xt7pg44hnx04 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7pg44hnx04/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19880819 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 19, 1988, no. 532 text The Green Bean, August 19, 1988, no. 532 1988 2014 true xt7pg44hnx04 section xt7pg44hnx04  
Number 532 August 19,1988 V
CDwo new SPEC kits from ARL’s Office of Management Services have been
received in the Reference Department. Number 144, "Building Use Policies", .
deals with such issues as food-and—drink, smoking, aesthetics and general
building use. A subsequent kit, to be issued later this year, will cover
building security and personal safety issues, including disruptive behavior
· and emergencies.
Number 145, "Library Publications Programs", focuses on libraries which I
have centralized and formal programs with full of part—time staff or editorial
boards or committees coordinating library—wide publishing activities. The kit
examines program goals, advantages and disadvantages of such programs,
staffing and organization, distribution and marketing, development of a
program and other issues and needs.
CPhe Council on Higher Education has asked John Bryant to assist them in
making their present library into an information center. Plans include
electronically linking their library with the University of Kentucky; making
them an associate library in OCLC; giving them access to LS2000 in both¤
computers; converting their shelf list; participating in the intra-library
loan activities, including telefax; mounting their database on the community
college MVZO as a separate institution, and providing reference service from
the Lexington campus.
'E2 Newsletter of the Umversnty
f K t k ljbraries

. Cbctober l is the deadline for nominations of regular, full—time
Lexington Campus staff members for the fourth annual Paul A. Nestor Creativity
if The award recognizes the staff member who "best reflects honor upon the
University through a conwination of any of the following: job performance;
exemplary attitude, initiative, creativity, improved productivity, more
efficient or safer operations, cost sevings, relationship with associates and
, student and the ability to relate their work to the mission of the University.
-‘ The first—place winner recelwee a $400 cash award and a special plaque; j
second and third place recipients receive certificates.
Any staff or faculty neuter or student of the University may submit names
for consideratiun.
biational lindnyment ‘·,» ic; the ¥*¤manities summer stipends for 1989 will
provide $3,5OU for two i—. monlyg eepport of full~time study and research in the
humanities. The stipends are available to faculty members of universities and
two- and four~yeav c