xt7pc824ff7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pc824ff7q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-02-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1988 1988 1988-02-23 2020 true xt7pc824ff7q section xt7pc824ff7q  





For Van Horn, the sky is seemingly the
limit. SEE PAGE 3.





Childhood memories haunt
columnist. SEE PAGE 4.



Today: Mostly cIOudy
Tomorrow: Cloudy. 300.35..




Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI. No. 114


University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

independent since 1971

Tuesday. February 23. 1988

Wilson, Clay to fill student affairs positions

News Editor

UK is hiring from within to fill the
positions of dean of students and di-
rector of residence life.

Doug Wilson. acting dean of stu-
dents, will be recommended to the
Board of Trustees at its next meet~
ing on March 1 to fill the dean of
students position.

Bob Clay, acting director of resi-
dence life, has been recommended
and hired as director of residence
life. said James Kuder. vice chan-
cellor for student affairs.

Unlike Wilson. Clay’s position does
not require BOT approval. Kuder

said. The BOT will be informed of
Clay’s appointment.

Nonetheless, Clay will remain in
an “acting“ capacity until March
when the appointment becomes offi—
cial. Kuder said.

Wilson has been acting as dean of
students for about a year and Clay
has been acting as director of resi-
dence life for about eight months.

Wilson said the appointment will
be a dream come true for him.

“From the time I completed my
master’s work I’ve worked in
student affairs positions — for 18
years" Wilson said. “So it’s a great
Opportunity, one I‘ve wanted to have
and now I do."

The dean of students position was

left vacant by Joseph Burch in the
summer of 1986 when he stepped in
to act as vice chancellor for student
affairs in place of retired chancellor
Robert Zumwinkle.

The director of residence halls po-
sition (which has since been re-
named residence life) was left va-
cant by Rosemary Pond‘ retirement
in the spring of 1987.

The University Personnel Depart-
ment conducted a national search to
fill the vacancies. No search com»
mittee was formed. Kuder said.

Kuder said that, while telephone
interviews were held. no one was
brought to UK to interview for the

Jack Blanton. vice chancellor for

administration, said he is happy that
UK was able to hire from within for
the two positions.

“When the university can find ca-
pable people within its own ranks.
by golly it ought to hire them.“
Blanton said. “That’s what I teach
in Managment 301, it‘s good motiva-
tion for people."

Kuder said that he feels
positive about the decision . “

“After having worked with (Wi|~
son and Clay) for eight months .
there was no question in my mind
that they were the most qualified
applicants by far." Kuder said.

"Bob (‘lay knows the housing sys-
tem and is known by the people in
the residence hall system very




News Editor

One thing about UK hasn't
changed very much in its 123
years of existence —— it still has
trouble finding money.

“In those days the University
was struggling —. adequate fund-
ing was a problem.“ University
President David Roselle joked
yesterday at UK‘s 123rd birthday
celebration in the Great Hall of
the Student Center.

Complete with a large blue and
white birthday cake. balloons and
streamers, the celebration was
attended by about 50 people.

Roselle gave a brief history of
the University and speculated
what future generations might
say about the condition of UK

“if the current budget proposal
goes through. I imagine that 123
years from now people will be
talking about the current lack of
wisdom (among the leadership in
the state).“ Roselle said.

()thers in attendance shared
Roselle‘s view of the University‘s
present condition.

“I think (the birthday cele-
bration) is neat." said Bob Clay.
acting director of Residence Life.
“I just hope there‘s a 124th one."

Lynne Hunt. president of the
Student Activities Board, said
that “Dr, Roselle brought up a
good point."

The University's future is a
little cloudier than it should be,"
Hunt said.

But in an attempt to brighten
that dim future. the Student De-
velopment Council presented the
University with $17,922.50.

The money. which was pre‘
sented to Roselle by James Rose.
president of SDC. was collected
though the “Senior Challenge“
program started by SDC two
years ago. Rose said.

The Senior Challenge is a pro-
ject which solicits money for the
University from graduating se-


Students celebrate UK‘s 123rd birthday at the
Student Center yesterday. About 50 students,


DAVD 81 “LNG/Kernel Staff

faculty and administrators attended the festivi-



Slain librarian remembered as energetic

Staff Writer

Karen Cobb. UK librarian, was re-
membered as an energetic person
who got along well with everyone.
according to many of her co-work-

Cobb. 30. died Sunday as a result
of a gunshot wound to her right
temple. Police have charged Cobb‘s
fiance. Barry 'l‘ilford, with murder.

“(lronically). she expressed a lot
of happiness in the fact she was get-
ting married.“ said Adil Razeeq.
reference librarian.

News of Cobb‘s death sent shock
and disbelief throughout the refer-
ence department.

“I called some of the people in the
department when I heard (about Ka-
ren's death). I didn’t want everyone
to have to find out through the news-
paper." said Brad Grissom. head of
thereference department.

Healsoaaid thathedith'tbelieve
"the loss had fully registered."

“It‘s so hard to believe that it ac-
tually happened and so difficult to
comprehend. It‘s always difficult
when anyone dies, but under such
tragic circumstances . said
Norma Jean Gibson, reference li-
brarian. as she began to cry.

“Karen was very energetic and
likable." Grissom said. “She had
many good relationships across the
library system.“

Cobb had a master’s degree in li-
brary science from UK, Grissom

Besides working with the refer-
ence department, Cobb was active
in many different projects.

“She was involved with the Opera-
tion Read Literacy Program. she
worked with special oriented groups
in the summer. and she worked with
the Martin Luther King Jr. Cultural
Center." said Patty Powell. exten-
sion librarian.

Powell received a call from Gris-
som Sunrhy morning concerning

“I didn‘t know what to think
(when he called).“ Powell said.
“It's just now beginning to sink in."

According to her coworkers. Cobb
was very career oriented.

“She was very confident in her job
and everyone respected her for her
knowledge.“ Grissom said.

“Karen had hopes and ideas along
the line of using her knowledge and
experience in doing work with infor-
mation service that represented ca-
reer growth.“ Razeeq said.

“I guess we were all worried she'd
leave in because she was so good
and could get a job anywhere she
wanted.” Powell said.

”What kept her here was being
able to establish herself." Razeeq

“This was her first professional
position. She had so much potential
for the future. Everyone expected
for her to m," Gibson said.

Also, Cobb was noted for her intel-
ligence and peiaoriable attitude.

“She was very bright and hard-

working.“ Gibson said. “Anyone
who knew Karen could get along and
work well with her."

Cobb. who had been off work since
the Christmas break due to illness.
was scheduled to work yesterday.
Grissom said.

”I talked to Karen Saturday to see
what her schedule was. She had got
clearance from her doctor (to start
work again)." Grissom said.

“We were short staffed without
Karen and she said she was anxious
to get back and help us catch up.
She also said she missed the (li-
brary i." Grissom said.

Karen had tried to come back pre-
maturely this semester. but was
forced to leave due to her illness.
Razeeq said.

“If someone transfers. you se-
them occassionally but when some-
one dies . . . you feel an emptiness.“
Razeeq said. “It's a sad situation.“

Funeral arrangements were in-
complete at 0L. Hughes Funeral
Home in [axington atpmstime.

well." Kuder said. Clay is “very
pro— student. very much a supporter
of UK and very qualified for his

Wilson received equal praise.

“Doug has been here (at UK) for
over 10 years and he has been an un-
derstudy for Dean (Joseph) Burch.
who was very qualitied." Blanton

“The dean of students job is a
very important job at the Universi-
ty." Kuder said. The position re-
quires a fluent knowledge of Univer—
sity codes and policies.

“That‘s not

easy stuff. " Kuder

it‘s a “big step for me personally

and professionally, so l‘m thrilled to
death about it." Wilson said

Clay said being named director of
residence life “is a substantial move
up ..

“I'm honored that I passed iiius-
ter.“ Clay said.

(flay. who has been ill l'K since he
was a freshman in lsitili. said he has
held every position in his rte-part-
ment that there is to hold

(flay said he told Kuder llt‘ would
“do lillh) best never to disappoint
nim "

Ned Benson, Keeiielzind liiill dirt-(J
tor. said that he tarts :er‘. plensi d
With thctipixuiilinent oil In}

Enforcement hurdle
final obstacle left
to alcohol policy

Executive Editor

Questions about the enforcement
and application of a permissive alco
hol policy are the major hurdles to
be overcome before alcohol could be
allowed in UK‘s dormitories. accord»
ing to most members of the Alcohol
Task Force.

Task force members who favor a
more, permissive alcohol policy say
it is only realistic to allow alcohol in
the dormitory room drinking hap~
pens anyway.

'l‘liose favoring a prohibitive poll
cy. however. assert that enforce—
ment would be too hard with a per
missive policy.

The committee. formed early last
semester, could vote at its next
meeting on March 25 whether to rec-
ommend to Art Uallalier. chancellor
for the Lexington campus. to allow
alcohol in the restdence halls.

The decision ullniiately would end
up in the hands of the I'K Hoard ol

Earlier this month task torci
members noted on a ballot which
UK properties they thought should
or should not permit alcohol

The task force split 6—6 with one
abstention on allowing the posses-
sion of alcohol by 21-year4ilds in res?
idence halls.

On other areas of campus — the
Student Center. Faculty Club. fra-
ternities. sororities and Maxwell
Place A the task force said alcohol
should be, permitted. A subcommit
tee now will draft two policies for
the task force to vote on.

Student Government Association
President Cyndi Weaver said a lot of

Bush forces

the “no. vote on :« i.'(‘!lll“.‘\i“.t' iiit'(~
hid policy is [10‘ t)IIti‘\~i)§!l:tt’£ii i'il‘
based on legal illlpllt'illf'tl’.

But after talking to: " win: .itfnr
neys. Weaver and . :i:--zc pernzi-~
sive policy does not itinkc tlii
x'ersity more IIFiIlIl‘

Weaver conceded Limit littet'mi
Residence Life lioi- (in;
good arguemert .iii-xii' 'hir untouw
ment problems it l)(’i’llll.\:t\(‘ .ilwolyi
poilt')‘ would most

Wmnci' said iha' {‘llit‘f‘"ii‘.;', ii p )‘t
cy. which allowed Blryeiiroltls»
drink in their doi‘iintoi‘y rooms
would certainly be more difficult to
enforce than a prohibtnc .iicohol

But it the task lorct- 15 going '1)
limit a persons rights. \\'ca\er said.
“the reasoning onetit to be over
wl'iclniing "

Task Force t‘tznirnian Jainis
Kuder. however. l> concerned about
the rights of two other student
groups when tryini.J to (lecitlc which
all ohoi pt‘ilt‘} he would lawn Res
iiicti) ‘ietx'iscis .iiiii Vic-lent» who do
no! alcohol in (iii

The Vice chancellor l()l student at
fairs said he doesn‘t want the [H to
he put iii the position of being an en
t'orcemcnt .igi‘nt it is really not

But lwn Walker. an RA who
serves on the task torcr said a pro
hibitnc ptiilt'} would just ‘i‘eflcct
reality ‘

“It's important to have a policy
that's liiir to t’\t‘l‘}()llt‘ on campus."
Walker said. "There will always be
alcohol in the dorm or anywhere
else on this campus "

\cc I' \Ith( ‘I \II\ I . liigc 5


lilt'lh't'.‘ i



of victory in Kentucky



By JOHN srnwss
Associated Press

Kentucky supporters of Vice Pres-
ident George Bush. armed with a
slew of endorsements from promi~
nent state Republicans. were confi-
dent heading toward the March 8
primary. but Pat Robertson‘s forces
said a low turnout could help their

Supporters of Robertson. a min-
ister and television evangelist.
mounted a "switchover campaign“
in the fall to reregister conservative
Democrats as Republicans before
the Oct. 5 deadline for changing
party affiliation. said Philip A.
Thompson. state director of Ameri-
cans for Robertson. No other issues
or candidates are on the Super Tues-
day ballot in Kentucky.

“Our best estimate is that we
switched somewhere between 4.000
and 5.000 people statewide.“ Thomp-
son said. adding he expected the
turnout in the Republican primary
to be less than the 141.000 Republi
cans who voted in the 1m primary
for governor.

“So if you have four people in the
race and they divide up some num-


ber less than 140.000 in roughly
equal amounts. or any way you want
to divide them. then obviously 4.000
or 5,000 votes can make a major dif>
ference." Thompson said.

Stan B. Smith. political director
for the Republican Party of Ken-
tucky. said he had no data indicat-
ing how many of newly registered
Republicans are in the Robertson

“But you take. say. Hopkins Coun-

Scc BUSH. Pageb


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. February 23,1088


Song remains same

Band offers little originality but play like they mean it

Staff Critic

The (iodfathers
Epic Records (CBSl

.. lillllllllillii

From the bowels of Britain — this
time Kent. Yorkshire and London —
there has come yet another angry.
big guitar band. With Birth. School.
Work. Death. The Godfathers prove
that if you can‘t remedy a bad situa-
tion with good ideas and a lot of
money. you can at least brood about
it a bit.

The music IS rough but sharp.



with just a touch of REM. and the
Clash thrown in for good measure.
but not enough to pigeonhole them
at either end of the spectrum. The
grinding. chugging riffs and endless
tribal drums get tiresome after a
while. but I guess they figured they
had something good. so why not

The Godfathers are a worried
band. Much in the tradition of The
Alarm. who sing about much the
same thing in the same style with
reasonable success. they manage to
mention poverty, unemployment.
drugs. isolation and inevitable death
in nearly every song. To call them
moody would be too easy. Their
songs are powerful representations
of what a young man in England
must face unless he plays in a rock
'n‘ roll band.




From the line. "Cary Grant's on

L.S.D.." to “A million mums are
hooked on valium things ain‘t
what they used to be/A generation
raised on poverty." from “If I Only
Had Time." and “I've been abused
and I've been confused/ I‘ve kissed
Margaret Thatcher's shoes." from
the title track. one can tell that
these guys see things in a more or
less negative way and really don't
see a way out.

There‘s nothing too terribly origi-
nal here. They‘ve just taken a tried-
and-true formula and mixed it with
some typically British lyric tricks
(namely mentioning Reagan and
Thatcher by name along with the in-
evitable drug escape route) and
ended up with a record that we
could have lived without. but it‘s
worth a listen anyway

With their "classic" two guitar.
bass. drums and standoffish vocals
lineup (they are arrogant enough to
make a presumptuous comparison
of themselves with the Rolling
Stones and the Who) this band
shows if you can‘t play it well
(which they can't). you can at least
play it loud and ugly. which does
raise The Godfathers above the ma-
jority of bands in this category.

The Counseling Center
is Offering Support Groups for
Recovering Drug & Alcohol Dependent Students

0 Someone I know abuses alcohol or other drugs.
°Anything & everything you wanted to know about alcohol 8: drugs
but were afraid to ask.

(An open group discussion for students)
— explore your attitudes and feelings — express your point of view —
increase your self-understanding — ask & find answers —

To be held 2/29/88 ° 4:30-6:30 p.m. ' Rm. 103 Barker Hall
For more details contact The Counseling and Testing Center 257-8701

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Erik Rocco
‘ Arts Editor


Mystery writing tops
Clark lecture tonight

Staff reports

The president is coming to UK.
The president of the Mystery
Writers of America. that is.

Mary Higgins Clark. author of
many bestsellers appearing on
the New York Times Bestseller
List. will speak tonight at UK‘s
Guignol Theatre on mystery writ-
ing. During her lecture. Clark
will discuss writing her own mys-

Clark. who has been writing
mysteries for 12 years, started
out as an advertising assistant at

the Remington Rand corporation.
Then she began writing radio
scripts for the Robert Jennings
Company. Several years later.
Clark started her own company.
Aerial Communications.

Her works include Where are
the Children. A Stranger is
Watching. Stillwatch and Cry in
the Night.

Clark will be at Joseph Beth
Bookstore today from 1 to 3 p.m.
to autograph copies of her latest
mystery. Weep No More My




Creative Leadership Series
Thursday, February 25 - Student Center, 4 p.m.



Topic: “How to avoid being a dumpster - Being
positive and assertive and learning to say no” -
Room 228 SC

Speakers: Dr. Dan Fulks, Professor of Accounting
Lynn Hunt, President, Student Activities Board




Topic: “Patting yourself on the back — Marketing your
organization" - Room 203 SC

Speakers: Dr. James Donnelly, Professor of Marketing
Kevin Hobbs, President, Omicron Delta Kappa
Kris Calvert, Public Relations, Student Activities Board



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Clear Your Calendar

On Friday (this Friday, the one between Thursday and Saturday),
the ”Co Cats" page of the Kernel will “hit the stands,” as we say in the

newspaper business.

If you don’t pick up another paper for as long as you live — and don’t get us
wrong, we certainly do want you to pick up the paper every day for as long as
you live - pick up this one. The front page will carry the usual assortment of
hard-hitting news that you’ve come to expect from the Kernel, and the After
Hours page will entertain you with its customary blend of insightful reviews
and interesting features. But as an added bonus (not like we think you need
one), and at no extra charge (the paper will still be absolutely free, not like some
other schools we could mention), the back page will be blue with the words ”Go
Cats” printed in black and white. We’d like you to take it to the Syracuse game
on Sunday. When the lineup is announced, you can enjoy the Kernel, ignore
the Orangemen and support the Cats - all at the same time.

Watch for it!




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 Kentucky Kernel. Tueedey. February 23. 198! — 3



For UK’s Van Horn
the future’s uncertain,
a fight is always near

Staff Writer

After a nationally televised victo-
ry over John Munduga Sunday. UK
sophomore Darrin Van Horn has a
lot of options to consider.

The lQ-yearold junior middle-
weight upped his boxing record to
35-0 after scoring a seventh-round
technical knockout Over Munduga in

In the process. Van Horn raised a
few eye-brows that could potentially
lead to bigger and better things. The
biggest being a shot at the world

"I couldn‘t get off the phone this
morning or last night." said Van
Horn's promoter Cedric Kushner.
"All the phone calls that I received
were about the fight and how excit-
ing it was and what was next for

What is next for Van Horn is un-
certain. With so many offers. the
Van Horn camp simply hasn't had
enough time to decide.

'As of right now we will be fight-
ing a nationally televised fight in the
month of May. probably the latter
part of May.” Kushner said.
"\lhether it's for the title or not we
don‘t know. But there‘s a good
chance it could be,“

Kushner said among the possibil~
ites for Van Horn is a title fight with

either Matthew Hilton or Julian

Kushner said Van Horn has also
received offers to fight in France in
April on a major card and other of-
fers to fight in two other countries in

"The interest has been nothing
short of phenomenal." Kushner said.

As for the 3rd-ranked Van Horn.
he just wants to take it one step at a

"It doesn‘t make a difference to
me who I fight." Van Horn said.
"Milton and Jackson) are both for a
title. No matter who you beat you're
still junior middleweight champion
of the world. "

Munduga's manager. Mickey
Duff. said Van Horn should pull the
reigns back on his horses. There‘s
still plenty of time. No need to rush.

"We've only seen the beginmng of
a great. great future for Darrin."
Duff said. "But I don‘t think he's
quite ready. He needs a few more
Munduga fights to bring out the best
in him.”

But even Duff said if there was
any fighter capable of reaching the
top this early. it was Van Horn.

“That's why tKushner‘st had all
the offers." Duff said. "That‘s why
all the networks are interested. and
those are things that put asses on
seats and make eyes glued to the
television sets.“




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Kentucky Kernel

Editor in chief
Executive Editor

News Editor

Design Editor

Editorial Editor

Photo Editor

Arts Editor

Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor

Production Manager
Advertising Manager

Dan Hassert

Jay Blanton
ThomasJ Sullivan
Karen Phillips

C A Duane Bonnier
Clay Owen

Erik Reece

Todd Jones

Jim White

Paula Anderson
Scott Ward
Linda Collins

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic
year and weekly during the summer sessuon

Third-class postage paid at Lexington. KY 40511 Mailed SUDSCHD‘
tion rates are $1 5 per semester and $30 per year

The Kernel IS printed at Standard Publishing and Printing. 534 Buck-

man St . Shepherdsvulle. KY 40165

UK sophomore Darrin Van Horn lands a left to the
head of John Munduga in their junior middleweight


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tight Sunday in Frankfort. The third-ranked Van
Horn knocked him out to up his record to 35-0

\V‘»“‘<‘w‘ ...........
KN K.\K\K\K\ \\\\\:~


\ \\ \\ \\\\\\ \\K\K\K\\\K\

3/1 " 31:15 Special

Todd Jones
Sports Editor

Jim White
Ass»stant Sports Ed to

UK tickets
still available

Staff reports

L'K basketball tickets for the Wild-
cats' final three home games at
Rupp Arena are still available

The games include LSl‘ tomorrow
night at 8:00. Syracuse on Sunday
and Georgia on Wednesday. March

Students can pick up a limit of two
free tickets with two validated IDs
Tickets are available on the west
concourse of Memorial Coliseum
from9:00a.m. today until 4:00p 111

Guest tickets for the LSL' and
Georgia games are also available at
the price of $6, The limit is two
There are no guest tickets left for
the Syracuse game.

For more information. contact the
UK Ticket Office at Memorial t‘ol-
iseum at 257-1819



Due to an editing error. infor-
mation in a story and headline
about the UK gymnastics team
which ran in yesterday‘s Kernel
’ was incorrect.

The gymnasts recorded a 184.3.
182.90 win over the Auburn Tigers
on Friday at Memorial Coliseum.

The UK score set a school re-
cord for highest dual meet score.
The preview record was 180 set
during the team's last meet of

The Kernel regrets the error.






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