xt7p2n4zkt82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p2n4zkt82/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-02-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 26, 1998 1998 1998-02-26 2020 true xt7p2n4zkt82 section xt7p2n4zkt82  




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February 26,1998

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MATT BARTON I\. 11,..‘ 1.11,!

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New forms of adversity challenge diversity

By Jill Erwin

S. 11/111' .SVI/(II-II 1/111

Imagine walking into your
cltss. .md having all eyes on

Imagine bLing the only
member of your r.'1LL' in the
maioriiy of yottr LlassL's.

\m‘ i'eali/e that this is
reality for some his students.

In his first sLiiiestei'. l,eroy
Young said three wltite stti~
d1 111s asked him. at different
points 111 time. if he had come
to [K on .111 athletic scholarv

“l somewhat expected it
when I caiite here." said
Young. .1 political science
.sr-phomore, "\\Vhy not .111 aca-
demic scholarship?"

Melissa Moore. .1 sctiior
politiLal science and l’nglish
major. has only one Llass iii
winch there are more than
one or two other blacks. Vl'hat
is .1 social work class, where
athletes comprise the inaioi'ity
ol the minority students.

More often than not.
\loore walks into the class and
finds herself pleased .11 the
sitfht of another lilaLk Sliltlt'll'.

She was borit and raised in
lktltiinore. and never found
herself worried about these
types of problems.

“Maybe itVs because it was .1
bigger city. or I was just

younger. htit I doth reiiietnher

all these conflicts." Moore said.

“\\Vhen I moved to Lexing-
ton 111 198.". it was all I heard."

Moore. .1 former Miss Black
LVIsV. .ilso laments the changes
the campus has undergone
since her arrival. \\Vhen she
first got here as a freshman, she
remembers the black students
speaking to each other as a sign
11f recognition. Now, she says.
all that has changed.

“Here all almost the .sattie
age. btit it's like .1 totally dif—
ferent generation," Moore
said. “It‘s one thing to he one
of the ‘lonely‘, htit when yoti
don‘t even get respect from
your own. it hurts."

I’re—pharmaey sophomore
I .al)onda Shearer agrees.

“\Vhen I was a freshman.
even if we didn't know each
other. we were like. ‘I Icy. how
you doing?" " Shearer said.
‘5111 now. after sitting 11111 .1
semester, it‘s like nobody

\ft ic 111-'\111L‘t ic-an



V A look at the African-Anter-
icati Atlairs department

V UK blacks liteakititi haulers

wants to speak to anybody
anymore. even though we're
here for the same purpose."
Shearer faces the same
problem as Moore when it
cotites to black student rcpre~
sentation. She has only one
class with tiiore than three
black students, and she esti—
mates the percentage in that
class at about 3; percent.
Shearer says it‘s .1 totally differ;
L-nt environment walking into a
class as the only black student.
“I feel isolated." Shearer



said. “I want to talk to every—
body regardless. but soinL'v
times they look at me like,
‘\\hat is she talking abotit?‘l
just sit 111 my own little world."

Moore says one of the
problems encouraging the
separation ofthe black student
population is the large num-
her of minority j'iotips on
campus. li'om thL National
-\ssoci.ition of lilack '\ceoun~
tants to the .\ational Society
of Black I'iiigineers to Black
\Voices to the Black Student
[1111111. there are groups for
most interests.

“\\Ve split ourselves tip so
iiitich. it‘s hard to bring us all
together. ' " Moore said.

\Voungs says it‘s not onlv
Moore who has noticed the

“It pretty iiitich bothers
everybody." Young said.
“'IiIIL'I‘L‘ are some org.1ni/..i~
tions to pull the black students
together, btit something. I
doth know what it is. discord
or something htit we‘re not
coming together. It makes yott
feel as if you re still alone."

\oting came to LVK from
Louisville Manual I ligh School,

one w hiLh was maiority white.
btit very diverse nonetheless,

He admits that when he
walks to class and sees another
black student. he feels somev
what relieved.

"It‘s like .1 bond. \‘le all
have something 111 common."
Voting saltl. "If we took hall
the blacks off campus. it
would be like me going to an
all-white campus. I would feel
like I‘d lost touch with myself.
'l‘here would he no connec
tion with people who know
what I in gtht” through

I11 his Sptitish and politic .1l
sLienLe Llass‘Ls. lie is the sole
black student. and in his mind.
that makes .1 difference to the
rest of the class.

"\\Vhen I first walk 111.
they re really tivinu toLiL 11L .1
pic"VtmL. Young said.‘ \\ hat s
he going to be like .- Is he inili
tant. is he nice?"

Young siid he doL'stia care
it others perceive him wronw
ly. He will 11111 allow his
minority stattis to cause him
to he quiet in class.

“I want to express myself."
\Voung .said, “I‘m not going to
back down."

Administration, black students attempt to boost retention

By Mat Herron
.\V1 2; \ I'.1IIIHI

Iieiiig a part of something.

'I'his presents IIIL‘ASl/e chale
lenges for students acatlctiii~
cally immersed 111 .1 plaLL' with
34.000 others like them.

For black students, the
challenge of belonging seems
doubly hard.

\ecording to retention fig-
tiics obtained from the Office
of Institutional Planning and
Budget. more black students
leive [7K in their first two
yLars than 111 their last two
This trend. while Liniy'ersitt'

offitiils say isn Vt totally otit of

Lontrol. shows retaining these
sttidents is not as good as it
should he.

Social work senior (ieorge
Myers says black students
leave often dtie to and unwel-
conimg climate on campus. as
well as the state's track record

‘ l’

*AA..-W .. . . .

in terms of race relations.

"l‘hey can't change the
track record of the state. btit
they can change the track
r'"LLoid of the [Viiiversitw ‘V said
\Iyers the ( .ollege 11f SoLigl
\\ork senator for the Student
(iovcrniiient .-\ssoLiation.
“\Vhen 'I'anya Marie (Iole
(was attacked in 1011111. the
administration didn't even
come tip with .1 statement
until they were forced to.

“I"or iite as a black student.
that tells me they cotild care
less ifIVm here."

Minority retention is also a
sticking point for Myers for
another reason: The L'niver-
sity Senate is considering
raising the grade-point aver—
age requirement to get into
(iraduate School, a move that

would lessen the number 11f

minority students who get
The administration and the

stttdents are equally at fatilt
for not including black stu-
dents 111 mainstream campus,
btit alleviating this problem
might itist he .1 matter oI let»
llttg them know about
resources that are there. said
I.a( iene Brown. .111 economics

l"or exatttple. he said.
“Most black students doth
know about" the Learning
Seruces (lenter on
.\Vicholasvillc. 111' about the
Minority .'\ff.1irs Department.
a department Brown said “is
not lust for black students."

.-\nother solution is to insti-
tiite more activities that would
include more black students in
the mainstream. not just sepa—
rate organizations. Myers said.

“It almost seems like those
organi7ations have to be here.
because (black students) feel
disenfranchised," he said. But
Myers does say the existing


._....-—l< rv-Vva

programs and facilities. stieh
as the Martin Luther Km 1.11:
(lulttiral (lenter are very 1e11—

But what about those stu—
dents who don‘t want to he
assimilated into the inain~

“I imagine there are people
that feel that way," Myers
said. “People may feel like
they're exposing themselves to
frustrations of trying to
become .1 part of something.
Sometimes you 111st get tired
of dealing with (your rac;e) it s
caster rto go to a plane that s
comfortable than it is going
out 1111 a limb."

Recruiting minority stu-
dents often requires just that.

“For one, we try to bring in
students to our campus,
African-.-\111erican students
that haven't always been jump~
ing 11 and down about UK."
said I'.minctt Burnam. director

..‘,. ...-..~ .,,..


L7,-.7 7...L,.. .7...7L 77.,


1f African~:\meric.in Littler»
graduate Student Recruit—

The minority reLruiting
initiative. which targets l1Iac'
students across the state. has
been around for 11 years, btit
dates back to the ‘70s.
Although back then. Iiurnain
said, “there hadn‘t been much

Bringing students to cam-
pus through the “(Louie See
For Yourself“ program. w hiLh
began in 1990. is one way the
department helps eliminate
the negative images prosper
tive students might have. Bur—
nam said. Recruiters also hold
a six-week summer program
for incoming black students to
get a jump 1m the college
environment before they're
actually in it.

“It works as a very good





forums to
take aim
at apathy

By Jed Leano


Vlihe Student (1(1\L'Tltllleltl \ss1 1L'IdlIUI] passed a
bill last night requiring student senators to hold
one forum per semester to address student con—

I'ireshnian senator .ind bill L'o-sponsoi‘ Keisha
(Iarter led the charge 111 thL fiery debate. w hiLh
brotiUht tip many qtiLstions as to the Ltirrent and
ftiturL roles of S( \ 111 student .10 Hrs.

“ l he hill is absolutely necessary because we are
facing .i serious problem with our constituents."
(iartet' said. "'IVliey doth know what S(1V.-\ is. let
alone w hat S( i.-\ does. This bill allows tis to con~
”((1 with students. 'V

I)Cl).IlL over the bill hL'ighte'nLd only as its
opposition iaised the question of what S(1V .\ L an
and cannot do. Sen. StaLy ML(.arthy from the
(Iollege of .\rts and Sciences opposed the bill
because she said she thought it tried to do too
itttich in too little time.

“This bill 1111th work because it tries to address
students. btit it only ends tip being an overkill."
.\lc(..1rthy said. “If all the senators do one forum
per semester. this is going to ttirn 11111 to be about
10 forums in .1 span ofonly three months. People
are going to think. “I‘his is ridiculotisl I don‘t it ant
to go to thislm

.\mid the chaos. some senators found themselves
changing their views and ultimately supporting the
bill. It eventually passed 31—4. I lL'ndriL‘k l'iloyd, I.L'x—
ington Community College senator, was one oftheiii

“\\Ve sit on our asses 111 111‘ little drunken
stupors." l"loy1l said. “\\ e come into these Sen—
.itL' meetings and try to get out as sooit as possi-
ble. S(i'\ means nothing to students. and we
wonder w hyl

“If we do this. we can start representing otir
constituents and actually do our rob." he said. “I
mean. I look at what goes 1111 in here. and I realiIe
that this bill absolutely has to be p. 1sse.d "

Bill co— sponsor and (.ollege of SoLial \\Vork
Sen. (icorge Myers said the hill pttts attention 1111
S(£ .\ at a time when students are unaware 11f
what‘s going on.

"Me cath sit here and call it only .1 matter of

student apathy," Myers said. “\\Vhat about our-
selves? \\Vhat have we done to ntake sure that stu»
dents are not left in the dark?"

Meanwhile .loe Schtiler. executive director of

\cademic .\ffairs. asked sLn. itors about their ability
to aLLept LhangL. \\ hile it is l1111'.tit il to aLLLpt the
status quo. he said thL bill is not the kind of drastiL
Lh. ange some people think it is.

“This has the potential to make a great impact
on sttident government and the amount of em.
dents we're able to reach." Schtiler .said. “I spoke

to .1 lot of students about this measure and a lot of

them are glad that S(i.'\ is making the effort to
address student concerns."

I‘ilt'L‘IlttttS for new S(i \ officers start in about
one month.



team But! resolution
stops student protest

.'\ protest of IVS. involveiitent in the Middle
I".ast scheduled for i p.111. at the Free Speech \rea
ofthe Sttident (Ienter has been canceled

Declining interest in the protest because ofthis
week's diplomatic resolution between the L'nited
\Vations and Iraq led to the cancellation.

The group who organiIed the protest last week
said in a fly L‘r they were protesting the sanctions
against Iraq that are harming innoLent people and
possible bombings without an .IC\I1IL‘ able mission.


I'll! I.“ W081“ TOP ml. WIT.
..\I\I IBIV. (Ialif. Tommy IL'L'w was in jail

\esterday for investigation 11f spousal abuse and
Vwife Pamela Anderson I (‘8 obtained an emergen-
Ly order a rainst him.

I ee 1 al ed 91 I from their home Iticsday night
to report that the \Iotley ( rue drummer had
attacked her. sheriffs Deputy .\ngie I’rewett said.
I ee had a bloody broken nail but declined treat-
ment the deputy said.

I cc. IN, was booked and held in lieu of SI mil-
lion bail which is who the nonnal amount because
he's on probation for attackin apher last
year. His arraignment was Iik cf'a “11?me

Compiled [111m .rmff u'n'r 111111111.







2 Tburrdqy, February 36, 19W, Konrad-t Kirm'l




Ncwsrotitu. 257.1915


instill kcriicl‘rdpiip.tll;y.t:du

8 off in ”it.

, i i
Editor In Chief . . . .. ..... . .................................. l conifer Smith
Managing Editor ............................................. Chris Campbell
Associate Editor ................................................ Dan O’Neill
News Editor .................................................. Mat llerron
Campus Editor ............................................. Aa ron Sanderfotd
AssistanthsEditor Jessitabov
\ Editorial Editor ................................................. Todd Hash
\ SportsEditors.......................................Jaj'(i.Tate,RohHerbst
Assistant Sports Editor ......................................... Matthew May
Entertainment Editor .......................................... 0.]. Stapleton
Assistant Entertainment Editor .................................... Luke Saladin
KEG Editor ................................................... Mary Dees
Online Editor ........................................... Andreas (lustafsson
PhotoEditors .......,...............................MattBartonJaniesCrisp
Graphics Ediwr ............................................. Chris Rosenthal
Senior Staff Writer ................................................ J ill Erwin
Design ........ Jen Smith, Ashlee Harris, Sheri Phalsaphie, Gina Stiekler, Chris Rosenthal
The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky
Founded in 189s1 .................................... Independent since I971
026 Gtehan journalism Bldg, University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 405060042
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HOIIIIIIEI politicians accountable

By Jenniler White

(.‘omrilmring IVrr'm‘

I Iavc you ever wanted to wade
through the muddy water of poli—
tics to find the truth?

Do you want to help make
politicians accountable: for their

Would you like a $I,000
stipend to spend 10 weeks in the
beautiful Pacific Northwest?

Ifyou answered “yes” to any of
these: questions, then Project Vote
Smart wants you.

UK students are now eligible
for scholarships to work as intcrns
for 10 weeks with Project Vote
Smart, the major program ofThc
Center for National Indepen-
dencc in Politics.

Project Vote Smart was found—
cd by former scnators Barry Cold-
water, Gcor rc McGovern, Bill
Bradley, Mar ' Hatfield and other
national leadcrs such as Geraldine
Ferraro and Newt Gingrich.

It is a national non-partisan
organization that focuses on arm-
in citizens with the most power—
fuT tool in a democracy: factual,
relevant, unbiased information
about the political system, candi—
dates and elected officials.

Adelaide: Elm, a historian for
the organization, said students

gain more than a résumé booster.

“Students not only get to visit a
beautiful part of the country, but
they gain skills in retrieving this
type of information while per-
forming a great service to our
nation," she said.

College students and volun—
teers make up 90 percent of the
Project Vote: Smart team. Staff
and volunteers provide access to
campaign finance data, voting
records, performance evaluations
by competing spccial interest
grou 5, campaign issue positions
and iographical information on
members of Congress and candi‘
dates for federal, gubernatorial,
and state legislative office.

UK agricultural economics and
natural resources conservation
management senior jacqualinc
Perkins interned for 10 weeks in
Corvallis, Ore, during the surn-
mcr of 1997. She worked in thc
membership department, proccss-
ing membership rcqucsts.
fundraising letters and performing
some light bookkccping work.

“It was a rcally good cxpcricncc
to work in a professional atmo-
sphere, and there was important
work to be done," She said. “I also
learned how to handle the stress
ofa full—time job."

Students can expect to work 40

hours per week, even in off—elec-
tion years. Students and staff help
citizens monitor and supervise
their representatives and compare
campaign promises with actual
voting records.
“Students will
havc some basic
grassroots work
to do, but they
will also work as
managers on pro-
jccts within the

organieation," have some basic
Itlm 581d. gTflSSrootf work
Any student

may apply for the
internship as long
as the following
requirements are



Students will

to do, but they
will also work
as managers on
projens within

the organiza-

with three references. Any student
wanting scholarship assistance
should fill out a scholarship

request form.
The Hearst Foundation offers
$1 ,000 to each student who quali-
fies, to be given in incre—

mcnts throughout the:

Housing and trans—
portation will be the

responsibility of the stu—
dent, but don‘t worry, Pro-
ject Vote Smart will help
on where to live and how
to get where you need to
The internship lasts for
10 wccks and is based in
Corvallis. A program also
exists in Boston, Mass.,

tion.” though more: internship
date must havc positions arc available at
the ability to sct V the Corvallis sitc.
asidc personal AUBIBIUB Elm Any major may apply,
and political [II-\Tlli'l-llllrflfl‘ l’roin'r but studcnts with majors in
bclicfs, the ability V01? 57mm communications, journal—
to be objective ism and political sciencc

and non—partisan

V'l‘hcy must be cnrollcd at an
institute of higher learning or
rcccntly rraduatcd

VAntf they must be in good
standing with thc university

Students should complctc an
application form and a résumé

arc encouraged to apply.

Additional information and
application forms for Project Votc
Smart may be obtained by calling
the Voter’s Research Hotlinc at
(800) 622—SMAR'I‘ or visit the
Vote Smart Web site (wwwvotc—











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Science fields loo/e
to play bigger role

By Brandy Carter


Informing students about the many carccr
opportunities available to them with a bachc-
lor of scicncc dcgrcc is the goal of the Col—
lcgc of Arts and Scicnccs‘ career fair on
March 5.

The fair will focus on physics, astrono—
my, chemistry, biology and geology

It will fcaturc representatives from profes—
sional schools, graduate programs, rovcrn-
rncnt agencies such as thc FBI and the U.S.
Marshal's Office, along with representatives
frotn IS companics.

Somc ofthc companies attending the carccr
fair arc Acrotcch, Columbia Natural Gas,
\Vycth-Aycrst, Southwest Research Institute,
the Natural Resources and Environmental

Protection Agency and the Kentucky Geologi—
cal Survey.

“I‘Lach collcgc is showing renewed interest
and impetus in promoting career fairs on
campus,” said Sharon Childs, assistant dircc-
tor of the Career Ccntcr. “Thc fairs are a
good way for students to see how their major
can be targeted to more than one: ficltl and
how many fields overlap."

The physics department hopcs the fair will
open students’ cycs about the many carccr
options availablc with just an undergraduate

“Most ofour students want to go on gradu—
atc school but you can get work with a bachc~
lor's degree," said john Christopher, dircctor
of undergraduatc studies for thc physics

The College of Arts and Sciences hopcs its
increased involvcmcnt with the Career Cen-
ter will hclp students explore all their

“This is a good year for studcnts getting
jobs, employment is up," said Chuck Stabcn,
director of undergraduate studies for the bio—
logical scicnccs department. “Students are

unawarc of their options, with their degrees
you can do tnorc than go to medical school
with a biology degree."

In addition to the career fair, the biological
scicnccs department has many other programs
to hpr students explore: thc career paths avail—
able with their degrees.

“\A’c offer a Biology IOI course on biology
carccrs as well as incrcascd undcrgraduatc
research programs, internship opportunities
and an active web site." Stabcn said.

Incrcascd interest in the environment has
led to more job openings in the sciences.

“Companies arc looking for students who
can help with environmental projects that
have an understanding of how contaminants
movc through the soil,” said David Mouchcr,
associate professor in geological science.
“The geology program provides a good back-
ground for studcnts teaching thcm ncccssary
courses such as chemistry, soil scicncc and

The career fair will be held next Thurs-
day on the second floor of the Morgan Bio—
logical Scicnccs Building from 2:30 pm. to
4:30 pm.


Internet becoming plagiarism haven

By Lynne Mcneill
Daily Californian

BI‘ZRKI‘ZLI‘ZY, Calif. —~ Along
the way to the Evil House of
Cheat, students often lose their
tnoncy and occasionally any
chance of a )assing grade.

This W'cl) site and several hun-
dreds like it are a part of the ever—
growin industry of plagiarism on



are still seduced by purveyors of
pin 'arizcd works.
fill one recent case, two students
in an introducto
class last year un
in identical papers pcddled onlinc.
The )rofessor, Chris Morray—jones,
ht the similarity in the papers
and re rimanded the students. Both
a mark on their student
records that will last five years.

religious studies
owingly turned

A quick search on


Jr., a history professor.

Most cheat sites are hidden
from mainstream search engines,
but all it takes is one site with a
good list of links to open the door
to thousands of pre-written essays
ready for downloading.

the keyword “cheat” leads to one


quality paper. liven an idea on what
to write about can be helpful."

The site is unique in its opinion
on plagiarism. Students looking
for no warnings, no moral dis-
claimers and just some cheating
have to check out
wwwchcathousccom, better
known as the livil House ofChcat.
Here, the Web site boasts a cata-
log of more than 8,000 essays cov-

Yahool for


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War Irma a: .,,

the ch. A technological step up
from fraternity house essay files, the
Internet is a developin resource for
high school and colEge students
who wish to download other 0—
plc's work ranging from comp eted
term papers on photosynthesis to
essays on Shakespeare.

At UC Bcrkele , consequences
for plagiarism incft’ide an F on the
assignment, an Fin the class and a
record of the offense on tran-
scripts available to other schools
and employers. But even with
these harsh punishments, students

Having such an incident occur
right here at UC Berkeley has
helped to solidify some students'
determination not to cheat.

“Other professors will be on
the lookout,” says one junior who
asked to remain anonymous.
“Anyone who cheats after that
(incident) is asking to get caught.”

Indeed, professors have been
on the lookout for plagiarized
papers for quite a while.

“We have little tricks to figure
out if students wrote the apcr
themselves,” says Thomas Brady

m». .t‘n"iLkgéfi,laifijvigfigW%fl¢ggf.31; [7,." . ». : ., ~ ,1 g. .

apers.html, which advertises free
essays for hi h school and college
students. T e site comes with
details of possible consequences of
plagiarism and devotes an entire
section to the site creator’s opin-
ion on usin pro-written essays.

“I feel t at writing essays and
term papers is a very good way to
improve your mind," a statement on
the Web site says. “However, there
is nothing wron with gettin ideas
from other peopTe‘s work. Different
perspectives on the same topic is
wonderful if you want to write a

ering 40 categories of topics.
Students can choose from two
systems to access essays from the
Evil House of Cheat. Regular
users have access to 1,600 essays
either by submitting one essa to
the collection or putting a lin to
the site on their homepage.
“College is taking responsibility
for my own actions," says so ho-
more Mandy Kahn. “If I deci c to
veg out rather than work on a paper,
turning in an imperfect paper
becomes a conscious choice. In col-
lege, I've learned a 8+ won‘t kill me."













A» t. t. N / mi I! m slat. I i'l'rniu‘i Sin/WIN 3




Road warriors kick Tiger tail

Slyeppardir 25
lead UK to 39th

conference title

By Jay G. Tate

Spurn l'Iz/IIHI'

ALIBL'RN, Ala. w A casual glance at LIK's
halftime statistics of last night's game at
Auburn might have set off alartiis.

Cetiter Nair Alohaniiiied _.,_ L'K‘s leading
scorer ~~~ was without a field goal, without a
point and without a rebound.

But Auburn's defensive efforts in the post
paid few dividends as the Cats (25-4, li-Z
Southeastern Conference) looked everywhere
but the paint for an efficient 81-58 wiii over
Auburn last night w a victory which clinched
L3K’s 39th SI‘IC regular—season title.

“\Ve're all excited about winning an SI‘IC
Championship because it was one of otir
goals coming into this season." L'K forward
Scott Padgett said. “But we can't be satisfied
with just that. \Ve have to take two more
steps (next week's SI‘IC ’IIourn-aiiient attd the
NCAA 'IIournainent) in accomplishing all
out goals. "

I wo quick fouls in the game s opening
minutes relegated .\Iohainiiied to the L K
bench for much ofthe first half. He managed
just three points for the night. 'IIhough
\Iohainiiied s reliable presence inside has
paced the( Zats offense for much of the season,
Big Blue was nonetheless without worry.

\n early I] 3 UK run sparked by three
consecutive Padgett field goals fueled the( ats
to a 21—] I lead midway through the first half.
Minutes later. Big Blue scored on eight-of—ll)
possessions late to extend its lead to as tiiuch
as 18 poitits.

As LIK continued to surge offensively. the
Tigers were devoid of response.

\uburn hit only eight field goals and scored
just 36 points thriiugh the first 20 minutes.

“It was just no contest — you ve got to hit
shots to heat Kentucky". Auburn head coach
Cliff I‘Illis said. “\Ve never could answer theii
runs. \Ve never could get a run going. It
seemed like every time we touched the hall
early on we ttirned it over. I”

And over And over I he I igcrs notched six
turnovers in the game s first six minutes.

But the story was much different for the
Cats through the first half.

Scott Padgett was 6—of—6 from the field._leff

Sheppard was S—ofJ) for 12 points. Center

.I'Jttl‘d‘al Magloire notched six rebounds and

four points in Mohammed's absence. I‘Iach LIK
starter tallied an assist and the Cats balanced
their 1 I assists with just six turnovers.

Life in the Big Blue camp after the first lialf

was good — LIK was up 42- 26.

“Our guys really rose up to challenge every
pass and men shot and did a good job," L K
he ad coach I iibliy Smith said.

L K s defensive arousal continued itito the
second half as the Cats allowed Auburn to
shoot only 38 percent from the field. Constant
L'K pressure provided Big Blue a host of fast—
break opportunities throughout the second



half and turned a bad Auburn loss iitto a colos—
sal disaster.

\\ e re playing our best when we get
offtiise off of our defense," said Sheppard who
finished with a career—highl 5 points. “\\ e got
some easy ste ils atid got some breaks and some
e isy dunks

I ast night‘s game was a cruel reversal for
the Tigers. who whipped arch—rival Alabama
by i—I points here last month. 'IIliou rh LIKIs
witi last night was of a lesser iitiigititiitle on the
scoreboard. this was Auburn's’ Senior Day.

And it was easily the 'lIigers' worst home
loss of the season.

“\\Ie were out—iiianned tonight," senior for-
ward I‘Iranklin “The Governor" \Villiains after
his final home game. "It seemed like we were
playing against It)” players."

“'IlIhci're No. 8 for a reason II IIllis said.

“\\ hen ihe _\ come at you their arms are four
or IIH.‘ inches longer. \ on go to get a rebound
and the\ just get it out from over you. They ve
won .ill of tlteii SI.( road games this season
with only one to go and that's a very strong


Center ‘711/"1/1],
.Ilug‘lmn' (lefi).
:z'lw returned to
[HIV .vmrn-r put/firm
[rm night. Iluti'ltn/
four points um/ .\'II.\‘
I't'l’Ullllt/X. Senior
(lie/uh") 11w

IU-II’I- I ‘lfl'mll Il’t'
fie/(l III/(l tram!
.‘i pain/x (iz‘er f/Ji’
'IIIIgm m1 their
Senior ])tl_)’. 'IIIH‘
K‘III iI/xu gilt't'
i‘mlt'l’ I Illl’l’A’
.SIIIIIII’ li/Ixfiitvt

_‘ i—Iz‘in season.

Ki r‘r/i/ iIJH




Illt's Kraus SIIIIIS
rare hole-in—one

to see it go in."

museum loads All-8E6 team

nessee forward Chainique IIold—


Joining them on the first team
were Dominique Canty oIIAlab-a—
ma, Katrina llibbert of LSLI,
Na‘Sheeni-a IIilliiion of Vander—
bilt. .\Iurriel Page of Florida,

'IIenn. w 'lIen-



UK golfer Heather Kraus sank
the first hole—in-one of her life
yesterday during qualifying for
next week’s tournament at I~Iripp
Island, SC.

Kraus made the hole—in-one at

Lexington‘s Spring Valley (iolf


“I wish it were in a major tour—
nament. of course." Kraus said,
“but it was my first one. so I'll take

Kraus, a senior froin Louisville.
sank the PIS—yard shot with a six
iron on the par three No. 4.

“I hit it and Coach (Bettie Lou
I‘Ivans) goes "That looks good.N
Kraus said. “It’s the coolest thing

sclaw heads tip the .-\Il—.Sout|teast-
ern Conference Team as voted by
league coaches.

Coach Pat Summitt. iii a drive
for her third consecutive national
title and s