xt7pc824ff16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pc824ff16/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-10-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1983 1983 1983-10-28 2020 true xt7pc824ff16 section xt7pc824ff16 KKENTUCKY l
Vet. LXXXVI. Ne. 57 Established 1894 . University of Kentucky. lexlngton, Kentucky Independent Since i9?! Friday O(tob.t 20 icon
..fi. W

C . ‘ . 32;; i, 'T . _ .9 .i r ‘ Ww—fi"? 0 0 o
- I 9- -- ~ M~ - . ea an says ov1ets ass1sted in
.23” V... 2. mam ".. g .e” ,g. t n ‘ ‘3‘
5 L.
{ ,. . . Vio ence in rena a Lebanon
”I“. ”mew W 2." .. .4 .,- II . , ..- g I ,
~ . . ‘ ” B) TERI-INCH Ill'NT restore inter and denim me) i.) I.rr He uni 1hr ..i \ flu. run-9hr .1 1;...
I I" 1“ ~ . -- g ' v\ 1“. _‘ i Associated Press Wnter midi! .ttlmh a» 'i' ‘IH‘Jlt‘l \" v' ..w' 'v
'I .. 7 ‘»'..“i:7‘§.w£sy_,‘.. -' 1 "These small peaceful minim mln- .t'.‘l Hit-r 'lw .\ '!~..--.L.i. it
9. u , a 1;? 1X .. ._ . ._f‘.:.":.i‘ WASHINGTON . PreSident Rea needed our lk'l the president \llit'l‘t.“ .tlh‘. l’YV'li-l 'v ..in .. .ii,
. .4 I y e ‘— ‘ ‘ I '- " ~ ' gan charged the Soviet than 135! said. adding that ..iree iii the mitii‘ lrtunut
. . . fl. % ' . _. night With encouramng the nolence tries do not haw an) dHtis .Hltl the . . .
" , ’ éfii 3......1 ( "' .2 in both Lebanon and Grenada others have only liiiiited tunes ‘7“ ”"- "‘f‘ m‘“ " " “‘ “"
1' " " i J.“ i . "through a network of surrogates "MM “:1 ‘M ”t ”MN" I "r
~ _ f c ‘ 9‘ ‘ .. 9- i l » . I . l' r li‘ t-nt' lrtucti-It 'n A t.’.,‘,
9. . an_&% 5. andterrorists The ligitiniat) of ”th nqmm : l . I- I II I I . .. i
V .m . . \ firm ...'I' The praident said the American plus my own “"‘wm 1‘" our ”h Luv?” “inn” .~ .W. ,Whl . . ‘N
" its-‘1‘" ‘9‘ ".9. <‘ f _ . *. invaston of Marxist-ruled Grenada tens. dictated my decision said “ti“ ~‘lW'l'ri l‘» A w‘ . M- t"! '9'
. _‘ r L . ". é .. , . f‘v . a .i. . was necessary because “The flight Reagan "l belie-ye our gowrtimetit Nil mm”!
‘, , ' ll I \ 7“ k“ R‘htgl. mare of our hostages in lran must has a restlimihilit) to go to W' 9““ t: \liit'tl-.t .m. z. .t.. i ...t
Vi t}. , l\ ‘1' .9. :3? "Q neverberepeated H 0! Its ““20!“ l! ”11'” ”R!” K“ 1|“. {Mitt ll'tml‘int‘. .ilm' .ti.i'.o .L~r..'.
~" t t = V t " ff . He also vowed thanthwe ”SPOtl-‘l' and “mm" L‘ lllft‘c‘ltt‘ntil llit'tt' ll’ Pitt .i tit‘fitikdlnf \- 'fn’liit': '
y . ’ 1* ’ ble for the bombing in Beirut that pix-hints; .. .ltitlitit 'h'titintn'i.
I, ' 7 t 1 - r. t " killed 225 Marines and sailors "must IlteagaIn ”MI ”‘4” ”‘ ”mm” m“ ll‘tktlh'l' it Ar 'iiriint o it in... ks .-
11»: ..~ . ,9 ‘4. ' 35“ } } ~ ., bedealt justice They willtx- " l. mu“ States “‘1' d“ ""‘rlmmfl V” ll‘lldllltl EDI-it U...‘ «nun '- 'tn ' .
~ "A ' of. SI w \L“ 3- In a telexised address to the na tan It“ ”a?“ ”m ”“r ”“'” “r" "‘ tiitrot l\i.u'i
\ f. , . \t‘ ‘ tion, Reagan said. “The events in “”045 P‘N‘t’lt'
w 5" ii- ., .jgamjfi‘i ‘- 9 . p ‘ \ Mbanon and Grenada. though . Haul.” ‘a.|itl flit ll‘lfltt.l.‘ {xxx
. r;::~' ._ E: M ‘ oceans aparlI are clmly mlataj ”9 531d lllt‘lt‘ ““5 “hm“ ill lA‘tlolllt'l' It;ti\' iiul tut'.( in" .t.
I ‘ M «3:»;wa ’3' .. Not onl\ has Moscow asststed and t'ircumstanial "mm"? that m" “'r N”
Q 2* > " ' ”I“? encouraged the Violence in both ””5!“ mW'””"" “’r m” t‘m‘h'm‘
. M}; . . . II «a. in. ~‘.~"C‘I..:u1=,wrsii;.i. ‘-.‘ -‘ ~ countries but it prowdes direct sup were the same that destroyed the “r ”ill" YIN \ll‘vi' "W“ ”not" "t
.I fit -« 2 ~ 1‘3“!“ It; 3;. ' «‘1‘: port through a network of surro Amerieaiiemhau) Ill Beirut N‘\t‘r.il ”mumps .lllii WWW" 'i ‘Ill iii
'3’" .. . a“ 4“?“ i . ’1' we ...’ «i an 4"!" . flan ‘ gates and terrorists " mmthsago “'m‘tt‘mu‘ "MW" ""” t"““"”
, ' I t h V ' ‘ Reagan said that on Grenada the ““"’"‘-— ."““———"‘--M " “ j ,
. “m “NH“ M" “H L'nited States had assumed that sev ..-_-.-.. . ’ ” -_... w ‘ ‘f . t
Pedal power eral hundred (‘ubaiis working on an ‘1 \ ,P- .. , ' ‘
airport runway on the southern part ‘ &0 J l 9
Russell Lawrence, 4, leads a group of his friends around the tricycle path at the Center 4 Dt‘sign. 0‘ tht’I ”land could be mllltar.‘ rt“ 90 (QRI‘ \ t\ll\ \ l i
. . . . I .‘ . . . serws b . I. . I E
The group was cycling during their play period, which 15 a part of their everyday routine. “As it turned out. the number was 5 1
much larger and they were a hub \ Q ;
tary force." Reagan said "Six hun- ; \3 . _‘ y ‘
' tired have been taken prisoner and V ‘V' S I ' "ht Rt't' tt 5 ‘
Skeens-Greenwell election sound d... W... . m... i M. Q. e » . '
’ with weapons anti communications i ( “h“ \3 (’J‘Qt‘“é\ e ‘1” I x J ;
\‘rJL‘r .
. . . eqmpment which makes it clear a ! --- . 9.
(Tuban occu ation of the island had ' IliIit 'T‘"‘—’-—‘ ‘” .
SGA board rules despite Violations WM; . Ls .9 \ \
About 3.000 American forces have ‘ WV Jet) \ ‘\
By ANDREW OPPMANN handed over to the organization at 5 consitution. The clause states the ln- landed on the island Smce a pro. i' 0 g \
Editor-in—Chief p.m.0ct. 20. fraction “must be demonstrated that dawn invasion Tuesday “it is our l "Ht" Rm’ 9“, \\
The candidates forms were . . . (it) affected the outcome of the intention to get our men out as soon l ('ARIBBI.A\ SH 0" \- l '
The challenges against the candi- turned in four hours late. said Tim election.“ as possible.“thepresidentsaid l $0 >
dacy of freshman senatorselect Freudenberg.SGA vice president. Both Skeens and Greenwell said “RegreuublyI” he sam‘ (‘uhan l ' .L' ‘
Karen Skeens and Donna Greenwell Joy E. Herald. election board they were satisfied and they felt the promdém mg] past“, “ordered ms t i Q Q ,1 K ',
were dismissed by the Student Gov- chairwomangsaid in the written de- election board was justified in deal. mm m fight to the death and son“. I i 400 MIIIks ,n ' Li”
ernment Association freshman Elec- cision that Skeens and Greenwell vi- ing with the infraction of the rules. did '11“. ”mom will be sent to the” , . "’-——“ / ‘
tion Board in a ruling announced olated election rules. however. the “1 think it is pretty much settled." h(,,m,1d,,d ~- . i ‘9 <7 I
yesterday at2:30p.m. offense did not warrant the election Skeens said. “1 think they had to do Rpagun said m. ordered the ”W3, ,I ‘\__/\ Caz/,3.-. I
The ruling was determined at the tobeinvalidated. that because they have to play by man browse at an [It‘gpnl V‘Pqnmt . (mu m. . “mum“ \f) K ,frxl 1
‘ " board’s meeting Wednesday af- “The offense was a blatant disre- the rules.” from Grenada's neighbors "that we L-.- .. ' t.» ' ‘ ‘ ""
temoon. According to SGA regula- gard for the rules and the action Greenwell termed the ruling as a jom them in a military operation to A..- --. .. _.-. ... M...: .J
tions, the board's decision is posted was irresponSible being that infor- ”fair decision“ and she attributed it ..u
in the organization‘s office 24 hours mation regarding the deadline was the violation to simply misunder» * “_——‘—_’“—_‘”‘:—:“‘*" -
afterameeting. presented to all candidates several standing an SGA form. ° ' ‘
Skeens and Greenwell. who were timos.“shesaid. “We really did think at the ineet- TWO campus pOIItlcal organlzatl () "5
running mates for the two freshman The violation. Herald said, was in- ing that night (after the deadline» . . . .
senator slots. were charged with vio- adequate to call for Skeens and we could turn them in.“ she said , w 4
lating SGA election rules calling for Greenwell‘s election to be disa|~ "We thought a lot of people would do say camp algn p osters are m I SS. ng
candidate expenditure forms to be lowed. citing a clause in the SGA that.We misunderstood the forms "
g . Bit \ittil.\'\ EDWARDS accusation that his group has .my lhr Lilo- til tt’ilitmiil o! ”it um. _ '
80013] work COIlege recelves grant SliillWl'HW‘ thing to do with tearing down Hun lkllflli Hmlo'rldi .- tin highm' 1..” .
l ning material ‘I cant believi- it‘ll i...» own I ... .toiim: tin
. . l (‘ainpaign posters and bumper that they would blame my hq- \t'\t'l.tl 9.il!ip.iiflli~ .iiiri ll” 'lii
By SACHA DEVROOMEN emphaSIs Will be placed on making LC. Wolfe. associate director and “pkg” tor the gubernatorial can said ”w". smm that “mm“ mm.“ WM, I WW.“ .. i. .. ,
- . Reporter an effort to keep children with their assistant dean of student affairs. didates of mm major paring are opponent S camping“ ”Wyn“, (”Hyman Wu, t “my, PM...
family. ”With this program, they said. “This year it Wt“ lUSt be "10"" disappearing from their campus very badly We have told our or.» also twine 'litli >lwa' ..' . 9.."
The College of Social Work will (the social workerSi will be better elaborate with the grant money to l tin-3mm at a fast rate. said Law- grotip mi {0 d” it mp”. ”W,“ n, m“. H.. h,“ "M... A,“ ,4“,
use a $110,799 federal grant to train trained. more efficient. more supportus." ‘ rem... Bisig. chairman of Students run um campaign In a W‘n ma “gm posted I“ W,” III”. in...
social workers of Kentucky's De- skilled. and therefore will beableto Wolfe has been traveling through- fur Jlm Bunning. and Chris tureway - ‘ ,..,"wlm,w, ”m, WWW .i, i..-
partment of Social Services in the better serve the children and fami- out the state to discover what the so- (ireenwell. personnel director for erfiwen ”Id m. can guar mm. bu.“ “WIN W. ‘mm _
area ofchildwelfare. . 1195 they are working with."he said. cial workers would like to learn i'Knomocrats Together '83 antee that no one in the working down The «mimic get mum-«i .
The grant. awarded for this aca- The College of Social Work is clo- Social workers will focus on “how 3mg said people who hold 0,83. commuter-s of his organization {or n m. w“, Mn”. u, "MW. _
demic year. will be used to update 5er tied to the Department ofSomal to deal With gomg Iwhere they are nizational posdions in me Martha has done n H" could have Mn Wm”. “gm hm... “...n m”. mm. i
training for seeial workers in the de- SerVice. Hasan said. The college not wanted," he said. Sometimes a Layne comm campts campaign anyone" in. said ~we‘rc not married the \lihpflitx lito'nu- ;
partment. said S. ZaIfar Hasan. deaIn serves the department in two ways. social worker will have to try to help hag. [pen positively identified as doing ,{ as a group "-3 m the Mt ,,u,,,,..r.I “mm“... I um, ‘
of the College of Social Work and di- “Firstly. we get the students a de- people who are Iangry or hostile. be those removing some 0‘ the Hun ”new“ 0‘ both 0‘ our groups to “mg said that I, n“. mm,“ l
rectorofthe training prOJect. gree. and secondly we offer a contin- said. “They baSically know what to ning may.“ keepallomsigns up ~ mm, Wm WM”. WWW. mm, I
IThe project will provide instruc- uing education program.”hesaid, do but they need mental and emo- Many of the posters and bumper ”a“, Garrett. v“... ”widen, ”f u.“ 0, W“. “mmflm m, ,mrm“ l
tion in practice skills for 8. malt)" Most of the graduates of the Col- tionalrecharging.“ I stickers have been replaced with Students for Running. said the re «town the entiipaign material he l
segment 0f the departments Chlld lege of Social Work are hired b . the Wolfe said he also discovered that (‘Ollins material. he said He Ls placement of the Bunmng poster.» will release the minim he link 9
welfare staff, H353" said. AbOUt 400 Department of Social Services) he social workers WOUId like to learn sure that the operation is run in must have been done by someone pmiiive ldl'fillllt‘atitnl on I l
employees, tnduding 3“ field suPer' said ' more Skills in family counseling and an ‘organized capacity" and With access it) (‘ollins material want those mum’s l want to khan l
visors. will participate in week-loos ' family therapy. “We will be hiring headed by the UK Collins group. "It has to be someone who has at' to... [hm are i... wi l m not !
workshops starting early in the “We have had a reeducation pro- some outside ‘experts‘ ~~ some peo- he. said was u, state qumrwsg he tun. hp ll Hm n, kn...“ Mm; i t...
Spring. gram every year for our graduates ple of national stature to come and Greenwell. however. denied the said ,5.”
Hasan said the project's major and social workers of the state." teach the program.“he said A 1
Debate to center on United Nations’ communication goals
_ '— By NATALIE CAL’DILL '—'—“_—— tainment and communicatims tech formation limo-i ttigi} hi- ..i. .mgm
Staff Writer ‘ ‘1, ’39 (l SC’I’I‘OUS nolngy " tant event ilflll about Him h the} y
. . “Information shouldnt be looked may knm. u-rt little ltmh \élt'l
Do the Western news media ms. [HI/)(I/CU‘IC? 0/ [hefIOM’ at as a commodity such as pvirkbel This is why I in glad u» H“ hating
tort their covera e of Third World ‘ , .. ' ‘ - lies." she said "it should be our our qu-aka-rsiu-n-intrough”.
events? Do Thigd World nations 0‘, I“ ”‘5" Information, hams for knowledge Information The program t’i lrm- .m'i ova-r, n.
’ . want to restrict the freedom of the entertainment . . . . ” can be brush! and sold but it s rill ttw-publn'
__ Western news media” ferent because it can‘t be kept in a ._.____-- .w w
, Those questions will be examined box -- because it consists of ideas 1
‘t on Oct. 31 when a representative of Ramona Rush. and mugmfi W“ need t" ””18“ 'NS'DE l
the Third World and a representa- - - (:55 to (tradition. so we can ve .
\ my 3‘ tive of the Western media debate the communication" professor an equttable distribution of informa
\. '7" 4'2' 1” v qmgfgeof the New World lnforma- — "0;: :1“),
0' k” y tion r. , mittee and editional ge editor of . "d World mm” “ant t" A m of um... “a,“ m .M
\‘\ .fzu’. l The NW“? ls a statement Of goals the Los Angeles Time? will debate end Western monopoly on ml“ ‘1’" am UK it he!“ in Hot mm
’55.; , for worldw'ide communications that at the Radisson Hotel Ballroom 0“ erage and abolish the bad image Milkmen“.
‘ , 55:5 , was drawn up by the Lnited Nations 31at8p in they say the Western news agencies
51:5: . " .. , Educational. Scientific and Cultural Ramona Rush. commumcations give them. Rush said The Western mm m d 7W p“, UK
. . (421:5:- Organizatioti The two major goals professor and a member of the Unit- med“ say that they 3” “mm” to the! the Indent- of Liecwmi
- I l .-’_.~'_:§§3‘ _ N , , ~ “‘3 \ “UNESCO“,St‘temWI _ ed Nations Association. said the pre- mvenmwtmthumeYW-l‘ For m w comm: tooth-ti
. . .‘ \§ § “ l \' \‘ ‘ ‘3 . , ' El'mt'm 0‘ the imbalances sentation is in boom of United Nn- 'me American pubm seems to ”away-ed.
1’ "\\\I;; A Inu‘u\ l M; ’ ' and inequalities IWthh characterize tions Day Rush said 1m “has be, know little 0', nothing about the
..V t \ ‘ w " '" ., the Elimittiamtlxugl tive effects 655mm“ by the mm mm" “ “"0 0' ‘h" d’mt““‘"°“ u" .
o t ’ /' ‘ .. ~9'_ of mm" “find new“ World Oxnmumcauons Year SIo. tor mid World has with the dominant
‘ . ( ‘7 _‘ _La .‘ - concentratiomumm ' that reason. we decided to bring in Western news coverage. Rah said
, ' 3‘s 5" The Blue Grass Cha er of the thespeakersonljhday “In my opinion. [m not sure our
to . . 23‘ ‘ U.MNtmm(P;n mime Rmhsaidtheh'hlooro-ewtot pressintheljmtedsmtahndone , _ .
‘ . .‘z- ,~ 1‘- r ' , a?“ 0:0,,“ . 't‘.’ :8 or Third World dmwlg-‘tm With the anything but an about it With each '
- ~-._ - .39 mumcaions 'dfthe "flow of information that come other" MINI-IMHO!“-
~ Zbflm Whedfilmm'ttgmm . outoftheWestern media “1 think a lot of thing; have afi-um T“
“midi n.3,.“ mm "Lama “Y', "'9 ”9‘” Wu“ "F aunt the Ammw name not in a neurons, as. on in not
3 "It , formation (rder ll aimed toward I dentandng big evmu which at h a. it Q. 7m on I‘
mm.direchuieL'N widerandbetterhelancedflowotin- lacuna-any - theV'ietnnm “mguguq‘m
ESCO liaison office in New York. formation." she said “What they're War. OPEC, the [run mutton, and “3,“,
and Anthony Day. cirrent director saying is it's a neriou imbalance of man totally. the crisis in Central
xnvnmn KHMOvlphvcs d the World Prue Freedom Com- the flow of news. infatuation. alter Am. — and the New With! In»
t t ‘ i

, ~ , o irectory ready
0 I: U Shari-g antic-ring” for do t ob to
0 Fl: _ , i W WWW 18 n 11 ion
7., ‘ ' 3 . The UK way By ANDREW DAVIS
‘ s~ , n The ices-at stuient-faculty-etaff directing have been
. , ' WORKS! published' . and the sponsors d (In book. tin Simian
. Goternmerit Association, will miter?” from the po-
jec.according‘ to'l‘imli‘reuden ,SGAvieepui-
with t d ntl D ‘ “e“
s u a I I ‘ 210.000 the book is WWW University'Directa'ies ‘1
Chapel Hill, NC. Umversity Directories is a divisim d
H‘ 3 m“ 3 205.000 Village Publishing Corporation, whose five year eon— .
‘ ,, “In" . 200 000 traccht with SGA calls for the organisation to make $4100
Moxican dinnor from $3.40 to $5.95 1, 595351: |9S.000 its???“ and vpc are en E thef M of
3119'in ThedirectoryhasbeendistributedtoallUKreoidmce
: -- ,. ' ”0'00" halls, fraternities and sororities. Offcampus students
Ameriggn Mgng Also! p s: ., " ias.ooo 38" nguu‘gggiboog “mm": 563803100. on the first
" -‘ ‘ oor nt nter, 'm inesa hours Fac-
6 oz, hambur .r ‘1.” . . . . ”0-000 ulty and staff will receive their books today. maiden-
?. he Magic of Mexmo. ., berg said.
H09 Brown $3.50 lost in Town" ,, ,, . , . . , _, .‘ ' “About 1,900 offcampus studetits have picked m the
_ . £2 wfl»¢/%,4~7,4%lyyuv sis" sss-s; ' , ‘ " , i. .t. is '2’ 2 ',‘*”""?:it€~v,y+ book"’ in sald’ ' .
THE 5% 53:17} v' f 2: s s ' xi.“ ,. ire Student Agencres Inc. delivered directories to the stu-
r’ I , “tit, ’ 7; lg; .' .' t dents on Wednesday and has hired a student to he] dis-
Happy Hour 1 'l :00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. . aim, tribute directories to otioamims students at the sopA ot-
o ,-. “a i’ ‘13 “09’ said “WW“ Remdsi MM" °‘ SW‘
Monday thru Thursday 4, i‘s " . “ti Asenoies-
$2 00 Jumbo Mar H , r . ,_ mg said tiger digiiret {gagged-i mm
- s. . é .si I3 w a 599”“ co“ 3“ w‘ . ‘3 . . .
. gar a‘ s, tori ' , i, the the b°°ks- Communications Sex "s” will distrib-
4.,— - \_\7\ I . :3 ute 10,000 copies of the directory to faculty and staff,
Dally Drink / ss‘\ ‘3'95 ‘ s.s. § g digs; of; s is s . s I id’s ssssslrslsssdseaniislestslgiesadisi-sectory came out at this time because
, Specials 3 \\ Pitchers , , 3 , l s . 3' g . "m “we don’t have all the student listings _(untll) late Sep-
' .ie Hz . ”“3“? only one complaint about the book, but “if there Is a
( 50 Dr, i ‘0 "f 13%; i storew-up it’s not our fault, . . . we have no control over
.. ,1 , :’».:.' fig-:rlksgr . ‘. ;_, , ,323 7', ,1‘ 5 .1 i In
\‘t . rat’s s. ”iii " .3 The directory contains campus phone numbers. ad-
g .. ; *iiiiiis/g 1mg 3' 3:, i? _ Mm“ grtisements, coupons from local businesses and a con-
s. L5 “My“, ’.Zf*"""~1—_‘ _‘ 3:.3ian;~§::s >1 ' j: "3 i 9, Hi. _. a: L
W 57W 3 a . o3; £3 WWW ., . ., W f gsoecidi Sign iouod irhsome directories make the
o ’ - .3 '- 3.‘ o isi'iliirdiiid‘o Witt in ers e igi e win a cas prize. Accordmg' to Freud-
m .s main... a s it" enberg, no onehas claimeda prize —yet.
“" _" '—_——’_ ' . ' ' .3 .' Jiii Yoder. oi VPo said they decided to have the con
3101 Clays Mill Rd Stonewall Shopping Ctr. 223-5757 5:: w is: s ’ "rt-ifs}? test in order to “make sure that people will pick up the
, . -l:.-ii-_.- ' Val/airs; : Lia: r :1- , ,, .r , _, , , . , 2,3,,“ .. it:,.,,.,,.r€‘e,-"éi~ ,5» directory.”
' as:
a I ift‘ii I a c 3
110 E B0 II ,OGNA’S '
in W l
z . \ WIS-‘21 2909 Richmond Road
orricrit's COMMISSION t e w
V ‘ I. l
* HOMESTRETCH RALLY ‘k a'.‘tl§"«" ;W 574;; 365 Southland Drive
IN THE ARMY. t t -
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It: Mondal‘ /
I \‘t , . ’ ' l
‘ ‘ l C ontmenml Hall |
5 0cm : 7:30pm. until the Full Moon :
0/ This Halloween. the focus is on hocus-pocus. All weekend long. Friday : $309 ( over ' :
to Monday. ‘we II have real live magICIans going from table to table. | ‘ *lhree Full-LengthIlorr0r(‘lassics _ l
performing teats of magic and givmg out instant prizes Q There's also a l "“s "mumi'iz'i’iiiii'a’il'iiiianJ'iZ-m"'°" "°"°' |
Halloween Costume Contest Saturday Night at 9—open to cvcrvonc— I |
With a $500 First Prize. $l50 Second Prize Q So don‘t miss the fun. I I
Bennigan 5 Halloween Party is sum to misc your spirits. ' i the I
l I
l _ . l
s NH NPwl ir'i lr‘ Piiad \i I Mil er ho-slm Rnadl
mmflimgfifsrgby law NNIGAN I I Minivan Ki‘l’lllli Li ul’m'i .imwztm 12in Inn I
Noon! under 2| yean of age [\‘iisiitn (it iudgcs I |
:fmo :31 unless accompanied n itrinai | $1 0 I .
y an I « . ,
. We 3 Present This Ad For Cover l ,
3 i 3 ' l- ‘M‘wi ' 2

 m KENTUCKV KENNEL m, m a. 1m . 3
lid-y m
o.- w In cone."
Asa-atom Sports (duo: wnh
, >_ . .__ . ., , . ,. _ _ _ r . IODIDDLEY
. .-. .. , . .. . .M - . , - ._ . ~ ..-..M- M __ - W~«- ~-—-- -~---" '- DEL SHANNON
, cant PERKINS
who“, 0 ' Rupp Arena No» ll 8p m
its.» 1 ca 3111““) HI litkoHSQ ySitsto rs
_ - : Q) 1"I'" ‘ ‘ O'RuppBo- Offntos Dist Jodtoy
‘ 9
. _ a Cane: UK Wildcats vs. Cincinnati Bearcats Players to watch: Cincinnati decent“ Jason sum-t and um ' \ / ' _ _ .
at a Place: Commonwealth Stadium Booze. offensive tackle Bill Thomas. quarterbaek \ttle \Mtlmg, k rt”; r C'n£mn “m H 7)
M- _ Kickoff: 7:35 pm. linebackers Linwood Marshall and Jerome Brtnwn \fi I- ' .; . " ~ _ u _ ... ... ~ 5 ..
5,” Records: UK 5-2; Cincinnati 34 UK - defensive guard Keith Martin. linehatket keun Md let , r ! ...... ...... ......“
. yearot Couches: UK - Jerry Clai- land, tailback George Adams. quarterback Randx Jenkins m "saw (I)
borne is S-lZ-l in his second end in SEC in passing). flanker Joe Phlnlf“ and int tcltrrttct ‘— ‘ ‘ .‘ , ~ --~- 9 «-~ ~-
_ 'm year at UK and 143-88-7 ( Tony Mayes. _ _ .' ' ‘ 2.4“ “‘7’: .
. . . —-t8 61.6 percent) overall. 20 vs. , / / . I - , . - . .. A. . ..
thefint Cincinnati .. f h 1. fl: N
‘ he- Cincinnati: - Watson Brown is ._ _
- _ ' ~ . . . , —— m
' . _ 34 in his first year at Ctncrn- Notes. Ctnctnnatr upset Penn Sldlt' on the road Ill ll\ season 7 ‘ amt-«u.
nati after two sumsful years JImShrgel opener ”<3. but have since Iosl to Oklahoma \tate. Honda "on“. M) l 11‘ N(; hasty-o“. M
I W the as offensive cooridinator at State. Louisville. and most recentl). Miami (Ha I l‘ ‘ \lat Tum.” 1...;‘-..,.,.,,,_, g ’ « . , 4-- . ..... .,
Vanderbilt and two years as head coach at Austin Peay (14—8) quarterback Troy Bodtne suffered ll traeture or llit‘ let: T.Idlll\ . ; .. u“ m w.” i“ ‘I ~ "N- w 9" MI‘() I l l )I.‘ ..- I . t . . .. r. .
the stu- foracareer mark 0fl7-|2(58-6 percent). (major bone in forearm) against FIQHda \tatc and Wax .ttlmttg it t- “(when 5“". :2. 1"" . 4 a;
, . P dis- Offenses: UK-multiple;Cincinnati-multiple the nation‘s leaders in Pawns 30¢“ "dd ”INN“ h‘t Me“ n "It" ““' we ‘0: \‘k‘INIJ V .. . ‘
SGA of- Defenses: UK -wide tackle six; Cincinnati - 5-2 yards in five-and»one-half games. hul l k “NJ NM“ 't‘m “2': Jun?” . u u in." w ._ "v. LLZ‘TSLTQ'ZTI:J.Z~ZZ:I '1'. -
sullen! Ill-flu: Cincinnati- quarterback Troy Bodine. arm. out Claiborne still expects the Bearcats to throw 4n lllllt'\ l k uni H .. a ..u‘,‘ lint-woe at.“
UK _ running back Mark Logan. ankle, questionable. cop try to rebound from its devastating defeat at twutgm um :tv ll :Atunnw‘.’ I it", "t r
ma nerback Gordon Jackson, knee, probable ensure the school‘s first winning season since W“ uh" “in w u - . \\“‘-.ufi‘\;“. H
'bu v Favorite: UK by ten Expected Allendence: 58,0001capac1t)) Q: ‘1' Linux: ,\ ~_ ...“ u...”
diStHb-g ”A “u“ l : \N.rr.llu'.l i
' Staff. UK ..
r '. use i Q
sew Board of Experts -
‘ 2" an: it - ,Hr ‘A'nr lll'\.::\\flu":tl M ./ /’,”r/“ \
v. 1 over Mickey Patteno- Da- Mera'r Jason Vila-a Robbie Kaiser Bruce Duh-kn Im- t httum ‘ _y sl,‘ :S‘::H(:n l t t 4 t l .tn . «mama . . ’ /
Sports Editor Asststant Sports Editor Senior StaffWrtter Futures Aj‘lslanl Pl-xlmlhm “AV-aw Natl” l‘h'xi \li , M h... , km, in. H Lewis slum ‘ '4
wmuum its-am 34-324 76-404 71.394 99 2‘4 m fi k m “M“ H ... w “No. ’ I, o -
' . ad' wanton.” .733 726 655 so. ‘6‘ H M r, x, i Q. t, ill : up." vs l’varm » /
I 8 cm. ' t 5., ,Q. ... . in w 1.4“ m an... ,' '
Clad-aunt“ UK UK UK UK ll ll inlaid: 3 atiwutyur r .-..: ‘
, e the MininippiStJt Alabama Alabama Alabama Ahbum Nab-ma Mam- .- WW" , '3“ ,M .. ,, ‘ , n ;; t. ,, ...
Freud Florida St. at Arizona St. Anzonl Sly Florida St, ArumSt, Arizona St Manna \: in" 1a \ H. A, ‘ ‘ «hm \ J n. ...
- Fl 'd A b Aub Auburn Ailburn Auburn Auburn \rrlwuu “M“ r “n“ , H, mm" “mm,“
PS; Stun :03: College Pent-T’s: Boston Collele PennSt. Penn St Penn 5: ““‘l"“‘ ""0“ Li“ t hrull .‘nt‘mr 9* rev...“ mm”, SATURDAY BRUNCH
‘ con- Michmnallllinou Michigan Michigan lllinou Michigan “Ilium, \lnhmnr
the LSU at Ole Miss LSU LSU LSU Ole Mm l at, t \l 1 0-1 .30
up North Carolina at Maryland North Carolina Maryland Maryland North Carolina Vorlh ( aruhna \mti: t u' mlt,‘ h .
Memphis St. at Vanderbilt Vanderbilt Vanderbilt Vanderbilt Mustsstpt st \ anderbilt \ antic: m; , , '
mwmmmum, WWW Mm“, Mum.) w.“ mm. minim“ “Wm Volleyball team plays tontg l CLASSICAL CHAMBER
Temple at Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia (lemma t .e. n flld
Tennessee“ Rutgers Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee Tennessee lennesxee l<~-~nem-r » .- _ , . . . . ', ‘ ‘§_‘
, Wuhin‘lonatUCLA Washington Washtngton Washington UCLA Washington “by,” ,, Ilhe Slth ranked \tlllcybdl! Lady kats, :. . MUSIC
WesternKentucltyatMoreheadSt. WesternKentucky WesternKentucky MoreheadSt. WesternKentutkv “(\ltlnxflllu_h\ “r'xlctt‘krlmttl- “I” play [hf UHIVCFS") 4" ( allf“”“fl a! 55"“!
Eastern Kentucky at Murray Eastern Kentucky Eastern Kentucky Eastern Kentucky Eastern Kentucky lauern keti'ml» lm't‘”. kt' D Barbara tonight at 7:30 m Memorial ( 'oltseum. 8-1op-mI
557 S. Limestone 2930014
Richmond Ave. , - - .
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KENTUCKY " ‘ t‘ t W ff, I ‘ v ’ Pr -—'
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Kernel (4! par \. a?“ _ g / \ ,J
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Ibo-bucked 1m lndopondonitimini - I ) ‘ 7 '
~ “ I . ,xa ”nag...
Amw Linux-duh. W/l ° ’g l .' ./ ”flit? l /
. . . . x c ' L,
Editor-tn-Chiof Executive Editor \m' a \ e ‘ , - ,..
7/ .w
mount-i muck-N White" {- 0 o l ‘ 7/ I 7<
Wmlflo Editor NW" Edit“ EditoriolAuisiont m r (- , My yé‘flfl‘ /fV\ / / / ,— ', ‘< ‘ \
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In vadmg Grenada ,g see “1‘ o... ‘. . at. W l." as... he...

1‘ ‘fi. ,. - h‘ .. “yrs. g’figfi yffiifizf 4i( i .‘W tilt? -'
;;.=;-:;;;5::-:.¢:::' ' \ . - g . " " t w .5? “'W.o_-:gig:'55§§§_i
m lead U S into / . an ... «a; see all!" k at”
ay . . /” ‘ :Waov. j“? .. . .. exa‘ '* NW? (7,) ,W' l / so. ; ..
f ' ' I ’ -, 'i . ' ’ l ' 79% /(~ l/ ‘L fill-k" WWW
a l a w r war i§55333él€5='"535.5553?'55-‘§§555i'_:3: ' - ""‘M .m.,.... . ' 1- “ -;- ”g . " -. V
In what has been called a “cowboy mentality” by Euro- )“2’ I t, ‘
pean allies, President Reagan has invaded a Caribbean re- “‘ """ " ‘ ' ' " ' ' "
5°” than"; . . . . “Making the beaches safe for democracy. ”
The Sov1et presence on the island may give the adminis-
tration more reason to invade, but it also raises some ques-
tions because 30 of their advisers were taken prisoner. o o o
WWWWW W protect Amman WW on We arat on can 0 er so I orientation
island after the recent takeover of its moderate Marxist

government by hard-line Marxists in a coup. Reagan also _ _ , _ _ . _ _

- - - u _ According to the maps in those ————-——— ln the Agncultural Engineering what seems hke days w1thouthear-
addefi‘ that the invaSlon was carried out to restore democ schedule books that come out every Building, acm form the Kirwan- ing or seeing a human being. The
racy . t0 the area _ _ , _ semester, there a