xt7p8c9r3f82_6 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105.dao.xml Chambliss, William Jones 0.23 Cubic feet 1 slim box The William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers (dated 1978-1998; 0.23 cubic feet; 1 slim box) comprises research notes, family cemetery locations, and item-by-item descriptions by William Chambliss, Jr., of the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. William Jones Chambliss collection on the Bagby-Rogers-Wood-Fishback family papers Genealogy. Calendar of Walter Bagby papers text Calendar of Walter Bagby papers 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7p8c9r3f82/data/2013ms0105/2013ms0105_1/2013ms0105_1_6/0062/0062.pdf section false xt7p8c9r3f82_6 xt7p8c9r3f82 » { Qeldey ;§
  WALTER BAGBY PAPERS \£g_ ‘‘‘’ } ~ [E-5  
2/5/1827 — §Walter Bagby's account, apparently at the firm of
9/2/1829 ;Trabue and Bagby.
4/27/1830 Land deed by Will and Elizabeth Douglas transferring
26 acres of landiJ1Barren County to Walter Bagby for
$104. Walter is, presumably, the son of John and
Matilda Bagby, though the document does not make it clear.
4/9/1834 $35.00 receipt for passage of Walter Bagby, wife and
child from Salt River to St. Louis.
6/30/1836 Letter from Walter Bagby, CarthqF,[I1l.[~to his mother,
Matilda Bagby, Barren County.
Personal letter regarding wife's poor health, etc.
Intimates that she is gravely ill.
12/12/1836 Letter from Walter Bagby, Carth?y,Ill. to his mother,
Matilda Bagby, Glasgow, Ky. Wa ter reports death of
wife and considers bringing his two children, John and
Ann, to Kentucky to live with his mother. Meantime
his sister—in—law, Turza, will look after them.
10/24/1840 Itemized bill for washing and mending clothes from
Oct. 1840 to April [1841]. Walter Bagby's bill; paid
to Adeline W. Newball.
[1840-1841- $3.00 receipt for subscription to The Louisville Journal.
*9/15/1841 B. S1attery's payment of $5.66 land tax on 160 acre
tract of land in Hancock County, Ill.
5/13/1842 Walter Bagby's note instructing Fred Loring to pay
bearer $6.50. Carthage, [Ill.]
`ll/3/1843 Walter Bagby's receipt for $1,056.07 taxes paid to the
state of Illinois.
$11/9/1843 Itemized bill from March to November 1843 paid to Silas
Williams by Walter Bagby for his daughter's board,
tuition, and incidentals.
ll/26/1843 Letter from Walter Bagby, Cartha, Ill., to his brother,
Charles D. Bagby, Glasgow, Ky.
Walter states he would like to visit Kentucky but
feels unwilling to leave Illinois "until I see the
arrogances of that abomination in humsn shape (Joe Smith
[Mormon 1eader]) humbled low in the dust." Because
Mormons are increasing in number and the vanity of the
"wretch" who leads the Mormons will soon generate
flagrant violence, popular indignation against the

 2 Z
Mormons will be aroused like the "internal fires of
an Aetna or Vesuvius." Walter mentions a dispute
involving the Mormons, in which they have brought
charges, and indicates that Joe Smith has charged him
(Walter Bagby) with malfeasance, but the "base viper
[Joe Smith] will find that he biles (sic) [builds?] a
`l2/20/1843 Walter Bagby's receipt for payment of $90.97 tax in
Hancock County, Ill. for l842.
'l/ll/l844 Letter by Walter Bagby, Carthay,[Ill.] to his brother,
Charles D. Bagby, Glasgow, Ky. Walter discusses a
"small speck of war" in Carthage on January 8, 1844 as
a result of a visitation of an armed Mormon "hoard [sic]
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