xt7pg44hnk7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pg44hnk7q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19430112  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 12, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 12, 1943 1943 2013 true xt7pg44hnk7q section xt7pg44hnk7q Best uopy Available


The W ar.
And The Farms

Co-Ed- s.




Preseiitation Of Popular
Senior Man And Woman Will SPECIAL COURSES,
Climax Lamp And Cross Dance Graduated Students

M MlitK :


Dr. Sigmund Skard To Address
first Convocation Of Quarter
At fourth Hour Wednesday

"Ignor" Is Bliss


Those little people are in
again and '43 has brought no
Improvement in them. Yep, the
frosh are blundering as much
as ever.
The star of the first comedy
of errors for the year was
searching through the schedule
book for a course in chemistry.
When he came to one listed as
"Inorg." he realized that his
quest was ended.
"Say." he asked, "how much
time do you have to spend on
this ignorai.ee course?"

To Aid

In Creative Duties

Peirce Orchestra
Will Play For
'43's First Formal

Wildcats Oerroif
Xvier Team








Norway's Strength
Will lie Topic
Of Writer's Lecture


Epecial training of approximate- college women In
be begun Febru- Dr. Sigmund Skard. Norwegian
ary I. It has been announced.
Dick Peirce. America's newest and
writer and scholar, will address stuAccording to plans made by the
youngest maestro, and his orchestra
dents and faculty members at tTie
pro- corporation,
will play for the annual Lamp and Curtiss - Wright
first convocation of the winter quarter the fourth hour tomorrow in
Cross Cabaret Dance to be held ducer of warplanes. engir.es, and
Memorial hall.
propellers, the women candidates. DiSCUSSlOn
16. in the Blue-graSaturday. January
"Norway Still Fights'" is the subroom c. the Union building to be known as "Cadettes," will be
ject of Dr. Skard s address which
"Christian Piinriampntftls" i the
enrolled as engineering student em- - theme of (ne sefies of programs
has been enthusiastically received
Peirce's orchestra was organized a
company in custom- - announced for this quarter by the
in universities all over the country,
lew years ago when a group of col- ployees of the
"You cannot change a man's germ
purpose of piasm Dy piacirg him under a new
as particularly vivid and interesting
lege freshmen decided to form a built aviation courses of 10 months. YMCA cabinet. The
p uaen
to students. Prof. A. E. Zucker. of
dictator ." Dr. W. D. Funkhouser.
In December. 1943. the "Cadettes"
dance band in the hope that they
the University of Maryland writes.
utrvciuy turn luiinuiaie wicir rc- - (jean of the Graduate Shool at the
could earn enough money to keep will enter various plants of the cor- ligious beliefs.
"Dr. Skard's lecture was received
university of Kentucky, declared
by the students with greater enthusthem going through school for poration in the East and Middle
Several of the programs will be yesterday.
iasm than I had ever seen before oh
West to take over engineering po- - led by Rob McNeil, the assistant
their last two years.
His assertion was made in the 1
the occasion of such a lecture."
sltions thereby releasing already pastor of Maxwell Street Presby- - second of a series of six radio talks
Their first Job of any note, a
Dr. Skard was a
In peace-timgraouaie oi on -Ethnology Behind The
booking at a summer vacation spot overloaded engineers for more ere- - tcrla" cnurcii.
prominent writer and scholar In
War." during which he discussed
iri Indiana, scored an immediate ative duties.
Norway, active in the publications
Richmond. Va.
basic racial stocks from which can
hit. Since then they have played
books, pamcorporation announced mat j The meetings wiU be held at 7 j be traced all modern European
. . . Soneegian lei hirer, will field with numerous
at the Indiana Roof in Indianapolis The
phlets, and poems to his credit. For
tuition, p m eaCh Tuesday in the Y social pies.
as well as many one night stands
sfienk ill lon.'oi ntion tomin
several years he taught literary hisroom and board, and a salary of t TOom of the Union building.
"There is a common erroneous
throughout the middle west.
tory at the University of Oslo, and
$10 per week. They will be regis
idea that the Negro originated in
The first programs of the year
Peirce offers
well rounded, per- tered as special students living in
in 1938 was appointed Librarian of
Africa and that the African contifectly balanced program of ballads, special sections of college residence will be:
the Royal Academy of Trondheim.
January 19. Rob McNeil will lead nent has always been his home. Dr.
novelties, rhythm songs and other buildings and will receive all beneHe was at this post when the
Is not the
Im- - Funkhouser said. "This
Betty fits and privileges given regular stu- a discussion on "My Belief in
Germans invaded Norway in April.
case. The Negro originated
Rhodes, vocalist:
Dave Holmes, dents. The program will be admin
Remaining in the occupied
southwestern Asia and did not get
clarinetist; Bob Styles, drummer; istered by Cornell university, RensJanuary 26. Rob McNeil will dis- to Africa until Neolithic times. The
city for several weeks to take care
and "Corny" Cornelius, trumpeter. selaer Polytechnic institute, Penn- cuss "Prayer."
Sgt. Alvin C. York's speech to be of his library. Dr. Skard then underwhite race originated In Africa and
February 2, the students will dis then after thousands of years mi- - made at 11 a.m. on Thursday. Jan- took to bring his small twin daughsylvania State college, Purdue uniTroupers t Perform
uary 28. in Memorial hall will be ters out of the war zone. But the
versity. University of Minnesota, cuss "How do I determine between gra(ed tQ
During the evening, the uK Northwestern university, Iowa State right and wrong?'
open to the public, according to an very district where he left them for
The basic ethnology of Europe,
Troupers will present a floor show college, and University of Texas.
the speaker said, "springs from four announcement made yesterday. The safekeeping became a battlefield.
featuring ballroom and tap dancing
To qualify for these positions,
great Invasions of the white race address. "The Strength That Is Finally he slipped through ihe
presented for the enemy lines and made a three-da- y
an otner specialty numbers. At the women students must have passed
into this continent from Africa: the America." will be
general session of the annual Farm trip on skis over the mountains to
conclusion of the floor show, the their eighteenth birthday prior to
mixture of these white peoples with
The youngest ur h i:tra leader in America will bring liis most popular senior girl and boy February 1, 1843; must have a sophSweden.
the original Paleolithic groups al- and Home convention.
York, hero of the first World War.
music to the tiluegrass room of the Union building Saturday will be presented.
After an adventurous
omore standing, or batter; and
ready in Europe; and some introWomen students may become
Each men's organization may se must have completed college al
of the way around
duced stocks such as the Corded has been chosen to address such a
night when ljum) and Cross, senior men's honorary, gnvs its anmembers of the advertising
lect one candidate for the most gebra or its equivalent.
people and some Mongoloid ele meeting because he is a farmer the world Moscow, the Trans-Siberinual dam einburet style.
staff of the Kernel, Jay Wilson,
himself and is Interested in the
popular man contest for every
railroad to Vladivostok.
ments from Asia.
Women at the University who are
business manager,
twenty tickets sold. Each women"s interested in the program should
Japan, the Pacific and the Panama
has anFrom the time "some 10.000 years sociology of country life.
nounced. Because of the shortorganization may select a candidate contact Miss C. Keplinger, Lincoln
ago when the white race first
A second speech. "The Rural Canal. Dr. Skard and his family
age of men there will be sevfor the most popular woman con- hotel, Indianapolis.
crossed the Mediterranean to the Church In War War Time." will be reached Washington in
Ind., before
eral gcod openings at the end
test for every ten tickets sold.
present when Europe is a seething delivered by the veteran at a meet-i- n where Dr. Skard now acts a ConJanuary 16. to arrange for a
of this quarter.
mass of heterogeneous and In many
gof representatives interested in sultant in Scandinavian culture at
A committee composed of Dr. T.
cases irreconcilable groups, we no- the rural community and the rural the Library of Congress.
Persons interested should see
T. Jones, dean of men; Mrs. Sarah
Four other speakers have been
Wilson Immediately at the Kertice that thte peoples have slowly church at 1:30 p.m. the same day
B. Holmes, dean of women; Miss
scheduled for the winter and spriru:
nel business office.
become segregated into interesting in the Experiment station.
Jane Haselden, assistant dean of
quarters and are as follows: Sir
Plans for entertaining and honorand sometime; curiuos political, nawomen; and three students selected
tional and religious divisions."
ing York have not been completed. Norman Angell. British statesman
at random from the student body
and writer, third hour February 4;
will select the winners on the pasis
Under the joint sponsorship of
Miss Helen White, president of the
of personality, scholastic ability and
the Forum committee of the Union
American association of university
their degree of influence on tthe
board, and the International Rela
women and professor of English at
Ensign Mary Richmond, who will
campus. Their pictures will appear
tions class. Dr. J. Huntley Dupre,
the University of Wisconsin, fourth
In the 1943 Kentuckian.
be in Lexington January 14 and 15
professor of history, will conduct
hour. March 5: Dr. Charles Russell,
representing the Bureau of Naval
Tickets Distributed
this year's first forum at 4 p. m. to- -'
curator of conservation, and chairPersonnel, will speak at . 4 o'clock
morrow in the Music room of the
man of the department of education
Tickets are SI .25 and each admisA motion of the University offic- TTninn huilriine
of the American museum of natural
sion ticket includes 25 cents worth Thursday In the Music room of the
Dr. Sigmund Skard. Norwegian Ia Ior Dismissal 01 a sua, wmcn of food. Tickets will be
history, third hour. March 30: and
distributed Union building to all women interLieutenant N. C. Russell. Lieuten- t0 compel them to admit
lecturer who will speak at tomor-js- s
Virginius Dabney. editor of the
to sorority and fraternity houses ested in the WAVES and SPARS. ant L. C. Fowler and Ensign Mary
2. No physical disqualifications
rows convocation, will appear on Charles Lamont Eubanks. 18 year and will be on sale at the Union Inand longshoremen crews, is very
Ensign Richmond was for eight Richmond will answer questions as desirable.
- old Louisville negro as a student
the forum oanel as the trouD dis
that would be a handicap In in
despite a state law against it. has formation desk. Donald La 11 is In years personnel director for a radio to the needs of the Navy for addicusses "The Role of the Smaller
Applicant must be familiar with
structional or administrative dutional officer personnel when they the processing, identifying, invenlor hearing January ii in charge of sales, and organizations company in Chicago.
European Countries in the New Eu- - I
wishing to nominate
Lexington January 14 and 15 torying and checking of cargo. They
3. Degree plus college teaching
She is the first representative of visit
rope." Other members of the panel Federal District Court.
should see him.
The plaintiff filed the suit Octo- experience or its equivalent. Such
hould have experience
the WAVES or SPARS to come to to interview applicants for commisInclude Prof. E. Z. Palmer, of the
Chaperons will be Dr. and Mrs. Lexington for the purpose of re- sions.
exception to be in liberal arts
from supervision as hatch bosses to
economics department, and Joe ber 16. with the contcntidn his
Applicants will be interviewed supervision of loading and overall
third-yeeral constitutional rights were dc- - Herman L. Donovan, Dr. and Mrs. cruiting women.
law student.
rejected his Thomas Poe Cooper, Dr. and Mrs.
9 a.m. to 9 p.m. In Suite 205. operations.
4. Record of success and developThey should be thor
The forum, as usual, will be open nicd when the officials
T. T. Jones, Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes,
Security Trust building.
oughly familiar with rigging and
ment in teaching field.
the public, and all who attend application for admission to the
Explaining some of the qualifica
5. Have participaticn in sports.
gear maintenane, and should be
are invited to participate in the university's engineering college sole- - Miss Jane Haselden, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank D. Peterson, and Dr. and
tions into which applicants will fit. able to accept full responsibility for
orly because of his race and color.
6. Have good appearance,
of the YM and
. . commissions
Mrs. Leo M. Chamberlain.
Lieutenant Fowler, a member of handling one or more gangs.
ganizational ability, qualities of
Brown, of the Forum
Damages Asked
YW will meet tcgether at 7:30 p.m.
the board and a Kentucky gradu
committee in charge of the
Spec ia list
committee, and Mrs. J.
Eubank s petition, also filed on
Y lounge of the
Training of women in announc- ate and teacher, explained that sev5. Instructors
Vbual Thursday in the
in Audi
Dupre, of the International Rela-- 1 behalf of others similarly situ-tio- dance is Donald Lail, Jim Crowley.
Lieutenant Fowler listed some of
Union building. Dr. Howard Beers,
types of men would be consid
Hugh Morehead, ing and engineering will be inaug- eral
in ated. named as defendants the Jack Jackson,
Such candidates should have:
class, are
the other specialists now urgently Aid
professor of rural sociology, will
ered as prospective officers.
A. Experience in operation of
aclled for
university's president, Dr. H. L. Gayle Neal, and Robert Kibler.
charge of this week's meeting.
urated soon by the University RaFirst, he said, college graduates
1. Supply Officers i Probationary
a distribution center, preferable speak.
The two groups, who will jointly Donovan.; its registrar. Dr. Leo
dio studios. Because of the antici between the ages of 21 and 38, inIRESH.MAN
19 to 26 Only outstanding young
a film exchange.
sponsor this year's forums, agreed m. Chamberlain, and its board of
YM-Ywill meet
pated shortage of men. women will clusive, are acceptable provided, of men are desired. Must have degree
B. Experience in working with . . . club of the
to seeking an
to collaborate due to the fact that trustees. In addition
course, they possess officer-lik- e
Ecosame, .to injunction for his admission,
projectors and movie equip- at 7 o'clock tonight In the Y lounge
be used by the studios.
in Business Administration or
their interests are the
of the Union building. New stument.
a better understanding and banks also asked $5,000 damage
Freshmen and sophomore stu qualifications and can meet Navy nomics, with accounting major plus
Women interested in obtainexperience in industrial, manufac
C Contact with problems of dents may Join at the meeting
dents only will be eligible for this physical requirements.
fuller awareness of current events from the registrar.
ing information regarding entraining activities, preferably as JOINT .MttTING . . .
Necessary Background
turing and public accounting.
Upper division students
to University personnel.
Case First Of Kind
listment in the WAAC's should
2. General Supply Officers
28 to
educational administrators or in- . . of the YWCA Sophomore comwill not be taught because of the
It is necessary to examine closely
Eubanks' petition described him
read the advertisement on page
assemmission and Junior-Senistructors.
short length of time in which their the academic record and business 50 Men who have ability and exas an honor graduate of Central
three of this issue which exNatal aviation is also taking bly will be held at 7 o'clock tomuht
services could be used after their or professional experience to deter perience in the field of industrial
High Shool, Louisville, and jfully
plains the opportunities offered
men from civilian life for combat, in the Union building Kentuckian
mine the acceptability of applicants management or business administraining was completed.qualified for admission to the uni-- :
for college women in this branch
dupictures will be made at the meetversity.
women should report who have no specialized or techni- tration or allied occupations. Must administrative, and instructionservInterested
of the service.
cal training. Men with executive have degree or its equivalent in ties the same as does the fleet
has described
Dr. Chamberlain
as soon as possible to the studios.
There will be a compulsory
background and records of leadercertain cases. Public Accountants ice, according to Lieutenant Fowl- ECONOMICS . .
the case as the first in which a
third floor. McVey hall.
inert ing of all members of the
and CPA's are especially desired, er.
ship usually are recommended.
. . commission of the YWCA
Negro had been barred from the
Kernel news staff at 4 p.m. toMen with science or engineering meet at 6 p.m. Thursday in the
Those who are interested specifi- as well as men with experience in
university under the state law pro-- !
day in the News Room. Any
cally in serving in the Navy as offi- - the procurement of foods and ma- degrees are filling different types of YWCA office of the Union buildhibiting the education of Negroes
wishing to apply for
c e r s in communications,
aviation billets, he cited. The same ing. The group will have dinner bi
armed terials.
and whites together, although sevreporting positions should re3. Chaplains 24 to 50 Must be is true for applicants with experiguard or local defense, should ap
the Football room.
eral Negroes have been rejected on
port at that time.
ply even if they have no specialized a fully ordained clregyman active ence in airport management or airgrounds of eligibility affecting all
riTKIN CLIB . . .
in the ministry, nominatively en- craft traffic control.
technical backgrounds.
' students.
. . will meet at noon Wednesday
Other experience fields from at the Maxwell Street Presbyterian
All kinds of graduate engineers dorsed by official authority of deBy JOSEPHINE HARRISON
are needed. It is desirable if such nomination, four years of college which Naval aviation officer per- - church.
With a modesty, becoming and
men have practical experience in and three years of theological work wnnel draws include aeronautical.
boyish, Robert Kuhlman, baritone,
their chosen field. Electrical and in an accredited institution. Appli- - mechanical or civil engineering:
p.m. today in the
. will meet at
sang his songs and took his well-- i
seeking appointment Immed- - aircraft maintenance and mechan-iatel- y
radio engineers, perhaps, top the cants
YW office. Union building.
deserved bowe Sunday afternoon at
the- - les if college trained.
upon graduation from a
technical list of men most urgently
Memorial hall. Miss Adele Gense- A college degree or at least twe BOOK. COMMITTEE . . .
ological seminary must be not less
was, as al- mer's accompaniment
Of the YWCA will meet at 3
than 24 years of age. Also, age years college education with
t'olleee Degrree
ways, distinguished.
is 50 except for former Navy standing practical experience is re- - p.m. Wednesday in the Y lounge of
It is possible for men between the
and sciences, furnish the romantic
the Union building.
In tune with the times, Kuhlman's
ages of 35 tc 50 to qualify in the Chaplains. Waivers are freely giv- - quired. Lacking educational quali-eIMay
program presented exclusively the
Seniors now enrolled in theo-- ! fications. men with 5 to 15 years MI SIC ROOM . . .
field of Civil Engineering without a
Other members of the cast in music of the United Nations; the
. cf the Union building will be
college degree, in fact, without a logical seminaries may receive pro- - practical
clude: Mrs. Walter Williams as sonorous lyricism of the Rachmanhigh school diploma, if qualified by bationary commissions if available production, operation, or mainten-fo- r open from 7 to I p.m. each Monactive duty on completion of ar.ee are considered for Warrant day. Wednesday, and Friday
in general
successful experience
Murder on a wholesale basis will Mrs. Harper: Leonard Cohen, Paris, inoff group displayed the oratundity
as of tone color in his voice. The enV OMEN STUDENTS . . .
construction work. Such applicants current academic year. Accepted Machinists.
be featured in "Arsenic aJid Old arts and sciences freshman,
or pro- Knowledge
A thorough
. who want
shall have had charge of important applicants, until graduated, sliall
work caring for baLace," which opens at Guignol. Teddy Brewster; Marjorie Freeman, tire program was free from hackwork in heavy construction fields have the rank of Ensign on inac- - curement, processing and design of bies are requested to leave their
Monday, Jan. 18 for a weeks run. Lexington, arts and science sopho- neyed selections.
more; as Mrs. Riley; Frances RowDespite a certain lack of versatil
for at least 15 years. Consideration tive duty. When ordained and ap- - materials and the production line names and the hours at which they
Gladys M. Greathouse. Wilmore.
type of manufacturing may be can work at the office of the dean
land. Lexington, arts and sciences
will be given to applicants with plicant's ecclesiastical endorsement
Frances Bouton. Lexington, will sophomore, as Miss Klien; Henry ity in tone quality, the singer's voice
Industrial enguieers of women.
'.1 broad experience as Construction has been received and physical ex- - qualifying.
will take on variety as he develops I
Abby and Martha
play the parts of
Hornsby, as Mr. Gibbs; Jahies Sny- his art still further. He seems to l ,
i Superintendents and assistant sup- animation passed, he is commis- - and wholesale hardware purchasing DAIRY CLUB . . .
Brewster, the two sweet little
agent also may be acceptable.
sioned Lieutenant (jg
7der. Lebanon Junction, arts and
will meet at 7.30 o'clock tonight
ladies who commit thirteen of the sciences junior as Dr. Einstein; Jack have the prerequisites for a healthy
4. Instructors College Uistructors
No technical degree is required
roulades clearly
in the Dairy building.
twenty-fiv- e
Special training in meterology
Somack as Officer Harris; and Jim brought out, a fine vigor, and resoof applicants as Warrants in the in History. Math, Physics. Political
They will vie for murdering
Pennock. Lexington, arts and sci
rigger battalion between the ages Science and English are desired for fits men under 30 for billets as
with Donald Irvine, instruc- - ences Junior, as Lieutenant Rooney. nant power.
association will meet at 7 p.m.
duty at Naval Preparatory Flight aerologists in most instances.
conof 25 to 50 if they have had
two solos, a
Miss Gensemer's
104. Union building
tor in English, who plays the part of
Candidates must be gen- - missions as student aerologists also today In room
siderable experience In
theme and variations on a Russian
Frank Fowler is producer-direJonolhun Brewster.
are available to those with degrees STAFF ANNOUNCERS . . .
erally quulified for DVS, and:
Bortkie-wic- z,
positions in the handling of car8
Eli Popa, Lexington, in the role tor for "Arsenic ana uia Late ana folk song and an etude by
at the University radio studios
1. Be disqualified
for N a v y in .science or engineering or who
in relation to loading and unloading
were played with skill and
of Mortimer ' Brewster and Wanda Freda C. Alber and Jackie Johnson
Continued on Pae Fotir)
'Continued on Pxie Four'' '
Flight Training
ships Experience with winch crews
A'tMin. MiHrn'. F!c ,
ti''r in art wHi an us Hssistant director
ly 800 American
engineering will







YMCA Announces



Negro Not African
But An Asiatic
Who Moved South








World War Hero
To Be Speaker
At Farm Meeting


Advertising Jobs

Open To Women




Dr. Duorc Conducts Year's



Lirsl War Forum Panel
Convo Speaker
To Lecture

Ensign Richmond
To Address Future
Waves and Spars


Case Hearing Set
For January

Navy Officials Visit Lexington
To Procure Needed Officers







UK Studios To Train
Women Announcers





Attention WAAC's




Kernel Staff
To Hold Meeting

Kuhlman's Program W'as
Music Of bailed Rations

Wholesale Murder tea In red
In ''Arsenic ind Old Lace''








Season's First



Starts Jan.


















* The Kernel Editorial Page






Kentucky Intercollegiate PreM Asaoelattoo
LeJlngton Board of Comiwr
Kentucky Presi Association
National Editorial Association



ti n








The Daily (irind Again

Mntltiniyia F.liiny


N. Y.


r(icic mm coiamu are to be roniidcred ttie
aptnttrnt of the rrlfcrt themetvet. mn4 do not ueresaarili
refcot the .mioa o rite jremet.




he lust ol several meetings to se lect colleges
utilized under the joint Army-Navplan
and lav clown the xilic ies and regulations under
whith thousands of Selectees will fie trained as
socialists was held in Washington last week bv
a roinmiltfc ol leading educators apoiiiicd bv
the. War Maiivver Commission.
The Committee, meeting under the chairmanship of Owen I). Young, of the General Fleet ric
Co.. tiMik no .u lion at its fust session but is e
to make its rec omiiit nclai ions public
jm'c ted
Feb. I. when the plan is schesonic- lime
duled to go into ojicraiion on a "broad, democratic basis."
War MatiMiwer Chief Paul V. McN'utl. who
acts with the advice of the Secretaries of War
and Navv, said in announcing the composition
of the Kimmiitee:
"The new committee now meeting will provide invaluable counsel not onlv in developing
these- rules and regulations but also in determins
ing Mlicies to insure aclecpiatelv trained
for war industries and essential civilian
activities. 1 heir assistance in working out procedures and regulations wherebv institutions of
higher education will lie able to provide a flow
of civilian sjicefalists will he an
part of the work of this committee."
The committee made up of the following college presitlents: Fdmund F. Day. Cornell: O. C.
Carmic hael. Yamlerbill: James P. Conant. Harvard; Clarence A. Dvkstra. Wisconsin: F. I).
Patterson, Tuskegee: Robert G. Sproul. California; F. X. Stanford. Yillanova: William P.
I'ollev. Svraeuse; Associate Justice Wiley
of the I'nited Stales Court of Appeals and
Mr. Young.
As college men (linked back to the campuses
for the oening of the winter term, many of
them uncertain of their future plans, educators
generally advised them to go ahead with their
studies (or the time being regardless of whether
they belong to the Enlisted Reserves or a.e vulnerable to Selective Service.
Dr. Francis J. Brown, consultant to the Amer

ican Council on F.dnc at ion. voiced the sentiments of most educaiois when he advised: "Go
back to school and stav there until actually called
into military service." He said the Count il had
suggested that institutions refund tuition nionev
to those students called before the "iiel of anv
academic term and "some schools" are alreadv
The National Collegiate Athletic Assoc iat ion.
meanwhile, took steps to insure the continuation
of college sports for the duration. At its annual
meeting in New Yotk the executive committee
urged the Armv and Navv to permit their
trainees in campus to take part in the regular
program of intercollegiate sport. To smooth
i lie wav for this, the committee
scrapped its one-vea- r
residence rule (or competition.
James F. Pixlee. chiel of physical training for
the Armv air forces, indicated he was in favor
of the idea and spoke of the value of college-sportin developing qualities of leadership in
fliers and toughening them to endure the privations of combat clutv.



Food, Farms And UK
Perhaps ii is a little early to lie thinking
what on arc going to do this summer,
ioi1ril you are not planning to attend Minium school. Perhaps von have already derided,
to woik at tlie corner grocery or the munitions
plant while waiting lor Septemlicr to roll
around. But if vou are undcrided or wouldn't
object to changing your mind about the matter, look at this proclamation by the Governor
of" the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
"To All To Whom These Presents Shall
"A vear ago our enemies attacked our nation.
On the citizens of our land they would put the
yoke of their own wav of life. What we want
for all, they would resene for i he lew. When
we seek to remove the shackles of the human
spirit, thev draw them tighter. When we seek
plenty for all in a land of opxrtuniiy. they
seek to plunder and oppress. When, in gladness of heart and gratitude to God. we would
celebrate the birth of our liberties, thev eoni-1lis to take up arms to defend our constitutional heritage and social boes.
"Our Nation accepted this challenge flung at
it l
the iron hand I nun across the sea. and prepared to defend those cpialiiies of democracy so
vital to tlje unfolding of life. Men were called
for service on land, on sea. and in the air: factories were dedicated to the making of arms and
equipment for war: farms and farm families
were consecrated to a greater and greater pro-dil ion of foods.
"Kentiukv, firm in her fait Ii in our just cause,
has answered the call to arms. From her In Hues
she has given one hundred thousand lighting
men: from her wealth, millions in money for
War Tionds: from her groups of trained iceial-jsirepresentatives from evcrv profession: from
her larins. food in unrecedenicd quantities lor
the armed lories, for the fighting men of the
allied nations, and for the civilians made homeless bv gun and gestajxi.
"The second vear of this global war brings an
outstanding all to which Kemuiky will respond
wiih confidence. 1 his is a call for the production
ol essential food to meet the war needs. Handicapsthe uncertainty of weather, shortage of
labor, machinery, fertilizers, supplies and transportation rliallenge the ingenuity, ability, and
determination of farmers. But. inspired by urgent need and bv their achievement in far surpassing the production goals of 1942, our farm-ri- s
(.in conbdentlv plan for the coming season
and look forward to meeting this new call for
more food. Fvcrv resource must now be mo-- '
bilized lor the production of essential foods in
furtherance of the war cflort.
"NOW. IHFRFIORF, I. Keen Johnson,
Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
in keeping with the Proclamation of the President of the I'nited States of America, do hereby
pioclaim Tuesday. January 12, 1043, as Farm
Mobilization Day in Kentucky, and request that
tin- farmers of this Commonwealth, on this day,
under the auspices of our agricultural leaders,
(onsider wavs and means for maximum production of f k k1 throughout the year."
I here
which will
is one of the handicap
piobablv Ik- the worst of the lot the shortage
of la I lor. That is where the students of the
I'nivcrsitv of Kentucky come in. Bv working
on a larm vou can pit k up a bit ol extra cash
lor the loming year, help in the feeding of the








allied nations, build up vou'r muscles, and


good sun tan.
This applies not only to the students who live
in Kentucky, but also to those from all over the
nation. It dues not apply to the men particularly, because they have their work cut out for
t hem.
The women can help out on the farms.
They are doing it at other school