xt7pc824cx4n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pc824cx4n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1975 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. University of Maryland, September 27, 1975 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Maryland, September 27, 1975 1975 2014 true xt7pc824cx4n section xt7pc824cx4n   V . 1 VVVV '· · V V V VV V . V 7,_'. V -
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Kentucky vs. Maryland —— September 27, l975      
 r A »»,/  
UK Football Program; Official University of Kentucky football magazine; Mailing ad-   “`'l i _ . A.  
dressjfvlemorial Coliseum, Lexington, Ky. 40506. if ~ .,..  
Editorial Staff: Russell Rice, editor; Ed Swift and Ellsworth Taylor, advisors; Jack Perry, ’   
Asst. SID. _-V, ;  ‘
Photographers: John Mitchell, Ken Goad, Bill Wells, James Bradley.   r
National Advertising Representative: Spencer Marketing Services, 320 Lexington Avenue, l   b  
New York, N. Y. IOOI7 A A r —» ’_ ·
c 0 N T E N T s ‘       . ‘
Governor Carroll .................................,.................................................................... 3 =    , :     gy  
Scouting Report .................,...................................................................................... 5 * r      l {Ci  
President Slngletary ......................................,......................................................... 9 _   ty"     
Athletic Director Hagan ....,....................................................................................... 9 .         _ , I
Coach Fran Curci ......... . ..................................,.................................................. l2»l 3 dg U!  V  Ei !   {    
Wildcat Assistant Coaches . ....................................................................................... l3 '  f i t   7 l 4
l Distinguished Achievement .................................................................................. l7»l9         ·
Meer The Wildcats .................................................................................... 20»2l-22-23 A      cj; °
What ODDOnents Are Doing ............................................................................,......... 25 T   lng   I5 I A  4.... - l 7 7
\/isitor's Picture Pages ........................................................................................ 23-29 I ·    Q`· ·   ii A I.   — »
Stadium information ................................................................................................ 3l A ;     ,.l, ih I   ~   .   ,1:;;*C*
ur< nearer ................................................................................................................ 32 v_     .__. jji‘;___,* qi   ·,i-     _i'__.‘r   ·iii  
Lineups .................................................................................................,............ 34-35   iv I  
\/isiror‘s Raster .............................................................................,.......................... 37  ‘ j F (°’ ‘  .  `=__  
NcAA Article .......................................................................................................... 4l   A f"   ’ ., »   “-;·?Ti?t
Advance Schedule .................................................................................................... 43    
Kentucky Health Care .......................................................................................... 4647   X, {  
Press Bax Memories .......................................................,...............,..,....................... SO Ay}/’(     .    
Alumni News Notes ..........................................,....................................................... 5l   f ’   ", t
\/Vildcat Basketball ..... . ..,..........................,................................................................ 52   /,». {ji! _   `‘‘l .. t
UK Blue where Forte ............................................................ 53-54-55-S6-5768-59-60 `J ,r     r · A
Wildcat mreltrag eerie ............................................................................................ ei   ,4. _ ’     . ,
Officialsl Signals ............................................................... . ...... . ...,........................... a3 ri` 'A    `'.  l  fl
Editor's Notebook ...................................................................................................... 64   /~   ,
School stmt ..................................................................,......................................... es   fr ,>—/'
Zotliac SST . ¢ ,·’  
. -i’ / J  
Astrographrc-   N; yy.-
the   that gives you   / pi,/i
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ISZS Alexandria Drive. Lexington
John W. Moore
Football Fung: 434 Soutliritgmleouisville
The cmergcncy vehicle service extended those needing C1 wrecker on stadium parking lots is ¤ Lum)/Jgwglers .
Courtesy of NOK Gumgc-,, 521 Main Street. Shelbyville

 Give YOUI" V
|'f ' I ' {
/l t /W5;  fépwl _»'_ __¢AfNF'é-Vt`   /r ,;,»$;>°"\   `T     A"' ya
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    -=(A    ·::$ »   ;AA { v;,,:?, i     A» »   of      i,-;   ·‘·-:e   ;;~‘,»- fz; ]v—-   V·s.f_:     V  7  
_     V,,.   V ki ’ V   ___·       :A_    .Vf7:r¤l>le gigilgrrils   ................................................... 27
JULIAN M. CARROLL Stingles .......................................................... 40
Ggygrrqgr Of Kentucky   Gi"lCl   Men's   ................................  
`l`inder—Krauss Tinder .................................... 30 `
Jelierr Mertee Cerrell eeeeree *   *: ~ s
g2IIIIC(I hl1l1`\'lilIIt1, 1111)-118 on tl1e grottnd. but HnCbul\CT` lm WH HIC deilnriw irmll
. .’ .   . :***1* t:s ¤s‘sg:s.
· the ¤lC1`1`lIl)IIIS l1:1d the edge 111 ])ZiSS1I1g`. w1tl1 U I 1 Fr { 1
. - · - - . : * : * :1111.* *·11*> .111 . :1 Ji11*er-
stx t`l)lI1l)lC1.l()IIS 111 18 :1tte111p1s lor /1 \`{il`(15 l_ lll ml llliml mm Oil T   ll] ll ll
. . »- ' . * :1 il [II`   t * .1:1 :1 111. *1111
wl11le the (.:11s 1:11led to (`(>1IIICL`t ()II three 11*1es. Ulml ll)ll_ ll l_ _ lllw ll _ l ll .
. . V. - $(`lIIlIl/. ho. 111. 1s :1 111.1. 1911 lb. wingbztck who
1:11*k (¤1lll2\g11C1` IlILCl`(`C])LC(l 21 rl€I`I`Il1)1I`l p:1ss. _ 1
` , . · _ 0-- _ · st:11*te1l :1s :1 IYCSIIIIILIII. got 11111*1 :11111 then (‘11I`I1€(1
(.ll1`IllI[l€ punted seven tnnes Io1 ..:11 \'2lI`(lS while I 1 _ I _ 1 1 H _
' :   tt r J J 1 11*1 YCIII`. e 1*
three hI2lI`\'lZl11(l ])IlIIl€l`S punted tl1e s:1n1e l `ulllll E F lll ll` ml) llllll L - 5
. V - - _ .,— _ _ · _   _ ]Jl`Ul)1llJI\ their best :1ll—:11*1.1111111 athlete. I-Ie and
lIlIIlII)CI ol tnnes I(>I -111 \'ZlltlS III :1 l)llI1S1IIg N H   _ F M_ I k L_ k H
' V · *· · *4 * r 1:11* * *11* *11 *s.
battle. - 0. . _ .111111 1111 111. 11111
1975 OUTLOOK: hI2I1`}`I£1l1ll lost 111 st:11*te1*s 11]*9 lUlll’*“l` 1* A bl? M1 1*»‘—*— ·*lllI "‘lI11“l
:11111 botI1 kicking specialists II`()lI1 tl1e 1971 te:1111 Tml ll IN"' “-lm " il will Wlllll l1l‘°`[l*°]` 1"lm l_1k€’
th:1t I`C(`<)1`(lC(l :111 $41 I`C(`()I`(l :11111 l(llIt1€(l :1 berth I') "‘“l'C_”U`*'I¥lAll ‘Ill[`*“l **1 1“"”l’I°~ Thor uw lp"“1 I
in tl1e 11ll)C1`l}'B()\\`1. However. fil le1te1*111en ilI`C l’("‘I’l" 19 *1““"_l’i*—`k*‘“I*l· *‘ll€"“*Il"l·Q Um lull
biwk, and l(.ucl.mCn me GX])C(V.l€(l U) SMH HL I)1lt`Ii>1\1llll\\'<1I;lIIl)11(`l~i~.L1l1g11t3~tl 11111t1J:11lpl:11e1s.
I every position witl1 the exveption 11I` the kicking The 1*e1*eivt‘1*s :11*11 CXt`Clll‘I1l.. kun Hoover is
specialists £lII(l only two :11*e S(.)1)lIUIII<)I`US. \1\`hile the Ili\\'t\1`IIC. l\I\{ \llI1(`E Ivtnnev also 1*:111*11es the
the delense should once :1g:1in be strong. it b:1Il well. l S11\\` hIill`}`IiII1t1 go 1111* :1 t‘1s’t1—]2t1l11't
does 11ot II1l\`(’ :1 QIUIIIIIIRIIII. [igure Sll(`lI :1s Randy 1*onve1*si11n. '1`l1e1*_1t1st send e\*e1*vo11e :11*1»11nt1 the
\\'hi1e. _]i1n 1i1*e1*hbie1. the (lCIiClISI\`C ICIIL l1:1lI`- (`(>I`II('1` :1nd give 1111* 111111 to $11111111. who IS super
b:11*k, is :1 "l%ig 1‘l:11*" :11h1e1e :11111 the lender i11 tough. So is \I:11*vl:1111l. Mneh lOIIg'IIQI` 111:111
the SC(`t)1llll1I`Y 111:11 will have two new stztrters l{;1ns:1s.

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  We have to admit that on weekends, especially before or after a game,  
  it gets a bit crowded and you may have to wait, but we guarantee that  
  it’s worth the wait. Steak cooked to your perfection, our famous Diego  
  Salad ...... atmosphere and service has made us famous!   I
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      COLUMBIA STEAK             l
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@,2  *8%.

 ~ srvht  ·  ,
I > "    :" i *
    ii    , »  S
l   ._,  ,     DR. OTIS A. SINGLETARY
l   ‘     University President
 aj   A President ot the University since l969 has been
    ·i’·”» ·       Dr. Otis A. Singletary, who came from the University
   » * k~ ° ``‘i· _ I   ot Texas, Austin, where he was executive vice chan—
  izin · L A ii'‘ cellor tor academic attairs. He earlier had been direc-
` tor ot the Job Corps program tor the Ottice at Eco-
` nomic Opportunity, and chancellor ot the University
I ( ot North Carolina at Greensboro.
He is the eighth president ot the University. Unique
· recognition ot his service to the institution came re-
cently trom the UK Alumni Association, which pre-
sented him its Alumni Service Award—an honor
rarely bestowed upon a non—alumnus ot the University.
l .
  CLIFFORD O. HAGAN   . .       r _.   ..
  Director of Athletics    
3 Clitt Hagan tool< over as UK athletic director July    
I l ot this year One of the all—time great basketball · ‘°’”  
l players at UK, he played on teams that won 86 of 9l   i i .
  games and an NCAA championship (l95l). The l954   L.  
J team, undeteated in 25 games, elected not to play in s i  
the national tournament. Hagan set a dozen SEC gf  {V  ·‘—»   
records and an NCAA record of 528 rebounds as a   S .;l`   
junior. He averaged 29 points a game, led the nation  
in rebounding, and scored a then—UK record 5l points     _..‘ gr  * ·   Q
against Temple in l954.        
I He was All-American at UK, A|l—Pro with the St.          `.
Louis Hawks and player—coach ot the Dallas Chap-   `i.`     yu  V
arrals. He was named the l958 Texas "Protessional       li
Coach ot the Year" He was named assistant athletic     U'  V  
director at UK January l, l972.         A;  4*, 
    ;.=¤~¢i; _";;a;:ie>.:. _
I 9

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