xt7pc824fj56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pc824fj56/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1989-03 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, March 1989, volume 12 number 1 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, March 1989, volume 12 number 1 1989 1989-03 2020 true xt7pc824fj56 section xt7pc824fj56  

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A Personal View by Marilyn Moosnick

I made my first trip to Israel in
January, 1970. Nineteen years and eleven
trips later, I just returned from a
month’s stay in Israel which I began on
January 15 with seventeen fellow
Lexingtonians bound for a 10-day UJA
"Discovery" mission. Every time I go
back, I discover wondrous new places, even
though it’s such a tiny country; I find
amazing changes in construction, land
development, modernization, even though
it’s never a long time between visits; I’m
startled by giant shifts in attitudes and
popular trends in music, food and fash-
ion, even though I know Israelis travel

The Elizabeth Rosenberg Memorial
Program will be held this year on Sunday,
April 16, 1989, at Ohavay Zion Synagogue.

Ms. Deborah Lipstadt, author, educator
and lecturer, will be speaking on "The
Best of Times? The Worst of Times? The
American Jewish Community on the Eve of
the Blst Century“.

Ms. Lipstadt currently teaches Jewish
history at Occidental College in Los
Angeles. A former director of the
Brandeis Bardin Institute, Lipstadt has
researched and written on American
the world over and people of all nations Zionsim, the role of women in the American
travel to Israel. Jewish community and the changing demo—

when I went that first time, graphics of American Jewry. She is the
author of the critically acclaimed book,
”Beyond Belief: The American Press and the
Coming of the Holocaust."

The Elizabeth Rosenberg Memorial
Program is presented free of charge and
made possible through the generosity of
the Elizabeth Rosenberg Memorial Fund and

Arrangements for Ms. Lipstadt are being
made through B’nai B’rith Lecture Bureau.

two—and-a—half years after the Six Day
War, optimism covered the land like the
sunshine. David had felled Goliath and
the Israelis were the guys in the white
hats. Hotels were full, shops were
selling out of their wares. All things
were possible.

When I went back in January, 1974, some
three months after the Yom Kippur war, we
were making a Shiva call on an entire
country, but even in the midst of their
mourning, people everywhere were sure the
awful loss of life this time had paid a
full price for the peace that was staying
beyond their grasp.


continued pg. 13




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February 26, 1989

Chris Eidelsan JudY BEUIBNH

with the untiring assistance of CKJF’s 1990 Super Sunday Chair 1989 Super Sunday [Jo-Chair
Office Manager, Betty Hickey, and Execu-
tive Director, Linda Ravvin, 75 volunteers
brought Super Sunday ’89 to a successful
fruition. On Saturday night, February 25
a dozen volunteers transformed the Chamber
of Commerce and Junior Achievement offices
into Super Sunday headquarters -- complete
with balloons, posters, and all the
accoutrements necessary to get on with the
business of education and solicitation on
Sunday, February 86. Educate, we did, for
all volunteers, whether they manned the
phones, tallied pledges or saw to it that
there were enough bagels, were treated to
Orientation Sessions that included reports
from participants in CKJF’s recent mission
to Israel, information regarding distribu—
tion of current campaign monies, as well
as solicitation techniques. Estimates are
that over 2,000 calls were placed to
persons in the Central Kentucky region. To
those who were not reached for their gift
to the 1989 Campaign, we ask that you make
your pledge as soon as possible, by
contacting the CKJF Office by phone
(252-7622) or by mail.

POSITIVELY when called for his or her
pledge to the 1989 CKJF—UJA Campaign — A

Judy Baumann and Mark Hides Calpaign Chair SS Volunteer Hoeen’s Division Chair
CID-Chairs, Super Sunday ’8‘? Sinone Sale-on Earnit Sadove Ellie Sold-an


CKJF President, Gail Cohen 1989 Super Sunday Co Chair Hark Hides






SS Volunteer Hark Stern SS Volunteers, ‘ ‘
Merle Hekstein, Hackie Bobys, Janet Scheeline & Ted Friedaan SS leunteer Hike Ades



CKJF’s Camp Shalom is gearing up for

another exciting season. Camp session
will be from Monday, June 5 through
Friday, June 23. The camp committee
headed by Ginny Luftman is hard at work
coordinating efforts to make this a very
special program for our children between

the ages of 4 and 8. As in previous
years, the camp site will be located just
off Richmond Road.

For further information contact the

CKJF office

(252-7682) or Ginny Luftman


(Iififil‘IFa WKIZILJI\IES £Il.ll:’F§EEE‘§
c:;ar45= '1'EEL_. \fEEHFiLJI)‘%

Three other Jewish non-profit camps
that our area children attend are Goldman

Union Camp Institute and Camp Young
Judaea, and Camp Tel Yehuda, all of which
offer excellent programs;

Goldman Union Camp Institute, located
near Indianapolis in Zionsville, Indiana,
has activities for children entering 4th
grade through 10th grade. For further
information contact Rabbi Jon Adland

(869-8979) or CKJF (858-7622).

Camp Young Judaea is located in
Naupaca, Wisconsin and welcomes campers
ages 8-14. For further information

contact Dawn Jacobs (273—0539) or CKJF
Camp Tel Yehuda located in Barryville,
N.Y., is the National Senior Camp of Young
Judaea. It serves young people ages
14-18. For further information contact

Dawn Jacobs (873-0539) or CKJF (252—7682).




The Camp Shalom Committee is
applications for

the following staff
positions: Camp Director, Assistant
Director, Senior and Junior Counsellors
and Counsellors—In-Training.

Send applications to Central Kentucky

Jewish Federation, 333 Waller Ave., Suite
5, Lexington, KY. 40504.
For further information contact the

CKJF office

(258—7622) or Ginny Luftman


Camperships are available through CKJF

for attendance at non-profit Jewish camps
including our own Camp Shalom. For
further information contact the CKJF
office (252-7622).

Camperships and scholarships are

examples of services made possible through

the Federation by your support of the
annual Federation—United Jewish Appeal



CKJF is looking for a volunteer to edit
the CKJF Bulletin. The Bulletin is
published nine times a year: monthly
during the school year and once during the
summer. The editor is expected to write
and edit articles and to proof the final
copy. The CKJF office provides all
information and takes care of typing and
production. The duties of the editor take
approximately five hours per issue.

Experience is not necessary, but the
editor should be dependable and should be

attentive to spelling and grammar. Please
call Linda Ravvin at the CKJF office
(852—7628) if you are interested in this







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nati for all or
Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federa—
tions of North America,

ties surrounding Cincinnati on the




of the excitement! Be where
Plan now to be in Cincin—
part of the 58th General

Be part
the action is!

November 15-19,


The Central Kentucky Jewish Federation
is one of five federations from communi-
ing committee of the largest gathering of

Jewish communal leaders in North America.

3,000 delegates will attend 800
including plenaries, business
sessions, forums, workshops and recep-
tions. They will engage in joint planning
and action on common issues dealing with
local and international concerns.

Hundreds of volunteers are needed for

such assignments as message center, guides


between hotels and meeting areas, gift
shop, monitoring meetings, and Shabbat
dinner hosts. Each person who volunteers

will receive free admission for that day.

Sessions start
there’s plenty of
and attend several sessions!
organize carpools from Lexington. The
Cincinnati Federation has requested that
volunteer sign—up sheets be returned to
their office by April 15. All those who
sign up will then receive a Volunteer
Questionnaire with more specifics.

The proximity of this meeting to
Central Kentucky is an unique opportunity!
There will be no single day registration
other than for volunteers. Of course, if
you are able, please consider being a
delegate for the entire meeting.

To volunteer to work at the
specific dates are not needed at
time. For more information, contact
CKJF Office (252—7622) or
(283—1299 evenings).

early and end late so
time to both volunteer
We’ll try to


Judy Baumann


’CO ’ 2‘ up» P.’avm!nl!-l§,l§3!


a» Cincinnati

COUNCIL OF JEWIfiH rrnrnnrmns

I’d like to be a volunteer for the 58th Beneral Assenhly

Male Address Phone




Please return to EKJF, 333 Heller Ave., Suite 5, Lexington,
KY. 40504, or contact the office directly at 252-7622.



After a fall hiatus the Central Ken—
tucky Jewish Singles organization is
undertaking a membership drive and plan-
ning February activities.

The CKJS enables all Jewish singles to
enjoy one another’s company in both
religious and social settings. It is not
a dating service nor a "Lonely Hearts
Club", but merely allows Jewish singles an
opportunity to meet others with similar
backgrounds and heritage. It is open to
all singles 18 and older, however some
interest has been expressed in branching
off a special seniors singles club for
those SOish and older. with enough
positive response, the CKJS will form a
seniors branch.

The CKJS currently has a mailing list
of approximately 150 with about 15 "ac-
tive" members. Jewish singles affiliated
with all three Lexington congregations, as
well as those unaffiliated, from a seven
county area are members of the CKJS. The
group welcomes and encourages new members
(there are no duesl). Those who are
interested in being part of the mailing
list or have any questions, should feel
free to contact Chas Hite, 989 Aurora
Ave., Lexington, KY. 40502—1448
(266-0246); Nancy Azbel (866—0846) or the
Havurah, Ohavay Zion Synagogue, Temple
Adath Israel or Central Kentucky Jewish
Federation (252—7628).

Throughout the year CKJS activities
include Shabbat dinners, leading services,
a Passover seder, a Keeneland Day/Spring
Dance evening, Swimming and lake parties,

High Holiday services, U.K. football
tailgating, Chanukah party, progressive
dinners, evenings at Comedy on Broadway,

religious and current event discussion
groups, Sunday bagel brunches, and commu-
nity service projects. With expressed
interest future events may include bridge,
trivia or Scrabble nights, horseback
riding, or anything else the membership
comes up with! CKJS is also informed of
singles events in Columbus, Cincinnati,
Nashville and Louisville and our members
attend events in these cities, as well as
hosting Jewish singles from these sur-
rounding areas at our spring dance.



Fiaitntz i

As a result of an appointment by CKJF,
I am a delegate to the Board of Governors

of the National Conference on Soviet
Jewry, representing the Lexington Jewish
community. On February 1, 1989, I attend—

ed my first board meeting. The first part
of the meeting involved the passing of a
new set of by-laws which in effect reor-
ganized the NCSJ. The rest of the day and
evening concerned Soviet Jewry today and

what we need to be concerned about for
First of all, I am pleased to report

that after 18 years the "free Soviet Jews"
movement achieved success. Over a hundred
thousand former Soviet Jews are now free
to live Jewish lives and celebrate the
many opportunities that Judaism offers to
each of us. Anyone who has given time or
money or energy to this movement, helping
our brothers and sisters in the Soviet
Union to reach freedom can feel a complete
sense of satisfaction.
For most of this
Jewish community was

century, the Soviet
not a high priority

on our Jewish agenda though many of us
have roots in the Soviet Union. Grandpar—
ents or great-grandparents left their

cities or towns or villages, often leaving
behind other family members to make aliyah
to Israel or seek a new life in this
country. Russia” was the old country
filled with pain and hardship as a result
of two hundred years of persecution. th
remember the suffering when the United
States offered so much hope and freedom?

Anti—Semitism is quite pervasive in the
Soviet Union. Ever since Jews migrated to
Russia more than two hundred years ago,
the community has been forced to endure
poverty, degradation, humiliation, and
pogroms. Nhen opportunities to leave
arose, many Jews risked what they had to
make the journey to the West or to Israel.
with Stalin’s death in the 1950’s little
changed for the Soviet Jewish community.
Legally or illegally authorities enforced
the laws prohibiting the community from
functioning as a community. Persecution
of Jews and Jewish life continued to be
the norm. The Soviet Union was using its
strong arm to force Jewish life to grind
to a halt.

With the 1967 Six-Day war in
Soviet Jews identified with Israel more
strongly than ever before. Up until this
time, few Soviet Jews sought or considered


F’eav-‘t: C3r1ee =
Cfcaxnt sac: ].ear1cd


leaving. After 1967, many Soviet Jews
began applying for emigration visas to go
to Israel. It was at this time that the
Soviet authorities reacted by denying
visas and thus creating the refusenik
movement. In 1971, the National Confer-
ence on Soviet Jewry was formed to work on
behalf of Soviet Jews.

In 1979, more than 50,000 Soviet Jews
were given exit visas, permission to
leave. In 1980, less than half the number

received permission. From 1988-1987, the
total of Jews being granted exit visas did

not equal what the year 1980 offered; not
even 15,000 in six years.
Part Two: Soviet Jewry 1989 and the

Future will appear in the next issue of

the CKJF bulletin.


1.9?‘;'() l‘lFfi'T'JIC3l\IF§l_. ESI_IF2\JWEE\(


The Council of Jewish Federations has
agreed to conduct the 1990 National Survey

of American Jews as part of a world-wide
series of national surveys of Jewish

This historic survey, which will

coincide with the bicentennial census of
the United States, was established as a
result of resolutions passed by the
Conference on the Demography of the Jewish
People in Jerusalem in October 1987. Its
purpose will be to assess various compo-
nents of the Jewish community such as the
demographic, social and economic struc-
ture, migration patterns, changes in size,
composition and distribution as well as
patterns and levels of births and deaths.

An initial $800,000 has been provided
by the CJF Endowment Fund for the survey
and member Federations have agreed to
contribute the remaining resources for the
implementation of the project.

In her address to over 3,000 delegates

at last year’s General Assembly in Miami,
CJF Past President Shoshana S. Cardin
explained that the creation of the CJF
North American Jewish Data Bank "has
catapulted data gathering, storage and
analyses into its rightful place on our

agenda. It will enable us to participate
fully in the 20th century version of
’8amidbar,’ in which Moses takes a census

of the entire Jewish people."
