xt7pc824fd50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pc824fd50/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1978-11-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1978 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 30, 1978 1978 1978-11-30 2020 true xt7pc824fd50 section xt7pc824fd50 Dy IRIDGET MeFARLAND -

Acting as liaisons between Student
Government and the freshman elassisthe first
priority of Mark Rock and Doug Watts. SG‘s
two new freshmen senators.

The freshmen were elected in a special
election earlier this month after 86 passed a
constitional amendment allowing freshmen
to serve on the Senate. ,

Freshmen have specific problems tltat do
not affect the rest of the student body.
according to Rock. a business administration
major from Ohio County.

“I think freshmen have advising problems
during the summer conference." Rock said.
“There is a need for more advisers in order to
spend more time with students to get all their
questions answered."

Pinpointing other problems freshmen face
will be Rock‘s job as liaison. “My indivdual
problems with UK may not be the same as
others‘.” Rock said.

Watts. an arts and sciences major from
Louisville. said he would like to see freshmen
better informed about 50 activities. He said
he and Rock will be visiting dormitory
council meetings to explain 80 activities.

may be caused by

their lack of know-

ledge of campus

“We need to
improve communi-

cations in the

dorms.” Watts said. cit. HAERTEL

Dental senator

Another newly elected senator said.
however. he doesn't think apathy is a problem
with the students he represents. Chris
Steward. a second-year dentistry student
from Fort Knox. said dentistry students
aren‘t apathetic —— just busy.

“Dentistry students are working night and
day just to keep their heads above water.“
Steward said. “There simply isn‘t much time

to be interested in anything else." (The
College of Dentistry did not have a 80
Senator because no one ran in last Spring‘s
election. Two current second-year dental

  NeWIy elected lssenator describ


students. Mike McLaughlin and Hal
Haering. were president and vice-president of
80 two years ago).

He also said a large percentage of dentistry
students didn‘t attend U K as undergraduates
and thus feel somewhat separated from

undergraduate activities. He noted that many
dentistry students are married and have

Steward said he ran as a write-in candidate
in the special election after he reali/ed no one
else had formally entered the race.

Of major concern
to Steward iswhathe
sees as the UK
community‘s lack of
awareness of the
College of Dentistry.

“I‘d like to inform
the University about
the dental school. It
needs more publicity.
It‘s one of the better
dental schools in the

VINCENT YEH country but no one

seems aware of this." he said.
Asked about other concerns. Steward said

he has heard several complaints about the

lack of athletic facilities for student use.

“There are only eight (indoor) basketball
courts for 20.000 students. It‘s very
frustrating and disappointing to take time
from a busy schedule and then not get a
court." he said.

Steward. 26. was a biology and chemistry
major at Western Kentucky Universityand

also has a masters degree in education from

c concerns

Western. He taught high school science
before entering dental school.

Other senators

Two other senators were also selected
during the special election. Vincent Yeh was
elected from the Graduate School. Yeh is
working on a masters degree in physics. He
did his undergraduate work at Michigan
State University. where he was a member of
the Academic and Student Council.

Yeh is concerned with University policies
that affect teaching assistants.

Gil Haertel. a social work major from
Louisville. was elected from the College of
Social Professions. Haertel was a write-in
candidate but said after he made it known he

was running for the position. the Committee
for Social Workers in Action (a college
organiration) supported and backed his

Haertel is interested with tenant rights of
students living off-campus. He said he would

eventually like to see the organilation of a
student tenant union.

Vol. LXXI. No. 73
Thursday. November 30, I978

I ~ er!)

A tkins cites freedom
as campaign strength

By JAY rosssrr
Suit Writer

State Auditor George Atkins.
speaking at the Law Building
courtroom as part as of the Student
Bar Association's Gubernatorial
Symposium. told a near-capacity
crowd yesterday that his campaign for
governor is free. independent and not

obligated to any power or special
interest groups.

“We (Atkins and his campaign
workers) have been able to maintain
our independence both financially and
politically.” Atkins said. “We have
already raised more than a quarter-of-
a-million dollars and our average

contribution is slightly more than

He said that being relatively new in
the political arena has helped him gain
that independence. Before becoming
state auditor. his only previous
political position was that of mayor of
Hopkinsville from I972 to I976.

“Historically 'in Kentucky.” Atkins
said. “when you run for governor. you
have to be in the political arena for IS
or 20 years. and just by osmosis. you
think everything is all right.

“Or just from the political process of
always wanting to be governor. you


Service Organizations.




have compromised yourself so many
times to stay in the arena -— on the
favorite‘s side — that you lose your
freedom to really do anything once
you take office.“

Atkins noted that it was his interest
in “independence and freedom" that
caused him to run for state auditor.

“The office of state auditor was a
sleeping giant in the age of
accountability." he said. “with full
authority for subpoena power and full
access to records and documents."

He said the office of state auditor.
previous to his term. has never used its
power and authority for the good of
change or to challenge the system.

During his term as auditor. Atkins
received much media coverage when
he revealed information concerning
Gov. Julian Carroll‘s use of 'state
airplanes for personal vacations and as
transportion for his children to and
from college.

When asked about the airplane
controversy. Atkins replied. “My job
as state auditor is to account for tax
eXpenditures. We led a very legitimate
audit on the state air force to
determine how many planes were
involved. how the money was being
spent and the use of those aircraft. The
reason we made the audit was because
there were seven planes bought in the
last three years in the excess of $3

million and without specific
appropriations from the General

Atkins said the Commonwealth of
Kentucky has 13 airplanes for
executive travel. He added that if
elected he would immediately sell
seven of the l3 planes.

Atkins mentioned that Harry
Caudill. noted lawyer. conscrvatist
and author. is endorsing his campaign
and is going to head his Eastern
Kentucky Development Program.

According to Atkins. the program
takes a unique approach to the
problems of Eastern Kentucky. It
draws on the wealth and expertise of
large companies that are not
headquartered in Eastern Kentucky
but that own much property there. He
believes the private enterprise sector
can do what the government has been
unable to do in the past.

"I believe it would be a concept of
government that would be benefical in
breaking the narcotic addiction to
relief programs.“ Atkins said. “It
would stimulate (the) economy. create
jobs and put the private dollar. rather
than the tax dollar. to work.”

Next week’s Noon Forum speakers
will be Carroll Hubbard and Harvey
Sloane. in the conclusion of SBA‘s
Gubernatorial Symposium.



CAUSED THE ILLNESS that affected l52 senior citizens
in five counties. the state Division for Consumer Protection
said yesterday. (Cases were reported in Clinton.
Cumberland Green. Adair and Casey counties.)

Of that number. 52 were hospitalized after eating a meal
distributed Monday by the Lake Cumberland Community

fostered an illegal price-fixing conspiracy that has inflated
medical bills. an administrative law judge ruled yesterday.

Federal Trade Commission Judge Ernest G. Barnes said
the AMA‘s policy against doctors advertising for patients.
adopted early this century to stamp out medical quackery.
has developed into a device for insuring physicians' profits.

Barnes ordered the mall-member AMA. the larpt
prcfssdoaalssscciation in the world.torescind itsrulesthat
keep physia'ans from advertising or otherwise soliciting

The AMA said in a statemt it will appeal the order.

WAS NOT DETECTED in the chemical spill in the
Kanawha River near Charleston. W.Va.. environmental
officials said yesterday.

Leo Weaver. chief engineer of the Ohio River Valley
Water Sanitation Commission. said the spill contained
related chemicals and chloroform. but no signs of carbon tet.

Weaver said the spill “poses no danger.” but he voiced
concern because “there are unusual levels and they shouldn‘t

be there.”

It operates the program in ten counties but the food is
prepared at the Salavation Artny kitchen in Russell Springs.

MEXICO CITY yesterday. and the Red Cross said it had
reports that several buildings were destroyed. There were no
immediate reports of casualties.

The first tremor lasted 70 seconds. officials said. It was
followed by a second tremor about l0 minutes later.

The seismological unit at the University of California at
Berkley said the quake registered 7.9 on the Richter Scale. A
reading of 7 is considered a major earthquake.


CLEARING TODAY with a high in the mid 40s. Partly
cloudy tonight with a low in the upper ms. Partly cloudy
tomorrow with a high in the upper 40!.





Gubematorlal candidate George Atkins. who spoke yesterday at the
Student Bar Association Noon Forum. seemed to interest and impress law

‘ students Phil Kessak and Wendy Bryant (above). Graduate student Keith
Lucey (below). however. listened with his eyes closed.

University of Kentucky -
Lexington. Kentucky

New heaters solve comfort woes,
safety problems in Complex

Staff Writer

The Physical Plant Division
yesterday began installing 240
permanent room heaters. which
should please some of the residents of
the Kirwan-Blanding Complex and
help the University meet city and state
fire codes.

The complex has been in violation
of state and city fire safety codes for
the-last three years by having portable
floor heaters in the corner rooms of the
towers. The heaters were confiscated
two weeks ago by the campus housing
office after the Division of Safety
recommended they be removed.

Major Jim Sallee of the Metro Fire
Prevention Bureau said UK would be
in violation of the National Fire Safety
Code by continuing to use the heaters
in residence hall rooms. This code has
been adopted by the state and city as
law and UK has adopted it as pan of
its safety regulations.

Sallee said the greatest danger of the
heaters is that students leave them

unattended or on for extended periods

of time. UK Safety Officer Garry
Beach said the heaters could cause
fires because they are placed on the
floors of the small rooms.

Beach said he became aware of the
heaters early this semester at a safety
class. He said he recommended to
Housing Director Jean Lindley that
the heaters be removed because of the
possible dangers.

Some of the heaters were distributed
last month. however. as the weather
turned colder. But the housing office
confiscated the heaters two weeks ago.
As a result. several students and
residence halls workers complained
the corner rooms were too cold. .

“We discourage the use of all

portable beaten.” Beach said. He

added that UK had a difficult time
finding the proper heaters for the
corner rooms. which have a flaw in
their heating systems.

The portable heaters are approved
by Underwriters Laboratories. but are
designed for temporary use. Beach
said. He said they.become dangerous
when left on unattended. Fires could
easily start if clothing or other
combustible material were placed near
the heater. he continued.

The heaters have a thermostat to
control the temperature and a tip-over
device. which shuts off the heater if it is
tunted over.

Grace Gray. family and human
relations senior and a resident adviser
in Blanding Tower. said she
considered the heaters a definite

“I‘ve seen heaters left on when the
students are gone with the curtains
against them and the curtains were
very warm. It could have caused a
fire." she said.

Lindley said last week she was
surprised the heaters had been
distributed at all.

Jack Blanton. business affairs vice-
president. said. there was a delay in the
shipment of the permanent beaten. He
said there were also probletns finding
the proper type of heater and getting
money to buy them. (The heaters cost
$34 each.)

Blanton said money is a major
reason why it’s difficult for UK to keep
up with the fire safety codes. ”There
are a lot of places where we‘re not
conforming with the current codes.
but wedon‘t have the money.”hesaid.

UK now has a request forSl million
before the Council on Higher
Education to conform to fire code













































' Wifel

editorials 8: commas

Thomas Clark
I'kliloriul Editor

Debbie McDaniel
Betsy Pearce

F. Jenay 'I'ate
('opy Editors

5"“ WW Jeanne Wehaas a... n...
Wat-in flue! Ass-luau: Edits)! gm,“ nan»
Richard McDonald ‘ ' ‘ j...“ v. I“
News mum Mary Ann Dachau

Walter Tunis
Arts Iz'dimr


Ass-trim! Am Iz'tlimr

Astor-late Spam Eth'tor

Nel I-‘lelds
Images Editor

To. Moran
.l)irertor 0] Photography

use. Campbell

Photo Manager


Among other positive signs '

Investigation should consider
minority enrollment increases

Federal investigators will be reviewing state
universities next January to determine how effective
efforts to desegregate higher education have been in

What they are expected to find is that there has
been considerable progress in recruiting minority
studentts. but that there is plenty of room for

At stake is about $60 million in federal
allocations, money'that could be revoked if the
HEW concludes that Kentucky’s once-segreagated
system has not been substantially integrated. It‘s
possible; North Carolina and Maryland have had
difficulty getting funds because of the government‘s
dissatisfaction with desegregation in education.

But the evidence on hand does not support such a
conclusion in Kentucky. According to the state
Center for Education Statistics. the enrollment of
blacks in state universities has grown from 4.7
percent of the total to 6.9 percent in the last eight
years. The population of Kentucky is about 7
percent black.

UK's percentage has increased from less than I
percent to 2.9 percent in the same period. and other
schools show similar gains. Only Morehead State
University has shown a decline in the last eight
years. Black enrollment is still not as high as it
should be ~ UK‘s in particular is abysmally low .
but minority enrollment is steadily increasing.

One thing the federal government might cast a
critical eye on is the continuing concentration of
black students at Kentucky State University. In the
last eight years. that school's black enrollment has
increased slightly. from 57.5 percent to 58.2 percent.

But on the other hand. only I7 percent of black
students in the state attend KSU. compared to 29
percent eight years ago. The efforts of KSU
President James Butts and his administration in
recruiting more white students seem sincere, and
KSU's reputation as a mecca for out-of—state black
students should soon begin to fade.

The investigators should take the gains in black
enrollment as evidence of a positive commitment to
integration. There are other signs, such as UK‘s
hiring of a recruiter just for minority students. and
KSU‘s strengthened efforts at recruiting in~state
students. Continued minority enrollment growth
may be more difficult. though. as administrations
are facing the problems of high dropout rates and of
offering a campus environment that will encourage
minority students to enroll.

One area the federal government should look at
closely. though. is how extensive integration has
been in the upper levels of university faculties and
administrations. Of the eight campus boards of
trustees or regents. only three have black
representatives (UK, KSU and the University of
Louisville), It‘s an area in which Gov. Julian
Carroll. who appoints the members. .has been
negligent. But even Carroll admits there is a need for
more black and women board members.

So while the report on the integration on higher
education in Kentucky could be critical in several
areas. it's not likely that there will be any major
repercussions. The investigation may be just the
prod that’s needed to keep state universities moving
in the right direction.







A legitimate mutation ’ ~

The Artistic Autistics convince columnist that new wave music is deserving of. the


Music is a powerful medium. I don‘t
think anyone would dispute that.
except perhaps the deaf. That doesn‘t

worry me. however. because if they _

start to argue. I’ll just turn the lights
out and sneak out of the room.

OK. we all agree that music is a
. powerful medium. If you can make
powerful music. then you really have
something going for you. That is


precisely what I would like to talk
about today. powerful music from
some amazing musicians. but I don‘t
want to get ahead of myself.

I don‘t know if this is common
knowledge. but I have not been a fan
of new wave music. I have always been
nervous about reductive art and new
wave was. in my opinion. the epitome
of that. It will come as no surprise to

anyone when I say that my punk
record collection was. at best. non-
existent. I have tried to keep an open
mind. not deliberately avoiding
purchases. but nothing really appealed
to me. I guess I‘m trying to say that I
'didn‘t feel the power of new wave

I have always been a fan of rock and
roll. but while I did recognize the debt




that punk owes to groups such as the
Who, Stones. Kinks. etc.. I have
always maintained that something was
lost in the translation.

I can say now without hesitation
that I was wrong. New wave is a
legitimate mutation and I give it the
seal of appeal. There you have it in
gray and darker gray. I goofed.

What changed my mind? A team of
experts at the Mayo Clinic are
working to solve that question even as
you read. I hope they figure out

The other members of the group
include L'il Bobbie Penn on lead
guitar. Ron Bonehead on rhythm.
Chuck Yucks on bass and the
sensational Hugh Wipes on drums.

Billy Slag met L‘il Boobie Penn

.while attending an art school in

Manchester. Both had been expelled
from their previous schools. They
decided to put together a band and
learn to play. Placing ads in several
prominent dailies across the country.
Billy and Boobie auditioned the two


john woke


something soon because I am getting
tired of those brain scans and you can
imagine what they are doing to my

I am speaking. and I‘m sure you
have guessed this already. of that
amazing group from England. the
Artistic Autistics. known to those in
the know as “The Autistics” or simply
“The Ties.” This collection of five guys
from the working class slums of
various industrial cities in Great
Britain was brought together by their
mutual disgust and hatred for what
they term “the unabated aggrandize—
ment of the Marcusian uni-
dimensional man” and by a major
record company after an extensive
study of the market. It was a stroke of
acumen and you have to hand it to
somebody and it might as well be me
since they live out of town.

Well. I know that you are anxious
for a little history about the boys and l

’ am ready to pass it on.

The lead singer of the group is Billy
Slag and he is the songsmith. It
would also seem that he is the force
behind the boys and responsible for
their image. The ‘Tics have a powerful
visual. as well as aural. impact and
you can thank the riveting histrionics
of Billy for that.

He confesses to be manic-depressive
and messianic. He has also made
several statements that he is a heroin
addict. but that sort of declaration is

.almost a matter of course in the
entertainment world today. No matter
he does when the lights go out. he‘s the
consummate performer and an artist
of the first order.

hundred-plus applicants at the
summer home of Billy‘s mother in
Southern France.

Recognizing the philosophical. as
well as musical and sexual. rapport
they share with Ron. Chuck and
Hugh. the group became a reality. The
rest is. of course. history in the form of
a massive media hype.

Needless to say. they procured a
record contract in record time and put
out their first disc last year. just in time
for the X-mas rush. Unfortunately. it
was something of an abortive first
attempt and was aptly titled An
Abortive First Attempt. It did contain
one memorable cut. however. the
abortive “Betty and Her Machine."

That album was followed in two
months by a much improved product.
Born To Breed. There was “Betty and
Her Dog." “Me and Pizza Face."
“Dumb Girls." “You Stink" and “I
Love Sis.” just to name a few.

Critical acclaim was late in arriving
and it wasn’t until the next album.
Never Mind The Doha, Here? The
”lies that the boys were allowed into
the back room at Studio 54. This is a
certified masterpiece and I know you
remember going comatose last spring
over great tunes like “Toe Cheese.”
“Betty and Her Dad.“ “Dead Dogs
and Stuff." “Ugly Girls“ and the
bewitehing "(I Love) Couch

It was songs like these that forced
Ed Given. station manager ofWORM
in Detroit. to say that the Artistic
_Autistics are the musical equivalent of

’seal of appeal’

an intestinal occlusion. the only true
example to appear in the seventies and
he was thankful for that.

Nothing could prepare the world for
their next onslaught. Their fourth
album in less than a year. and like
something rotten in the fridge. they
just keep getting stronger. The title is
Young and Dumb and the music sticks
in your head like a .38 slug.

This was the album that lead the
French rock critic Jean Cuisinier to
say, “Le monde est foutu.” Who can
argue with that? Who knows what the
little wimp said?

The lyrics of this album have caused
an uproar. They have been reported as
the inspiration of some 56 violent
crimes across the nation. That passes
up the Beatles‘ toll set by “Helter.
Skelter." and these are only the crimes
where a direct link has been
established. Remember. there is surely
more to come as this is truly the stuff of

The album opens with the frolicking
romp. “Crutch Kickin‘.“ That moves
into “Betty and the Baseball Team."
which is followed with a few hitches by
the haunting “Betty‘s Dead." Billy
Slag was asked if this song lays the,
“Betty" series to rest. He replied that
he didn‘t know.

The magic doesnt stop with “Betty‘s
Dead.“ however. You will find “Dead
Fish." a paean to women that will,
permanently alter your attitudes-
toward seafood. There‘s “Stains.“ ai
heart-tending chronicle of teenage
sexual frustration which leads into
psychosis. Don't overlook “Jesus

Don‘t Please Us (No‘Mo').“ a song
that lays Christianity to rest along with

Of course. the climax of the work is
“Love In Hand.” This song points out
that onaism is no longer a diversion.
but a way of life. It‘s l5 intense minutes
of backobreaking. arm-aching work
and you‘ll love it.

ldont want to over do it here. I just
wanted to pass something alongthat I
think is worthwhile. Don't forget.
they‘re called the Artistic Autistics and '
we nad them now more than ever
before. Just tell them you want the
Joh Cook is an Eaglsh sdor
pant & spare the phyhg gdtar
for the band EM. 0r b that the
lath way arc-d? In any case. He
real. apps-s every Th-alay.



is f

RonCarter to



_’Back/ess ’ .


group. he and Caner pr


Band on

Clapton album '

creates a



defined contrast of round






a - ME - no Kentucky Kernel. 'I'h-sday. November 30, Im

Ron Carter to
conclude series


current band. where he usesthe
bass as a lead solo. Other bass
players such as Charles mingus
have a strong hand in shaping
their band' s music. but it is
unusal for a bassist to
consistently take the lead voice.

as does Carter.

The only other prominent
example is Stanley Clarke. but
he does so on an electric Fender
bass guitar.

Playing the role of the other
bassist fellow Mile Davis
alumnus Buster Williams has
no trouble surfacing in the

group. he and Carter probably
at their best when laying
countermelodies. creates a
defined contrast of round

Pianist Kenny Barron, who
adds such delightful solos to
several of Carter‘s albums, first
appeared in Lexington as part
of the Yusef Lateef Quartet.

Tickets for the Carter
performance are available at
the door for $6. Like the
previous concerts. the quartet
will perform in Memorial Hall
at 8 p.m.

I’Back/ess’ , is fine
Clapton album.

Continued from page 4
and feeling dominate the

' Clapton's recent work.

Clapton's return to blues-1

based rock is sported in “Tulsa
Time." The country ballad is
transformed into a freewheel-
ing jam where all band
members work off each other

' probably better than on any of

Slowhaml showed Clapton
starting to at least care about
his music again. Backless
shows this returning concern in
intelligent. driving rhythms.
The album is a modest. but
noted achievement for such an

— Waller Tunis



‘ Band on
the “Run:
UK students

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