_ to come m and admit they are sion format. “We go straight intohow
"- . "1 mcyclical geneticandevenmental. anmmwmnahwm _:1:::2:::Z:::::::-:-j-1:223:13:i:3}:-‘_-f-I'V'.::1:11:31::Z‘VZIZI-Z-Z-Iiiz. 810N108. we jm‘ want them {1‘0 anybody in the meeting has I F1)- V9"
, r ,, ,. 't' of itivi to do. he “id. but became they -viii-21111134449‘.-‘.-‘.-:-:-‘.-Z~Z~I'3'i‘3'3'3'4-1-212-2-1'15‘3‘3'1'3'«Z-Z-. comeinandunderstandthedlsease. biem,“Smith said. “mu-tuna“ g
t ‘~ . ”1.1 Y°“ can W sens ty as ' have a need for theeffects of alcohol ,-:-:1:':':':".'::::::::-'_-:{1:1.‘t':‘:‘:V:::‘_::i_:'_i{9:121}:f:::::::::j.j~jj» , . and if there i. an feedback. We g
,V:1 . . 1. characteristic all! affects I m _Mwmiwmmtheeflecm .:.‘V.:.:.;.:.;.j-,-_;.~V.1.1V.V.;._-;-i='.1'.-.‘.=.j.1.1V._.1_.1V.:.‘_.'V.1_.,-,-,~.-V.-V.:.1V.V Smith said responsehasbeen low see y -
if o1V ,_ V’ ' across "I M," he “id. ”1130 ofaleohol n i.iizj::::::j::::'.::Z-_I:i:::::.~V'1.31:::l:::.V,'-V'.Viiliiflffiffijf.:1:-f:.;'.::VC1V.:'.V for "2 fits! two mmfim, which I! W .mt how it affects a?“ m 1. ,
:3" '4 ‘ ,. ' arenotjut fundamental diffusion. Strain said “M i. a mood- :31:11:;1V2;2;i;2V;E:::-:V.«V:«:;':;_.~V;~_;-‘;i:ZV-_V .V«.___;-V'-V:::V:~I;:V:V‘:_IV;V:~:_:V'V .5 attributed to students' animus; howitreenygetsthemdown. . 1 :1 T.
1'4 1. -. - M “mm? m “m“ w" modifyine the. but he also stated 1:34 ‘-:l:'::?:'::':‘:"* ‘.'1?:§: 13:13:, :-t;i:';53.'_"-'- w“ WWM- Smith saidAAglves alcoholic- the ,1 .. 1 f1",
5.1;; Wmmeaidulemlflwflum thatanindvimu'emoodwhiledrink- :_:j'.V'»Vj',~~V; ‘.-' V '._1, , «. . "Students think AA will be old {mapymedtowa'kwttheira'fi- Vl.V, V, , 1 t
“mlsmsnsm 1~mm===1=m1m - i . ms m =11 =11 era-M “o-W‘hrsmmssn :1 ~ «1»:
9;}; «. ‘- ‘ _Vt Mdflu'flfl mm inhumanity. . - » , V '~ . I 'L . . . We Sitting around talk!!! about ty to apply . l5 “P ; 1;“,
Lift" VV . .V aaldmal d nu . W I! comfortable." . V ; _ . how (my got hooked on “COM," divuhialJleaaid. '.‘=1.‘"":': ‘f‘atg
e5: 9," . '° W “a" ”a ‘m' ' 9'“ ' Strall said, "alcohol is not some to 1 " « ' ' :1: Smith said. “Thin is not the way we “M ll n“ ' ““1 i‘ “ ' W" “ ?«1"'1'1"'7-'-'1g1"
M "“3““ “"l' b‘ "‘7 Mice any great chem in mood, 1 ' 1 1 doit; wetalk about a lot ofdifferent ment." Smith aald.“lt is alcoholies it: 34%
WW1 °' a" my ”“ "‘ out if a penon is uncomfortable, ' tum." trylne to help other alcoholic- ‘t‘tkss 1»
.5131. mtieeablelttlllhcum alcohol me be more meant ul becainewel'nvebeulthu'e 3*:‘~12:a"'1‘;"'t
fa”; j has M in the My cycle, "we may ", "8f 1 He also said some students may be u ’ - 31,1113
-. rs» ,1“: ~ became it will do more fa- you, he . _ AAreminlhi-whu'ewewu‘eand “high,“
‘1‘“ ’1 allow after-mt r-por-ea at afferent ,, . , shying away became they feel an «is. ,
1:1"ij $11.31 tl dthaday‘lndtldaiaindepm- said. If a person is wtight, he wil. Weruncomfortable. what we are now and where we are V ‘1’-KEN.
' ’ 1&9 memtwehavcinountomaeh M””'f°°"°""°"“‘°"1 l , "’Hiey should not feel incomfor- “Wm""tm‘ “w; 1» 15‘"
‘ i =1'1 '11'3'5 “1"".
3. : i .1. ‘~'~‘
a? " . g V; , a hwy—9.:- -~~V.-~-t~. .5.“ anqo-MW we’dflw . 3"137‘53 1: ~-. 1:. "f‘ _‘11'111 V; . . V . , s}? “'7'" .Vtfiymwfi, we M; . . " ' ' '
i s s in 1s“ t i 1 1 1 1.» 1 .- 1' 1 ' i' '1' =1 ‘ ~ 1 o sit *1 1 1o 1. - " ~
Fig " 11;; irst'fie newt; 111s ‘. 1 1 .1‘ .1 .. -.1 Th 1 ' 3,: shafts “j 1 1' _ 1 ' ? ; j
”chili?“ .1 Rafts " “ ‘ '1 ' ‘ arieést1 .1: « 1111 .. 1.11.1 1 « - _

 » w .. . .. . ~ » w . Winner's. a, 9‘th “linens“ “as it»: e . .. . iw. -.t. '. anti '6: . i? t 3:". ':.I‘g,.ig,{§é1‘l¥§ill’t3§i".wfl* "- 43"? ”ugh“? ”EH E*"::’EL,r.~s
- ' - . , : ', . ~ a .. its; s'rr’ifriwvfil iteration .. , tint,” is hatififififiitigialh
"' " ' . -, i.- a that“ i is ~tdw‘témti this” engineers.”
...t...,aieais.ii is..." do , av,_~r,a, ,.. ~ -' new . ~ - ~ - ~ , ~ « ~ .. w Whig , ~ -«
. ,g,‘ ‘ t,
- 1~ 1,? unstea- MM unis-o marries lbsWelleee non-diorama ,
o . loll-W lit-rial liter Janos Edwin Harris M editor mun-um mute '
ersuasw .......... ruin-m mm... ............. m... I
filigrwi, _ Jacklnndl ' m a“, (hammer
is “x mimo-
fwd? -—————-———————-————-——-——— ' . l
M“ WAGS sale to Saud' Arabia -.
' . i. l" ’n, '.
EL *3; ;. ‘1. A I x I E: t
. 351.3, f 3* .~ ii" :1 ‘Z'EE (
Vital followmg Sadat’s death \M y, ,
-{ « Just as President Reagan’s proposed sale of to increase Oll prices, an effort defimtely in f w ‘ ’-‘. IUNCLESMS 5?? , t
five Airborne Warning and Control Systems favorof theUnited States. / . 3 ”BMW .
y . ' _ airplanes to Saudi Arabia faces certain rejec- However, Davis also surmised that op- -. ll _ - a
l? . , tion by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, ponents of the sale may say Sadat’s assassina- - 4.3. = I
it has become more apparent than ever that tion is proof of the instability prevalent in the - \ -"'~’rg‘“~~ f a
. - i the deal should bemade. Middle East, and that such sophisticated , ‘ “4'4"" K i
i. t”: » The assassination of Egyptian Anwar Sadat equipment should not be placed in the hands of , < _ 3:21;?" fig}; i
l . i, 18 all the more reason for the Umted States to unreliable governments. / ,, \ . \ “a- \ 12‘
EE ;: ally itself with Saudi Arabia. This country's Of primary importance, however, is the ' ‘\ -- lFWE l-lADilT\ Kg!»- : g
l 3 relationship with Sadat was an amiable one. maintenance of good rapport with Saudi . 5%? 3M” l : h
r- a '; He openly welcomed US. forces into Egypt, Arabia. . . . ‘ ~. \WD Hit/E! $2.3) _ a
r _:5 and the country was a base for American For the Saudis, taking such a defense ”’4 A l -- .3 . .\ *t‘ \ , t \1 ‘ - , l h
i , 5 military projects. measuredoesnot necessarily indicate their in- 74+ «M/ ., . “ 4p I: 3 . . - . - -
. . . .. . , x . -. .. e 1-,». . , 6W5” .-l
. . , _ tent to begin preparation for war With Israel. \ - , I”: . Liv/$7.: 53;” E“ E‘ "a ‘sr “ ._ W ‘. l g
E ' A 009mg?“ story by the New.York_ Times Also, the fact the AWACS are only equippedto , {‘7' i at}... ' l ® " iv ° ' fl ,, _ . E r. '3 .. 3 l i,
News Seerce stated, Administration 0“ serve a defensive purpose is not justification / , .03“ \ ° , o . I» .. y K, ‘ l j , . L; p Q , , p
fic1als, concerned about the chaos in Lebanon, to draw the Israelis’ rapid fire. ‘ O \\ O . .~., ,-_ ~ 5 f 2 y) . r t , w 6 , 2 a
i . . . . . i » a _ .-‘ l , 1 . ‘ EV .
~ the increased subversive act1v1ty_of Libya and But, opposition to the sale is not just limited {lain—i . ~ 5:, H , / . ~ _ .- .‘ f . _ l a
. the SoViet inroads in Afghanistanr 501101 to Israel. There is a lot right here at home. Mwmmmm ,,- _ m." a. ‘a—— - "’1 '" ' g .5 J
Yemen and Ethiopia, had Viewed Sadat as a Twenty-four of the 37 members of the House Whammy. -.....a.... M 1 _ _ f , I k.
' solid pro-American anchor of stability in the Foreign Affairs Committee are cosponsoring - u u n u o , " l q,
agree... ., n... U ,6, a... , d avetorsoruronaanstneawacsae.he ministration ignores poitieal prismers
E S ace ' - m 05, a r ea y full House is expected to veto the sale Oct 13 - Si
- , . ~ - . . . ' . The Reagan administration sent nshts lawyer. who had had the ,
havmg a tough time dealllnglwnllli the rest of although Reagan hopes to redeem it m the “on” "Image to the ems mwty toso mm and ask j .- g
j the Middle East 105” V8 “3 93 y- Senate. - of the world, this one marked to I I o 0 I forwdressforthebetelierfamily- ; r,
‘ Not only must the United States tread softly Congressional approval of the AWACS sale the special attention. of Latin ' _ That expression of contempt for {l a
E in that region because it needs as many allies would be an important factor in easing America’s political prisoners. It But somehow, according to Sen. theUnited Statesls notatpectedto - J
- - - . - ~ - is: “Don’tcountotiiis.” Kassebaum, it is of strategic lm- influence next week's Senate vote
as poss1ble there, but in the words of Vince Mideast tenSion as well as Sidesteppiiig _a They have I from the portamuow Itmgpamcuhp on repealing restrictions on i m
, Davis, director of the Patterson School of potential crisis resulting from the VOId in beginning that they were on their 1y repulsive record in human military aid to Chile. We rollover K _ g,
Diplomacy, “denying the sale of AWACS could Egyptian leadership following Sadat’s death- own. President Reagan is Opposed rights. Some 15,000 Argentines when a friendly anticommunist if“ .1 ,.
be considered a slap in the face of the Saudis.” Avoiding such a crisis is necessary to prevent tohuman rightsasa policy. It is in- have “disappearedédf'l'hey have m spits in (din eye. Cllluile has i» ' .n,
nnot i nore the E t from becomin another trouble 5 t for Mention in the lnterflal affairs of never Malacca“ “‘- ‘0 extra ‘9 ”tree 'Sh Ot— " " 1
83031991112“; ofestigiarsriietochEC’s§ntenti0ns thiygnited States g 90 another country, an affront to its Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R.I., with ficials who were indicted by a ‘
u S s r g ' sovereignty. his usual timidity, proposed an grand jury in the murder of , ‘ Cd
' At the bidding of the White amendment that would have Letelier. Although some might see , ..
. M m m House, the Senate voted last week demanded an accounting of the this as an affront to our national ‘ bl.
‘ to lift the human rights conditions “disappeareib.” sovereignty, it is not in the eyes of ' ,5 _
T on the sale of arms to the military But he decided to compromise the indulgent Reaganita. " im
,' t t I junta running Argentina. The pro- with Kassebaum in favor of a We must not, you see, intervene . w,
. \ 1 position was put forward in an mealy-mouthed expression of a in the affairs of a right-wing _ If .
E amendment by Sen. Nancy “semeof the Senate" that Argen- govermnent. When it’s the left, { m
; 3;, . , Kassebaum, R-Kan., that men tina really ought to provide infor- though, it’s a different story. We 9 a.
i I! - So you want to- protest blldget CUES d'dn t see them. The only people who tina is doing better on human mation “as far as the government must intervene, evidently, in the l ,
‘ '" educat'm‘ ms" ‘meu'gem °°" 53‘” them are the “”9“ "m 3" rights violations and should be en- is able to and list all those ‘disap- affairs of Argola. The same day it m,
lege students, you mist learn how. fected by the budget cuts — students, coura g ed, if not rewarded. peareds’ who have neither been voted topat Argentina on the head, ' AV
All who say you are outraged by ”9:382; mggbeaz 1:0; otvl: The most conspicuous victim of released nor brought to trial and the Senate repealed the Clark All
, ' E these budget cuts and are “up in $3“ “ce “’ 9" junta policies is, ofcourse, Jacobo who are being held at the disposi- Amendment, which had prohibited 1
- arms" should take your hand down ' ’h‘meran, whose book, Prisoner tion of the Natlmal Executive acthlty in Angola, 3 country that .
‘3' for a minutetotakethefollowing test. If vandalism is the only means of Without a .Name, .Cell Without a Pawn-fl. . displeased us by choosing a ldtlst . 1"
‘ (This test is provided free, no tuition, protst you know, then at least do it Number, gives majestic witness to _ The critical passage, of course, government over 'our chosen
L and it’s Pass/Fail.) . where it will be seen by those who can 30 months of imprisonment is the “as far as the government is client, Jonas Sawmbl.
, That sure is a 800d way ‘9 ”Mt make changes in the budget cuts I without charges and torture able to,” which is as close to ex- And we will, apparently, in- I
E 1 “0°39 (A) 0’ (B) i" mmple‘lng "'9 bUdge‘ “"5 in education, 15“" m ' without mercy. onerating the government goots tervene in the internal affairs of
r following sentence: Vandalism isarealproblem-solver. don’t condone vandalism, but “STOP He was here recently to collect as they could posibly wish The Saudi Arabia. At his was con- ' -.
l To protest budget cuts in education. Bec f h t' the CUTS" painted “To” G0“ Brown’s uieletelia-Moffett Human Rights number of “disappeareds” has ference, the president, imitated at '
,' _ ’ Should: Un' a"? :1 {we ride :onsd; for “5" ,(°" 0" the S‘kWSky) WW“ be Award,aprine that recalls another declined. But accordingtoAmnes- the suggestion that by selling
’ ' h t r Iver-SI y us spe ' un_ amusing. Latin American outrage which the ty International, tile number of AWACs to the shaky royal family , l.
‘ (A) wmeto‘ egovemor'sena o 5' material and labor to repair the dmini tration wishes tof et harassments detentions andother — whose members show a l
E 3 representatives. and PM“ State Of. damage. Evenacongenital idiot, and Those “good ole boys" who van- grlandomlletelier a dim o'rgshed abuseshasnot Shahlike' greed for SOphisticated ' '-
I “ flcmls: promote lobbying effOrts; and most assuredly “intelligent" college dali zed the POT and the Classroom Chilean exile ofthe Allende years About the only thing human military hardware _ he might be . ‘
K I g: peacefully demonstrate my OPPOSK- students, should understand that If Building probably know no mm was murder“ on a Washingtorl rights advmm arivw from m creating “8mm Iran n retort“ 1
ll no" at mules “Ch as the one ~8pt-m' more and more dollars ”‘3wa about the budget “"5 other than the street along with an American sorry afternoon’s work was a that there was no possibility of a ‘6 '
i .. sorécdtby‘ the UK Student Assocmtion maintenance of University buildings, fact that there have been cum They ci . named . Moffett. gentlemen’s agreement _ at Sen. repeat catastrophe. : ,
5 _ on ' ' :mfismu have to Come from Otter probably haven’t read this. I W fimeran saidmwas mt mum- Edward KM’S “8088mm _ some is m way that we could " fl ,
(8) Use radical tactics. reminiS- un ' “‘3‘ they ever read "‘9” than the ing to lobby against unconditional that atthefimeofpresidentialcer- stand by and see that taken over ,. . ;
cent of some 1960‘ W‘" ”9“.“- i"' If more funds than anticipated are sports page andthecomics. arms sales to Argentina, “It won’t tification of human rights pro- by anyone that would shut off that _
eluding vandalism 010K balldl'fES- usedfor maintenance this year, it will , matter," he said somberly. “The gross. public hearings would be oil.” 3
U W“ ”‘0” (4% W“ P?” “’1‘" fly‘ be necessary to budget more next And ‘0 the rest 0”“ whoare “P 1” country is collapsing economical- held. That sounds like military in- ;
, "‘8 C°l°'s (0" 0 ”Dow" WM 3mm” year, or let the buildings fall into ill - arms about the budget cuts, where ly. Tanks and planes won’t make Chile comes up this week. It is tervention. In other words, un- .
% Budget Cuts" bonnerl- repair. If the buildings deteriorate, were YO" Pm? *0 fhe mat!” theslightestdifference." another example of a South popular governments who are
i If 9°“ CM“? (3), I ”mu-“Y “0““ , 5135'“? Why. werent you havrng Ironically, the chaos created by American dictatorship that cannot good arms customers are not to -
. your sincerity and your intelligence, whether by vandalism or lack of rallies and printulg posters and in- the military 5W“ was used offend m_ U.N. Ammador Jeane won'y. Political prisoners can ex_
’ . . maintenance, students 1°” If funds ”“53“le then?_'l‘oomanypeo— by the administration as another Kirkpatrick, who has pect nothing but “silent
I was prompted towrlte this column for maintenance are taken from ple have been apathetic until the 11th reason why we should extend help. demonstrated a special tenderness diplomacy,” which, as Timerman
after .3 walk across campts I'liiesday educational program budgets, hour. Hopefully it's nottoolate. Argentina is an excellent exam- for “.0"me anti-communists, said, means trying to go back to
morning. Some Of the biuldlngs had studentslose. ple of a country that ranks as a recently made a sentimental the “silence of the years of ‘
been vandalized w1thredpalnt. Your attendance at the rally here “friend n despite a striking record )0l' lrney to Santiago to certify the Hitler."
, . 3‘3 red mm °" "3‘ Pan“ 5°“ of? . Y°" see' dear "mag y°" ”e cu“ 0“ 1‘ ‘5 imW'am- M 1““ i} will ofhostility toour interests. During worth and merit of the Pinochet
f "C" 1"?” . Spelled STOP CU.“- "ng °,“ W" ““9 ‘° sl’“‘.’°‘"."°°i demmtrate W ”Mr Wm“ ‘3 World War II, it provided haven goveihmeitand tonormallze rela- @1931 Universal Press Syndicate 'i
Something illegible had been wnteen «That 5 one of my favorite cliche's not shown by vandalism. for Nazis. P tly, it sells two- tiom with it. 3
r; °" "‘9 We?” "3 ‘2?“ ”£2? 13°“? ‘m'smgingrgmm of _ , _ thirds of its wheat to the Soviet Just to show what her mission Mary McGrory wono1975 Pulitzer ‘
rt doa ways. pain Kwas ‘ y w saw those g , Paul Craycrqft ‘3 a 1°“mau’m ”mor Union. It ignored the wheat em- meant to them, the Chileans pick- for her commentary while with the l
5% covering more vandalism on the protest, anyway? Gov. Brown wasnt and former reporter and columnist bargoimposedby JimmyCartler ed out Jaime Castillo, a human Washington Star. l
_ g WNW" Classroom BUIdllnS- 0“ campis Tuesday momlngi 80 be for The (Madisonville) Messenger. ' . I
it llaebflflhgmwflhme.whesmmadrmmwmmdbmmmatlltJeI-nlhn ,
l MIG-g. limos-em.
5: . Students. Ullveretty employees and etha- lntereued pone-s n-t Include their names. adds-seen. telephone numbers and “ctr majors. ,
I filled“- www.menwun ltedtofl. «is.
hl'efi _ doux c:wwhhrhcnmbdeuthcophhcehnn.openltr-euyeaeel'cnmpnutlthece-nnlly,MmtectflrhA-hsrliumat
. ’_ 29-5le .Ildtth uteri-l.
.‘ no Kernel rim. th:r-llght toedlt for grammar. clarityand length. and todimlnaie iibeioro meta-lat
_ E r: E w "I m the Governor is correct that much 0‘ intended as a show of support for perhaps even in the federal many future college prospects will be paint rem