xt7pc824fg53 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pc824fg53/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-01-31 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 31, 1996 1996 1996-01-31 2020 true xt7pc824fg53 section xt7pc824fg53  



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’ tax help

By Misty Gentry
Stufl' lVritn'



Getting ready to file with the
Internal Revenue Service can be a
taxing experience, and two UK
groups are pulling together to
help students make it through.

The Student Government
Association and the College of
Law are offering free income tax
services for students.

“It is a good idea because it will





i save a lot of people the hassle,
‘, especially when it is getting close
to exams," said Matt Blazejewski, arn
a physical therapy Freshman. “It is
just one less hassle.”
, About 12 law students will -
l serve as Volunteer Income Tax
1 l.» Assistants. Tony Skeans, a third
year law student, said they are
gamed hyhtlilellnternal Revenule By Bell! McKenzie ()HL‘ is 1:11.1duating1 from the his. and 1s
1 enice to e~p 0“ Income peop e Sen/111'.S'Ia/fll‘riii'i being taught with Kl‘iRA concepts. .\notl1
(’0 the” taxes. They are backed by 1'1 graduated three \e.1rs before ls'l‘R \, and
theb‘SttrJdent Bar Assocmtion. ()ne of the most L'ontroL L11's11l ch 1111,11 s now Is being l't'-ll'.llllt‘tl. lhc thii'Ll tL'aL liL-i
. “care the onlygroupin.Le‘.\'— in l\entucky s rLLLnt history isthL1imp|L1 has taught illllll't' than 3* years. for new
lngton that ls doing electronic h]; mentation of Kl‘ RA. KeiitiiLk1 l duL 1 Run hers. most of their ll‘dllllllL’ 111 Rl’RA
k"?! and . there ‘5 no Charge, tion Reform Act. 'lillL comes at the college lc‘vel
Skeanssaid. . , . ' ' /"'"""""""¢ (1. {”3411 1..
Professor Domr Michael from pins and cons 0’ ’hh/ . “Ski!“ f ““l i’ 'm
. _ z~ , revolution in educaoon ' teac in I met L is education senioi.
1? the (701’ch "l Law thinks the ser— are debated almost daily. ' g ' taught at Squires l‘ilemeni
1'; vice is geared t11111ar1l11e1111le who But what often carries : we ' tai'v in l.e\1ngton last fall.
l :‘m’l‘dthell "elf" “’th ti,“ returns, the discussion is only fl : At the time, she said she
)UT 0 “()t l\n()\\‘l'l()\\ [U (l() lt ()llC SlLlQ,’ _ h()“1 C(lllL'il" ' ’ \'J\\ J lg“ problems \\'][l]
themselves and can t afford to 1181' tion is changing for the :. eac erg/ Kl‘iRA. she thinks her for


someone else to do it."

Michael also thinks the service
will be valuable for those who vol-

children. .o,,,,-,,,l',l,,,/ iual education has prc
Another side exits: the teaLheis' paiLd he 1r for the Ll 1s.sroom.
Educating teachers :11 work “\\e alw 11s heir that l lsistl11i.gl1 bit
f1'11 the st' atL as it pe rtiins to Kl‘ R \.“ Sell


PHOTOS BY MATTBARYONA.~1..»1.M Klth is as big 1 ch '1nge as what children




“It is a good community service
activity and is valuable to those
law students who participate," he

The tax service had been done
in the past, but it just started up
again last year. SGA reserves the
rooms in the Student Center. The
services begin Feb. 13 and will run
through April 10. SGA Associate
Director Melanie Cruz said that
the number of students using the
service will greatly depend in how
busy the tax season is.

Last year the Volunteer
Income Tax ASSistants completed
about 100 returns. Statewide, the
organization helped complete
about 50,000 fonns last year.

Skeans said that someone may
be able to assist international stu-
dents, but that it is still uncertain
since the person will have to be
specially trained.

“I think the tax service is a
good idea because a lot of people
don’t know how to do their taxes,"
said Shonda Canada, a sophomore
accounting student. “A lot of peo-
ple are far away frotn home and
they may not be able to get home
to get their taxes done."

IIII1'.‘1L’7IIL11'r1rur Hum/H lIILI'il/L .S 11111;].

By Lindsay Hendrix
Stuff” 'I'm'i'

campus and Lexington.

Lambda Sigma secretary.
stay at P(.)I "

tion, the reason is quite simple.


After winter break this \ e 1r, many L l\ organ”. itions \LL1'1tL
surprised to return and find their norm ll er 1.1.111 11 pl1 11 L1 on
Patterson ()ffice lower s 18th floor w as no loncer available

The top floor offered both student and faLulty groups- 1111
elegant, comfortable room with coucshe and a \iL w of the

“()n behalf-of Lambda Sigma (Sophomore llonor Soci-
ety), we were a little disappointed that we had to change
meeting places, since moving to the Student Center is less
convenient for South Campus members,

“Beyond that we dont really understand why we c ant

Althou h the change seemed 1L1L'uliar without an ex 1lana—
g L l l

“\Ve dug out the policy (for Lise of the 18th floor) and said.

found out we weren’t doing it right,“
chancellor for administration, whose office is in charge of be.“

[EARNING Tl] TEACH .Sui‘u Sl":111,u Mufti/1 1"1/11111/111'uiulum 1111111111 11 17/11/1111 71111 Mug 1.111111

are facing
for teachers,

reserving the floor.
'lilie original policy states that l’( )T‘s‘ ltith floor is to be

used for (”it"tllllc oL'Lasions only,
cet'emoin or event. It was not designed to
be an optional place for regularly scheduled meetings to take


unique seminar.

”The policy {.1' 1es back to the early '70s
was intended to be 1 special place for special kinds of meet

which could include .1

lilantou said. "lt

tugs right from day one.

" said Robin Kidd,

_ (.ioups that used the 18th floor for monthlv bi monthly
and weekly 111Letings' L' '.'1usLd wear and tL at on thL fiLility.
and it iiLeded to be preserved for the special units it \1 as
designed to hold, Blanton said.

However, he pointed out that it was not the University‘s

goal to be hard to work with on this issue. They want to help

make the transition as easy as possible for those groups who

are having to move.

“If people had it booked, we're trying to honor that,“ he

saidglack Blanton, vice

“\Ve‘rc also trying to find alternate places, so we don't
just leave these groups hanging out there with no plaLe to


Panel tflCleS health reform

help preserve it," said David
Mohney, dean of the (Iollege of

‘Vhat does this

“You learn about the past: how
it was built, what it meant to a
particular culture at a particular
time, as well as what values from
that period we’ve inherited in our
own time," he said.

Such a program “ultimately

given big boost
by new program

By John Abbott

Senior Stuff l l 'I'm'i'


But for one last hurdle, the UK
College of Architecture will be





able to offer a new gives you a better
Master‘s Program understanding of your
before the millenni- . . own culture."
um is up. Atha‘t‘ are Igeoplc
The M ster's Pro- - Wit a 1 aster's e tree
ram in“ Historic I think the in Historic Preserv .ffion
greservation already heritage of going to do with that
has been approved by Kentucky 15 piece of paper?
the graduate counci , important to “T hey can work 111 a
the Academic Pro- many of number of capacities,"
grams Committee the State’s Mohney said. lhev
and the Senate Coun- . can work for firms who
cil. If it also receives residents, and specialize in historic
the green li ht from ””5 would/J81]? preservation, or they
the Committee on preserve it. ” can work for state agen-
her Education, it y cies who oversee his—
:3“? be rolling in the DIVltl Mom" toric preservation pro-
all of 1997. . . arm.
The committee to ”Mum”? 1"" gr According ‘ to
establish this pro- employment figures
from the Kentucky

gram was formed in

I989 Heritage (Iouncil, he said, there


“I think the heritage of Ken- are a hundred positions for
tucky is important to many of the ,
state’ 5 residents, and this would .See PROGRAM 0714
. 4

By Kathy Reding
.Slilfl ll'ritri'

liffects of Kentucky health care reform
passed by the legislature in July are
bLginnimr to be felt by many

\ panel of advocates of tho. new system
held a forum last night at the ( .atholiL
.\ewman (.enter 1m campus to inform
the public about details of the plan.

“Until it affects you, people have not
paid attention to the reform plans," said
Sister Michael Leo of Kentucky's Health
Policy Board.

State Representative Ernesto Scorsone
of Lexington said that insurance plans
under the new reform are the most mar«
ket—oriented forms of coverage the state
could have adopted.

“This is not a government takeover of
health care,“ Scorsone said.

Under Kentucky's health care reform
law, standardized benefit ilans have been
set upon various deductib’le levels.

The panel‘s insurance agent James
johns said consumers pick the plan that
best stiits their needs and then shop with
companies to see who will give the best
rates and service on that plan.

johns said with the different options,
more than 400 plans are possible

“This puts the power in the hands of
the consumer, not the agent, ”Johns said.


Scorsone said there is tremendous
pressure on the system now from the
insurance companies to either change oi
eliminate it.

The panel held the forum to combat
negative publicity of the plan coming
from members of the public and some
insurance agents because insurance rates
for the new plans are higher than con--
sumer's previous rates.

“Rates have shot tip for many and
that's the bottom line for people," Scor-
sone said.

Insurance companies have set prices
high so it is hard to have competition.
Leo said.

“The rates have increased because the
plans have guarantee issue," she said.

Leo said the insurance companies have
set high rates because they can not deny
coverage to anyone. They thought that
those with a lot of health problems would
cost the entire system more, and so they
increased rates.

She said it is too early to judge the suc-
cess of the health care reform because it
has not been given a chance to work yet.

lohns said the rates are beginning to
come down because insurance Lompanies
are realizing they overshot their losses.

Dr Terry Brown, a Frankfort physical
therapist, attended the forum to find out
how the changes would affect him


lo ”llllips’t’ what is happening
thrLL teaLhL-i's were



ais said.

.S'w TEACHER 1w 5

Campus meetings barred from POT


Slinging starts
alter budget talks die

\\'1\Slll.\'(i'li(l.\' Barring .1 miracle. the
din s’ for i 1rrind balanced l1111l1rL1tLlLal idead but
L1.'1Lh sidL s election \e .‘11 drive to pot'ti a_\ thL othLi'
is thL H” 1111 is just be ginnini1

ln prolL1'ss'Ld attc iiipts to revive the budget bal
anLing cllnt‘t, l’t'esidcnt (Llinton and Republicans
are waging separate longvshot campaigns to 111111
Longressional moderates from the other plrty to
their w: ii't'iiw \isions of spLuding and tax c.uts \t
the same time. Pelpub iLans may force House votes
iiL\t month on the two L amps final offers at thL
budget talks, in hopes of showing that few
Democrats support Clinton‘s plan while there is
bipartisan baL king for the (it )I’ propt 1sal.

Real budget work remains. The administration

says 1 L at lLl\ siuIL te'dL ril deault \Hll occur unless
(onUiLss L\tei1ds the dth limit lll lLl11111r\.\i1d
Humor .11'\ spending authority for do/ens of .111Ln
LiLs ie uLwLLl list l llLll\ \\|ll b.1111 to be e'\thdL1d
onL'L again by Watch 1‘.

Panel investigates Clinton deal

\\' \Sl ll.\'(1“ll( )N The s.1\ ings' and loan
owned in the (:lintons' \Vhitewatei' partners was
t'ifL with shim t1. al estatL transILtious. .1 federal
1L1rul1toi told thL Sen ite v11'.LstLid1_\

l 111k e\'."1mii1Li l.11mLs (l'uk thtifiLd that a
11i'oup of iiisists it Madison (ill at .111t\ Savinus 1\
loan 11 as obtainin11 c ash in whit 1mountLd to .i
pyramid s1l“1LiuL.

l‘ii 1L'usit1g on .1 real estate development south of
lattle Rock called (lastle (irande, Senate “'hitewa—
tLr (Iommittee Republicans LvhibitLd charts out~
lining thL purchase and sale of the 1, (hi) ac rL tract
in 101111 -. .1 series of transactions that ultimately
Lost taxpayers nearly $4 million.


leno tell: girl to keep oliin up

lll'RBANK, (:alif.
teen-age girl who has been teaseL
nent chin.

“'lfyou have 'a distinctive face you re more likely
to make it “the lantern- -jaw' ed comic told 13 year-
old .\-.1talie (.ron on Monday s "The Tohight
Show.“ \'atalie said the boys back home in Visalia
call her hurtful names like “( ihinny—chin~chin" and
Abraham Lincoln.

Leno said Natalie's chin had already paid off
with an imitation to appear on his show. “People
with normal chins wouldn't get on,” he said. “lf
someone said they had a normal chin and wanted to
be on the show kiss off, pal.“

(.‘mnpilrd firm! u‘nr "pom
‘ s

7 - (Ihin tip-lay Leno told a
about her promi-


 ‘— any" "n’i‘flema’ .


' ‘ 3 my; a.


2 Hr'ttlnrxday, filmy") II, I 996. Kemmky Kernel





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. Matt Felice. ...... .. .. .. .. .. ..., Editorial Editor
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AOH congratulates new


Panhellenic Delegate

New Member Educator
Administrative Vice-President
Social Chair

House Manager

Rush Chairman

Mimi Jones
Leah Lanham
Koleen Slusher
Julia Riley
Cresta Rogers
Heather Soto

Liz Reh President
Erin Bacher Recording Secretary
Heather Lafferty Scholarshi

Vice Presi ent of Education
Panhellenic Delegate
lntramurals Chair



Keeper of the Ritual
Corresponding Secretary
Alumni Relations

Public Relations

Stephanie Brunson
Angela Ashley

Patty Nelson

Sue O'Daniel

Robin Miser

Keri lebbett

Ashley Witters

Katie McKenna

Shannon Schott

Azure Weis







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By Danielle Dove
AMI/ff I'll/i

l imblifter: let the band’s name
roll off your tongue as you slowly
di est the meaning. Now, let the

ef— titled album enter your mind
and absorb a new sound.

The band is led by Ryan Dahle,
whose fiery lyrics and vocals bring
a sense of disturbing truth to the
songs. Dahle also adds a unique
flavor to the band as he plays the
organ, guitar and bass. Kurt Dahle
focuses most of his energy on the
drums, but adds his vocal fervor to
a few songs as Ian Somers delivers
a bass sound that is a combination
of simplistic pain and splendid

All 13 songs on the CD range
from confused states of wonder to
pain—filled emotions ofdiscontent.


“Vicious" starts the disc off with
an outlook of despair. “Lash
out/\Iy bitter plans

colossal/Shrunk so simple, and we

pound the space with no
sound/But for how longF/Boring
to me now, everything is boring to






This song questions the

but the trick is to



Photo fimmhcd
IllllEE or A KIN” Limhliftei, imlmetl 102.111111 lyrically t7; tired 1.0111411 has i'ii'en into the music more "'ith itvfiri't

the whole meaning suddenly came

Limblifter possesses a talent for
lyrics and ability to twist meaning
with both instrument and words.
This band is ready to blossom and
move your mind as well as your

me now.”
lyrics in
each song
stage of
MUSICreview emotional
frenzy. In
V “Tinfoil”
*** we see the
‘Limblifter’ “ff?” _,
t at 9““ [ll/7117]] Lmihllfici 0n Polygram 1"“1'10711'1. The 1;] 011p l3-t71u'k album stretches fiam angry to bewildered.
Limhlifter creep “P .
(Polyg'mm) when WC mayPV/Expire, cover it all‘up with nature
RATINGS leave tinfoil. It seems so (.orrode, reasons why so many things hap-
tire Errol/em things me so slow.“ , . . . 11 pen and what will be the outcome
*** (£11111! unattend— Limbhfter s “Screwed it Lp . in life. This slower song fools the
‘1 ["1111' ed and takes a journey into the state of ear into thinking it is a quaint lit—
, pm”. not cared blame. “\Vhat day is itF/Am I still tle number,
for. young/\lv empty head where f11c11son the words and really lis-
“Embryo, good fell out/ \nd strength ain t my, u, what is being said. '
grew 11p missin' out 1m most muscle make your bomb. Excuse; The Limblifter (:D

stuff/But weeds know, just where
and when to crop tip/Ursula,
what s inside your jar of

your roots, this place, your mom?"
“I \Vonder If" questions the
ability to be totally unique in

across immediately as an interest-
ing sound. After listening closer
and concentrating 1m the words,

'I '11 hour 1'l1pifi'mn the Lirnliliftt't' 1111mm,
writ the Kemel 01141110 (If

Jupiter Coyote to sing loom ‘lucky Days'

By Travis Robinson
(.‘0Im'1hutmg ll '1'111'1'

Tonight Lexington will be
gr raced with the presence of the
inulti— facetedJupiter C oyote per-
forming at Ly nagh s.

The group s latest release,
Lucky Day, reveals more of the
band's uplifting “Mountain Rock"
which, guitarist and vocalist John
Felty said, is a direct result of a
childhood he and Matt Mayes
(vocals, guijo, banjo, guitars) spent
in the Appalachian Mountains.

“Matt and 1 had a teacher who
was into mountain crafts and
music and she had this guy come
in and play dulcimer, and fiddle
and mandolin, so we were around
this type of music all of the time
and at a very early age," Felty said
in a phone interview.

Jupiter Coyote, which also
includes Gene Bass on drums,
Sanders Brightwell on bass and
David Stevens on percussion, is

of Southern Rock.

Influences include the likes of

Marshall Tucker, Dooliie Broth—

ers, Eric Clapton and Allman

addition of a guijo (an electric
banjo), on some songs, supple—
ments the band's maturing sound.
The inspiring feel to the music is


Brothers whose 1ery
own producer Johnny
Sandlin produced Lllrlry

“Allman Brothers
probably comes out
more in my playing than
than anyone else in the
band," Felty said.

“But our sound is con—
stantly evolving. The
new stuff we're writing is


fupitcr Coyote

curiously' offset by
dark lyrics that deal
with a range of
human emotions.
“\Ve’re not nec-
essarily making up
anybody s mind
lyrically," Felty
said “A lot of the
words, if you read
them a couple of
times, will lend

definitely taking on a dif— 11‘1” he themselves to sever—
ferent tint to it and some [informing a| interpretations."

of it is a little more folky' ””1".th Jupiter Coyote is
and not necessarily so 11’ Lyn/«1111. well known for its
straight ahead rock ‘n’ Tn'lccti'are live performances
roll.” (’1'”‘1”1’1"'”’ ”-7" and improvisational

The band’s evolving
sound is evident 1m Lurky


doorfoi' $5.


“\Ve play several



Day as it moves from

roots—oriented blues to folk—
tinged tunes with a more rhythmic
The unique

tunes that we like to
stretch out and iniproy on; that‘s
where the fun comes for us. \Ve
need that section to break up the


Call 257-2872

Advertise in KEG. KEG




injected with a good, hardy dose

and ethereal quality.

monotony for our sake and we try
to incorporate a little bit of every-
thing into a show, taking it from
bluegrass to straight ahead rock
‘n’ roll."

These guys are hard workers
too and have been on the road for
at least 300 days a year for the past
four years.

“When you’re out on the road
for 10 weeks at a time you start
longing for space and for the time
to spend on other interests,” Felty

“I feel fortunate to be able to
play and do what I do every night,
but hopefully it‘s going to slow
down a little bit.”

A new album from Jupiter
Coyote is expected in the fall and
promises to rise even higher than
Lucky Day, which has sold well
since its release on the indepen-
dent label, Autonomous Records,
early last year.

70 hear round cliprfiom jnpim' Coyote ‘5
allmm. ‘I.m‘ley Day. ' visit the Kernel ()11—
[me (If http://wwunnkyxdu/Kchmel.

WHAT'Syaur 51° g0?

By John Abbott
Stall ll ‘I‘Iti'l'

Aries (March 21-April W) Tell people
that you are really a skateboard which has
taken human form. They will think that you
are an eccentric, but otherwise harmless,
individual, which will provide the perfect
cover when you begin your streak of serial
killings. I mean, who'd ever suspect you?

Taurus (April 20—May 20) You have
Venus rising in your second house, which
means um which er . OK, OK]
don't have the slightest idea what I’m talk—
ing about. I'm making this stuff up.

Gemini (May ll-June 20) \Vhen you
get your next phone bill, you will notice
that, by some amazingly lucky break, the
phone company failed to charge you for
those dozens of hours you spent calling
phone sex numbers. You just saved a couple
hundred dollars.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) The only way
you’ll find love this week is if you’re playing
Scrabble and pick the right tiles.

Leo (July 25-Aug. 22) You will suffer a
case of writer's block so intense that it will
be nearly impossible just to write down
your own dime, much less compose a term

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Your beloved
dumps you, but not face-to—face, not by
phone, not even by a long, eloquent letter.

By postcard.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) On a test, you
0 ’ e
" ”W‘W‘ ' “"w-efiwafi'" ' " fiwfl‘ '- A Q ~

make a really stupid mistake which throws
off all your answers. Then you make anoth—
er incredibly stupid mistake which puts
them all right again. Congratulations —
you have blundered your way to victory.

Scorpio (Oct. 23‘Nov. 21) You tell a
friend of yours that all stop signs with white
borders are optional, and he believes you.
Some friend you are. The least you can do
is go visit the poor guy in the hospital. Sign
his cast.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) As a ser-
vice to the world, you find a stray dog,
infect him with a lethal vinis, and train him
to bite stupid people. The gene pool takes a
big swing upwards thanks to your selfless
efforts. Too bad for you that you were the
dog's first victim.

Capricorn (Dec.-- -Jan. 19) There is,
right under your nose, a cute person who
thinks you’re pretty cute, too, but you won’t
connect this week. In fact, you never will.

Aquarius (Jan. 20—Feb. 18) In prepara—
tion for a test, you try one of those “smart
drugs” that supposedly enhance mental per-
formance. I guess no one told you that, for
those drugs to work, you have to have a
functioning brain to start with. Nice try,

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Just when
you thoughty ou had broken your crippling

“Beverly Hills, 90210" addiction, you acci-
dentally come upon it while channel surf-
ing, and once again are instantly hooked.
You lose 20 [.0. points.





BOIIlllB-lflfltlll‘e to play
at Old Student Center

On Thursday, the Martin Luther Kinng. Cul-
tural ( enter is sponsoring ll/lidmght Ramble, a doc-
umentary about the little— known black film indus-
try. Also playing is the classic melodrama Lying Lip:
, about a nightclub singer who is unjustly convicted
and sent to prison for the murder of her aunt. Mid-
night Ramble begins at 7:30 pm. followed by
Lying Lips at 8:30 p.111. in the Old Student The-
ater. Admission is free.

lailysinitli Black Manilmo in concert

The a capella harmonies of the world renown
South African 10 man ensemble, Ladysmith Black
Mambazo, will be in concert at the Otis A. Single-
tary Center Monday at 8 p.m. The ensemble is
rooted in the rich musical traditions of iritatbamiya

,the haunting music of the Zulu working class of
South Africa. Tickets are $7 for students and $15
for the public. For more information call 257- 8427.


\ext Friday, the Lexington Philharmonic and
internationally renowned pianistJeffrey Biegel will
perform the Warsaw Concerto and a modern con-
certo by Leroy Anderson. The orchestra will also
perform pieces by Dvorak and Resphighi. Preview:
is at 7:15 and the concert is at 8 in the Otis A. Sin—
gletary Center. Tickets are $15— 326 with a $5 dis-
count for students by calling the Philharmonic at

((106) 2 3 3-4226.









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"A" BARTON Kemp] Imfi

0mm BMEBIWN UK gymmm Sonia Merla, who grew up in Montreal, ypoke manly French before coming to

school at UK.

Gym Kat adjusting to lite in the States

By Rob Herbst

Making the transition from hi h
school to college can often fie
problematic for a student.

It was no different for senior
Sonia Merla, a member of the UK
Gym Kats. But Merla had
one added disadvantage, a
language barrier.

Merla, born and raised
in Montreal, spoke little

Eliglish before coming to

“I had a real hard time
when I came at first,”
Merla said. “The slang was.
really hard to understand. l
was crying a lot at first."

A change in culture was some-
thin else Merla had to cope with.
She had to adapt to the style of life
in the United States.

“The fashion is different,"
Merla said. “I would go shopping
back home and bring tny clothes
here because I could not find what
I wanted here.”

Merla added: “I'm used to Euro—
pean food. Here, it’s burgers all the



time. I gained some weight my
freshman year, but now I can ,0 to
Kroger and make my own food."

Merla is now a senior and has
accustomed to the change well.

Junior Gym Kat, Kristy Toups,
was one person who helped Merla
make the transition from Montreal
to Lexington.

“I helped with under—
standing,.not really the cul—
ture, but the way we do
things here as opposed to
how thing are done in Cana-
da," Toups said.

“She would help tne
understand the words,"
Merla said. “She had a car
and showed me around. She
was the American girl teaching the
Canadian girl how to do it.”

hierla, whose mother started
her in gymnastics because she con-
stantly jumped on the mattresses in
her home, had a dream of going to
the 01an )ics.

She placed 10th at the 1992
Olympic Trials in Canada, and in
1990, she was the Canadian Gym-
nastics National Champion. Her
hero was Nadia Comaneci, gold

medalist in the 1976 Olympics.

“Nadia was the best gymnast
ever and she won in Montreal,"
Merla said. “I wanted to follow her
and go to the Olympics.”

In Canada, there are fewer
opportunities for gymnasts. Coach
Leah Little went to Montreal to
recruit her.

“I’m one of the lucky ones to
have the chance to come here,"
Merla said. “After you realize that
you can actually go to college
because of gymnastics, it becomes a

Merla's career at UK has been
plagued by injury, including a
stress fracture in her leg from her
freshman year and a fractured arm
from last season. The leg injury
still bothers Merla and prevents her
from competing in some events.

As for life after UK, Merla
would like to stay close to Lexing-

“I'm thinking about stayin in
the United States," Merla said? “I
love the mountains in Kentucky,
even though they call the people
over there hillbillies. I want to be a





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*Deadline is Monday,
February 12 at 3pm


















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JVS deteat
P081 98-74

By Rob Herbsl
Sniff 11 In”

\\'ith an 18—point lead and more than 111 minutes
left in the lirst half, it seemed the UK jayvee team
would walk over Kentucky Post, .I group of players
from Fort Knox military base.

\Vhile the 98—7-1 final score may also indicate a
blowout, Ken— '
tucky I’ost
clawed with the
Cats for most of
the game.

The Cats'
early 18-point
lead was chis—
eled to four by a
james Hawkins
layup with 17:48
left in the game.

But live
straight points
by senior guard


11K 98, Ky. P08! 74

111. Pu! (741: Mincey 7-21. 0-0 14
McClelland 8-15, 1-2 17; Sullivan 3-9, 3-5 9
Dawson 6-16. 00 13' Hawkins 7-14.1-215
Handley 0-0. 0-0 0. Jackson 2-8. 0-0 4; Brown
1-4, 0-0 2. Tompluns 0-1. 0-0 0 Totals 34-88.
5-9 74

II (It): SImmons 6-10,4416:RI$Inger0-2.
0-0 0, Mohammed 6-11. 2-4 14; Vogel 3-6, 0-
0 7. Mills 8-13. 2-2 20; Lathrem 5-13.1-2 13.
Underwood 4-7, 0-0 10; Hathaway 1-3. 0-2 2.
Miller 7-7, 2-2 16. Bryant 0-1. 0-0 0.
Koberstern 0-1, 0-0 0; anht 0-0. 0-0 0
Totals 40-74. 11-16 98

Frank Vogel put

the Cats' ahead Hallllme UK 47, PosIse Rebounds UK 46

g _ g , ' , Isimmons 10). Post 44 (Dawson 101 Three-point

'4 4' ' , .hahmt“, FG UK7-21iMohammedO-1.VogeI1-4 Mills 26

the Iankers Lathrem 2-5. Underwood 2-4. B an on Post 14::


[nunycnan [Mincey 03. Sullivan O-l. Dawson 13. Hawkins 0-1

“Th , ‘t' [_ Jackson 021 Assnsts UK 22 IMIIls, Underwood SI
e.‘ 5 f" Post2t (Dawson 6) Blocks uxgtumammedi»
ed to believe Post4(McClelland 3) Fouls UK 13 Post 14


“—'»‘ .~.n~.....a _. u n, ... .



that they could
win." Vogel said. “\Ve just tightened up our game