xt7p5h7bw048 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p5h7bw048/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-01-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 01, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 01, 1985 1985 1985-01-01 2020 true xt7p5h7bw048 section xt7p5h7bw048 _—_______—______.____________*___—__________________

MW; “4&in .I-ai-aj'w “case‘fiWW . UMdWy. Lexington, Kentucky We since "7) Friday. February 1. 1985 .
Off'c'al allocate $400 000 fOl‘ camp f t '
By ANDREW DAVIS Barbella said the figures were 3- . . ‘ ' groups were started in response to During the second year ot the pro- . r
Senior Staff Writer based on “what can reasonably be “.33 M '“"'W the murder of graduate student Lin- gram. extra security hardware. . ' .

done. This is what the chancellor ' “”3” 7’""T““‘*”"*‘“ ' ‘ " ’ - jung Chen in the Chemistry-PhySics such as extra locks and Vlifldlm , . . ’

UK officials have allocated more could freeUP." sz*—mu WW“““*‘4~ building last year on June!) grates. will be installed lll .\lc\‘c_\. ..

. than $400000 for safety and security - M ”WWWWW-m-w"mm Barbella said the money for this Frazee and Kastle halls and the ‘ , .'
. ' . Almost all the money this year “www.mmmmmmm.mmm . .. . .. , . . . . r .
I expenditures over the next three fis- 'll be t . o 'n lighti . _. . 3 .. . year is etched in stone and con- Journalism Building. among t:lht'l\ , . . 3
‘ cal years, according to Budget Di- WI d 53:" on imp;hv1 g "kg mum .» 9"“ W'M""“‘”'W""“’“"W‘WM struction will,pegin once the weath- The L'niverSity also plans to spend 7 . r. . ‘ .
rector Dick Barbella. aroun t campus. d eIrEar :23 m~m 3 W"’“‘“”’““"‘""“”"""'"'W‘“MM er gets warmer He said construc- $10.000tomstallelevatortelephones .' -' . _’- -.

About :lm'm 0f the money Will "18 lot near Taygfl' an PK: 63/ d ”15' mu I 3 ”wWuw....mn.......m.....m...u...umm tion should be completed b) the . z _ I l, 3

be spent this year to install lighting sorority c": et,heooRpers fd‘zngqldi e mbwm‘hu mm‘"""“*"“"‘“"“""“"'"“‘~“"". beginning of the fallsemester. The money. at least tor this year. ' . 3
I and gatfi around camme area aroun eynied fl" "8‘ 1’“ mm-romMWWm-Muuuuu-."..-u...."..u..-.u.............u.‘.g~ nghtlng lS one of the "1051 ”n. “'1“ come [run] if lund ”(.1 iihlflt.‘ 11W . 3- .

Projected expenditures for the ‘3" have been earmar or new portant things we can do.” Freuden- repairs. said Gene Williams. assis- ' _ . 'I
1985* fiscal year include $155,269 ights. nior vice president, to discuss the tee are working on ways to combine berg said. “You can't have a per tanl \‘Ice chancellor for l)LL\lllt'.\\ lle . .. - ' . '
worth of safety improvements. And Barbella is currently chairman of issue. the two groups findings. llcemanm every building." said the recommendations lrom the ‘ ' 3. . . » . ,3
for 1986-87, the University plans to the faculty committee on campus Cain said the difference between Cain said the reason some campus two reports \wrv ng'l‘i top prltli‘il} . = ‘ - i '.
spend $151,331, for a three—year total safety, which recently issued a re- Cain is the chairman of the Spe- his group and Barbella's was that it areas received priority over others over smaller projects lor which mi- 3 . j . .
of $406,600. The money was allocated port on campus safety. He met last cial Task Force on Campus Safety. took a different focus on the issue. was because they were “main traf— money was pl‘t‘HOHSl) llllt‘lillt'tl 'l'he ' . '-
in mid-January by President Otis A. week with Tim Freudenberg, presi- which has also released a report on “Their committee looked more to— lie areas for students." and they l'niyersity has not yet decided ' ' ' 3
Singletary and Art Gallaher, chan- dent of the Student Government As- campus security and safety. The ward specific problems. Ours was a thought students traveling around it here it will get the money tor the . ." , . '

cellorforthelexingtoncampus. sociation, and John Cain, SGA se- task force and the faculty commit- consensus (of opinioni." Both these areas were at greater risk nexttui.vt-tirs.hesaid . - .
ResearCh ' SAB search group ' '- 1
, 5-8.3 1 . . . .
looks into it ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ' " "
as propose oca ion or -

immunit " ' a~ . . . . f .

y t * bl k It 1' nt

Grant funds study 5.33., ,3 3 ac Cl] 11 e CB er - . . .
ofbram, health ,3 ,3 . ,3 3 3 x ‘ Center would provzde recruiting tool . -
By MELISSA BELL 3 3 -3_ 3% i M ‘4 .4} 3 .3 3' I33. ‘ _ _ ’ ’ _ '
Slammer a r33, .3: ij-ta to boost black enrollment, offzczals say . . .

Two UK professors are planning i. x V i - 3 .V‘\ 3‘ l i g! '7' I . i 3
10 study whether the brain can help 3 ,3 i f 3’ '3. ’ 'r “l! . 8,. [)ARREI.I.(‘l.I—I.\l place that would enhtiiict- the mince . 3 ‘ '
keepyou healthy. 13;, , "‘ Nets. : 2,3 «I ° 0 Senior Stafthriter of this wholeinstitution " r ’

Dr. Thomas Roszman. a microbio- it , r' r333 , *3 3 . i. "Let me say thanks tor the atti-ii .
[Ong‘ in the College Of Medicine, r . ' Jami?” “”331; -.a~.3 : 3,, ' The creation of a cultural center tion and the professional way we are '
and Donald McCoy, a PrOfessor 0f 1 .W‘W . TA" 3”, .33 {Or blacks on campus came a little going about this.“ Parker [old Ml“- ~ '
psychology. recently received a . 2 a3 3« ‘ ‘ -.- (I ' ' closer to reality yesterday. as top of» tian and Louis Straub. SAB presir '
grant from the National Institution I i i Vi . . 3’ ficers of the ’Student Activities dent. "Your interest in liiiding ii ‘
Of Health to study the relationship ' -., i a ‘1 1 ~ Board and members of the center's space for us , lappreciatethat . .
between the brain and the immune {’33 -. ‘ x. I a“ , . steering committee agreed on a ten Mustian said SAB received an Ill't'll ‘ _
system. which fights infection and . x 9.39 _ ' n tative location propOsal for the center in [recent .
disease in the body- "fa... V 1.3,» x. .The official location has not been her. and a written prepoml Mr pro

The $113,060 grant will fund three 1 . -: i3 as“ announced. pending a vote from the pared by the steering committee at .
years 0‘ research into the I" do i a3 “51 entire board. However. both groups the hegmnmgotthlb Semester
relationship between behavioral COh' i «7. mani- 3”,.39... i. ‘ 4i 33,3263 seemed optimistic after yesterdays Mustian and Straub azilxl lhi'i
ditioning and the processes of the ; i’. . 3,3 g . it; meeting. were originally skeptical about tho-
immune system. i .3 ’ ' 3.. . 3 3 "I'm very pleased with the spirit idea of a black cultural center. H‘til’ .

The research began With a ““5 J . ”5,3; y LIZ-A- 933,; trig? " of cooperation." said Chester (irun- ing that critics would view it as .w - .
of ongoing experiments at the Uni- . - 3 ., Q33 x437. 'I ‘r..,,33.'73. W 3Wx, ' dv. director of minority student 31- act of segregation But both tic .
versity 0‘ Rochester in New York. . . ‘ 2’; .2 1’" h a 3. a fairs. “I'm quite pleased with where knowledged yesterday that the\ are '
Few people in this country are work- " 2:: a3 Q” it «5-.“33 » ‘2 " we are at this point " now convinced the center could be
ing on it; Roszman and McCoy . 3, ’=‘3 ' “ Mfg-3.33% ‘ Scott Mustian. SAB VlCC~pr€Sld9nt. used as a valuable recruiting tool .
began experimenting in December. r”: «Y *’ a, said the proposed area is one in the for attracting black students to 1K ‘

The immune system is classically (til; i r ‘ .. - i is 1"“ I,“ Student Center “that‘s used relative- Straub said the center would send
believed to work independently 0‘ ,.' “’7" ‘ i “We? rm“ .2: iv little." SAB members wtll proba- a message to black \‘lil(l(‘li[.\ that 3 .
the brain. But evidence suggests ' 3 73. 3 3 3 . . i " *1 ’ ‘ M3. ‘ blv vote on the proposal by early “there‘s a place for you" at {K lie 3 . . '
there is communication between the - h: .3» ., . a {M ,3 n.1,; ‘ march. said L'K had gained at. image (it .
brain and the immune system, anda ii; iii . , i -- '33s: <~—» ’1 w i ' William Parker. vice chancellor beinga"Whilt‘uanl‘F‘lli‘ ’ 3 '
person's mental state can affect his .3 i'. h ‘- . {to at”; w 1“» ; for minority affairs. said the cultu- “But we hope the ct't‘ilt't will . ' -

0" her physical well-being. MCCOY r L51; ' ' “ ' ' ”fuxfih ‘ ral center would serve as a “kind of \ ( 3 \ I 3 R J 3 ' '
Said. ' ‘5 I ‘3 1/: 1” .3 :II ’33.; Vic ’ fir“; . I - . .
“When you take an exam. you get 3:133 3.x:- . M,» . . . i “ finana 3 . . .

stressed." Roszman said. “Some 1 W... 2.4 . . . g3 . 2 a. "no. Ila-r my” ' ‘ :A I I l S l f ' .
people get very upset. What's been i; . 333 . ‘n‘ .. "~ 313M333 M j p ans Drums ’ 3
found by people who study this is 3'3 7 ’37} 3 ”3“ E , '8" . .. 1 . . ' . ‘ 3 3
that the immune system decreases." 3,75 f. ' , $ 3'_ ‘ '5 - ‘ h ' ’ ~-

Adecrease in the immune system f i "1%“ .. ' ‘ -. "h . e cc 8 new ea erS 1p ' , .' . . _ .
causes films. This is commonly ~33. "fi" st tag} . Kg: 3 l , 3' - _
seen when someone experiences a Iris; 3.! , ', .. ‘ . 3' “f. _ ; , .' 3 .
strong depression or emotional situ— fl; .3133 . ‘ ‘ “a 3"“; 3..‘ ~, ° L BySACiiAi)E\'Rt)ti\ii-:.\ tine member also stud he \\liUltl . 3 ' . ’
ation, such as the death of a close , E I "53*? r . ’ ’ ’ , 7. W“ 1:. r ’ - Senior Staff Writer like to have a discussion on the wit ‘ r . - - '-
relative.Roszmansaid. 1;. {l y f V 31“,} . ' i , " " .3 . 1 gious aspects of homosexuality llc ‘ ’ ' 3

On the other hand. people who are 33’ .3 it; ‘ . '3 ' ’ 33 3. The new president of the Gay and said he would like to invite students . ' .
ill and have a positive attitude will 3’ 23.“ .3 a ’ » ‘ Lesbian Union of Students plans to from campus conservative groups to : ’ .
do better with illnesses. McCoy said x1333 ’} t; . 3 ' E3333 ‘3 ' , hold forums to discuss the problems discusstheir views on the issue . 3
- they “V9 longer and respond bet- $5 - '. i: a $3 3; ’ if; ' ‘ ‘ i of gay people‘s experiences this 58- ”We are Willing to listen to ihrm. ‘ . ' ' .‘
ter to treatment. 3:3,} E 5 ’ 33 s t. as» l mester. he said. ”id like to hear their ratio- . '

“Physicians many times say ‘A at“; 3'3 i 9 " s". = i. . a“ “We need to unite among our- nale. To learn what people are feclx 3 ' N . ‘
well patient does well.‘ " Roszman .. 3:4 :’ "93“; ‘ . “Z {akfl w 3 \4 . selves." said the president. who ing who are not gay ” '3 3 I
said. “They're talking about 30099“ 5 p .. I’ » & 1-3..“ i 1 asked not to be identified. “We need The positions of Vice president and ' . - ' .
ing his disease and saying ‘l‘m ”"133 . 3 ' , 3 . . -33.: _3 3.33 . “ .. » ",= .3 . ’ 1 to get to know one another better to secretary/treasurer were also tilled 3
80mg ‘0 fight this and I‘m 80ln8 ‘0 .3 3» g; ' "’" .. t N' $2: 3m~“§.2:2‘"§ ' a - 33.33....” 1 work foracommon cause.” The position of secretary and trea ' . 3' 3
dowell.‘ " t x ‘3‘", i;- . . . “" “a - r». ,3 ' x3 1 Topics the group is planning to surer was combined into one be »

These examples suggest that the 33335 t . r. -- 3 ‘ . £2. " :3. an s " l discuss include discrimination. cause of little interest in the oftit-es . ‘
brain is controlling the immune sys~ E i _ .3; ' . I 3: 33,: 33 5. ‘35s :3- ”7...”? N“ l alienation. coming out and sexually- Those elected to the oftices asked ~
tem, McCoy said. “That's of interest . ' M i " -_. ' ’ w ""W mtksMirmnritmxisun transmitted diseases. said the presi- that their names not beused '
to us because we have a way to con- Rlvetlng work dent. who was elected last night The group also diseusst‘d updating . '
trol the brain. classical condition- . . ”Th' 'eno m ”le ‘uss " its constitul.ti 'ntl s-i . i‘m'llllll . '
ing.“ Matt Read, who works for White and Congleton Co., prepares to install a studIyesIterday at down- Thggsgiioup risaplaniiing to have tee to look '3'”; It ‘ Tu”: 'mmnbw‘ _ -

SecHEALTH.pcge4 town‘s Victorian Square. Workers are trying to complete the renovation project in time for March’s meetings every week and to have would like m adopt a {mm “mm” 3 3 .
NCAA Final Four tournament. discussions every, other week 3m. ('3. l N. nacv J 3 ‘
w w «a .3. y.» _M{§3:3,I~ . . . o . 3 . 33 '
mm“? Black families must teach Importance of education to youths, professor says 1 and, .
~33 , r .- “$3333..- . 3t . 3
. - who“ . B UNIS. KADABA . . . . . . the strengths of their culture. , . . to . .
”‘3 33 .. {Ea 03,333.33“, wme, “The children don ’t have the discrplme to stt in take a leadership role in a murmur. _3
3». N... .' 3» .- . to» ‘._ .: 3. ”3 . . . I 3 3
“flax“ «333 m mm for black you“ is the classroom, to do the homework. . . . You 3311328338“ multirac'al wmmumti a i .
. : is ._ . . - . . . ; _ ~ .
-.'-' ‘- ~ . ‘ “ear M bleak unless their rammed instill the can’t get admrsswn to Stanford, Yale, Harvard 33h wiiiI chIiIntiEue to Idiscuasnth: 13 3333 ,3.-.“
_ " m t remso ac erl 1

\i ‘ f i w lam: accotrfid‘i'lngytomtfditiic'iitidi-1 12:: (”Id hang out on the corner. ” 3 Briajority white COmIipieuofiity in a pre 1 r
*W‘.“ -“ " :9. thaniel Pugh. Nathaniel Pugh, sentatioIn to 1au3roetta Byarsdiociolo- / - ‘

. ,3 .3 ., It 3 «III/33a N‘fi‘,‘ .333 P n. Wm will n’Afl‘O-Amel‘i- o a r gymcassa 3: me I‘ues y-1

@ 1133‘ i“ ““ 13$th can History Monthoplet UK, will ad- “mama" leade'sm '0 “so He will suggest a model to help ; 333,3 ...

2W ' ’ “Mama“ «as this me' in he lecture “The a black youth to attend a university “Parents set too busy whine "whack. 59cm] Wk“ cm' s 3.25

3ff' .:' ”3.“. min or the Black Family Beyond like UK,likeSouthernCollege.“ and being successful.“ he said. blacks Within the framework of t 3 .~ «333,3: . ,e

. it“s:‘axir. : 1“" ‘3‘ the Your mo" at It pm. Monday in Pugh, also an industrial psycholo “We forgot we have to remain vigi- French black psychiatrist Frantz . . .a '5! . . .

no Student Center. The national gist, said the black family must lant. We always have to be on guard Fanon‘s and American psychologist 3 . 3%;
theme for Febrmry is "The Afro- teach black youth the importance of forthevaluesofourchildren. Carl IRogers‘ theories. Fanon said ~ '
Ania-lean Family: Historical an education. "The children don't “When America feels we have ar- it’s difficult for blacltsIto recount NATHANIEL pug“

2th awn y, -. WtortheNewCenmry." have the discipline to sit in the rived, that is the very day we lose personal problems to social workers. . I

a. 4 "W '-'=- 43., ‘3: "Our black youth nolonger dream classroom, to do the homework. our nation." he said. “we mist al- Rogers designed a client-centered black faculty. administrators and

“hatt’ratlflwthfl‘g of a my said M, a professor They begin to make excmos. You ways beIprepared to fight for our therapy IwhiIch leads to increased students? uirotigh a network and

$5 Mfwtv‘t“ r‘im‘33; of education leadership and re- can't get admission to Stanford, freedom. ‘ communication. . mentor model. .

ii“? "*3?” "“ ”‘3‘ "' ‘33" at search at Georgia Southern Colleae Yale. Harvard and hang out on the Pugh also will lead it workshop on Pill! also Will speak on ' The Sun Other events for the month mam

fitting?» are“. ”a “N“ and mistanttothepresident. comer." “Enhancing Black Male/Female viva] of Black Faculty and Admims- a one-mm pk." “Dont Start Me to

gag». saws I.* “The mutton-l 'tmk of black m3 who describes hirmelf as a Relatiomhips on a Predominantly traitors at Predominantly White Col- Talking or ill Tell Everything l

.. ._.” 33.. . 3 33 W0 has “WI” he said. discipleofKi'lxflld racial dufim- White Camps" tobe held at 3 pm. leges and Universities at 8 pm. Know: Saying from the Life and

if! ’“""-“"""*" “i x "The (tryout rate is such .. . that ination becomes an easy excl-e to Monday in not Student Center. "The Tuesday in 230 Student Gentle. He Writiml of m Jabbo Jones.

31%: ._ ~aeiirs¥w :" w. m tout-e um. prob. mt an ganglion and some issue in the workshop is to try to get will amwer tliquuestIm. "How do when will be mted It 83 9m-

toms. It’s very dfflcult to convince “pimpimontheltreet, welfare black snidenta on camp. to develop we nth-act. maintain and develop SeeHISTOIYJnaed
' 4 t. 5 '

 2-xmrxmmwt. 11‘
WW wow-h-
w-W mum
WC.- “A.“
M06000! “WW
Very few females come to love ‘ Star Trek ’ but this one has
Ilove Star Trek. —_—— and screaming by three men and a _—"'—' ' ""— '
' Right there, I‘ve lost half of my woman to the TV to watch the first - - - -
readers — the female half, to be CM episode of Star Trek that I would sometime‘g‘force IS necessafy {0 Impose agood thing-
specifier CO watch 101's “5°!“th- I was physzcally dragged kicking and screaming by three men and a
I only know one woman who loves LUMNIST With all your integrity you'll be .
Star Trek as much or more than I left alive, to love another woman in woman to the TV to watch the first episode of Star Trek that I would
do, but I know numerous men who _ a beehive . . . Spock is more human watch to its resolution
are ardent "Trekkies." than you. . _ ° , . u
, And the woman I know who loves All aspects of your life, Kakie'? This diverse group consisted of a . . . a diversmnary obsessmn was born. It was the classw Trouble
Star Trek more than me is in Italy Like how does Trek apply to your mechanical engineer, an accoun- - - u - ~ -
a, this mung so maybe I." have lovejife? Lam/radio announcer, a ““6,wa With Tribbles episode that did it to me.
Leonard Nimoy to myself when he Go ahead. call them up in Califor- Lord Byron of a philosophy/English _
delivers his lecture. "Confessions of nia, ask if a copyright exists for a major. and a classics/psychology Spock’s Vulcan logic makes entirely A diversionary obsussion “as I love Star 'h'ek so much that last
A Trek Lover,“ March 13 at the UK song called “Spock is More Human major. too many presuppositions or some born. It was the classic “Trouble Friday Igot out of a sickbed and sat
Center For The Arts. Than You." Their reasons for me to acquire a such, and therefore is not valid with 'I‘ribbles” episode that did it to next to a man noisily munching pop-
Spock is coming! Nimoy is com- “‘88 love song, andlwroteit. taste for Trek were jmtasdiverse. aCCOFdIllL’ to formal logic. But it was me. corn in the direction of my splitting
mg' Nimoy is coming here.’ He's IioveStarTrek. “Star Trek is concerned with agoodri-hsonatthetime. Oncehooked, even the horrendous headache to watch the “Methisu-
goingtotalkabout“Trek!" And I’m not an engineer, a male, more than just scantily-clad alien "Star'lrekiscomedy" overactiru by Gem the Empath lah" episode which I'd seen six
. , Confessions of this Trek lover in- a math major, a computer wiz or a women and Klingons." ' couldn't daunt my compulsive tun- times.
clude: lused to hate Star Trek. Dungeons and Dragons champion. “Star Trek“ is a microcosmic “Star Trek fills your recommend- ing in. Every night, do you hear me. I love Star Trek so much that I ig-
I had to be led to the Enterprise Those stereotypical perceptions of model of human interaction." eddaily allowanceofplatitudes." starved Bluegrass Trekkies? Every lll'ed some classwork to be the first
like a ninth-grader to algebra. Star Trek lovers are to some extent “Star Trek is often a study of in- “There’s a Christ figure in almost night at 11. to write what is being called “the
Which is exactly my point: like a fe- true, but they give Star Trek a bad ternationalinteraction." every episode." The actress who played Gem was in“ column” armind the Trekkie-
male ninth-grader to algebra. name with humanities types. “Star Trek‘s depiction of hetero- Their most persuasive argument comedic, but the concept of such a infested Kernel newsroom.
' How and why does a woman go Women, who score higher on ver- sexual love interaction is admittedly for watching “Star Trek" was “Ev- creature (an “Empath” for those of I love Star Trek so much that I
‘ from holding the normal female atti- bal aptitude than on math and sci- sexist, but one well-placed “Fa<- eryone who lives here watches Trek. you who don't know, absorbs, and want to share. I hope those of you
. tude toward “Star Trek" — which is ence, are some of the humanities cinating" as delivered by Nimoy‘s You live here now. If you don’t feels the emotions of those around who won’t (or can’t) get tickets to
something along the lines of "Quick, types of which I speak. Although Spock cancels out Kirk‘s sexist atti- watch Trek, you do the dinner dish- her)was “fascinatirg” hear Nimoy speak, will at least tune
. change the channel, I just remem- their math and science scores are tudes, not to mention Uhura's dou- as.” Anti-Trekkies is that a “cold” or in tonight at 11:30 and see what the
- bered a rerun of the Ernest Tubb rising, female Trek lovers are few ble-token function." Vulcan logic, Kakie illogic, valid “boring"or“silly"idea" bigdealisall about.
. Show I wanted to watch!" — to lik- and far between. “Spock is logical, you can learn logic, any logic told me that Kirk, ' Thedishas can wait:
ing the show so much that it is an Sometimes force is necessary to from him." Spock, and the Enterprise were So,howmuchdolloveStarTrek?
integral part of all aspects of her imposeagood thing. I have since learned from a mem- more desirable by far than the car- I love Star Trek so much that if I Staff Writer Kaiu'e Urch is an un-
life‘? I was physically dragged kicking ber of the philosophy faculty that nageleftbyspaghettimessfotfive. hadaTVI’dwatch it. decided freshman.
. . ~ 5;: mum-my : CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
" ausiiowm um sm‘z 50
' ignores earlier pond prob] Minister:is:~ Hommmsnmm
- 2 17—“ M , it
CINE bac : . .
k S da (19 id tree branches trash and mos [:1 "'° “GEES k”. Here 5 Your opportunity IO learn
The first tas on my un y - __‘_’—"’—_ i _ . ‘ nu - _ - - - _
morning agenda is to go through the aunties infested the area, and the @l 0..., EiNG Lust hofnd taboo; the 20”!”le in
liexmgton Herald-Leader. I check Conmng pttiit‘had tobedrained. . ‘ 7 USII’Y rom WOI’ "19 pro BSSIOHO S.
for any recent news. and to see that COLUMNIST 1 '9 same story [5 true for_Clifton
my name is not listed in the obitu~ l’””dv “mm" was filled-in Mt,“ d’” C «a Hyatt/Regency Lexington will
aries or wedding announcements “Ike" from the Memorial COI‘Seum AW :3 mauummswu h T d
One Sunday morning‘ Jan. 27 [0 txr Elle. Why Should mIS City now .Create '. ONELI .m' M Sponsor on Open OUSO 0n U95 a-y,
exact. I ran over an interesting arti- _ the same problemtjlt hastsliminated _ a?“ g ‘ . February 5' from 2;“) to 6;“) p.m. In
cle in the“Context"section. numerous "T1051“ epas - K INEMA . '> the R n Ballroom.
This piece was about the proposed The picture Mr. Webb points is of Inner-City lakes seem to be a con- ; YEAXEIlEOm‘efi'EHJ (fiu‘lfm age Cy
Lake Lexington. and the writer high- canoeing and picnicking with condo- vement place. for muggings, mur— _ . . .
ly praised the idea. I then saw the miniums reflected in the clear, spar- tiers and suicides. How Will the po- ». . A‘truo The _ 3 TI“; wtll allow you on one on one
author‘s name. Donald Webb. the kling lake water. What wekdo n3: see lice b; able to“. Pattxlol’ 8h: 3 j ’ °"V- a question and answer session with
developer who proposed the lake. is trash floating on a mur y su ace, surroun ng area e iCien y. u ; .- ' .
. Lake Lexington is to occupy the while the Lexington police retrieve new Central Park is small enough m . personnel from the followmg areas.
deserted area biehindf Rupp Areli‘i'a. another hodgeyas this one an acci- andh weitlggedbuiniggintgo a??? E THE FALCON & 'GMC‘; Hotel Management
used now for par ing or events. e en orsuic1 . suc pr , ' - : THE IOWMAI . -~ - s
“acre tract is bordered by some If Lexington decides to build such acre lakearea safewon tbeeasy. . j 8 Restaurant Monagemeni
businesses and contains mostly a feature for development advan- Lexington needs to look at this . ”wanna, tuitauianiamo Catering
abandoned railroad tracks. tages found in larger cities, Lexing proposal with a sense of reality. Personnel
. Mr. Webb believes that such an ton will have to face the same prob— There will never be an Emerald '
addition would enhance downtown lems larger cities face. City, though it‘s what the Webb ._ H Passnee SO es
development. In the article, Mr, A pond once existed where the brothers wantustosee. s msunnummum : Acc0unfing
Webb states: "Nobody has said to us Student Center now stands. It was . ; To IND'H ”Menswear ,
that it was a bad idea.“ Well. then. 1 used for canoeing in the summer. Michael Wilhite is a journalism 2 E . All ma'ors are invited to attend
would like tobethe first. and ice-skating in the winter. But sophomore. E l ~
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CHURCH has, Preliminary Opening
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, D R TOR if “*-—-h——" THIS WEEKEND
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. ' ' g , Flndfhom «colt... mu. Study A" D F id 0
‘ - ( . ,, '* 9:4! mm. fly r “Y.
- A i ' w . ,r‘ Chvzzocchrual'o‘pflfl Church
' ., - a . OOHY v.266-2601
. . . \ /,- (ONcooporor.) H H P i
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" ' mm:- F H d' r
. , PRESIYTERIAN Nowmon Confer ree ors oeuv es
, 320R t 255-8566
. , CHAPEL mu mun-Iain: awn-cu Moss rimu‘Z’Eoimoy evening 6 pm
' . _ 353dTotosCrookRood Sunday:Ba.m., lOo.m., ll:l$o.m.. 5p.m.9:30p.m,
t. wxuosoa 606772-2311 haw...
, 9:45o.m.-Sunday5chool ii:ooo.m. .Worship mun-ensue b I
. . Drop—in Nursery Weekdays 9-l2a.m. ,. “lam“;z‘m F°s*'v"ie’ og'nning 6 AM
. ‘ CHRISTIAN Asssmsuss or 000 Sat. Feb, 2
Columbiao'WoothA". 9Zm‘IOINOJ“. SundoySchool
l0:450.m.-Worahip ¢;m.0jw 9:WIl0:wo.m. .............................MorningWorship
“momma. "MW“: 393 Waller/Imperial Plaza
\t Martin Jocobson - Auction Minimr 276-1450 .
g}; EINTIAL CHRISTIAN cum Raccoon-m 2700mm Mill Rood 233 I711
11" s‘"‘°'”“"""' M' °""" °”"" W
.1 . if" Chapel Service 8:45
1 Ii .1, church Sch”. mo unm‘muomg'smmm
. "I e ;:V"‘Mm won“ 11:” 'M 59.25447"
t Z W. I]- Fug!“ NomstWTKClaAM Oiwp.m.Mondulengor-ghtp
“ - " -.-< .szmJMdolegMflbloStudy
¢ I

I — _._l l_ — ' — _
"Au-.- - _.-le .- 3-
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M .
mm“ ‘Basically Bach’
Bach crafted religion and culture mto expresszons of faith ‘ ,
~ ' " ’ ' ‘ " 36 .I 9' teef‘aj‘g’: By ALEX CROUCH mystic Tauler's sermons. the works '6‘ ..
\ L ‘ . 9 5.2 :5:- ':‘ glezf‘flve I I'VE.“ Staff Writer :2 the Lutheran spiritual writsr JIp- g .' II ‘.
,___ .' j 9. cm; a m rman. " nn Arndt. Like Arndt an t e .. . . ,I. . -
gnrsmlamgmf*mmrwfi The Wartburg castle towers over poet~pastor Paulus Gerhardt. Bach ‘ » . . ‘ .5 ..
.. ,. .- - ~ . - . ~~~cr~wmwewwwgyw -- ~ the town of Eisenach. now in the far adhered strictly to orthodox Luther- . *' “ ‘ i ., i ‘ . ~I .
‘ , . . . _' ., V «M. ”Ff" west extremity of East Germany. It anism, in spite of his surroundings ' . . . . ‘ ' . 'i ,

. ' flags _'=, f _ V .. . - played its part in the German flow- He would not permit his children to "wit _ .. ,. . , - '. _
“gmumwugmfimew to”)... ering of the Middle Ages — the site attend Reformed schools. but only ~1 . ‘ ., ' ' '
"Wuflm.99.m.htmm{ ~ ~ or the momentous singerr waged Lutheran. “e ' ‘ « * ' " -, it

' .. ' _. a ‘ . again in Richard Wagner's “Tan- He adorned his scores with Latin 1“ ' I ‘ -I , . I .
, . .. . .. -sc... «xi-gigs?» ~‘»-'~ nhaeuser." phrases such as $0.0. (glory to 13“ ’~ 5"” ‘ p . '. ' "
’ i .' :59 .5533 :' :5 '- ‘ And there the outlawed monk God alone) and J.J. (help me. .r . . l ' 7 . , x .
load" "I. -- 36! w. sum 8!. W, WM“ fn'vnl}: We Martin Luther was brought for safe- Jesus), He said that music should w. , . ’ , , i - ‘. ' , .
m. m M. hum-radii. lath m’i-“a .9 imffi m, G W keeping after the Diet of Worms. He "have no other end and aim than the . ‘ ” I t . ' . . '
M ' . ’- ’ ‘ p ' '1 - , used his free time to translate the glory of God and the recreation of x . . 5 . = - '. j
, _ ‘ - . ‘ x New Testament into German. while the soul; where this is not kept in i ~ f t _ ‘. " .
. . . . _, . _ his colleagues began to push through mind there is no true music but only ’ ” i t I‘ .‘ f »
.;‘ f . _ . . . . a, We?“ areformationatWittenberg. an infernal clamorand ranting.“ -' ‘" ' ’ - .‘;
&. m... 31.5, “WW v w.“ m This was a fertile conjunction, for To his Orgelbuechlein he attached “ .1. ' ' ‘ .,
_- M m m WI'I‘pfifl " WWII“ Luther and the congregation he the motto “To honor alone almighty ' ‘71. _ . ,' - '. . ‘ . .
"‘“W’ifiwmm‘“““"Wi‘V-“T” w a f"' ‘ inspired and German culture found God. thereby to instruct your neigh- ”in. Q“ _ '4‘ . . I . » . _
- I r "I it» I . We £115,435 I " perfect partners in each other. Lu» bor." ‘ ~ I' a J .. ‘ ' » ' '
ihm ~— “W M?!“ WfiIW Io- ‘ theran Orthodoxy never looked fa- If Bach wrote all his music under «a » | ‘ ' . ' I. .
" ”.mmeYMMW ‘ i . R 9“ f ::«;f ‘ vorably on a Platonic Church. exist— the eye of God. his religious . . _: '. ’ '.-'_
. ' . . ‘ , . , 5: 3W sci-xvi II'f‘ k...“ :‘ I . ing only in some ideal. other-worldly thoughts could obviously find fullest ' I - ’ ‘ -
L wtfl—memmmam realm — that way lay Pietism and expression in the choral works he ‘d‘ I I _ I : . .I
”imfibw . ' ,‘ ”17%;;fii’sfe Puritanism. wrote for the church service. For ‘ ' . .t ' , ..
’ ' ’ “' ' ' ‘ ' ‘. ‘ ‘”“';..‘,"T""*'§3i”“’ “ " And so the heirs of the Minnesing- these Bach could draw on the thou- .LLV . w- .3.» ’ . . -' _ t .
. A... , . : . I” 3 ‘I ers could play a part in a distinctive sands of hymns written or adapted ‘ ' . ' . , ’ '
W I” --— W ”on Hatch“. ”it“ WWW:“. Christianity. since the 15205; and eight-volume JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH . . . . ‘I
m.9p.m.htm.flom{ ‘ _ r . it '~ ’ , _. For example the Bach family. a hymnal was alsoamong his books. ‘ ‘ ‘ : ‘ . Iv
_ - ’ w- "= 37-" ’ numerous. wide-spread clan. musi— Ironically the primacy of these ' ' A 7
’ ‘ ‘1’ ’ ’ . cians all. They made a habit of com- chorales in his work hastened . ' ~ .
”I mall. —- 55’ AW:M man-wiz: ing together at least once a year. Bach‘s obsolescence. The form itself 0 . .t .-
Wit Wow. 9 pm. to l 0.0. Cw: FM' ' ' ' ' ' _ . They always began these conven was a thin of the st. consequent- S d y t k - . -
3ltflwwfl'fiwtm'”W7”'Fefld“.ruv . tions with a chorale. a hymn tune. ly condemigied by RTUonalists in the un a serles 0 mar ' I .
V and then passed to lmpl‘OViSt-d tolk interests of a purified taste. Furv . . l . V ‘
‘ songs. often comic. often bawdy. thermore the forms of church serv— Bach , S 300th b thd ,_ .
- . . » They must have seen no contradic- ice had changed to such an extent 1'. ay . - . '-
m _ ’ WEEKEND tion in this. by century’s end that the cantata ‘ ._
_ I. ~ Similarly. Johann Sebastian Bach. lost place to the oratorio. _ . , . . . .. , . . - ~ - .
P . bommoo new tarsal” t.hi:‘2:e;::.:;'.:tcazi2:23.; -
.. CINEMA nach itself. could be possibly the ly. of course. “Messiah.“ for exam- Feb 24 hgarpsichord .mUSlC by him . . _
"_ IIIIII-vaIIIIIjIIi-w 1. greatest Christian artist of all time ple. burst upon Germany in the If Bach devotees have to miss andScarlatti Sonatas by Bach WI” .
I I ‘ I as well as a busntcssman who knew ”805' with predictableIresults. Thus some main events of this tercente~ be Performed on March 3. Choral .
~ how "We" h?“ worth: Bach lay more or leSs ”311mb0 from nary year — like the grand opening works by Handel. Schuetz and Bach . ' .
' 7 At times.tin "‘C!‘ 3? seemed Ito $11" hisIdeathhuntil [the reyivals 0:331“) of the Bach Museum in Leipzig v will be featured on \larch 10 among ,
. . , _. . mone' ie riear e ron . n is ear y 19t cen ury. mos no y -,. ‘ . . .- , ~. .I ‘ _ .' _
M - "‘0 (“”6037 mm “W“.w Ho, lot-I 5- positihnqirt l eipzig he received a fee Mendelssohn's revival of the "St. suIeralI zIaIttractions remain “mm ”119;“ Bid] 5h ”Tam ”1‘ Thlfih ”Ir . .
w; mo. 5:10.8zw. nus.) w 7 for funeral services. The year 172