xt7p5h7bw25z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p5h7bw25z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-07-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 29, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 29, 2004 2004 2004-07-29 2020 true xt7p5h7bw25z section xt7p5h7bw25z COLUMNIST: KERRY HAS A TOUGH ACT TO FOLLOW FOR SPEECH TONIGHT | DIALOGUE, PAGE 4



925 W

_.-5_eie_bfgt_igg_¥~years oi inde


MII Mike Tyson
punch the
lights out in

i no: 3


Housing shortage leaves 600 incoming students dormless

Campus housing nearing full occupancy for fall;
students left wondering where they will live

91.9"“ counts


Because of increased en-
rollment. many students who
plan to live on campus this
fall could be homeless when
classes start Aug. 25.

As housing on campus
reaches full occupancy.
around 600 freshmen and re-
turning students will be with-
out dorm assignments. ac-
cording to the university's Di-
rector of Housing. Brenda


Stamper predicts that full
occupancy for campus hous-
ing will be reached this week.
If so. it will be the earliest
that the university has run
out of dorm rooms for the fall

Students who have not
been housed by the university
and have sent in their hous-
ing application will be as-
signed rooms in the order
their housing application was
received, she said.

Blake Burnett. an incom~
ing freshman from Lexington.
turned in his housing applica-
tion April 20 and is still with-
out a room assignment.

“All my friends have one
and I don‘t even know where
I‘m staying.” he said. “I feel
left out when talking about
college with all of my

Not knowing where he is
going to live has made the
transition to college even
more difficult.

“I don't know whether to
buy anything for the dorms
yet or even what to buy." Bur-
nett said.

Stamper said the housing
process is complicated be-
cause of shifts in occupancy
in co—ed dorms and room
change requests from stu-
dents who have already re-
ceived dorm assignments.

Stamper expects more
rooms to be available for stu-
dents once students who have
cancelled their classes receive
their housing fee in the mail.

“It usually jogs their
memory that they have to
send us notice that they will
not be living on campus for
them to receive their $50 re
fund." The deadline for re
ceiving the refund is Aug. 1.

Other rooms will be avail-
able to students when classes
start and students who have
not notified the university of
their plans to cancel classes
are put on a list by residence
life that is then given to uni-
versity housing. University
housing can then assign
rooms to those students who
have been without dorm asv

Stamper said that al-
though university housing re-
ceived its first housing appli-
cation for this fall semester in
September 2003. students can
apply for housing up until the
first day of classes start.


Assault report raises


Med Center security questioned

concerns about unlocked
doors, security cameras

By Jason McAlister


At a time when students
and faculty were concerned
over an alleged assault in a
medical center parking
garage. two doors that pro-
vide access to many of UK‘S
medical buildings remained

On Sunday. Monday and
Tuesday nights. a Kernel re~
porter was able to enter the
UK medical center complex
through the unlocked doors
without a badge or identifi-
cation. .

The two doors are sup:
posed to remain locked. UK
Police Maj. Joe Monroe said.

After 9 pin. all UK hos-
pital and medical building
visitors are required to sign
in with l'K medical center
security at the front en-
trance of UK hospital.

Night shift hospital and
laboratory workers use mag-
netic badges to enter at 0th
er locations.

The unlocked doors
one near a pedway that
crosses Rose Street. the oth-
er leading into the Sanders-
Brown (“enter on Aging
allowed access to most of
the campus medical com-
plex and hospital. and to
laboratories where employ»
ees and students often work
late at night.

In a phone interview
yesterday. Monroe said one
of the doors had a mechani»
cal problem and will be
fixed soon.

The other door should
not have been left unlocked.
said Mary Margaret (.‘olliver
of UK public relations.

“UK continues to try to
communicate to staff to
keep the doors locked." she

ITK Police are investi»
gating an alleged sexual as-
sault in Parking Structure 4
at UK Hospital that report
edly occurred between 2:30
and 33308.11]. Saturday.

The alleged victim. a
woman who was visiting a
patient in the hospital. was
unable to provide a descrip-
tion of the suspect. Monroe

Parking Structure 4 has
five floors. each with video
surveillance. but floors one
through four are dimly lit.
and a camera in the south-
west corner of the third
floor is broken.




mm mum PHOTO Epiton

Parking Structure 4, next to the UK Chandler Medical Center, was the site of an alleged sexual assault

on July 24.

Police refused to reveal
the exact location in the
parking structure where the.
assault allegedly occurred.

UK medical center secu
rity personnel patrol the
parking structure and all
buildings of the medical
center complex. according
to UK Police logs.

Students and staff who
work throughout the com-
plex park in the structure

Doctoral students some-
times work late on research
projects in the six floors of
science labs in the medical
science building.

“You used to have to
have a magnetic badge after
6 pm." said Lisa Senetar. a
biochemistry doctoral stu-
dent who works in the med-
ical science building. “Now
on most doors you don‘t
need one."

Senetar said security
personnel come around
sometimes to check for
proper identification.

Medical center security
and UK Police actively pa-
trol the medical center and
the rest of campus. accord
ing to daily UK Police logs.
All medical center buildings
are routinely checked and
recorded daily as “secure."

Routine checks at vari-
ous locations around the
hospital occurred on sched-
ule the night of the alleged
assault. according to UK Po-
lice records.

Many workers think se-
See SAFETY on 2

film mun-unu- mm





u' ‘m._ “"1






On July 26. the housing
office told Burnett he would
have his room assignment
within two weeks. but he's not
holding his breath. he said.

“I've called all summer to
find my mom assignment and
they keep pushing the date
back." he said.

The new dorms currently
under construction on cam-
pus won‘t provide any relief
to this fall's overflow of hous-
ing requests. as they are not
scheduled to be finished until
next summer. Stamper said.

E—mail Aerriel'u ukyedu

Summer writing
program mfuses
nature, activism

By David Carmony

After another round of summer classes. there are a
few students who now have a much different view of sum-
mer school.

On June 28. nine students and two English professors
from UK left the city for the woods. Over a four—week
span, the students earned six upper-division credit hours
by participating in the Student Environmental Writing
Program in Robinson Forest.

Erik Reece. an English professor and co-director of
SEWP. expressed his goals for the program as a teacher
and an organizer.

“Our primary aim is to break down barriers between
the sciences and humanities." he said. "We want to show
that scientists and humanists can learn from each other
and teach each other "

- Reece and program director Randall Roorda. have
structured the retreat to provide a holistic learning expe~
rience across many disciplines. Biologists. geologists.
foresters. and elk experts make brief trips to the forest to
teach and learn with the students.




Map of the UK Med-
ical center complex,
(aoovo). Buildings
numbered, (below

Locked, secure
Site of alogad sexual assault

Entrance. access to unlocked doors
Source: www.uliy.odu




cassat mus I






“Because l'm being exposed to so many different

ence for the first time." said Amy Foster. a Senior English

From the first day. students began learning how to
identify trees by the texture of their bark and differenti-
ate between moths and butterflies by examining the
shape of their wings.

Activities included stalking elk with a visiting ex-
pert. catching and releasing flying squirrels. and enjoying
a three day canoe trip that began in Tennessee and ended
in the Big South Fork Nature Preserve.

The students become “immersed in an experiential
learning environment where there is no distinction be-
tween in-class and out-of—class time." explained Reece.

Each day is scheduled casually: Mornings are usually
designated for a planned activity. with the remainder of
the day divided between resting. reading. and writing.

Students are responsible for two assignments. First.
an ongoingjournal must be kept in which stories. poems.
essays. and drawings are recorded. Second. the students
must write a more formal paper between 20 and 40 pages
in length to be submitted at the end of the course.

Robinson Forest covers 15.000 acres in Knott. Perry.
and Breathitt counties It is the most diverse temperate
forest in the region. if not the country Technically named
a “mixed niesophytic” forest. ll is home to appmximately
60 species of trees that cohabit successfully Robinson For
est was privately purchased in 1912 and deeded to UK in

The forest itself becomes a focal point for the writing
program Students take a trip to coal mining operations
in the area and get a firsthand yiew of an industry that
many say is destroying the people and hills of eastern

Whether or not students are environmental act wists.
they become exposed to the ugly side of the coal mining

Students are not only shown the mines. but they also
learn about environmental problems One class session
was centered around forest fi'iginentation. When coal
companies liaye exhausted a mine. they are required to
rejuvenate the depleted hilltop With trees and other plant
life. However. the mine site is replanted with foreign
grasses and trees that cannot support indigenous animal
population. What results is a depleted ecosystem and a
large field in the middle of the woods that looks some-
thing akin to west Texas

A vast majority of the students in the Student Environ-
mental Writing Program cherish the experience. By the end
of the course many consider themselves changed people.
Not only do they learn a lot about the forest. its inhabitants.

See FOREST on 2

l things out here. l'm actually starting to understand sci-


magnetism. “and

Phone: 251-95 | EM “My.“


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Continued from page I


curity workers are doing
their job well.

Jackie Brown. a UK hos-
pital cafeteria worker. said
she parks in Parking Struc-
ture 4, where the alleged
sexual assault occurred. She
said when she enters the
hospital through the lot. she
passes people all the time.

“This is a busy place
and security has a lot of
people to serve.“ Brown

Medical center security
also provides an escort ser-
vice for anyone to get to his
or her vehicle.

“If you have the option
of security going with you.
why not use it?“ Brown said.



Others have mixed feel-
ings about security

"If the doors are locked
and the cameras are on, I
feel safe." said Crystal Cai. a
biochemistry doctoral stu-
dent. “But if the door is un-
locked then I feel a little

But for pharmacology
doctoral student Soma Ray.
it's about “a feeling of secu—

“I usually stay until 10
or 11. but the past few days
I‘ve stayed until 2:30 am."
said Ray. who is staying late
to finish her PhD. defense
this week.

"At night when I'm
walking there's no one here.
The doors from the hospital
to the medical center are
supposed to be locked."

jasunalisterZ u hotmailrom

8 pin Jillian's Ticliets cost SIO



7p.m Riverbend Music Centenficlets cost

Continued from page I

and the threat of coal min-
ing. but they also learn a
lot about themselves and
their peers. Many of the
students are English ma-
jors. however students
from every discipline are
strongly encouraged to en-
roll and “experience some
thing they have never expe-
rienced before." Non-UK
students may participate
as well. The course last
four continuous weeks.
Students pay regular tu-
ition plus a $300 fee for
room an board.



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w w m

A “bankrupt convicted

That’s the sad description
of 38-yearold boxer Mike
Tyson I heard last week.

It’s nothing new and nor—
mally I would just shrug upon
hearing such things and go
about my daily business. But
this time. my home state is in-

When Mike Tyson takes
the ring Friday night in
Louisville at Freedom Hall.
Kentucky stands to grab na-
tional headlines. Unfortunate
1y, Tyson's history indicates
those headlines will probably
be negative.

Maybe that makes Tyson
and Kentucky the perfect pair.
In the past year. I‘ve seen Ken‘
tucky’s poor literacy rate and
stereotypical toothlessness
tossed about on national
morning news shows.

And now we have Mike
Tyson, a fighter who can bare
ly get a boxing license any-
where else. coming to Ken-

This is the same Mike
Tyson who was convicted of
rape in 1992 and bit Evander
Holyfield's the ear off of dur-
ing a fight. Over the past 19
years, he has earned and lost
more than $500 million.

Whether directly or indi-
rectly. trouble just seems to
follow Tyson. If that isn't
enough, the Louisville fight‘s
promoter. Chris Webb. has a
long criminal history himself.

You can almost hear Gov.
Ernie Fletcher's teeth grind-
ing as the Tyson circus rolls
into town.

Fletcher has voiced his
disapproval of the Kentucky
Athletic Commission's han-
dling of the Tyson fight. say-
ing that chairman Michael
Cunningham did not consult
with others before renewing
Tyson’s boxing license.

The governor is so miffed
that he announced plans to re-
organize the athletic commis-
sion, and I don’t blame him.

It is possible that the July
30 fight will be a positive
thing for the Commonwealth
of Kentucky. I would never
say that a person can’t learn
from past mistakes and
change. and I hope Tyson has.

Perhaps the fight will be a
great one without any
sideshow antics. Maybe some-
day people will look back at
the night in Louisville when
Mike Tyson found himself
and came back to boxing

But it seems more likely
that Tyson and his mediocre
opponent Danny Williams
will plod through another
boring fight.

His only legitimate oppo-
nent in years. Lennox Lewis.
pummeled him for eight
rounds before ending the em-
barrassment with a KO.

If the fight comes and
goes without Tyson violating
probation or threatening to
eat Williams‘ children. it will
be a small success. Kentucky

Chris Johnson
SportsWeekly Editor

Phone: 257-l9l5 | Email: kerneleiuliycdu


Fm”; I if 6!? REEFLITFH'QRSMT JULY 29. 2004 I 3


Iron Mike's image bites for Ky.


Mitre TVson faces Danny Williams Friday night In Louisville.

will earn a little cash, but at
the risk of being the site of
Tyson's latest cannibalistic

Will Tyson go nuts
(again)? That's the reason
people will watch this fight.
Everyone knows he‘s a shell
of the boxer who annihilated
opponents on the way to be.
coming the youngest world
heavyweight champion ever.

Still. they will pay $41 a
ticket to sit in the rafters wait-
ing for Tyson to crack. If he
does. we have the comfort of
knowing it will be right here
in Kentucky

1 want Kentucky as a

state to progress. I'm as tired
as any other Kentucky native
of the nation‘s backward hill—
billy perception of our state.

I want to see positive sto-
ries about the Bluegrass State
when I turn on "Good Morn-
ing America."

To do that, we need to put
our best foot forward when
the spotlight is on us. But
when we get some national at-
tention Friday who will we
find sharing Kentucky‘s spot-

A bankrupt

Forgive me if I‘m not ex-
cited about that.





Women's football clinic Aug. 7

UK head football coach
Rich Brooks will host the
third annual UK Women‘s
Football Clinic from 9 am. to
4 pm. on Saturday, Aug. 7 in
the Colonial Ballroom of The
Campbell House Inn in Lex-
ington. The clinic is for
women with all levels of foot-
ball knowledge. who will par-
ticipate in visits with Coach
Brooks and the rest of the
Cats‘ coaches. Participants
will also take part in ses-
sions for beginners and more
advanced football players
covering basic fundamentals
and strategies of the game.
The cost is $45 per person in
advance and $50 at the door.

For more information. con-
tact Jennifer Calvert at (859)

Bengals open training camp in
Georgetown Saturday

The Cincinnati Bengals
will trek to Georgetown. Kyi.
for their sixth annual pre-
season training camp at
Georgetown College's Raw].
ings Stadium. Camp begins
Saturday. July 31. and will
last until Aug. 25. There will
be a scrimmage on Aug. 6
from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. at Rawl-
ings Stadium. The camp is
free for fans to attend. but
there is a daily parking fee of
$10 per car.

'COMPlLED rnou win: moms




NCAA All-American and UK tennis star Jesse Witten takes a break
after the first set of his first-round match against Trent Aaron at
the Fifth Third Banlt Tennis Championships at the Hilary J. Boone
Tennis Complex Tuesday. Witten won 6-2. 6-1 to advance to the sec-
ond round. He was named the United States Tennis Association's
Circuit Player of the Week on July 27.




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Editorial Board

Moira Baoley, Editor in chief
Jason McAlister. Managing editor
Chris Johnson, SportsDaily editor

Jeff Patterson. Staff Writer
John Duncan, Staff writer




Applause for council's
bar hour extension

Drinking is ,_
not healthy. p’
That’s a fact.

Drinking in
large quantities
multiple times is
not healthy, and is not
much of an improve-
ment over smoking in
large quantities multi-
ple times. But it is an
improvement in that
no one has ever gotten
second-hand drunk.
and because when peo-
ple are at bars, their
.health is not usually
their highest concern.
We should be allowed
laws that don't em-
brace every shred of
responsibility we can
pack into them.

The city council's
action of lengthening
bar hours as a pork
barrel maneuver to
ease the public’s con-
cern over banning
smoking is not an alto-
gether terrible idea.
because college stu—
dents enjoy drinking
in bars where the at-
mosphere is loud and
where the emphasis is
more on having fun
and meeting new peo-
ple than it is on if 10

>\ \x \ x.

\ “W

drinks are
better than
The gov-
ernment was
under no con-
tract to ease the
bar hours later if it
banned smoking. It
could have simply
banned smoking and
left the hours as they
were, like it is now.
The Fish Tank isn’t ex-
actly a Beijing prison
because you can‘t
smoke inside and it
only stays open until 1.
College, to some, is
about having fun more
than it is about being
right. We wrestle with
important issues and
discuss deep-seeded

/'\-/ \ ”a

Mark a! mum THISE

Hume A menu FIT \J


ters every day: in
class, with our friends.
while watching the
news by ourselves.
There is a responsibili-
ty problem here, allow-
ing people to drink
more and sanctioning
more time for those
who wish to get intoxi-
cated to do so. But
since when do we gov—
ern based on what peo-
ple want? We should
govern based on what
is necessary, we should
govern based on fixing
the problems of the so-

ciety we’ve creat-
ed, the beautiful
system we have
inherited from
architects whose
responsibility we
can only begin to
fathom. Drinking
in bars is not the
tip of the societal
iceberg. The pub-
lic needs a way to
blow off steam,
and social lives
should not be
pushed into the
It isn’t a bad
idea just because
it isn’t covered in the
cloak of responsibility
that gun laws and capi-
tal punishment have to
be. It’s supervised
drinking, among
friends and peers. Not
every law has to be
constrictive. We should
allow ourselves laws
that embrace social in-
teraction, that let us do
what. So when the
clock strikes one, buy
a round and raise a
toast to longer free-
doms and to the coun-
cil that made it hap-

Steppinq outof newsroom and into reality

can ever imagine. Emily Hagedorn, the incoming editor in

When faced with a transition in one‘s

life. optimists say, “Today is the first day of

the rest of my life." I wish I had the plea-
sure of talking like a Hallmark card. but
unfortunately. I was not blessed with such
an easily digestible vocabulary

In all honesty. today is the last day of

my life as I know it.


As you are reading this column. I'm
packing up boxes in my apartment and
preparing for the regressive transition that

IQ is moving home with Mom and Dad. After


living away from home for four and a half

years. the thought of inhabiting my old
bedroom is comforting. yet strangely awk-
ward. Shouldn't all 23-year-old college graduates live on their
own'.’ Though the move is only temporary. the feeling of ac-
complishment and autonomy associated with graduating col-

lege is lost in the move.

Aside from that. I‘ll also be handing over my coveted title
of ”editor in chief” to someone who deserves it more than I

Aiiofmyfriendshaveonetdorm asshnmentlandldon'tevenknowwherel'mstam."


chief, has big plans for the Kernel this fall. You can expect a
new look and a new feel to the Kernel you have grown to leve.
And I can promise you that the Kernel's future is placed in

very capable hands.

This summer has been one of the best experiences of my
life 7 for my career and otherwise. When so much responsi-
bility was dropped in my lap, it was amazing how quickly I
stepped up to the plate. I couldn't have done it without a great
staff (don't worry. they‘re all returning this fall). support
from my professors and especially our faculty adviser. Chris


As for my future in journalism. I‘m heading to Washing
ton. DC. in a few weeks to interview with a couple papers
and (hopefully) get a job. I wonder if deleting “Barfly" from

my qualifications would help ..

It seems like forever since I first stepped foot into the Ker-
nel newsroom; and I never thought the day would come when

I would step out of it forever

Maybe I'll wait and start the rest of my life tomorrow.


Kerry has tough
to follow

- Even before his speech at the

Democratic National Convention,

. history would have remembered

= Bill Clinton as one of the best

politicians the country has had in
a long time.

So far, many speeches have
been given at the DNC but the for-
mer president demonstrated mas-
tery in the art public connection,
an essential quality Presidential
nominee John Kerry must have if
he wants to be in the White
House next year.

Many would arguably dis-
agree with the notion that Clinton is one of the
finest presidents of our time, but at the DNC he
proved that he is indeed a master politician. Judg-
ing his first speech at the 1988 DNC, most political
analyst at that time would not easily have predicted
that he was on his way to being one of America’s
most respected politicians.

At the 1988 convention, then-Gov. Clinton of
Arkansas went in to history books as having one of
the longest speeches at any DNC. About this, he has
said this was not the proudest moment in his politi-
cal career. He was then young and being his first
DNC speech, one could argue that he lefi an impres-
sion anyway His winning the presidency four years
later showed that he had arrived and was ready to be
counted among the greatest politician in the country.
He still impresses.

In his speech, Clinton made a roaring and zeal-
ous Democratic crowd aware of what he is doing
now, but more importantly he issued support for
Kerry But his support will not be enough to push
Senator Kerry to the coveted White House. Kerry
must really prove that he deserves to be our next
president at this DNC. especially since recent polls
don’t favor him.

To prove himself. Kerry must be more exciting
than President Clinton in his acceptance speech to-
day He must excite the crowd and rightftu play on
their emotions to win their heart. The majority of
the Boston Fleet Center voters are already his.

He must focus on the rest of America and make
us more excited about his candidacy. If Bill and
Hillary Clinton got more than a combined 12 stand-
ing ovations during their little speech time, then
Kerry must excite the crowd even more. This is im-
portant because the swing voters are watching; they
remember Clinton and are exited about Illinois sen-
ate candidate Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton and
John Edwards.

Swing voter are particularly excited about
Barack Obama. He is a true representation of the