xt7pc824fb5w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pc824fb5w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1943 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1943 Vol.14 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, February 1943 Vol.14 No.4 1943 2019 true xt7pc824fb5w section xt7pc824fb5w -' . .W I

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. ~ = W? l ‘i! El
W V ance Armentrout Elected KPA Preszdent . ,W,,,
4 ‘4 ,4l44'W4 W' W41“, .
' . . , “”3715; : 4i ‘th
f,W Pledging anew its cooperation and By Lois Ann Markwardt reduction The Courier-Journal and The 44, 4WW‘WWW 'WWW-{E‘E ,
14W all-out effort toward the successful and Louisville Times are endeavoring to give W 4.4 WW44W W W: .
g‘W final victory, the Kentucky Press Asso- them the keys of the city. Virgil P. readers maximum news reading com- Wk ,3, :
,3 "ciation, basing its program on war Sanders gave response for the associa— mensurate with reduction requirements. 4 W. 41
l W problems as a “War Clinic,” and crowd- tion. Following the annual address by Afternoon Program t W ,l
:" ing the interesting and instructive pro- President Harry Lee Waterfield, Cap- Preceding General Gullion on the j 1W: ‘
.4W gram into two full days, concluded by tain Leland P. Lovette, chief of the program was Maj. Joe T. Lovett, De- ;4 44 4 44.4144
4-_ electing Vance .Armentrout, Associate Navy Public Relations Bureau, Wash- partment of Public Relations, Fort W 2:34:54 '
. Editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, ington, recommended to the newspaper- Hayes, Columbus, Ohio, formerly of W WW W W145. W
as President. _ men that a general code of wartime Murray, Ky., and Col. R. Ernest Dupuy, 4, WWW. W W54 .
‘.W The highlight of this seventy-fourth news practices be used as ”a power for chief of the Army News Division, Wash— ' W WWWWWt . f‘lfl-W .
J - - ‘. . :1 1 H :
- , annual mid-winter meeting of the 3550- good.” ington, who defined the news policy of WW W WW ..
W ciation was the continuation of the Cen- As set forth by Captain Lovette, the the War Department as an “attempt to WW; WWW W ‘
4; tral Oflice-Field Manager plan and the code has seven parts—a fearless portrayal tell the truth and not hide the body.” », W, WWW; 4W :
‘ raising of all classes of annual dues to of all facts; the avoidance of misleading Colonel Dupuy said that the United 34 Wf‘ 'WWW '
i meet a comprehensive budget for the headlines; the presentation of as much States Army belongs to the people and W WWW; 44 .4
, ‘ Central Office and an aggressive legisla- information as possible on how our the only limitation on givmg out Army W Will“, 4
E W tive committee. This legislative com- armed forces live and fight; the constant news is military security. W WWW WW WW 4
7W mittee will seek to amend, clarify, or presentation of things we fight for; main- Maj. Gen. Allen w_ Gullion, provost 4. W 44,; .4 4
.l revise many of the existing publication tenance of a resolute attitude toward marShal general of the United States W WE'WWIEF‘w'.‘ _:
T4 laws on the state statutes. news of local men who die in battle; Army and a native of Carrollton, told W WWW 44W; ;Wi 34W 4_
’ Joe Richardson, Editor of the Glas- scrupulous giving of full credit to our the members that this nation will be WW4 WW: '4.
3 gow Times, was elected Vice-President; Allies, and the rendering of all aid in fully prepared to establish military gov- W 44W .4; 4:421 ..

' Prof. Victor R. Portmann, University of winning the peace after the war. ernments in the territories invaded by W WiWW,I l: 4
. Kentucky, was retained as Secretary- He urged that all people on the home our victorious armies. The general said W 3% :. WW 34
4 Manager; and Tyler Munford, Co-Pub- front give utmost assistance to the men personnel for military government 18 W WNW WW 3 ,

lisher with his father of the Union who actually are fighting, remarking now being trained at the UniverSity of W W 444WW
County Advocate, Morganfield, was that ”we can never do too much for Virginia. 44 4‘4 ”Will 4
. named as Chairman of the Executive Americans who are dying and ready to After defining “military government’ 4 ,4: WW‘WW4 4
Committee; and Chauncey Forgey, Man- die for our cause.” as that form 0f4 government4 Wh41Ch a W ,WWW 447344 4
4 38mg Editor of the Ashland Indepen- Mark F. Ethridge, publisher of The belligerent established and maintains by W iiifiW:
. dent, was named Vice-Chairman. Chair- Courier-Journal and The Louisville force of arms over occupied territory 4W.§,
4.- man Munford is on active service with Times, speaking on ‘The Newspaper of the enemy and over all the inhabitants 4 : W4 p444
the Navy. Situation,” predicted that newspaper of that territory, General Gullion said W W 4'4-4 4.4.344
T . Session Opens Thursday Morning publishers will be called upon in the that after a victory is won, it “necessarily W4 Wt 1,4:4W

At the Opening session, Thursday near future to reduce use of newsprint follows that the government of an 0c- W 4,4434. '
,I! morning in which Rev. Dr. Joseph further. cupied area must be administered by W W4 W4. iW'4,44
’ Rauch, Temple Adath Israel, gave the He said that a newspaper‘s contract the leader on the spot.” That leader is W 5W 44- ,

» 111V0cation4 Mayor Wilson W. Wyatt With its readers is as important as With aided in the discharge of his functions W WW4 -
' Welcomed the convention and granted the advertiser, and that in spite of space as military governor by the section of :‘WEWW
W ‘V g .' I." - .
. Emir. -‘ l it; J
’ \T M" ' ’ I f

 ‘_ , Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS February, 1943 February
. 1 his staff known as the “Civil Affairs Sec- dress was published in the February 13 delegates. He served as Secretarydming ald M. Nels
1» tion,” headed by an officer whose title issue of the Publishers Auxiliary. the years 1905-08, and has seldom mitsedf Production 1
: is “Officer in Charge of Civil Affairs.” David R. Craig, president of the Amer- a scheduled convention or a meeting of; son, former Z
, ‘ “The question is not merely one of ican Retail Federation, Washington, re- the Executive Committee of which he‘signed by six
, . 1 military versus civil government,” Gen- porting on “The 1943 Retail Sales Out- long was a member. of Kentucky
. ,. eral Gullion said. “The job is a mili- look” said that “the real affiliation be— The Fulton Daily News, Hoyt Mooreylmen and won
- 1 tary one. The commanding general in tween the merchant and the publisher Editor, the Middlesboro Daily Neivs, cial advertisi
: , _ any field of operations must be given is facing a new test.” C. H. Arundel, Editor, the Owen County for the durat
as complete control as possible over all “The contrast between military and Democrat, Owenton, John K. Ryansiadvertising P
, the elements that must enter into his civilian groups has been drawn too Editor, and the Dawson Springs Prog.'paid for diret
. calculations. The administration of civil sharply,” Craig asserted. “In a total war ress, W. T. Davis, Editor, were admitted offset the 108
’ ; affairs is a vital element. Civil disorder you cannot disregard the needs of some as new members. [under such 2
. 3 or disobedience, hunger riots, passive are of the grOups which make up the total, The convention was guests of the that the pric
sistance, inter-racial strife among the even though there are some people who Kentucky Utilities Company for itslcreased.
‘ civilian population, profiteering, sabot- have no part in a people’s war." usual splendid luncheon on Thursdayi ————
1 age or false rumors may at any moment He expressed regret that, tip to this noon, the Louisville Board of Trade, the: Resolutions
1 disrupt military movements or disturb time, the Office of Civilian Supply has Brown Hotel, and The Courier-Journal )
l , ' l the military time-table . . . a well-trained not regarded itself as the defender of and Times for the much-enjoyed dinner, The Km“
i ‘ ‘1 civil affairs staff and trained occupa- civilian supply, and pointed out that floor show and dance on Thursday eve- ognizmg wor
, tional police relieve the combat staff Donald M. Nelson remarked recently in ning, and The Courier-Journal—Timesl74F}? annual
3 and tthe combat troops from civil affairs a press conference that some of his asso- luncheon Friday noon. The Louisville'dlmcj The_
l ‘ duties and permit them to confine their ciates believe the civilian needs already theatres were generous in distributinglfit thismeeti
3 attentions entirely to combat duties. may have been cut too far. tickets for their shows. in w'hld} KC
3 , “The exercise of military government ”The balancing point,” said Craig, “is President Armentrout appointed thel opfrate lln [1,]
' f pl , is a command responsibility, and full the point at which any further subtrac- following members of the Executive :mmg F}: a
l , legislative, executive and judicial au- tion from the civilian scale of living will Committee: 1 FIOIdL . e
f ‘ thority is vested in the commanding gen— do more harm to civilian morale than it First district Joe La Gore, Sun-Demo“) e 3‘35 “Sf u
; eral of the theatre of operations. . . . It will do good for the military require— crat, P adu cah; Second district, John B‘lsdicilsliiiiin 0 t
j is elementary that command and civil ments.” _ _ Gaines, Park City News, Bowling Green“ The. Assor
governmental powers be combined in At the noon luncheon given by The Third district John H. Hoaglandicour‘ ciat' t it]
i ‘. one person—the commanding general of Courier-Journal and Louisville Times, ier-Journal, Louisville; Fourth district, in 10“ 01 1
l the theatre. Otherwise, instances may Donald J. Sterling, Portland, Ore., news- James M. Willis, Messenger Brande”lcugslilsieflfulesl
it ‘j ‘ arise where military operations may ,be paper consultant to Donald M. Nelson, burg; Fifth district, Virgil P. Sandersndw pi‘essl. V
. 1:“ , turned into disasters because of the di- was scheduled to address the group, but News-Democrat Carrollton; Sixth dis'lPress h ,
f: vision of authority in the battle zone could not appear because of a train trict Fred B.,Wachs, Herald-Leaderflwavs 0de 3:1.-
.l : between the military leader and the gov- wreck in West Virginia. Lexi’ngton' Seventh district, Walker W'ls lentlidazidll
‘ ernor of civil affairs. Whatever may be In the address Sterling had prepared Robinson ’ Herald, Paintsville; Eigllllllegal Alle R
jg, the merits of cooperation in other fields, for the association, he pointed out that district f- W. He (1 don Advocate, Mt. Lovme 11C
‘ ‘ there is no place for c00peration in the the production of war goods alone in Sterling‘ Ninth distri’ct, Harold A. Ma'or ’ E}
13 , theatre of active military operations. 1943 would approximate $180,000,000,— Browning Republican \Villiamsburg; P3116]?
i ; .' Those who help administer the govern- 000, about double the output of 1942, and Immediate Past Prdsident, Harry L. resses “mg
I g ment as well as the people governed which means that approximately two- Waterfield Gazette Clinton. Joe ”Jase h I:
f 3 must be quickly responsive to the will thirds of the estimated national income Gore managing editor of the Paducah Vir 131 P 21;]
9 , of the commanding general. for the forthcoming year will be ex- Sun-Democrat was re—elected chairman Paugl L ‘G ‘
, “There need be no fear lest the army pended in war. of the Kentucky members of the A550. and Don El
1 interpret military necessity too widely or “The major contribution of the ciated Press who met after the luncheon- tilbution t c
I liberally, and thus oppose timely transi- United States to world affairs has been Problems df local news coverage and“ The Ko
,‘ J , tion from military to civilian control of enterprise,” his speech read, “and this wire stories during wartime were dis‘lWishes to [6hr
occupied areas. The danger, if any, l'ies enterprise in recent years has been di- cussed. ICOm )anr f
in the opposite direction. . . . If our rected toward creation of creature corn- Th A , . record “de'lThelLol' 0
_ democratic army is not worthy of trust forts,” adding that “we have become a ‘e ssocration went on . Univer'lBrown Husv
i then democracy is a failure, for a demo- nation of 130,000,000 people possessed Plomg the attitude of certain - _ ote
“ - n f Kentuck rofessms who have lerJournal a
‘ cracy as well as an autocracy must de- of and by things. Slty :1) h ’yd p 1 "'n at this dinner 1
l pend on the army for protection in this “The newspaper,” he declared, “has state , t ey consi er at vertisl g . 111‘ (1 ant
:i ‘ - - n ~ - time an economic waste. The 1650 ance, and
‘ : world and recurring and bigger wars. never had a greater obligation to serve, , ‘ , 1 ~ofessol’5) Times f ‘
l» 1‘ Frida Mornin Pro ram and a larger opportunity for leadership tion suggested that-they ([ 16 Pl ;ub'cCl S€Ssion 01 t]
‘ V y . g g , . than it has today, and it will not fail to make 'a careful §Ludy dot their ie 51,160 We .W- h
:2 , Regarding the newspapers advertis- meet this challenge.” before indulging in Wll econom to 15 .l
1, ing relationship for 1943, Paul L. Gor— . / . ulation.” our‘presu
;; don, general manager of the Illinois Richardson Made Ltfe Member The resolution was adopted after and his. staff
i I Daily Newspaper Markets, Springfield, Col. W. Vernon Richardson, former members of the association brought [O[l)r0.moung tl
; ‘ Ill., urged that something be done to publisher of the Danville Advocate and the meetings attention a letter l‘ecelldl, n Its m0“ 1
« I , help retail merchants with their war ' a member of the association for nearly sent to Henry Morgantheau, Jr., 5661“”! The Kent
, L , problems, else newspaper advertising fifty years, was made a life member of tary of the treasury; James M. Bl’mes’ Proves the e
i i would suffer a severe setback. His ad- the association by acclamation of all director of economic stabilization; D0” t"“911 Associ:

 " ’ ? his I11 I
13 February, 1943 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three. 11'1I ll
l1.'-1JI1F"I11 1
luring ald M. Nelson, chairman of the “Far Office, to obtain national advertising for budget and that the budget be strictly 3 'le I .-
IiissedIProduction Board, and Leon Hender- the weeklies and small dailies, and followed. IIIIIII
ing ofsson, former head of OPA. This letter, pledge our support to those efforts. (3) That a finance report be made at 111I1l111
ch heIsigned by six members of the University The Kentucky Press Association de- each Summer Meeting, in addition to 111111
,Of Kentucky faculty and other college plores the attitude of certain University the Winter Meeting as at present. - i 1i I
Vloore. men and women, advocated that commer— of Kentucky professors who have stated (4) T h at t h e Secretary-Treasurer’s II II
News. cial advertising be drastically curtailed that they consider advertising at this office remain combined as at present. ‘ 31Ii II .
Iounty for the duration of the war and that any time an economic waste and suggest that At least until a larger Association pro- 1 351; ,1 I111 1’
RyansIIIadvertiSing promoting the war effort be they make a careful study of their sub- gram is decided upon. ’1 II III _
PrOg.‘paid for directly by the government. To ject before indulging in wild economic (5) The Secretary-Treasurer tells us 11: 1111 III
mitted offset the loss publications would suffer speculation. he is setting up a double entry booking 1.3 I I?
under such a plan, the letter suggested \Ve wish to express our appreciation system that gives a greater control of 111111
)f the that the price charged the reader be in— to the Courier-Journal and Times for accounts. We approve this installation. 1 111; i1 I
or itslcreased. the useful “Price Quoter” which they RUSSELL DYCHE, Chairman 1 111%
ursdaII —————————————————~ distributed as souvenirs to each attend- J RICHARDSON 1 II 11‘!
le, tl1e1 Resolutions ing newspaper. G. M, PEDLEY I1 I15 I 11I1 1:
$111111 The Kentucky Press Association, rec— TIIC IAszomatitIZn notes With P11l.de the . _TT—TT—___T______ 111*1: F1
ner, d nditions has made its iIium )ei o mem ers connected With the Amendments Adopted. IIII i ll. .33‘
iy eve- Ogmlmg worl .CO . . ’ . . industry who have entered the serv1ce . . . . . IIstIiEIIt 13.
TimesI 74th annual midwintei meeting a wai of our country, and wishes them God— Followmg constitutional prOVISions, IEIII I
Iisville'Clll’lch. The IAssOCiation has endeavored speed and an early and victorious re- the membership voted on proposed I‘IIIII I I .
butinglat thisImeeting to find all poss1ble ways turn to their homes. amendments which had their first read- I IIIIII’II’
in Wind] Kentucky newspapers can co— J “I WILLIS ing at the mid-summer meeting in Lex- I 111111611 I
“d th Ioperate in furthering the war effort and W L1 SIMPSON ington. Two proposed amendments, 1; ”I 11:1 II . ,
“ .eIaiding the armed forces on the home HERNDON EV A\T§ concerning the addition of a separate 1 .11‘1EI
scutiveI front. The Kentucki Press Association . J' i 1‘ treasurer to the official famil wer dis- 3‘ III I 113“]1
3 . . 1 Committee . Y, . e ._ 31:31 .1ng13 -
Ipledges its unceasmg efforts to the pl‘O- _______________#4 carded as it was deemed expedient to .1. It; III: I
DemOIsecution of the war to a victorious con— A . . , . .. keep that office with the secretary-man- .1 1i 1111
)Im B. . wilting Commzlla .s lie/)0?! _ I I I I!“ la”
n Iclusion. ager [01 the piesent. It. . lI‘1II
green; The Association expresses its appre- We, the auditing committee of the Articles 11, III. IV, and V. Whenever III11 I
ICqur- ciation to the Army and Navy for send— Kentucky Press Association, make the and wherever the words “Secretary 1 I III 3
15m“ 1. ing us such well-informed officers to dis— following report: Treasurer” appeared in these Articles, III
anden- cuss the question of public relations with We have examined the books and they were amended to read, “Secretary I 11! 1
mderIS'llie press. We feel that the Kentucky papers of the Secretary-Treasurer, Vic— Manager.” I 31215.1 III
3h dls'IPress has gained a better knowledge 61 tor R. Portmann, and find them in ex— —————- I 3111213? 3 1Il11'11311i .
leader'Iways of aiding the war effort from the cellent shape and correct, as reflected in A r t i c l e If, ”Membership,” was I 31 115131111 3
:er W'Isplendid addresses made by Major Gen- a report submitted by him on January amended with the inclusion of Section 1‘: I 53111113 "II 3
Elgh‘h eral Allen R. Gullion, Capt. Leland P. 20, 1948. 5 which treated a new class of members: I 1:; III] 1 A
e, M Lovette, Col. R. Ernest Dupiiy, and This report shows a balance in the Section 5.—Sustaining Memberships. ‘ III 33II 1
1d AI‘ Major Joe T. Lovett. treasury Of $79.93 as against $566.95 at There shall be eligible to sustaining I II 11111121 I l
isburgy The Kentucky Press Association ex- the beginning of the year, or disburse— membership in the Association indivi- ‘:' 111 I:
mil” presses its deepest appreciation to Dr. ments of $487.02 more than was received duals or business firms who are con- I 3 t'III I.
)e La'IJOSEPh Rauch, Mayor “lilson ‘A’yatt, during the year. In addition, we find nected with the newspaper business or ‘ :1 III 31 I
iducall Virgil P. Sanders, Mark F. Ethridge, that the Association owes President allied businesses who desire in this I iii-If Ill/1111 {I
“mm Paul L. Gorham, Dr. Donald R. Craig. Harry Lee W'aterfield $100.00 on expen— method to contribute to the welfare of I III IlII ‘
f A550' and Don Eck for their invaluable con- ses to the N. E. A. Convention, making the Association and to assist in the pro- 1 '11;in .i1-II
cheon. tlibution [0 our war clinic. expenditures $587.02 more than receipts. motion of better newspaper practices I 1 iii 151. 1
(C aIId‘I The Kentucky, Press Association This is hardly a true picture of the and to the extension of such services I1 IIIII 1111i
re dls'Iwishes to thank the Kentucky Utilities operations of the year, however, because that may be rendered through the Office :1 11l§IIIlIII 1 II,
ICompany for the delightful luncheon, there remains in the hands of the sec- of the secretary-manager. They shall 3 I III1 Ii I
'd11de‘IThe Louisville Board of Trade, the retary—treasurer equipment and material be elected to membership in the same ,2 l- 11111.3 I1 1
lnivef- llrown Hotel, and the Louisville Cour-‘ purchased during the year amounting in manner as is provided above for news- ‘ I III 111 .1
) hale lerJournal and Times for the excellent value to $165.42. Also no 1943 dues are paper members, and shall be entitled I E. 3.113131 3 1I I
at thls dinner and Splendid floor show and included in this report, whereas consid- to all Privileges of the Association, ex- 1 131 11111.1 :
resolu- dance, and the Courier—Iournal and erable 1942 dues were included in the ccpt the voting privilege. Dues shall be 11 1I1-11
Fessol‘S) Times for the luncheon at the closing 1941 report, and there remains 115142.50 $25.00 per annum. 1 1 I 1II§IIIII3
iublCd 36351011- in 1942 dues unpaid. ________ 1i I l z11iII1 1
cspeC- We wish to express our appreciation Your committee makes the following Article V, “Duties,” Section 3, was I I I1 3
to our president, Harry Lee Waterfield, recommendations: amended to read: II: ‘ l
alterIand his staff for their tireless efforts in (1) That the calendar year be the Section 3. The Secretary-Manager I i131. Ill :II‘I i
ght ‘0 PmImO’iing the work of the Association fiscal year of the Association, beginning shall keep a record of the proceedings I III 5313111 .3
acemll' ["1 “5 mOSt trying year. 1943, instead of Winter Meeting to Win- of the Association and collect all money ':1 3:111} 13-13111 I
sec'i‘e" The Kentucky Press Association ap- ter Meeting. due from members and Other sources. i111 II '
3yrnesi Proves the efforts of the National Edi- (2) That the Executive Committee, recording payments as made. He shall i .i . 1.31131 I 3.
; D0113 tonal Association, and our own Central at the beginning of each year, create a Please Turn To Page Five 1 ' III 2131?] I
i. "111.4 'I1 '
I 11 I12;
‘ 'm 1 1 I; “It I
i "12 ””115 '1

 . " ' ' d 3- -' Tr -, 2'.‘"‘-€ z’tia- 'if.‘::. I:7i':."3:?:?:?"E‘-9*f:‘:‘:3."-*‘r:::::r=r=:
3. 1‘" ‘ ). ., . . .
1. _ 1 lagc hour PHE KENTUCKY PRESS February, 1943 Februai
. i i i
. i 1
, ’ l - " cu a1 . _ . . .
e rt .lment in this field The writing to their peacetime activ1ties of making‘ way beyonc
. /> of this letter was headed by Prof. Col- goods for public consumption and that! can afford
1 K t , ,1 , a. ston E. Warne, Amherst College, who is they must keep their names before the: smaller Ilei
, 1 . 1 en , :. g; {’38 also president of Consumers Union of public in order to sell their peace-timei aweek Iool
‘ , a . . , I
I .. the United States. goods is a thought which 18 not discussed to $75 week
Ofiicial Pillabllcatifsl; 0i 31:; Kentucky In this action, the writers condemned by the writers of this letter. Thus the (
‘ ress oc a. . . i . .
. . _ 1 themselves and their economic teach- ‘Elmer DaVIS, Director Of 0W1: When the only fat
- i ‘ _ ' ’ ‘ ' . asked about an lan to r 't ‘
l Victor R. Portmann, Editor-Publisher ings Thls ls ev1dent 1n the far fetched . . Y P es Fla adver. lem for the!
1 statement that the loss of advertising tlsmg by the government replied that to made.
_ w Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington revenue could and should be met by the ins knowledge no such plan is being or A5 a pos
~ ‘, _ __ reading public who would accept a tre- Sidered anywhere In the government. tions, mad:
. 1 Kentucky Press Association Ofllcers mendolls rise in subscription Price which He also expressed emphatic opposition NOI‘IhWCStCl
, Vance Armentrout........__....._Courier-Journal, Louisville ' . c . '
President would have to be, at least, over 300 fl; to any government subSIdY 0f Ipress and1 1. Start 0
Joe Richardsonmane-m...---...~-»--»-....~n...Times. Glasgow of today’s rates. Other statements radio as a substitute for advertising stat - t'
. Vice-President . . ’ . I 1n appren 1
4 1 Victor R, portmanm____,,___W,,_____fiMU, of K” Lexington equally fantastic, seek to undermine the 111g that SUCh a plan would seem veiyi 2. Get so
1. 1 1 . secretary-Izmanager . entire economic status of the newspaper unsatisfactory.’ ‘The whole idea of the ' '
j, - District Executive Comnzzttee fi d , 1 . _ , h . h . _ i gaanathIII.
i 1' - i Tyler Muniord, Union County Advocate, Morgan- e1 Wthh wouId mark the destruction press In t IS country 15 t a_t 1t Operate? your bllSlIlt
1 ‘ . neid. (state-at-large). Chairman; Chauncey Forgey, of hundreds or newspapers—the exact free from government subs1dy. Thati 3 Train
. . i Independent, Ashland, (State-at—large), Vice-chair— _ . _ . . . ~
_ » man; First, Joe LaGore, Sun-Democrat, Paducah: number we refuse to contemplate. This its strength. That is what gives it it several kim
> Second, John B. Gaines. Park City News, Bowling - I . , . . ,,
. 1 Green; Third, John H. Hoagland, Courier—Journal, ‘5 HOE the firSt 0f Ina“) Wild-CYEd schemes freedom’ sald MT. DaVlS. porter £0 56
. Louisville; Fourth, James M. Willis, Messenger, i v ~ _ _._____.__*___________._ ‘ .
. 1 Brandenburg: Fifth, Virgil P. Sanders, News-Demo- thatIthcy have proposedto cure the na , . 1 4. Buy sc
.1 1 crat. Carrollton; Sixth, Fred B. Wachs, Herald— tions economic ills which we do not Red Cross Adver/ismg ing operati
‘1 Leader, Lexington; Seventh, Walker W. Robinson, beli V ll 0 he "17 .1 ill . l‘ ‘t' Ill' . ’I
: ' Herald, Palntsville; Eighth, J. w. Heddon, Advocate, C 6 e S 3V1 ) 11 6 M V61 151 g Red Cross proof book of 12 ads ““1111 novices to 5
I 1‘ 11 Mt. Sterling; Ninth, Harold A. Browning, Republl- dollar. (1 1 d d , f . l . 5 Sin 1.
i‘. ' can, Williamsburg; Immediate Past President, Harry . . a etai e recommen 3.th11 01 [le JO - 1 p1
‘ Lee waterflem‘ Gazette: 011m“- The mistaken and fallaCious ,“eco— cally sponsored publication of the com that womei
V i I ‘ KentuCk” Press women's Club nomic cure-all” of these 6 onomi s'c . ' ’ ' v 'd h
' Miss Mary E. Hutton, Herald, Harrodsburg, President: h b] E Cd ((1: (1') Plete SEUCS 1n CVeI‘y daily and weekhl 2‘01 t e
.1 Miss Mildred Babbage. Breckenridge News, Cloverport, aut orities is a re ute an COll- ' ' ' r 1 “Sin 1
A, First Vice President; Mrs. J. 0. Young. Journal, Dixon, _ . y , rmwspaper Wltl’lln the boundaries 0f mi, 3 g tr
1 Second Vice President; Mrs. Mary Henderson Powell, demned by a writer for the American chapter have been d13tr1buted_ LOCK“ 6. Invest
., ' Record, Stearns, Third Vice President: Mrs. J. R. 1 . A. - - - ‘. . i - . -
Wallace, Advertisen Walton, Recording Secretary; l\ewspapci Publishers Assoc1ation who chapters were adVised to obtain spon- mgrintcilng
‘} * Mis Urith Lucas, Independent. Maysville, Corres- states; _ .. . - - an
i ,J ponfiing Secretary; Mrs. J. L. Bradley. Enterprise. I ‘ _ . SOTS. Supplementai1 Pubhaty material . tra e S
713 “ ”lhesc educators while professmg to accompanies advertismg booklet. Edi you can se
i ‘ recognize the value of peace-time adver- tors are advised to get in touch with these Schoo
11“ NATIONAL EDlTOPIIAl . tising, state that since advertising accel— their local chairmen. 1 1- SUIVC‘,
i: “ x . crates bu /in it i runnin in direct ——-———-—~——————————— [ COm etent'
i » a. ASSOCIATION . . l g’ S .g - . K p h -
.1 , . wigfigimzi , / / OPPOSILIOH to the effort oi the govern- Suggestions ()[Imwl 1 €61) t 611‘
i ‘ "’" A! ' ment to check inflation. Advertisin ' oi To Meet He] 9 Problmn 0“ file con
- ' g 8 If
:1 .1 ' ‘ ' compel“ engaged 1.11 war work and ”Thedwindling of advertising reve t ’ hYO
. , 1 m pomting to the public their success in nu es. machinery repair parts and meta hOI teac hey
;x-.‘ a t ‘ ~ ' ' ' . - lS mac in
, 1 MEMBER 11135211) that fielfd 1in ordeci1 Ito mairliltain glood Will ration are problems to weekly publish Or anize
\i.,~.- ,_ . . . . I
" 3““ ls 1211qu ’dACCOI: .mg [0.3 Ease E ucaItms, ers these days, but the shortage of min , publigshers
3, so aso is a vertism aic or y rivate . . , , -. 11111. 1
fl . K i TUCKY PRES . . _g p . p: r powei is most acute and there is not Vices Let
. companies conveying messages ol tiie cation of any improvement ., says [11 .
1 u i .
” ASSOCIATION government to the public. The goverii- Wisconsin. Press thiee wee]
. onaulzan JANUARY. m: merit Should pay for these messages, say ”Time was when each mail woui :lsk the he
. ——————————-——4—-——-—- these men “rather than (have them) bring in applications from prospecti" t1Ohm set
; Volume F“””"“"’J N“ "’1’” Four assoctated with the private trade “3“,“? employees. all seeking lObs as printer Cl . —_,_
; . ' of commerCIal companies.” They tail operators compositors ~ or front 0111C Kimles jl"!
1‘ . . _ 7 . cons icuousl to advance any arguments . , ’ ’ . - 1114 PA, Dies
‘ Advertzsmg ”Experts" Under Fzrc Ph - y- - b 1 1 1 - .lObs' Nowadays each mail brings .i Charles
1 for t eir posmon, ut conc ute tieir dramatic plea f or back shop help. 1171“] 1 .
. . . . - . . . . u '. ‘ . att ‘
.1 The KP A, by resolution, wem on lettel With the statement that the tree the association office is most an x10uSi ist fie ti1nt
1 , record in deploring the attitude of cer- dom 0f the press may well be enhanced help, there is little that can be done “I“ 0; ”e
tain U. of K. professors who stated that if newspapers are less dependent upon The oflice has not had a single bid 10 hem“: o]
1.1 , they consider advertising “an economic advertismg and more dependent upon a job in mam weeks ,, in HilckyI,
l‘ . . . ‘ ‘ I . . . - . ~ . . / n I
3 waste.” This action was taken after 1t collecting the true cost oi publication Besides those lost to Selective Sei‘VlCC of [lOpKln
i: . . .. a. M ,, . . , c .
was learned that they, With some two dWECdY from the made” _ it points out. the weekly newspaper IS til 1980“? .P
.- hundred other economists, political “The innumerable contributions that natural training ground for shopsl ‘Ce‘lIKC‘at101
=‘ - - ~ L ur- .,
1 seieiitists, and educators had addressed have been made by both advertisers and larger cities which Offer higher pay. Or \I l’NEC
1 , a public letter to four high Washington newspapers to the war effort are ignored nance plants and various governmen 1)“, b t i
. . . . . _ . . - . . u
‘ 0310315 recently asking their attention or overlooked; the iact that much of the jobs, it adds, offer opportunitles WhIC ind D111 1.
1 l' - v . - I - . . - l t ) 1
. t0 ‘the overwhelming waste anOlVCd in advertising today 13 not an urge to the the average weekly newspaper shOP 63111 “1(an h
‘ ' ' I ‘ , _ ' , . . ‘7 . ._ 1 c ‘(
1 the continuation 01 the lull peacetimc public to buy but rather an explanation not equal. The problem 15 faul)‘ com. the Ne\
L 1 volume of adveitismg when the scarCity to the public of why they cannot buy is mon to the entire country. . Writer in ]
, i 0f raw materials, power, transportation, also ignored. The fact that when peace The few applicants who leave 11"“ Tabs" (1'
1| and Skllled labor ShOUld dICtatC dTaSUC comes these companies expect to return names as printers or OPCYZIIOI‘S ask wage bl‘Ollght ‘
. 0
I" |
, . mi. .7, .

 W3, 3 ' -,~- -~-:-_a:-,-.;-_1,. .,-1.-:;- ,‘Z.',",‘, f ,1 - ’ -’ 1’ - ’ .. ’1 .. _ . 7» “Mar “M ~ ,'~ ’-

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*3 February, 1943 THE KENTUCKY PRESS page Five ', ’t‘il '
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